Anne Hathaway is talking about her experience with a lying lover whom she left just before he was jailed. How does one move on?
Anne is handling the incident with a sense of humor. In general, it is very difficult. Here is how the TACT Strategies® can help.
Take a minute: Think about the inconsistencies in his or her stories. Are there reasonable explanations or is there always an excuse?
Assess the situation: Do you suspect that you are being told a white lie or a serious lie? If it deliberate withholding of information or convenient cover-up “I didn’t know” and your health has been jeopardized, moving on is a simple, “So long, see you.”
Consider the alternatives: Ok, you find that you have been lied to, then think about why. The alternative is moving on emotionally or physically. If you decide to stay with someone who has been lying, just remember there will be consequences for you, your family, your career.
Take a stand: Do it. Make the break. If you are with someone who manipulates words in order to manipulate the relationship — it’s up to you to say, “Enough.”
However, if you really love the person even though friends are warning you — set up ground rules. But first ask yourself if you are trapped in a pattern and it is more comfortable living with the manipulation than leaving and starting fresh?
Here is Anne Hathaway’s story: Hoping for Love (The last Cigar story has links to “Liar, Liar.”
Too many stories are surfacing these days about lovers and lying. Sad story in the news this week-end is the Jon Edwards affair. NY Times Reports
Copyright 2008 Rita Watson