You might be wondering why I am putting all of the “popping the question” information in a long series. Well, it takes lots of thinking and planning for a guy to get this one right. So here I go, Ferol, your MBA on campus, with Step 4.
Step Four: The Ring
Buying the ring is the fun part. It’s the expensive part, but really a lot of fun. This is where your proposal ally is a gem in every sense of the word. Time for visiting a few jewelry shops. Check out Blue Nile to get some of the basics down.
We won’t go into the details of buying a ring, because there is a ton of information out there. What we can advise is go ring shopping with someone who will have her best taste at heart. And remember the ring consultant must appreciate your future bride’s taste and NOT her own. She is helping you chose the ring for your bride, and not the bride that she is hoping to be one day.
Definitely be cautious in selecting a jeweler and the ring. Finding someone you know in either the jewelry business or a dealer who comes through a recommendation is always the best.
Keep in mind her style, the shape of her fingers and hands. And think about how she is going to react — not just when you hand her the velvet box with the sparkle inside, but how it will look on her hand, and how she will feel about “the ring” you have chosen that says, “Marry me!”
Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon