It is Election Day in the United States and it is time we all vote, then relax, and have a good laugh just to keep our spirits high. AND if you are looking for love, this could be the secret love potion — laughter.
Now, just to get you in the mood — have a laugh and then read how laughter helps you attract love.
According to The Times of India, “There’s no universal formula while wooing someone. But ‘laughter,’ it seems, is one of the ‘most attractive’ traits in the opposite sex. . . A recent survey by Vanderbilt University reports, “If you are trying to favourably impress a member of the opposite sex, how you laugh could play an important role in whether you are successful.” In Love With Laughter
And from Yahoo, here is the lead quote on this story, “A guy who can make me laugh can get into my pants.” Dating and laughter
From Science and the Spirit, Laughing Ourselves to Life, says: “We can’t live without it. We have no idea how or when we invented it. And we can’t fake it-especially when tears of joy are running down our faces. Laughter is wonderfully human – it heals, bonds, and even sometimes breaks us.” Laughter as medicine
Then there is the book on Belly Laughing and Relationships. I didn’t read this book, but I can tell you from just one of the chapter heads that I would love it “Dance with them what brung you” is a line I heard spoken by the late Molly Ivins, a political columnist — as she was talking about the Bush years. And I can still hear her throaty laughter.
Enda Junkins, specializes in Laughter Therapy, and her book is called Belly Laughter in Relationships: Something Else Positive Below the Belt.
Her website says the book “explores all the serious aspects of relationships from a lighter point of view and shows how couples that laugh together develop vital, life-long friendships in which they never fall out of love.” Belly-Laughter
What we love so much about laughter is that it is contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too.
Copyright 2008 Rita Watson