Rita Watson: Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com RitaWatson.com: Love and Health Fri, 16 Apr 2010 18:42:05 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.5.1 en 1.0 http://www.ritawatson.com http://www.ritawatson.com a-blogroll-list a-video-laugh and-scotch anger body-language breaking-up brothels cheating cigars cigars-and-scotch comments commitment compatability conflict cougars crossing-the-line cuddling dating deception decision-skill divorce duration economics exercise film finances flirting forgiveness friendship gay-or-straight gifts green happiness health-and-sex infidelity kisses laughter lies long-distance-relationship love love-and-danger love-story-quiz making-it-work manipulation marriage marry-me media medical men-and-dating money mood mood-boosters mythical-unicorn networking new-feature older-young-love opinion politics polyamorous projocom-columns quiz relationship-clues relationships renovation safe-sex same-sex-couples sex sex-duratioin sex-talk sex-with-ex sexual-duration stds stress tact%c2%ae-strategies text-messages the-sexes tim-russert uncategorized video wedding week-in-review word-power workplace 58 a-video-laugh addiction arranged-marriage booty-call breaking-up brothels cheating chemo choices cigars cigars-and-scotch comments commitment compatability confessing cougar cougars cougars-and-men couples cuddle dance-video dancing add-new-tag dating deception decision-skill decision-skills desire divorce economics exercise fessing-up film finances flirting forgiveness frank-sinatra friendship gay-or-straight gifts gratitude happiness happiness-v-hostility health-and-sex infidelity infidelity-and-forgiveness jealousy jilted kindness kiss kisses laughter lies lies-and-the-sexes long-distance-relationship love love-and-conflict love-and-danger love-and-deal-breakers love-and-laughter love-and-marriage love-and-sex love-lies love-story-quiz loving lovw make-up-sex making-it-work manipulation marriage marriage-and-money married marry-me media medical men-cheating mistakes money mood mood-boosters mythical-unicorn networking new-comment-feature new-feature open-relationships opinion paul-newman politics princesses projocom-columns protection quiz relationship relationship-clues relationships renovation review risk safe-sex same-sex-couples secrets sex sex-and-money sex-talk sex-with-ex sexercise sexual-duration solutions stds stress student-teacher susan-boyle tact%c2%ae-strategies text-message text-messages tim-russert uncategorized veterans video video-laugh vision watson-a-video-laugh wedding week-in-review win-win womens-voices workplace yale http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=4 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=177 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11590650/  Spring Break Safety Tipshttp://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D05E3DC1039F932A25750C0A960958260 The Anorexia Challenge http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07EEDB1230F931A35757C0A9609C8B63&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all]]> 4 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423970 _edit_last 2 Intuition or Hunches? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=5 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=60 The truth about intuition The more connected we are to ourselves the easier it will be to connect meaningfully to others. Nothing in the world of appearances can help us find love -- and detach ourselves from deception -- with the same clarity as our own inner voice. Men call it hunches. Women call intuition. It comes to us in a flash of insight, or a dream. We often think of intuition as that "funny feeling inside" when something is going wrong. But it can work miracles for you. Hotel chain magnate Conrad Hilton played his hunches and built his empire. Golf champion Jack Nicklaus dreamed of the swing that lifted him out of a slump and perfected his game.What does this have to do with relationships? The point is simple. If turning over a problem to the creative psyche can lead to a hotel chain, a championship golf game, and a Nobel Prize (yes the nerve impulse experiment of Physicist Otto Loewi) just think of what it can do to improve your relationships. In fact the possibilities are only limited by the boundaries of your imagination. Intuition needs a higher pedestal The problem with intuition is that most people only think about it as a warning. In a failed relationship, so many people say "I never saw it coming." Yet when they rethink the situation they admit: * "I suppose we talked about it, but I didn't want to believe what I was hearing." * "I sensed that something was missing, but I thought it was my fault." * "I was always suspicious, but I couldn't exactly tell you why." But those who face themselves honestly will admit "I knew it. I just knew it." So here we are back to honesty again. It is time to retrain your instincts so that you can hear the voice inside you lead you to a more positive place. Perhaps before we can hear the positive voice of intuition, we need to look at why we ignore it when it is trying to warn us that a relationship is simply not working. * We may not be in a place where we can hear the truth. * We don't take ourselves seriously enough to believe in ourselves. * We go into denial hoping that the problem will go away. (It never does. It never will!) If you are in a relationship that is satisfying, for the most part, but "something doesn't feel right" speak up. Be gentle. Be kind. Be firm. Confront without being confrontational. Don’t let it simmer. Think of a mind irritation – even anger with yourself – as an ember that flies from the fireplace. If it stays on your sleeve, it will burn a hole. Emmet Fox tells us, “Flick it off.”Serendipity, intuition's glorious cousin Once you start to trust your intuition as a warning sign, you will find the courage to get out relationships that are hurtful. Then you will have room for wonderful new opportunities. The comments from hundreds of interviews in writing my books indicate that many women give away too much of themselves in relationships by loving someone who is is hurting you emotionally or even physically. There was a recent New York Times article that says “Hope” is the negative force that keeps us chained – You stay becaue you hope it will get better.Change even for the better is stressful. But if it is time for a change – do so with love. Make room in your life and heart for Serendipity's surprise. Serendipity is chance -- those chance meetings that come out of the blue. When you stop home to pick up an umbrella and an old college love stops by "taking a chance that you might be there." Sitting next to someone at a graduation. Having some bump into you and spill your coffee. Instead of getting annoyed – Smile – it could be the love of your life.--What does your intuition tell you about your choices in relationships up to now? --What is the mistake you keep making over and over again?Decide now to change the pattern --find a partner who brings out the best in you -- and you will both find yourselves loving life!]]> 5 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216870145 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=6 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=135 6 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214423986 Stand By Your Man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=7 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=163 http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?cl=6947003]]> 7 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424163 _edit_last 2 The A’s of Love and Danger: http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=8 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=186

Adoration – When you first meet and you both have stars in your eyes, it is akin to adoration.  You believe in love at first sight and don’t want to hear that love is blind.  In fact, you both feel as if you were touched by the same star.  Now here comes the difference. Men I know will tell me that they found their heaven on earth, or the sun, moon, and stars, or their Soulmate.  However, they will still talk about looking past a few flaws — such as nagging, jealousy, or a bit of possessiveness.   Men see the flaws as a challenge or insecurity and try to negotiate around these slight imperfections. Women will walk on air for a few weeks and then get right to work to try to change their man. The men in their naivete, good heartedness, or just plain “cluelessness” will believe that love conquers all.  This early stage love is almost ethereal but oftentimes simply infatuation.  Some Tibetan masters say, “Love that ignites too quickly, burns out suddenly.”   Love is a building process and a learning process that enriches and supports without tension. Attraction – When you are attracted to someone, ask yourself why?  Are you attracted to positive qualities or is there something devilish you see that creates a feeling of danger?  Attraction to positive qualities will enhance both of you.  In fact, it is helpful to look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “What is about me that my partner finds attractive?”  How can we help each other?  Are you attracted enough to each other wake up each morning and say, “How can I give this person I care so much about a happier, stress free day?”   Can you then follow-through? The danger here is when attraction becomes fatal, obsessive, possessive, or manipulative. Watch for signs that are red flags.  Need some scenarios?  Tune in tomorrow. *Copyright 2008 The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only by Rita Watson from FEV Publications]]> 8 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post The A’s of Love and Danger: Amour and Agendas http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=9 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=194 9 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Airing Dirty Linen: You Tube Divorce Tells All http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=12 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=329 12 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216870176 _edit_last 2 Airing Dirty Linen on a You Tube Divorice http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=13 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=330 13 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Good topics and links http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=14 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=228 http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1728520,00.html?imw=Y Help for Sex Starved Wives http://body.aol.com/healthy-living/relationships/understanding-men What Men Really Want http://body.aol.com/fitness/yoga/partner-sex Yoga with your partners Yoga for Sex http://body.aol.com/fitness/yoga/partner-sex/poses http://body.aol.com/medical-myths/is-being-male-hazardous-to-your-health-intelihealt]]> 14 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Marry Me from Ferol http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=15 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=234 www.bluenile.com to get some of the basics down.  We won’t go into the details of buying a ring too much here, because there is tons of information out there.  What we can advise is go ring shopping with someone who will have her best taste at heart, and NOT someone who will be choosing the ring they want.   Definitely be cautious in selecting a ring and a jewelry shop, finding someone you know in either the jewelry business or a dealer who comes through a recommendation is always the best.   5 – Parents.  This is a dying tradition, but here at dtips we really believe in it.  Ask her parents for permission, or even if you don’t ask them for permission talk to them about it first.  We can guarantee it will win you major points with your future in-laws, and with her.  It’s a delicate matter, and we suggest nothing but the most detailed planning to get ti right.  You the conversation to be just you and them, and you want to make sure you won’t be interrupted by little sisters, waiters, or any other outside sources. The proposal ally is big here too, you need someone who can talk you through this.  Have a script… YES a script.  Write down some of the things you are going to say and memorize them.  Don’t bring notes to the conversation, but make sure you are comfortable with the words you are saying. In fact say them out loud.  You’d be surprised how hard they are to get out ;) Also, make sure and time your proposal date soon after your parental sit down – nothing adds pressure like awaiting in-laws!   6 – Plan the day.  Okay so you have a ring, a date, her parents permission, so now its details time. Plan the date around what you think would be appropriate and not what you have heard about. In other words, if she’s a quiet type don’t do this in public.  It’s a very private event, and you are going to want to have time together afterwards.  Only if your potential fiancé is a very extroverted comfortable person should you consider proposing in public.  There is no need to be jumping out of an airplane, in a shark tank or to have your proposal in scrolling marquee at the game for it to be meaningful.  BUT you should plan something.  At your place, her place, ( or your sinful cohabitation ;). Again here is the importance of your proposal ally, keep her busy so that she arrives at your proposal destination when you expect it. Set the scene, flowers, candles are a safe bet.  Do something that is meaningful for your relationship, pick something and go with it. No real need to stress over this, she will love it no matter what, and as long as there is some theme to it all you will be fine. One helpful thing to keep in mind about the proposal setting is that this story will be told later, as long as there is some kind of story to tell the details will get smoothed over.  Don’t worry about pink vs. red roses – the story will read “there were flowers everywhere”.   7 – Plan after the day.  After the big moment comes a period of euphoria, nervousness, and excitement all at once.  It’s intense, plan some alone time for the two of you right afterwards.  It might be a good idea to invite some friends and family to a smallish get together later that night or the next day.  Good way to show people the ring, tell lots of people at once, and every woman loves surprises. Plus this might help you cut down on your phone calls.   8 – Pop the question.  Okay, you’re just about ready.  Few quick tips on how to get through the day of without losing consciousness.  Eat.  Most people are so nervous they forget to eat, make sure you have some calories in your body, you’ll need them. Think about having a written version of what you are going to say. Maybe you will be able to get the words out, but you will be more nervous than at any other time in your life, that much I can guarantee.  So just in case you can’t get through your speech, a card or photo album with a ‘will you marry me’ is always a good back up. Get down on your knee. You have one chance, do it right, its romantic, get down on that knee!  Guess what? That’s it. She said yes, you now have a fiancé instead of a girlfriend, and you will be knee deep in phone calls and planning before you know it. Congratulations!              ]]> 15 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Why people cheat http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=16 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=261 16 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=17 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=265 the Professor // May 12, 2008 at 2:17 am

Cheating on the significant other. There’s a hot topic. I met a woman who confided to me that her boyfriend of some years cheated on her and then told her, “please take me back, you’re the best one for me.” Or something like that. She said to me, “so, if I was the best for him, why did he cheat on me?” She was perplexed and I think permanently hurt. Lots of harmed souls out there. I’m no therapist but there is a kernel of truth here. He had everything he wanted but wanted the next one too. What’s that about? I have a male friend who says, “my problem is I can’t say “no.” Therapists? Tell me what’s going on?


2 TheB // May 14, 2008 at 7:28 pm

‘She is from across the bridge, the other side of the river.’ Where exactly is she from? Jersey?

Regarding our cultural hang-ups about fantasying, didn’t the nation resolve this back in 1976 when Jimmy C’s spoke of lusting in his heart? It didn’t seem to do much damage to his relationship with Rosalynn - at least it didn’t reach our prying eyes through the pages of People or the National Enquirer. If it were culturally acceptable to take time away from our loved ones to have affairs and openly view pornography would it make us a happier people?

It might make us less hypocritical but also less caring and responsible. What goes on between two adults is their business unless one is a public official who legislates us to act one way and does just the opposite. And obviously kids can see through parents and others who do the same. What kind of role model are we setting for them? Given our busy lives, whose time are we taking to indulge our fantasies and impulses? I’m feeling sorry for your francophile friend. Maybe I can find her a guy among the faithful 33%. So I did a mental survey among all my male friends, relatives and colleagues and sad to say, we all come up wanting. True, we are all monogamous and enjoy sex and if you would pass on the URL of the website where your beauty parlor friends shop for ‘toys’, we’ll happily investigate, but much to your survey’s chagrin, our mistresses are of a different nature: sports and politics mostly, with a couple of race car enthusiasts and deep sea fishermen.]]>
17 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post
The Men Have Their Say http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=18 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=266 Sports Jock // May 13, 2008 at 1:15 am

Brody here: Feel as if the Prof should answer this one. I’m jumping in because “Manipulate Brody” is written on my forehead. No student-teacher stuff, just a guy who likes to think he’s a good guy. Then wham. I become the bad guy. I’m swearing off chics who are jealous or bitchy or needy or demanding or who show up at games to track me down. Is there anyone left for me? I’ll catch up with the Prof on his cheating comment. Later.

18 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post
Sexual satisfaction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=19 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=270 http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00765.x" Researchers in 2004 found that men assumed women preferred foreplay to intercourse. And that  women desire very lengthy intercourse to feel sexually satisfied  But researchers acknowledge that “Couples who have been romantically involved longer may be more likely to have shared their ideal sexual scripts and thus have a better understanding of each other's ideal duration of foreplay and intercourse and be less influenced by gender stereotypes.”  http://v8nu74s71s31g374r7ssn017uloss3c1vr3s.unbf.ca/~byers/ppl/amiller.html" The Researcher http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_3_41/ai_n6232413]]> 19 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post What Women Want, for Men to be Driving, that is. http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=20 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=307 http://www.autoblog.com/2008/06/01/women-more-interested-in-your-prius-than-your-porsche/?icid=100214839x1203363388x1200138120]]> 20 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221965243 _edit_last 2 from Oprah, the pity party http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=21 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=310


Expert warns that you should pay attention to why you're telling that story again.

Self-pity, a dominant characteristic of sociopaths, is also the characteristic that differentiates heroic storytelling from psychological rumination. When you talk about your experiences to shed light, you may feel wrenching pain, grief, anger, or shame. Your audience may pity you, but not because you want them to. Obsessing aloud, on the other hand, is a way of fishing for pity, a means of extorting attention. Healthy people instinctively resist this strategy. When you grieve, they will yearn to comfort you. When you demand pity, they will yearn to smack you. All day, I've been telling stories to evoke my own pity, and it's working. Partly. The unhealthy part of me, the world-class codependent, is just mesmerized. "Oh," she cries, "you poor darling! Tell me that sad story again -- the first 400 times didn't do it justice!" The healthy part of me finds this annoying: "Oh, for God's sake," she says, rolling her eyes. "Could we please stop the drama and get on with our life?" The healthy part of me is such a heartless bitch. On the other hand, she's got a point. Compulsively examining my stories never works for me. I keep sinking into sorrow (self-inflicted though it is) until it occurs to me that I will drown unless I can drag myself out. This can be difficult, but after decades of practice, I've created a sort of verbal tree limb I can grab in a pinch: Am I presently learning the truth about my life's work? If this sentence sounds a little vague, that's because it's actually a mnemonic code. Each phrase reminds me of a concept that helps me escape the marsh: being present, learning continuously, seeking truth, and committing my energy to my real life's work.

Don't Miss

Become present I just met with a client I'll call Kristin, an energetic self-pitier. We were discussing her desire for a promotion when her gaze dropped and her voice took on a timbre both sorrowful and weirdly practiced, as though she were reciting a very depressing Pledge of Allegiance. "You know," Kristin said, her eyes welling up, "my mother never let me talk back to her, never really listened to me." Her chest began to heave. "My therapist says she may as well have been deaf." She dissolved into tears. "Oh," I said. "So, are you going to ask for that promotion?" "She never listened!" Kristin repeated, sobbing, her hand on her neck. "My astrologer says it totally blocked my throat chakra!" "Kristin," I said, "Look at me, please." She didn't want to. I insisted. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Reluctantly, like a dog dropping a stolen ham, Kristin raised her eyes and looked. "Three," she said. Her tears dried up. She seemed disappointed. The story-fondling thing had been going so well. "Kristin, can you see that your mother isn't here? Can you hear that you are able to speak? You're a full-grown woman, with a functioning larynx, who wants a promotion. Full stop." I call this anchoring, establishing a simple, physical, factual connection with present reality. Try it for yourself, right now. Look around you. Listen. Touch your hair, the floor, this page. Whatever happened 10 years ago, whatever happened 10 minutes ago, is not your present concern. Neither is what will happen in another 10 years, another 10 minutes. This moment is all you have to worry about. Narrowing your attention to this point is your reconnection with solid ground. Never stop learning Getting bogged down in old stories stops the flow of learning by censoring our perceptions, making us functionally deaf and blind to new information. Once the replay button gets pushed, we no longer form new ideas or conclusions -- the old ones are so cozy. But becoming present puts us back in reality, where we can rigorously fact-check our own tales. Try dredging up one of your favorite stories --maybe a classic like "I'm not good enough." Treat it as a hypothesis. Research it. Is there any evidence that contradicts it? Have you ever, in any way, even for an instant, been good enough? You may need to ask someone for coaching at first. Evidence that contradicts your hypothesis will be hard for you to see, while to an objective observer, it's obvious ("Well, you're good enough for me, your dog, and everyone down at the bingo hall, you dumb cluck"). However you get to it, the moment you absorb a fact that disproves your hypothesis, you're half out of the mire. Insist on the truth Whatever terrible things may have happened to you, only one thing allows them to damage your core self, and that is continued belief in them. Kristin's mother may have been Stalin in a bra, but by the time Kristin got to my office, what was silencing her was the conviction she'd formed during interactions with Mom: "It's no good to speak up; no one will ever hear me." Kristin couldn't redo her past, but she could change that belief. In fact, the loop she replayed in her head was the one thing standing in her way, since evidence disconfirming her hypothesis was everywhere. Lots of people listened to Kristin. Once she acknowledged that, she couldn't be a tiny victim, waiting haplessly for her chakras to open. She was just a woman with a scary job to do. I know how much this realization bummed her out; it always bums me out. But then, it's also the doorway to freedom. Put all your energy into your life's work The moment you lift your gaze from your old stories, you'll see your life's work. I don't mean a gilt-edged proclamation from God, describing every step you are to take for the rest of your existence. I mean the next step, which is usually very small: Ask for the promotion. Pick up the kids. Take a nap. Then take the step that comes after that. From time to time, as you continue along, a Big Dream will coalesce out of the swamp fog. The way forward is to shake the quicksand off your feet and take one small step toward that dream. Trust me, it will be all you can do. Taking things step-by-step means working -- working hard, working scared, working through confusion and embarrassment and failure. I've met many people the world thinks of as "lucky," and all of them operate this way. I've come to think that the main purpose of rumination is work avoidance. Dwelling endlessly on the past keeps us from the wild, exhausting, terrifying tasks that create our right lives. When I become a little more ruthless with myself and a lot more present in what I have to do, I see that writing a humble column is my next step -- and I have writer's block. I'd love to enter therapy and figure out why, but I don't have that kind of time. Instead, I'll focus on a saying from the Ojibwa tradition, one that deserves the attention I customarily lavish on my problems: Sometimes I go about pitying myself, and all the while I am being carried on great winds across the sky.

By Martha Beck from "O, The Oprah Magazine," July 2006

21 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222398991 _edit_last 2
365, big hands, and whooses http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=22 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=322 http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/cause-you-know-what-big-hands-mean-184888/">http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/cause-you-know-what-big-hands-mean-184888/</a> Gender surrender -- make up your mind <a href="http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/gender-surrender-are-men-today-not-well-man-enough-184919/">http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/gender-surrender-are-men-today-not-well-man-enough-184919/</a> How to pick out losers! <a]]> 22 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Truth and Lies and No Happy Endings http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=23 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=215 23 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221965184 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=24 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=216 24 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Exercise and Smile http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=25 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=229 25 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=26 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=248 http://www.asylum.com/2008/05/02/study-shows-breaking-up-easy-to-do/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24418670/ Breaking Up is Hard to Do It happens to all of us all too often. You meet someone and you think you have each been touched by the same star.  Then what started as love turns into an annoyance, sometimes anger, sometimes hate.  Sometimes there is just a feeling of being controlled.  Sometimes it is a sadness.  And many times a relationship ends because two people seem to be moving in different directions.  Whatever the reason – someone decides, “I want out.” If ending a relationship was easy, there would not be so many songs written  about ending relationships. We all know the stories.  Sometimes it is just a fight and someone blurts out, “You jerk, it’s over.” Some women cannot face the reality of talking to someone with whom they are ending a relationship and may send a break-up letter or email.  Sometimes a man not wanting to hurt a woman will lead her on indefinitely. One woman we know of went out with a man for one entire year and during that time he always received a 7AM and 11PM phone call that he didn’t answer.  It seems that he never had the heart to tell his former girlfriend that he had found someone else. He convinced the jilted woman that he was traveling on the weekends.  When the week-end calls finally ended, his girlfriend learned that he found a way to make a good night call to the woman he had jilted before what inevitably turned into their 11 PM argument when the phone calls came. And although the jilted party was a doctor, she bought his story.  So you are never too smart to be stupid about a relationship.  Deciding how to say “It’s over.” 1. Before saying anything at all, write out the pros and cons of the relationship. 2. Write out the 5 qualities about the other person that helped you to fall in love. 3. Write out at least 2 things that brought the two of you joy. 4. In a completely rational way ask yourself, “If he or she were breaking up with me, what are the words that I would want to hear.  Start from a positive position – “We have shared happy times together.” 5. State the reality – “Something is not working between us.” 6. Express your need – “I need to move on.” 7. Be willing to listen, calmly, to the other person’s reaction. 8. Decide in advance not to argue. 9. Acknowledge how difficult is it to say the words, “It is over.” 10. Be firm. “I am not telling you this so that you will change, or do things differently.  I am telling you this because I feel this is the end of the road.” 11. Decide how to answer the other person when he or she says, “Couldn’t we give it another try?   Can we go to counseling together?  Is there someone else?” 12. Be honest.  State what you feel, but do so kindly thinking about the person’s positive qualities. 13.  “If a person asks if there is someone else, decide if you should say, “This is not about another person, but about us.  We are not working.”  OR if there is another person, how quickly you should tell the truth.  14.  Remind yourself that if there is someone else, the longer you keep that fact from the other person, the longer it will take that person to heal.  “When they know the truth, the truth will set them free.”   15. Be aware enough of your partner to know if he or she is the type who will benefit from you dragging out the good-by or performing radical surgery – that is, “It’s over.” 16. Understand the consequences of a prolonged “Good-by.”  It opens the door for one party doing a guilt trip on the other.  It opens the door to manipulation.  It opens the door the Pity Party in which the hurt party goes into “victim”  mode.  How can you do this to me? 17. Understand the hurt and anger the other person is going through. 18. Put a stop to answering harassing emails and phone calls – firmly, but kindly. 19. Reassure the other person that he or she is someone with whom you have shared a great deal of joy, but not it is time to move on. © 2004 Watson  “Breaking up decisions.”  http://www.asylum.com/2008/05/02/study-shows-breaking-up-easy-to-do/ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24418670/]]> 26 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Abstinence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=27 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=251 Sex sells. Whether we wrap in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood – we are talking about sex.  In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into “no sex before marriage,” and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science.

Escaping the message of sex is difficult to do.  We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even advertising for cars comes with seductive overtones.  While we seem to be a society that likes sex, according to the recent Durex Survey the US ranks 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction.

Nonetheless sex is still on the minds of the “Virginity Rules” movement. And the more money we pour into abstinence legislation the more we hear about its failures.  A study by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education makes no difference with regard to the age of a teenager’s first sexual experience. Recent hearings in Washington seem to imply that reluctantly some members of Congress may be coming to the same conclusion.   Washington times

What is the real message of abstinence education?  Proponents would like to see children place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That’s a good message.  But tax dollars should not be funding it.  However, I would be pleased to see money spent on programs that instill passion and intimacy – not through sex, but through art, dance, and music.  And I would favor funding for model family programs where children might learn to talk about ethics, feelings, relationships, and the value of intimacy and friendship.  

My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table.  There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, a half smile, an unspoken sadness.  Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that doesn’t absolve us from our responsibilities as parents. 

Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not the Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well themselves.  And it doesn’t hurt if we can do so with a sense of humor.  Here is a Jon Stewart abstinence laugh.  When abstinence doesn’t work

27 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post
Marriage of Destiny and Intuition http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=28 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=254 28 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Infidelity Red Flags and Marriage Savers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=29 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=317 http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/guide/nip-infidelity-in-bud" title="WebMD: Nipping an Affair in the Bud"><strong><em>WebMD: Nipping an Affair in the Bud</em></strong></a>]]> 29 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post Where Men Wait on Cafe Princesses http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=262 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=262

It is at a new Cafe in Japan.  Asian women]]>
262 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214858077 _edit_last 2
How to Decide http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=293 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=293 The TACT Strategies are a registered trademark Twenty Winning Decision-Making Strategies 1.    TAKE A MINUTE 2.    Guard against immediate reactions to situations 3.    Learn to say no, or “I can’t give you an answer at this time.” 4.    Watch your words 5.    Have the courage to sleep on your thoughts 6.    ASSESS THE SITUATION 7.    Gather information from all sources 8.    Make a pros and cons checklist 9.    Understand your personal feelings 10.    Review against past decisions before deciding 11.    CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVES 12.    Generate options and alternatives creatively 13.    Review the consequences for yourself and others 14.    Examine how difficult your decision will be to implement 15.    Develop a back up plan 16.    TAKE A STAND AND FOLLOW THROUGH 17.    Make sure your stance is clearly known 18.    Do not underestimate strategies and timing aimed at success 19.    Be willing to negotiate a win-win situation 20.    Proceed with confidence and evaluate the outcome From The Art of Decision Making by Rita E. Watson, Lowell House Copyright 1994 Rita E. Watson]]> 293 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1222991931 New Rules for Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=305 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=305 Adapted from Providence Journal, Sunday July 6, 2008 IN A YEAR when "Virginity Rules" became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - will the words "for better or worse, until death do us part" become obsolete? Polyamory means sharing more than one intimate partner at the same time. Unlike the ménage à trois or Updikean wife-swapping, polyamory is characterized by multiple-relationship arrangements with the consent of all partners and defined by specific boundaries. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor's wife. Mabel Loomis Todd who documented their relationships declared that she could love two men at the same time. (Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. One man loving three wives at the same time was depicted in Big Love, an HBO tale glamorizing polygamy. Since I do not own a television, I missed it and had to wait to read about marriage alternatives in two new books that are shedding light on sexual-preference-packages. Written or unwritten rules that include mutual respect, agreements, and even contracts between various partners appear to set apart today's open marriages from the swinging '60s. Tristan Taormino, in Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships, describes a variety of arrangements, ranging from monogamy with benefits to triads and  solo polyamory.  The book comes with an extensive resource list by  state and country. Taormino says her goal is "to empower people to let go of societal expectations of what relationships should look like and create customized relationships that meet their needs and desires." Jenny Block's Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is a memoir. She wrote me and said, "I do think that polyamory might well work for many people. That's not to say that I have any problem with monogamy. I think it is great when a couple is actually practicing it and not just giving lip-service to the concept." Escalating marital infidelity and divorce rates may be contributing to the rise in cohabitation. A young couple from Portland, Ore., expressed a growing sentiment. Amanda Thibodeau said: "Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?" Of their relationship Scott Beck added: "We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old." Ironically in an era when many are giving a "thumbs down" to marriage, gay couples are still lobbying for the right to marry. What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, we are spending taxpayer dollars for abstinence programs that congressional-funded research shows are failing. Why not spend money on family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care? We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation. Does marriage even have a future? As an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. But I paused at a recent New Yorker cartoon by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal "just married" attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: "It didn't have to end like this." Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger at www.ritawatson.com who writes about relationships.    ]]> 305 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216525926 _edit_last 2 New Rules, New Look at Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=310 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=310 Adapted from Providence Journal, Sunday July 6, 2008 IN A YEAR when "Virginity Rules" became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - will the words "for better or worse, until death do us part" become obsolete? Polyamory means sharing more than one intimate partner at the same time. Unlike the ménage à trois or Updikean wife-swapping, polyamory is characterized by multiple-relationship arrangements with the consent of all partners and defined by specific boundaries. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor's wife. Mabel Loomis Todd who documented their relationships declared that she could love two men at the same time. (Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. One man loving three wives at the same time was depicted in Big Love, an HBO tale glamorizing polygamy. Since I do not own a television, I missed it and had to wait to read about marriage alternatives in two new books that are shedding light on sexual-preference-packages. Written or unwritten rules that include mutual respect, agreements, and even contracts between various partners appear to set apart today's open marriages from the swinging '60s. Tristan Taormino, in Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships, describes a variety of arrangements, ranging from monogamy with benefits to triads and  solo polyamory.  The book comes with an extensive resource list by  state and country. Taormino says her goal is "to empower people to let go of societal expectations of what relationships should look like and create customized relationships that meet their needs and desires." Jenny Block's Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is a memoir. She wrote me and said, "I do think that polyamory might well work for many people. That's not to say that I have any problem with monogamy. I think it is great when a couple is actually practicing it and not just giving lip-service to the concept." Escalating marital infidelity and divorce rates may be contributing to the rise in cohabitation. A young couple from Portland, Ore., expressed a growing sentiment. Amanda Thibodeau said: "Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?" Of their relationship Scott Beck added: "We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old." Ironically in an era when many are giving a "thumbs down" to marriage, gay couples are still lobbying for the right to marry. What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, we are spending taxpayer dollars for abstinence programs that congressional-funded research shows are failing. Why not spend money on family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care? We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation. Does marriage even have a future? As an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. But I paused at a recent New Yorker cartoon by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal "just married" attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: "It didn't have to end like this." Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger at www.ritawatson.com who writes about relationships. ]]> 310 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1216560542 The New Rules for Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=312 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=312 Adapted from Providence Journal, Sunday July 6, 2008 IN A YEAR when "Virginity Rules" became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - will the words "for better or worse, until death do us part" become obsolete? Polyamory means sharing more than one intimate partner at the same time. Unlike the ménage à trois or Updikean wife-swapping, polyamory is characterized by multiple-relationship arrangements with the consent of all partners and defined by specific boundaries. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor's wife. Mabel Loomis Todd who documented their relationships declared that she could love two men at the same time. (Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. One man loving three wives at the same time was depicted in Big Love, an HBO tale glamorizing polygamy. Since I do not own a television, I missed it and had to wait to read about marriage alternatives in two new books that are shedding light on sexual-preference-packages. Written or unwritten rules that include mutual respect, agreements, and even contracts between various partners appear to set apart today's open marriages from the swinging '60s. Tristan Taormino, in Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships, describes a variety of arrangements, ranging from monogamy with benefits to triads and  solo polyamory.  The book comes with an extensive resource list by  state and country. Taormino says her goal is "to empower people to let go of societal expectations of what relationships should look like and create customized relationships that meet their needs and desires." Jenny Block's Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is a memoir. She wrote me and said, "I do think that polyamory might well work for many people. That's not to say that I have any problem with monogamy. I think it is great when a couple is actually practicing it and not just giving lip-service to the concept." Escalating marital infidelity and divorce rates may be contributing to the rise in cohabitation. A young couple from Portland, Ore., expressed a growing sentiment. Amanda Thibodeau said: "Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?" Of their relationship Scott Beck added: "We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old." Ironically in an era when many are giving a "thumbs down" to marriage, gay couples are still lobbying for the right to marry. What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, we are spending taxpayer dollars for abstinence programs that congressional-funded research shows are failing. Why not spend money on family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care? We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation. Does marriage even have a future? As an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. But I paused at a recent New Yorker cartoon by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal "just married" attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: "It didn't have to end like this." Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger at www.ritawatson.com who writes about relationships. ]]> 312 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216560028 _edit_last 2 How to Kiss Again and Again! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=332 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=332 Brad had been told her wasn't a good kisser.  Denise offered to teach.  And then became friends with benefits and eventually a baby!<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mIDf5YMF4-4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mIDf5YMF4-4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Casablanca:  A Kiss is just a kiss!  But it is more -- it is a sign of friendship and passion. So here it is:, http://www.askheartbeat.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=27]]> 332 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1222399065 Open Marriage v True Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=335 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=335 335 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1217346270 _edit_last 2 Lawsuit Freezes Assets of Madoff's Sons http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=750 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=750 http://www.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage/madoff]]> 750 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1239250608 Why Men Cheat, Why Women Cheat http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=370 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=370 370 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218500159 _edit_last 2 A Shopping, Shoes, and Sex High http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=373 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=373 http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/08/11/lw.better.than.sex/index.html?iref=mpstoryview]]> 373 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219460016 Why Women Choose the Wrong Men http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=377 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=377 ]]> 377 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218748680 Lies from Men on the Down-Low http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=384 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=384


Lies from Men on the Down-Low


In the search for Mr. Right, it is helpful to know if he is straight or gay.  But what about men having sex with other men in secret?


Here is an article from Aliyah Baruchin, who writes for the New York Times and reports on complex medical issues, as well as  contributing to Essemce, Vanity Fair, Rx and  match.com’s Happen magazine.


Why the list of credentials?  Because she is touching up a topic that some will regard with skepticism.  But it is out there.  And the sooner women wake up and smell the coffee the easier it will be to get on with life.


If you haven’t heard the term – men who tell others they are heterosexual but who are secretly involved with another man – are said to have down-low behavior.  Sure it has gone on for centuries, but it is now out in the open.  This article from AO: datmg gives “straight answers” to your questions.

Down-low behavior -- men who identify themselves as heterosexual having sex in secret with other men -- is as old as human history. But the concept exploded on the national stage in 2004 with the publication of J.L. King's memoir On the Down Low and when author Terry McMillan announced that she and her husband -- the inspiration for How Stella Got Her Groove Back -- were divorcing because she discovered he was gay




384 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219809390
ritawatson - html, save http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=391 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=391 Bold ital www.ritawatson.com www.ritawatson.com/]]> 391 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219201487 _edit_last 2 SAVE - HTML link http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=392 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=392 www.ritawatson.com/]]> 392 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219200669 _edit_last 2 Is Your Dating a Mama's Boy? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=396 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=396 Sometimes a young man simply cannot let go of Mama.    I remember when I was living in New Haven a lovely women with whom I worked came to the office in tears. She took a job - although she didn't have to work - to get away from her mother-in-law, who came each afternoon to do the laundry and clean the house.   Why? Her husband insisted on it.  And this was long before "Eveyone was loving Raymond and groaning at his mother.   This particular day, her mother-in-law arrived in the morning because her son had a big meeting and Mama wanted to be certain he wore the right shirt and tie for the new job interview.  Since she wanted to stay married, she didn't dare say to Mama the things I suggested.   However, CNN.com LIVING does have some advice.  And we though Charlotte's mother-in-law on  Sex in the City was an exaggeration!    http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/08/21/tf.mamas.boy/index.html    ]]> 396 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219369930 A Kiss is Just a Kiss or is It? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=398 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=398 ]]> 398 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221964964 _edit_last 2 Oprah http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=403 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=403 http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/08/19/o.love.decongested/index.html]]> 403 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1221697366 Flirting and Body Language http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=408 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=408   Flirting is a body language movement that portrays many sensual words, without words.     I learned recently that men and women who look for partners on-line are well schooled in the art of mating and dating.   I was at my favorite pub the other evening, invited by a young man whom I consider to be a drinking buddy. He is attractive, very sexy, but too young in spirit even by most Cougar standards. It was a windy day and I had my hair piled high with a big barrette.  So as I sat next to him and he ordered me a drink, I took the barrette from my hair and shook it a bit.    "Ah, ha," he said, "So you really are interested in us."    I smiled and said, "Absolutely and when you kids grow up and leave home - or you send them to boarding school, call me. We could become a hot couple."   Actually, I love children - babies with nannies, and young adults in college.  And so as we chatted in between calls from his children, I began to covet the olives next to him.  Not wishing to disturb a conversation, I leaned across him and helped  myself.   He immediately ended the call, touched my arm and said, "Hmm, now you who writes about relationships and sex, did you see what you just did? You just moved into my space."  Then with a twinkle, he added, "I hope that it was deliberate."   I answered, "Yes, it was. I'm starving and you hogged all the olives."   Others joined us.  The group expanded.  And just as the appetizers arrived, I spotted a gentleman coming towards us.  A stately politician, he and I had been criss-crossing each for a few weeks. So as I leaned back for a two cheek "kiss- kiss" Mr. Too Young said, "What's this?  What's happening? You just withdrew from me totally."   Without skipping a beat, I admitted,  "That's true,  You all go along because I am going to stay and catch up with this gentleman so we have our facts straight for a Council meeting."   But the "kiss kiss to Mr. Too Young, I asked, "How did you get to be a body language expert?"    His answer, "If you are a member of certain on-line dating groups, you get some extra advice."   Well extra advice or not, I'm still not changing my opinion of on-line dating. I'm suspicious of the whole thing.   But I did do some further checking on body language.   Two articles"  One from Oprah.com Should you put the brakes on flirting?   And the other is a slide presentation from former FBI agent Joe Navarro presented by the WashingtonPost.com.  The article is called, "Every Body's  Talking"   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/06/22/ST2008062201741.html?sid=ST2008062201741  and the slide show is called, "What We Say Without Words." ]]> 408 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219981067 _edit_last 2 Sugar, Spice, and Sexercise http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=411 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=411 411 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222399038 _edit_last 2 Dialing Drunk or The Booty Call http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=413 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=413 http://www.onnetworks.com/videos/on-dating/booty-call The video here    http://www.onnetworks.com/videos/on-dating/booty-call    The Booty Call]]> 413 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220238484 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=416 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=416 ]]> 416 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221697354 _edit_last 2 Packaging Sex and Abstinence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=417 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=417 Sex sells. Whether we wrap it in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood – we are talking about sex. In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into “no sex before marriage,” and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science.
Escaping the message of sex is difficult to do. We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even advertising for cars comes with seductive overtones. While we seem to be a society that likes sex, according to the recent Durex Survey the US ranks 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Nonetheless sex was still on the minds of the “Virginity Rules” movement when Congress again debated $176 million abstinence legislation last fall. It passed and President Bush signed the measure into law and actually increased funding. The controversial issue was raised again in the Congress and on April 24th The Washington Times reported “a House hearing on the effectiveness of abstinence education loosed a flurry of statistics, studies and anecdotes, but concluded yesterday with little moment on the contentious issue.” Furthermore the Government Accounting Office spokesperson acknowledged medical inaccuracies in federally funded abstinence materials, but said that Health and Human Services was working to correct them. But what was most shocking is that she said that more data was being collected because the information thus far, “is insufficient for the GAO to draw conclusions about the programs’ effectiveness.” Just how many millions more dollars does it take to show that children are having babies and sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise? The irony of the Congressional approval of the legislation is that their own mandated evaluation by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education has little impact on teen sexual practice and age of first sexual experience, just under 15. Last year Women’s News reported the candidates’ stand on the legislation. Hillary Clinton has gone on record for abstinence-plus – which essentially acknowledges respect for delaying sexual activity and viewing sex as part of an intimacy process with a view towards lifelong commitment. However, the plus means also teaching about safe sex and the use of contraception. Barack Obama is an advocate of age-appropriate comprehensive sex education. John McCain who now favors abstinence-only at one time favored comprehensive sex education and Mike Huckabee was a proponent of abstinence-only. What is the real message of abstinence education? Proponents would like to see children place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That’s a good message. But tax dollars should not be funding it. However, I would be pleased to see money spent on programs that instill passion and intimacy – not through sex, but through art, dance, and music. And I would favor funding for model family programs where children might learn to talk about ethics, feelings, relationships, and the value of intimacy and friendship. My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table. There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, a half smile, an unspoken sadness. Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that doesn’t absolve us from our responsibilities as parents. Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not the Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well as themselves. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson
417 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220411373 _edit_last 2
Packaging Sex and Abstinence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=418 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=418 Sex sells. Whether we wrap it in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood – we are talking about sex. In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into “no sex before marriage,” and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science. Escaping the message of sex is difficult to do. We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even advertising for cars comes with seductive overtones. While we seem to be a society that likes sex, according to the recent Durex Survey the US ranks 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Nonetheless sex was still on the minds of the “Virginity Rules” movement when Congress again debated $176 million abstinence legislation last fall. It passed and President Bush signed the measure into law and actually increased funding. The controversial issue was raised again in the Congress and on April 24th The Washington Times reported “a House hearing on the effectiveness of abstinence education loosed a flurry of statistics, studies and anecdotes, but concluded yesterday with little moment on the contentious issue.” Furthermore the Government Accounting Office spokesperson acknowledged medical inaccuracies in federally funded abstinence materials, but said that Health and Human Services was working to correct them. But what was most shocking is that she said that more data was being collected because the information thus far, “is insufficient for the GAO to draw conclusions about the programs’ effectiveness.” Just how many millions more dollars does it take to show that children are having babies and sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise? The irony of the Congressional approval of the legislation is that their own mandated evaluation by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education has little impact on teen sexual practice and age of first sexual experience, just under 15. Last year Women’s News reported the candidates’ stand on the legislation. Hillary Clinton has gone on record for abstinence-plus – which essentially acknowledges respect for delaying sexual activity and viewing sex as part of an intimacy process with a view towards lifelong commitment. However, the plus means also teaching about safe sex and the use of contraception. Barack Obama is an advocate of age-appropriate comprehensive sex education. John McCain who now favors abstinence-only at one time favored comprehensive sex education and Mike Huckabee was a proponent of abstinence-only. What is the real message of abstinence education? Proponents would like to see children place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That’s a good message. But tax dollars should not be funding it. However, I would be pleased to see money spent on programs that instill passion and intimacy – not through sex, but through art, dance, and music. And I would favor funding for model family programs where children might learn to talk about ethics, feelings, relationships, and the value of intimacy and friendship. My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table. There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, a half smile, an unspoken sadness. Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that doesn’t absolve us from our responsibilities as parents. Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not the Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well as themselves. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 418 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220411470 _edit_last 2 Putting Women First http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=434 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=434 http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bal-op.palin14sep14,0,4638337.story]]> 434 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1221439004 Cougars, Cougars, Ready to GO http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=437 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=437 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=394#more-394]]> 437 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221657735 _edit_last 2 Vets Needs Our Help on Heath and Relationship Havoc http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=441 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=441


441 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1221836976
More Lies, More Cheating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=439 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=439 LifeScript gives six reasons: Her looks changed.  She’s become a ball buster.  He wants thrills.  He has the wanderlust. It’s the monogamy problem.  It’s just about sex. Six Reasons Men Cheat “The Affairs of Men” by Phillip Weiss in New York magazine asks a  key question — “Is monogamy outdated?” The article is good and interesting reading.  The Affairs of Men six reasons: Her looks changed.  She’s become a ball buster.  He wants thrills.  He has the wanderlust. It’s the monogamy problem.  It’s just about sex. Six Reasons Men Cheat Why people cheat: Rhonda Fine, PhD, a clinical sexologist and diplomate of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists says, “There are a variety of reasons why people cheat, and it’s not always about the sex. People cheat because they’re selfish, immature or narcissistic. Or they’re excitement junkies and attracted to the drama. They put their needs ahead of others and rarely blame themselves why they cheated in the first place.” To find out more go to Cheating Facts and Myths on AOL Cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship — it may be the wake up call.  The research shows that a partner who cheats often needs companionship more than sex. WebMD: Nipping an Affair in the Bud Madonna and Sex Siren: In answer to the boredom problem, my hairdresser may have the answer to keep men from straying.  “All men secretly desire a Madonna to the world and a sex siren in the bedroom.  They want variety.  And if we want to keep them from straying, we should play whatever role suits their fancy.”   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 439 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221698965 _edit_last 2 Better health, better sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=444 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=444 http://www.webmd.com/video/better-sex-exercises]]> 444 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222399006 _edit_last 2 Are we having enough sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=446 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=446   ]]> 446 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222139850 _edit_last 2 Video Sex and the City http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=449 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=449 449 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222205279 _edit_last 2 Sex or Sleep? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=452 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=452 http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/personal/09/23/o.what.now.my.love/index.html]]> 452 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222315617 _edit_last 2 Paul Newman: The Man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=457 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=457 457 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1222570169 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=465 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=465 Managing Stress with or without Medication: Everyone knows stress these days.  We know it at the gas pump.  When our bills arrive.  When our savings plummet. Read the rest of this entry » Mood Booster for Stressful Times

With all the political, social, and economic turmoil that we have been experiencing these days, it is time to boost your mood. Read the rest of this entry »

Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress

There are often stories about the value of human touch.  During these tough financial times instead of wringing our hands, perhaps we should be reaching out. Read the rest of this entry »

A Good Book, Sex, Forgiveness Helps Sleep Even in Crisis Whether it takes a good book, good music, or good sex to send you off to dreamland, do what it takes — even if you have to forgive someone!  Read the rest of this entry » Nancy Pelosi: Honey not Castor Oil  'Nancy Pelosi’s words before the bail out vote yesterday reminded me of a scene from The Blues Brothers. Read the rest of this entry » A Kiss of Friendship,a Kiss of Danger, and Cheating: Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss.  Sometimes it turns into friends with benefits, and in some cases, it signals the beginning of a dangerous liaison. Read the rest of this entry »]]>
465 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223176301 _edit_last 2
Money, Marriage, Sex, and Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=467 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=467 But first I am reprinting a column I wrote recently that captures the essense of many of the problems couples face when it comes to money.  And then I am going to tell you about a few organizations that I will be highlighting this week as we discuss relationships and money.

