In every relationship there are red flags. It is often best to deal with them rather then ignore them. But when the Sanford’s were about to marry and… Full Story
Author: Rita Watson
Elizabeth Edwards claims abuse; children in the crossfire
We thought that the sex tape was ugly, but this new report is worse. The New York Post and National Enquirer have revealed a disturbing story. Read more and please leave comments at: Bombshell: Elizabeth Edwards claims domestic abuse; children in the crossfire
Love lies: Brangelina PR stunt ; Edwards sex tape restraining order (video)
Has the whole Brangelina split simply been an orchestrated attention grabber because they had been passed over for Oscars? So let’s see — what else Love lies: Brangelina PR stunt ; Edwards sex tape restraining order (video)…
Tiger Woods: sex addition, treatment, and the forgiveness factor
Ever since it was announced that Tiger Woods was entering rehab for sex addiction treatment, the media has been skeptical. Is he or isn’t he a sex addict? Tiger Woods: sex addition, treatment, and the forgiveness factor, 101
Tiger Woods: 'mistress' golf balls and stripper prank a PGA hit (video)
The PGA is not completely without Tiger Woods at Torry Pines. The mistress golf ball collection is on sale — the Tail of the Tiger –… Full Story
Brad and Angelina split rumors; their body language tells the story
For anyone questioning why there are so many rumors about a Brangelina split, just take a look at photos of the two. She is always standing with her body turned away from him, or clutching his jacket, while posing for the cameras with her too plumped up lips and plastic pose. To read more: Brad…
Tiger Woods and his 19th mistress revealed as Elin sneaks into sex rehab to meet him
Our heads are reeling. First we hear how Elin and her twin sister foiled the paparazzi so that Elin could sneak in a visit to Tiger at the sex rehab clinic in Mississippi. And now the 19th mistress is revealed. Can this marriage be saved? To comment and read more: Tiger Woods 19th mistresses appears…
John Edwards finally admits to love child (video), and the Enquirer goes for a Pulitzer
I have reported on this story before, but now it is official, John Edwards has finally admitted that he fathered a love child. And the National Enquirer, which broke the story, is going for a Pulitzer. Here is the report from The Rebeller: Should National Enquirer Win Pulitzer for John Edwards story? and the link…
Tiger Woods: duped by his sex rehab photos but not reality of marriage in crisis
The Internet buzz is that the Tiger Woods photos in rehab are a fake. Maybe, maybe not. But what is real is the fact that Tiger Woods has a marriage in crisis. For more on the story and to leave comments, please go to:Tiger Woods: duped by photos but not reality of marriage in crisis…
Tiger Woods: the real sex rehab story, Today Show video
The incredible nature of the Today Show story about Tiger Woods in sex rehab is the first hand account of a New York Times contributor who was himself a sex addict. For the full story and to leave comments, please go to: Tiger Woods: the real sex rehab story, Today Show video Copyright 2010 Rita…