I believe that attraction is its own aphrodiasiac. But what are the reasons we fall in love?
Are You Dating Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong?
The Maureen Dowd column of men we should never marry is all over the Internet. We know the Mr. Wrongs, but do we know Mr. Right?
The Wrong Man Choice: Blame it on "the Pill"
Crossing the Relationship Line: Teacher-Student Seduction
Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment
The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment.
Mending a Marriage after Infidelity Takes Forgiveness
A Man's Point of View: Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat
An article in the Jerusalem Post puts in perspective the John Edwards affair — with an eye towards values and our children.
Cheating and Forgiveness: John Edwards, Elizabeth, and Sam
After writing that Sex in the City’s Samantha encouraged her lover to cheat while she had chemo, news of John Edwards cheating on Elizabeth surfaces.
Lying Lovers and Moving On
Anne Hathaway is talking about her experience with a lying lover whom she left just before he was jailed. How does one move on?