Money, marriage, sex and secrets

MONEY DOESN’T CARE who owns it,” was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called “modest times.” Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right. Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. Love and Money Survey: However, the 2008 “Love and Money” survey of 1,049 people found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States, conducted the survey. “The problem is that most couples don’t talk about money,” says Brooks P. Bartlett Sr., managing director of Lighthouse Financial Group, a division of Metlife. “We spoke with one couple during a rather sad divorce and the woman said to us, ‘Look around. Do you see all of this beauty? We can’t afford any of it. We are broke. I just learned about this and my husband is in denial!’ Bartlett added, “Couples need to have a plan for their money.” Suze Orman, author of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, is trying to help women and men cope with mounting debt and develop a relationship with and respect for their money. Then there is the Women’s Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org), which offers sound advice as well as a tongue-in-cheek guide to translating what “he says” and “she says.” One young husband said, “Whenever we have an argument over money, my wife goes on a spending spree. Then even when I get over my anger and I try to talk with her rationally, I go from hearing ‘no make-up sex for you’ to the silent treatment.” What happens in this type of situation? Each will go to bed angry. Husband and wife won’t sleep. And the next day neither will have a clear enough head to talk about the issue. Carl W. Brazil, M.D., Ph.D, a neurologist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, says that even losing an hour or two of sleep a night can compromise how a person processes information or uses information to make judgments. When two people marry, and they have their own money-management or-mismanagement styles, they might guard money or debt as if they were holding onto a secret significant other. Experts agree that making a list of what comes in and what goes out, and having a dialogue instead of tossing accusations at each other about spending habits are important for a sound financial foundation. Financial literacy is becoming a new slogan in our economy. The Business Council and the Conference Board Survey of Chief Executives released in February found that more than 85 percent of members see conditions in the U.S. economy as having deteriorated during the past six months, “and 77 percent expect that conditions will worsen in the next six months.” The Federal Reserve reported consumer debt topping $2.5 trillion in December, exclusive of mortgages. It is not surprising that the Associated Press said last week that people are saving less and borrowing more from their retirement accounts. Families are understandably worried. Bruce R. Hrovat, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Citizens Financial Group, has this advice: “Save consistently. Be consistent. Just save what you can and keep on saving. It’s the time value of money. Eventually it will add up.” Sunday, March 2, 2008 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation)
467 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223252139 _edit_last 2
Title http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=473 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=473  

473 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1223659037
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=475 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=475
Two marriage notes in the news, gay marriage ban overturned in Connecticut and online dating service launched in the UK which claims high marriage rates.  Read the rest of this entry »
The economy affects personal relationships as well as working relationships.  A key question people are asking is “How do I begin to tackle the problems we are facing? Read the rest of this entry »
Today may be the day to stop looking at the market, and have an adventurous and amorous fling.  Read the rest of this entry »
Therapists are telling us that the number one reason that couples are seeking counseling these days centers around money concerns. Read the rest of this entry »
Today all couples and single people are worried about their finances and rightly so. Read the rest of this entry »
This is financial planning week. Each day this week I will point you to a website that will help you with some serious decisions, ranging from money to sex and stress. Read the rest of this entry »
475 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1223961001
Married But Cheating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=484 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=484 Married but Cheating
Sunday, June 1, 2008 Providence Journal adaptation WHEN I WONDERED aloud, “Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?” my colleague retorted, “It never left!” Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas. “Why do men cheat?” I asked Dr. Ruth Westheimer, psychosexual therapist, as faculty and fellows gathered for the Yale commencement this year. Her voice escalated. “It’s not only men! And put an exclamation point there. I have nothing more to say.” Just an hour earlier, a young National Guardsman told us that infidelity was on the rise with military wives. He said, “We now have a co-ed Army, and wives know that when their husbands are in Iraq these guys are going to cheat and so they do it also.” Despite what we hear about infidelity, the last major survey in 2006 conducted by Pew Research, an independent think tank, found that 88 percent of 1,502 persons interviewed said that a married person having an affair is morally wrong. Good statistics about infidelity are dated. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy in 2002 cited a study identifying some 15 percent of wives and 25 percent of husbands involved with extramarital affairs. Today numbers quoted are much higher, particularly after adding 15 percent of Internet users involved in “online infidelity,” undocumented numbers involved in emotional cheating with people they meet on the job, and Web sites that cater to “married but cheating” clientele.  And guys, the word is out about Mistress Day, Feb. 13. What concerns me is the effect of infidelity and divorce on children. A new Dutch study reported on the effects of divorce with 2,149 boys and girls from 10 through 15. The Journal of Marriage and Family noted that girls, though not boys, were at high risk for depression in adolescence. With the damage that infidelity does to families and children, I thought the “sin” and dishonesty might be peaking and leveling off. A February article in the Journal of Sex Research was discouraging. The team is developing “a scale assessing sexual deception practices.” As if it wasn’t bad enough that students are lying about being faithful, 31 percent lied about the numbers of previous partners, and a whopping 69 percent failed to disclose having the human papilloma virus. Dr. Ruth emphatically reminded me of her concerns about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS. “Just watch. The numbers are going to start going up again,” she said. His and hers reasons that spouses cheat are similar: lack of intimacy and emotional fulfillment, the need for attention, a change in physical appearance, unkind words, and most especially, lack of communication. However, when infidelity is discovered, women tend be more forgiving than husbands, who are generally too angry to reconcile. Does religion help? Only for those attending church and not just parroting pious words.  A new study from the Fuller Theological Seminary reported on 1,439 married participants. They found that those who talked “religious importance” but did not attend church regularly were more likely to have an affair than the churchgoers. When infidelity becomes an irreconcilable difference, women and children lose out financially. Mindful of the economics of divorce, one woman we know of was determined keep her marriage afloat despite a cheating husband. Taking a creative approach, she shocked him into resolving their differences. Just before he returned from a business trip, she posted a large sign on their front lawn. When he arrived back home, he found himself face to face with the words: “House for Sale — Husband Included.”
484 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224238375
Lip sync morality http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=490 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=490 Broader approach needed on protection of life.  I drafted the legislation with Roz Liss and Richard Schottenfeld and spent the better part of a semester lobbying for its passage.  Despite strong opposition, and hours of negotiation, it passed uninamimously. One correction: officially  I am a nationally syndicated blogger: Rita Watson: Relationships at www.ritawatson.com whose Providence Journal columns go   national through United Media and Scripps Howard News. Service.  ]]> 490 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1225492303 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=491 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=491 Relationship Columns]]> 491 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224822844 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=508 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=508   Cheating, Diamonds, Furs, and Forgiveness Red Hot and Sexy Tips to Keep Him from Cheating Cheating Spouses, Snooping Spouses, Blaming Professors Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets How Divorce Hurts Families and Taxpayers
A Look at Lip-Sync Morality
Cheating, Diamonds, Furs, and Forgiveness Red Hot and Sexy Tips to Keep Him from Cheating Cheating Spouses, Snooping Spouses, Blaming Professors ]]>
508 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1225487044 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=515 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=515 World News, Rita Watson, Money Woes France Observer, Rita Watson,  Money Woes   SearchString=Rita+Watson&language=English&template=franceobserver%2Findex.txt&action=search&first=0]]> 515 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226102164 _edit_last 2 How to Predict Heart Attacks http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=517 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=517 Rita Watson: How to predict heart attacks

01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, May 4, 2008


WHEN IT COMES to choosing happiness over hostility, those who wear rose-colored glasses are less prone to illness and more likely to ward off depression and heart attacks than curmudgeons. Furthermore, members of the newly reported “sex-starved wives club” have a shot at intimacy if they can switch from criticizing and nagging to feeling better about themselves. Lifestyle and attitude changes pay off. Getting married, expanding one’s social network, practicing stress management and taking exercise seriously are true mood boosters.

It’s May and over 2 million couples are making plans to walk down the aisle. June brides are thinking bliss or becoming “bridezillas” while grooms are on a roller-coaster. Both parties are dismissing the fact that some 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce. Nonetheless, couples keep on marrying. The May 2007 National Population Heath Survey of Canada, following 20,000 couples, found that when couples are ending a marriage their depression rates nearly double.

Mayo Clinic researchers report that depression affects about 6 million American men and 12 million American women each year. It is not surprising that many more men than women go undiagnosed. “I just go out drinking with the guys when I’m feeling low” is an often heard response. Sad to say, alcohol heaven quickly reverts to hangover hell.

The relationship between depression and illness became starkly evident with a trend that began to emerge about 10 years ago. A National Task Force on Women and Depression found that physical symptoms of stress were often work-related and became the body’s way of saying “Enough.” Illness masked depression, with heart attacks taking center stage. Today 38 percent of women and 25 percent of men will have died of the disease within a year of a first recognized heart attack.

It isn’t just overt stress that is harmful to one’s health, but also stress combined with anger. Last fall it was reported in the Annals of Family Medicine . anger in middle-aged men and long-term stress in men and women.that “. predicted the progression from pre-hypertension to hypertension and incident coronary heart disease.”

Even the subtle stress of an unfulfilling job, sitting in traffic each day, or a crashing marriage can trigger toxic cynicism. And stress suppresses the immune system and can become a predictor for early aging, according to Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., of Rockefeller University, in New York.

Studies at Duke University noted that a consistently cynical tone of voice predicts heart attacks “like gangbusters.” For couples, the words “How many times have I told you?” might be a quick route to either the morgue or divorce court. It can’t be that difficult to remember the old biblical saying, “A gentle word is the tree of life.” Author Michele Weiner-Davis, who just wrote The Sex-Starved Wife: What to Do When He’s Lost Desire, notes that kind words might be the best aphrodisiac. Here is where exercise might reverse negativity, help one’s heart, and save one’s relationship.

A study reported last year in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine found that men and women who were depressed felt better in four months after exercising and felt almost as good as those taking medication. Of those who felt better: 47 percent were on an anti-depressant, 45 percent were in an exercise group, 40 percent exercised at home, and 31 percent were on a placebo.

Exercise keeps melancholy at bay; so does human companionship. Couples often start out as best friends, yet, in an overcommitted world of social obligations and work, they seldom make enough time for themselves and their families. When did patience, forgiveness and love get replaced by accusations, bickering and sexual holdouts? Therapists are pointing a finger at laptops and televisions in the bedroom.

However, there appears to be an “Ommmm” movement in the making to enhance love play. Yoga for partners coupled with sensual moves and vigorous sex are being touted as better than exercise alone. Exercising two to five times a week for 30 – 40 minutes will help chase the blues away. But “Sexercise” is said to ease stress, boost cardiovascular health, fight aging and strengthen the immune system. To help kittens, cougars, lovers and spouses Cosmopolitan has created at least 67 naughty tricks and tips for sizzling sex that might also give you a laugh. When it comes to happiness over hostility, love over anger, health over heartaches – we have some enticing choices.

Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor

517 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226159662 _edit_last 2
Heart Attacks - When Relationships End http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=518 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=518 Rita Watson: How to predict heart attacks

01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, May 4, 2008



WHEN IT COMES to choosing happiness over hostility, those who wear rose-colored glasses are less prone to illness and more likely to ward off depression and heart attacks than curmudgeons. Furthermore, members of the newly reported "sex-starved wives club" have a shot at intimacy if they can switch from criticizing and nagging to feeling better about themselves. Lifestyle and attitude changes pay off. Getting married, expanding one's social network, practicing stress management and taking exercise seriously are true mood boosters.

It's May and over 2 million couples are making plans to walk down the aisle. June brides are thinking bliss or becoming "bridezillas" while grooms are on a roller-coaster. Both parties are dismissing the fact that some 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce. Nonetheless, couples keep on marrying. The May 2007 National Population Heath Survey of Canada, following 20,000 couples, found that when couples are ending a marriage their depression rates nearly double.

Mayo Clinic researchers report that depression affects about 6 million American men and 12 million American women each year. It is not surprising that many more men than women go undiagnosed. "I just go out drinking with the guys when I'm feeling low" is an often heard response. Sad to say, alcohol heaven quickly reverts to hangover hell.

The relationship between depression and illness became starkly evident with a trend that began to emerge about 10 years ago. A National Task Force on Women and Depression found that physical symptoms of stress were often work-related and became the body's way of saying "Enough." Illness masked depression, with heart attacks taking center stage. Today 38 percent of women and 25 percent of men will have died of the disease within a year of a first recognized heart attack.

It isn't just overt stress that is harmful to one's health, but also stress combined with anger. Last fall it was reported in the Annals of Family Medicine . anger in middle-aged men and long-term stress in men and women . that ". predicted the progression from pre-hypertension to hypertension and incident coronary heart disease."

Even the subtle stress of an unfulfilling job, sitting in traffic each day, or a crashing marriage can trigger toxic cynicism. And stress suppresses the immune system and can become a predictor for early aging, according to Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., of Rockefeller University, in New York.

Studies at Duke University noted that a consistently cynical tone of voice predicts heart attacks "like gangbusters." For couples, the words "How many times have I told you?" might be a quick route to either the morgue or divorce court. It can't be that difficult to remember the old biblical saying, "A gentle word is the tree of life." Author Michele Weiner-Davis, who just wrote The Sex-Starved Wife: What to Do When He's Lost Desire, notes that kind words might be the best aphrodisiac. Here is where exercise might reverse negativity, help one's heart, and save one's relationship.

A study reported last year in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine found that men and women who were depressed felt better in four months after exercising and felt almost as good as those taking medication. Of those who felt better: 47 percent were on an anti-depressant, 45 percent were in an exercise group, 40 percent exercised at home, and 31 percent were on a placebo.

Exercise keeps melancholy at bay; so does human companionship. Couples often start out as best friends, yet, in an overcommitted world of social obligations and work, they seldom make enough time for themselves and their families. When did patience, forgiveness and love get replaced by accusations, bickering and sexual holdouts? Therapists are pointing a finger at laptops and televisions in the bedroom.

However, there appears to be an "Ommmm" movement in the making to enhance love play. Yoga for partners coupled with sensual moves and vigorous sex are being touted as better than exercise alone. Exercising two to five times a week for 30 - 40 minutes will help chase the blues away. But "Sexercise" is said to ease stress, boost cardiovascular health, fight aging and strengthen the immune system. To help kittens, cougars, lovers and spouses Cosmopolitan has created at least 67 naughty tricks and tips for sizzling sex that might also give you a laugh. When it comes to happiness over hostility, love over anger, health over heartaches - we have some enticing choices.

Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor

518 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226159708 _edit_last 2
Love and Laughter Videos, Week in Review http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=519 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=519 Laughter as the Best Medicine, Video  Love and Laughter with News Anchor in Hysterics  Love with the Laughter of Leo Buscaglia  Love, Just Love and Beetles Video Link  Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Take Love Time  Love Bits: Sex, Fun, Red and Happy]]> 519 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226198086 _edit_last 2 Passive-Agressive, A Love Deal-Breaker http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=522 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=522  

Rita Watson: Overdrive in the passive-aggressive lane

11:11 AM EDT on Monday, August 20, 2007
  RITA WATSON   THE DISCUSSION was animated. Men. Sex. Cars. Relationships. Yet when I announced that I wanted to be the “Sex in the City for Men Only” columnist, right after our Bill and Monica debate, silence slammed into me. Finally the dear professor quizzed: “What do you know about the subject?” I calmly recounted that I’ve raised sons, spent years as one of the guys at The New York Times, plus 10 years in psychology and psychiatry at Yale. But I also realized that I can write about the subject because I can talk about it. Growing up in a working world of men, we talked often about relationships, generally after I made an analogy between cars and sex — without blushing. The next day, I would receive a phone call inviting me to lunch. We would begin with complaints about editors and deadlines. Then across the table I would see a slight turn of the head, clenched jaw, and hunched shoulders. He might even loosen his tie. Finally a lowered voice would say, “We are having this problem. . . .” Somehow, we could talk freely until we came too close to the real issue — sexual needs versus understanding. Then it was back to wishing for the luxury that eluded us in Manhattan, owning a car. Cars are a safe subject. Men will spend as many hours looking at car ads as women will spend reading “What Men Really Want in Bed.” Even magazines for men now tout “What Women Really Want in Bed.” Men may skim them but don’t take the messages seriously because there is little substance to the broad strokes of “He Wants, She Wants.” Car writers get right down to the details. For the adventuresome there are sports cars: from the Infiniti G37 at $35,000 to the Mercedes CLK63 Black Series at about $75,000. For a fantasy, there is the 2008 Ferrari F430 Scuderia at $220,000. Family men have choices ranging from the Chevy HHR to the heavy Scion XB wagon. Whether or not a man plans to buy a new car is irrelevant. The articles cover specifics. A man knows that what he reads, sees, test drives, and eventually buys is what he gets. When something goes wrong, he has the repair manual and a maintenance schedule. Relationships are not that clear-cut. Men so often say, “After we were married, something changed, mostly our sex life.” I would like to believe that as women we are not leopards changing our spots. Yet even Boston Legal featured Denny Crane learning that his fifth wife was planning on retiring him to Hawaii minutes after saying, “I do.” It would be ideal if the sexes could talk about expectations and perceptions. But it doesn’t happen that way. Perhaps men are just “wired” differently than women. When a man comes home from work, a woman may ask with sincerity, “How was your day?” But he doesn’t want to talk about it. Many women in offices are disillusioned with the workforce. Yet, they bring the office home with them and want to talk about conflicts, confrontations, and demands. Chances are he doesn’t want to hear about it, at least not immediately. Then the accusation comes at him: “You never talk to me.” As we shift into a 24/7 Blackberry, laptop and two-paycheck society, there are too many couples on overdrive moving into the passive-aggressive or snipe-at-each-other lane. When a car shows signs of stress, or needs a tune-up, men handle it immediately. There is a problem and men fix it. In a relationship, who is responsible for the tune up? Perhaps women should take the lead. Although men today are more involved in parenting and family than our fathers were, women have that sixth sense. Research at Yale indicates that women have so keen an intuition that they sense a relationship problem at its inception. If men and women could develop their intuitive skills and interpret the silences, downcast eyes, uncomfortable moments and body language, perhaps more relationships could be saved. Or should women be using their gift to cultivate non-judgmental spaces within the home? In an atmosphere with no hidden agendas, just simple clarity, both parties would benefit. When home is a sanctuary, men might find saying, “Can we talk?” is as easy as test driving a car. Rita Watson, a Providence-based writer, is senior editor for a nonprofit health organization. ]]>
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http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=525 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=525  
The Commitment Crisis in the Age of the Cougar
Living together is up.  Marriage is down.  Cougars are in command.  Young women are lying for love. The average marriage lasts just seven years.   Twenty million marriages are sexless. One man in every three is cheating on his wife because he does not feel appreciated.  
My great-grandmother was the forerunner of all cougars in knowing how to love and please a man. When she died at 104, her young lover of 80 was broken-hearted.  They had shared a long life together after she gave birth to 10 children, was widowed, and remained in Italy even after all of her children came to America.  
Almost every woman I meet dreams of the bliss of my "a Nonna." We all imagine Prince Charming as we repeat from memory Patrick Dempsey's proposal on Grey's Anatomy:  "I love you.  I want to marry you.  I want you to have our children.  I want to grow old with you.  And I want us to die in each other's arms."
So why is it that so many women say they want "happily ever after" but put their careers first?  Or meet a man and try to make him over to meet their needs? 
Why do we relish Cosmo's 127 new sex secrets then make up rules such as, "No sex because you never listen to me," which means you could not decipher my hidden agenda. 
In Great Britain, Cougar marriages are up more than 25% and why is that? Men dating cougars say: "They make time for us. They are no longer clawing up the corporate ladder or taking care of children. Also post-menopausal women are passionate and sexy."
Without reverting to the age of women waiting on men, we may all need to take a page from the book that encourages mutual love, support, and forgiveness.
Given my research over the past year I would be pleased to talk with you about a book proposal based on the following:
•§         Rita Watson: Relationships, daily writings nationally syndicated via Newstex and my newspaper columns distributed through Scripps Howard News Service. 
•§         Commentary by William Sledge, MD, Yale Professor of Psychiatry, Acting Chair, and Medical Director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital
My blog is www.ritawatson.com which has my biography and other links. 
My columns for the Providence Journal (Scripps Howard News Service and World News Network) are as follows:
Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Marrying their Mrs. Robinson (Cougar Love and Longevity) Neuroimaging and Love Lies Cheating, chemo, commitment   Of DNA and Desire New Rules for Open Marriage Married but Cheating  (Ask Dr. Ruth: Infidelity on the Rise) How To Predict Heart Attacks  (Sexercise: Avoiding Heart Attack Begins with Gentle Word) Hormones, Spring Fever, and Sex   Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets Challenges for Returning Soldiers: Havoc with Heath and Relationships  Ways to Avoid Cell Phone Smashing (When Relationships End, a Tibetan Ritual for Healing) Cars, Desire, and Joy (Try transdermal testosterone - Take time to cut holiday stress ) When sex trumps the king Sex and smiling seniors Sexual shutout in hidden agenda hell Overdrive in the passive-aggressive lane Heart and Flowers: Making Valentine's Day, Children's Day If it floats your boat / editorial   Words that harm, words that heal 
525 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226544702 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=526 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=526 Rita Watson Bio]]> 526 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226545491 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=527 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=527 Relationship Columns]]> 527 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226546141 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=533 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=533    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 533 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1226812102 Keeping An Eye on Happiness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=537 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=537
David G. Blanchflowera, b, c and Andrew J. Oswaldd, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, E-mail The Corresponding Author
aDepartment of Economics, Dartmouth College, USA bDepartment of Economics, University of Stirling, UK cMonetary Policy Committee, Bank of England, UK dWarwick University, Coventry, UK
Available online 7 March 2008.


We present evidence that psychological well-being is U-shaped through life. A difficulty with research on this issue is that there are likely to be omitted cohort effects (earlier generations may have been born in, say, particularly good or bad times). First, using data on 500,000 randomly sampled Americans and West Europeans, the paper designs a test that can control for cohort effects. Holding other factors constant, we show that a typical individual's happinessnext term reaches its minimum – on both sides of the Atlantic and for both males and females – in middle age. Second, evidence is provided for the existence of a similar U-shape through the life-course in East European, Latin American and Asian nations. Third, a U-shape in age is found in separate well-being regression equations in 72 developed and developing nations. Fourth, using measures that are closer to psychiatric scores, we document a comparable well-being curve across the life cycle in 2 other data sets (1) in GHQ-N6 mental health levels among a sample of 16,000 Europeans, and (2) in reported depression-and-anxiety levels among 1 million UK citizens. Fifth, we discuss some apparent exceptions, particularly in developing nations, to the U-shape. Sixth, we note that American male birth-cohorts seem to have become progressively less content with their lives. Our results are based on regression equations in which other influences, such as demographic variables and income, are held constant.
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/569598 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/22/science/22conv.html?_r=1 And a good exercise link.  Choosing happiness over hostility is within you.   A reminder about the Walking Challenge. A Walking Exercise Other techniques to manage anger include excusing yourself from volatile predicaments, saying, “I’ll get back to you on that” or, when pressed for an answer you know will create more anger, learning to say, “I need some time to think about this.” Of course, there’s always that old standby; counting to 10. According to Susan Everson, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, cynical distrust I s the “toxic component” of anger. Everson studied more than 2,000 Finnish men, asking whether they agreed or disagreed with statements such as “No one really cares as much about what happens to you” and “I think most people would like to get ahead.” She found that those who turned out to be the most cynical were also likely to have unhealthy lifestyles. They smoked more, drank more, and exercised less. What can you do to get over this type of negative behavior? Wise advice comes from Redford Williams, M.D., of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who uncovered the link between heart disease and the hostility and anger of Type A behavior. When you find yourself in a situation that triggers hostility and anger, Williams suggests that you ask yourself whether the situation is important enough to be worth continuing you attention, whether your reaction is appropriate to the situation, and whether you can change the situation. Most times, he notes, the answer to all three questions will be no. So find alternative responses, and back off.   Sure, you know that your mood is better after you’ve had a good laugh, but did you know that your health may improve, too? Remember Psalm 17- “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Medical research has caught up. Studies reported by Lee Berk, M.D., a neurologist at Loma Linda University in California, and his team, as well as other researchers, show that laughter prompts changes in the body that may help the immune and endocrine systems to function better. Laughter increases the number and activity of cells that help us fight disease and decreases stress-related hormones. The nice thing about laughter is that it’s contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too. Provine suggests that laughter does something special to our brains to trigger the laugh sounds in us. So for the sake of your health, if you don’t find the nightly sitcoms funny, rent some of your favorite old movies ; or call a friend to share your latest joke.
537 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227676277 _edit_last 2
Your Health and Deal Breakers in Review http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=534 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=534 In writing about relationships, I often focus on intimacy, friendship, forgiveness, and sex.  But as we enter into a new stressed-up era it is time to take a look at our health and how health factors into relationships at home, at work, and with your health decisions.


As a reminder for those who are feeling low, there are alternate ways to feel better than simply popping a pill prescribed by your family doctor.  I'll report on a study that showed that exercise worked almost as well as mood enhancing medication.


Today we are seeing more people experiencing sleeplessness and stress - which also are depression triggers.  Here where Ambian and Lunesta and Tylenol PM might be your first reach.  But before you do so, read this article which talks about a major problem that follows sleeplessness -the ability to focus.


Here is a link to a story in Real Simple magazine, which was also featured this week on CNN regarding attention span and focusing.  Tune up that Brain


Starting Monday, Rita Watson: Relationships will expand into your relationship with your health, your physicians, your work, and your creative imagination. 


But first, here is the Week in Review Round-up:

534 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226812174 _edit_last 2
Women Call the Shots http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=540 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=540 http://pewsocialtrends.org/pubs/717/gender-power]]> 540 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227034226 _edit_last 2 for Friday http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=542 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=542 http://www.creators.com/lifestylefeatures/inside-relationships-jan-denise/get-your-deal-breakers-out-in-the-open.html   Well-being, Happiness, and Forced Marriage   Email | Print | Share | Reprints | Single Page | Recommend (0) [-] Text [+]         Better relationships When close relationships based on intimacy and trust go wrong, whether they're sexual or not, it affects our mental and emotional wellbeing deeply. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/mental_health/emotion_well.shtml
WellbeingJames Tighe Happiness, wellbeing, contentment, harmony, enjoyment and peace don't all mean the same thing, but they all suggest self-esteem and a positive outlook on life.
  In this article
Secrets of everyday wellbeing Self-esteem
  Secrets of everyday wellbeing Someone once said the secret of happiness is having someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. There's probably some truth in this, although it doesn't mean you have to have an adoring spouse or partner, a high-powered job and a world cruise coming up to enjoy life. The 'someone to love' could be a friend, relative or pet, and the 'something to do' and 'something to look forward to' could be just about anything you enjoy.     Self-reflection The first step towards dealing with difficulties in your relationships is to look at your relationship with yourself. This might sound odd if you haven't thought about it before, but we all bring experiences, thoughts, expectations and needs to our relationships. You need a reasonable understanding of how this 'emotional baggage', as it's known, is contributing to problems in your relationship - and you can gain this using simple exercises in self-reflection. When you are in a difficult situation it is always helpful to Confront without being confrontational  -- use humor if it will help Take a minute - to define the problem Assess the situation at hand - and how yoou would like to see it resolve Consider the alternatives - each others Take a stand and followthrough - you have to agree on a win-win situation  and maybe it is won't work in the long run, but you  need to start someplace.   http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/mental_health/support_relations.shtml  ]]>
542 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227219756 _edit_last 2
Compatibility http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=543 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=543 Chicks-Dig-Younger looking-Men Whereas the BBC reports an increase in marriages between younger men and older women.  So perhaps love and romance is really about values and qualities that you respect in another.  I can't stress values often enough.  Read the postings under "Lies" to the right under Categories.   However to find out your compatibility regardless of age, take this quiz.  Ageless Love Quiz.]]> 543 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227218845 _edit_last 2 Friendship and Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=545 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=545 ]]> 545 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227676227 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=547 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=547 ]]> 547 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227677015 _edit_last 2 The Waitress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=551 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=551 551 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227677321 _edit_last 2 Acts of Kindness and Healing Touch http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=552 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=552 http://judaism.about.com/od/chanukah/a/abouthanukkah.htm   Here are two special program from NPR with links so that you might listen to each.  A Hanukkah Lights celebration and a Jazz Piano Christmas Celebration.   NPR.org, December 3, 2008 · An NPR holiday tradition for nearly two decades, Hanukkah Lights presents brand new fiction to celebrate and illuminate the holiday season — moving tales of discovery and reconciliation, the persistence of hope and the promise of undimmed light — read by Susan Stamberg and Murray Horwitz.   'The Latke Maven' by Gerald Shapiro       'My Hanukkah Gift' by Farideh Goldin 'Holiday' by Steve Stern 'Lotte Returns!' by Aryeh Lev Stollman http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=97669685 NPR.org, December 12, 2008 - This year, there's a Latin tinge to NPR's holiday music tradition. The 19th annual A Jazz Piano Christmas features three of the most respected names in Latin jazz: pianists Arturo O'Farrill, Eliane Elias and Rebeca Mauleon. An up-and-coming piano talent joins the celebration, too: Angel Echevarria, 19, grew up listening to salsa music in New York City. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=98183538   After reading Froma Harrop's column today on giving thanks and expressing gratitude, I begin looking into stories about kindness on the Internet.   First I came across this on FOX NEWS, " An Indiana Pizza Hut waitress with dreams of college received a much-needed boost in arriving at that goal: a $10,000 tip." She was given the money by a family who appreciated how well she treated them.  One day, "They told her of their plans to move from the small city about 40 miles north of Fort Wayne. Osborne asked them to come say goodbye to her before they left town. They returned Sunday night. . . . They handed Osborne a check. . . ."  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,289242,00.html I then made a visit to the Acts of Kindness website and found two quotes to live by. from author Henry James:  Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. from Winston Churchill:  We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
552 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1230180560
Highlights: Couples and Money, Women’s Voices, Men’s Needs http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=557 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=557 557 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228181026 _edit_last 2 Friendship Comments and Keeping the Family Peace http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=571 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=571
Amy Nathan on December 3rd, 2008 at 4:25 pm #
We begin different chapters of our lives with such fervor, belief and hope. We often come to the end of those chapters resigned, sometimes beaten. But we are always wiser. I look forward to more.
marguarita on December 3rd, 2008 at 7:59 pm #
I read this with some sadness. “She stopped talking about her husband.” For all those wishing for a second marriage, there is something bittersweet about the words. I like the idea of Women’s Voice and a short story!
Lois on December 3rd, 2008 at 8:51 pm #
Interesting to read this perspective on this site. I love the idea of Women’s Voices, it gives us a “face” to put to some of Rita’s comments regarding today’s relationships. Really nice, the two really compliment each other in my opinion.
Milli on December 3rd, 2008 at 9:40 pm #
Yes! To Christina Gombar. And to Rita, for introducing her to us. I was deeply drawn into and moved by this “chapter” and look forward to what I hope will, ultimately, be the resolve, in Faded Memory.
Milli on December 4th, 2008 at 8:03 pm #
Yikes! This is sad. People do weird things, while in the throughs of grief. I’m hoping Julie snaps out of it.
Milli on December 5th, 2008 at 9:01 pm #
Wow! In the words of Joan Baez: we both know what memories can bring…they bring Diamonds and Rust.
Milli on December 7th, 2008 at 9:35 pm #
To tell you the truth; I haven’t given up on Julie. And I hope Christina hasn’t either. True. SOME relationships have “Expiration Dates.” But those worth their salt, as it were, will keep surprising you! I think it has something to do with becoming grownups! Becky on December 4th, 2008 at 10:05 am #
This was beautiful, as usual with your work Christina. It reminds me that sometimes people are so relieved to get a divorce that they forget what a tragedy it is. A friend is getting a divorce and every time I go to the family’s old house, where our sons spent so many happy hours playing, I feel as though some kind of funeral service is in order.  
571 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1228793059
PEW Center http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=573 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=573 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/12/09/national/main4657805.shtml Join The Impact, the online community that launched protests last month over the passage of gay marriage bans in California, Florida and Arizona, has urged people to withdraw $80 from their bank accounts Wednesday to demonstrate gays' spending power, and to devote the time they might otherwise spend watching TV or surfing the Internet to volunteer work. Witeck-Combs Communications, a public relations firm in Washington that specializes in the gay and lesbian market, published a study this year that estimated that gay and lesbian consumers spend $700 billion annually. Bob Witeck, the firm's chief executive officer, said it would be difficult to measure the success of Wednesday's strike since gay employees occupy so many fields. And rather than suspending all consumer spending for the day, gay rights supporters would have a bigger impact if they devoted their dollars to gay-friendly businesses year-round, Witeck said. http://news.aol.com/article/activists-promote-call-in-gay-day/271704
Witeck-Combs Communications, a public relations firm in Washington that specializes in the gay and lesbian market, published a study this year that estimated that gay and lesbian consumers spend $700 billion annually.
Bob Witeck, the firm's chief executive officer, said it would be difficult to measure the success of Wednesday's strike since gay employees occupy so many fields. And rather than suspending all consumer spending for the day, gay rights supporters would have a bigger impact if they devoted their dollars to gay-friendly businesses year-round, Witeck said.

Latino Community Protests With "Day For Latino Dignity"

Friday, March 24, 2006 – updated: 5:26 pm EST March 24, 2006
Jose Castro says there is something different today about Buford Highway, well known for its many Hispanic and other ethnic businesses. 
Standing at a bus stop, Castro -- who is from Mexico -- says the area in metro Atlanta is missing its usual hustle and bustle today.  Immigrant communities encouraged a work stoppage to protest a bill passed by the Georgia House yesterday that allows sweeping changes to the state's immigration policies. Some estimate that as many as 800,000 would take part in the protest.  The bill, which must still be approved by the state Senate before going to Governor Perdue, would deny state services to adults living in the U.S. illegally and impose a five percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegals.  http://www.galeo.org/agenda.php?agenda_id=0000000079
http://washington.bizjournals.com/atlanta/stories/2006/04/17/daily8.html --Gov. Sonny Perdue has signed a much-debated bill targeting illegal immigrants and their employers, less than three weeks after the GOP-controlled Georgia General Assembly sent the measure to his desk.
In those three weeks, immigrants turned out across the nation to protest federal legislation on the issue, and tens of thousands demonstrated April 10 in Atlanta against Georgia Senate Bill 529 by state Sen. Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock), which Perdue signed Monday. "This new law sends a clear message that Georgia encourages and welcomes only legal immigration," Rogers said after the signing. "The laws of the land should apply equally to everyone -- whether it's employment or taxpayer benefits."  http://people-press.org/report/274/americas-immigration-quandary   http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_7833870  Immigration Divides Peiole and Families as Importation
another place at the table | how the gay and lesbian civil-rights movement is changing america

Immigration law divides gay couples

Partners left to make painful choice


Pew CenmterThe Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. We are best known for regular national surveys that measure public attentiveness to major news stories, and for our polling that charts trends in values and fundamental political and social attitudes. Formerly, the Times Mirror Center for the People & the Press (1990-1995), we are now sponsored by The Pew Charitable Trusts and are one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.
The Center's purpose is to serve as a forum for ideas on the media and public policy through public opinion research. In this role it serves as an important information resource for political leaders, journalists, scholars, and public interest organizations. All of our current survey results are made available free of]]>
573 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230180347 _edit_last 2
Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=576 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=576 ]]> 576 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230180321 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=577 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=577  ]]> 577 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228949456 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=581 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=581

581 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1229305869
Internet over Sex and Paris models http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=584 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=584 Survey: Many would take Internet over sex

*       Story Highlights

*       Survey: Nearly half of women would forgo sex rather than give up Internet access

*       More women than men would be willing to give up sex, the survey found

*       The survey, commissioned by Intel, queried 2,119 adults in the U.S. last month

*       Most adults also would forgo two weeks of TV over one week of Internet use

*       Next Article in Technology »

By Dawn Kawamoto     http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/12/15/internet.sex.survey/index.html *       Survey: Nearly half of women would forgo sex rather than give up Internet access *       More women than men would be willing to give up sex, the survey found *       The survey, commissioned by Intel, queried 2,119 adults in the U.S. last month *       Most adults also would forgo two weeks of TV over one week of Internet use Of course when it comes to TV, perhaps size matters, at least according to a different survey earlier this year of Britons conducted by electronics retailer Comet. Almost half of the men polled said they would give up sex for six months in return for a 50-inch plasma TV, according to Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUSTRE4BE59V20081215    

Nude models brave Paris cold to protest low pay

Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:34pm EST   By James Mackenzie

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PARIS (Reuters) - Artists' models in Paris stripped naked on Monday, braving freezing temperatures to protest against a ban on tips and to demand better pay and recognition.


584 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230180313 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=588 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=588 The six most asked questions with Madoff






Slate's Guide to Financial Scams



Mark Patinkin of Providence Journal -- has no sympathy for the big losers -- colluders?


Why the Madoff scam is big



588 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229967914 _edit_last 2
Scarlet A's http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=590 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=590

Handing Out Scarlet Letters

When James Jakubowski's marriage was heading toward the rocks, he decided to take action: he called the police. Two weeks later, his wife Dawn was under arrest for adultery. Like a modern-day Hester Prynne, Dawn was soon the talk of the town, Norwich, Conn., a circumstance that does not dismay her husband. "People in this society need to hear that adultery is wrong and that it destroys families," he proclaims. "I believe in the institution of marriage." His wife's lawyer is less enthused. "The thoughtless and insensitive act by Mr. Jakubowski has caused enormous embarrassment and humiliation to all members of his family," she says.
590 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229970086 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=592 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=592


592 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230180302 _edit_last 2
Returning and Re-gifting: Relationship Etiquette http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=594 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=594 594 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230263248 _edit_last 2 Marital expectations plus http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=597 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=597 http://www.lifescript.com/Life/Relationships/Marriage/The_6_Slippery_Myths_Of_Marriage_Expectations.aspx?trans=1&du=1&gclid=CMhttp://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118941262/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 KU7LGo5JcCFRlRagodkEOCDA&ef_id=1350:3:s_137cbf2e4ab62b385b63c23774912b1b_1789002905:hj@LnEGvMaAAAGVWfzwAAAAG:20081228220312]]> 597 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230525811 _edit_last 2 Lies He Tells, Lies She Tells http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=598 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=598 Live Science, “the women reported on average 8.6 lifetime sexual partners. The men claimed 31.9.”   But what Professor Brown learned is that those he interviewed lied and even admitted to lying. This wasn’t a new study, but it is an interesting one.  For the full story, go to Why Men Report More Sex Partners Than Women After watching Boston Legal  last evening I began pouring through the literature about lying for love and lying about love — as if it isn’t becoming a cottage industry! (No, I still do not own a television, but I always manage to find a place to watch Denny Crane.) The Boston Legal episode was really troubling — the lies of the husband who murdered his nurse and lover, and the lies of his wife on the witness stand who covered for him after leading Alan Shore to believe that she had murdered the nurse in a jealous rage. In fact, husband and wife colluded to deceive - although Phoebe, who had once been Alan’s lover - lead him to believe that if her husband was set free she would walk away from him and into Alan’s arms.  Her lies were pernicious. There seems to be so much in the news about women who tell lies.  Recently I spoke with Susan Shapiro Barash, the author of Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie.  She is a gender expert at Marymount Manhattan College. I interviewed Susan for an article in the Providence Journal called: Marrying their Mrs. Robinson — it was about Cougar Love and Longevity. This will be posted on Friday. In the upcoming weeks, I will devote a full series to love, lies, and deception.  The picture is not a pretty one. http://www.aolhealth.com/healthy-living/relationships/secrets-men-keep http://www.nypost.com/seven/03022008/news/regionalnews/miss_leading_100063.htm Deceit, thy name is woman. Most females lie "more cleverly and successfully than men" about everything from infidelity and facelifts to barhopping and shopping binges, according to a new book. "Women lie as a survival technique, but also to get what they want," said Susan Shapiro Barash, author of "Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie," published by St. Martin's Press this week. Barish said a Rockland County woman stripped of her secrets on Fox TV's reality show "Moment of Truth" last week proves her research true. Lauren Cleri, 26, admitted on air she had cheated on her NYPD cop husband and preferred an ex-boyfriend. But she failed a polygraph, and lost $200,000, by answering "yes" when asked if she believed she was a good person. "It supports my thesis that women are talented at lying - but perhaps not enough to pass a lie-detector test," Barash said. Barash interviewed 500 women nationwide who answered her Craigslist ads seeking females to confide what they fib about. Among her findings: * 75 percent lie about how much money they spend. For instance, they sneak purchases inside their homes after shopping or hide the price tags. * 50 percent harbor "mixed feelings about mothering." One told Barash, "I look at these children and I crave sleep and free time. They wear me out and make me jealous of working women who have no children, no husbands." * More than 60 percent cheated on their husbands. A 32-year-old mother conducted her trysts while telling her trusting husband she was working late. Even in asking for a divorce, she withheld the truth: "I didn't say I had fallen for another man. He was better off with my lies." Many women use the "betterment lie," as Barash calls it, as a means to an end. A 30-year-old model romanced a middle-aged married man for the money. After snagging him, she faked her affections: "I say 'I love you,' and don't mean it." Some lie to cover up childhood incest or domestic abuse, or taboo behavior like drinking, gambling or Internet-porn addiction. More than 80 percent believe in "beneficial lying." A New Jersey mom doesn't tell her well-behaved daughter about her own wild teen years of marijuana and partying. Urban women favor the "competitive lie," Barash said. "You lie about money and cosmetic surgery. Your out-of-work husband is a 'consultant.' You embellish your kids' accomplishments, or downplay their SAT tutoring." In the "lying to yourself" category, the book mentions Hillary Rodham Clinton, who as first lady went on TV to blast the Monica Lewinsky scandal as a political attack against her husband. She later acknowledged Bill's cheating. Others lie because "there's too much to lose," Barash said. Rudy Giuliani's wife, Judith, guarded a secret that she was married twice, and not once, previously. The truth, which Rudy apparently knew, hit the front pages when he ran for president.]]> 598 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230587067 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=599 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=599 RELATIONSHIPS that fizzle during the holidays often bubble over with anger long after the champagne has gone flat. What ever happened to the New Year sentiment about “old acquaintance”? Despite the blogs a-buzzing about December break-ups, I am an incurable romantic who wants to believe in happy endings and new beginnings, in the face of considerable contrary evidence. A mother called on Christmas Eve after watching her son’s tearful young lady leave their home clinging to the present she had brought him. The 20-year-old explained: “I told her a month ago it wasn’t working out. I want to start the New Year with someone special.” Contrast this to the 45-year-old who spent the holidays vacationing with a woman whom he planned to leave after fulfilling their social obligations. Hopefully, he did not deliver his “goodbye” under the mistletoe or via text message after a night of passion. My heart hurt for both of the couples. I asked the good professor, “When relationships come to an end, do you think men and women should follow the Tibetan ritual of forgiveness, celebrating the love they once shared, and then letting go?” He simply rolled his eyes and hummed Paul Simon’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” written in 1975. Breaking up is still not as simple as: “Just slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan.” No matter what time of year, breaking up is really hard to do. However, Ellen Kreidman, in Light His Fire (1991), gives women a message that goes something like: “Don’t give up your man. Create memories. Make sex interesting. Greet him at the door in a plastic wrap dress. And if the two of you are angry, hold onto each other and pretend you still want to kiss and make up. Then watch those good feelings emerge.” The feminists seethed. Despite the difficulty with relationships, marriage continues. Writer and retired New Mexico judge Anne Kass notes that within three years of divorce, many people marry a second time. However, she says, even in the Land of Enchantment, 70 percent of second marriages involving stepchildren will fail. Couples who end relationships during the holidays often hear one party express disbelief and shock, but often they are simply not listening to each other. Or if one hears what the other person is saying, he or she may not wish to accept the situation. A showdown often follows. “Why shouldn’t I be angry?” questioned a divorced gentleman in his early 50s. “She literally threw herself against the door of my home and broke it in! What could have provoked this once sweet woman to do such a thing?” Perhaps it was an unfamiliar Saab sitting in his driveway, which his former love saw when she drove by his home because of an intuitive 3 a.m. impulse. She went into a rage. He later admitted, “We had pretty much broken up, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by letting her know that I was seeing someone else.” Sometimes two people know a relationship is rocky but coast along until an irritant pushes them over the edge. For one couple, the cell phone was their demise. “Whenever it rang, my wife would become furious if I didn’t tell her who was calling. Then at a party one night, it rang. I looked at the caller’s name. But before I could put the phone back in my pocket, she grabbed it and stepped on it.” An angry divorce and custody battle ensued. The desire to get even or to blame is pervasive in break-ups. It seems that only in sitcoms do we find a model for lovers turned friends, as with Jerry Seinfeld and Elaine. However, Christopher Hansard, in The Tibetan Power of Positive Thinking, suggests a ritual for endings that promotes good feelings instead of anger and resentment, and offers opportunities for trying again or finding new love. Relationships can be exhilarating, but they are also fragile and complex. Perhaps this New Year we might think about “relationship resolutions.” For loves past, present, and future, the words of a life-coach friend and mother resonate: “You attract what you project.” Her simple thought may help to rekindle or strengthen relationships if upon awakening each morning we remember to: Wish blessings. Laugh often. And ask ourselves, “What can I do today to make someone I care about feel a little happier, less stressed, and unconditionally loved?” ]]> 599 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230677810 _edit_last 2 Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=600 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=600 600 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230954064 _edit_last 2 Bubbles, Breasts, and New Year Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=607 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=607 607 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1231040585 Day Two http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=603 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=603 603 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230954090 _edit_last 2 day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=605 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=605 It might be a career change, a relationship change (for better or worse), a goal, a secret desire.  Whenever you begin saying, “I wish…” it is time for the dream.  But first, if you are single and dreading being alone, here are some hints for New Year's Eve. Shine Day One: Dream Your Dreams
  • Let your mind wander as you dream impossible dreams
  • Spend at least five minutes several times today just day-dreaming.
  • Write down the whispering of your soul.
  • Write down the most outrageous dream you can imagine for yourself.
  • What is the one dream that keeps recurring even though it may be in different forms?  Write it down.
  • Think of a dream that your heart of hearts is telling you about.
  • At the end of the day write down the one dream that dominates your thinking.  This is your heart’s desire. 
Now celebrate even if you are alone on  New Year's Eve.  Buy yourself some fabulous champagne. My favorite is Veuve Clicquot.  Read about this widow and how she became a legend.  Her story, Times Book Review  Her champagne. Veuve Clicquot -- Be certain to click on USA for the English translation. Adapted from A Serenity Journal and The Art of Decision Making

© copyright  2008 Watson

605 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230954226 _edit_last 2
True Love, the Year of the Cougar and Love 2009 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=609 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=609 According to
Scientists discover true love!  And in this Year of the Cougar, the news is encouraging. Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love.
"The findings overturn the conventional view that love and sexual desire peak at the start of a relationship and then decline as the years pass."http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/relationships/article5439805.ece From the Examiner.com -- also on World News.com, here are my thoughts on Love and Marriage.  
609 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231130251 _edit_last 2
At last, here’s how to train your husband http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=611 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=611      ]]> 611 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231304543 _edit_last 2 Love and Money on the Marriage-Go-Round http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=613 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=613 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=548 In Rhode Island today there was more disheartening economic news -- The Rhode Island Association of Realtors says that housing prices have dropped 20 percent from a year ago. http://www.projo.com/business/content/BZ_Real_estate_01-06-09_SECRPJK_v45.307af3a.html How will this news affect your stress level and marriage?   William Hurt Sledge, MD, medical director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital, said, “Couples or people who mean something to each other get stressed with this uncertain economy. . . Resentments get magnified, regrets become manifest, old wounds are reopened for review and inspection, and recriminations are laid out.” But it doesn’t have to be that way. Prize-winning Rhode Island author Christina Gombar who lives in Saunderstown with her husband Peter Levitan, talked with me last week about her days on Wall Street. (www.christinagombar.com). She remembers the last couple of market crashes and says she adapted her mother’s Depression-era mentality. “I used to be critical of my husband, who frets if our house is not bursting with good food and wine eaten in great quantity — as did my mother. I could eat yogurt and eggs for a week. Now I realize that when a person works hard they need to indulge in one area of their lives.” She added “People with opposite money styles willing to accept each other can wind up learning from each other, adjust their extremes, and eventually work out their differences in a complementary way.” But she acknowledges that marital compromise is difficult. Dr. Sledge pointed out, however, that with these tough economic times, some people have giving hearts. “Some people reach out to each other and actually become more generative and generous, bringing a sense that whatever awful things happen, they will endure with the good that they have.” http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=514 For those battling over money issues big or small, you might try to scale back, speak kindly to each other, and find time for loving. When life gets messy — as it can with financial woes — take the time to laugh and read the words of Rabbi Irwin Kula in his book called Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life. http://www.amazon.com/Yearnings-Embracing-Sacred-Messiness-Life/dp/1401309135/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1226075910&sr=1-1 Reading about seeing life from your spouse’s perspective may uplift you and help you to find some meaning in the chaos of financial stress.  Perhaps it will help you to rethink your lifestyle and make more time for laughter and love.  / Happiness, RitaE]]> 613 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231305469 _edit_last 2 Madoff, Money, and Love on the Marriage Go Round http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=614 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=614 614 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231382043 _edit_last 2 His Wedding Band is a Chick Magnet http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=616 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=616 MARRIED MEN PLAYING GAMES -- when I hear the gossip my antennae inevitably catch the drift.  Knowing that my hair salon is by far the best source of info, I have no problem eaves-dropping on a conversation, handing out my card and saying, “Tell me. It will be our little secret – just between you, me, and Providence."
At Karezz, my favorite Providence hair salon, while Cindy was keeping me blonde, I learned about chick magnets through a conversation with guys from the gym.
Wedding rings as chick magnets: It seems there is a new trend in town. Remember the men at the bar who slipped off their wedding rings to flirt? Well now, the wedding rings are called chick magnets. They attract girls who just want to have fun.
Several years ago, Dr. Gail Saltz, Today Show.com contributor, wrote a piece posted on MSNBC called “More reasons that women feel safe with married men.” She said, “This week, I heard from many male readers who agreed that their wedding rings function as Chick magnets. Her website is www.drgailsaltz.com.
So while science defines chick magnets as a facial features look Live Science -- today it is the wedding ring. And the married men and single women appear to playing the magnetic game.  
Now when it comes to married folk playing around, the Pricilla Prude in me surfaces. As such, you will not be surprised that I wrote about “Male poachers aka husband snatchers" a few months ago. However, you will see that I talk about why men cheat as well.  Rita Watson: Relationships  
The gay bar ruse: Some guys still do take off their rings. In fact one of my gay sources here in Providence tells me that if a man slips off his wedding ring and is dating “the other women,” he will often be taking her to gay bars so he doesn’t run into his wife's single girlfriends. 
I am actually a hard liner on cheating because I think cheating is adultery is infidelity – and “what goes around comes around.” It’s known as the good law of karma. Happiness/ Rita E
616 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231553910 _edit_last 2
Flirting for Geeks and Hints from a Nine-Year-Old http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=618 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=618 618 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231636359 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=620 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=620 At last, here's how to train your husband Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita7_12-07-08_SACGSEN_v14.1cbf94c.html /?template=cheetah-search-adv%2Findex.txt]]> 620 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231720432 _edit_last 2 Forgive us, but you do not want to marry us http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=621 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=621 Slate online magazine "One of the Best of 2008."   Here is an interview with Tracey whose words capture the essence of man devoted to his sisters' and determined to escape the captivity of schizophrenia.   
Prize-winning author Christina Gombar of  Saunderstown, RI, (www.christinagombar.com) in a review for Bookslut said of Tracey's work: "A sometimes rollicking, always absorbing road story: Jack Kerouac Meets Frank McCourt." (www.stalkingirishmadness.com )
Pain and forgiveness:  
"You can never truly understand your pain," he says, "until you forgive it.  I think most of us have always had it the other way around and, in fact, have had it backwards.
"I think most of us believe that if only we can figure it all out and grasp every facet of, say, a broken relationship or an unfair loss, then we will we find peace with it, come to terms with it.  But maybe the truth is that we can never fully understand until we forgive. We can't hold out and decide to forgive it until we've got it all figured out. It doesn't seem to work that way. I learned the counter-intuitive lesson the hard way and it took a half a lifetime to get it."
Women who don't get it:
Tracey had talked with me about broken relationships and women who simply did not want to accept that he was both a confirmed bachelor and in his words, "not daddy material." He was concerned especially about the family history of schizophrenia, and how it might affect children if he were to have them.  He also says he had a drinking problem that he was able to overcome seven years ago. But it was in searching the roots of his family illness that he learned acceptance and forgiveness.
Confronting the family illness: 
"With the schizophrenia in my family (my two sisters, an uncle, a grandmother and its roots in Ireland), I went to Ireland to try to understand on an intellectual level this illness that is idiopathic, having no known cause or cure." Schizophrenia, a chronic and severe biological disorder of the brain, is characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations that can induce delusions, fear, immobilization, and  agitation.
A book that saved his life:
"I truly felt that if I didn't figure this thing out once and for all, then I'd probably take up my old life again. But it didn't turn out that way. I got through Ireland without a drink and wound up writing a book that reveals the utter necessity of forgiveness for the deep sense of loss, for myself for the survivor guilt that can torment you, for the drinking that was a form of self laceration, for Ireland and the English who set in motion that famine conditions that fanned the flames of Irish madness, and for schizophrenia itself for taking two of my beautiful sisters away with the fairies. 
"In that sense the book is a very public display of a man talking out his demons as he tools through Ireland in a camper van asking questions of doctors and folklorists and ordinary people who have the illness coursing through their bloodlines as it does in ours. But as I muse on it, it's the forgiveness that  reveals itself slowly through the narrative. That's the way it feels to me, anyway, in re-reading my book."
Forgiveness, great and small:
"Not to put too fine a point on it, but this forgiveness stuff has been a great lesson in life that I am able to apply to all troubles, great and small. This notion that you can't understand something until you forgive it is a radical one, to be sure, because it also suggests that complexity may be a smokescreen. The intellectuals can't have that!  
"I think a strong case can be made that forgiveness is the daily way out of over-thinking our problems. Don't you often feel that over-thinking can be a bit like overeating? It can just weigh us down. So even though it's this great abstract notion, forgiveness lightens the load in a very practical sense of putting resentments to bed."   Patrick now lives in on the North Shore of Boston, where he landed rather randomly. "But it's a nice little gem, right on the water and right next door to Kelly's Roast Beef!" he said.  Patrick Tracey Op-Ed in Providence Journal
621 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231815862 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=624 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=624 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=59]]> 624 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1232129315 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=626 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=626 Examiner.com/Relationships  (Providence Love and Marriage Examiner)  ]]> 626 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1232387575 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=629 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=629 IF THERE WAS ANY SEX IN THE CITY TAKING PLACE LAST NIGHT, IT WAS NOT WITH HUSBANDS AND WIVES.  And as an ever vigilant questioner, my unscientific survey of friends in hot spots across the nation is showing a disturbing trend – young couples having intimacy issues. Fighting.  Slammed doors.  No sex.  Even when the men apologize, they hear the refrain, "No make up sex for you!"
I have a simple answer to the “No make up sex” syndrome – “If you don’t like make up sex, then don’t fight, just make love.”
But my answer is not a solution. It seems that younger women are becoming withholders. And oftentimes these women have hidden agendas.
One Friday evening more than two years ago I found myself talking with a young man at my favorite bar who learned from the bartender that I write about sex and relationships.  Last night at two different places teaming with patrons, I heard the same tale.
Why we pick up women in bars: This one told to me by a firefighter summed it up. “Do you know why men try to pick up women at bars? Because our women have shut us down. Then if we happen to meet another woman, even for fun, we’re the bad guys!  They force us out and want us to be celibate while we try to read their minds. I don’t want to read her mind. I want her to tell me.”
Pretend I’m a car: The ingenious young man told his wife, “Take a look at this. It’s a car manual. See these symbols? Each one points to a problem.  Pretend I’m a car and show me what’s wrong. Make a list of what you want. I’ll try to fix it. But don’t keep telling me that ‘I don’t get it,’ because I don’t. What she doesn’t get is that we are both losing this battle.”
Wedding rings in pockets: Last night, I knew some of the men with wedding rings slipped into their pockets – so much for "wedding bands as chick magnets" that I wrote about last week.  To protect both the guilty and the innocent, I will refrain from naming the hot spots.  However, the trend continues. Lots of fighting and no make up sex.
Fight fairly: If you must fight, fight fairly and constructively rather than letting pent up anger to turn into a volcano or the silent treatment.  When two people do fight it oftentimes shows that they are invested in the relationship and want to jump over the hurdles to find happiness. A few hints from a Cosmopolitan article: “How to Emerge From A Fight More in Love”
Here is the link Cosmopolitan.com
Another point of view – Just because I like to say, “Make love not war” you may agree with the following article, “Make up Sex Rocks.”  But be careful that it doesn’t become a bad habit. Savvy Miss. 
In reality:  When two people in a relationship play sexual politics, there are no winners.
If you missed yesterday's article, "The Men We Should Marry" take a look and let me know who I should be adding to the list other than Patrick Dempsey.  Also, watch for my article next week, "Men We Should Learn to Avoid" 
629 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1232918442
Seven Minutes a Week to Better Health in a Money Stressed World http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=633 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=633 I keep hearing of very young men developing diabetes and women of all ages distraught about their weight.  Overweight creates stress, anxiety, and cuts down on love-making. 

