In love and in life, we get back what we give. I often remind women of the importance of lavishing love because giving love is uplifting and often means receiving love in return. Susan Boyle sent us love and kisses from Wembley with her song and in return received wild approval from her audience. This was by far her best and most relaxed performance.
Listen to Susan’s song and watch how her outreached arms and kisses invite the audience into her spell.
Love comes in many languages from music to words to a gentle touch. With music, it is sometimes easier to persevere than in love. As with love, music comes from the soul. Love, however, can become a complicated mix of emotions through the reciprocal expectations of a partner.
Whereas when one sings, the music itself becomes love. While our audience may judge us, we answer to ourselves. In a love relationship we oftentimes must practice unconditional love filled with forgiveness.
Video and photo posted on YouTube and
Since this is about love and money, here is what they are saying about Susan Boyle’s singing fees! News of the
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson