If a sex tape really surfaces — as was reported by the National Enquirer — will Regina Lasko forgive her husband, David Letterman, and forget the scandal? Just this week, Celebritygossip, on October 16, said, “A People source says Letterman’s affairs, including an alleged liaison with former assistant Stephanie Birkitt, ‘pre-existed his marriage’ to Will…
Author: Rita Watson
Winners and losers in the battle of the sexes
The women’s movement, as I have said before, was about anger not happiness. In a book that I wrote some years ago called, “Sisterhood Betrayed: Women in the Workplace and the All About Eve Complex” we identified a problem that persists even today, “success addiction.” Women wanted to get ahead in the workplace and when…
Todd English of "Olives" is cooking up revenge for the bride he left at the altar
It’s all over the news! The Frisky writes Why Todd English Is The Worst Fiance Ever. In my earlier story, The bride wore black: Erica Wang parties; she and Todd English cancel wedding I talked about his cold feet and bail-out. Wang held her head high and invited all the guests in New York for…
Sue Decker, ex-Yahoo president, accused of drugs and sex in divorce scandal
Words flying around include: illegal drug use, extramarital affair(s) and secretly recording her husband. Not a Grade B movie, but rather a divorce for Sue Decker, the fast rising and fallen executive at Yahoo. The charges are so scandalous that the only winners will be the lawyers. I don’t say this in the spirit of…
Facebook is tracking contagious happiness
Happiness is contagious in the social network, spreads more reliably than unhappiness, and you are 15 percent more likely to be happy if your direct connection is happy. People who smile on Facebook are generally friends with other smilers. You can read the full story in Catching Happiness which I reported on in Italian Kisses:…
Spice up your marriage with planned spontaneity
Martha Graham — dancer and choreographer, whom I wrote about in one of my books — had a definition of spontaneity. To paraphrase, she was once asked, “How can you be so spontaneous?” She replied, “Spontaneity took years of practice.”
Will nude Levi Johnston be posing for Playgirl with a condom?
We all remember Levi Johnston, the not-quite-husband of Bristol Palin who fathered their child. According to the Associated Press, “The 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin’s grandchild will pose nude for Playgirl, his attorney said Wednesday. To get ready for his close-up, Johnston is training three hours a day, six nights a week at an Anchorage…
John Edwards: bromancing and tales of infidelity
Isn’t it enough that Elizabeth has had to live with the Rielle Hunter pain? So now we have the Politico story. Today Ben Smith made headlines with his tale of Andrew Young saying: “Young has fleetingly emerged from the wreckage of Edwards’s political career as a character from central casting. First he was the fall…
Couples Retreat and a Marriage Plan
The relationship between Couples Retreat and Peter Billingsley is entwined with a passion plan. The Los Angeles Times called Billingsley the perfect person for Couples Retreat. He moved from being the little boy in Christmas Story coveting the BB gun to a serious director, although originally he was to produce the movie.
Facebook Retrosexuals: back in the news
The Retrosexual story has just hit TIME magazine and the news. Facebook Reunites Long-Lost Crushes – TIME But you read it here first in my article last February. Retrosexual romance, reviving old love The scenario goes something like this. Your lover has been absorbed with the sports channel.. Your husband is not really interested in…