While we see outpourings of compassion when a tragic event occurs. Yet ironically, many of us have difficulty when those within our intimate circle anger, betray, disappoint, or hurt us.
Just why it is that even those with a loving nature can become enveloped in seething anger is complicated.
However, the center’s research on gratitude indicates that people who turn to acts of kindness — even why they do not feel like doing so — can trigger a positive response. In other words, instead of stewing, change the channel. Express gratitude and take action. Send a thank-you note to someone. Make a visit to someone who needs you
When you are feeling a lack of empathy, consider the Three Day Gratitude Plan:
Day 1: Express thanks for three positive qualities of your partner or friend. No matter what happens, try to ignore all of those little irritating moments or habits that drive you mad.
Day 2: Identify three aspects about yourself that you know annoy others. Be honest, admit your shortcomings. Now forgive yourself and others.
Day 3: For an entire day speak only kind, complimentary words, no matter what petty grievances might annoy you.
After three days, you should feel a sense of relief. In some ways this exercise is like cleaning out closets and drawers, or tossing piles of papers. And you can expect to feel better and sleep better after banishing the emotional clutter. The gratitude plan is essentially a way to sweep away feelings that deprive you from the joy and satisfaction of unconditional love.
Adapted from my Providence Journal column, posted May 31, 2015.
Copyright 2022 Rita Watson