A report in Reuters from the British Medical Journal says researchers “showed that just seven minutes of exercise each week helped a group of 16 men in their early twenties control their insulin. The volunteers, who were relatively out of shape but otherwise healthy, rode an exercise bike four times daily in 30 second spurts two days a week.” http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSTRE50R0BH20090128

The South Beach Diet – when we all went on this diet, proponents said that it helped control our insulin which in turn helped with weight loss. http://www.southbeach-diet-plan.com/gi_index.htm

For a short review of a host of diets including South Beach, Atkins (which has since been updated) and Pritikin go to http://www.edinformatics.com/health_fitness/south_beach_diet.htm

Consumers mood improves just a bit according to the January report The Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers said its final index reading of confidence for January rose to 61.2 from December's 60.1. http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE50T47I20090130

During times of stress, exercise has been shown to improve one’s mental health sometimes as effectively as one might get from an antidepressant.

633 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233329908 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=635 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=635  

635 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1233507239
LINKS http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=637 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=637 Providence Journal, Rita Watson, Dementia and Seizures World News, Rita Watson, Dementia and Seizures France Oberver, Rita Watson, Dementia and Seizures Caregivers and Stress Check    Seizures and driving: http://professionals.epilepsy.com/page/hallway_driving.html  ]]> 637 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233520081 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=641 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=641 Concussions: time to take them seriously
We have been reading stories about the problems with concussions and football players for some time now. Problems range from depression to loss of memory.
Concussions are back in the news with Ted Johnson, linebacker for the New England Patriots.  And a report from Fox News tells us that memory of his star performances can be jeopardized by the number of concussions he has received.  He says he is already experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
The incidence of depression in retired football players has been linked to the number of concussions sustained as was repor ted by The New York Times. NYTIMES
New awareness of concussions came to light when young veterans returning from Iraq were found to have traumatic brain injury from repetitive blasts and concussions.
Operation Giveback
With more than 1. 5 million young athletes playing football, it is time to take concussions seriously.
If you have a child on the football field whose head is injured – take them out of the game.  Frequent ly young people want to get back on the field of play. And oftentimes, coaches took them at their word. But now we are learning that even mild concussions ild that do not result in black outs, can be serious.  Here is a good checklist from Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic/   and guideless from the University of California, San Francisco UCSF
Simple decision-making on the part of a parent can save a young person from long-term consequences:
  • Take your  child out of the game
  • Keep child from playing for at least one day
  • Limit physical activity
  • See a doctor
Hormone replacement: sexy and straying?
Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. Hormone levels decrease in men and women in mid-life, and both genders may opt for replacement therapy. Testosterone prescriptions began soaring in 2004, according to pharmaceutical-sales tracking. This therapy differs from the dysfunction problem alleviated by the little blue pill that former Sen. Bob Dole has promoted.
Despite advances in synthetic alternatives for women, many have been cautious as a result of a cancer scare several years ago.
Although women taking synthetic hormones say they feel more passionate, this may have to do with relief from their menopausal symptoms. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause reported that it is the male hormone delivered via a testosterone patch that app ears to increase desire and arousal in women.
Now a new study reported by Reuters indicates that women on hormone replacement therapy might become a bit too sexy. They noted: "Women with higher estradiol reported a greater likelihood of flirting, kissing and having a serious affair with someone other than their primary partner and were marginally more likely to date another man…"
The article was originally published in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters according to the news on MSNBC 
Since most cougars are women over 40 and 50, many of whom might be on hormone therapy, can this be the reason for Cougar Rising?  
The decision here:
  • Hmm, perhaps ask a friend to help you monitor your behavior.
  • Or keep on doing what you're doing
Help for stressed out caregivers
Those who care for parents or family members with Alzheimer’s or dementia know how trying it can be when asked the same questions o ver and over again within a matter of minutes. Even those with the best of intentions say that find themselves losing patience.
Family members face multiple problems from knowing when to take away the car keys to finding special help. Oftentimes family members are resistant to home health agencies. But a new study finds it is vitally important that caregivers take a break to recharge their own batteries.
A recent British survey released this January found that family caregivers often talk abusively to those who have dementia.  From the survey of 220 people they found that it was important to address needs of those within families.
The g ist of the report: Abuse of people with dementia by family carers: representative cross sectional survey can be found at:
Here is a stress checklist that is helpful for a caregiver, even if it is not someone with loss of memory. Stress check
If you or someone you love is a caretaker, some decisions that might help ease the burden include:
  • Checking with Senior Centers to find an eldercare program.
  • Contacting services for respite care within your home.
  • Asking relatives to give you a day off.
  • Managing medication by using very well marked pill cases which a pharmacist can help you select or order.
641 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233771110 _edit_last 2
Madoff Bilks Investors and Wall Street Gets a Cap http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=643 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=643 Madoff victims The list of those cheated is extensive.  And today Reuters reported, "Among the financial institutions on the customer list are UBS AG, Bank of America Corp, BNP Paribas and Citigroup Inc."    Reuters.com There has long been suspicions that Madoff did not act alone.  Some reports today are saying that after Harry Markopolos testimony the other shoe will drop and he may reveal others who were involved.  Not sure if he will name names or if he will just point out how the SEC turned their nose at his findings some ten years ago. The Wall Street Pay Cap In other news, here is a commentary about the Wall Street executive pay cap that this columnist feels they deserve. CNN.com ]]> 643 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233887433 _edit_last 2 HOLD http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=645 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=645 Hormone replacement:sexy and straying?    Hormones are the body's chemical messengers. Hormone levels decrease in men and women in mid-life, and both genders may opt for replacement therapy. Testosterone prescriptions began soaring in 2004, according to pharmaceutical-sales tracking. This therapy differs from the dysfunction problem alleviated by the little blue pill that former Sen. Bob Dole has promoted. Despite advances in synthetic alternatives for women, many have been cautious as a result of a cancer scare several years ago.   Although women taking synthetic hormones say they feel more passionate, this may have to do with relief from their menopausal symptoms. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause reported that it is the male hormone delivered via a testosterone patch that app ears to increase desire and arousal in women. Now a new study reported by Reuters indicates that women on hormone replacement therapy might become a bit too sexy.  They noted: "Women with higher estradiol reported a greater likelihood of flirting, kissing and having a serious affair with someone other than their primary partner and were marginally more likely to date another man..."   The article was originally published in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters according to the news on MSNBC. MSNBC   Since most cougars are women over 40 and 50, many of whom might be on hormone therapy, can this be the reason for Cougar Rising?   The decisions here: Hmm, perhaps ask a friend to help you monitor your behavior.  Concussions: time to take them seriously   We have been reading stories about the problems with concussions and football players for some time now.  Problems range from depression to loss of memory.   Concussions are back in the news with Ted Johnson, linebacker for the New England Patriots.  And a report from Fox News tells us that memory of his star performances can be jeopardized by the number of concussions he has received.  He says he is already experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer's.     The incidence of depression in retired football players has been linked to the number of concussions sustained as was repor ted by The New York Times.  NY TIMES   New awareness of concussions came to light when young veterans returning from Iraq were found to have traumatic brain injury from repetitive blasts and concussions. Returnig veterans   With more than 1. 5 million young athletes playing football, it is time to take concussions seriously.   If you have a child on the football field whose head is injured - take them out of the game.  Frequent ly young people want to get back on the field of play.  And oftentimes, coaches took them at their word.  But now we are learning that even mild concussions ild that do not result in black outs, can be serious.   Here is a good checklist from Mayo Clinic. MAYO Clinic     Simple decision-making on the part of a parent can save a young person from long-term consequences:
  • Take your  child out of the game
  • Keep child from playing for at least one day
  • Limit physical activity
  • See a doctor
Stress out caregivers
Those who care for parents or family members with Alzheimer’s or dementia know how trying it can be when asked the same questions o ver and over again within a matter of minutes.  Even those with the best of intentions say that find themselves losing patience.
Family members face multiple problems from knowing when to take away the car keys to finding spec ial help.  Oftentimes family members are resistant to home health agencies.  But a new study finds it is vitally important that caregivers take a break to recharge their own batteries.
A recent British survey released this January found that family caregivers often talk abusively to those who have dementia.  From the survey of 220 people they found that it was important to address needs of those within families.
The g ist of the report: Abuse of people with dementia by family carers: representative cross sectional survey can be found at: British journal
Here is a stress checklist that is helpful for a caregiver, even if it is not someone with loss of memory.
If you or someone you love is a caretaker, some decisions that might help ease the burden include:
  • Checking with Senior Centers to find an eldercare program.
  • Contacting services for respite care within your home.
  • Asking relatives to give you a day off.
  • Managing medication by using very well marked pill cases which a pharmacist can help you select or order.
645 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234060431 _edit_last 2
Make Valentine’s Day a Children’s Day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=646 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=646 ]]> 646 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234131691 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=648 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=648 Couples and Money From our founders: Love and Money can sometimes seem like opposing forces driving you apart, not complementary forces for joy.  For a partnership to succeed, both partners must work together financially and emotionally rather than compete against each other. In celebration of the month of love, WIFE.org offers suggestions for improving the relationship between you, your sweetie-and, of course, your money. ]]> 648 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234231028 _edit_last 2 Wrinkle Creams in the Age of the Cougar http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=652 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=652 Many wrinkle creams and lotions sold in department stores, in drugstores and on the Internet promise to reduce wrinkles and prevent or reverse damage caused by the sun. Do they work? Research suggests that some wrinkle creams contain ingredients that may improve wrinkles. But many of these ingredients haven't undergone scientific research to prove this benefit. If you're looking for a face-lift in a bottle, you probably won't find it in over-the-counter (nonprescription) wrinkle creams. But they may slightly improve the appearance of your skin, depending on how long you use the product and the amount and type of the active ingredient in the wrinkle cream.

Common ingredients in anti-wrinkle creams

The effectiveness of anti-wrinkle creams depends in part on the active ingredient or ingredients. Here are some common ingredients that may result in slight to modest improvements in wrinkles.
  • Retinol. Retinol is a vitamin A compound and is the first antioxidant to be widely used in nonprescription wrinkle creams. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals — unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. Retinol is less potent than the vitamin A derivative tretinoin, a topical treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating wrinkles. Tretinoin is available only by prescription. Avoid vitamin A derivatives if you are pregnant or may become pregnant because they increase the risk of birth defects.
  • Hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are all synthetic versions of acids derived from sugar-containing fruits. These acids are exfoliants — substances that remove the upper layer of old, dead skin and stimulate the growth of smooth, evenly pigmented new skin. Because hydroxy acids increase your susceptibility to sun damage, always wear sunscreen during use and for at least one week afterward.
  • Coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that helps regulate energy production in cells. Some studies have shown reduction in fine wrinkles around the eyes with no side effects. Other studies show that application before sun exposure protects against sun damage.
  • Copper peptides. Copper is a trace element found in every cell. In products applied to the skin, it's combined with small protein fragments called peptides. Copper peptides enhance wound healing. They also stimulate production of collagen and may enhance the action of antioxidants.
  • Kinetin. A plant growth factor, kinetin may improve wrinkles and uneven pigmentation with minimal irritation. It's unclear how it works, but it may help reduce wrinkles by helping skin retain moisture and by stimulating the production of collagen. It may also be a potent antioxidant.
  • Tea extracts. Green, black and oolong tea contain compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea extracts are the ones most commonly found in wrinkle creams.

No guarantees: Assessing safety and effectiveness

The FDA classifies creams and lotions as cosmetics, which are defined as having no medical value. So the FDA regulates them less strictly than it does drugs. This means that products don't need to undergo rigorous testing for safety and effectiveness before approval to go on the market. The FDA does step in, however, when advertisements portray cosmetics as drugs or when cosmetics contain ingredients that may pose a potential health hazard to consumers. For example, in 2002, the FDA ordered manufacturers of products containing alpha hydroxy acids to include a warning label stating that the acids may increase the risk of sunburn. Because the FDA doesn't evaluate cosmetic products for effectiveness, there's no guarantee that any over-the-counter product will reduce your wrinkles. Consider these points when judging the merits of using a wrinkle cream:
  • Lower doses. Nonprescription wrinkle creams contain lower concentrations of active ingredients than do prescription creams. So results, if any, are limited and usually short-lived.
  • Latest research. Research suggests that certain ingredients may improve wrinkles. However, most anti-wrinkle creams haven't been subjected to the comprehensive, objective research required to prove this benefit.
  • Cost. Cost has no relationship to effectiveness. Just because a wrinkle cream is more costly, may not mean that it's more effective than a less-costly product.
  • Daily use. You'll likely need to use the wrinkle cream once or twice a day for many weeks before noticing any improvements. And once you discontinue using the product, your skin may return to its original appearance.
  • Side effects. Some products may cause skin irritation, rashes, burning or redness. Be sure to read and follow the product instructions to limit possible side effects.

Your anti-wrinkle regimen

An anti-wrinkle cream may lessen the appearance of your wrinkles, depending on how often you use it, the type and amount of active ingredient in the wrinkle cream, and the extent of the wrinkles you want to treat. But if you want to take the guesswork out of your skin-care regimen, try these more reliable ways to improve and maintain your skin's youthful appearance.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light speeds up the natural aging process of your skin, causing wrinkles and rough, blotchy skin. In fact, sun exposure is the No. 1 reason for aging signs in the skin, including uneven pigmentation. Protect your skin — and prevent future wrinkles — by limiting the time you spend in the sun and always wearing protective clothing and hats. Also, use sunscreen when outdoors, even in winter.
  • Choose products with built-in sunscreen. When selecting skin-care products, choose those with a built-in sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Also, be sure to select products that block both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Use moisturizers. Dry skin turns plump skin cells into shriveled ones, creating fine lines and wrinkles long before you're due. Though moisturizers can't prevent wrinkles, they can temporarily mask tiny lines and creases.
  • Don't smoke. Smoking causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. It also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.
If you're concerned about the appearance of your skin, see your dermatologist. He or she can help you create a personalized skin-care plan by assessing your skin type, evaluating your skin's condition and recommending products likely to be effective. If you're looking for more dramatic results, a dermatologist can recommend medical treatments for wrinkles, including prescription creams, botulinum toxin (Botox) injections or skin resurfacing techniques. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/wrinkle-creams/SN00010 http://www.dailyshownews.com/2008/07/kristen-schaal.html]]>
652 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1234798770
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=654 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=654 http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/wrinkle-creams/SN00010]]> 654 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234802745 _edit_last 2 Dementia and second hand smoke http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=656 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=656 http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1879386,00.html]]> 656 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1234818366 Alcohol and sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=657 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=657 Jordano Quaglia jord.quaglia@sbcglobal.net | I would like to bring to the plate the recent research posting which was performed in Australia, that, suddenly, brought me to enjoy drinking noticeably more. I have to confess that I did not have the desire to drink anything more than a glass of wine with a meal and that was all. Now I look for more quantity (quality helps even more), despite resisting consuming beer, which it is OK, but not my thing. The interesting was that when I realized in my explorations of sexually-enhancing products for mine and my wife’s pleasure, I realized that I feel the same burning warm and results with the intake of more alcohol. The research i refer to came up in January at the news and I found it again today at http://www.justaguything.com/tag/drinking/ I think that it, as a controlled tool may give the boost that many people need for many things, however it works well for me in the privacy of the bedroom. My suggestion: avoid it only if you feel that you may abuse the people around you, when you can’t manage drinking and aim for pleasantries and a happy SanVal’s Day and other nice dates.]]> 657 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234818478 _edit_last 2 Love or Money, Dating A Banker, No Longer Heaven http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=658 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=658 http://dabagirls.wordpress.com/]]> 658 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235061763 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=662 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=662 Hello Friends: Am working on shifting focus on my website to LOVE, MONEY, AND MEDICINE.  Am swept up with the Madoff Scandal.  And what about high-end match matking services?  Are you ready?   Today take a look Condom Award Countdown and Bristol Palin both on my website and highlighted on The Examiner.com.  Am promoting it because it is an award for students writing about sexual responsibility.    Coming up for the Providence Journal will be a a story STDs and condoms -- with a humorous twist, though this is no laughing matter.  My website will have the links.   ALSO Patrick Tracey NEWS: Read his (TheOddBlog) on OpenSalon, the story of  12 year old hearing voices and too scared to tell! His reading dates for Stalking Irish Madness: Searching for the Roots of My Family's Schizophrenia KGB Bar Literary Salon in New York City on March 11th. Harvard Coop on the Eve of St. Patty on March 16th Happiness/ Rita E www.ritawatson.com Providence Love and Marriage Examiner   and for Patrick's links www.stalkingirishmadness.com]]> 662 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1235144043 Be Proactive, Face Down Depression and the Money Monster http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=668 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=668 - Linda Stern is a freelance writer. Any opinions in the column are solely those of Ms. Stern. You can e-mail her at lindastern@aol.com-

By Linda Stern


The American Psychological Association says that more than 80 percent of Americans are suffering money stress, and there are increasing reports of domestic violence, violent crimes and suicides.

We cannot do anything about the market, but we can do something about our health.  Here are some thoughts by Linda Stern, an opinion from Reuters:

She suggests you:

-- Define yourself broadly. Don't make the mistake of identifying too closely with your bank account balance. 

-- Face the situation squarely. Don't hide from your money troubles, identify them.

-- Get busy. Take action to attack whatever is troubling you. If it's job woes, spend time updating your resume and reaching out to all of your contacts. If it's your budget, look for areas to trim.

-- Don't sublimate. If you're feeling angry (and, according to the experts, pretty much everyone is), don't take it out on the people you care about.

-- Avoid downer people. You know who they are.

-- Fight anxiety directly, through activities like exercise, listening to music, meditation or hobbies.

-- Have free and cheap fun

 -- Get help and M

-- Get more help

-- Walk away from the computer and CNBC


668 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1235687957
Can a little wine mean a lot of loving? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=671 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=671 By Clair Weaver

The Sunday Telegraph

January 25, 2009 12:01a

IT gives the phrase "a stiff drink" a whole new meaning: Australian researchers have made the surprise discovery that alcohol improves, rather than damages, men's performance in the bedroom.
They hope the finding, which flies in the face of conventional belief, will reassure men who worry about the affects of drinking on their sex lives. would like to bring to the plate the recent research posting which was performed in Australia, that, suddenly, brought me to enjoy drinking noticeably more. I have to confess that I did not have the desire to drink anything more than a glass of wine with a meal and that was all. Now I look for more quantity (quality helps even more), despite resisting consuming beer, which it is OK, but not my thing. The interesting was that when I realized in my explorations of sexually-enhancing products for mine and my wife’s pleasure, I realized that I feel the same burning warm and results with the intake of more alcohol. The research i refer to came up in January at the news and I found it again today at http://www.justaguything.com/tag/drinking/ I think that it, as a controlled tool may give the boost that many people need for many things, however it works well for me in the privacy of the bedroom. My suggestion: avoid it only if you feel that you may abuse the people around you, when you can’t manage drinking and aim for pleasantries and a happy SanVal’s Day and other nice dates.

Introduction. Alcohol consumption is a contentious social topic and is often assumed to have deleterious effects on sexual performance. There is a lack of consensus on whether alcohol consumption may in fact be beneficial to erectile function.

Aim. We examined the data from a population-based cross-sectional study of men's health to assess the association between usual alcohol consumption and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Method. Reply-paid questionnaires were posted to a randomly selected age-stratified male population sample obtained from the Western Australian (WA) Electoral Roll.

http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121633544/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 Jordano Quaglia jord.quaglia@sbcglobal.net |]]>
671 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235882624 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=677 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=677 With STDs, there is no discrimination by age or profession. The January report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that nearly 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, with rates increasing in women and the 15- to 24-year-olds. From the United Kingdom, the Sexually Transmitted Infections journal reported STDs are highest among women 45 to 54 and among men 55 to 60. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are helping to support Condom a Cappella as part of an educational effort in India and www.condomcondom.org feature downloadable tunes, with the video is on You Tube. As I said in my Providence Journal column this past Sunday, "Condoms are just one answer to the problem. The solution is probably a throwback to old fashioned courtship values. However, common sense works. Get to know your partner on more than just a casual basis. Agree to be tested before intimacy. And when cuddling up, always be prepared to ‘condom up.'"   For more on condomania and links to both the Providence Journal and World News Network, please go to: http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=674 ]]> 677 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236196106 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=676 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=676 yyyyyyy]]> 676 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236123044 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=678 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=678   ]]> 678 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236206059 _edit_last 2 City Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=680 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=680 Magazines, maybe.  Jeremy, yes. Despite what you think you can learn from a magazine, talking to someone who truly knows cigars and smokes maybe 40 a week is the only real way to develop your cigar education.  Jeremy always says, "We want clients to leave knowing a little more about the art of cigar smoking than when they came in.  We want everyone leaving Cigars Masters to understand our products at their core level." Tell Jeremy what flavors intrigue you and those you like to taste and he will find a cigar for you.  I'm serious about taste - chocolate, nuts, florals, wine flavors, fruity - there is a cigar for you.     My advice - make a visit there before you take your guy best guy and let Jeremy give you a quick lesson or two in "cigaring."  And by the by, he also has pretty good relationship advice.   Photo tour and videos: Here is their photo tour. http://www.cigarmasters.com/prov.htm   They are open seven days a week. Cigar Masters Providence is located at One West Exchange Street lower lever of the Westin. Phone is 401-383-9002. Go in and see for yourself why this is the best kept secret in Providence.  I promise that even though it is open to the public, you will want to become a member to take advantage of special events - in the spirit of full disclosure, I joined the very week they opened. Tell them Rita sent you. And maybe encourage them to have a Ladies Night every once in a while - and feel the power.   Photo courtesy of Brandon Salomon, Founder & Principal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=679  A Cigar Story,  A Job Club, and the SEC is Sued  ]]> 680 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236364536 _edit_last 2 Why Are We Losing So Much Sleep? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=685 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=685 CNN reported  on an interview with Dr. Raj Kakar, a medical director at the Dallas Center for Sleep Disorderst He said:   "Aside from financial anxieties, in just a decade society has become more around-the clock and more complex. "This has been more insidious over two decades," Kakar said. "With the advent of the Internet, cell phone, Blackberries, we're seeing our society is increasingly 24-7. People are able to be active at any time from anywhere, and it causes people to be more active around the clock. This increased activity is essentially giving sleep less importance."  CNN Sleep Mssing even just one hour a night can impair thinking and decision-making.  For more about the dangers of sleep deprivation, here are two articles: Reuters reported not too long ago that that “Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have found that women who are happy with their husbands or partners have less trouble sleeping than their single, unattached counterparts.” Reuters “While many things can interfere with sleep, stress and anxiety are very common, especially during an economic downturn,” according to neurologist Carl W. Bazil, M.D. “Ruminating about financial and personal problems, particularly as people quiet down and try to get to sleep, can interfere with relaxation and sleep onset. After poor sleep, people tend to be more irritable, which can lead to further anxiety and continued difficulty with sleep,” he said. Sleep is so important that even losing an hour or two a night can interfere with a person’s thinking and judgment. With interrupted sleep what eventually happens is “an involuntary pattern of poor relaxation and sleep interference with associated depression and poor functioning levels,” added Dr. Bazil, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. Copyright 2009  Rita Watson]]> 685 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1236490440 The Cougar is Coming, The Cougar is Coming! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=689 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=689 I'm going to quote this straight from the website. " Stacey, a beautiful, blonde mother of four from Arizona. As the star of TV Land PRIME's new reality competition dating series, Stacey -- who's a successful and determined realtor -- ispersonal success is based upon upbeat optimism, and she believes that younger men have a similar spirited tempo, a demeanor that Stacey finds crucial for her future love interest to possess -- a love interest that she plans to find o eager to shatter dating stereotypes. She believes society has placed a double standard on women who date younger men and wants to prove that age is simply a number."  Read all about her! http://www.tvland.com/prime/shows/cougar/   The show premiers on April 15th -- you can't forgot that famous date. Cougars have been hot news for a while.  Take a look at this story. Her Mother is a Cougar and She’s Hot for Me! ]]> 689 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236833750 _edit_last 2 Where is the Money, Mr. Madoff? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=690 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=690 ]]> 690 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236878201 _edit_last 2 UK Sex, US Money: Erotica and Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=692 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=692 First the Fantasy: Once upon a time, it appeared that men had more sex partners than women. Well in Britain at least, the women are catching up and even surpassing the men.  I wonder if it has to do with erotic literature?   I was just sent a copy of  "Best Women's Erotica '09" from Kara Wuest at www.cleispress.com.
Their website reads, "Love and lust run wild in the boldest edition of Violet Blue's bestselling women's erotica series. Here women of every sexual persuasion tease, romance, dominate, and deflower their partners in steamy encounters ranging from sweaty trysts to loving."  Believe me, their books are definitely for Mature audiences.
I must ask Kara if she thinks that I am out-of-date simply because I have a problem with erotic toys. The truth is, Kara,  I am not good with gadgets. Have no blender, no food processor, and no television (those “remotie” things intimidate me). 
The Sex Capital:  But back to sex and those advanced young women with more sexual partners than men. I found this while I was searching for a relationship report between erotic literature and sexual practices.  Young women in Britain are more promiscuous than men, according to a survey that claims the average 21-year-old has had nine sexual partners compared with seven for men,” says the Telegraph in the UK.  The article noted, “The poll of 2,000 by the magazine More also found that one in four young women has slept with more than 10 people, compared with one in five men who had done the same Now here is the shocker!  The article continues, this news "comes just a week after an academic study branded Britain one of the casual sex capitals of the Western world, with residents having more one-night stands and more liberal attitudes than those in Australia, France, the Netherlands, Italy and the US To find out more, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/3685314/Young-women-have-more-sexual-partners-than-men.html I am about love and marriage – and what happens in one’s bedroom is a private affair. So if all of this actually helps with couples'  intimacy, then I’m in the cheering section. If it encourages one to stray – then that is a sad state of affairs.   Now for Madoff:  If you can take it, here is a video]]>
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Sex on Sunday http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=694 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=694 http://news.aol.com/article/sex-sermons-in-alabama-church/378163]]> 694 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238117091 _edit_last 2 Stop http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=696 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=696 696 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237967105 _edit_last 2 Stop http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=697 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=697 697 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237967114 _edit_last 2 In France, Erotic Toys Sales Sagging http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=700 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=700 The report from Reuters, Paris, says, " Sales in the French erotic industry have fallen as the global economic crisis has driven consumers to reduce their spending on sex toys, massage oils and other kinky products." http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSTRE52F4RH20090316 An in the US, sex toy parties are booming.  Women at Athena's Novetly toys are telling us that they are "saving marriages, one party at a time." However at the largest trade show for adult toys in Paris, stall owners were reporting  "We have had a fall in turnover of about 30 percent compared with last year," said Bernard Montagud." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson Unemployment has been rising steadily for months in France as a fall in global economic activity has prompted many companies to lay off workers, and those who have kept their jobs are worried about the future.   But to some visitors at the fair, which also included a stage on which stripteases were performed to loud music, falling sales of sex toys made no sense in the current economic climate.   "When you can't go out, you have fun at home. So maybe it (the fair) can work," said a pensioner who gave only her first name, Joelle, adding that her spending had not changed.   (Reporting by Lucien Libert and Antony Paone; writing by Francois Murphy; Editing by Dominic Evans)       , sector specialists say.   At "Big Eropolis," an erotic fair that opened on Friday near Paris and bills itself as the biggest of its kind in the world, attendance was healthy but stall owners said customers were not spending as much as in previous years.   "We are hit by the financial crisis. We are not in the car industry either, so we haven't seen a drop (in sales) of 50 percent, but the financial crisis has hit us," the fair's organizer Eric Heuninck said of the industry.   There would, however, be at least as many visitors at the fair this year as last year, each paying 30 euros a ticket, he added as adults of all ages browsed at stalls selling a wide variety of vibrators, lingerie and high-heeled footwear.   "We have had a fall in turnover of about 30 percent compared with last year," said Bernard Montagud, who runs a sex toy stand at the fair which travels around France.   "Of course there's been an impact on business. Before, when a customer came and we presented the products, we always managed to sell them two or three items. Now, alas, they leave with one single item. We feel the impact," he added.   Unemployment has been rising steadily for months in France as a fall in global economic activity has prompted many companies to lay off workers, and those who have kept their jobs are worried about the future.   But to some visitors at the fair, which also included a stage on which stripteases were performed to loud music, falling sales of sex toys made no sense in the current economic climate.   "When you can't go out, you have fun at home. So maybe it (the fair) can work," said a pensioner who gave only her first name, Joelle, adding that her spending had not changed.   (Reporting by Lucien Libert and Antony Paone; writing by Francois Murphy; Editing by Dominic Evans)      ]]> 700 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237263249 _edit_last 2 Dune sex down, Christian sex up http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=710 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=710 Somewhat ironic these days, therapists are reporting that families find it easier to talk about sex than about money.  In this economy, there is lots of talk about money taking place.  And there is lots of talk about sex in the media and in churches. But first a note from Provincetown, Mass., public sex in the dunes is  down.  "P-town" often labeled a community that caters to those with gay lifestyles, has been attempting to create a more visitor-friendly atmosphere. The dunes have been a popular place for "rolls in the hay"  or sand, as the case may be.  But according to the Cape Cod Times, Park Rangers issued "significantly fewer tickets to people for public sex acts last summer... "The drop in tickets is due to a public education campaign waged by Seashore staff and a shortage of rangers, a park official said."  Hmm, so maybe it's not really down, but there are not enough rangers to catch them in the act.   Let's talk about sex among Christians.  We've all read about the minister in Texas who challenged his congregation to seven nights of sex.  Now there is a minister Daystar Church, whose congregation has grown dramatically under pastor Jerry Lawson, has run up against the sensibilities of a conservative north Alabama community with a monthlong focus on sex.   Sex just isn't an appropriate topic for church, some say, and others are upset over the church's signs, which advertise the sermon series and accompanying Web site. "It's really stirred up the people here," said Good Hope town clerk Joann Jones. http://www.christianpost.com/church/General/2009/03/sex-sermons-cause-stir-in-rural-alabama-12/index.html    This week on NPR org, it was reported that "Joy Wilson went looking for something to spice up her marriage without compromising her Christian beliefs. Finding nothing, she founded her own "sin-free" sex toy business. Book22.com caters to the Christian community with books, toys and occasional advice.  There is also www.PureBed.com that is filled with items to enhance one's marriage.   My own advice for couples of any religion is simple - with or without toys:  kind words, loving gestures, laughter, and forgiveness works every time.      ]]> 710 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238117991 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=711 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=711  ]]> 711 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237527724 _edit_last 2 Dune sex down, UK beach sex thrives http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=713 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=713 In the world of love and marriage, couples often enjoy a bit of a thrill.  And one place that offered the excitement of public sex took place in Provincetown, Mass.  which has been traditionally seen as a community that caters to those with gay lifestyles,  But it was reported this week that at least in the dunes. public sex is down.  The dunes have been a popular place for "rolls in the hay"  or sand, as the case may be for both gay and straight couples, and perhaps those who are bisexual. http://www.amazon.com/Bisexuals-Guide-Universe-Quips-Lists/dp/155583650X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237609928&sr=1-1  written by our Bisexuality Examiner Mike Szymanski. Regardless of sexual preference, according to the Cape Cod Times, Park Rangers issued "significantly fewer tickets to people for public sex acts last summer. The drop in tickets is due to a public education campaign waged by Seashore staff and a shortage of rangers, a park official said."  Hmm, so maybe it's not really down, but there are not enough rangers to issues tickets. http://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090318/NEWS/903180322 The story is this -- last year tourists were angry about sex on the beaches and so the number of citations are said to have tripled.  Nonetheless, the National Seashore is a federal preserve and public sex is prohibited. http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/general/view.bg?articleid=1105329&srvc=rss For those of you who like the thrill of sex in public, try the beaches in the UK.  Frankly it is always so chilly on UK beaches one has no choice but to hide under blankets to snuggle if not have sex.  This blogger offers 10 steps on beach sex.  http://www.ehow.com/how_4845023_sex-public-uk-beaches.html  Her last comment is quite important.  "Be respectful of police." My guy in Dubai tells me that the couple arrested for public sex in Dubai, when it is most definitely against the law, the partners in "crime" mouthed off to the police.  Not a smart thing to do in a country in which you are guest, and in which it is even a crime to share living quarters if you are not married. When I think of beach sex, I am strictly a voyeur.  Don't like all that sand blowing around.  And who knows what the water will do to my hair color.  As such, when I want a beach romance,  I replay the scene "From here to eternity."  It's here in my blog with a story about love and cheating.  http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=399  Is it just a kiss?  Sand dunes photo is from www.freefoto.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  Let's talk about sex among Christians.  Mindful of the challenges of money and the havoc it can wreak on relationships, last November a pastor in a Church in Texas attempted " to bring sex back into the heterosexual bedroom" and asked couples to engage is seven nights of sex." Pastor Ed Young made his marathon-sex challenge during this Sunday’s sermon to about 20,0000 members of his megachurch congregation. The 47 year old pastor who has four children, "says in today’s society — where promiscuity is promoted — sex needs to be reclaimed (and reigned supreme against all other types of sex). "  He has said, "Life is more than dollars and sex, it is about relationships."   http://www.wowowow.com/post/texas-pastor-ed-young-sex-for-seven-days-marathon-sex-141137?page=1 Now there is a minister for the Daystar Church, whose congregation has grown dramatically under pastor Jerry Lawson.  But he is offending some in north Alabama because of his month long focus on sex.  http://www.christianpost.com/church/General/2009/03/sex-sermons-cause-stir-in-rural-alabama-12/index.html  And now married couples are taking the lead.  Just this week NPR org, reported that "Joy Wilson went looking for something to spice up her marriage without compromising her Christian beliefs. Finding nothing, she founded her own "sin-free" sex toy business.  Book22.com caters to the Christian community with books, toys and occasional advice.  There is also www.PureBed.com that is filled with items to enhance one's marriage. My own advice for couples of any religion - with or without toys -- the message is a simple one: kind words, loving gestures, laughter, and forgiveness works every time. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson -- www.ritawatson.com]]> 713 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237654883 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=714 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=714 ]]> 714 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237595502 _edit_last 2 Beach sex triggers new rules in Dubai http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=717 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=717 http://archive.gulfnews.com/articles/08/11/25/10262495.html Incidently, both denied that they were having sex.  So it is possible that the authorities found them on the beach and said something - but instead of humbly apologizing, they developed a too-much-to-drink attitude.  As my guy in Dubai tells me, it has been whispered in that country that the real affront may have had as much to with their attitude toward the police as the act itself.  "These people were guests in another country that has rules of behavior in public. People are expected to show a certain reverence to a host country," he said.   In a report in the March 18 th Economist.com, it was noted: "Authorities in Dubai are clamping down on inappropriate behaviour in the emirate. Al Emarat al Youm, an Arabic-language newspaper with ties to Dubai's ruling family, recently reported on the new guidelines, whose exact legal status remains unclear. http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2009/03/new_rules_for_dubai.cfm The rules were discussed in the March 19th print edition of the Economist  which ironically noted:  "Even if the proposed rules are enforced, confining dancers to enclosed places, drinkers to designated bars, swimsuit-wearers to beaches and would-be hand-holders to their legitimate spouses, Dubai will still look ragingly liberal compared with its neighbours." http://www.economist.com/world/mideast-africa/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13337936 While the rules may not be rigid at resort areas, it is expected they will be strictly enforced in public areas. Bear in mind that when you travel - behavior is subject to consequences.  The State Department issues alerts.  For example, we often hear of students jailed in foreign countries because they were caught with marijuana.  If you learn in advance the rules of a foreign country - observe them rather than test the authorities.  ]]> 717 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1237836733 Love and Lies from Paris to Dubai http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=721 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=721 C'est la fin.  "The French don't understand the whole ‘testing' people out; they can be more honest with their feelings (if it's about sex it's about sex).  Sure it's easy to kid yourself that this dreamy French guy is the real deal, but the refreshingly honest thing is that you learn quickly that it's probably not... and that's okay!   "Sometimes I get the feeling that in the US we are searching for that special person to marry and begin our lives, instead of maybe living our lives for the right now. ]]> 721 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237962437 _edit_last 2 Love and Lies from Paris to Dubai: http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=723 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=723 While we often associate love lies with infidelity, an American in Paris tells us that love and lying may be inexplicably entwined. Twenty-something freelance translator Aimee Charest said, "A resounding ‘oui' for ladies who lie for relationships - guilty as charged. Everyone is afraid of being alone or being rejected. I think the real problem is that we lie to ourselves too much."                                        If we follow the logic that it is easier to tell the truth than to tell a love lie, "Why do people lie?"  An insecurity.  In reality the best predictor of how two people get along and the strength of their relationship might well be chemistry. And chemistry may be why co-habitation is up in 14 countries even though marriage is down.  But we know that in one country co-habitation will not be tolerated,  Dubai. Roger Manny, a U.S. architect managing a project in Dubai, says, "It is whispered that love lies and cheating do go on here except in marriages among the more fundamentalist couples. Out of respect for the sanctity of family, they are expected to live by higher standards." With regard to the new clamp down resulting from the beach sex scandal, he said, "You see what is happening here in Dubai now - the new laws will be tough for foreign visitors to follow.  It appears that the goal of the authorities is create a lifestyle that seems to be heading towards an even more respectful society."  But he added an interesting twist with regard to love and lies.  Manny pointed out, "It's funny that you talk about lying for love. In my travels around the world, the bigger issue is not lying for love, but looking for love. "Everywhere people are trying to find someone to love, romance, marry and maintain the intimacy of a good sex life, perhaps to recreate their initial passion."
  Aimee added, "Being in France, it seems that woman/man relationships are more carefully nurtured.  There isn't a feeling that you can date more than one person at a time; it's more like if you don't like that person anymore, it's over, C'est la fin.  "The French don't understand the whole ‘testing' people out; they can be more honest with their feelings (if it's about sex it's about sex).  Sure it's easy to kid yourself that this dreamy French guy is the real deal, but the refreshingly honest thing is that you learn quickly that it's probably not... and that's okay!   "Sometimes I get the feeling that in the US we are searching for that special person to marry and begin our lives, instead of maybe living our lives for the  here and now." ]]>
723 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238029845 _edit_last 2
Secretly taping sex is not like a public photo http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=727 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=727  Movie stars often complain about photographers intruding upon their privacy and yet
often relish and pose for photographers for high profile events. But what happens if you are a private citizen and learn that in the privacy of your boyfriend's bedroom, he is secretly taping the two of you having intimate relations? I came across a letter this week written in an Australian blog and I think it is worth sharing with you. The gist of it is even worse that we can imagine. This boyfriend not only has taped himself with other girlfriends, but takes delight in showing them off. The young woman who wrote to “Bossy” says that she is now  friends with one of the younger taped women and wonders what to do? Regarding the taping, “Bossy” emphatically answered “It is illegal to tape someone having sex without their  knowledge.” And pointed out that she hoped the young woman totally ransacked this unconscionable character’s bedroom looking for her tape. I encourage all women to read this article from Kate de Brito's blog – it is a bit disconcerting, but eye-opening. I_think_he_taped_us_having_sex As for what to do about the friend, “Talk to your friend alone, not in a corner at a party, but when it’s just the two of you. Let her know you’ve been worrying for a while about this issue, ever since it occurred to you she might have been a victim too.”
From my perspective, here are a few things you might do in the future.
  1. Set up a no sex rule in his house and only share intimacy at your place, a bit controlling, though.
  2. Insist you are into feng shui and can’t bear to have a TV screen staring at you, so you cover it with a sheet then make certain there is no remote in sight.
  3. Hide every remote or clicker in the room.
  4. Or simply be honest and say – “If I find out that you are taping us I will either call my brother the Sumo wrestler to visit you, or call the police.  My brother might not be as kind as the police, but at least you won’t be in jail.” 
  5. If you are the least bit suspicious of your date based on conversations, better be safe than sorry.  Kiss him good-bye.
One more thing – if by chance you enjoy being taped having sex, be darn sure that when you leave the place, you have the only copy held tightly in your hand. In this day of sexting images -- I would be super careful to protect my privacy. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com
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Sin-free sex toys in the US, lapdancing lust in London http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=730 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=730

An undated photo at Sapphire, a men's club in Las Vegas.  (AP)I

Stripper 127 x 170 - 16k - jpg weirdnews.about.com I’ve tried, Lord knows I’ve tried to ... 223 x 162 - 4k - jpg phosnorkapages.blogspot.com By The Associated Press 300 x 300 - 45k - jpg www.wkrg.com


730 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238167674 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=731 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=731 Book22.com caters to the Christian community with books, toys and occasional advice." There is also www.PureBed.com that is filled with items to enhance one's marriage. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=18975616 ere is the NPR link.  Are you a couple that is not comfortable talking about sex or using sex toys?  Here is simple intimacy advice -- kind words, loving touches, a body rub, laughter, and forgiveness works every time.  But let's face up to what is happening both in the US and abroad - pole dancing, lap dancing, burlesque, Internet porn, and a new wave or erotic books.  Maybe it isn't so bad,  If it helps strengthen marriages and relationships than "Why not?"

But for many, there is a fear attached to the unknown which became evident when lapdancing tried to make its way to a little place on the outskirts of London.  Said Ed West of the Telegraph in talking about the community, "The men walk around with Papooses, the women buy recyclable nappies for their babies (and then chuck them in the bin, like everybody else.) This is It's Grim Up North London territory - and residents are not pleased about having a strip club on their door." http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/edwest/blog/2009/03/24/when_lapdancing_came_to_guardian_country 

But the club's owners were on the mark when Serdel Ziya said: "It is the unknown. People just think of it as sleazy and they don't really know what it's all about. But our research has shown that there is a lot less trouble at places like this [than at a club]."

As for how such clubs might arouse men -- right again, "Most men think about sex 24/7 anyway

731 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238169720 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=732 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=732
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This Kathy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=735 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=735 735 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238364664 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=737 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=737
With all the books, secrets, and matcmaking services  today, we know that we live in a society that is looking for love and romance. In fact, last year, weddings in far away places were considered fantasies.  Search the Internet and you will see couples celebrating their marriage in Botswana. 
For me, the story of love in Botswana captured my heart when Precious Ramotswe rather casually mentions that she married her mechanic in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency some years ago.
And while I know this story is now a new HBO series, I encourage you to read the books and learn a little bit about loving.
AP photo, Botswana
I somehow do not see that the nuances of the the book will be captured in film. 
Despite all the stories, sometimes quite sad, this is what I found – a woman (although the author is a
 man) who understands relationships. When you follow her travels through Botswana in her white van, you will become as delighted as I was to learn how she became a wife – in a very low key way.
The novels were written by Alexander McCall Smith who weaves a tale of a woman who takes money left to her by her father, a cattle farmer, and following a disastrous marriage to a jazz musician, she sets up The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency in Gaborone. Her tiny white van brought her to meet and marry her love, “the finest mechanic in Botswana,"
In terms of looking for love Emily Brandon  wrote about the difference between young love and mature love in US News and World ReportThe biggest difference is you have some experience. You already have a love story inside you. You're a lot freer. You've completed your adult tasks, which are to raise a family and establish yourself in the community…You are freer to define the kind of life you want to lead. That's a wonderful bonus for relationships. You put a premium not on scoring with someone, but on connecting with someone and being who you really are."
Precious Ramotswe has one such love story and it embraces all the children and families who come into her world.  Read the books!   And when you see the cover, you will understand why I chose the AP photo of two women taking respite from the sun in Botswana. The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency And you will marvel at the author.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
737 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238472144 _edit_last 2
Test Page http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=740 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=740 740 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 page _edit_last 38 _edit_lock 1238551954 LINKS KEEP http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=743 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=743 Relationship Columns Sinatra, my father, and memories good and bad Rita Watson, World News, Sinatra, my father //www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_nurita5_04-05-09_4QDTG4L_v17.3e65086.html]]> 743 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238955849 _edit_last 2 Cigar MAsters http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=744 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=744 National Relationships Examiners Examiners explore topics and share their insights

City Secret: Cigar Masters is not for men only

March 6, 1:26 PM · Add a Comment
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Cigars are not just for men.  In fact, if you really want to impress your guy, take him over to Cigar Masters in Providence.
It all started for me in Boston one day, when I went into a shop to find a good cigar for a good guy.  And I became a fan myself. Can you imagine my delight when a neighbor took me on a surprise excursion? We walked by the Westin one day, and there came the comforting scent of good cigars.
The atmosphere is perfectly suited for “the guys large plasma screen TV” to socialize. But the bar and entry couches are warm and cozy.
  Here is the best part – the bartenders make you feel at home. Jeremy Soares and the warm staff are always there to greet you. And the cigars and atmosphere are premium quality  
For example, I like the Davidoff’s, a bit more pricy than most, but I like them. However one evening I was there with a neighbor who has clients in Connecticut. We searched around in the humidor and within minutes Jeremy said, “Here it is, the Ashton. The leaves are right from your neighborhood.” And he gave us a bit of history that was intriguing.
Magazines, maybe. Jeremy, yes. Despite what you think you can learn from a magazine, talking to someone who truly knows cigars and smokes maybe 40 a week is the only real way to develop your cigar education. 
Jeremy always says, “We want clients to leave knowing a little more about the art of cigar smoking than when they came in.  We want everyone leaving Cigars Masters to understand our products at their core level."   Tell Jeremy what flavors intrigue you and those you like to taste and he will find a cigar for you. I’m serious about taste – chocolate, nuts, florals, wine flavors, fruity – there is a cigar for you. 
AND A WORD ABOUT JEREMY -- you won't find this serious looking professional.  You will follow the laughter, or look for the instructor, That's Jeremy. 
My advice – make a visit there before you take your guy best guy and let Jeremy give you a quick lesson or two in “cigaring.” And by the by, he also has pretty good relationship advice.  
Photo tour and videos: Here is their photo tourhttp://www.cigarmasters.com/prov.htm  
They are open seven days a week. Cigar Masters Providence is located at One West Exchange Street lower lever of the Westin. Phone is 401-383-9002.  Brandon Salomon is the Founder & Principal. (Photo from J. Soares at Cigar Masters)
To read more about cigars on my blog, go to: A Cigar Story, A Job Club, and the SEC is Sued Copyright 2009 Rita Watson:  www.ritawatson.com
Author: Rita Watson
Rita Watson is a National Examiner. You can see Rita's articles on Rita's Home Page.
744 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238995969 _edit_last 2
Cheaters: Why Men and Dogs Should Come with Papers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=745 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=745 745 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239069490 _edit_last 2 Frank Sinatra and my father, his sound consultant http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=747 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=747 Here is a photo of Frank and my father that has been in his memory book.
          ALTHOUGH  today his memory is slipping
747 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1239070439
Borrow that man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=749 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=749 Borrow that man, the one who cleans and builds
April 7, 12:11 PM · Add a Comment
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 Paul Sakuma/ AP file
She divorced him why? He was cleaning the house too much!  Can I borrow that man, the one who  knocked down a wall that got dirty and then rebuilt it?  I don’t see a problem here.  But apparently they had bigger problems in Berlin that we didn’t read about this week. Reuters.com/Oddly Enough News
The irony of men and housework is that last year at about this time, many stories surfaced saying that men who did housework “got more sex.”
In the 90s reports from The Work and Family Institute by Ellen Galinsky and Dana Friedman indicated that women still did the majority of work in the home.  But the good news is that just last year a report from the Pew Foundation found that couples believed in sharing chores. 
However, shortly thereafter the economy took a nose dive leaving many men too depressed to take on added responsibility at home.  And instead of participating in the upkeep of a house, they reach for a drink, a TV remote, or a magazine.  For advice on how to handle this, see  Stressed women
For those who have forgotten the book about men and housework, here is a Newsweek link refresher. Newsweek.com 
As for the gentleman in Berlin doing the housework, you might be too much of a Mr. Clean and I would probably need to hire a service before I could borrow you.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson -- www.ritawatson.com
749 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239209456 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=762 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=762 this this is the day]]> 762 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240266897 _edit_last 2 hwello http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=763 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=763 763 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240270791 _edit_last 38 Making money on lovers spanking skirts from Pakistan to the US http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=772 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=772 div While most couples enjoy an intimate evening with sexy negligee, how would you react if your husband or lover came home with a spanking skirt?  Leather leather fronts typical short skirts, these have an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled? On the flip side, might you purchase one, with a thin riding crop perhaps and surprise him?! In an era in which we have seen marriages crumble in the wake of scandalous trysts with women from escort services, perhaps a man who brings home a spanking skirt is merely trying to set up a dialogue – one that says, “We need more excitement in our marriage.” Take it as a cue and not an insult. The industry is growing. It seems that there is an increasing demand for erotica which appears to be fueled by the Internet. Right now in Pakistan, according to a New York Times report this week, “Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business,” a little company in Karachi has a $1 million industry catering to the fetish and bondage products for the United States and Europe.
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While most couples enjoy an intimate evening with sexy negligee, how would you react if your husband or lover came home with a spanking skirt?  Leather leather fronts typical short skirts, these have an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled? On the flip side, might you purchase one, with a thin riding crop perhaps and surprise him?!

What would you do if your husband or lover came home with a sexy negligee for you? Most probably you would enjoy it. What about a spanking skirt -- those skirts with leather fronts and an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled?

In an era in which we have seen marriages crumble in the wake of scandalous trysts with women from escort services, perhaps a man who brings home a spanking skirt is merely trying to set up a dialogue – one that says, “We need more excitement in our marriage.”

Take it as a cue and not an insult. The industry is growing.

It seems that there is an increasing demand for erotica which appears to be fueled by the Internet. Right now in Pakistan, according to a New York Times report this week, “Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business,” a little company in Karachi has a $1 million industry catering to the fetish and bondage products for the United States and Europe.

They sell primarily online and through eBay. According to the founders, their market research tells them that “70 percent of their customers were middle-to upper-class Americans and a majority of them Democrats. The Netherlands and Germany account for the bulk of their European sales.”

New York Times

Keep in mind that costumes and toys sometimes give a couple a few moments of fun – that may turn around the problems faced in 20 million sexless marriages.

When I questioned the notion that this could be demeaning to women, one of my colleagues pointed out that when a woman dons a spanking skirt, the pleasurable pain is something she most likely enjoys, if it stays on a fun and sensual level.

According to the Guardian.co.uk, exotic and erotic lingerie sales are on the rise, despite the recession.


Book jacket photo: Cleis Press, book by Alison Tyler

Copyright 2009 Rita Watson

They sell primarily online and through eBay. According to the founders, their market research tells them that “70 percent of their customers were middle-to upper-class Americans and a majority of them Democrats. The Netherlands and Germany account for the bulk of their European sales.”
Keep in mind that costumes and toys sometimes give a couple a few moments of fun – that may turn around the problems faced in 20 million sexless marriages.
When I questioned the notion that this could be demeaning to women, one of my colleagues pointed out that when a woman dons a spanking skirt, the pleasurable pain is something she most likely enjoys, if it stays on a fun and sensual level.
According to the Guardian.co.uk, exotic and erotic lingerie sales are on the rise, despite the recession.
Book jacket photo: Cleis Press, book by Alison Tyler
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
772 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241019558
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=774 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=774 774 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241137499 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=782 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=782 http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_watson3_05-03-09_C1E72MM_v13.3e69dc1.html]]> 782 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241472028 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=783 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=783  




783 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1241530403 _edit_last 2
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=778 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=778 Green Building Council

Sen. Reid optimistic on climate bill progress

They are featuring five green businesses to watch, environmental videos, and also “cracking the mystery of green jobs. Here are some of the other stories for those who are loving green.
Traditionally we have talked of green as money, now it is the environment. But here is another bit of green, but the heart chakra. Green is the color of love and it is becoming the color to love.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
778 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241289335
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=789 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=789 <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.8in 1.25in 1.5in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

Love is a challenge for long distance lovers.  And there is a “his” and “hers” side to long distance relationships. Whether or not they last depends upon time and commitment.

In this tanking economy, many couples are going to find themselves seeking jobs wherever they can be found.

What will this mean for your relationship if it happens to you? I know quite a number of married couples who have done quite well on long distance relationships — both parties were (are) professional couples, totally devoted to each other because they have no children.

Stating up a relationship that is going to be long distance has a higher failure rate because the bond has not had time to establish itself.

What are the success factors? Success factors include ease of travel, time together (every two to three weeks is best), and an approximately equal income helps in terms of independence. Most often marriage is what makes the long distance relationship a success — unless it is a second marriage and children are involved. It helps to be in the same country, but if not,  the same time zone helps to make communicating less stressful.

Avice columns: Most of the advice columns on LDRs — with regard to new couples — suggest an "end” time goal.  Six months for marriage.  But keep in mind that the LDR is artificial in itself — and that too many couples try it, move in together or wed — and then face the shock of routine or each other’s real habits and needs within three - six months.  By then the thrill and the excitement are gone and day to day sets in. Yes, those are his dirty socks on your newly made bed!

For independent women, it often only takes only a few weeks of being with someone on their turf living their daily business routine to determine if the relationship can go forward. Relationships under the best conditions are stressful. If your circumstances in this economy force you into an LDR, keep the passion going!

Advice from the men: Ask Men Advice from the women: from the Women What made me think of this column today?  My guy from Dubai is flying in!

Fabulous photo from Travelhouseuk.wordpress.com

Copyright 2009 Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com

Love is a challenge for long distance lovers.  And there is a "his" and "hers" side to long distance relationships. Whether or not they last depends upon time and commitment. In this tanking economy, many couples are going to find themselves seeking jobs wherever they can be found. What will this mean for your relationship if it happens to you? I know quite a number of married couples who have done quite well on long distance relationships - both parties were (are) professional couples, totally devoted to each other because they have no children. Stating up a relationship that is going to be long distance has a higher failure rate because the bond has not had time to establish itself. What are the success factors? Success factors include ease of travel, time together (every two to three weeks is best), and an approximately equal income helps in terms of independence. Most often marriage is what makes the long distance relationship a success - unless it is a second marriage and children are involved. It helps to be in the same country, but if not,  the same time zone helps to make communicating less stressful. Avice columns: Most of the advice columns on LDRs - with regard to new couples - suggest an "end" time goal.  Six months for marriage.  But keep in mind that the LDR is artificial in itself - and that too many couples try it, move in together or wed - and then face the shock of routine or each other's real habits and needs within three - six months.  By then the thrill and the excitement are gone and day to day sets in. Yes, those are his dirty socks on your newly made bed! For independent women, it often only takes only a few weeks of being with someone on their turf living their daily business routine to determine if the relationship can go forward. Relationships under the best conditions are stressful. If your circumstances in this economy force you into an LDR, keep the passion going! Advice from the men: Ask Men Advice from the women: from the Women What made me think of this column today?  My guy from Dubai is flying in! Fabulous photo from Travelhouseuk.wordpress.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com]]>
789 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241963817
Bernie Madoff, Fortune Magazine story on how he pulled off the swindle http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=795 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=795 By James Bandler and Nicholas Varchaver
View photosThe Madoff family business seemed to be an inspiring success -- until its patriarch revealed himself to be a con man for the history books. Scenes from a double life
#IEContainerR .cnnGenSidebarWidget .cnnWidgetBody .leaderHed {font-weight:bold;} #IEContainerR .cnnGenSidebarWidget .cnnWidgetBody .moreSummaryList {margin-bottom: 15px;}
NEW YORK (Fortune) -- The employees were transfixed. Standing on the mid-Manhattan trading floor of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities in late 2007, a half-dozen staffers stared up at the ceiling-mounted TV as CNBC aired a report on the mysterious Palm Beach death of a hedge fund manager who had been leading a double life. The police, it appeared, were even considering the possibility that he had been murdered. "Bernie," someone casually asked as Madoff happened to walk by, "have you heard of this guy?" Madoff glanced at the screen, blanched, and exploded: "Why the fuck would I be interested in some shit like that?" The employees recoiled. "I never saw him react like that before," says a Madoff trader who witnessed the outburst. "It obviously hit a nerve." 0 http://money.cnn.com/2009/04/24/news/newsmakers/madoff.fortune/]]>
795 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1242398621
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=802 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=802

 ]]> 802 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243106840 _edit_last 2 Susan Boyle: the economy and the rainbow http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=803 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=803 A room from many angles: With Susan Boyle, when we first came to know her, it was from the stage angle -- a stage that glorifies youth and beauty. And we judged her – we laughed. Then she began to sing and another form of beauty  emerged. She became our rainbow in this recession.  Today couples are stressed.  Marriages are strained. Every day the financial news looms heavily. When I first began writing about couples and the economy, I phoned  William H. Sledge, MD, interim chief of psychiatry at Yale and I asked him about the Susan Boyle phenomenon. Susan’s voice: He said, “Her singing voice is terrific.  But it appears to be made more so by the contrast between how she looks (not glamorous) and the way she sounds (very glamorous).  Maybe we need something to pick us up and look at from under the dog during these difficult times. “But I am more inclined to think that what you are seeing in the outpouring of attention is the surprise, excitement, and thrill when our expectations are greatly exceeded.  All aided and abetted by the contrast between her and the judges who have used the occasion to reveal their humanity as well which apparently they sometimes successfully suppress. Confident before judges: His next thought resonates. Dr. Sledge says, “She does the song and begins to walk off the stage.  She has to be coaxed back to find out what the judges are thinking – and this suggests that it does not matter much to her or at least not enough to make a spectacle of herself in anxious anticipation. “At the same time when she learns that they have voted her back, she is able to show her unadorned joy.   Susan Boyle is hype immune.  And that makes her our heroine.” Susan Boyle reached inside of her heart and soul and gave us her gift of song. We each probably need to look within to find our own gifts to help us through tough times and give joy to those whom we love.  Just as we anticipate hearing Susan sing her next song, we might anticipate a moment in which we can relax and believe that when after the clouds break open, a sun will shine, and if we look up towards that sun, a rainbow will appear. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 803 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243345056 _edit_last 2 The Economic Crisis according to Michael Moore http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=805 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=805 Politics Daily Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 805 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1243379050 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=808 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=808 ]]> 808 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243570510 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=818 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=818 Our Love Affair with Green    003300 Our Love Affair with Green 009900 Our Love Affair with Green #2f883c Our Love Affair with Green #009933

Our Love Affair with Green 003300

Our Love Affair with Green 009900

Our Love Affair with Green #2f883c

Our Love Affair with Green #009933

818 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244478669 _edit_last 2
The train, the train! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=820 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=820 820 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244853611 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=821 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=821 From Creme de la Mode Although as many of you read yesterday, love and commitment is on the rise, just not marriage. On the rise: commited in love but not in marriage, from gay solidarity to a simple union For those still looking for love, the magical uniform is a reminder of the only animal in mythology and history that was born out of love and not from fear and is often pictured resting its head on the lap of a fair maiden. I remember how pleased I was to learn that last year the unicorn had been found in Italy. I wondered then, and was reminded again now -- is it time to find or rekindle love?
The Italian Unicorn
Last year the Italian press reported  that “A deer with a single horn in the center of its head - much like the fabled, mythical unicorn - has been spotted in a nature preserve in Italy. “This is fantasy becoming reality,” Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Center of Natural Sciences in Prato, told The Associated Press. “The unicorn has always been a mythological animal.”  To see photos and read more,The Italian Unicorn. If a magical animal can become real, so can true love.  But this is the secret.  Break old habits.  Even if you think you are happy now, ask yourself — “Is he or she part of a pattern?  Have I done this before and ended up miserable?  Was I manipulated or duped? Maybe you are saying to yourself, “This time it’s different.” Oh, really.  Than take the time to take the quiz.  Take yourself seriously enough to break with the past,  Consider the odds that may be against you.   Get over the ego that says, “I know people tell me that this can’t work, but….” Take a look at Robert Sternberg’s questionnaire — What is Your Love Story?  If you are a caretaker, or a rescuer, rethink the role.  Finding Your Love Story Two simple quizzes and one lovely thought. Are you dating the right person? Take this quiz from LifeScript to help you determine if you are in the right relationship.  Or are you in the wrong relationship and heading for heartbreak?  Are_You_Dating_The_Right_Person
While I try to remain “neutral but opinionated” we can always count on Maureen Dowd of the New York Times to tell it like it is.  She says stay away from men who have no friends, can be stepped on, or are tied to Mama’s apron strings. Here is a Cosmopolitan quiz. Is_he_only_after_your_bod
The love of her life: I have a friend who didn't marry until she was in her late 40's.  She was so disappointed from a first early marriage that ended in divorce that she thought she would never marry again.  Then someone gave her a beautiful journal. Each day she wrote herself a story about the man she wished to love.  She talked about qualities, values, and her hopes and dreams for togetherness.
One day she was visiting Jamaica and as she walked through a hotel a man approached her and asked if she wanted to attend his art opening.  He said to me, "You don't know me, I you look like a woman who appreciates the arts."
The more time the two spent together, the more she realized that he was man she had written about in her journal.  They were married within a year.
A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster happiness, good health and youthfulness at any age.  You owe yourself the time!]]>
821 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244853882 _edit_last 2
Steamy, sexy advice for women only http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=825 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=825 Steamy, sexy advice for women only
June 11, 4:52 PM · 2 comments
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Sex, women, Sex in City, hot and steamy AP Photo/ Evan Agostini (Kim Cattrel)
Don't let the sex blahs get you down! Dr. Laura Berman has some good advice for women.  When you read her thoughts or watch the video you will understand why women owe it to themselves to spend more time with girlfriends and enjoy sex more often with husbands and lovers. In an earlier piece from WebMD that talked about men maintaining a sex drive more so than women -- the statistics were not pretty.   Dr. Berman says to watch out for The Hurried Woman Syndrome -- women trying to do it all, whether they are stay-at-home moms or working moms. MSNBC The ladies on Sex and the City might give some help and a few useful clues despite the new studies that say "Even as men and women age, men still fantasize twice as often as do the women and also have more spontaneous sexual arousal."  Here are facts: Sex: men, women, fantasies, and desire -- now let's defy them! Sudden passion: a series to heat up romance

Sudden passion: a series to heat up romance
825 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947443 _edit_last 2
Sex: men, women, fantasies, and desire http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=826 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=826 Sex: men, women, fantasies, and desire
June 11, 1:28 AM · 1 comment
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AP Photo/ Sex in the City
Who most enjoys sex - men or women?  If you were a devoted follower of  "Sex in the City" you might think that the answer is "women."  Not so according to a recent major survey of sexual practices reported on WebMD it seems that men think about sex at least once a day,  whereas 25% of women surveyed thought of sex once a day. Even as men and women age, men still fantasize twice as often as do the women and also have more spontaneous sexual arousal.
"Sexual desire in women is extremely sensitive to environment and context," says Edward O. Laumann, PhD, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and lead author of a major survey of sexual practices, The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States.  
Here are seven patterns of men's and women's sex drives that researchers have found.
1. Men think more about sex.
2. Men seek sex more avidly -- at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it, and after many years of it. Gay men report more sex than do lesbians.
3. Women's sexual inclinations are more complicated than men's.
4. Women's sex drives are more influenced by social and cultural factors.
5. Women take a less direct route to sexual satisfaction, as such, the romance novel
6. Women experience orgasms differently than men.
7. Women's libidos seem to be less amenable to drugs - whereas men have a field day with those little blue pills. WebMD sex-drive-how-do-men-women-compare
What does this mean for love and marriage? It means that women who want to keep intimacy alive may consider buying the books on 365 days of sex.  NY Times, "Yes, dear, again tonight."
  • Loving words are the surest way to keep love alive.
  • Communication is key. Women with hidden agendas will soon learn that their husbands or lovers have secret loves or sex partners on the side.
  • Kiss each other often.  Kisses, loving and passionate, stimulate desire.
  • Keep romance loving and daring. Thinking about sex in terms of planning for an evening of excitement can be very satisfying.
  • Find a few sudden passion ideas that will keep your relationship sizzling. Sudden passion: a series to heat up romance
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Sudden passion: a series to heat up romance http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=828 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=828 Sudden passion: a series to heat up romance
June 8, 12:25 PM · 1 comment
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The concept of sudden passion, hot and unexpectedly intimate moments, is really my way of suggesting you spice up your own relationship. If you have a romance that seems to be at a standstill, "kick it up a notch." Sometimes women, and men, become bored and they find themselves suddenly attracted to a member of the opposite sex who appears to offer a bit of danger, a bit of lust. Women are too easily burned by the man who is hot, sexy, and intimate but who doesn’t have his head together.
I received an email from a friend who found herself in the throes of a torrid romance. Despite all of my cautionary words, she was left in a crying heap within months. Then someone sent me the email that follows and it could have come directly from my dear friend (her guy was even the same age -- hmm a life crisis guy). Four weeks of passion and now he wants platonic
Here are links to my Sudden Passion postings up to now -- lots more slated for a steamy summer.  Think of sudden passion as a way of enhancing your own love.
As she related the story, a hazy passionate glaze seemed to envelop her.  "He placed the blindfold gently over my eyes," she began....Keep Reading »
The Shag Bag is a not-so-pure but very simple bag of sexy treats. And I thank you all for reminding me that the men in your life carry shag bags onto...Keep Reading »
Some tasty ideas here should you catch your husband or lover watching porn.  Rather than an argument, how about giving him an experience that is...Keep Reading »
In writing about Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers, I came across a notice about something special happening with our Denver Sex and Romance...Keep Reading »
What should you do if you catch your husband or lover watching porn? Give him an experience that is so hot, so passionate, and so unpredictable...Keep Reading »
Sudden passion: sex surge, pregnancy, Sex in the City
Whenever you worry that you are having a sudden sex surge, reassure yourself, it is perfectly normal, even during pregnancy. Some women worry when...Keep Reading »
How far are you willing to go for titillation? If your husband or lover came home with a sexy negligee for you, you would wear it and enjoy it....Keep Reading »
It happens more than we realize. In fact it happens much more than even I realized when I wrote this a few days ago.  As such, at the end, you...Keep Reading »
Every once in a while a woman writes a story about a sudden sex urge. Some women worry when they have a sudden desire to truly enjoy the pleasures of...Keep Reading »
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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From Oprah, find the love of your life http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=827 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=827 From Oprah, find the love of your life
June 9, 11:56 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo / Tom and Katie
I have a theory about love.  We see it and find it first in our hearts.  For that reason, this week I am starting my Seven Steps to your Dream Love.  But I did receive a link today from a friend who read Helen Fisher's theories in Oprah's magazine. Dr. Fisher is the chief scientific advisor for Chemistry.com and she says here, "In the spring of 2007, 500 couples who read O participated in an online survey I developed to explore how happy different personality combinations are together. The findings were stunning. More than 70 percent said they would marry the same person again—after an average of 16 years together. That is a supreme achievement." She developed four types of personalities and how to find your match.
  • The Explorer -- Highly curious, creative, energetic, spontaneous.
  • The Builder --  Calm, social, popular, and good at managing people, networking, and building family and community.
  • The Director -- Analytical and logical, straightforward, decisive, tough minded, and focused.
  • The Negotiator -- Imaginative, intuitive, empathetic, and emotionally expressive, and have good verbal and social skills.
What are your thoughts on a love match? Oprah.com In my unicorn story last week I talked about this being the year of finding love. I said, "If a magical animal can become real, so can true love.  But this is the secret.  Break old habits.  Even if you think you are happy now, ask yourself — “Is he or she part of a pattern?  Have I done this before and ended up miserable?  Was I manipulated or duped?" Maybe you are saying to yourself, “This time it’s different.” So I suggested you take the quiz.  Dr. Robert Sternberg did an extensive questionnaire several years back called: What is Your Love Story?  And here he talked about mistakes we make by seeking out the same problem over and over again.   Finding Your Love Story For those of you wondering if you are dating the right person and if marriage will ever come your way take this quiz.  Are_You_Dating_The_Right_Person Happiness/ RitaE
827 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947467 _edit_last 2
Nude again: the French president's wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=829 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=829 Nude again: the French president's wife
June 8, 2:21 AM · 1 comment
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Nude again: wife of the French president. Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy AP Photo/ J.J. Guillen
The press is having a field day once again as another nude photo of Carla Bruni, wife of French President Sarkozy, was auctioned on Thursday. The photo showing Mme Sarkozy draped with a sheet and on a bed fetched only about $19,000, whereas as earlier nude photo brought in about $91,000.
The most recent nude photo was purchased by an anonymous bidder at a Berlin auction house. It depicts “a nude Bruni lounging in an unmade bed captured by American fashion photographer Pamela Hanson in 1994.” Carla-bruni-another-nude-photo-of-french-first-lady-surfaces
Carla Bruni was a well know fashion model before she married Sarkozy. However, could the president have anticipated nude photos for sale of the first lady? His comment? No comment. BBC News
In a display of public affection – and believe me I think public displays of affection are very healthy for marriages – The Times of India reported: “The intimate moments, recorded during an interview, mark the first time that a French president and his first lady have been filmed sharing such flirtatious moments in the Elysee Palace.” Times of India
Good for Sarkozy and good for those who say, “They are married. They are in love. And love is good.”  As for the nude photos, it seems that both the president and the people are saying, “C’est la vie.”
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If your ex is still in the picture, try the feng shui of love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=830 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=830 If your ex is still in the picture, try the feng shui of love
June 7, 1:22 AM · 1 comment
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AP Photo -What's wrong with this picture today?
If your names happen to be Brad and Jen and Brad is married to Angelina but still friends with Jen, then I guess the answer is  "yes" your ex is still in the picture. Tinseltown has been in a tizzy over Brad and Jen sightings these days, and the gossips have been having a field day with reports that Angie is furious, or is she? The Brad Pitt factor In reality, I  personally see nothing wrong in remaining friends with an ex as long as it does not interfer with a current relationship and create an emotional threesome. There must be something going around. A cartoon this week depicted a huge cloud shaped like a man's face hovering over a couple.  The young man says, "Why do I get the feeling that your ex is watching us?" If your ex is still in the picture, try the feng shui of love The ancient of placement, feng shui has been in the news a lot these days. Most people think of it in terms of the proper placement of furniture, but it is really a clearing our ceremony to make way for more intimacy. For example, there is a special placement of chairs so that you can interact more effectively and communicate better with others.
Attracting love feng shui begins with clearing out clutter. Feng Shui advocates say that no room, no closet, no drawer should be stuffed with worn out objects. You need to clear away the clutter to invite the "Chi"  or good luck into your lives.
How do you do this with love?
  1. Clear out the baggage of old relationships.
  2. Toss old pictures, mementos of past, stale relationships.
  3. Stop thinking about ways you were hurt.
  4. Reverse thoughts that are painful. For every time you think of the injustice, think of the one positive experience you had with a previous partner -- and focus on that.
  5. Refuse to get into conversations in which you replay negativity. When you find yourself in the trap, stop and remember a positive quality about the other person.
  6. Think about what brought you happiness with a previous partner.
  7. Think about the kinds of happiness you brought to each other.
  8. Strive to find positive qualities in someone new.
  9. If you still care for your ex, release those love feelings, particularly if he or she is in another relationship, but hold onto the possibility of finding that quality in someone new.
  10. Keep yourself open to new love.
Now to try to bring new love into your home and bedroom, here are some feng shui tips  About.com/love Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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A double cougar day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=831 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=831 A double cougar day
June 5, 10:54 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo of Demi with Ashton
From "The Cougar" finale to the newest cougar, it has been an interesting day in the wild. The New York Post reported today that the son of famed party photographer Patrick McMullam, Liam, 21, is engaged to Aesha Waks, 35, an aspiring actress whom he has known for a month.  There is an interesting story about this young man in the movie Twelve, the story of a teen who deals drugs at his private school, a first role for Liam. Observer
The news comes as we learn that Stacey Anderson picks Jimmy Heck on the  Cougar finale -- “ho hum.”
The show itself  came with lots of good publicity but after the first episode Rebecca Traister writing for Salon said:   “A confession: I hate cougars. I hate the word 'cougar.' I hate the concept of cougars. I hate the new show  'The Cougar.'  A new reality show reminds us (again) that an adult woman with a libido is a crazed wildcat. What's so empowering about that?" Salon.com And the New York Daily News said, “No loss if TV land’s the Cougar became extinct." 
As an incurable romantic I believe in love, marriage, and relationships. But as I pointed out in my New Year article, this year we are being challenged to put aside traditional thinking and if we can look at Cougars in a positive light, it is a pretty exciting concept.
In talking about Cougar relationships, Susan Shapiro Barash, a gender expert and author who teaches at Marymount Manhattan College, in New York says, “The relationship is a meeting of the minds — soul mates. This is a very bold step for these couples because they are defining themselves differently than the traditional family.”
She adds: “It is empowering for women who marry younger men. This defies the norm in a prescribed role. With older and richer men marrying younger women there was always tacit approval of the trophy wife; whereas women do not view the younger men in their lives as arm candy.”
Thank you Susan, I feel as if reality TV takes away from the special union that two people find when they have the courage to seek out a love relationship that defies the norm.
If you are looking for love,  you may enjoy the article and the beautiful picture: The mythical unicorn and finding magical love
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
831 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244945729 _edit_last 2
On the rise, committed in love but not in marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=832 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=832 On the rise: commited in love but not in marriage, from gay solidarity to a simple union
June 4, 10:05 AM · 1 comment
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AP Photo / Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon
Whether because of escalating marital infidelity, solidarity with gay couples who have been denied the right to marry, or what has been a 50 percent divorce rate, living  together instead of marriage is on the rise in 13 countries.
According to Time magazine, “More than 5 million unmarried couples cohabit in the U.S., nearly eight times the number in 1970, and a record-breaking 40% of babies born in 2007 had unmarried parents (that's up 25% from 2002).
In a letter to the editor at Time magazine this week someone expressed a growing sentiment: “Even though it can be tricky at times, we are living in domestic-partnership bliss, and I hope in our lifetimes we and our gay friends will be able to check the MARRIED box on census forms.
Last July I wrote a piece for the Providence Journal called, “New Rules for Open Marriage,” and interviewed a young couple from Portland, Oregon. She said: “Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?”
And he said: ““We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old. I also see living together as a sacred ritual where two people can publicly make a commitment to caring for each other . even if you are pagan anarchists.”  Relationship columns
The trend is making news. A new article in Rodale News says, “Sharing a home but not wedding vows is more popular than ever in the U.S. More unmarried couples than ever before are living together, and having children together. But like marriage, committed cohabitation comes with significant legal and relationship issues.” Rodale.com/legal-rights
What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, perhaps it is time for family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care. We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation.  But primarily it might be time for all of us to begin looking more closely at choices -- the risks and benefits.
However, despite my belief in marriage, here is a photo gallery of the happily committed but unmarried in Hollywood.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
832 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244945856 _edit_last 2
The mythical unicorn and finding magical love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=833 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=833 The mythical unicorn and finding magical love
June 5, 5:32 AM · 1 comment
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From Creme de la Mode
We hear from our Tintin Examiner that the upcoming Tintin movie, The Secret of the Unicorn, has a release date.  In reading about this yesterday -- in my own attempt to find news that wasn't sad -- I was reminded of the story of the mythical unicorn and how it helps one to find magical ove. Although as many of you read yesterday, love and commitment is on the rise, just not marriage. On the rise: commited in love but not in marriage, from gay solidarity to a simple union For those still looking for love, the magical uniform is a reminder of the only animal in mythology and history that was born out of love and not from fear and is often pictured resting its head on the lap of a fair maiden. I remember how pleased I was to learn that last year the unicorn had been found in Italy. I wondered then, and was reminded again now -- is it time to find or rekindle love?
The Italian Unicorn
Last year the Italian press reported  that “A deer with a single horn in the center of its head - much like the fabled, mythical unicorn - has been spotted in a nature preserve in Italy. “This is fantasy becoming reality,” Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Center of Natural Sciences in Prato, told The Associated Press. “The unicorn has always been a mythological animal.”  To see photos and read more,The Italian Unicorn. If a magical animal can become real, so can true love.  But this is the secret.  Break old habits.  Even if you think you are happy now, ask yourself — “Is he or she part of a pattern?  Have I done this before and ended up miserable?  Was I manipulated or duped? Maybe you are saying to yourself, “This time it’s different.” Oh, really.  Than take the time to take the quiz.  Take yourself seriously enough to break with the past,  Consider the odds that may be against you.   Get over the ego that says, “I know people tell me that this can’t work, but….” Take a look at Robert Sternberg’s questionnaire — What is Your Love Story?  If you are a caretaker, or a rescuer, rethink the role.  Finding Your Love Story Two simple quizzes and one lovely thought. Are you dating the right person? Take this quiz from LifeScript to help you determine if you are in the right relationship.  Or are you in the wrong relationship and heading for heartbreak?  Are_You_Dating_The_Right_Person
While I try to remain “neutral but opinionated” we can always count on Maureen Dowd of the New York Times to tell it like it is.  She says stay away from men who have no friends, can be stepped on, or are tied to Mama’s apron strings. Here is a Cosmopolitan quiz. Is_he_only_after_your_bod
The love of her life: I have a friend who didn't marry until she was in her late 40's.  She was so disappointed from a first early marriage that ended in divorce that she thought she would never marry again.  Then someone gave her a beautiful journal. Each day she wrote herself a story about the man she wished to love.  She talked about qualities, values, and her hopes and dreams for togetherness.
One day she was visiting Jamaica and as she walked through a hotel a man approached her and asked if she wanted to attend his art opening.  He said to me, "You don't know me, I you look like a woman who appreciates the arts."
The more time the two spent together, the more she realized that he was man she had written about in her journal.  They were married within a year.
A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster happiness, good health and youthfulness at any age.  You owe yourself the time! REMEMBER -- NEXT WEEK I AM STARTING MY STEPS TO MAKING A DREAM COME TRUE SERIES. In the interim, keep thinking of love. / RitaE Lovely photos of unicorns on a lovely site from Creme de la Mode -- do visit thecreme.wordpress.com/.../
833 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244945886 _edit_last 2
Air France: recovering from lost love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=834 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=834 Air France: recovering from lost love
June 3, 10:03 AM · Add a Comment
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When our love relationship is threatened, we often find ourselves in the  "doldrums." A report from a French newspaper said that parts of the lost  Air France plane were found in an area called “The Doldrums.” As you can see from the photo, it is a section of the water that sailors feared because the area went from deadly calm to menacing storm clouds in a flash.  It was called an area of doom.  Nonetheless finding the plane will help bring closure. Remembering Amidst the sad news was one beautiful story in the Los Angeles Times about a grief counselor who could not offer hope, so he helps families, friends, and loves to remember.
"I just ask them about the person who was on the plane," he said. "I hold their hands, and look them in eyes." Los Angeles Times
But this method does not necessarily work when you have been left with the shocking news that your engagement is off,  your marriage is over, your spouse or lover has cheated.  Or does it?  In fact, there is some research that says remembering the good times makes the bad times seem less bitter, less hurtful.
The Doldrums, a place feared by sailors
One good thought
If you can find one positive thought about the person who has left you -- and keep in mind that even in grief we are angry -- then it is easier to say, "This chapter on my life is over, but there were some joys."
I thought of so many men and women this year overcome with sadness because of loss through a breakup, an engagement called off, a divorce, a tragedy, or terminal illness.
The photo I saw of a young woman waiting for her fiancée at the airport was haunting.  How will she recover?  Then with news that they had located some parts of the plane,  and offered to bring family members to the site, I realized the value of closure.  Washington Post.
We need closure.  As difficult as a divorce, for example, may be – the papers tell it all. The marriage has ended.    As I said in yesterday's piece -- whether loss through death, divorce, or a break-up, who is to say which person has a heavier heart?  Those overcome by saddness and grief feel what they feel.
Kind words and words best left unsaid When we see how fleeting life can be, we cannot help but remind ourselves of the importance of always speaking kindly to those whom we love. I often quote a philosopher who lived sometime in 400 BC:
  • Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  • Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
  • Leave the rest to God.
  • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass…Life is about learning to dance in the rain.
Here is a piece that was written after 9/11 and as the author notes, it can be useful information for friends and families during an air disaster. They are thoughts and words that perhaps are better left unsaid. WebMD/loss-coping
We all know that each person goes through the process of grief in an individual way. As wives, mothers, lovers, girlfriends – or husbands and boyfriends -- we have one responsibility really -- to stand by and offer our support, our love.
And then one day, in some unexpected way, those whom we supported will step out into the sunshine ready to live again, ready to love again.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
834 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244945939 _edit_last 2
Air France: love can be lost in many ways http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=835 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=835 Air France: love can be lost in many ways
June 2, 12:34 PM · 5 comments
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Air France
When a friend suddenly learns that her husband is seeking a divorce, or a lover breaks off an engagement, our heart hurts for them. We often do not know what to say. Just before returning home on Sunday to learn about the Air France plane, I was at a memorial service for a vibrant artist. The best man at her wedding gave a eulogy that made us all realize the importance of relationships, of love and marriage, kind words, and loving life to the fullest. A fiancée waits Later as I read about the lost  Air France plane, I saw a photo of a young woman identified as waiting for her fiancée. I felt a sense of profound sadness for her. Shortly after we heard the words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy: "(I met with) a mother who lost her son, a fiancée who lost her future husband. I told them the truth," he said.  He pointed out the difficulty in finding the plane because the zone where it is believed to have disappeared "is immense."  AP News, Air France

Love and marriage

I could not stop thinking about the young woman at the airport waiting with expectation and joy for her fiancée.  Will she be able to plunge ahead or will she have difficulty understanding and accepting how she went from thoughts of a wedding to thoughts of a funeral?  We don’t know. Joseph Campbell’s words from The Power of Myth seemed so poignant.  He said "the real life of a marriage or a true love affair is in the relationship…two aspects of the same being.”

For all those who loose someone they love,  they loose a part of themselves and grief often overwhelms. WebMD/depression

Kind words

If we spend our days always speaking kindly to those whom we love, we can get through life with few regrets and find a place in our heart that helps us to rebound. I often quote a philosopher who lived sometime in 400 BC:

  • Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
  • Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
  • Leave the rest to God.
  • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .Life is about learning to dance in the rain.

Loving life to the fullest

No matter what unexpected situation one may face when love is lost, it takes time for the reality of the situation to seep in. Grief is how our body and mind responds to loss. We see in the movies and we read in books how women cope when a marriage is called off, a  lover or husbands cheats and betrays, a husband asks for a divorce, a life partner meets with tragedy.  In each situation  who is to say which woman has the heaviest heart or how long she will grieve?. Each person goes through the process in an individual way.

As wives, mothers, lovers, girlfriends we have one responsibility really -- to stand by and just be there.  And then one day, in some unexpected way,  our friend or relative whose tears we shared will step out into the sunshine ready to live again, ready to love again.

Copyright 2009 Rita Watson

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Susan Boyle hospitalized: a question of advice in life and in love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=836 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=836 Susan Boyle hospitalized: a question of advice in life and in love
June 1, 1:22 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo/ Susan on screen, supporters watch
We all seek advice — from love to money. But when should we listen to that advice? Sometimes it makes more sense to make your own decision and then ask others to confirm your thoughts.
Susan Boyle is hospitalized suffering from exhaustion and stress. And I can't help but wonder was part of the stress from a tension within herself, between the Susan we first saw on stage to the Susan  we saw after her coaching lessons?
As I said in an earlier piece, I felt that Susan Boyle received coaching lessons in a way that stripped her of her personality. Susan Boyle's coach was no dream weaver; dream lovers take note
We did not know who she was on stage. She seemed tense and now we are coming to see the pressures that she faced. New York Times and the following story with two videos.
One hopes that her hospitalization will help restore a sense of balance in her life and she finds once again the Susan that fits her skin -- the Susan who knows how to laugh.
Advice in life and in love is tricky
When it comes to seeking the opinions of others, whom should you ask for help? We don't know if Susan sought advice or if it was just part of the package.
But in love and marriage we have choices.  Keep in mind that you want objectivity.  You want information to help you make an informed decision about your partner whether or not it is to stay with someone or to leave the relationship.
Do ask:
  • Those who have good relationships and marriages
  • Those whose values are consistent with your own
  • Those whom you respect
Do not ask or accept advice from:
  • Know it alls, those whose mind is always made up in advance
  • Those whose attitude is “my way or the highway”
  • Those who put you on a spot, for example, you say the words, “I don’t know if this marriage is going to make it,” and before you know it, they are dialing the phone of their attorney and say, “Here, talk to my friend, he or she is the best.”
In the final analysis, it is oftentimes best to weigh your relationship options in the quiet of your heart of hearts.
In love and marriage sit quietly alone and ask yourself:
  • What do I want for me, for my partner, for our family?
  • What is in our best interest?
  • Do I really need to make a decision at this time?
Sometimes during a difficult relationship period a simple saying, “I’m sorry,” is the best advice you can give to yourself. Because in an argument or disagreement it takes two – somewhere along the way, we all must acknowledge our part and do our part to restore harmony.
In the world of love advice -- what do you make of the Italian marriage story?
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Italian marriage: a man, his mistress, and finding “the one” http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=837 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=837 Italian marriage: a man, his mistress, and finding “the one”
June 1, 3:39 AM · 2 comments
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AP Photo of Italian Prime Minister and his angry wife
The beleaguered Italian Prime Minister is breathing a bit more easily today. A judge ruled that the photographs at his villa in Sardinia, taken on New Year’s Eve by a hiding paparazzi, violate his right to privacy. It was reported that there were young women at the party. This is just another twist in the story of marriage and mistresses gone public. However, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, 72, who has been linked with an 18-year-old who declares that she is still a virgin. Reuters.com While Italians have long shrugged over the dalliances of their Prime Minister, the story is drawing significant media attention and a denouncement from the Catholic bishops.  It seems that taking one's marital troubles to the press, as did the Berlusconi's, is frowned up. Reports say that Berlusconi's wife was particularly infuriated when her husband attended an 18th birthday party in Naples for the daughter of one of his business associates. However,  he has been linked with at least 10 women throughout his 30 year marriage as pictured in this story that follows: Marriage Italian style: a philandering Prime Minister, a teen beauty, and his angry wife Arranged marriages, finding  "the one" The excuse for mistresses or comares is arranged marriages at an early age. Men often say, "Our parents chose our wives, we choose our mistresses." But here is a thoughtful look at the tradition of arranged marriages by Leo Buscaglia often considered the “love guru.”   He believes that we spend too much time in our search for "the one." Aunt Agatha and the comares My great Aunt Agatha prided herself on being married for 75 years and she had a diamond ring on each finger – gifts to her for allowing Guiseppe his afternoon “exercise.” We often asked her why she had so many diamonds and she would say, “Some day, you will understand.” Then as each of us married she took us aside and told us this story, which we began to hear often as she hit her 80's. “This was for your Uncle Guiseppe's exercise in Sicily. This for his exercise in Naples. These two, for the Marchietta twins -- Santa Maria, Santa Maria. Enough.  Silencia” she would say and then go off to her kitchen. She had a diamond for each comare through the years and 10 children who will fiercely defend their father just as the PM's children are defending their father and suggesting that the scandal is politically motivated. If you asked Aunt Agatha why she never left him during all those years of philandering, her eyes would fill with tears and she would say, "because he was the one, my one and only."
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Susan Boyle's coach was no dream weaver; dream lovers take note http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=838 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=838 Susan Boyle's coach was no dream weaver; dream lovers take note
May 31, 3:53 AM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo, Andrew Milligan, PA
What I think we all missed in seeing Susan Boyle's performance on Britain's Got Talent was her joy and her spunk.  The coaching turned her into a wooden soldier with no personality. Her face was solemn, her eyes downcast.  The woman with the dream, the smile,  became a person we no longer knew or recognized. With the coaching she seemed to disconnect from her fans. While most of the other performers on Britain's Got Talent seemed to love being on stage, Susan appeared to be pained. Indeed stories are now surfacing about help from psychiatrists before the show. Susan-Boyle-comforted-psychiatrists-ahead-final-Britains-Got-Talent What happened here?  Somewhere along the way it appears that Susan lost confidence in herself.  She reacted to the cries for  "makeover."  While she looked lovely tonight, the real Susan didn't emerge until the show was over. Trembling at first she became fun and cheeky after congratulating Diversity, the dance troupe  that took first place in the competition. A lesson for those with dreams of love Coaches should always be cheerleaders who bring out the qualities that are unique to you rather than try to change you. I realized how much I missed the fun-loving Susan after looking again at the two tapes of Susan singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from "Les Miserables." When we have a dream of love, it is really important that we keep it locked in our hearts as we go through the process of dreaming and sorting out what is really important to us. In looking for love, many of us go back to what we know.  And oftentimes what we know is what  has hurt us in the past.  There was research done at Yale some years ago by Dr. Robert Sternberg that points out how many different types of love scenarios that we fall into -- the same unproductive relationships over and over again.  Here is a link to the questionnaire in Psychology Today.  What's your love story? When you are pursuing a dream of love, find a cheerleader who believes in you and in your dream and will help you sort out reality from fantasy.  If you are looking for love, the qualities you look for in a lifelong companion must come from your heart, not another person's wish.  So often coaches or friends project onto us the image that they want for themselves.  Spending time alone thinking about companionship and values is a helpful exercise. As for Susan Boyle, the contracts will come.  She will be fine.  But I am convinced that had she been herself, the Susan Boyle with whom we all fell in love,  it might have turned out differently.   We missed her warmth. What happened to Susan Boyle  should be a lesson to us all. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Susan Boyle, runner up: her dream will flourish, just as our love dreams can shine http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=839 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=839 Susan Boyle, runner up: her dream will flourish, just as our love dreams can shine
May 30, 5:14 PM · 1 comment
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What we all love about Britain's Got Talent is its ability to bring us people who know how to reach for their dreams and tonight Diversity, the unique dance group, was the winner. Susan was gracious and cavorted on stage. Earlier she said, "This has been my life long ambition" -- her music, her song. Here is the video link, which is from BGT. http://talent.itv.com/videos/video/item_200287.htm For those around the world who fell in love with her, Susan is a winner.  She taught us all how to hold onto a dream. What happens when a dream does not appear to come true?  We hold onto it nonetheless. Magazines such as Business Week are filled with stories of young people who are rejected from business schools initially.  Then then regroup, rethink their goals, reapply and are successful. Susan is an example of how far we can go. Hold onto a dream of life long love, not just a summer fling There is a saying in many books on visualization: "See it.  Believe it.  Receive it." The advice resonates if you are looking for the love of your life.  Or if you married your love, but something has gone awry. We so often hear people say: "I wish I could find love."  Or  "I wish my husband was the man I married." If you are looking for love -- create the image and it shall be yours.
  • Do you know what your love will feel like, look like?
  • How will love behave in your presence?
  • Most important, how will you behave?
  • What qualities will your love possess that will make you feel loved?
  • What qualities in your love will you admire?
If you are looking to restore love -- same advice, create the image and it shall be yours.
  • Do you remember what love felt like when you were deliriously in love?
  • Do you remember how your guy behaved in your presence?
  • How did you behave?  Did you greet him lovingly with a hug, a kiss, tender words?
  • What qualities did he possess that made you feel loved?
  • What role did you play in helping his positive qualities to shine?
Following a dream Susan Boyle walked on stage the first time and projected an image of confidence -- though missing in her second performance she held onto her dream.  I knew then that win or lose, she opened a new door. Today we can open the door to our own dream of love.  The secret is focus. Last week, I outlined Day One of Making a Love Dream Come True.  Some of you emailed me and asked for even more details.  So I will make it a full series and describe the theory behind the process -- gratitude. You will find Seven Weeks to Making a Dream Come True in my  Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude on Amazon.com. What I am doing today is putting together seven steps to a love dream so that more than a summer fling, you might find lasting love. Thank you, Susan, for reminding us that we all have a dream in our hearts. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Marriage Italian style: a philandering Prime Minister, a teen beauty, and his angry wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=840 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=840 Marriage Italian style: a philandering Prime Minister, a teen beauty, and his angry wife
May 30, 4:27 AM · 1 comment
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AP Photo/ Franco Castano
In European nations, when we hear of scandals in top government circles these are frequently related to politics.  Lovers quarrels may create a media frenzy, but in Italy wives often turn their heads when their powerful husbands are cavorting about with younger women. It is particularly ironic that in a Roman Catholic country – where the head of the Church sets the rules for Catholic marriages --  the Prime Minister, head of government, breaks the rules which Italians find amusing.
For many older couples in Italy, marriages were arranged by two families and their teenagers married. As such, many older men say that they get to choose their mistresses because they did not get to choose their wives.
However, for the sake of family, in a country in which divorce had not been legal, wives came to accept the “comare.”  For devotees of The Sopranos -- the Mafia mistresses were called: goomah, goomar, or gomatta.
With this little bit of Italian marriage history, it should be understandable as to why the Italians have shrugged over the dalliances of their Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, 72.
Catholic bishops critical
However, the Catholic bishops have now decried the PM's public life and also chastised his wife for publically airing their marital troubles. Such is the nature of love and marriage in Italy. Bishops-criticize-Berlusconis-public-spat
So why is Veronica Lario, 52, Berlusconi’s wife of 20 years and mother of his three children, seeking a divorce?
For years he has been associated with a string of beautiful young women.  Indeed he raised eyebrows when he and Veronica began an affair while he was still married to first wife. When he met Veronica she was a topless dancer. Here are photos of his top ten women published in the Telegraph.co.uk
What pushed Veronica over the edge were the suddenly surfacing rumors of his involvement with a young woman who just turned 18, and his apparent attendance at her birthday.  The young Noemi Letizia is pictured above with a photograph of the Prime Minister.
His children defend him
However the PM’s children are taking his side and crying “foul”.   According to a new piece in the New York Times in a series of separate and joint statements, Mr Berlusconi's five children said Dario Franceschini should be ashamed of himself for having dragged them into Italy's increasingly contentious campaign for European Parliament elections.
"I would be thrilled for Franceschini's children if they had a father like mine," said Marina Berlusconi, his oldest child. New York Times on PM
The explosive nature of the story today is being bandied by some as a political rather than moral.  However, right now it is being reported  that even some of his closest allies are distancing themselves.
Provocative news from Examiners This story of the Prime Minister and the young teen is just one of many provocative stories to surface this week. Just  yesterday  I wrote about Father Cutié: living a lie while struggling with love and marriage. The others, in order of their appearance: Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner, wrote Filmmaker, Shalene Azam, makes teen documentary, “Oral sex is the new good night  kiss” in which she warned about the video content on her site and advocated teaching young people that  "love and sex are a sacred union of bodies and souls." Jordan and Samantha, our Sex Scandal Examiners, gave us a glimpse of a Week of May 25th in sex scandals both in the US and abroad. Sarah Estrella, our Sex and Relationships Examiner, who always gives us a "Week-end Embrace," gave us a book tour reminder:  'Oral Sex Is The New Goodnight Kiss' author Sharlene Azam bemoans 'toxic culture' for teen girls Lots of interesting reading in the world of love, marriage, sex, and betrayal.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Father Cutié: living a lie while struggling with love and marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=841 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=841 Father Cutié: living a lie while struggling with love and marriage
May 29, 12:36 PM · 1 comment
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AP Photo
As someone who believes in vows and faithfulness, it is difficult to reconcile Father Cutié's decision to leave the Church to which he was "married" and join another with his future bride. I even lumped him in with John Edwards and Mel Gibson in one of my articles.  Why?  Because I believe in marriage. And I also believe that this young priest spent a lot of time thinking about and struggling with the concept of love and marriage.  Many people are wondering today about a man whom they thought they knew these past few years when he was part of their parish -- some are forgiving, some are angry. Duplicity: We look at his sermons, his words on love and marriage and he gives valuable advice.  But he was living a lie these past few years. How did I reconcile this in my own mind?  Some of the most popular writers, psychologists, and psychiatrists give sterling advice and yet their own lives are troubled.  I recall one popular love and marriage therapist who was reported to have had five marriages. Words from the Bishop: In a CBS interview today, the Early Show reported questions that were asked by Maggie Rodriguez, a long-time friend of Fr. Cutie, of the Bishop Leo Frade, the head of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida and she confronted the issue head on. She said, "I know Father Cutie believes, because he said it on this program, that what he did was wrong. He broke an oath and he lived a lie for two years. Are you concerned at all about the message that you're sending your parishioners by inviting someone like that into your church?" "Well," Frade responded, "for a single person, kissing and loving another single woman, I think that a scandal would have been if he would have been -- if she would have been a married woman or something like that. But Father Cutie is a single person, loving another single person, and when you have to obey your heart, indeed, the teaching that he could tell our people is that love is able to conquer everything." CBS News Fr. Cutie Our decision: In the world of love and marriage -- if we believe he was married to the Catholic Church, which his vows were all about, then he was unfaithful.  But he made his decision.  And we must make ours.  We can continue to be angry as we are with any act of infidelity or we can reach into our hearts to find forgiveness and acceptance. Here is a link to my earlier piece today: Father Cutié, Episcopal priest: his advice on love and marriage is valuable in any religion and earlier articles and videos are on my home page.
For a thoughtful piece about the struggles of love and betrayal, please read this piece by Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner.  Matters of the heart: Betrayal, faith and love
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Father Cutié, Episcopal priest: his advice on love and marriage is valuable in any religion http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=842 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=842 Father Cutié, Episcopal priest: his advice on love and marriage is valuable in any religion
May 28, 10:30 PM · 1 comment
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Photo/ Danilo Fajardo
In the case of Father Cutié, love seems to have conquered all.  He is with his fiancée Ruhama Buni Canellis and he will continue to serve as a priest, but  in the Episcopal Church not the Roman Catholic Church.
It was announced today by the Episcopal News Service that “ The Rev. Alberto Cutié, a former Roman Catholic priest known internationally as "Padre Alberto" on Spanish-language radio and television, was received into the Episcopal Church May 28 during a ceremony held at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Miami."
"I thank God for the many people in our community who have shown me their love and support," Cutié, 40, said in a news release from the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida.
"Your prayers have truly sustained me at this time of transition in my life. With God's help, I hope to continue priestly ministry and service in my new spiritual home." Episcopal-life
Love and marriage struggles
Many people will struggle with his decision, but let’s take a look at his advice on love and marriage. Clearly he is someone who has given much thought to the concerns of those in his parishes and understands relationship struggles.
In an interview with Beliefnet he was asked:
What advice do you give to single people about finding a mate who's right for them? <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} h2 {mso-margin-top-alt:auto; margin-right:0in; mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto; margin-left:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; mso-outline-level:2; font-size:18.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->
He answered:
“People usually come to me with a very definite idea of who the ideal person is for them. It usually has to do with some physical characteristic. I tell them: That's not important. What is important is seeking out someone you can love and give your life to. You have to base your search for a mate on the capacity to form those strong and lasting relationships.” Father-Oprah-Explains-How-To-Make-Love-Last
Here is a link to a video on Beliefnet regarding his thoughts on Marriage. Father-Albert-Cutie-Marriage-Help
Many people have been saddened and perplexed by his decision given his devotion to the Catholic Church. I for one will continue to encourage others to see his words and advice as sincere. He may have fallen in love -- and it certainly seems as if he has betrayed his parishioners in the Catholic Church --  but I am reminded of my grandmother, who often had words of wisdom.  Today she would be saying,  "Never judge another until you have walked a mile in his moccasins."
For more about finding the right partner, you may wish to ready my piece from earlier today: Finding the love of your life; quizzes may set you thinking
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Finding the love of your life; quizzes may set you thinking http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=843 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=843 Finding the love of your life; quizzes may set you thinking
May 28, 3:57 PM · 1 comment
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As we approach the season of June brides, I always begin receiving emails from those wondering if they are dating the right person and if marriage will ever come their way. Some women tell me about their soulmates, who never want to get married. And others tell me about their total opposite, who does want to marry, but they fight all the time.
Here is the question. Do opposites really attract or should we be looking for a complementary opposite? A complementary opposite is someone who fills in our differences and together the two of you become whole.  And to see what research and wisdom have to say on the topic, here are some quizzes.
Compatibility: While I think that we should all attract our complementary opposite, one that completes our personality, you might enjoy seeing what research says about compatibility. The-ultimate-compatibility-test
Are you dating the right person? Take this quiz from LifeScript to help you determine if you are in the right relationship.  Or are you in the wrong relationship and heading for heartbreak?  Are_You_Dating_The_Right_Person
While I try to remain “neutral but opinionated” we can always count on Maureen Dowd of the New York Times to tell it like it is.  She says stay away from men who have no friends, can be stepped on, or are tied to Mama’s apron strings. Here is a Cosmopolitan quiz. Is_he_only_after_your_bod
The power of words: I have a friend who didn't marry until she was in her late 40's.  She was so disappointed from a first early marriage that ended in divorce that she thought she would never marry again.  Then someone gave her a beautiful journal. Each day she wrote herself a story about the man she wished to love.  She talked about qualities, values, and her hopes and dreams for togetherness.
One day she was visiting Jamaica and as she walked through a hotel a man approached her and asked if she wanted to attend his art opening.  He said to me, "You don't know me, I you look like a woman who appreciates the arts."
The more time the two spent together, the more she realized that he was man she had written about in her journal.  They were married within a year.
Happy Loving/ Rita E
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Sudden passion: a lace garter belt and silk stockings, the video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=844 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=844 Sudden passion: a lace garter belt and silk stockings, the video
May 28, 2:15 AM · Add a Comment
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"As she walked, we could see the top of her stocking because of the way she swished the skirt with its wide slit.  She noticed my guy looking. Ignoring me, she showed him her red garters.  Instead of being critical, this time I said nothing and he said nothing. Once home, I pulled out a black lace garter belt and stocking set that I hadn't had the courage to wear. Suddenly I felt feminine and sexy. "While he watched the tellie, I snuggled next to him, and slipped my leg over his thighs. He looked at me in surprise and then surprised me.  The night was pure passion," she smiled. The best way to beat bedroom blahs is with loving words and a sexy anything.  With June brides and weddings approaching, garters are everywhere. But what about the garter belt? Here is video I came across followed by an amusing tidbit.
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Supreme Court nominee: throw your guy a curve, explain how Sonia saved baseball http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=845 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=845 Supreme Court nominee: throw your guy a curve, explain how Sonia saved baseball
May 27, 7:14 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo/ Julie Jacobson
I stayed with a young couple in New Haven this week-end while participating in Yale Commencement and I saw how they negotiated a touchy relationship issue -- baseball.  He is a movie and baseball addict and she often complained that he spent most of his time in the living room watching the games. Many women face this issue and sometimes carry their bitchy words, sniping remarks, and silent treatment a bit too far. Essentially it all adds up to sexless nights. For a better way, read Kind words, loving words
With a bit of ingenuity, and some time on HGTV, they found a solution. First they moved their "Christmas and Thanksgiving" dining room to what had been a formal living room.  Then they created a country kitchen with a comfortable couch and a 52 inch TV screen within easy view of the kitchen counter.
Now he gets to watch his games.  She cooks or works at her laptop on the counter. And they talk. She says, “Now I get to spend more time with my husband and less time being angry. I’m even learning more about the Yankees.”
The woman who saved baseball:
AP Photo/Lennihan
We learned recently that Sonia Sotomayor, the new Supreme Court nominee is an avid Yankee fan.  Here is the Daily News Story that tells us how she is credited with saving the 1995 major league baseball season.
"She issued an injunction on March 31, 1995, that effectively ended baseball's longest and most damaging work stoppage, a seven-month-old clash between players and owners that cost MLB the 1994 World Series and threatened the 1995 season and the long-term health of the sport.” New York Daily News/ Sports
A Yale Law School graduate Sonia Sotomayor sits on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan alongside Judge Guido Calabresi, former dean of the Yale Law.
Also from Yale Law who surprised us this weekend, you may enjoy reading this story:
(Will be posting more photos either here or at www.ritawatson.com with Judge Calabresi, my professor while at Yale and still a friend as he is to all his students.)
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Hillary Clinton, our Yale Commencement, and lasting campus love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=846 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=846 Hillary Clinton, our Yale Commencement, and lasting campus love
May 27, 10:37 AM · Add a Comment
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Bill and Hillary were students at Yale
Honorary degree recipients at Yale are never announced beforehand.  Our first glimpse comes as they walk between us enroute to Old Campus.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, however, was whisked onto the stage. As I sat watching her, I could see her looking at the sea of students which surrounded us. Perhaps she wondered, as I wondered: Who will help change the world?  Which couples are lovers?  Who will marry and divorce?  Which couples will stay married long enough to see their children graduate from college? Bill and Hillary in love: Looking across Old Campus must have felt like home to Hillary.  It was here that she and Bill met across the way at the Law School in 1970.  In the book Marry Me! Courtships and Proposals of Legendary Couples it was apparently in class that Hillary said to Bill, "If you're going to keep looking at me and I'm going to keep looking at you, we ought to at least know each other. I'm Hillary Rodham."   Their courtship began and they were married five years later.
The infidelity crisis: The marriage of Hillary and Bill was a political climb culminating in a presidency turned rocky because of his infidelity.  But Hillary always held her head high and their marriage together. During the presidential debates she brought up the subject of Bill and Monica in an-ever-so-cautious way. She said: “Everyone here knows I’ve lived through some crises and some challenging moments in my life.”
Keeping marriage together: Her example was perhaps the reason that other political wives turned to Hillary during the scandals that shadowed their lives when their husbands were caught cheating. Hillary, and more recently Elizabeth Edwards, have shown women that despite the difficulty that families face with infidelity, it does not necessarily mean the end of a marriage.  Hillary and Bill seem to survive and move forward.  For some students, Hillary is an example that women can have it all  -- marriage, children, and a career.
The words of President Richard Levin to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton are posted at : www.ritawatson.com
846 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244946614 _edit_last 2
Susan Boyle has competition, but holds her dream; how to make your love dream come true http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=847 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=847 Susan Boyle has competition, but holds her dream; how to make your love dream come true
May 26, 10:39 PM · Add a Comment
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If Susan Boyle's  friends and fans are all wearing yellow, here is why. This is her first interview after she performed "Memories" from Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical "Cats."  Explaining that she had a cold and admitting that she had a rocky start, she continues to believe in her dream and in this interview says, "I really want to fulfill my dream."  Susan talks about Memories performance on ITV.com But in SERIOUS COMPETITION hear Shaun Smith sing and see what the judges are saying. Susan seems to have mastered the art of visualization. How can you make your own dream come true? Many of us have a love dream, start believing in yours right now. You will find Seven Weeks to Making a Dream Come True in my  Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude on Amazon.com.   I will post the seven steps in the coming days.  Here is Step One. <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} /* List Definitions */ @list l0 {mso-list-id:1001658412; mso-list-template-ids:-19221424;} @list l0:level1 {mso-level-number-format:bullet; mso-level-text:?; mso-level-tab-stop:.5in; mso-level-number-position:left; text-indent:-.25in; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Symbol;} ol {margin-bottom:0in;} ul {margin-bottom:0in;} --> <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Wingdings; panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:2; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 268435456 0 0 -2147483648 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} /* List Definitions */ @list l0 {mso-list-id:1001658412; mso-list-template-ids:-19221424;} @list l0:level1 {mso-level-number-format:bullet; mso-level-text:?; mso-level-tab-stop:.5in; mso-level-number-position:left; text-indent:-.25in; mso-ansi-font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Symbol;} ol {margin-bottom:0in;} ul {margin-bottom:0in;} -->
Dream Your Dreams: Step One
  • Let your mind wander as you dream impossible dreams
  • Spend at least five minutes several times today just day-dreaming
  • Then begin thinking and dreaming about love, a new love, or renewing love in your marriage
  • Write down the whispering of your soul as you think about life long love
  • What is it that you want in the love of your life? Write it down
  • What are missing in a current relationship or what have you been missing in relationships?
  • At the end of the day write down the one quality in another person that you believe will complement you and make you feel loved and will make you want to give love in return.
Savor the thought for a day until it feels like a part of you. Photo: Susan in the yellow blouse from the Susan Boyle Fan Site Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Susan Boyle: the "Final 40," a contract, a doll, a Simpson, and a kiss http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=848 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=848 Susan Boyle: the "Final 40," a contract, a doll, a Simpson, and a kiss
May 23, 5:00 PM · 1 comment
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Made by mother of four, Debbie Ritter
The British papers are abuzz. The world is watching and waiting for the singing sensation. Here are links and snippets of news and my favorite of all of the videos -- Susan with the backstage boys. Here is an update on the Final 40 names which have now been released. /May 23, 4:59 PM DST
The Mirror tells us that “Susan Boyle has been booked to record  an album of Broadway classics as her first debut album. And the Czech National Symphony Orchestra have already been provisionally booked so she can record next month." Susan-Boyle-booked-to-record-album
In America one marker of success is a doll. This doll is no Barbie or Ken, but nonetheless the Susan Boyle doll is a hot seller on the Internet  Susan-Boyle-doll-
Homer Simpson wants to be just like Susan Boyle.  And getting mentioned on the Simpsons simply re-confirms her global status.  Hello Magazine / May 22, 2009/ 10:00 PM
And Piers Morgan is ready to give the woman who has never been kissed -- a KISS Morgan-ready-to-kiss-Susan-Boyle / Updated May 23, 12:07 PM DST
In other news The Times online says: "Tonight the world will learn whether she is also considered good enough to proceed to the next round of Britain’s Got Talent. Assuming that she is, Ms Boyle will perform next week in one of five semi-finals in advance of the final on Saturday evening."
LOVING SUSAN FAN PAGE NEWS: Links to all of my stories and news stories to the right of this entry. Why is the Love and Marriage Examiner writing about Susan Boyle? Here is what I said in my first entry about her. At the end of yesterday's entry -- in talking about cougars -- I said that women should be discreet.  My words, "If you are old enough to have delivered him, he is too young for you. " Listen to the voice of Susan Boyle here on this video.
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Where is Susan Boyle? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=849 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=849 Where is Susan Boyle?
May 22, 6:51 PM · 5 comments
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Susan Boyle favored to win Britain's Got Talent contest
Susan Boyle took us all by storm some six weeks ago.  Where is she now?  She appeared on Oprah via satellite, turned down an offer for dinner at the White House, and now appears to be preparing for her next Britan's Got Talent performance. Full video with Susan backstage at first performance included here -- and new links at the end. Today Henry Chu of  the Los Angeles Times said:  "Officially, it's still a secret whether the singing Scotswoman will be among the contestants to progress to the next round of the competition; the fortunate 40 are to be announced Saturday, the day before Britain's ITV network begins broadcasting the semifinals live over five nights next week." According to Chu's report, the program's publicist, Sara Lee said, "Oh, my God, on all the shows I've ever worked on, far and away Boyle has been the biggest sensation. I don't think anybody in the U.K. has seen anything like this." Lee spoke of Susan as the ultimate underdog but Chu said, "That, however, isn't really an accurate description anymore. According to Britain's bookmakers, Boyle is now the odds-on favorite to win Britain's Got Talent when it wraps up May 30. " LA TIMES and Susan Boyle How did a Love and Marriage Examiner come to write about Susan Boyle? It started with a cougar!   She took our breath away and our cynicism In that posting I say: At the end of yesterday's entry -- in talking about cougars -- I said that women should be discreet.  My words, "If you are old enough to have delivered him, he is too young for you. "   Listen to the voice of Susan Boyle here on this video. Then you will understand why I made one exception.  She should have her pick. This video is from Daily Motion. LOVING SUSAN FAN PAGE NEWS: Links to all of my stories and news stories to the right of this entry. Susan Boyle and Oprah: MTV, Susan and Oprah Susan Boyle has to turn down White House invite: Access Hollywood Susan Boyle From Love and Marriage to Susan Boyle -- how is that? For my very first Susan Boyle story I wrote: "At the end of yesterday's entry -- in talking about cougars -- I said that women should be discreet.  My words, 'If you are old enough to have delivered him, he is too young for you.' " Listen to the voice of Susan Boyle here on this video. Then you will understand why I made one exception.  She should have her pick.
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Looking for love, the search goes on http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=850 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=850 Looking for love, the search goes on
May 21, 8:09 PM · 2 comments
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When I realized that online matchmaking was the most lucretive of online services, I wondered why.  So I asked  the "happily married books" author Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist at Brown University, He said this: “When looking for love, people seek a mysterious amalgam of qualities in another person. In part, we have preconceived notions of what we find attractive, based on our own cultures and families, and also influenced by the culture around us. "There’s quite a bit of trial and error when it comes to dating, and these services allow you to ‘figure out’ with whom you are a good match without investing money in failed attempts at finding Mr. or Ms. Right," he added.
“Over the Web, you can develop intimacy with someone before you ever meet him or her. You can have deep conversations long into the night and not have to pay for so much as a cheeseburger.” Dr. Haltzman is author of The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less and  The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever
Wall Streeters paying for love: Despite the free-fall on Wall Street, even pricey matchmaking services appear to be booming. And some Wall Streeters are writing checks from $25,000 to $50,000 to find the right partner. However, Prof. Shoshana Grossbard, of the Department of Economics at San Diego State University, says, “Even if there are more Wall Street men looking for such women at the present time, one wonders if there is a matching increase in women’s willingness to act as nurturing partners.
“It is possible that women’s willingness to provide a warm home to Wall Street men, and other men in need of comfort, is now higher as women are finding fewer job opportunities in labor markets. As such, the ‘wife track’ may be relatively more attractive these days. It always takes two to tango.”
That old fish in the sea: Nonetheless dating a stranger has its drawbacks. Those who have not taken seriously the condom-up message could end up receiving a “You’ve Got Mail” ring on their computer. Instead of an e-mail that says, “I love you dearly,” it could turn out to be one of those anonymously generated electronic cards informing you that you have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease. That would be devastating.
But for skeptics like me, there is another small, but nagging worry: What if you end up meeting one of the fish you had already thrown back into the sea?
For my full article, which appeared in the Providence Journal on May 3rd, go to Looking for Love: Wall Street to Main Street
For more about Online dating, please go to: our Online Dating Examiner
My most recent Sudden Passion story: Sudden passion: a silk blindfold
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson:
850 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244946803 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: a silk blindfold http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=851 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=851 Sudden passion: a silk blindfold
May 20, 9:44 AM · Add a Comment
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As she related the story, a hazy passionate glaze seemed to envelop her.  "He placed the blindfold gently over my eyes," she began. "The scarf was one of my own long silk ones which he rubbed gently across my face. He touched me with his hands, the silk, his hot breath.
"Then he wrapped the scarf a second time around my eyes to be sure that no light could seep through the soft folds. I was in darkness feeling as if my body was suspended before his piercing eyes facing me. Or was he facing me? Where was he? I didn't call his name so as not to break the spell.  My body tingled in wonder waiting . . .”
That's where I interrupted her. Too much information to be sharing with me as we were walking through a very public lobby after I had fetched the books from the mailroom.  My mistake was in unwrapping  the books in front of a casual acquaintance.  The photo on the covers triggered her thoughts and she obviously felt it was safe to share her story with me.  Of course, my lips are sealed.
Blindfolded  love play: This is a way for husbands and wives, lovers and couples to develop a sense of trust. With sight deprivation you are at the mercy of another.  It may be a bit scary, but it is also a time  when couples tell me that they let their minds wander into the world of erotic images and fantasies. You can fall into a role play in which you can be any character whom you wish, and your man is simply there to please playful whims.
The two books that trigged the blindfold story?  Girls on Top, explicit erotica for women edited by Violet Blue and Playing with Fire, taboo erotica, edited by Alison Tyler. Cleis Press.com
With 20,000 sexless marriages in this country, if you find that you are falling into that big, black hole of bedroom boredom, blindfolds might give you a bit of creative passion. I can see why the book covers provoked her passionate memory. Blindfolds for peace -- a twist on the love-making concept
In a blog called Mr. Shannon Rawls, he proposes blindfolds before an argument.  http://mrshannonrawls.blogspot.com/ Why? He says, "Because the angry body language disappears and you need to rely on your words."  This is his posted photo from:
www.familycourtchronicles.com/glossary/justic He said, "Sounds crazy, I know but hear me out. It's a known fact that much of human communication and interaction is done via body language. How many times have you been in a heated discussion and you or they say "Why you smiling/laughing/doing that/eating/rolling your eyes/smirking/LOOKING LIKE THAT!" and the conversation gets derailed and you have now just introduced a whole new sub-argument and the original premise is now jeopardized."
An interesting thought.  Whether for peace or for passion -- blindfolds might work.
Here are more stories from my series "Sudden Passion." <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers with succulent ideas

Sudden passion: the book between erotica and porn

Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers

Sudden passion: online dating or sex with a stranger

Sudden passion: Titillating spanking stories and skirts

Sudden passion: Sex with a stranger, have you?

Sudden passion: sex drive surge, update - even in pregnancy!

Sudden passion: Spanking skirts, an update
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Cheating: Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy, Happy Birthday, Mr. President http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=852 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=852 Cheating: Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy, Happy Birthday, Mr. President
May 19, 2:37 PM · 2 comments
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AP Photo
Cheating compromises integrity. But it seems to be something we learn to live with.   This day in history, Marilyn Monroe sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" to Jack Kennedy, with his wife, Jacqueline, sitting by his side.  There relationship between Jack and Marilyn was never a secret.  TIME magazine <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

As I see all the hustle and bustle of Commencement around me I wonder how many professors are secretly crossing the line. I have known too many though the years who become involved with a student, and tell me they are in love – one student and one semester at a time.

There are many forms of infidelity.  But in our secret place, in our heart of hearts, we know when we are trying to make an excuse for our actions.  When we try to deceive ourselves for the sake of passion, our integrity suffers. And if you believe in the great law of karma –“What you do unto others will be done unto you,”  or simply put, "What goes around comes around."  Oftentimes we pay a very high price for indiscretion. Other articles you might wish to read: Infidelity-cheating-may-not-be-a-deal-breaker
852 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244946903 _edit_last 2
A whole lot of cheating going on: Fr. Cutié revives celibacy debate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=853 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=853 A whole lot of cheating going on: Fr. Cutié revives celibacy debate
May 19, 11:25 AM · 1 comment
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There seems to be something going around.  As I pointed out yesterday with the story of Mel Gibson's pregnant girlfriend -- there was John Edwards, and there was  Father Cutié whose name is pronouced "coo-tay" and not "cutie" -- despite his looks. TIME magazine is one of the latest publications to cover the scandal and the celibacy issue.  And while I rarely get through the too many magazines that I have in the pile here, this one was a "must read." To hear what the ladies of The View had to say, here is a link (sorry about the commercial.) The View He gives advice on love and marriage. He is well-known and loved. But after an apparent beach romp he is suspended  from his parish and struggling over his love for the women with whom he was photographed in his beach romp. But here is the link that is perhaps the most difficult for so many people. Father-Oprah-Explains-How-To-Make-Love-Last. For more on betrayal: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
853 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244946961 _edit_last 2
Breaking news: Mel Gibson's girlfriend is expecting a child, the video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=854 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=854 Breaking news: Mel Gibson's girlfriend is expecting a child, the video
May 18, 7:32 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo/ Chris Pizzello
What is happening?  John Edwards fathers a child?  Father Cutie acknowledges that he is in love.  And now Mel Gibson's girlfriend is reported  to be expecting a child minutes or so after his divorce? According to TMZ "We've learned Mel Gibson's girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, is pregnant with his child." www.tmz.com/ Mel considers himself to be an outspoken Catholic who has even built his own Church. People Is this beginning to sound like Henry VIII? Here is the breaking news video. What I wonder most often is whether or not the words, “for better or worse, until death do us part” will become obsolete? With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - there is cause for concern. Some research indicates that monogamy is simply not part of our make-up. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. I worry about the future of marriage.  However, as an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. Much as I try to remain neutral -- I am always opinionated.  And I think that crossing the line, boundary violations, always compromises one's integrity. I was saddened by the news of Father Cutie because of his struggle and because of his vows --  it was a crisis in faith.  I was sick about the love child of John Edwards -- it was a crisis in marriage.  And now Mel Gibson!  Something seems remiss. For more about betrayal and faith read:
854 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947026 _edit_last 2
Cheating: whether lovers or friends, a betrayal of trust http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=855 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=855 Cheating: whether lovers or friends, a betrayal of trust
May 18, 2:18 AM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo: Liz Hurley and Arun Nayar
Cheating compromises integrity. It might be a man who cheats or a woman who is unfaithful. It might be a priest who crosses the line as in the case of Father Cutie. As I see all the hustle and bustle of Commencement around me -- I live in a college town -- I wonder how many professors are crossing the line. I have known too many though the years who become involved with a student, and tell me they are in love – one student and one semester at a time. When your friend cheats and uses you as a cover And what happens when you discover that a friend is cheating and puts you in the position of lying about an affair she is having? I had that happen to me once. I confess that I found the whole thing so appalling that I gave my friend 48 hours to fess up to her husband or threatened to tell him myself. Maybe I would not have been so angry, if I had not discovered that she was using me as a cover and having an affair with the husband of another friend of ours. I learned about the affair quite by serendipity. Her husband ran into me in town one Saturday morning (and I was never in town on the week-ends, so it was a fluke) and he asked how I was managing to take so much time off for the Ladies' Lunches. I thought he was joking at first along the lines of  "How are you who seem to be on a perpetual deadline enjoying soap operas and bonbons?" But as we joked further, he realized that I did not know what he was talking about. He called me the next day and asked for the truth. I suggested he talk with his wife. The friendship with my girlfriend ended and today I am still friends with her husband and his second wife of 10 years. Cheating with a friend -- a double betrayal The unforgivable sin, according to the poll that I posted, is having your husband cheat on you with a girlfriend. Only two percent of you said you would stand by a man in that case. And 47 percet of you said, "No" And I can see why, it is a double betrayal. There are many forms of infidelity, of crossing the line. But in our secret place, in our heart of hearts, we know when we are trying to make an excuse for our actions.  When we try to deceive ourselves for the sake of passion, our integrity suffers. And if you believe in the great law of karma –“What you do unto others will be done unto you,”  or simply put, "What goes around comes around" -- you may come to see the very high price one pays for indiscretion. Regarding Liz Hurley and Arun Nayar, there were reports that he was cheating even as she was preparing for their wedding. Express India
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Farrah Fawcett's heartbreak: She wants a miracle, Ryan wants marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=856 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=856 Farrah Fawcett's heartbreak: She wants a miracle, Ryan wants marriage
May 16, 6:08 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo
Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O'Neal want a miracle. She wants to recover.  He wants to marry her.
To whomever he speaks, he says,  "It's a love story. I just don't know how to play this one. I won't know this world without her."
Here is a story published within the hour from the London press.
When asked about marriage, he says, "You know she's been married, I've been married. She's said, 'We have a good thing.' But I said 'you said that 30 years ago, shouldn't there be a sea change?' Maybe there is, you never know."
Here is a video update.
Love, long-term relationships, and marriages are often strained when there is an illness. But as you will see from the WebMD article, family and friends are vital. Farrah was with Ryan O'Neal from 1980-1997and they remained friends even after the break-up.  He has been by her side since she was diagnosed with cancer. Here is a story released from ABC News which talks about the private screening of her documentary, "Farrah's Story." ABC News .go.com/
856 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947123 _edit_last 2
Paul Newman and me, and all who want to believe in a faithful husband http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=857 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=857 Paul Newman and me, and all who want to believe in a faithful husband
May 15, 4:19 PM · 3 comments
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AP Photo/Bob Child, Paul and Joanne at Lime Rock
I did not realize I was walking and talking with Paul Newman until the moment I looked into his eyes.  And there under a cloudless, sun-drenched sky, the stars came out and twinkled blue.
“I seem to know you,” I said spellbound.
“I’m Paul,” he said, extending his hand.
And before the Commencement ceremony we chatted about the night when my guy was out drinking with him so Paul could polish up a Texas twang by listening to someone whose drawl was all the more pronounced after a few beers.
To me and to many of my friends, Paul was our dream idol of a family man, ever faithful to Joanne Woodward.
If perception is reality, then I would like to continue to live the Paul Newman dream.  Understanding father to five, but most of all faithful husband to Joanne.  The man who created Camp Hole in the Wall for children with terminal illnesses.  The man who believed in giving.  The good neighbor.
When a Connecticut legislator from his district was talking about a health care issue, there was standing room only and a line outside. Someone from the legislative team spotted Paul, and offered to make room for him on the stage.
He said,  “No, I’ll go outside and talk to the people standing in line. Try to calm them down.”
Paul Newman was that kind of man.
And as I hear the news of the new expose -- speculation, hearsay --  I want to cover my ears and once again shield my eyes, so as not to see the images of him with a string of women and men.  I only want to see Paul and Joanne.   So spare me please of the new book based on Marlon's murmurings.
I want to continue to believe, and so I shall --  that through his movies, his charities, his larger than life goodness --  Paul Newman left us a breath-taking legacy and gave us a model for a marriage.
** Paul Newman was a graduate of the Yale Drama School and when we met at Commencement ( I'm still an associate fellow at Yale's Ezra Stiles College ) he was about to be awarded an honorary degree. But we are never told who is to receive the degree until we meet them in line or see them on the stage.  It is closely guarded secret.
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Sudden passion: back seat, city street, noisy couple in video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=858 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=858 Sudden passion: back seat, city street, noisy couple in video
May 14, 10:58 AM · 1 comment
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The other evening was warm and balmy and as I walked past some parked cars, I did a double-take as I saw a head bobbing.
Then I remembered the story of a friend married for 14 years.. She and her husband went out to dinner one evening and she had every intention of telling him that she wanted a separation. To get up the courage she had one drink too many.
As they walked to the car – diagonally parked on a busy city street -- she said, “I don’t know what came over me. But as he stood there holding the front door open for me, I faced him. Unbuttoned my blouse. Then opened the back door and said to him, ‘Get in,’  as I opened my blouse.
"He stood spellbound for a few minutes, and pounced. There we were in the middle of the city having the most wonderfully spontaneous time. Little by little, more and more sudden sex helped our marriage get back on track.”
Here's a little video but  WARNING she is a noisy lover -- so I have the volume turned VERY LOW.  You can adjust accordingly. It is fun to watch the expressions on people's faces.
Sudden passion hint: When the spirit moves you, make a move -- even if it is in the garage of your own home! Car link: http://www.freefoto.com/images/21/35/21_35_12_prev.jpg Read my story on the apparent sudden passion that came over Fr. Cutie during his beach romp.  Fr. Cutié: A view from "The View" and hear his confession on CBS via You Tube
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
858 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947210 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: Bottoms up, two can play http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=859 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=859 function loadAhah(url,div,message) { showDiv(div); //alert(document.getElementById(div).style.display); if (document.getElementById(div).style.display != 'none') { ahah(url + "&nocache=" + Math.random() * 1000 ,div,message); } }

Sudden passion: Bottoms up, two can play

May 12, 3:01 PM · Add a Comment
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Taking  a break from the "Cheating poll," which you can still find at  "If she pants, 'You are so hot!' will our men tumble as did John Edwards?" -- I somehow found myself in a "bottoms up"  conversation.  I was talking with a friend about hot looking lace  panty hose. Then this photo surfaced.  It is from a blog on modern sinks and wash basin designs by Adriana Sassoon Bottoms or breasts? After doing some spanking stories, I heard from readers asking if men preferred bottoms to breasts.  Actually I am not sure.  However, I did have a conversation with another journalist who said she believes that “Men like bottoms – they are impersonal and primitive. The men don’t need to look women in the eye when they are making love.  You see this a lot in pornography," she said. Sudden passion moment: Another friend said, "We got into a funny sex mood one night of a full moon and too much champagne.  I was always rather conservative.  Then all of sudden I got down on all fours and said, "One more time for La Luna." The spontaneity was so startling to him that we ended up making love for the rest of the night.  He still calls it the night of our 'love around the moon.'  And now that's become a code word for something a little daring, a little different. From a man's perspective: "It is just about difference.  There are some studies that say the bodies of homo sapiens developed differently -- making the missionary position easier -- and yes, there is something intuitive and passionate that comes about from face to face." If with "Bottoms up" women miss out on the closeness and the caresses, do they accomodate men just to please?  Actually, women I talk with about this tell me that in pleasing a man they derive an erotic pleasure themselves.
Photos of their bottoms: While perousing the Internet,  I came across  <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; color:#333333;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> At her discretion in which the author depicts and  talks about the fascination for women’s bottoms in art and in literature.  And certainly Friday evening, at a museum event, there was no shortage of women's bottoms adorning the walls.
An upcoming book from Cleis Press is Bottoms Up: Spanking Good Stories. The book is edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel and they say "It celebrates the pleasures of an inviting bum turned rosy red by hand, paddle, crop, or whip."  When Bussel put out the call for submissions for this primarily hetersexual book, she said, "I want creative, original spanking stories in a variety of settings using all sorts of implements. Spanking as part of roleplay, discipline, adventure, foreplay, etc. are fair game."
From top to bottom whether it is between the sheets or on the living room floor, variety adds spice to life.  And sometimes the unpredictable reignites passion. A discussion with your lover or husband about tops and bottoms -- so what if you already know the answer -- is certainly a conversation starter. I was amazed listening to the prudish talk of some young college students in the neighborhood. For their sake, I hope that “youth is not wasted on the young.”
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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If she pants, “You are so hot!” will our men tumble as did John Edwards? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=860 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=860 If she pants, “You are so hot!” will our men tumble as did John Edwards?
May 12, 3:07 AM · 4 comments
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Will she lick her lips and utter breathless sounds as her tongue twirls his body?  Can she drag our man down?  We worry sometimes and wonder.  Is this the reason we are obsessed with the John and Elizabeth Edwards story?
Why is Elizabeth talking? Is she trying to warn all of us? Maybe she is reminding us that men are weak and life is fragile.
Let’s face it – men like excitement. And women know it. They watch porn.  Spanking skirts turn them on. They want sex not just sometimes, but men’s magazines will tell us that men like sex any time and all of the time – even quickies behind an office door.  Forbidden sex!   Would we stand by our man if he fell?
Would you stand by a man who cheated on you?
In this tragic triangle, there are no winners. John became tumbleweed after Reille Hunter is said to have uttered the words, “You are so hot.”
In marriages without tragedy, men stray and sometimes the strain of tragedy pushes them over the edge.  A full year ago I wrote that the cheating privileges given by Samantha in Sex in the City to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy, underscored the devastating effects of chemotherapy treatment. At the time, I had no idea that today the story of “Resilience” would be all over the news.
Today many of us are wondering and maybe even squirming a bit asking: "Could it happen to us?"
If it could happen to the perfect couple, it could happen to you.  It could happen to me.
To read different perspectives on the John and Elizabeth Edwards triangle, read my earlier pieces: Sudden passion: John's indiscreet love affair is investigated (the most tame of my Sudden passion series. My newest on John and Elizabeth is one of three perspectives shared by myself  Heartbroken: Elizabeth Edwards, John, and the other woman and two of my colleagues --  whose articles are terrific!
Tinamarie Bernard
Debbie Puente
860 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244947327 _edit_last 2
Heartbroken: Elizabeth Edwards, John, and the other woman http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=861 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=861 Heartbroken: Elizabeth Edwards, John, and the other woman
May 10, 10:13 AM · Add a Comment
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heartbreak, John and Elizabeth Edwards
When they married, Elizabeth said she told John she wanted only one thing from him, "I wanted him to be faithful to me.” In the entire Oprah Winfrey interview, hearing her say those words, I gasped. John’s infidelity must have pierced her heart. But she is one of the courageous women who believes in her marriage vows, “as long as we both shall live.”
Although Elizabeth Edwards is honoring her commitment to marriage -- given the fact that another woman is telling the world that John fathered her child -- it must be particularly hurtful. Despite all of the recent political scandals, this one seems to be the most tragic.
As I wrote in an earlier piece: Husband snatching facts: why Reille Hunter is angry at Elizabeth Edwards it appears that she believed she had a future with John. And when she came to grips with reality and felt she was not treated fairly in Elizabeth’s book, she decided upon revenge – the paternity test. Some might call this a love triangle heartbreak for two mothers on Mother's Day.
I have said this often -- I am neutral but opinionated. A woman who goes after another woman’s husband is a male poacher.
Perhaps for a fleeting moment or two John did have feelings for Reille, maybe he still does.  And we would like to believe that she had feelings for him – but we don’t know. In fact, we never know what other people experience behind closed doors. However, in this day and age a “love child” is rarely a mistake – it is nearly always deliberative or deceptive.
The poll: It is difficult for marriages to recoup after adultery, though not impossible. So it was sad to read the recent poll results that appeared in the Daily News, Why_do_women_stay_with_their_cheating husbands?
If your partner strayed, would you stay?
Yes, I probably would. 9%
I'd be devastated, but would try my best to deal. 33%
No way, I'd be out the door. 58%
Elizabeth Edwards stands tall among many political wives whose husbands cheated on them: Hillary Clinton was scandalized by Monica. Silda Spitzer and Wendy Vittner watched their lives unravel because of escort services.  Then there were two homosexual scandals involving Governor Jim McGreevey and Sen.Larry Craig – and yes, their wives stood by their side.
Forgiveness: In truth, we do have a choice if a spouse is caught in adultery. It is called “forgiveness.” The Mayo Clinic tells us, “Infidelity causes intense emotional pain — anger, disbelief, fear, guilt, shame. But an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage.”  To learn more about how a marriage can be rebuilt after an affair, go to Mayo Clinic Infidelity
Happily Married: Here is another bit of advice to rekindle love in a marriage. Read Dr. Scott Haltzman. His books are aimed at empowering women and men to keep their marriages strong and loving.  Secrets of Happily Married Men and Secrets of Happily Married Women
Despite the sadness and the pain Elizabeth Edwards has experienced, she gives us hope standing true to her words: "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live."
Heartbroken is one way to look at this story which I am sharing with our Modern Love Examiner and our Friendship Examiner.  To read their perspective on the John and Elizabeth Edwards triangle,  please go to:
861 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998184 _edit_last 2
itillating toilets: sexy mannequins in video a sure way get your man to shop with you http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=862 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=862 itillating toilets: sexy mannequins in video a sure way get your man to shop with you
May 9, 2:09 PM · Add a Comment
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titillating toilet The Toilet House
Sometimes when couples travel they will make an effort to spend time pleasing their partners and pretend to enjoy an activity that bores them. Museums and shopping come to mind. One friend confided today that to entice her husband into museums they play a "Name that painting" game. Each creates provocative names for the various pieces of art work. "It has become such fun that he now looks forward to museuming with me." However,  she said she has no success getting him to a shopping mall.  Portugal should be their next stop. The men's room: Take your man to the Eight Avenida Center in Sao Joao da Madeira, a northern Portugal shopping mall.  Drop him off in the men’s room. Give yourself an hour or two so he can study the “art.”  Apparently men are finding mannequins so intriguing that they block the entrance to the "Loo" so that  their wives and girlfriends can take a look for themselves. The ladies' room has a counterpart? Male mannequins, scantily clad. If you can't get to  Portugal, promise him "sudden passion" when you return from a shopping spree. Check our my series listed at the end of  Sudden passion: the shag bag of pleasure and hot kisses -- an update. But first, this fun video.
I was reminded of this article, which appeared last year in Reuters, when the Best Public Toilets in America were rated yesterday. But even the Top Ten cannot compete with Portugal.
Here are the Best Public Toilets in America. Best-public-restrooms-in-America
The "Toilet House" above is from architecture.myninjaplease.com/?p=2086 build by the chairman of the World Toilet Organization according to this blog and photo.  Many photos of this house exist, but the text is interesting on this blog.
862 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998209 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: the shag bag of pleasure and hot kisses -- an update http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=863 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=863 Sudden passion: the shag bag of pleasure and hot kisses -- an update
May 9, 1:13 AM · 1 comment
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hot kisses and a shag bag
The Shag Bag is a not-so-pure but very simple bag of sexy treats. And I thank you all for reminding me that the men in your life carry shag bags onto the golf course.  And some women are now using cotton shag bags for shopping. The shag dance is portrayed in the video at the end.  But what I am talking about here is a passion kit to enhance the British definition of shagging --  sex, hot and heavy.  What started out at an ultra hotel in Atlantic City is turning into creative "at home" entertainment. The hotel shag bag: It seems that the sex and passion kit for $18 is a very hot seller. Here is the catch.  Take it off the shelf.  Spend more than 60 seconds examining the contents from condoms to toys, and it is yours, billed to your room.  A friend reminded me of the kits when she showed me her new collection of  jeweled "shag bags."
The stay-at-home shag kit: Want to create some unexpected passion in your home? Make up your own passion pack. Fill it with unexpected pleasure from toys to a page from one of the magazines that talks about a myriad of new tantalizing tips. One friend always includes a few cards from a deck with 52 positions and off they go.
Anything goes: Actually I have an antique and jeweled collection of purses that hang in the living room "Always ready to party."  One day a friend asked if she could borrow one.  Then the next week, she borrowed another.  Then another.  She always returned them and never said a word about the event she was attending.  Finally one day she fessed up. "When my husband comes home and sees one of your jeweled purses on the mantle, then he knows -- anything goes!"
For long-distance lovers: One of my friends always travels with the latest issue of Cosmo so that she and her man can bypass: “Tell me dear, how was your month?”  This kind of moment happens when two high-powered people travel.  Instead they start out with "Pick a number."
She admits that even though they talk and email there is no substitute for learning to read the silences, the sighs, the smiles, the human touch.  "Sometimes, even though we are excited about seeing each other, it's been a tense week.  Pulling out something to create a moment of fun passion -- instead of just popping a champagne cork -- is liberating."
Nonetheless, while at home or traveling, a little surprise passion kit could spice up your life.  Here is the story about passion kits  CBS News And for the Carolina shag, there is a video at the end.  Kiss is from www.spada.co.uk
If you enjoy "SUDDEN PASSION" here are more stories from my series, which will continue:
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Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers with succulent ideas

Sudden passion: the book between erotica and porn

Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers

Sudden passion: online dating or sex with a stranger

Sudden passion: Titillating spanking stories and skirts

Sudden passion: Sex with a stranger, have you?

Sudden passion: sex drive surge, update - even in pregnancy!

Sudden passion: Spanking skirts, an update

863 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998275 _edit_last 2
Husband snatching facts: why Reille Hunter is angry at Elizabeth Edwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=864 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=864 Husband snatching facts: why Reille Hunter is angry at Elizabeth Edwards
May 8, 2:50 AM · 1 comment
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husband snatcher, Reille Hunter seeks revenge AP Photo
We talk a lot about men who cheat on their wives.  There are some shocking statistics in this article about women who go after another woman’s husband. Paternity suit revenge: As the news reports continue, it seems that Reille Hunter, ex-lover to John Edwards, actually thought she might have a future with the man who at the time was a presidential candidate.  He was also then and now, a married man. Angry at her portrayal in the new book by Elizabeth, "Resilience" Reille is now talking paternity suit. A reminder -- Elizabeth never once uses Reille's name in the book and her name was not mentioned in the Oprah interview according to a pre-arranged agreement. Gayle King, editor of Oprah's magazine weighs in on this story. ABC News The other woman: In a piece by Jessie Knadler for Women’s Health in the November issue, we learn that 62 percent of women interviewed say they would rather be the mistress than the spurned wife.
She also tells us why there is no longer a Scarlet Letter which brands women who cheat and why “Angelina Jolie, [is] now seen by many as a saint, not as a home wrecker, and France’s first lady, Carla Bruni, hailed as the new Jackie Onassis. Such labels would have been unthinkable a generation ago. ”
Knadler points out that “some experts believe our views of marriage are changing. . . And a number of studies have shown that about half of all married men and women have cheated.”
Bad news for mistresses: Here is the bad news for mistresses who have expectations –  “a survey of 4,126 male business executives found that only 3 percent married their mistress.”  Women’s Health
In a discussion with several couples the other evening, the women agreed that men can be weak.  But a man cannot cheat on his wife if the other woman has the courage to say, "No, you are a married man."
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
864 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998331 _edit_last 2
Paternity test revenge: photos and details on Oprah interview with Elizabeth Edwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=865 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=865 Paternity test revenge: photos and details on Oprah interview with Elizabeth Edwards
May 7, 2:26 PM · Add a Comment
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AP photo
In a new report from ABC News, it seems that "Elizabeth Edwards places much of the blame on her husband, but said Hunter had to know that she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and that she had two young children along with an adult daughter. That should have prevented Hunter from going after her husband," she said. Gayle King, editor of Oprah's magazine weighs in on this story. ABC News Reports continue that Reille Hunter is angry about her portrayal in the new book and, as such, is seeking a paternity suit in revenge.  As the saying goes, "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned." But just a minute here -- going after another woman's husband? A woman should be above that.  Sad to say, this story on Husband snatchers indicates that it is going around.  The women are also called male poachers -- as I talked about in that web article. For more info and video:  Paternity test looms: Oprah asks Elizabeth Edwards about the baby in video release Watch for a three-way series on marriage, emotional infidelity, and friendship. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
865 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998368 _edit_last 2
Paternity test looms: Oprah asks Elizabeth Edwards about the baby in video release http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=866 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=866 Paternity test looms: Oprah asks Elizabeth Edwards about the baby in video release
May 7, 10:31 AM · 1 comment
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Oprah talks to Elizabeth about John Edwards AP Photo
In this video release Oprah asks about John's baby and no one mentions "the other woman" by name.  According to news reports this morning, the former ex-lover is apparently demanding a paternity test.New York Daily News: gossip It was also reported that Oprah asks, "Are you still in love with him?" To the question of love, Edwards responds, "You know, that's a complicated question." Here is the New York Daily News story with photos of the the love child. NYDailyNews: Elizabeth_Edwards_interview_with_Oprah_no_idea_if_John_Edwards_fathered_child Watch for a special three-way series: about what infidelity does to a marriage, emotional infidelity, and frienship.
866 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998438 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers with succulent ideas http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=867 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=867 Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers with succulent ideas
May 6, 8:04 AM · 2 comments
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chocolate, porn
Some tasty ideas here should you catch your husband or lover watching porn.  Rather than an argument, how about giving him an experience that is so hot, so passionate, and so unpredictable that when he starts to watch the next time, he will quickly seek out the siren in you.
A new report says,  "If partners experience excitement from other sources (such as novel and challenging activities) in a shared context, this shared experience can reignite relationship passion by associating the excitement with the relationship," the researchers write. " WebMD
Researchers said that their findings suggest excitement promotes closeness, further promoting satisfaction. This posting has a new book by our Denver Sex and Romance Examiners as well as links to Erotic Dining. Sudden passion: the book between erotica and porn has some tempting ideas.
Practical advice from Dr. Ruth: Here is what Dr. Ruth says to the woman who writes that her husband won’t talk with her about why he likes porn.
“He won’t explain to you why he likes to look at porn because you wouldn’t accept the truth. Men like to look at porn because it’s sexually arousing, and sex within a relationship can get a little boring after a while. With any luck, a man will use that arousal to have sex with his partner, so in that case it’s a good thing.” Dr Ruth
Is porn the answer? To alleviate boredom in a relationship, porn may stimulate dialog.  However, many women worry and feel betrayed by porn, here is a sampling of questions. Gardenweb.com
The choice of reigniting a relationship is really yours.  Does that mean porn?  For some couples, the answer may be "yes."
Oysters & Chocolate erotic anthology on shelves
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
Strawberry Photo from
Hot_chocolate <!--{12415646345932}-->
867 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998660 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: the book between erotica and porn http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=868 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=868 Sudden passion: the book between erotica and porn
May 5, 1:33 PM · 1 comment
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1 comment
AP photo
In writing about Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers, I came across a notice about something special happening with our Denver Sex and Romance Examiners --  their new book is out. Oysters and Chocolate: Erotic Stories of Every Flavor edited by Jordan LaRousse and Samantha Sade. And oh! such provocative flavors: Whats_your_flavor appears to be  a special evening event with a menu tempting the palate with:
  • Vanilla A classic, sweet, and romantically decadent dish.
  • Dirty Martini A distinctive, exciting cocktail with a naughty twist.
  • Licorice Whips A wild and strong-flavored course that spanks the tongue with heat and bite.
  • Oysters Firm and sensual—with deep, round cups, sweet scents, and exclusively feminine flavors
Jordan and Samantha certainly know the art of dining!
More on Erotic Food from the Sexual Health Center: Erotic food Sometimes you are in for a surprise when eating foods that are considered to be aphrodisiacs. Last year 26 pearls were found inside this oyster. Seattle Times
For a look at different perspectives on relationship spice here is:  Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers --  What should you do if you catch your husband or lover watching porn? Give him an experience that is so hot, so passionate, and so unpredictable that...Keep Reading »
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
868 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998707 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: porn for wives and lovers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=869 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=869 May 4, 11:38 PM · Add a Comment
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>What should you do if you catch your husband or lover watching porn? Give him an experience that is so hot, so passionate, and so unpredictable that when he starts to watch the next time, he will quickly seek out the siren in you. Men get bored. Marriages and relationships wane. This new report on WebMD noted that problems of boredom surface after seven years of marriage.  Researchers said that their findings suggest excitement promotes closeness, further promoting satisfaction. "If partners experience excitement from other sources (such as novel and challenging activities) in a shared context, this shared experience can reignite relationship passion by associating the excitement with the relationship," the researchers write. " WebMD
Practical advice from Dr. Ruth: Here is what Dr. Ruth says to the woman who writes that her husband won’t talk with her about why he likes porn.
“He won’t explain to you why he likes to look at porn because you wouldn’t accept the truth. Men like to look at porn because it’s sexually arousing, and sex within a relationship can get a little boring after a while. With any luck, a man will use that arousal to have sex with his partner, so in that case it’s a good thing.” Dr Ruth
Is porn the answer? To alleviate boredom in a relationship, porn may stimulate dialogue.  However, many women worry and feel betrayed by porn, here is a sampling of questions. Gardenweb.com
The choice of reigniting a relationship is really yours.  Does that mean porn?  For some couples, the answer may be "yes." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
869 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999050 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: John's indiscreet love affair is investigated http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=871 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=871 Sudden passion: John's indiscreet love affair is investigated
May 4, 11:34 AM · Add a Comment
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john edwards, two women, investigation, affair, scandal AP Photo/ Denis Poroy
The news is abuzz today. Was campaign finance money used for payments to John Edwards’s mistress? And "no" this is not John talking about two women here.
According to an AP story on CBS, "His once-prominent political career is buried and the turmoil of his marriage is playing out in public. Now, John Edwards is facing a federal inquiry. " CBS News
From the Charlotte Observer, “The investigation is being conducted by the office of U.S. Attorney George Holding, and a federal grand jury could consider evidence. Holding, a Republican based in Raleigh, declined to comment on Edwards. Holding has helped prosecute several prominent Democrats.”
Party girl Reille Hunter -- the story -- New York Post
There is an old saying, “Starts fast, burns quickly. Starts slow, lasts long.”
In the tawdry affair of John and the party girl – lots of pain, a lot of ashes left burning.
Recovery from an affair is possible.  But couples pay a high price for the iniscreet sudden passion.
871 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999109 _edit_last 2
When divorce clouds hover http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=870 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=870 When divorce clouds hover
May 4, 2:50 PM · Add a Comment
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Roger Manny Photo
In the wake of the John and Elizabeth Edwards scandal and today's news about the investigation, we are given an example of the commitment of two people and their decision to stay married. (See my story posted earlier.) Divorce is always a thick cloud. So often marriages are on the rocks because one or the other feels angry. Michelle Weiner-Davis tells us that “Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.”
She says, “Lack of forgiveness imprisons you. It takes its toll on your physical and emotional health. It keeps you stuck in the deepest of relationship ruts. No matter how justified you feel about your point of view regarding your partner's insensitive behavior, you still are miserable.
"When you wake up each morning, a gray tint shadows your life. You walk around with a low-grade depression. You can't feel joy because you're too busy being angry or feeling disappointed.”
How can you save your marriage?
She points out words that many religious leaders tell us, “Forgiveness isn't a feeling. It is a decision. You decide that you are going to start tomorrow with a clean slate.” Take a look at Divorce Busting
870 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244998866 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: online dating or sex with a stranger http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=872 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=872 Sudden passion: online dating or sex with a stranger
May 3, 10:57 AM · 1 comment
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1 comment
Sex with a stranger
If I asked,  "Would  you ever have sex with a stranger?"  in this day and age, most of you would probably say "no."  But consider this. Of 40 million Americans going to match services, 30 percent of women engage in sex on a first date, according to a study by Sexuality Research and Social Policy report. Online services are booming.  So shall we assume that women are throwing caution to the wind despite the unnerving statistics of sexually transmitted diseases? Stranger role play: Does the notion of sex with a stranger excite you?  Then perhaps you can engage in some role play with your mate. If you are wondering, "What is the point?"  the answer is simple. To help your imagination run wild and your temperature rise with your husband or lover. But then again, the two of you might watch some of those exotic scenes in The Thomas Crowne Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo  -- I like their experience of sudden champagne  passion. I heard this story at the little cigar bar in town from a globe-trotter, an older European and I believed his every word. Yes, this is true: He recounted the moment with utmost detail. “We were at the Louvre looking at paintings. I watched her every move pretending to be studying a Cezanne. "Then she disappeared. She was hauntingly beautiful. The next evening, I was attending a very formal cocktail party. I became breathless as I saw her face across the room. I began to approach her, she moved towards me.
"The waiter brought a tray of champagne glasses between us. She took one. I took one. And without saying a word, she smiled. She brushed against me and I followed her. We went to the courtyard. People were all around us, but there was a tiny grouping of trees. She lifted her foot delicately  to a garden bench, her evening dress opened to reveal her desire.
"There was a sudden passion between us, hot and searing. She disappeared after those moments of intimacy and I never saw her again. Only in Paris could this have happened. And only before the days when we learned to be careful.”
As “Frenzy: 60 stories of sudden sex” edited by Alison Tyler shows us, it can happen anywhere, not just Paris.
Letting her imagination run wild: The gentleman who told me the story is now married and says he will never reveal this moment to his wife.  But one of the women who heard the story said, “I can do that.”  And she tells me that sex between she and her husband has never been better!
For some related good reading:  Here is a piece from our Modern Love Examiner that should peak your interest. The dating game: ring her bells, not her alarm
And also take a look at our Online-Dating-Examiner: online-dating-makes-more-money-than-porn
Also here is a question put to these readers:  Shine: Have you ever had sex with a stranger?
To read  more about SUDDEN PASSION, please go to my home page or become a subscriber and you will never have to wait for  "Sudden" inspiration.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
872 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999163 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: sex surge, pregnancy, Sex in the City http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=873 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=873 Sudden passion: sex surge, pregnancy, Sex in the City
May 3, 12:32 AM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo/  Kristin Davis
Whenever you worry that you are having a sudden sex surge, reassure yourself, it is perfectly normal, even during pregnancy. Some women worry when they have a sudden desire to truly enjoy the pleasures of intimacy.  My advice, think of Samantha from Sex and the City and smile (although yes, the Kim Cattrall pregnancy story is here -- read on.) Here is one story of a sudden sex urge: “My sex drive has recently gone through the roof. This came after a long period of difficulties in my relationship. When we finally started having sex again, its been like I'm aroused all the time. I used to get excited about sex around mid cycle for a few days and then it would pass -- most of the time I wasn't interested. Now I'm excited all the time.
“I'm thinking about it all the time, looking up new positions, etc. I'm getting worried that there is something wrong with me.”  Fortunately the women who wrote back to her said that the strong desire for sex is perfectly normal. More importantly one of the women suggested she express this interest to her husband. Womens health.com
In the world of love and marriage, talking and sharing intimate thoughts, desires, and fanatasies helps strengthen communication.  It may trigger a few hidden passions in your man.   Instead of fearing your desires and his, embrace them -- yes, even during pregnancy.
And from the Baby  Center Community  Babycenter.com -- higher_than_normal_sex_drive it is refreshing to see women talking openly and honestly about their feelings and their relationship with their husbands.  The beauty of pregnancy is that the body seems to be at harmony with itself in its act of creation.  Quite a beautiful experience for those who choose to have children.
On the subject of pregancy: We hear from Brad Brevet the news about Sex and the City 2 -- and here is one of the rumored plot lines.  “Big loses a lot of money and takes a job in London, living alone in a one-bedroom apartment. Big gets really low and ends up in bed with another woman. After she leaves him Carrie discovers she is pregnant.”  Rope of Silicon.com
While many women report feeling a sudden sex surge during pregnancy this is one Sex and the City lady who is not taking any chances with her sex urges -- she is happy the way she is. This following brief is from Babble. Sex And The City's Kim Cattrall Pregnant At 52? Posted by Sassy Smith
kim cattrall pregnant
Kim Cattrall, whose "Samantha" character on Sex and the City would probably never have a baby - she likes her carefree lifestyle too much and being able to date numerous men.  But what about in real life?  Does Kim have babies on the brain?
Apparently - no, never, not going to happen.  Cattrall, who is 52, is dating chef Alan Wyse, 29, and the couple are not on the same page when it comes to children.  (Story posted on April 12, 2009)  Babble.com.
Kim might want to read Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner -- I love her final comment in  Under the covers: pregnancy, intimacy and our views on nudity vs. nakedness.
She says, "Women who once might have feared that their pregnancies made them unattractive or undesirable are finding that their men think otherwise.  And isn’t that what Modern Love is all about, sanctifying the ordinary and rethinking our attitudes toward central human drives and relationships?” Under the covers: pregnancy, intimacy and sex
873 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999206 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: Titillating spanking stories and skirts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=874 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=874 Sudden passion: Titillating spanking stories and skirts
May 2, 4:08 PM · Add a Comment
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How far are you willing to go for titillation? If  your husband or lover came home with a sexy negligee for you, you would wear it and enjoy it. What about the new leather spanking skirts -- those skirts with leather fronts and an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled? Rachael Kramer Bussel's new spanking books including "Bottoms Up" by Cleius Press are more provocative than these early ones -- but the idea is the same. But now, instead of your imagination, the Internet and some entrepreneurs in Pakistan are making bare bottom leather skirts and accessories for those who like to push the envelope. The love and marriage factor: In an era in which we have seen marriages crumble in the wake of scandalous trysts with women from escort services, perhaps a man who brings home a spanking skirt is merely trying to set up a dialogue – one that says, “We need more excitement in our marriage.”    Take it as a cue and not an insult. The industry is growing.
Lacy  Threads and Leather Straps: It seems that there is an increasing demand for erotica which appears to be fueled by the Internet. Right now in Pakistan, according to a New York Times report this week, “Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business,” a little company in Karachi has a $1 million industry catering to the fetish and bondage products for the United States and Europe.
They sell primarily online and through eBay. According to the founders, their market research tells them that “70 percent of their customers were middle-to upper-class Americans and a majority of them Democrats. The Netherlands and Germany account for the bulk of their European sales.”
When I questioned the notion that this could be demeaning to women, one of my colleagues pointed out that when a woman dons a spanking skirt, the pleasurable pain is something she most likely enjoys, if it stays on a fun and sensual level.
The SPANKING SCENE from "SECRETARY" with Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader --  that many of you emailed me about on YouTube --  embedding is not permitted. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
874 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999247 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: Sex with a stranger, have you? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=875 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=875 Sudden passion: Sex with a stranger, have you?
May 1, 11:27 PM · Add a Comment
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sex with a stranger, Thomas Crown affair
It happens more than we realize. In fact it happens much more than even I realized when I wrote this a few days ago.  As such, at the end, you will see links to a question put to readers at Shine. If you are wondering, "What is the point?"  the answer is simple. To help your imagination run wild and your temperature rise with your husband or lover. I heard this story the other evening at the little cigar bar in town from a globe-trotter, an older European gentleman, and I believed his every word. He recounted the moment with utmost detail. “We were at the Louvre looking at paintings. I watched her every move pretending to be studying a Cezanne. "Then she disappeared. She was hauntingly beautiful. The next evening, I was attending a very formal cocktail party. I became breathless as I saw her face across the room. I began to approach her, she moved towards me.
"The waiter brought a tray of champagne glasses between us. She took one. I took one. And without saying a word, she smiled. She brushed against me and I followed her. We went to the courtyard. People were all around us, but there was a tiny grouping of trees. She lifted her foot delicately  to a garden bench, her evening dress opened to reveal her desire.
"There was a sudden passion between us, hot and searing. She disappeared after those moments of intimacy and I never saw her again. Only in Paris could this have happened. And only before the days when we learned to be careful.”
As “Frenzy: 60 stories of sudden sex” edited by Alison Tyler shows us, it can happen anywhere, not just Paris.  As it says on the back of the book, “What happens when desire trumps restraint, and a seeming innocent glance triggers a red-hot, clothes in a heap quickie.”
The gentleman who told me the story is now married and says he will never reveal this moment to his wife.  But one of the women who heard the story said, “I can do that.”  And she tells me that sex between she and her husband has never been better!  Perhaps the stories in this book by Cleis Press will inspire intimacy at home rather than abroad.
But then again, the two of you might watch some of those exotic scenes in The Thomas Crowne Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo  -- I like their experience of sudden champagne  passion. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
875 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999300 _edit_last 2
No sex for you -- Kenyan women on strike http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=876 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=876 No sex for you -- Kenyan women on strike
May 1, 5:54 PM · 2 comments
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AP Photo of Ann Njogu leaving high Court with friends in 2007
"Thousands of Kenyan women vowed Wednesday to begin a weeklong sex strike to protest their country's bickering leadership, which they say threatens to revive the bloody chaos that convulsed the African country last year, " according to an AP report.

Leaders from Kenya's largest and oldest group dedicated to women's rights, the Women's Development Organization, said they hope the boycott will persuade men to pressure the government to make peace. Kenya_Sex_Strike

Ann Njogu from the Centre for Rights Education and Awarness and one of the organizers of the Kenyan sex ban told reporters that thousands of Kenyan women vowed Wednesday to begin a weeklong sex strike." Leaders from Kenya's largest and oldest group dedicated to women's rights, the Women's Development Organization, said they hope the boycott will persuade men to pressure the government to make peace. It was also reported that the women are offering to pay sex workers to abstain as well. Kenyan-women-sex Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
876 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999362 _edit_last 2
Elizabeth Edwards lashes out at John's mistress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=877 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=877 Elizabeth Edwards lashes out at John's mistress
May 1, 11:14 AM · 4 comments
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Elizabeth Edwards trashed by mistress, new book out IAP Photo/ Bill Davila
While Elizabeth talks of her pain, she lashes out at John's mistress without ever mentioning the woman's name. However,  Rielle Hunter was not as kind. Elizabeth,  the news story: We wanted to believe in the perfect marriage.  But the marriage of Elizabeth Edwards and John was not perfect.  Her book, which will be coming on shortly is being talked about in the news.  Apparently the New York Daily News obtained an advance copy where she says: I cried, I screamed Rielle Hunter, the other woman:  According to a report in The Week, Elizabeth never uses the name of Rielle Hunter in her book, but rather calls her "pathetic." The Week, Elizabeth_Edwards_vs_Rielle_Hunter Reille was not as kind to Elizabeth and according to this Fox News report  spoke scornfully of John's wife. Fox News The book:  In the book Elizabeth reveals that John should not have run for president.  Her book is called, Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts in Facing Life's Adversities Elizabeth has focused her energies on Health Care Reform. The forgiveness factor: But I do want to point out something important that I will say repeatedly, cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship. Elizabeth Edwards has written a book called Resilience.   It is an inspirational  book in which she shows us the power of forgiveness Fox News HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM A PIECE THAT WAS ON MY BLOG, Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment / posted on August 13, 2008 The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. Although I wrote about it for my monthly Op-ed column for the Providence Journal, “Of DNA and Desire” I had no idea that the John and Elizabeth Edwards story would surface. Today the issue of infidelity is all the more poignant in the face of reality. Commitment:  John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. Cheating and truth: But John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on. Commitment to children: The Rabbi says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first. As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.”   END REGARDING A COMMITMENT TO CHILDREN:  This from Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner.  Under the covers: teaching our children to be fabulous lovers (not just about sex) part 1
877 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999523 _edit_last 2
Cheating: Elizabeth Edwards talks about John's affair http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=878 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=878 Cheating: Elizabeth Edwards talks about John's affair
April 30, 5:29 PM · Add a Comment
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AP Photo/ Tom Milalek
We wanted to believe in the perfect marriage.  But the marriage of Elizabeth Edwards and John was not perfect.  Her book, which will be coming on shortly is being talked about in the news.  Apparently the New York Daily News obtained an advance copy where she says: I cried, I screamed She reveals that John should not have run for president.  Her book is called, Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts in Facing Life's Adversities The forgiveness factor: But I do want to point out something important that I will say repeatedly, cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship. Elizabeth Edwards has written a book called Resilience.   It is an inspirational  book in which she shows us the power of forgiveness Fox News HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM A PIECE THAT WAS ON MY BLOG, Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment / posted on August 13, 2008 The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. Although I wrote about it for my monthly Op-ed column for the Providence Journal, “Of DNA and Desire” I had no idea that the John and Elizabeth Edwards story would surface. Today the issue of infidelity is all the more poignant in the face of reality. Commitment:  John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. Cheating and truth: But John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on. Commitment to children: The Rabbi says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first. As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.”   END REGARDING A COMMITMENT TO CHILDREN:  This from Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner.  Under the covers: teaching our children to be fabulous lovers (not just about sex) part 1
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
878 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999563 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: sex drive surge, update - even in pregnancy! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=879 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=879 Sudden passion: sex drive surge, update - even in pregnancy!
April 30, 12:05 PM · Add a Comment
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sudden sex surge, Kim Cantrell, Sex in the City AP/ Photo
Every once in a while a woman writes a story about a sudden sex urge. Some women worry when they have a sudden desire to truly enjoy the pleasures of intimacy.  My advice, think of Samantha from Sex and the City and smile. (And she and the Sex and the City ladies will be back for a new movie. Now that I am doing a bit of a "Sudden Passion" series, I will keep you posted.) UPDATE: But right now here is an updated link at the end -- it seems that pregnant women are reporting the sudden sex surge as well! For now, here is one story of a sudden sex urge from Women’s Heath. Com
“My sex drive has recently gone through the roof. This came after a long period of difficulties in my relationship. When we finally started having sex again, its been like I'm aroused all the time. I used to get excited about sex around mid cycle for a few days and then it would pass -- most of the time I wasn't interested. Now I'm excited all the time.
“I'm thinking about it all the time, looking up new positions, etc. I'm getting worried that there is something wrong with me.”
Fortunately the women who wrote back to her said that the strong desire for sex is perfectly normal. More importantly one of the women suggested she express this interest to her husband. Womens health.com
In the world of love and marriage, talking and sharing intimate thoughts, desires, and fanatasies helps strengthen your bond of communication.  And who knows, it may trigger a few hidden passions in your man as well.  Instead of fearing your desires and his, embrace them.
UPDATE:  from the Baby  Center Community!
Here are links to Sudden Passion: watch for more details
For other thoughts on intimacy read the "Under the Covers" series by Tinamarie Bernard, our Modern Love Examiner. Under the covers: sanctifying sex and our sexual identities
To share some fun here is the Sexy Song of the Day: Katy Perry, 'Waking Up In Vegas' (video) from Sarah Estrella, our Sex and Relationship Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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People to people contact: caution now that swine flu was raised to Phase 5 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=880 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=880 People to people contact: caution now that swine flu was raised to Phase 5
April 29, 7:27 PM · Add a Comment
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Roger Manny Photo
If you are like me, you will do anything to avoid hearing bad news.  As most of you know, I don't even own a television.  I would rather live in my fantasy world of love and relationships. But in truth,  I have a public health degree in epidemiology and I cannot ignore the World Health Organization (WHO) alert on swine flu that was now raised to Phase 5.  What does this mean?  It is a contagious flu virus that has the danger of becoming a pandemic. Check threat level in your state This is basically a flu so be careful with regard to people to people contact.
  • Like any other flu, it is spread from person to person.
  • You do not get swine flu from eating pork or bacon.
Here are Questions and Answers prepared by the  CDC ; a report from the L A Times and the AP WHO report.  So while I would rather you were reading articles by our terrific Relationship Examiners, and my recently published Sudden passion: Spanking skirts, an update perhaps just take a minute to brief yourself with this CDC video and stay safe! By the by, Roger Manny, on stateside from Dubai, took the pig photo in New York City.  An architect, he has been a member of a number of health committees to protect people from the spread of airborne illness. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
880 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999649 _edit_last 2
Sudden passion: Spanking skirts, an update http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=881 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=881 Sudden passion: Spanking skirts, an update
April 29, 1:08 PM · Add a Comment
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What would you do if  your husband or lover came home with a sexy negligee for you? Most probably you would enjoy it. What about a spanking skirt -- those skirts with leather fronts and an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled?  (Update note at the end about spanking scene from The Secretary)
In an era in which we have seen marriages crumble in the wake of scandalous trysts with women from escort services, perhaps a man who brings home a spanking skirt is merely trying to set up a dialogue – one that says, “We need more excitement in our marriage.”
Take it as a cue and not an insult. The industry is growing.
It seems that there is an increasing demand for erotica which appears to be fueled by the Internet. Right now in Pakistan, according to a New York Times report this week, “Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business,” a little company in Karachi has a $1 million industry catering to the fetish and bondage products for the United States and Europe.
They sell primarily online and through eBay. According to the founders, their market research tells them that “70 percent of their customers were middle-to upper-class Americans and a majority of them Democrats. The Netherlands and Germany account for the bulk of their European sales.”     This site has a video that graphically depicts some of the clothing items manufactured by the brothers in Pakistan in a shop that is kept so secret that even their wives and mothers do not know what they do.  Although the designer of the clothes confesses she has some fantasies.
Keep in mind that costumes and toys sometimes give a couple a few moments of fun – that may turn around the problems faced in 20 million sexless marriages.
When I questioned the notion that this could be demeaning to women, one of my colleagues pointed out that when a woman dons a spanking skirt, the pleasurable pain is something she most likely enjoys, if it stays on a fun and sensual level.
According to the Guardian.co.uk, exotic and erotic lingerie sales are on the rise, despite the recession.
UPDATE:  The SPANKING SCENE from "SECRETARY" with Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader.
I received some emails asking why I did not include the Spanking Scene in this posting from "Secretary."
Two reasons:
1)  It is the spanking scene that  suggests she realizes her masochistic tendencies and that is not the intent of this posting.
What I am talking about here is a news item depicting an industry that might be helpful to some in heating up their passion.
2) The YouTube video has been disabled and to view you must sign in and confirm that you are over 18 years of age
Book jacket photo: Cleis Press, book by Alison Tyler
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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Rat Pack Tunes on American Idol bring back memories of Sinatra and my father, his sound engineer http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=882 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=882 Rat Pack Tunes on American Idol bring back memories of Sinatra and my father, his sound engineer
April 27, 9:45 PM · Add a Comment
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From a family Album, my father, Vince Esposito, left
The American Idol is talking about The Rat Pack songs these days.  For me it brings back memories of my father's travels with Frank  Sinatra as his sound consultant.   While I usually write about love and  marriage, in some ways, this is my family's love affair with Frank Sinatra.
Although his memory has been hijacked by Alzheimer’s,  my father still remembers working with Sinatra at the  Fountainbleau in Miami Beach. There Sinatra performed on stage and partied off stage. These were the Rat Pack days in the ’60s when he was making the movie Tony Rome (1967). The photo here is from the movie set that I found in his album.
My father imported hand held microphones that brought the stars to him and they in turn took him on world travels.
Our father just celebrated his 89th birthday and still remembers the travels, the music and the stories. The photo albums are a reminder of glory days. When he turned 80, we designed a newspaper for him filled with photos and articles from his show-business days with Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Sammy Davis, Jr., and a host of other celebrated musicians.  We also held a surprise party for him and had several members of the Yale Precision Marching Band playing “Hail to the Chief” when he and my mother arrived. They then filled the afternoon with sounds of Sinatra.
Dad recalls the days with Frank so well that it is difficult to grasp that his memory slips further away each day.  He loves family gatherings with grandchildren visiting and great-grandchildren running to him saying, “Poppy, Poppy.” They sit with him and play and wait for his paper airplanes to fly. Oftentimes Frank will be singing in the background and he will say to us, “Did I ever tell you about Frank?”   And so we listen again.
One day in reminiscing about grandparent days, our children will tell their children about Nanny and Poppy and Frank Sinatra. They will look at pictures, listen to the music, and come to see what Poppy is holding onto for himself -- while at the same time shareing with us -- memories.  American Idol will be a nostalgic one for me.
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Sex with your ex? Maybe just blow him a farewell kiss http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=883 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=883 Sex with your ex? Maybe just blow him a farewell kiss
April 27, 11:34 AM · 1 comment
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AP photo
If you are feeling as if you have had magic dust sprinkled on you and are in a deliciously romantic mood, take a walk, exercise, and think twice about whether or not you should have sex with your ex.  There seems to be a lot of it going around these days, sort of like pollen! Maybe start now and blow him a kiss goodbye.
I never say "never" but you do want to go to keep your mind open to the possibility that maybe you are lonely and, well, there is you EX! And you are simply lonely, and the two of you always had good sex.
Despite the blossoms in the air, believe it or not, spring fever is not necessarily a time for hot passion. Researchers have found that for those who kept careful diaries -- sexual activity decreases during the spring and does not pick up again until autumn.
There is so much written about this topic that as I have said before, I am going to refer you to other writers.  But if you did have sex with your ex and need to do some damage control to your heart, it’s back to the TACT® Strategies.  But first, here are links that you may wish to read.
This from LifeScript sheds some light on the topic of sex with your ex or the booty call.  Women’s Health and sex with your ex
And here is what you should keep in mind for yourself, The TACT® Strategies.
Take a minute - think about what you are doing in terms of reconnecting with someone who may have brought you pain in the past. Why rekindle a moment of passion? Be honest, this is between you and your heart!  And forgiveness is a good answer.
Assess the situation - what are you feeling? What had you hoped for with regard to the outcome? Can you tell him or her honestly what you had expected? If not, then consider why!
Consider the alternatives - Ok, so you let your passions run wild. Don’t waste a minute on guilt. But do generate a list of what you would like to see happen in the future. Perhaps you wish to:
Try to forgive and forget and start fresh.
Acknowledge that it was fun but you should set parameters for the future.
Ask him or her to talk with you about the situation.
>>> A word about “Can we talk?” Make it fun. Make a loving joke. But be serious. “Never thought we’d be up for a roll in the hay. But we did. Where do we go from here?”
Take a stand and follow-though - Make a decision. Don’t leave yourselves like a ship with a broken sail. Talk about it. Or dismiss it completely. Obsessing about it serves no useful purpose.
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com
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No sex for you -- unless you have a condom: the a capella chorus video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=884 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=884 No sex for you -- unless you have a condom: the a capella chorus video
April 27, 10:12 AM · Add a Comment
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Condom Girls in Condom Dresses at AIDS Conference
As April and STD month winds down, just a reminder that with STDs, there is no discrimination by age or profession. The January report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that nearly 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, with rates increasing in women.
From the United Kingdom, the Sexually Transmitted Infections journal reported STDs are highest among women 45 to 54 and among men 55 to 60.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are helping to support Condom a Cappella as part of an educational effort in India.
And the downloadable tune which I am  hearing now in cities around this country is at  www.condomcondom.org .
But as I say often, "Condoms are just one answer to the problem. The solution is probably a throwback to old fashioned courtship values. Get to know your partner on more than just a casual basis. Agree to be tested before intimacy. And when cuddling up, always be prepared to ‘condom up.'"
For more on condomania and links to both the Providence Journal and World News Network, please go to: Condoms Should Be Sweeping the Country
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
884 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999829 _edit_last 2
Friends with sex benefits: truth or consequences quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=885 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=885 Friends with sex benefits: truth or consequences quiz
April 26, 8:49 PM · Add a Comment
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friends with sex benefits
There is an old French saying, “Treasures are not always friends, but friends are always a treasure.”  And so when people call and ask my thoughts about friends with benefits, I worry about the friendship.

The term “friends with benefits” has became synonymous with casual sex between  friends. What started out as a scene from Boston Legal has made it way into The New York Times, the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship”  and now there is an update on AskMen, “The Pros and Cons of Casual Sex Between Friends.”  AskMen.com

While  traditionally associated with two people who enjoy each other’s company but do not wish to make the commitment, in fact, some FWB relationships take a romantic turn into married with children.

If you are reluctant to enter a friends with benefits situation because you really want to save yourself for the right person? Good. You should.

But as one passes let’s say the age of 40 you might be using this as a excuse to avoid a committed relationship.

A quick Friends with Benefits quiz

Do you feel that you are one of those who are not good at relationships?

If you answered  “Yes,” then this is a good excuse. You won’t even need to bother trying.  Then if you disappoint, you can  shrug your shoulders and say, “See, I warned you.  Did my part.  Sorry if I broke your heart.”

If you are in a friends with benefits situation ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I doing this because commitment is too difficult?
  • Is this my excuse to avoid commitment?
  • Do I traditionally tell myself and others that I am not good at relationships – thereby absolving myself of the responsibility for trying?
  • Have I been so hurt by others that I am really afraid to be hurt again?
  • Do I really like this person and sometimes imagine that this can lead to a long-term relationship?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and the friend with whom you are sharing the benefits is really a friend – than it is time for a friendship talk – truth with no consequences.

The New York Times carried a story called, Friends with Benefits and Stress, too.

Here are some FWB rules: Friends_with_benefits -- the Rules

Photo from The Examiner.com 

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Barbara Streisand: Lovers are special people; Barbara and Susan Boyle sing Cry Me a River http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=886 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=886 Barbara Streisand: Lovers are special people; Barbara and Susan Boyle sing Cry Me a River
April 26, 9:49 AM · Add a Comment
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Barbara Streisand sings People and Cry Me a River AP Photo (Husband James Brolin, Barbara)
Barbara Streisand has the voice that makes lovers swoon. And suddenly she is being compared to Susan Boyle, but more for the makeover talk than voice. Here are three videos: Cry Me a River by both Susan and Barbara.  But first  "People." Saturday she did a  one hour TV special, “Streisand: Live in Concert”  featuring Streisand singing her hits “The Way We Were,” “Somewhere,” “Evergreen” and a reprise version of “Don’t Rain On My Parade.” The TV program coincided with the April 28 three-DVD release of “Barbra Streisand — The Concerts. Widetrends.com/ . Link to the Lessons of Susan Boyle after the three songs. Susan Boyle: Cry Me a River Barbara Streisand: Cry Me a River
LESSONS OF SUSAN BOYLE Are they saying, "Don't change a hair for me?  Not if you care for me?"
Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
886 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244999918 _edit_last 2
Condom up for the funny "when pigs fly" video banned from TV http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=887 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=887 Condom up for the funny "when pigs fly" video banned from TV
April 25, 10:04 AM · 3 comments
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Roger Manny Photo
Since April is STD month, I thought it would be a good time to post the clever and banned video about men and pigs and condoms. The banned video The innovative “Men are Pigs and Must Evolve ” campaign by the Kaplan Thaler Group for Trojan brand condoms portrays a pig sitting at a bar “hitting on” a blonde young woman -- until he is transformed by a condom. The group has taken its safe-sex message to colleges with everything from pig-snout decals at the bottom of beer glasses to comedy and musical events. This video is funny, clever, and was banned by Fox and CBS. Watch it here
With STDs, there is no discrimination by age or profession. The January report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that nearly 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, with rates increasing in women and the 15- to 24-year-olds.  As such this is an important campaign. Get tested!
887 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1245000931 _edit_last 2
Dr. Regina Benjamin: risky teen sex crisis a challenge for new surgeon general http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=908 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=908 908 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247514516 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=903 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=903
AP PhotThe story book marriage of Jacqueline Bouvier and Jack Kennedy brought such magic to the nation that their Washington reign was compared to the kingdom of Camelot.  The comparison to Camelot was a reference to the slain President's favorite musical.
While it was never a fairy tale, a new book about to hit the shelves this month apparently details the love affair between Jackie Kennedy and the president's younger brother, Bobby.  Such a document seems to tarnish the image of a family torn apart by glamor and tragedy. Rumors have always swirled around the relationship between Jackie and Bobby, much to the chagrin of Bobby's wife, Ethel.   But now,  The New York Post has all of the gossip about the two as depicted in an  upcoming saga. The sadness of the book is that we are given too much information about two people irrational in their grief -- and yet, if the allegations are true, infidelity is infidelity is infidelity. According to the New York Post report, "Jackie Kennedy had a four-year love affair with Bobby Kennedy that began not long after JFK's assassination and grew so intense that when RFK was gunned down, it was she -- not his wife -- who instructed doctors to pull the plug, an explosive new book claims." The article continues, "The married senator and father of 11 kids was the former first lady's one 'true love' -- and his wife, Ethel, along with the rest of the Kennedy clan, knew about their romance, according to Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story." New York Post The irony is that we wanted to believe in the ideal marriage of Jack and Jackie even while rumors of Jack and Marilyn Monroe surfaced.  But if one goes back to the Kennedy Library archives, the reference to Camelot was quite touchingly from Jackie Kennedy. The words from the song, "Don't let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot" Jackie Kennedy is said to have added the words, "There'll be great Presidents again - but they'll never be another Camelot again." While the book appears to cloud the glory of Camelot, in reality, "don't let it be forgot" that Camelot is the story of King Arthur and his loyal Sir Lancelot, who wooed away the King's wife, Guinevere. For more about the Kennedy's and Camelot Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
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http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=911 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=911 Love-and-Marriage-Examiner]]> 911 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247681600 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=912 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=912 Love and Marriage Examiner Rita Watson: Love and Marriage Examiner]]> 912 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247683047 _edit_last 2 Love and laughter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=917 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=917 Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 People often talk about being in love.  They  talk about this emotional high.  We hear that love is an attraction, a certain chemistry, an intoxication. When two people meet and fall in love it is as if they were touched by the same star.  They may talk about being soul-mates. Simply put, romantic love is a powerful emotion that has many different components.   But one powerful attraction is laughter. Men like women who laugh and their jokes and women prefer men who make them laugh. Sounds like the perfect marriage Here is news news about a new book on laughter from Amy Sedari who plays Jerri Blank on Comedy Central's "Strangers With Candy." Newsday CNN reported recently that according to new research, women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England. "Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat," said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail. Women, men, and laughter Attention, single dudes: Women want you to make them laugh. According to new research, women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England. "Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat," said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail. McCarty's study asked 45 heterosexual women aged 18 to 30 to rate various self-descriptions of men, some funnier than others. He invented the fictional lives of 10 men and then created a funny and not-so-funny vignette from each of their perspectives. Then, participants read all 20 descriptions and rated them on qualities such as likeliness of friendship, likeliness of long-term relationship, honesty and intelligence. One example the study designated as high-quality humor was this: "I was standing in a mental illness ward the other day when I heard a doctor speaking to a new nurse on the ward. He was really giving her a telling-off, and his parting words were, 'And remember, when it's busy, don't go around saying it's a madhouse,' " McCarty said. By contrast, a statement low on amusement was, "I was out skiing last year when I ended up slipping all the way down the mountain." To set a general standard of humor, McCarty did a preliminary study to test which jokes and humorous statements were the funniest on 35 females aged 18 to 30. In the search for love, there are other components. The ones that seem to be most prominent include:
  • Attraction - Sometimes even without words we are drawn to another person. We want to be close to the person -- to touch, to hug, to love, to become one.
  • Respect - This is based on a value system more so than emotions. When we fall in love with someone whom we respect, it is easier to sustain a bond through good times and bad.
  • Commitment - While many couples say they are in love, oftentimes one partner is terrified of the word "commitment"  but without commitment, love has a way of drifting.
  • Ability to be forgiving - True love is unconditional.  We don't give and take according to a set of rules, "If you loved me, you would....."  If someone we say we love does something foolish and hurtful, those in love are those who forgive.
  • Dr. Leo Buscaglia, the love doctor,  wrote a book called "Love" and in a interview he talked about the essence of love.  This is what he said:  "The essence of love is getting out of oneself and into others. When we care less about our feelings, our rights, our happiness, our security, etc., and begin to concern ourselves with the feelings, rights, happiness, and security of others, we will have found the true power of love."  What is loveWhat is the sound of love?  It is a still small voice in our heart that comes with contentment and commitment. It is the chime of laughter.
917 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1248371453 _edit_last 2
Down-low behavior and the late E. Lynn Harris http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=919 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=919 919 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1248574959 _edit_last 2 Rick Titino: a sad tale of sex and http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=929 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=929

We are hearing words of sympathy for Coach Pitino, his wife, Joanne, and his family.  And we should.  But our hearts must ache for Joanne Pitino who joins the ranks of wives and mothers tarnished by adultery.

The story of adultery is becoming all too common -- an indiscreet move on the part of their husbands' leaves the families vulnerable.  In the world of politics it was Elizabeth Edwards and more recently Jenny Sanford.  Love and marriage gone awry.

But what is happening with the Pitino family as a result of the allegations and accusations is reaching disturbing proportions. (See photo at end of the woman who has accused Pitino.)

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> As the story unfolds, it seems that Coach Rick Pitino, of the University of Louisville, had an apparent consensual sexual liaison.  When the woman announced she was pregnant he gave her money for an abortion.  But it is alleged that extortion demands escalated.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> What is so sad about this case is the number of people involved and hurt – families, a team, a school. Pitino has a wife and five children.  It's a mess really for a team that often travels with Pitino's close friend, a Catholic priest.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Statements from U of L: According to USA Today: “U of L Athletic Director Tom Jurich said in a statement Tuesday that ‘Coach Pitino has been truthful with us about this matter all along and we stand by him and his family during this process.’  University President James Ramsey released a statement Tuesday night saying:  ‘Several months ago Coach Pitino informed me about the alleged extortion attempt. I've now been informed that there may be other details which, if true, I find surprising. My thoughts are with Coach Pitino and his family. .’"  USA Today.com/sports/college/mensbasketball


<!--[endif]-->According to an AP story: "Pitino is Catholic and brings along close friend and spiritual adviser, the Rev. Edward Bradley - a priest in Henderson, Ky. - on many team trips. Bradley often prays with the team before games and is a fixture near the Louisville bench. "There was no answer late Tuesday at the priest's office where he also lives. " Canadian press/ Catholic priest comment: Did someone really think a Catholic priest would comment?  The Ten Commandments are quite clear on this one -- Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.  But the New Testament also notes, "Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone." With all the infidelity going around these days, there may not be a lot of stones left to be cast.  And there are too many marriages and families experiencing the pain when someone breaks a marriage vow. WebMD/overcoming-infidelity ]]>
929 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1250168074
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=934 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=934 934 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1250991519 Ted Kennedy, Jr.: his eulogy, family love, ritual, and music video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=941 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=941 Edward Kennedy Jr.'s Remembrance of Senator Kennedy The music included the exquisite sounds of Yo-Yo Ma on the cello and Placido Domingo singing the solemn Panis Angelicus. Here is the song from a Mass at the National Park in Washington since the videos available from the Mass itself are difficult to hear. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 941 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251585918 _edit_last 2 title Ted Kennedy, Jr.: his eulogy, family love, ritual, and music From teacher to porn star, the demise of another role model http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=944 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=944 There is a sad demise of role models these days that is wreaking havoc with marriage and families and putting children at risk.  We finally get over the news about  John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and coach Rick Pitino and now a new role model falls, this time a teacher. According to the New York Daily News "Tiffany Shepherd, 31, made headlines in April after bikini-clad pictures of her on a fishing charter got her canned from Port St. Lucie High School. She turned to doing porn, she told a Florida news outlet, after losing custody of two of her three kids to her ex-husband and sending out 2,500 resumes – some even to prisons – without landing a new teaching job." Bikini-clad teacher Tiffany Shepherd, aka Leah Lust, turns to porn . With John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and coach Rick Pitino, they apparently missed the word “not” in “Thou shall not commit adultery.”   What I find to be most upsetting is that these news-makers put their families through public embarrassment because of their thoughtless actions. They fall short as role models which children need for their own lives. With Tiffany Shepherd she has already been through a divorce and John Edwards and Mark Sanford were involved in the type of adulterous affairs that most often lead to divorce.
Judith Wallerstein, PhD, is author of The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, which was the result of a 25-year landmark study. In a PBS interview she said that “the major impact of divorce is not, as we thought, at the time of the breakup, although that's very hard, but the major impact of divorce happens when they enter young adulthood and they... when the man/woman situation, man/woman relationship moves center stage, and that's when the ghosts of the parent's divorce rise from the basement."
While we all appreciate Tiffany Shepherd's frustration at not finding a job, going from teacher to porn star seems like a sad choice.
944 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251777650 _edit_last 2
From teacher to porn star, the downfall of another role model http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=945 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=945 There is a sad demise of role models these days that is wreaking havoc with marriage and families and putting children at risk. We finally get over the news about John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and coach Rick Pitino and now a new role model falls, this time a teacher.

According to the New York Daily News "Tiffany Shepherd, 31, made headlines in April after bikini-clad pictures of her on a fishing charter got her canned from Port St. Lucie High School. She turned to doing porn, she told a Florida news outlet, after losing custody of two of her three kids to her ex-husband and sending out 2,500 resumes – some even to prisons – without landing a new teaching job." Bikini-clad teacher Tiffany Shepherd, aka Leah Lust, turns to porn .

With John Edwards, Mark Sanford, and coach Rick Pitino, they apparently missed the word “not” in “Thou shall not commit adultery.” What I find to be most upsetting is that these news-makers put their families through public embarrassment because of their thoughtless actions. They fall short as role models which children need for their own lives.

With Tiffany Shepherd she has already been through a divorce and John Edwards and Mark Sanford were involved in the type of adulterous affairs that most often lead to divorce.
Judith Wallerstein, PhD, is author of The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, which was the result of a 25-year landmark study. In a PBS interview she said that “the major impact of divorce is not, as we thought, at the time of the breakup, although that's very hard, but the major impact of divorce happens when they enter young adulthood and they... when the man/woman situation, man/woman relationship moves center stage, and that's when the ghosts of the parent's divorce rise from the basement."

While we all appreciate Tiffany Shepherd's frustration at not finding a job, going from teacher to porn star seems like a sad choice.

* For the original story of her dismissal: Teacher Moonlighting as Bikini Mate Cut Loose - ABC News
* For more about Mary Carey pictured above:'Can YOU Be A Porn Star?' - CBS News

Copyright 2009 Rita Watson

945 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251777881 _edit_last 2
aaa http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=950 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=950 950 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252116829 _edit_last 2 Liquid love (oxytocin) and a drug (oxycontin) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=948 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=948 948 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251960922 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: Elin leaves, Rachael stays; Athlete of the Year share Golf Digest cover with Obama (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1010 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1010 Official White House Photo/ Pete Souza* The Tiger Woods story has taken many turns.  The latest story is that Elin Nordegren is filing for divorce. Elin Nordegren has decided to divorce Tiger Woods Rachael Uchitel, Mistress #1 is staying close by. Elin Nordegren Packing Up, Rachel Uchitel Staying Close And in the irony or ironies, not only has Tiger Woods been named the Associated Press Athlete of the Year, but he shares the January 2010 cover of  Golf Digest with Barack Obama.Golf Digest Stands by Putting Tiger Woods on Cover With Obama Their website says, "TIGER AND OBAMA -- Writers and players share what they think the president can learn from the world's best golfer -- and vice versa." Being a good athlete does not necessarily go hand in hand with being a good husband and father. But in the world of love and marriage, one reason I take offense at women dating married men  or men "who are separated" is that one is not free without a divorce decree.  Until that date, anything can change if there is no other man or women to interfere with the marriage bond. Rita Watson: Wall Street to Main Street: Looking for love .... "Several years ago I wrote that men and dogs should come with papers — the dogs to prove their pedigree and the men to prove they are really free." In the words of baseball legend Yogi Berra, "It ain't over until it's over."  Or one of my recent favorite expressions, "Everything will be all right in the end.  And if it isn't all right, it isn't the end."  There is still hope for the family of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren to survive. Here is the AP Video regarding Tiger Woods as Athlete of the Year. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT: Tiger Woods update: Elin leaves, Rachel stays; Athlete of Year shares cover with Obama (video)
* Photo from www.whitehouse.gov -- as noted on site " Pursuant to federal law, government-produced materials appearing on this site are not copyright protected."
Copyright 2009   Rita Watson/  All Rights Reserved]]>
1010 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1261111386 _edit_last 2
Missing sex tape means more infidelity wounds for Edwards familly http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1049 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1049 Missing sex tape means more infidelity wounds for Edwards familly
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Just when you think there is closure for Elizabeth Edwards and her children, the ugly story of John Edwards and his mistress keeps getting uglier]]>
1049 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1265343981
http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1052 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1052 <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 159 0;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1073750139 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin-top:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-bottom:10.0pt; margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:Cambria; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-size:12.0pt; mso-ansi-font-size:12.0pt; mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt; mso-ascii-font-family:Cambria; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Cambria; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Cambria; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} .MsoPapDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; margin-bottom:10.0pt;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Playing dress-up doesn't require a trip to the thrift store. Shop in your own closet for an outfit-the trick is discovering a new way to use what you already own. Do you only wear that sheer blouse over a camisole? Try the shirt with nothing underneath. Has it been forever since you last wore heels? Slip on a pair with only one of his button-up shirts for a new twist on that Risky Business style. ]]> 1052 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265676916 _edit_last 2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1046 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1046 1046 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1265268993 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1047 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1047 1047 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265271783 _edit_last 2 Enquirer squeals on 'Lost' doc, cheating husband Matthew Fox http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1071 Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1071 Full Story]]> 1071 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1267071355 High on Happiness, Yoga for Partners http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=30 Wed, 31 Dec 1969 23:59:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=255 Exercising two to five times a week for 30 – 40 minutes will help chase the blues away. But “Sexercise” is said to ease stress, boost cardiovascular health, fight aging and strengthen the immune system. Yoga for partners To help kittens, cougars, lovers and spouses Cosmopolitan has created at least 67 naughty tricks and tips for sizzling sex that might also give you a laugh.  And for some serious sex moves, here you have it. Yoga and sex/poses Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 30 2008-05-08 00:35:00 1969-12-31 23:59:59 open open happiness-yoga-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421566 _edit_last 2 Marriage on the Rocks, Infidelity Without End http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=31 Wed, 31 Dec 1969 23:59:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=257 On the political scene: The latest politician to bite the dust is Rep. Vito Fossella of New York who was pulled over and arrested for drunk driving and acknowledged that he fathered a 3-year-old during an extramarital affair.  The Republican congressman is married and has three children. Fossella has been talked about as a potential candidate for mayor of New York City. In the Sports World:  The gossip is still circulating that Roger Clemens has had a 10 year relationship with Mindy McCready that is said to have started when the country music star was a 15 year old  hoping to make the big time.  There are also rumors of Clemens with a former bartender and a former wife of champion golfer John Daly. DontDateHimGirl.com  has had a Weeklong Series,  "Inside a Man's Mind - What Guys Really Think About Love, Lust And Being Loyal." It seems that 67% of men would need a 12-step plan for staying monogamous and even if they had such a guide,  33% of men didn't think it would help.  Want more stats? 
  • 73% of men keep secrets from their significant others
  • 21% visit sexually-oriented websites at least once a day while in a relationship
  • 56% fantasize about other women while in a relationship
  • 8% have virtual sex online with a person they don't know personally at least once a week while in a relationship  www.DontDateHimGirl.com.
So what's the decision here?  It seems that if we love someone we accept that person as he is, as she is.  But it is oh so difficult not to be judgemental.   However, what one friend expressed after discovering that her lover of 10 years was having an affair with a younger woman, is somewhat reflective of the new television dramas.  As my friend, an Ivy league academic with a  business in France, stated:  "It was not so much the age difference that bothered me, but the fact that she is from across the bridge, the other side of the river.  Did you ever watch the TV show  'Brothers and Sisters' to see that two women shared the same man.  Awful. Awful. But at least the wife and mistress were from the  same social circle.  In my case, I find the whole tawdry affair to be demeaning."  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
31 2008-05-09 00:44:00 1969-12-31 23:59:59 open open marriage-and-infidelity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421551 _edit_last 2 2 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-09 13:52:03 2008-05-09 13:52:03 1 0 0 3 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-05-14 19:28:16 2008-05-14 19:28:16 1 0 0
Manipulation & Sex Cheating in Academia http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=32 Wed, 31 Dec 1969 23:59:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=263 Yesterday, totally out of context, I ran into someone who knew them! “But we knew that in order to be accepted in the community, we had to make darn sure that there was no funny business until he graduated,” she said. They succeeded in doing so, perhaps because each had an independent career.  Nonetheless, it is interesting to compare community reaction when a male professor takes up with a female student – because there is always the suspicion of seduction or manipulation whether on the part of the student or the professor.  If I had thought to record all the conversations this past week as we prepare for Commencement, I would have had my next book of who is cheating with whom in the Halls of Ivy.  (Why men and women cheat an upcoming series.)  One of the female faculty members thinks student and professor relationships are based on manipulation. I wasn't so sure until I did some digging and came across this piece by Patricia L. Gadsden, founder and President of Life Esteem, a personal and professional enrichment training/coaching firm. “Those who manipulate other people are good at spotting people to control. If they feel unable to manipulate someone, they usually give up and move on to somebody else who is more likely to be receptive to the attempted manipulation.” A male faculty member made a good point.  "In the workforce people work in parallel with each other despite the hierarchy of doctor and nurse, director and secretary, lawyer and assistant.  Whereas in academia we might be more vulnerable to manipulation than other professions because instead of really interacting, we are there teaching and students are drawing in not just the knowledge we are trying to share, but our style as well."  However, he said, "It's not an excuse and I confess to thinking about crossing the line every once in a while.  But my wife would tar and feather me and plunk me in the middle of the old campus." If I took a poll to see if male professors are more vulnerable than female professors, I think women would say, "Yes, because the professors are clueless and might be inviting manipulation into their lives." Did some research on this and found that Patricia Gadsden, seems to agree. "It takes two – the manipulator and the manipulated. “Once you recognize the features of the manipulation, the next step in correcting the situation is to discover your own contribution to the problem. (This statement may seem a bit difficult to accept. After all, it's the manipulator who has the problem, you might say. But realize that manipulation cannot occur in a vacuum. As is true of any relationship, it takes two people.) You can come to understand your contribution to the manipulative situation and then take steps to correct it.” What are some of the common traits of those who are vulnerable to manipulators?  She says:
  • You feel useful and loved only when you can take care of the needs of other people. 
  • You need to have the approval and acceptance of other people.
  • You fear expressing negative emotions.
  • You are unable to say no and therefore unable to set appropriate boundaries. 
Much of this goes back to co-dependency and just how this is all interconnected is another topic. You may not agree with her thinking, but it is certainly food for thought. On Being Manipulated   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
32 2008-05-13 00:02:00 1969-12-31 23:59:59 open open manipulation-and-professors publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421489 _edit_last 2 4 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-13 01:15:44 2008-05-13 01:15:44 1 0 0 5 MarguaritaWatson@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-16 17:16:53 2008-05-16 17:16:53 1 0 0
Leadership skills: Starting out http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=33 Thu, 04 Jan 2007 18:11:18 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=13
  • Defines a realistic goal for the team by first mutually agreeing upon the goal itself.
  • Agrees upon a timeline with the rest of the team.
  • Comes to a mutual understanding regarding the goal and its importance to the team.
  • Is clear on expectations, both verbally and in writing.
    1. Creates periodic progress checks to help improve the focus of the team on immediate issues and long-term goals.
    2. Understands how the timeline will challenge a team member to stretch his or her abilities, but remain within his or her range of competencies.
    3. Is knowledgeable of the individual's performance level.
    4. Evaluates personal performance through observations of the individual's work, contributions, interpersonal skills, and feedback.
    5. Provides the necessary support and resources needed to achieve the goal.
    6. Keeps lines of communication open throughout the process
    7. Maintains regular contact with the team members through progress checks.
    8. Assesses individual's work, contributions, interpersonal skills.
    9. Translates motivation into concrete goals
    10. Helps to eliminate unnecessary confusion and misunderstandings
    11. Understands and emphasizes the value of timelines.
    12. Encourages high-quality performance.
    13. Sets "realistic" goals and "reach" goals.
    14. Makes an effort to deliver in advance of deadlines.
    15. Addresses ways to overcome potential obstacles.
    16. Teaches the value of decision-making
    Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on Campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    33 2007-01-04 18:11:18 2007-01-04 18:11:18 open open leadership-skills-goal-setting publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424023 _edit_last 2
    THE TACT Strategies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=34 Fri, 05 Jan 2007 19:15:40 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=26  The TACT Strategies are a registered trademark Twenty Winning Decision-Making Strategies 1.    TAKE A MINUTE 2.    Guard against immediate reactions to situations 3.    Learn to say no, or "I can't give you an answer at this time." 4.    Watch your words 5.    Have the courage to sleep on your thoughts 6.    ASSESS THE SITUATION 7.    Gather information from all sources 8.    Make a pros and cons checklist 9.    Understand your personal feelings 10.    Review against past decisions before deciding 11.    CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVES 12.    Generate options and alternatives creatively 13.    Review the consequences for yourself and others 14.    Examine how difficult your decision will be to implement 15.    Develop a back up plan 16.    TAKE A STAND AND FOLLOW THROUGH 17.    Make sure your stance is clearly known 18.    Do not underestimate strategies and timing aimed at success 19.    Be willing to negotiate a win-win situation 20.    Proceed with confidence and evaluate the outcome From The Art of Decision Making by Rita E. Watson, Lowell House Copyright 1994 Rita E. Watson]]> 34 2007-01-05 19:15:40 2007-01-05 19:15:40 open open dealing-with-the-unexpected publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423882 _edit_last 2 Listening for Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=35 Fri, 12 Jan 2007 19:36:32 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=37
    1. Tell someone how you really feel about a relationship.
    2. Let go of worn out friendships and relationships.
    3. Break old patterns that really hinder your happiness.
    4. Take a chance on an out of character relationship.
    5. Make a change – change something – your hair, your furniture, the way your office is set up. Do something so you can see yourself differently.
    6. Take yourself yourself less seriously.
    7. Be more forgiving or yourself.
    8. Be more forgiving of others without losing your sense of self or your values.
    9. Laugh at yourself and who you really are by accepting yourself
    10. Copyright 2007 Watson
    35 2007-01-12 19:36:32 2007-01-12 19:36:32 open open listening-for-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422967 _edit_last 2
    Words that Harm, Words that Heal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=36 Mon, 15 Jan 2007 20:01:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=127 The Providence Journal Rita Watson: Words that harm, words that heal 01:00 AM EDT on Monday, October 2, 2006 I WORRY about children in this new school year. Teachers hold in their hands the power to affect a child's image, for better or worse. For all the times I smile when my sons talk about their "best teacher," I still tremble when I think of the sadness surrounding a little girl in another classroom. She had forgotten to bring a gift on Secret Santa Day. I still imagine her alone, watching other children open presents. For her, there was no present -- just hurt and perhaps anger. Why? The teacher essentially said, "No present, no party." Despite what children learn at home, it is at school, under the microscope of teacher and peers, that they form opinions about themselves. Today education is more than just the basics; it is also about critical thinking, socialization, and life skills. At Yale we taught coping skills to teenage mothers as a way to deflect anger, use words kindly, make decisions, and see problems from another person's perspective. Although I wish that coping skills were a part of every curriculum, as class size expands, children are mainstreamed, and new education theories are promulgated, can I expect teachers to be superheroes who will remember the power of their words? When I was at Hunter College, in New York City, a professor admonished me in class: "Young lady, never teach beyond the second-grade level. There you will do the least damage to the English language." It happened that another professor rescued my damaged ego and steered me into journalism. Curious about creativity, I asked Art Prof. Lynn Curtis, at Providence College, how she handles "talent." She said, "Every student in an art class has a gift. It is our job to let them express their potential." At my daughter-in-law's recent graduation from Bridgewater (Mass.) State College, I began wondering if academia had embraced the positive-word concept while training teachers. Twenty years ago, Kenneth Blanchard's book “The One Minute Manager” spawned a theory of productivity still being replicated: public praise and private criticism. I began asking professors their opinions about teaching teachers, and if they had been schooled in constructive criticism. Finally I turned to my education guru in Chicago. She sent me two articles. The first, "The Neuroscience of Leadership," by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz, points out positive ways to bring about change: "Leave problem behaviors in the past; focus on identifying and creating new behaviors." Ask thoughtful questions, rather than dictating advice. I loved it: solution-focused questioning -- documentation that "How many times have I told you?" does not work. The second article, about education theory, was over my head, but the piece contained a vignette in which an inner-city teacher challenged a student outcast using solution-focused questioning. By recognizing the student's individuality, the teacher turned a withdrawn, "hiding" student into an animated participant. In this serendipitous world, the author of that article, John-Michael Bodi, an assistant professor of education, is director of the Master's Core Program at Bridgewater State College. I decided to ask him if I could teach "Earth Mother 101: Words That Harm, Words That Heal," based on effective business models and years of motherhood. In our society, parents, spouses, others in relationships, and, yes, even teachers forget the harm of sharp, angry words. But instead I asked Dr. Bodi about the philosophy of teaching teachers. His realistic response: "We can teach from books. We can teach with our words. Most powerfully, we teach by example." Courses on kindness may not be in the cards at universities preparing the next generation of teachers. But for the sake of our children, and my grandchildren, a professor educating future teachers might repeat daily a message that harks back to Proverbs: "A gentle word is the tree of life." Rita Watson is director of education for a medical project and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine.]]> 36 2007-01-15 20:01:06 2007-01-15 20:01:06 open open words-that-harm-words-that-heal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423803 _edit_last 2 6 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=138 2008-02-24 02:41:12 2008-02-24 02:41:12 1 pingback 0 0 The Happy Holiday Paradox: A Different Valentine’s Day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=42 Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:00:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=25 Begin now. 1. Make reservations at an extravagant restaurant. Is there a man or woman in your life whom you would like to date, but don't dare ask? This is the time to take the chance with a suggestion that you dine out lavishly. What have you got to lose? If he or she says "no" then use the evening to treat yourself and your best friend to a fabulous supper. Pay for it for both of you. Create the memory for yourself. You're worth it. 2. Find the best tasting cappuccino in town. Then invite someone whom you have been meaning to get together with to join you. Set a definite time and date. Perhaps this is an opportunity to forget a past hurt and mend a fence. 3. Create a "pot luck present party" for a hospital or social service organization. Have everyone bring a favorite dish and an appropriate gift for an adult or child. 4. Plan an "out of character" event maybe two or three, that will give you a loving spirit. Serve a meal at a shelter. Bring gifts to an eldercare center. Sign up to volunteer for at least six month as a love gift to an organization that needs your help. Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 42 2007-02-01 19:00:47 2007-02-01 19:00:47 open open the-happy-holiday-paradox-a-different-valentine%e2%80%99s-day publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422875 _edit_last 2 His and Her Movies: Make a Decision to Compromise http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=43 Mon, 05 Feb 2007 18:53:23 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=24 1. Alternate take turns each week or month seeing a movie favorite of your partner. 2. If you hate the movie, make a note of why and then try to use it as a topic of conversation afterwards. Have some concrete opinions. 3. Decide what the movie tells you about your partner? 4. Find out how much or how little your partner is willing to compromise. 5. Most importantly -- lighten up. Don't sit and sulk through a movie that you hate or be critical of your partner's choice. Instead use the situation as a conversational way to come to know your partner a little bit better. from article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2005 Watson]]> 43 2007-02-05 18:53:23 2007-02-05 18:53:23 open open his-and-her-movies-make-a-decision-to-compromise publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422862 _edit_last 2 Interpersonal Skills - Giving and Getting Good Feedback http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=44 Fri, 09 Feb 2007 18:24:37 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=20
  • Develops a climate of trust.
  • Meets on a one-to-one basis.
  • Is direct and not judgmental.
  • Is timely and specific with feedback.
  • Provides verifiable examples on where a person excels and where he/she can improve.
  • Is generous with praise when praise is appropriate.
  • Tempers negative comments with constructive recognition of strengths.
  • Allows the person receiving feedback to respond.
  • Identifies strengths in others.
  • Offers suggestions for improvement
  • Initiates objective review process.
  • Is willing to seek feedback from others.
  • Explains evaluations regarding stated goals.
  • Determines steps needed for improvements.
  • Suggests alternative approaches.
  • Is clear about expectations.
  • Congratulates those who excel.
  • Points out areas where improvement is needed.
  • Provides check-points for monitoring a plan for improvement.
  • Encourages team feedback.
  • Adapted by Ferol our MBA on Campus from article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    44 2007-02-09 18:24:37 2007-02-09 18:24:37 open open interpersonal-skills-giving-and-getting-good-feedback publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424134 _edit_last 2
    Breaking Up is Hard to Do http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=46 Thu, 22 Feb 2007 14:38:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=38 Some women cannot face the reality of talking to someone with whom they are ending a relationship and may send a break-up letter or email. Sometimes a man not wanting to hurt a woman will lead her on indefinitely. One woman we know of went out with a man for one entire year and during that time he always received a 7 AM and 11 PM phone call that he didn’t answer.  He claimed it was his answering service. It seems that he never had the heart to tell his former girlfriend that he had found someone else. He convinced the jilted woman that he was traveling. When he got caller ID and his current girlfriend saw the name of his 11 PM caller -- a looking for love well-established surgeon -- she left him.   So you are never too smart to be stupid about a relationship.
        1. Before saying anything at all, write out the pros and cons of the relationship.
        2. Write out the 5 qualities about the other person that helped you to fall in love.
        3. Write out at least 2 things that brought the two of you joy.
        4. In a completely rational way ask yourself, “If he or she were breaking up with me, what are the words that I would want to hear.  Start from a positive position – “We have shared happy times together.”
        5. State the reality – “Something is not working between us.”
        6. Express your need – “I need to move on.”
        7. Be willing to listen, calmly, to the other person’s reaction.
        8. Decide in advance not to argue.
        9. Acknowledge how difficult is it to say the words, “It is over.”
        10. Be firm. “I am not telling you this so that you will change, or do things differently.  I am telling you this because I feel this is the end of the road.”
        11. Decide how to answer the other person when he or she says, “Couldn’t we give it another try?   Can we go to counseling together?  Is there someone else?”
        12. Be honest.  State what you feel, but do so kindly thinking about the person’s positive qualities.
        13.  “If a person asks if there is someone else, decide if you should say, “This is not about another person, but about us.  We are not working.”  OR if there is another person, how quickly you should tell the truth.
        14.  Remind yourself that if there is someone else, the longer you keep that fact from the other person, the longer it will take that person to heal.  “When they know the truth, the truth will set them free.”
        15. Be aware enough of your partner to know if he or she is the type who will benefit from you dragging out the good-by or performing radical surgery – that is, “It’s over.”
        16. Understand the consequences of a prolonged “Good-by.”  It opens the door for one party doing a guilt trip on the other.  It opens the door to manipulation.  It opens the door the Pity Party in which the hurt party goes into “victim”  mode.  How can you do this to me?
        17. Understand the hurt and anger the other person is going through.
        18. Put a stop to answering harassing emails and phone calls – firmly, but kindly.
        19. Reassure the other person that he or she is someone with whom you have shared a great deal of joy, but now it is time to move on.
      • Deciding how to say “It’s over.” Copyright 2007 Watson
    46 2007-02-22 14:38:06 2007-02-22 14:38:06 open open breaking-up-is-hard-to-do publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422838 _edit_last 2
    Coaching Tips For Managers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=47 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:17:37 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=15
  • Set up weekly or defined meeting times to evaluate project efficacy.
  • Delegate to others the responsibility for keeping a project on tract.
  • If project is running behind schedule, inform the client and offer assurances that the situation is being remedied.
  • Always keep time to evaluate what is expected in advance.
  • ]]>
    47 2007-03-09 18:17:37 2007-03-09 18:17:37 open open coaching-tips-for-managers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424123 _edit_last 2
    Helping Others http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=48 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:20:52 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=17
  • Contact others regarding potential decisions.
  • Inform others of his/her stand on decisions.
  • Asks for feedback within a time frame.
  • Takes others' needs into consideration.
  • Is clear about the reasoning behind decisions.
  • Asks for input from those who would be affected by decisions.
  • Knows the corporate goals and objectives when assessing how to help others.
  • Sets reach goals to help employees achieve their highest potential.
  • Consults with managers and fellow staff to confirm that s/he are on the right track with your actions.
  • Seeks others outside of his/her department to teach him/her aspects of their job in order to help them out with a task of theirs.
  • Reaches out to newer members of the  institution and becomes their mentor.
  • Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on Campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    48 2007-03-09 18:20:52 2007-03-09 18:20:52 open open helping-others publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424113 _edit_last 2
    Client Relationships and the Deliverable http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=49 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:22:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=18
  • Makes certain that expectations are clearly defined to all persons involved.
  • Establishes issues with the timeline early on.
  • Resolves issues with timelines by seeking feedback from the team and from the client.
  • Seeks out advice on how to make deliverables manageable.
  • Keeps informed of possible hindrances in the process, obstacles that can obstruct the way.
  • Reevaluates halfway through a project to ensure it is on track and within expected parameters.
  • Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    49 2007-03-09 18:22:00 2007-03-09 18:22:00 open open client-relationships-%e2%80%93-delivering publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424100 _edit_last 2
    Values - Loyalty http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=50 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:22:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=19
  • Demonstrates a commitment to others.
  • Works in a collaborative and inclusive fashion.
  • Builds shared vision and common goals.
  • Effectively manages academic and corporate relationships.
  • Achieves results he or she is committed to accomplish.
  • Speaks respectfully of employees and employers and the institution.
  • Maintains a positive attitude.
  • Helps build morale.
  • Shares vision with others.
  • Treats others with respect.
  • Can be trusted for honest feedback.
  • Creates a climate of trust.
  • Respects the bottom line.
  • Generates a system to reward those who excel.
  • Seeks input regarding ways to build loyalty.
  • Is careful  of and respectful of boundries paraticularly with respect to students and employees.
  • Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    50 2007-03-09 18:22:33 2007-03-09 18:22:33 open open values-loyalty publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424089 _edit_last 2
    Business Decision Skills - Decision Making http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=51 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:46:17 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=21 A person skilled at Decision-Making is one who:
    1. Generates options and alternatives to address problems and opportunities.
    2. Brainstorms.
    3. Take the time to think through the consequences of decisions.
    4. Writes out options.
    5. Chooses appropriate actions with consideration for implications and consequences.
    6. Commits to action by taking a firm stand on decisions without wasting time.
    7. Inform others of decisions and actions taken.
    8. Takes initiative to re-establish priorities if necessary.
    9. Knows which information is appropriate to share with employees.
    10. Generates alternative thinking.
    11. Understands means-end thinking.
    12. Evaluates time lines to know when to re-adjust.
    13. Acts thoughtfully with regard to decisions.
    14. Knows when to say "no."
    15. Evaluates different perspectives.
    16. Thinks through consequences.
    17. Guards against "instant" decisions.
    18. Knows how use a step-by-step approach to decision-making.
    19. Enlists advice of colleagues.
    20. Has plan in place to avoid crisis decision-making.
    Adapted by Ferol our MBA on Campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    51 2007-03-09 18:46:17 2007-03-09 18:46:17 open open business-decision-skills-decision-making publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424076 _edit_last 2
    Leadership Skills - Delegating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=52 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:48:57 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=22 You will become skilled at delegating if you:
    1. Coordinate with others who are as invested in your goals as you are.
    2. Convey priorities clearly.
    3. Articulates what is expected.
    4. Reinforces expectations through follow-up, written memos.
    5. Keeps an up-to-date list of delegated tasks.
    6. Requests others to report on progress.
    7. Updates "to do" lists of those completing tasks pre-deadline.
    8. Perseveres and is persistent to avoid deadline dilemmas.
    9. Re-evaluates mid-way through timeline.
    10. Is willing to re-establish a priority if this becomes necessary.
    11. Ensures that others are not falling behind in their tasks.
    12. Looks for incentives to promote productivity and follow-through.
    13. Is clear on expectations, both verbally and in writing.
    14. Avoids deadline dilemmas.
    15. Stresses the need for follow-through.
    16. Acts decisively.
    17. Generates solutions when delegated tasks fall behind.
    18. Knows how to enlist colleagues help when facing a crisis.
    19. Prepares interim reports for team members.
    20. Respects those to whom work has been delegated.
    Adapted by Ferol, our MBA on campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    52 2007-03-09 18:48:57 2007-03-09 18:48:57 open open leadership-skills-delegating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424065 _edit_last 2
    Defining Expectations for Your Team http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=53 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:52:22 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=23 You can become skilled at Defining Expectations if you are someone who:
    1. Sends an agenda to meeting participants to ensure they know what is to be addressed.
    2. If you receive feedback that necessitates a change in the agenda, inform those involved as soon as possible.
    3. Set a goal that clearly defines for you and your staff what you expect to accomplish at the meeting.
    4. Devise an action plan to solicit feedback.
    5. Use meetings as a place for the give and take of ideas.
    6. Be certain you are clear on the purpose of the meeting.
    7. Determine what it is you want to know, learn, or accomplish by attending the meeting.
    8. Prepare a list of questions that will help you focus on the meeting.
    9. Value your own ideas and thoughts sufficiently to present them to the team.
    10. Delegate to others the responsibility for keeping a project on tract.
    11. If project is running behind schedule, inform the client and offer assurances that the situation is being remedied.
    12. Always keep time to evaluate what is expected in advance.
    13. Keep abreast of your deadlines.
    14. Remind yourself of the steps to a project and review them frequently.
    15. Meet with other team members to determine ways to keep a project on tract.
    16. Review product quality so clients receive what is expected.
    17. If a deadline is slipping because of lack of client feedback, document and take immediate steps to remedy the situation.
    18. Remains aware of the accomplishments of those on your team.
    19. Gets in the habit of sending e-mails or making a phone call to say "Thank you," or "Congratulations."
    20. Is specific, not effusive, in your praise. · Points out exactly what it was that he or she accomplished and what aspect of that accomplishment most impressed you.
    21. Uses examples with your staff of other team members who have made significant strides in their work.
    22. Is careful when praising one member that the same member is not always singled out.
    23. Shows appreciation by recognizing when a team member does a good job and indicates this specifically.
    24. Encourages peers to go the extra mile and do so yourself.
    25. Relies on others to compliment you, but make sure your good deed does not go unnoticed.
    Adapted by Ferol our MBA on Campus, Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    53 2007-03-09 18:52:22 2007-03-09 18:52:22 open open team-building-defining-expectations publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424056 _edit_last 2
    Tips for Safe Medical Travel http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=54 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 19:18:02 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=27
  • Take enough medication for at least one month of travel.
  • Decide to spend the extra money, even if your insurance will not pay for extra medication.
  • Always carry two sets of medication with you.
  • Pack them separately, one in your carry-on and one set either in your luggage or in the hands of a travel companion.
  • Make a list of all the medications you are taking with you.
  • Write down what the medications are for and when they should be taken. (People often report confusion when there are time differences that exceed 4 hours.)
  • Keep all medications in their original bottles.
  • Make a list of your medical conditions.
  • Write the names and phone numbers of your local physicians.
  • Contact your physicians two weeks before traveling to see if they wish to prescribe a special medication.
  • Ask your local physicians if they have contacts with physicians and or hospitals where you are traveling, particularly if you have a chronic condition.
  • Get information about the temperature, climate, and altitude as these might affect you.
  • Overseas travel insurance sometimes needs to be supplemented.  These policies are often relatively inexpensive and can pick up where your own insurance leaves off.
  • Check with your own insurance company to find out the rules of foreign travel.
  • Ask your insurance company for a phone number so that you may contact them in case a question about hospitalization arises.  Make certain that the number is not an 800 number, which sometimes will not work from foreign countries.
  • Carry a medical pack. (See tips for a customized kit.)
  • Carry your own sugar substitutes, particularly if you are diabetic.
  • If you have sensitive skin, bring at least one of your own cotton pillowcases, sheet or towels.
  • Bring a soap that you know will not irritate your skin.
  • Never go barefoot in a hotel room or hotel bath.
  • Take extra glasses or contact lens.
  • If you need supplemental oxygen, contact your insurance company beforehand.  Often the company will pay if you notify them in advance.
  • If you think you need wheelchair access, check with airlines, hotels, museums, and restaurants.
  • If you are not feeling well, decide to stay at home and reschedule the trip.  Phone your doctor and with a medical note most airlines and hotels will refund your money.
  • Make certain your immunizations are up to date.
  • Check websites of the Centers for Disease Control to determine if there are infectious diseases that you should be concerned about.  Take proper precautions.
  • Bring bottled water.
  • Bring surgical masks, inexpensive ones will do, if you are traveling to cities with a high pollution content or infectious diseases such as TB or SARS.
  • When the plan is ascending or descending – chew gum to keep your ears from popping.
  • Decide to enjoy the trip by leaving your worries behind.
  • Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    54 2007-03-09 19:18:02 2007-03-09 19:18:02 open open tips-for-safe-medical-travel publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423673 _edit_last 2
    Medical Travel Kits http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=55 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 19:19:19 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=28
    1. Band-aids
    2. Gauze packs
    3. Gauze wrap
    4. Tape that is safe for the skin
    5. Alcohol wipes
    6. Iodine wipes
    7. Peroxide or first aid gel
    8. ACE bandages
    9. Neosporin
    10. Benedryl
    11. Hydrocortisone cream
    12. Immodium
    13. Kaopectate
    14. Insect repellant
    15. Tylanol for fever
    16. Ibuprophen for muscle aches and cramps
    17. Peptides for indigestion
    18. Cough syrup
    19. Antibiotics if you are prone to infection
    20. Extra tissues if you are prone to nosebleeds
    Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    55 2007-03-09 19:19:19 2007-03-09 19:19:19 open open medical-travel-kits publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423665 _edit_last 2
    Deciding to Chart Your Own Medical History http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=56 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 19:21:25 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=29
    • Date
    • Name
    • Age
    • Family history
    • Father, age today, health status, if deceased – age and cause of death
    • Mother, age today, health status, if deceased – age and cause of death
    • Brothers, age and health status
    • Sisters, age and health status
    • Family illness:  alcoholism, allergies, arthritic conditions, cancer, health disease, lung disease, mental illness, other
    • Personal habits:
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs
    • Coffee
    • Cigarettes
    • Social status
    • Number of children if any
    • Occupations, past and present
    • Environmental exposures
    • Acute infections; ie chicken pox, measles, mumps, others
    • Allergies: asthma, drugs, mold, hay fever, hives
    • Blood type
    • Blood count
    • Surgery    type and date
    • Injuries    type and date
    • x-ray treatments
    • Immunizations
    • Headaches
    • Eyes: infections or glaucoma
    • Ears: infections or difficulty hearing
    • Nose: bleeding, congestion, chronic sinus infections
    • Mouth and throat: chronic hoarseness, sore throats
    • Respiratory system: bronchitis, pneumonia, TB
    • Vascular system: leg injuries, leg pains, varicose veins, phlebitis
    • Stomach and intestines: Bleeding ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, food intolerance, gas, chronic indigestion,
    • Heart: chest pains, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, swelling of feet
    • Cholesterol count
    • Blood pressure count
    • Urinary system difficulties
    • Skin: cysts, infections, cancer
    • Additional information
    Adapted from New Choices, New Chances by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Rita Watson]]>
    56 2007-03-09 19:21:25 2007-03-09 19:21:25 open open deciding-to-chart-your-own-medical-history publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214423654
    Before Taking a New Job http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=57 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 19:32:30 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=35
  • Determine the general reputation of the business.
  • If it is a small business, ask people whom you know.
  • If it is a large company, check out their website.
  • Go to your local or national newspapers to see what types of articles are written about the company.
  • Ask to see a copy of their annual report.
  • Ask people whom you know if they know anyone who is or was working with the company.  If so, try to get an honest appraisal.
  • Ask about the company policies regarding days off, vacation time, sick time, medical and dental benefits.
  • Ask about the employee turnover rate.
  • Stop by the company as people are leaving work and take a look at the expressions on their faces.
  • If there is a local coffee shop where employees congregate, stop by before accepting the position.  You will learn a lot from their smiles or frowns.
  • Before you accept the position be certain you have a letter clarifying your responsibilities.
  • If you do not receive a letter, send one yourself.
  • Clarification letters should be friendly and positive outlining your expectations.
  • Ask about the training period or if you will be expected to learn on the job.
  • Find out if you will be working independently or with a team.
  • If you are part of a team, try to find out what happened to the person who you will be replacing.
  • If you will be working independently, be certain you meet the person to whom you will be reporting.
  • Ask if there are weekly meetings with your supervisor or manager.
  • Find out how long the person to whom you are reporting has been in the organization.
  • If he or she has been there less than six months, ask what their goals are and their expectations for you.
  • Ask what is considered success.
  • Determine how you are evaluated, through one on one or through multi-rater 360 computerized system.
  • Make a list of your own expectations.
  • Ask about promotion policies, bonuses, and raises.
  • Make a realistic assessment as to how long it will take you to get to work and home again each day.
  • If you need day care services, find out which ones are available.
  • Ask to see your workspace.
  • If it is a shared space, ask yourself if it meets your needs in terms of cleanliness, neatness, workability.
  • Find out if you will have the necessary equipment to do the job whether it is a computer or a broom.
  • Ask yourself – is this the type of company where I would like to spend eight hours or more per day.
  • Adapted from The Art of Decision Making Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    57 2007-03-09 19:32:30 2007-03-09 19:32:30 open open before-taking-a-new-job publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424046 _edit_last 2
    Rita Watson Bio http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=58 Fri, 09 Mar 2007 19:52:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?page_id=39

    Rita Watson Rita Watson is a writer, editor, and policy specialist.  In addition to this syndicated blog, she and a colleague,  Atlanta-based attorney KJ Collins, are the recent co-founders of GreenLegals.com She has been a guest on numerous radio and television programs, including two appearances on the NBC Today Show, began her career at The New York Times. Today she is a daily syndicated blogger,  a monthly Sunday editorial page columnist for The Providence Journal -- writing about relationships -- an associate fellow at Yale's Ezra Stiles College and an editorial consultant for special projects at NOVA ScienceNow, PBS. Yale years: During her 10 years with The Times, she also attended Yale where she received her MPH from the School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, and remained at Yale as a public policy advocate for children and families. She was Spokesperson for child care legislation through Yale's Bush Center in Child Development and Social Policy and later Director of Policy and Education for the Department of Psychiatry. There she worked on issues of family health, housing, child care, as well as media and community relations through their Substance Abuse Treatment Unit. At Yale, she was also a lecturer for the School of Management and edited Yale's first book for the department:  Cases in Health Policy and Management.  She also taught grant writing for the Fogarty International Scholars Program and served as the Bass Writing Tutor at Ezra Stiles. Rita Watson has been an associate fellow of Yale's Ezra Stiles College since 1989. Here is the 2008 Commencement photo with 2009 photos to be posted shortly.  Paul McCartney, Rita, Dr Ruth ‘She Loves Me’ Photo and her story of Yale Commencement and Paul Newman. Paul Newman: He IntroducedHimself to Me as “Paul” Landmark legislation: Ms. Watson was one of the architects of landmark state legislation that provided for childcare services at treatment centers and a continuum of care model that was adapted nationally. She was a member of the State Commission on Children and was the only State appointee to the special North American Commission for the Child Welfare League of America.  Through her work at Yale she worked with many Connecticut legislators including Senator Chris Dodd and Governor Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. to set policies for children and families. The TACT® Strategies: Designer of The TACT® Strategies, she has taught decision-making and coping skills to men and women in business in high stress positions.  These are discussed more fully in two of her books:  Sisterhood Betrayed and The Art of Decision-Making. Consortium of Harvard teaching hospitals:  Ms. Watson was Director of Communications and manager of the Annual Briefing event from December 2002 to August 2006 for CIMIT,  Center for the Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technologies, a multidisciplinary collaborative of leading Harvard teaching hospitals with industry and government, where she set up the first media office that resulted in national coverage. The group focused on biodefense, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, simulation, and tissue engineering. Through this group she handled press relations for a  Biodefense Initiative with the State Department. She left to join an award winning on-line medical magazine and become Senior Editor of www.epilepsy.com and Director of Education for their parent group. Epilepsy.com,, with its 200,000 unique visitors and one million page views per month, is approximately 6,000 pages deep. They were the 2007 recipients of the Silver E-Healthcare Award. World Affairs Council of Rhode Island: In Providence Ms. Watson is the Policy Director on the Board of Directors for the World Affairs Council of Rhode Island.  She is also a member of the Providence Committee on Foreign Relations.

    Rita Watson’s Published Books: — Reaching In, Reaching Out: Treating HIV/AIDS in the Correctional Community, editors: Frederick Altice, MD, Peter Selywn, MD, MPH, and Rita Watson, MPH; NCCHC and Kaiser Family Foundation, 2002. A policy guide outlining treatment in prison as a practical community approach — A Serenity Journal, Rita Esposito Watson, Paulist Press, December 2000, A simple guide to a peaceful day A Serenity Journal — The Art of Decision-Making, Rita E Watson, Lowell House, Los Angeles, 1994; Professional to personal decision-making based on The TACT® Strategies — Sisterhood Betrayed: Women in the Workplace, Jill Barber and Rita E. Watson, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1990; Professional working relationships between men and women — Cases in Health Policy and Management, Yale University, editors, Richard Smithy and Rita E. Watson, Richard D. Irwin Press, Homewood, Ill, 1985; Case studies in health care management and the DRGs — New Choices, New Chances, A Woman’s Guide to Conquering Cancer, Rita Esposito Watson and Robert C. Wallach, MD, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1983; A lay person’s guide very favorably reviewed in the New England Journal of Medicine Here is what they are saying about: "A Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude" by Rita Esposito Watson, www.amazon.com No matter where you are on your spiritual path -- a clear, elegant guide for beginner and veteran alike. -- Jac Campbell, CSP, International Director of Landings In a hectic world, this is a simple guide to some serenity. -- William Carely, the Wall Street Journal Finally, a journal for those who are busy and searching for serenity. A beautiful way to refresh your soul. Rita Watson teaches us to nurture our souls in five minutes a day. -- Rose Offner, author of Journal of the Soul" Serenity and gratitude may well be the added benefit to medicine and science. This book shows how to attain it. -- Frederick Altice,MD, Yale School of Medicine, Recipient of the 1999 Young Investigator Award from National Institutes of Health This amazing little book tells you how to get started on the road to serenity and the life you always wanted but eluded you before. -- Lorraine Dusky, author, Still Unequal: The Shameful Truth about Women and Justice in America Rita Watson provides a practical way to live at peace with the inner self, effective both for the active, productive individual as well as for those suffering with significant emotional or physical disability. -- E. James Stanley, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, Irvine EARLY BEGINNINGS The website came about through the efforts of Ferol Vernon, my Communicators Associate at CIMIT.  While he has left for graduate school at Duke for an MBA and pursuing entrepreneurial projects, this reflects our early beginnings. Rita Watson, decision maker, relationship columnist at The Providence Journal, and author has been writing and speaking about Decision Making throughout her career at Yale and The New York Times. You can read her books and articles, or simply click through this blog to find tips that are most helpful to you. Let her help you get through difficult decisions. Her insightful advice will set you thinking about the different aspects of the decisions you face each day. She is the designer of The TACT® Strategies, a coping skills tool for effective decision making. You may have seen her talk about her work on the NBC Today Show or a host of news shows. Her book “The Art of Decision Making” was based on a model she taught for special projects at Yale University. Now this simple strategy: Take a Minute, Assess the Situation, Consider the alternatives, and Take a stand (TACT) can help you become a more confident and effective decision maker. / by Ferol Vernon, MBA on Campus Ferol Vernon, a Communications specialist, turned MBA, worked with me at a consortium of Harvard Teaching Hospitals where I served as Director of Communications. He later became a Business Development Strategist for a group within our organization that was spearheading innovative technology to protect our soldiers. He started his own company in 2005 after realizing that smaller businesses and non-profits had nowhere to turn for their marketing and communications needs. Deeply interested in web visibility and the future of communications online, Ferol believes there is no better way to start a campaign than on the Internet. A graduate of Boston University in 2002, he is interested podcasting, running and entrepreneurial projects. When he knew that his goal was to attend Duke University for his MBA, he took it upon himself to set up this blog so that we might continue to exchange ideas and help others in the process. / by Rita Watson -- Mother, Writer, Incurable Romantic, and Columnist]]>
    58 2007-03-09 19:52:34 2007-03-09 19:52:34 open open newsletter publish 0 0 page _wp_page_template default _edit_lock 1258058079 _edit_last 2
    Relationship Columns http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=59 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:00:23 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?page_id=43 The New York Times and at Yale's Department of Psychiatry.  Now, while still an Associate Fellow at Yale's Ezra Stiles College, I am broadening the focus of my relationship columns. All titles are LINKS:

    Rita Watson: Infidelity, meet sex addiction  March 7, 2010

    Rita Watson, Infidelity meet sex addiction, World News Networks Rita Watson: Technology marches on in the bedroom Feb 14, 2010 - World News Network, Rita_Watson_Technology_marches_on_in_the_bedroom Rita Watson: A new medical relationship: Physicians, healers, and botanicals Jan 03, 2010 - Rita Watson: A new medical relationship: Physicians, healers, botanicals. 01:00 AM EST on Sunday, January 3, 2010. By RITA WATSON. BOSTON. ... Rita Watson: The exploding world of soft porn for women Dec 06, 2009 - Rita Watson: The exploding world of soft porn for women. ... Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and editor of GreenLegals.com and RitaWatson Relationships.com. Rita Watson: Women’s weight and romance Nov 01, 2009 - Rita Watson: Women’s weight and romance. 01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, November 1, 2009. By RITA WATSON. When Glamour magazine featured ... Rita Watson: Trying to hammer out happiness Oct 04, 2009 - Rita Watson: Trying to hammer out happiness. ... Rita Watson, a monthly contributor, is editor of www.GreenLegals.com and www.RitaWatson.com. Madoff's Mistress, Marijuana, and Love Addiction Sunday, September 6, 2009, Providence Journal World News Network/ Rita Watson: Madoffs mistress marijuana and love addiction Politics, Sex, and Scandal Sunday, July 5, 2009, Providence Journal    Rita Watson:  World News Network, Politics, Sex, and Scandal Our Love Affair with Green Sunday June 7, 2009, Providence Journal   (Inspired GreenLegals.com) Looking for love from Wall Street to Main Street Sunday, May 3, 2009, Providence  Journal Sinatra, my father, and memories good and badSunday, April 5, 2009, Providence Journal Rita Watson, World News, Sinatra, my father "Condomania" can deter infectious love Sunday, March 1, 2009 (Providence  Journal) World News Network, Condomania Privacy Paranoia: Dementia and Seizures, Sunday, February 1, 2009 and Rita Watson: World News Network: Privacy Paranoia: Dementia and Seizures At last, here’s how to train your husband Sunday, January 3, 2009  and Rita Watson: World News Seeking Happiness: You Need Non-Pill Coping Skills, too Sunday, December 7th, 2008 and World NewsNetwork: /Rita_Watson Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Sunday, November 3, 2008 Marrying their Mrs. Robinson (Cougar Love and Longevity), Sunday, October 5, 2008 Neuroimaging and Love Lies, Sunday, September 7, 2008 Cheating, chemo, commitment , Sunday, August 17, 2008, editorial, The Providence Journal Of DNA and Desire, Sunday, August 3, 2008 Heart flutter romance may soon be replaced by DNA dating and brain wave sex. New Rules for Open Marriage Sunday, July 6, 2008 Married but Cheating (online)  Ask Dr. Ruth: Infidelity on the Rise (newspaper title,  Sunday June 1, 2008) How To Predict Heart Attacks (online) Sexercise: Avoiding Heart Attack Begins with Gentle Word,(newspaper version) Sunday, May 4, 2008 Hormones, Spring Fever, and Sex Sunday, April 6, 2008 Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets Sunday, March 2, 2008 Challenges for Returning Soldiers: Havoc with Heath and Relationships Sunday, February 3, 2008 Ways to Avoid Cell Phone Smashing (online) When Relationships End, a Tibetan Ritual for Healing (newspaper) (Jan 2008) Cars, Desire, and Joy (online)Try transdermal testosterone - Take time to cut holiday stress (newspaper) (Dec 2007) When sex trumps the king (Nov 2007) Sex and smiling seniors (Oct 2007) Sexual shutout in hidden agenda hell (Sept 2007) Overdrive in the passive-aggressive lane (Aug 2007) Heart and Flowers: Making Valentine’s Day, Children’s Day (Feb 2007) If it floats your boat / editorial (May 2007) Words that harm, words that heal October 2, 2006 ]]>
    59 2007-12-27 21:00:23 2007-12-27 21:00:23 open open home publish 0 0 page _wp_page_template default _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1268017568 1666 http://www.massappealnews.com/2010/03/19/tiger-elin-back-together/ 2010-03-19 03:55:19 2010-03-19 06:55:19 0 pingback 0 0 1653 http://www.massappealnews.com/2010/01/31/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-rumors/ 2010-01-31 20:16:09 2010-01-31 23:16:09 0 pingback 0 0 1660 http://www.massappealnews.com/2010/03/08/infidelity-meet-sex-addiction/ 2010-03-08 05:23:55 2010-03-08 08:23:55 0 pingback 0 0 1652 http://www.massappealnews.com/2010/01/28/italian-kisses-cannolis-in-love/ 2010-01-31 19:58:31 2010-01-31 22:58:31 0 pingback 0 0
    New Beginnings http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=60 Sun, 06 Jan 2008 03:31:15 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=52 60 2008-01-06 03:31:15 2008-01-06 03:31:15 open open new-beginnings publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423179 _edit_last 2 Cell phone smashing: Endings, Beginnings, and the SAAB http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=61 Sun, 06 Jan 2008 05:51:18 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=53 http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita6_01-06-08_TV8F9Q9_v20.2b129a0.html but I might just as well have talked about why men should never park a new girl friend's Saab -- or any car for that matter --in their driveway. And if they do, they better have a good explanation or some very expensive bling -- diamonds or pearls.  The column talks  about breaking up, but it also points to ways that lovers might ultimately become friends, Jerry and Elaine style.
      Yes, she really did step on his cell phone.Yes, the new Saab in his driveway really did tip her over the edge and she knocked the door in at 3 AM.Yes, people can transform a relationship.But NO, oftentimes men just do it as tactfully as they might.  I wonder if all the DIAMONDS that end up on women's wrists in high society are the guilt gifts of husbands who have an occassional or regular night out with the women destined to become a trophy wife?  And if that's the case, let him go so you can each find your true place, your true love.

