Determine the general reputation of the business. If it is a small business, ask people whom you know. If it is a large company, check out their website. Go to your local or national newspapers to see what types of articles are written about the company. Ask to see a copy of their annual report.
Deciding to Chart Your Own Medical History
Because we travel often, and our family doctor has gone by way of the HMO, it is important to know your own medical history. Make the decision to take the time to find out about yourself. A medical chart should be easy to read and easy to update. Items that are important include:
Medical Travel Kits
When you are traveling, prepare your own medical kit either purchase items individually or you can get prepackaged Medical Travel Kits. The advantage to packing you own is that if there are types of materials for which you might have an allergic reaction, you will be able to circumvent the problem. When preparing a travel kit,…
Tips for Safe Medical Travel
When traveling to major cities, there are pharmacies and shops that carry general over the counter medications. However, many are not the same as those you find in the states. So when you travel abroad, make the decision to be safe. Take enough medication for at least one month of travel. Decide to spend the…
Defining Expectations for Your Team
To convey expectations, requires the ability to state what you mean, follow-through with written memos or directives, re-define if there is an ambiguity, and set a new standard. There are times when a situation seems so clear cut that we fail to communicate our expectations, because in our mind, it is obvious. You can become skilled…
Leadership Skills – Delegating
One of the first rules in delegating is to assess the commitment of those to whom you are delegating responsibility. The most critical consequence of ineffective delegating is the need for damage control if the projects are not carried out effectively. You will become skilled at delegating if you:
Business Decision Skills – Decision Making
Decision-making is about choices. It is making reasonable determinations about strategies, processes, and professional judgments. Very often with decision-making one is presented with differing and sometimes competing alternatives. Sometimes decision-making involves taking a risk. As such, a wise decision-maker goes through a process that involves evaluating the pros and cons. Decision-making skills are vital in…
Values – Loyalty
Loyalty is the commitment that individuals exhibit towards the goals within a company or academic institution. From an ethical perspective, the first loyalty would be in maintaining one’s own ethical principals while carrying forth the academic or corporate mission. One shows loyalty if he or she: Demonstrates a commitment to others. Works in a collaborative…
Client Relationships and the Deliverable
Deliverables are the products given to clients based on an agreed upon timeline. The expectation is: on time and on budget. To develop the “deliverable skill” you will be someone who: Makes certain that expectations are clearly defined to all persons involved. Establishes issues with the timeline early on. Resolves issues with timelines by seeking feedback…
Helping Others
A person skilled at Helping Others is one who will make the effort to: Contact others regarding potential decisions. Inform others of his/her stand on decisions. Asks for feedback within a time frame. Takes others’ needs into consideration.