While Catholics smear Joe Biden regarding abortion, they are spreading serious disinformation. Pope Francis decried disinformation; that is, lies, on World Communications Day:
“Disinformation thus thrives on the absence of healthy confrontation with other sources of information that could effectively challenge prejudices and generate constructive dialogue; instead, it risks turning people into unwilling accomplices in spreading biased and baseless ideas.”
To so-called Christians claiming that Joe Biden supports abortion up until birth — you are spreading ‘fake news’ which the Pope likened to the ‘crafty serpent’ in Genesis.
Abortion and children in cages: The majority of pregnancy terminations take place when a group of cells are about the size of a lemon. So the images of nearly full-grown babies sucking their thumbs before being “ripped from the womb” are sheer Trump propaganda. And why? To cloud over the real evils of this administration.
Raging about abortion and precious life may be a way to distract from being too lazy to get to detention centers to help reunite children with parents and protect them from abuse.
Some facts about abortion from the CDC
The most recent reporting on abortions indicates that it is the lowest number in history. And 91 percent of pregnancy terminations take place before 13 weeks gestation. Babies in detention centers — whom Right-to-Lifers — seem to ignore are little children with hearts and minds being traumatized by the policies of Donald Trump and Stephen Miller.
- 91.0% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation;
- 7.7% were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation,
- 1.2% were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.
- Source: MMWR Surveill Summ 2019;68(No. SS-11).
Slandering a good man
Obsessing over abortion allows Trumpian evils to thrive. To all of you slandering Joe Biden, keep in mind that he advocates decency and honesty. We know him.
On the other hand Trump is mired in controversy and corruption. Mary Trump warned us in her recent book. This man has no remorse for:
- Caging children.
- Separating families.
- Ignoring women being forced into hysterectomies.
- Defaming all the women accusing him of assault.
- Destroying our environment.
- Saying nothing about Russian bounties placed on the heads of our soldiers.
- Protecting Putin.
- Trying to sabotage our election.
- Denying science as 200,000 Americans die on his watch.
Knowing this — how can you slander a man who has stood by our nation for years? How can you sleep at night?
Copyright 2020 Rita Watson