More years ago than I care to admit, I interviewed Barbara Walters for the Ridgewood Hearld News. She was showing a group of young reporters a picture of her daughter.
Author: Rita Watson
Do Intuition and Destiny marry?
The truth about intuition is simple. The more connected we are to ourselves the easier it will be to connect meaningfully to others. Why is this? Because our inner voice is clear and unequivocal.
Hunches and Intuition: Relationship Saviors
Nothing in the world of appearances can help us find love — and detach ourselves from deception — with the same clarity as our own inner voice. Men call it hunches. Women call intuition.
My Mom Did What?!
The Washington Post Cover Story photo shows a mom with an apron and hanging from pockets you will see a pink of Jack Daniels, a bong pipe, riskee panties, and those ever provocative handcuffs. Hmm, she had some relationships.
Packaging Sex and Abstinence & Video Laughter
Sex sells. Whether we wrap in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood – we are talking about sex. In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into “no sex before marriage,”
Breaking Up is Easier Than We Thought
We thought that breaking up is hard to do, but new research just out says, it is actually not so bad. How can that be? It may depend upon one’s age. Freshman in a new study said it only took about 2 -3 months to recover. But….
Laughter for Love & Laughter Club Video
Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. If you can laugh at yourself he will love you all the more! Instead of being critical of him, how about laughing with him about his foibles — and keep your relationship happy!
Saving a Relationship on the Rocks
Are you feeling that your marriage is about to crash? Are you really still in love but feeling depressed about your relationship? How about asking yourself a few questions?
Diffuse Stress with Cuddling
Stress is unhealthy for your moods and your heart. While there is some good stress related to workplace highs, in general physical symptoms and emotional symptoms of stress can be devastating.
The Spitzer Scandal Gal is Back
You read it here in mid-March — Governor Spitzer’s call girl was planning to file a lawsuit against the media for violation of copyright of pictures that she herself posted all over the Internet. Now she is taking action.