Men dream big dreams — a new car, a new boat, a new job. Women traditionally dream small dreams — a call from their special significant other, time alone, a new outfit. Now is the time to make a decision to follow your heart and make a secret dream come true. It might be a career change, a relationship change (for better or worse), a goal, a secret desire. Whenever you begin saying, “I wish…” it is time for the dream.
Week One: Dream Your Dreams
1. Let your mind wander as you dream impossible dreams
2. Spend at least five minutes a day just day-dreaming.
3. Write down the whispering of your soul.
4. Write down the most outrageous dream you can imagine for yourself.
5. What is the one dream that keeps recurring even though it may be in different forms? Write it down.
6. Think of a dream that your heart of hearts is telling you about.
7. At the end of the week write down the one dream that dominates your thinking. This is your heart’s desire.
Each day for the next week, in addition to other thoughts on couaching, documenting, journaling, and interpersonal skills, we will add notes about each step in following a dream, a goal.
Adapted from A Serenity Journal and The Art of Decision Making
© copyright 2008 Watson