Everyone knows stress these days. We know it at the gas pump. When our bills arrive. When our savings plummet.
Author: Rita Watson
An After-Debate Mood Booster for These Turmoil Times
With all the political, social, and economic turmoil that we have been experiencing these days, it is time to boost your mood.
Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress
There are often stories about the value of human touch. During these tough financial times instead of wringing our hands, perhaps we should be reaching out.
Nancy Pelosi: Relationship Wins Take Honey Not Castor Oil
Nancy Pelosi’s words before the bail out vote yesterday reminded me of a scene from The Blues Brothers.
A Kiss of Friendship, A Kiss of Danger, and Cheating
Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss. Sometimes it turns into friends with benefits, and in some cases, it signals the beginning of a dangerous liaison.
Paul Newman: He Introduced Himself to Me as "Paul"
It was during the fellows and faculty line-up at Yale about 10 years ago that I rushed into place and didn’t realize I was walking with Paul Newman until I saw those eyes.
The Youngest Cougar and an Old Tale Revealed
Bubba Says Dems Share Blame for Financial Crisis!
The drama unfolds: Bill Clinton says the Democrats are partially responsible for the mess. Here is the link Bubba Says Dems Share Blame Copyright 2008 Rita Watson / Bubba
Truth, Politics, Bedfellows and Lies
Strange Bedfellows: Head of the Banking Committee, Chris Dodd was the top recipient of political contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And . . .
Dodd, Obama, Kerry Top Fannie and Freddie List
Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac political contributions according to the Center for Responsive Politics: Open Secrets