A person skilled at Helping Others is one who will make the effort to:
- Contact others regarding potential decisions.
- Inform others of his/her stand on decisions.
- Asks for feedback within a time frame.
- Takes others’ needs into consideration.
- Is clear about the reasoning behind decisions.
- Asks for input from those who would be affected by decisions.
- Knows the corporate goals and objectives when assessing how to help others.
- Sets reach goals to help employees achieve their highest potential.
- Consults with managers and fellow staff to confirm that s/he are on the right track with your actions.
- Seeks others outside of his/her department to teach him/her aspects of their job in order to help them out with a task of theirs.
- Reaches out to newer members of the institution and becomes their mentor.
Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on Campus, Copyright 2007 Watson