      Ways to avoid cell-phone smashing (AKA) Auld Lang Syne may be new love time

      01:00 AM EST on Sunday, January 6, 2008 Providence Journal
      RELATIONSHIPS that fizzle during the holidays often bubble over with anger long after the champagne has gone flat. What ever happened to the New Year sentiment about “old acquaintance”? Despite the blogs a-buzzing about December break-ups, I am an incurable romantic who wants to believe in happy endings and new beginnings, in the face of considerable contrary evidence.
      A mother called on Christmas Eve after watching her son’s tearful young lady leave their home clinging to the present she had brought him. The 20-year-old explained: “I told her a month ago it wasn’t working out. I want to start the New Year with someone special.” Contrast this to the 45-year-old who spent the holidays vacationing with a woman whom he planned to leave after fulfilling their social obligations. Hopefully, he did not deliver his “goodbye” under the mistletoe or via text message after a night of passion. http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita6_01-06-08_TV8F9Q9_v20.2b129a0.html  
    61 2008-01-06 05:51:18 2008-01-06 05:51:18 open open cell-phone-smashing publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423168 _edit_last 2 11 jaws@hawaii.rr.com http:// 2008-01-12 05:36:48 2008-01-12 05:36:48 1 0 0
    Words that Heal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=62 Tue, 08 Jan 2008 16:40:36 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=55 On October 2, 2006 for The Providence Journal www.projo.com, I wrote a piece called "Words that harm, words that heal."  It was before the start of the new school year and I am always concerned about the power that teachers hold in their hands, the power to affect a child's image, for better or worse. I am writing an excerpt of that article now because I believe in kind words and some readers have questioned my choice of authors in articles that I write.  I am so grateful to learn different perspectives and to hear from readers.  However, sometimes a person who writes or speaks inspiring words becomes the subject of inquiry.  I remember when the evangelist and healer Ruth Carter Stapleton came to Rye, New York and a group of young mothers encouraged me to join them to meet her. It was at that meeting that I met my closest long-time friend Gerissa.  Ruth had powerful words that served us well as mothers.  Later, she apparently attempted to convert Larry Flynt and was portrayed on film "The People vs. Larry Flynt."  This created such a stir that many forgot her soothing words to us.   -> ->  -> CONTINUED I will always remember her words and will continue to quote her even today.  And I will be thrilled always that one of my children attended Trinity College that supported Habitat for Humanity.  When President Jimmy Carter, Ruth's brother, gave the commencement address there, he brought young people to their feet cheering! As such, I want very much to be respectful of the true Tibetan tradition and those concerned about my references. If I quote someone whom I later learn is under scrutiny, I am sad for them and their followers. However, I must ask myself the question -- "If their words heal and are a source of comfort to others, can we at least accept the message?" Right now I am reading Deepak Chopra's "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" and I am reminded of the words that I will now attempt to live by: "Today I shall judge nothing that occurs."  Here is an excerpt from: 
      "Words that harm, words that heal"
    ...Despite what children learn at home, it is at school, under the microscope of teacher and peers, that they form opinions about themselves. Today education is more than just the basics; it is also about critical thinking, socialization, and life skills. At Yale we taught coping skills to teenage mothers as a way to deflect anger, use words kindly, make decisions, and see problems from another person's perspective. Although I wish that coping skills were a part of every curriculum, as class size expands, children are mainstreamed, and new education theories are promulgated, can I expect teachers to be superheroes who will remember the power of their words? When I was at Hunter College, in New York City, a professor admonished me in class: "Young lady, never teach beyond the second-grade level. There you will do the least damage to the English language." It happened that another professor rescued my damaged ego and steered me into journalism. Curious about creativity, I asked Art Professor Lynn Curtis, at Providence College, how she handles "talent." She said, "Every student in an art class has a gift. It is our job to let them express their potential." At my daughter-in-law's recent graduation [from teacher’s college] …I began wondering if academia had embraced the positive-word concept while training teachers. Twenty years ago, Kenneth Blanchard's book “The One Minute Manager” spawned a theory of productivity still being replicated: public praise and private criticism. I began asking professors their opinions about teaching teachers, and if they had been schooled in constructive criticism.... ...I decided to ask a professor at Bridgewater State College if I could teach "Earth Mother 101: Words That Harm, Words That Heal," based on effective business models and years of motherhood. In our society, parents, spouses, others in relationships, and, yes, even teachers forget the harm of sharp, angry words. But instead I asked Dr. J. Michael Bodi about the philosophy of teaching teachers. His realistic response: "We can teach from books. We can teach with our words. Most powerfully, we teach by example." Courses on kindness may not be in the cards at universities preparing the next generation of teachers. But for the sake of our children, and my grandchildren, a professor educating future teachers might repeat daily a message that harks back to Proverbs: "A gentle word is the tree of life."]]>
    62 2008-01-08 16:40:36 2008-01-08 16:40:36 open open words-that-heal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423794 _edit_last 2
    Men. Sex. Cars. Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=63 Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:12:05 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=57 This tells how my columns were conceived!  But please read January 8 note on WORDS THAT HEAL. Decision Making Tips for Today:-- Remain calm.  Look at both points of view. Think of the words from Deepak Chopra: "Today I will judge nothing that occurs." 11:11 AM EDT on Monday, August 20, 2007 Providence Journal

    Overdrive in the passive-aggressive lane

    by Rita Watson THE DISCUSSION was animated. Men. Sex. Cars. Relationships. Yet when I announced that I wanted to be the “Sex in the City for Men Only” columnist, right after our Bill and Monica debate, silence slammed into me. Finally the dear professor quizzed: “What do you know about the subject?” I calmly recounted that I’ve raised sons, spent years as one of the guys at The New York Times, plus 10 years in psychology and psychiatry at Yale. But I also realized that I can write about the subject because I can talk about it. Growing up in a working world of men, we talked often about relationships, generally after I made an analogy between cars and sex — without blushing. The next day, I would receive a phone call inviting me to lunch. We would begin with complaints about editors and deadlines. Then across the table I would see a slight turn of the head, clenched jaw, and hunched shoulders. He might even loosen his tie. Finally a lowered voice would say, “We are having this problem. . . .” Somehow, we could talk freely until we came too close to the real issue — sexual needs versus understanding. Then it was back to wishing for the luxury that eluded us in Manhattan, owning a car. Cars are a safe subject. Men will spend as many hours looking at car ads as women will spend reading “What Men Really Want in Bed.” Even magazines for men now tout “What Women Really Want in Bed.” Men may skim them but don’t take the messages seriously because there is little substance to the broad strokes of “He Wants, She Wants.” Car writers get right down to the details. For the adventuresome there are sports cars: from the Infiniti G37 at $35,000 to the Mercedes CLK63 Black Series at about $75,000. For a fantasy, there is the 2008 Ferrari F430 Scuderia at $220,000. Family men have choices ranging from the Chevy HHR to the heavy Scion XB wagon. Whether or not a man plans to buy a new car is irrelevant. The articles cover specifics. A man knows that what he reads, sees, test drives, and eventually buys is what he gets. When something goes wrong, he has the repair manual and a maintenance schedule. Relationships are not that clear-cut. Men so often say, “After we were married, something changed, mostly our sex life.” I would like to believe that as women we are not leopards changing our spots. Yet even Boston Legal featured Denny Crane learning that his fifth wife was planning on retiring him to Hawaii minutes after saying, “I do.” It would be ideal if the sexes could talk about expectations and perceptions. But it doesn’t happen that way. Perhaps men are just “wired” differently than women. When a man comes home from work, a woman may ask with sincerity, “How was your day?” But he doesn’t want to talk about it. Many women in offices are disillusioned with the workforce. Yet, they bring the office home with them and want to talk about conflicts, confrontations, and demands. Chances are he doesn’t want to hear about it, at least not immediately. Then the accusation comes at him: “You never talk to me.” As we shift into a 24/7 Blackberry, laptop and two-paycheck society, there are too many couples on overdrive moving into the passive-aggressive or snipe-at-each-other lane. When a car shows signs of stress, or needs a tune-up, men handle it immediately. There is a problem and men fix it. In a relationship, who is responsible for the tune up? Perhaps women should take the lead. Although men today are more involved in parenting and family than our fathers were, women have that sixth sense. Research at Yale indicates that women have so keen an intuition that they sense a relationship problem at its inception. If men and women could develop their intuitive skills and interpret the silences, downcast eyes, uncomfortable moments and body language, perhaps more relationships could be saved. Or should women be using their gift to cultivate non-judgmental spaces within the home? In an atmosphere with no hidden agendas, just simple clarity, both parties would benefit. When home is a sanctuary, men might find saying, “Can we talk?” is as easy as test driving a car.  # # # (For a  complete listing with links, please go to: RELATIONSHIP COLUMNS: PROJO)  
    63 2008-01-09 08:12:05 2008-01-09 08:12:05 open open men-sex-cars-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226158942 _edit_last 2
    Table Pounding “Whys” — the “Yes” trap http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=64 Thu, 10 Jan 2008 05:01:26 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=58 Decision Making Tip of the Day: Say "Yes" when you mean "Yes" and say "No" when you mean "No" Thought of the Day: "Today I shall judge nothing that occurs." Deepak Chopra The Decision to Say, "No" Although we seem to think that it is “women only” who have a problem saying “no” there are just as many men out there who say “yes” when they really mean “no.” Why do we do it? Most often because we don’t want to hurt another person’s feelings. But who gets hurt in the end? It’s you! Make the decision now to remember the “Yes” traps. More...Whenever you find yourself pounding the table and asking yourself, “Why did I say ‘yes’ when I really meant ‘no’ write it down.
    • Write down how you feel after you said ‘yes’ instead of ‘no.’
    • Write down the name of the person whom you always feel that you cannot disappoint.
    • Replay scenarios. For example, a friend asked you to go to the movies, but you wanted to stay at home. Nonetheless, you were talked into it. Rehearse the word ‘no.’ Say it over and over again. Now pretend that same friend called, only this time, you have an answer, “No, I wish I could, but I can’t."
    • Learn to say, "I can't give you an answer at this time."
    The Pleaser Trap How often do you find yourself in the “pleaser trap’? Think about how many times you have said, “Sure, no problem.” How often did "no problem" become a "big problem?" Think of all the times when someone asked you what you wanted to do and you said, “Whatever you want to do is all right?” Now think back and realize that it was not all right. You were talked into something you didn’t want to do at all.
    • Make the decision to speak up and voice an opinion. Think about how your friends will react when you change your pleaser pattern.
    • Begin talking about the “new you” so it won’t come as a surprise to your family and friends.
    • Decide what you need for yourself. Your time is precious. Guard it.
    Adapted from Take Back Your Life: Learn to say “No” Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    64 2008-01-10 05:01:26 2008-01-10 05:01:26 open open table-pounding-whys-the-yes-trap publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423157 _edit_last 2
    Decision Making Integrity: Think about the consequences http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=65 Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:12:56 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=59 Tip for the day: To enhance integrity, think about consequences of your actions. "The man of character, sensitive to the meaning of what he is doing, will know how to discover the ethical paths in the maze of possible behavior." -Chief Justice Judge Earl Warren Decisions Shape Our Destiny We are becoming a sound bite society in which words are like the music of the Pied Piper. Rather than take the responsibility for making a decision, we allow ourselves to be seduced by tantalizing phrases, quick twists of the tongue, concepts that appeal to the ear rather than to reflective reason. And who can blame us? We are not taught decision-making as a skill. We are taught to pass tests and qualifying exams, but we are not taught to make decisions, to think critically. Decisions shape our destiny. Nonetheless few professionals, parents, or even lovers are trained to make a thoughtful decision. If you talk to decision-makers across the globe, you will find perhaps three camps of decision-making: More... Logical thinkers: those with graphs and charts, who review and evaluate past decisions Intuitive thinkers: those with a basic instinct that is almost always right on target Passive-aggressive non-deciders: those who hope their need for a decision will just go away. To avoid their responsibility or fend off a confrontation, they will hide behind any excuse, but the social mask most often is “too busy.” We applaud leaders and heroes who deliver Madison Avenue hype. Johnny Cocheran was a case in point. He summed up the evidence in one of the most expensive trials in history, not by reiterating the facts in this case, but with a dramatic display backed by the words: “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.” Today our presidential elections are waged as a war of words created with a clever media spin that may or may not contain the truth. We listen, and we accept rather than challenge. We throw up our hands and say, “What difference does it make anyway?” In presidential elections, it makes a big difference in terms of the social fabric of society, foreign policy, and economic well-being. We applaud leaders and heroes who deliver Madison Avenue hype. Johnny Cocheran was a case in point. He summed up the evidence in one of the most expensive trials in history, not by reiterating the facts in this case, but with a dramatic display backed by the words: “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.” Today our presidential elections are waged as a war of words created with a clever media spin that may or may not contain the truth. We listen, and we accept rather than challenge. We throw up our hands and say, “What difference does it make anyway?” In presidential elections, it makes a big difference in terms of the social fabric of society, foreign policy, and economic well-being.
  • In medical treatments, decisions of both patient and physician profoundly affect outcomes.
  • In the world of law and justice, decisions affect lives.
  • In business, decisions have a trickle down affect that may initially effect those within the organization or institution, but eventually impact the economy.
  • Within our personal lives our decisions affect our integrity, our values, our self-esteem and those we love. We owe it to ourselves to make decisions thoughtully and to convey our decisions with truth, trust, understanding — and when necessary, with a bit of humility. Copyright 2007 Watson]]>
    65 2008-01-11 05:12:56 2008-01-11 05:12:56 open open decision-making-integrity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423511 _edit_last 2
    Seven Weeks to Success: Making a Dream Come True http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=66 Sat, 12 Jan 2008 16:32:10 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=62 Week One: Dream Your Dreams 1. Let your mind wander as you dream impossible dreams 2. Spend at least five minutes a day just day-dreaming. 3. Write down the whispering of your soul. 4. Write down the most outrageous dream you can imagine for yourself. 5. What is the one dream that keeps recurring even though it may be in different forms?  Write it down. 6. Think of a dream that your heart of hearts is telling you about. 7. At the end of the week write down the one dream that dominates your thinking.  This is your heart's desire.  Each day for the next week, in addition to other thoughts on couaching, documenting, journaling, and interpersonal skills, we will add notes about each step in following a dream, a goal. Adapted from A Serenity Journal and The Art of Decision Making

    © copyright  2008 Watson

    66 2008-01-12 16:32:10 2008-01-12 16:32:10 open open seven-weeks-to-success publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423500 _edit_last 2
    GreenLegals.com http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=67 Sat, 12 Jan 2008 17:30:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?page_id=63 GreenLegals ( www.GreenLegals.com )is an on-line magazine that is the brainchild of KJ Collins and Rita Watson.   So many people wondered why I would talk about relationships to love and money without mentioning our relationship to the environment, that GreenLegals.com was born. KJ Collins - GreenLegals Co-Founder and Publisher I am a lawyer who graduated from Boston College Law School more years ago than I care to remember. My work has taken me Kathy Collinsto law firms and corporations with specialties that have included:  environmental law, bankruptcy law, food & drug law and commercial transactions. I believe that we are now living in a green world.  So, companies must not only look at the traditional factors in decision-making such as the bottom line and return on investment, but they must also look at “green” from the perspective of money and the energy and environmental issues that affect our quality of life. My focus at GreenLegals is to gather business news, analyze legal issues, highlight renewable technologies, and provide insight into strategies that businesses are using in this brave new Green World. Rita Watson  – GreenLegals Co-Founder and Executive Editor I am thrilled to be part of a magazine that that captures breaking news and also presents in depth case studies.  Basically I have an incurable addiction to the written word and accuracy in reporting.  My career  began at The New York Times, took me to Yale School of Medicine, where I served in psychology as director of education and in psychiatry as director of policy. watsongreenwhitehoue13 My graduate degree from Yale is in public health.  As such, you can understand my concerns about clean air and water, renewable energy, and life in a green world. Today I am a daily syndicated blogger, a monthly Sunday editorial page columnist for The  Providence Journal - writing about relationships - and an associate fellow at Yale’s Ezra Stiles College.  If you wish to get totally lost in my biography, books published, and life in academia you can find all of that right here in Rita Watson's bio. But news of the environment changes daily - why spend time reading about my past?  We have a  future before us and each one of us is a stakeholder.   www.GreenLegals.com ]]> 67 2008-01-12 17:30:47 2008-01-12 17:30:47 open open subscribe publish 0 0 page _edit_lock 1255968861 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Can ex-lovers remain friends? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=68 Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:49:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=65 Ways to Avoid Cell Phone Smashing (Jan 2008) Am asking friends and hearing so many points of view. If two people really shared a terrific friendship that involved helping to inspire creativity, encourage career advancement or changes, mange the mundane, share laughter with each other, friends, and children or families – then why not? http://www.articlealley.com/article_74631_35.html From what I am hearing, oftentimes the cog in the wheel is the new love interest (male or female) who feels threatened by the bond of friendship. We had a chairman at Yale who was part of the “Old Boy” network. http://www.bartleby.com/61/42/O0054200.html. When one of our friends decided to return to Greece rather than accept tenure (her husband was given a major political post), he was incredulous: Banging his fist on the desk he said, “She was a fool. Husbands and lovers come and go, but tenure and friendships are forever.” And friends are indeed important! http://stress.about.com/od/relationships/qt/friendship.htm Have more to say... just thinking right now. And going through these quizzes! http://www.lifescript.com/quiz/quiz.asp?bid=52077&valid=1&page=21&ptype=PA I love the Jerry and Elaine model! copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 68 2008-01-13 01:49:34 2008-01-13 01:49:34 open open can-ex-lovers-remain-friends publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423146 _edit_last 2 14 maxlimoncelli@yahoo.com http:// 2008-01-14 20:51:46 2008-01-14 20:51:46 1 0 0 15 cecilerd@gmail.com http:// 2008-01-15 19:17:09 2008-01-15 19:17:09 1 0 0 16 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-01-17 16:33:09 2008-01-17 16:33:09 1 0 0 Kittens, Cougars – Networking and Labelling http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=69 Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:23:56 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=66 30 Rock on line last week.  It seems that Sex in the City’s Samantha, with her penchant for younger men, is credited with turning the pejorative image of "Mrs. Robinson” into a Cougar. Samantha is a business woman who seduces through her ability to think like a man sexually, and network like a man from the "old boy's club" socially. Defined as “women in their 30s to 60s involved with younger men,” it seems that Cougars are becoming a trend -- The Bachelor Show, Amazing Grace, an upcoming The Cougar Club, and the new cover of The New Yorker! I remember presenting a paper in a Public Health class at Yale citing just one reason why women should consider dating younger men – the nursing home population – all women.  Longevity  The women applauded. The men blanched. The professor was not amused. Many young men who date older women tell me they do so because: The women are more established.  They have a stronger libido than young working women or those in their 40's looking at menopause.  They are nurturing.  Whereas today’s working women are too demanding and too career driven, they say. Now the new “Cashmere Mafia,” is a depiction of their worst nightmare. But at level higher level, these women pool their resources and contacts to smash though "the glass ceiling." They are the new networking B School graduates. The BBC Relationships section warns  that it is important for younger women to make time for intimacy. I wonder why we like to label? Nonetheless, for most women, the image of a Cougar -- sleek, powerful, and confident -- is more favorable than that of a sex kitten. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 69 2008-01-15 05:23:56 2008-01-15 05:23:56 open open about-sex-kittens-and-cougars-%e2%80%93-why-do-we-label publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214422825 17 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-01-17 16:29:37 2008-01-17 16:29:37 1 0 0 18 Emma_77_18_1@yahoo.com http:// 2008-01-18 15:00:23 2008-01-18 15:00:23 1 0 0 19 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-01-27 00:59:39 2008-01-27 00:59:39 1 0 0 Networking! The B Schools or the book — Never Eat Alone http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=70 Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:24:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=69 Never Eat Alone: and other secrets to success, one relationship at a time.  Keith tells us, as noted on the book jacket, "How to Build a Lifelong  Community of Colleagues, Contacts, Friends, and Mentors." Keith is also a Yalie, however, I came to meet him at a Yale Club of Boston function.  And I was really taken in by his down-to-earth manner and true desire to be a giver — to help others succeed. I have cradled the book for two years. “Thank you, Keith!” I am reading it as if I needed to pass a test!  And I am testing myself daily to understand more fully the value of friendships.  http://www.keithferrazzi.com/ copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 70 2008-01-16 01:24:43 2008-01-16 01:24:43 open open networking-the-b-schools-or-the-book-%e2%80%94-never-eat-alone publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423768 _edit_last 2 20 ricardo@ricardobueno.com 2008-01-17 07:34:49 2008-01-17 07:34:49 1 0 0 21 info@decisionmakingtips.com http://www.decisionmakingtips.com 2008-01-17 16:44:15 2008-01-17 16:44:15 1 0 0 Networking or When Sex Trumps the King http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=71 Fri, 18 Jan 2008 00:00:48 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=70 To read the full story, please go to Relationship Columns Gratitude and sex ‘trumps the king’ What intrigued me most was the idea of love and cars. As such, I began the piece as follows: IF ALOVEMATCH.COM merged with aNewCar.com would relationships have a longer shelf life? With fall in the air, more invitations to join a Man-of-the-Month club arrive at my door than sex ads that clutter up the nation’s e-mail. As online matchmaking services proliferate, the good professor mused, “Whatever happened to serendipity or friends introducing friends?” copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 71 2008-01-18 00:00:48 2008-01-18 00:00:48 open open networking-or-when-sex-trumps-the-king publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422796 _edit_last 2 Hillary’s VP, Relationships, TACT® Strategy Decisions http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=72 Mon, 21 Jan 2008 04:10:45 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=71 1. TAKE A MINUTE 2. Guard against immediate reactions to situations 3. Learn to say no, or “I can’t give you an answer at this time.” 4. Watch your words 5. Have the courage to sleep on your thoughts 6. ASSESS THE SITUATION 7. Gather information from all sources 8. Make a pros and cons checklist 9. Understand your personal feelings 10. Review against past decisions before deciding 11. CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVES 12. Generate options and alternatives creatively 13. Review the consequences for yourself and others 14. Examine how difficult your decision will be to implement 15. Develop a back up plan 16. TAKE A STAND AND FOLLOW THROUGH 17. Make sure your stance is clearly known 18. Do not underestimate strategies and timing aimed at success 19. Be willing to negotiate a win-win situation 20. Proceed with confidence and evaluate the outcome From The Art of Decision Making by Rita E. Watson, Lowell House Copyright 1994 Rita E. Watson]]> 72 2008-01-21 04:10:45 2008-01-21 04:10:45 open open hillarys-vp-relationships-tact%c2%ae-strategy-decisions publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422919 _edit_last 2 22 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=143 2008-02-26 12:53:37 2008-02-26 12:53:37 1 pingback 0 0 Unhappy at Work? — No Tears, Smile, and Plan http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=73 Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:43:17 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=72 http://www.careerfitnesscoach.com to find out more. And for the present. Smile: If you have a job and you really are unhappy there. Smile, grin, and bear it. No tears, please. Those who cry appear to be manipulative and this is not an image you want to portray. In a weak economy, when layoffs are imminent, you want to appear to have the poise to remain focused on your work, not your feelings. http://jobs.aol.com/article/_a/tears-not-recommended-at-work/20080118092009990002 Document: If in your job you really are undergoing some serious stress that is related to a situation that may require you to talk with those higher up -- Document! A simple daily journal will help. No need to dramatize. Time, date, incident. Evaluate: Think what it is about the job that you dislike. Write out ways that you might help to improve the situation. Yes, you, what can you do to make your time at work more satisfying? Perhaps volunteer to take on another assignment even. Plan: Live in the present, but plan for the future. Think about your dream job. Write out the skills that you would like to see yourself using. Put together a resume that highlights those skills. Ask others for feedback. Project: Let others know you are looking, but in a tactful way. When you speak with others, try not to say, "I hate my job." Instead think about saying, "I love my work, but I wish there was room for advancement." Or "I am in a good organization, but I wish I was able to better utilize my skills." Follow-though: A new job will not just appear on your doorstep. Make an active search plan, and follow-through. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 73 2008-01-22 14:43:17 2008-01-22 14:43:17 open open unhappy-at-work-no-tears-smile-and-plan publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214424035 _edit_last 2 Your dream, goal, and focus http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=74 Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:20:41 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=74 Week Two: Seven Steps to a Sucessful Dream No controversy in this posting. No kittens and cougars. No lovers and exes. No politics. Just simple goal setting. In the first week of Seven Weeks to A Successful Dream you dreamed the dreams. (January 12th, Blog Post) Week Two is time to focus on your goal, your heart’s desire. For an entire week, you will want to think, act and talk to yourself about the dream. >> Always be certain in your heart that the dream, the goal you wish to accomplish, is coming true. >> Tell no one at all about this dream. Don’t be concerned about how it will happen. >> Keep the dream locked quietly in your heart. It is too early to share your thoughts. >> Feel the dream and experience how the dream makes you feel. This is beyond, “What if” this is the time to say, “I am loving this new job.” Or, “Yes, this is my perfect partner.” >> If you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can achieve it. Think of this exercise as guided imagery. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 74 2008-01-23 05:20:41 2008-01-23 05:20:41 open open your-dream-goal-and-focus publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230955733 _edit_last 2 Decisions in a You Tube World: An Angry Wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=75 Thu, 24 Jan 2008 01:40:46 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=77 http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/strange/news-article.aspx?storyid=100629   Her angry message is becoming a sensation!  (And many secretly wish they had the courage to speak as she did.) --Let's abolish the word "wrong." We all make foolish decisions and decisions we regret.  And when we do, we feel angry with ourselves or guilty.  Neither emotion is worth the energy. -- View each decision as a learning experience. If it doesn't turn out as you wished, congratulate yourself on being courageous enough to make a decision.  It is better to make a decision than to become immobilized by indecision. -- If you are really sorry about a decision and you hurt someone, own up to it. Tell that person, "I am sorry.  Is there something I can do to correct things?" -- Take a look at the TACT® Strategies -- before we speak it is always good to "Think a Minute. Assess the Situation. Consider the Alternatives. Take a Stand.]]> 75 2008-01-24 01:40:46 2008-01-24 01:40:46 open open decisions-in-a-youtube-world publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423868 _edit_last 2 Should Principal’s Wife Post Student Voice Mail on You Tube? He said, She said! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=76 Thu, 24 Jan 2008 14:29:41 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=78 posted the message on You Tube. (This link takes you to the FULL story and the You Tube video).  There are two sides to every story. Candy, let's hear what prompted you to stand by your man! And maybe with enough encouragement, you will post the young student's comment on You Tube! Do men and women think differently? More... With regard to decisionmaking, men have told me, "One wrong decision and you lose the game." (In the student's case, he is on top of the world. It is the principal's wife who might be feeling she made a hasty decision.) However, the "one wrong move" mentality may be true in on the football field, the soccer field, the basefield field, but in business and in life, there are few decisions that have such dire consequences. In business if a man makes what he perceives as a less than perfect decision, he calls in his team, his strategists. Together they work to help their leader regain his power. Even if a man makes an enemy in his decisionmaking, he will learn to shake hands and drink with the foe, whom he may one day need as an ally. Men learn this early in life on the sports field. Women, on the other hand, can be tyrannized by decisionmaking. They worry about making the best decision. Here is where women have an advantage -- their intuition. I am not suggesting that women forgoe logic. I think decisionmaking is a learned skill. But I do know from my work, that if one thoughtfully sifts through all of the facts before making a decision -- and then adds a bit of "that feeling inside" it is safe to say, "You are becoming a decisionmaker." Do men have intutive skills? Absolutely, but they call them "hunches!"]]> 76 2008-01-24 14:29:41 2008-01-24 14:29:41 open open should-principals-wife-post-student-voice-mail-on-you-tube-he-said-she-said publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423477 _edit_last 2 23 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-01-25 01:17:38 2008-01-25 01:17:38 1 0 0 24 jaws@hawaii.rr.com http:// 2008-01-26 00:10:52 2008-01-26 00:10:52 1 0 0 25 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-02-11 19:33:10 2008-02-11 19:33:10 1 0 0 Commercial and Big Decisions http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=77 Fri, 25 Jan 2008 03:08:02 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=79 The Dallas News carries the story and the video link, a sneak preview that we present here. In a world of words, the American Sign Language joke gives us laughter and cause to pause... parents teaching their young children to both speak and sign through the Baby Einstein series will especially appeciate this remarkable event. Silence – it makes most people uncomfortable. As a society, we like to hear ourselves talk. We like televisions going or music because the sounds of silence are a bit frightening. But if you have a really big decision to make, do you want to be talking about it or quietly thinking about it? More... For a little decision:Remember the “Table Pounding Whys” posted on January 10th? It is always appropriate to think a minute or 10 or 20 minutes. You can be silent. It’s acceptable. It gives you an opportunity to think before you speak. For a big decision -- here are some tips:
    • Gather information from all perspectives
    • Review it with friends, family, colleagues, and trusted advisors
    • Think about past decisions and whether or not you were satisfied with the outcome
    • Ask yourself this question, “If there were no constraints, what would I decide?”
    The value of silence:
    • Your head is filled with information.
    • You had done the analysis.
    • But what do you really feel deep down inside?
    • The only way you will know for certain is to listen to what we feel – your intuition, your hunches. To listen requires silence.
    Practice silence:
    • Day One --Sit quietly for 3 minutes doing nothing –no music, no reading, no television – just you and your silent world.
    • Day Two – Give yourself 7 minutes of silence.
    It is hard to do, isn’t it? The reason is because silence brings us face to face with our shadow side, that part of our personality that we wish to bury. Silence brings us too close to lonely, and lonely brings us too close to the monster called “Alone.” Get over it! And think about the old saying of those who talk to themselves, “I get the best answers that way.” Take some time with yourself silently… and the answer to your big decision will come. www.amazon.com  from A Serenity Journal by Rita Esposito Watson]]>
    77 2008-01-25 03:08:02 2008-01-25 03:08:02 open open superbowl%e2%80%99s-silent-commercial publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214423296
    A Goal and a Link! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=78 Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:06:39 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=80 silent ad in the midst of The Pat's 4th Super Bowl appearance. It is an historic first -- someone's dream come true. Someone set his mind to a goal and achieved it. ( See yesterday's blog post). As an Italian dreamer, I would like to own a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Maserati. As a decision maker, I am an advocate of S.M.A.R.T goals. As a realist, this week-end I will be a cheering fan while trying to train my head to dream a big dream. Super Bowl News While the "Italians" may be out of reach, I can put my SMART goals in place between plays. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic (or Relevant), Time-bound. More... What is the secret to success? Take a good look at your SMART goals and how they might play out in your life. Specific – I want a new car. Name the car you wish to own. Measurable – How will buy it? Put a plan in place so you can see the outcome. Attainable – A Maserati is out of reach. I love the goal, but it is too big a dream for right now. So I’ll set my sights on a different car, but keep the dream alive. Reliable or Relevant – It is a goal that is important to achieve and you can name the reasons why. Time-bound – it is within a time frame in which you can achieve success.Read more about SMART goals. What is the secret to success? Follow-through. So many people get halfway through their dream and the minute they stumble, they abandon the path. Sometimes there are stones along the path. Sometimes boulders. See them as challenges. The TACT® Strategies are reminders to help you Think a minute. Assess the Situation. Consider the Alternatives, then Take a Stand and Follow-through. Keep your eye on the goal. Actually, I have been thinking. I am not the best driver. My goal should be to own a limousine that comes with a personal chauffer. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 78 2008-01-26 04:06:39 2008-01-26 04:06:39 open open a-ferrari-lamborghini-or-maserati-super-bowl-sunday-smart-goals publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423463 _edit_last 2 Where’s Tom Brady? Hide out Decisions and Good Books http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=79 Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:52:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=81 "Go, Pats," or  "Go, Giants" you will be part of what feels like a National Holiday.  And if you are choosing instead to  curl up with a good book, here are a few on decision -making that you might enjoy -- and one environmental thriller, really. Malcolm O. Munro's, Marketing Yourself for Your Dream Job:  How to Get the Job and Career You've Always Wanted. For previewgo to http://www.careerfitnesscoach.com Keith Ferrazzi's, Never Eat Alonehttp://nevereatalone.typepad.com/blog/2008/01/tip-104-build-y.html#comments John Gordon's, The Energy Bus www.jongordon.com Decision-making not on your mind? How about a political and environmental thriller?  CAPE WIND: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound It's a story of the Kennedy Clan and the rich and famous on the Cape vs those who have identified windmills as a valuable source of power. Whatever your choice, it is certain to be a super changed day. ]]> 79 2008-01-27 03:52:43 2008-01-27 03:52:43 open open tom-brady-come-out-come-out-wherever-you-are-hide-out-decisions publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423452 _edit_last 2 The Advice Trap — Do’s and Don’ts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=80 Mon, 28 Jan 2008 03:25:03 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=82 DO ASK friends, neighbors, and business associates. Good sources include:
    • Friends you admire who seem to make good decisions
    • Associates from a business group, your church, arts council, or political group
    • Friends who have experience making decisions similar to the one you are now facing
    DONT' ASK or ACCEPT advice from: Know it alls
  • Those whose attitude is "my way or the highway"
  • Those who put you on a spot, for example, you ask about a lawyer and they go right to the phone, dial a number and say, "Here, talk to my friend, he is the best."
  • Those whose mind is already made up.
  • Keep in mind:
  • You want objectivity
  • You want different points of view
  • You want information to help you make an informed decision.
  • copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    80 2008-01-28 03:25:03 2008-01-28 03:25:03 open open the-advice-trap-dos-and-donts publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214423441
    Strange Bedfellows and Sex with Your Ex (Why?) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=81 Tue, 29 Jan 2008 03:53:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=83 Or is it because the holidays were here and you were alone and too many of you decided, “What the heck. Why not?” and now you are angry and furious with yourselves or perhaps ashamed? There is so much written about this topic -- and I am going to refer you to other writers in a minute – but first let’s do some damage control to your heart. And it’s back to the TACT® Strategies. Take a minute – think about what you did in terms of reconnecting with someone who brought you pain and so one of you severed the connection. Why did you decide to rekindle a moment of passion? Be honest, this is between you and your heart! And forgiveness is a good answer. Assess the situation – what are you feeling? Were either of you hurt by the moment of passion? What had you hoped for with regard to the outcome? Can you tell him or her honestly what you had expected? If not, then why! Consider the alternatives – Ok, you did the deed and now what, feeling guilty? Don’t waste a minute on guilt. But do generate a list of what you would like to see happen in the future. Perhaps you wish to:
  • Try to forgive and forget and start fresh.
  • Acknowledge that it was fun but you should set parameters for the future.
  • Ask him or her to talk with you about the situation.
  • >>> A word about "Can we talk?" Make it fun. Make a loving joke. But be serious. "Never thought we'd be up for a roll in the hay. But we did. Where do we go from here?" Take a stand and follow-though – Make a decision. Don’t leave yourselves like a ship with a broken sail. Talk about it. Or dismiss it completely. Obsessing about it serves no useful purpose. Now if you are one of the many men and women contemplating sex with your ex … read on: Tis the season for ex-sex… Not so fast! Sex with the Ex from Parents World Sex with your ex  Wondering about the saying, “Politics makes strange bedfellows?” Bartleby.com says it is adapted from a line in the play The Tempest, by William Shakespeare: “Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows.” It is spoken by a man who has been shipwrecked and finds himself seeking shelter beside a sleeping monster.]]>
    81 2008-01-29 03:53:04 2008-01-29 03:53:04 open open strange-bedfellows-and-sex-with-your-ex-why publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422904 _edit_last 2 1629 jbroadley.ssp@gmail.com http://www.successfulsingleparenting.com 2009-10-01 08:55:25 2009-10-01 11:55:25 0 0 0
    A Successful Dream – AND Our Missing Posts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=82 Sun, 03 Feb 2008 05:54:12 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=88 Through a server glitch last night we have some missing posts floating around Internet land. We will repost and offer all SEVEN steps to a Successful Dream as a PDF download -- free of change. Thank you for your patience and for bearing with us as we try to locate these pieces and your terrific comments.
    • Unlucky in  Love -- change your pattern, your love story. February 2
    • Nude Models: Bare is in the air, Bear Your Heart of Hidden Agendas. February 1
    • Nuns Sketching Naked Man:  Good PR vs Bad Taste. January 31
    • Dr. Ruth Said and Friends with Benefits. Jauary 30
    82 2008-02-03 05:54:12 2008-02-03 05:54:12 open open seven-steps-to-a-successful-dream-%e2%80%93-see-it-and-achieve-it publish 0 0 post title A successful dream _edit_lock 1219461131 _edit_last 2
    Relationship Havoc: Our Soldiers Returning Home http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=83 Mon, 04 Feb 2008 13:24:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=96 the Providence Journal. http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita3_02-03-08_LJ8PIG5_v22.38cb14c.html Bear with us as we switch Servers!]]> 83 2008-02-04 13:24:24 2008-02-04 13:24:24 open open relationship-havoc-our-soldiers-returning-home publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422812 _edit_last 2 Dr. Ruth “Overheard” and Friends with Benefits http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=84 Tue, 05 Feb 2008 02:26:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=100 http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/    and Think Progress www.thinkprogress.org/   Eavesdropping by the government is becoming more commonplace than on the soaps where someone is always lurking in a doorway gain the “overheard” advantage. With good men and good women so hard to find, the soaps turn eavesdropping into an art form. But are good men and women really that hard to find?  Or are we caught up in another newly resurrected term, “the good fit.” I think it is a term that I have heard most often from those who are disillusioned with the match making services, “All the specs added up, but we weren’t a good fit.”  In most cases this means what? He or she didn’t bring enough to the table He or she did not measure up to your fantasy The phase may have been minted on Boston Legal and is now as much a part of our vocabulary as a French phrase. It seems that Alan confessed to Denise one day that he was flunking Kissing 101.  She taught him how to pucker up and cozy up and eventually they went from desk to floor to bed –though perhaps not all in the same show. Someplace other than between the sheets, the two discovered a new type of relationship -- friends with the benefits of sex. To read the Boston Legal synopsis, you might try a blog from Georgia: http://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/05/08/225917.php Friends with Benefits Quiz The New York Times not that long ago carried a story called, “Friends With Benefits, and Stress Too”  http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/02/health/02sex.html (you may need to sign in for this article which talks about research from colleges.  However, here is a link to an abstract that appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship.” http://www.springerlink.com/content/t22037j0215j4367/?p=518dc307ea804c85be6dad932a1e3247&pi=0
    • Are you reluctant to enter a friends with benefits situation because you really want to save yourself for the right person?  Good. You should. 
    But as one passes let’s say the age of 35 or 40 –  are you using this as a excuse to avoid a committed relationship? 
    • Or do you feel that you are one of those who are not good at relationships, which is a good excuse not to bother to try?  If you disappoint, you can always shrug your shoulders and say, “I warned you. Did my part.  Sorry if I broke your heart.”
    If you are in a friends with benefits situation ask yourself these questions:
  • Am I doing this because commitment is too difficult?
  • Is this my excuse to avoid commitment?
  • Do I traditionally tell myself and others that I am not good at relationships – thereby I give absolving myself of the responsibility for trying?
  • Have I been so hurt by others that I am really afraid to be hurt again?If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and the friend with whom you are sharing the benefits is really a friend – than it is time for a friendship talk – truth with no consequences.
  • A note about "He said" and "She said."  This is one of the postings was lost and we haven't recovered the comments. But one that did strike me as interesting came from a man who said, "I've been pretending we were in a FWB situation all along.  But I feel in love with her, even though she wasn't my type."  My good man, that was precisely what took place on Boston Legal.  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    84 2008-02-05 02:26:33 2008-02-05 02:26:33 open open dr-ruth-overheard-and-friends-with-benefits publish 0 0 post keywords Dr. Ruth, friends, benefits, commitment, quiz title Friends with Benefits _edit_lock 1214422784 _edit_last 2
    Decisionmaking on Super Tuesday http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=85 Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:13:38 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=102 http://www.projo.com/opinion/columnists/content/CL_froma3_02-03-08_U18QRIJ_v22.38cd482.html   People took responsibility for their decisions and exit polls seem to be consistent — people care about the economy. Rather than take the responsibility for making a decision, during elections too often we allow ourselves to be seduced by tantalizing phrases, quick twists of the tongue, concepts that appeal to the ear rather than to reflective reason. Decisions shape our destiny. Nonetheless few professionals, parents, or even lovers are trained to make a thoughtful decision. If you talk to decision-makers across the globe, you will find perhaps three camps of decision-making.  It bears repeating there are three distinct types of decision-makers — and the best combine logic and hunches: Logical thinkers: those with graphs and charts, who review and evaluate past decisions Intuitive thinkers: those with a basic instinct that is almost always right on target Passive-aggressive non-deciders: those who hope their need for a decision will just go away. To avoid their responsibility or fend off a confrontation, they will hide behind any excuse, but the social mask most often is “too busy.” Today our presidential elections are waged as a war of words created with a clever media spin that may or may not contain the truth. We listen, and we accept rather than challenge. We throw up our hands and say, “What difference does it make anyway?” In presidential elections, it makes a big difference in terms of the social fabric of society, foreign policy, and economic well-being. Within our personal lives our decisions affect our integrity, our values, our self-esteem and those we love. We owe it to ourselves to make decisions thoughtully and to convey our decisions with truth, trust, understanding — and when necessary, with a bit of humility -- also known as the ability to say, "I am sorry." copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 85 2008-02-06 03:13:38 2008-02-06 03:13:38 open open decisionmaking-on-super-tuesday publish 0 0 post keywords decisions, integrity, responsibility, endorsements title Decisionmaking on Super Tuesday description thoughts on how people decide to vote _edit_lock 1214423412 _edit_last 2 Couple’s Time Fends off Relationship Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=86 Thu, 07 Feb 2008 15:51:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=116 http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita3_02-03-08_LJ8PIG5_v22.38cb14c.html For couples, I am going to wonder on paper: Is working more important than making time to visit each other at least a half hour each night, making the relationship a priority? Make time every night, sitting with each other, emailing each other, calling each other if you are apart. Daily, meaningful contact is vital. Have you learned to read the expressions on the face of someone who cares about you? Learn what it means when someone is biting their lower lip. Understand the downcast eyes. The slump of the shoulders. If they are hurt or in pain, have you figured out a way to snuggle into their heart? Can you “hear” in an email, a phone conversation, or face to face where someone you love is hurting? Ask. Don’t play games. Life is too short. Most of all – make a date whenever you can to be alone. I know of long distance couples who go to a bar on Friday nights – each one alone – and have “Cocktail” hour – even managing to crisscross time zones. And under no circumstances buy into the new research that says the new trend is separate bedrooms and sleeping alone.  I think it is a conspiracy of bedsalesman trying to sell more furniture.  Human touch is a relationship treaure.  As with one of those ads -- price of the bed $1000.  Price of separate bedrooms -- $30,000 for the room and even more for the divorce.  The touch of intimacy -- priceless. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 86 2008-02-07 15:51:50 2008-02-07 15:51:50 open open couples-time-fends-off-relationship-stress publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422773 _edit_last 2 Sex and Money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=87 Fri, 08 Feb 2008 20:29:26 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=117 Nonetheless sex is still going strong. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. And yet the Durex study found that we in America are not enjoying sex as much as some of our friends internationally. In terms of sexual pleasure and frequency, the United States ranks at 23 out of 26 nations.  One friend insisted, “Some couples don’t need sex. My sister and brother-in-law never have sex. He is happy just being with her.” We know the brother-in-law. His happiness comes from rolling in the hay with any woman who is game. He’s a believer in studies that say a healthy sex life boosts the immune system and adds an average of seven years to men’s lives. Marcel Proust has said that “desire makes everything blossom.” I am reminded of the postman on our street when I was growing up.  One day, he said “Good-bye” to the neighbors.  He was off with his wife to their new home in Florida.   We were stunned.  How did he do it on his salary? Just before leaving he gave us his secret. “I always wanted a home in Palm Beach.  It was my dream. My desire. I just kept saving consistently.  A little bit each week. But I always saved.” Then he added, “At first my wife complained that I was a penny-pitcher, then one day, after we took a vacation to Florida, she said, “This is a good plan. Start leaving a little something under my pillow each time we had sex.  An you know what?  We had a good laugh.  A lot of good sex.  Money in the bank. And now a home in Florida.”  Today we are somewhat amused by a Steve Martin quote: "I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy." Take a look at your money and your sex lives.
  • Give generously to each other.
  • Pay yourselves first when it comes to money.
  • Save consistently.
  • Make a financial plan.
  • Follow-through.
  • copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    87 2008-02-08 20:29:26 2008-02-08 20:29:26 open open sex-and-money publish 0 0 post keywords Researchers, BU, divorce, Framingham study, Durex survey, University of Toronto. description More sex, happier couples title Sex and Money _edit_lock 1214422760 _edit_last 2
    Hairdresser Sex Talk and Toys http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=88 Sat, 09 Feb 2008 21:03:57 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=121 As Valentine’s Day approaches, I take out my Angel Dust and sprinkle it everywhere I go wishing that women young and old will find Prince Charming even if only in their dreams. So today I was at the hairdresser thinking about romance and I received a Blackberry message about an unexpected Valentine gift from a surprise sweetheart.  Answering the message distracted me.  When I rejoined the conversation, I suddenly realized I was listening to "sex talk." Yes, in a very proper place, with very proper women I heard about someone’s Aunt Annette and her "Sex Tapes and Toy Shop."   Whoa! Gadgets?  I don’t even own a blender.  I’m not good with things that have switches.  But apparently, women are liking toys these days, while men seem to prefer the tapes. "Who goes to the shop?" I asked. "Professionals – doctors, lawyers, businessmen visit my Aunt together and she tries to be helpful,” replied the bouncy and beautiful woman. I was new to the salon, but I do recall that when I lived in Boston, I learned more about sex and relationships from the magazines and conversations at the hair salon than in all my years at college. The magazines were clear: “What Men Really Want in Bed.” Cosmo Sex Tips   And Ask Men Love Tips  “What Women Really Want in Bed.”  Women read these magazines.  Men don’t. Men like car writers and sports magazines because they get right down to the details.  And if men do like sex toys, the appeal may be simple -- what you see is what you get. No games. No second guessing.  No hidden agendasIs life behind your closed doors, somewhat boring?  Are you worried that he might be straying?  Forget the “We should talk” conversation.  Action speaks louder than words.  You don’t need me to draw pictures here.   Now, may I preface this by saying, I'm Italian.  I believe a way to a man's heart is through a wonderful meal, home cooked, or bought from a great store and placed in your own serving platters -- however -- here are some hair salon thoughts: Do something provocative:
    • Scan the Internet.
    • Tell him some of the things you saw that surprised you.  WATCH his eyes and reactions.
    • Which peaked his interest?
    • Ask, in a matter-of-fact manner, “Which of these toys should I bring to a shower for a friend getting married for the first time?”  And don’t let him off the hook.
    • Whisper something to him that is romantic or “sex talk” shocking.
    Why is it that women like sex toys?  According to my hair salon sources:    
    • They are fun.
    • They perform on demand.
    • They don't talk back.
    • And they don’t snore. 
    I am all for getting in the mood for love, but if you are as "on-and-off switch phobic" as I am -- I even got rid of my television when I became confused with those remotes -- then try some old fashioned sweetness and love.  The hearty meal and maybe, just maybe, become creative with dessert. copyright 2008 ritawatson ]]>
    88 2008-02-09 21:03:57 2008-02-09 21:03:57 open open sex-toys-sex-tapes-and-romance publish 0 0 post title Sex Toys, Sex Tapes, and Romance description Sex toys and professionals who want to spice up romance keywords sex toys, sex talk, sex tapes, romance, Valentine\'s, bedroom, couples, shocking _edit_lock 1214422731 _edit_last 2 36 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-02-11 03:04:43 2008-02-11 03:04:43 1 0 0 37 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-02-11 16:30:44 2008-02-11 16:30:44 1 0 0 38 jaws@hawaii.rr.com http:// 2008-02-12 17:03:55 2008-02-12 17:03:55 1 0 0 39 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-02-14 23:18:29 2008-02-14 23:18:29 1 0 0 40 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=130 2008-02-17 03:18:34 2008-02-17 03:18:34 1 pingback 0 0 1092 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=703 2009-03-19 01:09:00 2009-03-19 04:09:00 0 pingback 0 0
    Politics, Sex, a Win-Win, & YouTube Laugh VIDEO http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=89 Mon, 11 Feb 2008 03:50:19 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=122 The New Yorker cover shows Hillary and Obama in a modern day rendition of the magazine's first issue, which has appeared in some form at every anniversary. This topsy-turvy world is reflected in sports, in the bedroom, and in politics.  On the New Yorker cover Obama is at the bottom half and Hillary at the top, upside down. Although if you flip the cover, she is the one who is grounded.  Topsy-turvey! The political game seems to be a mirror image of what happened at the Super Bowl. We expected the Patriots to win. But suddenly the Giants played a better game. Secretly many people began to wish they would win. Is this now happening with the Democratic primaries? Hillary was on top and suddenly Obama is taking us to a neck and neck race. The hope seems to be "unite early before the Convention" and bring the party to victory. But we have difficulty with win-win situations whether in the board room or the bed room. In a win-win situation everyone wins something and everyone must give up something. There are three questions to consider for a win-win.
    • What is it that I really need to have to feel as if I am winner?
    • What is it that I am willing to give up?
    • If I win, then what?
    In politics and in business, it is easier to see what goes into win-lose columns or a win-win column. But in relationships, it is more delicate.
    • Sometimes through the politics of sex, one party gives another the silent treatment because one is right, the other is wrong.
    • Or one party may withhold sex, because one is right, another is wrong.
    • Or you might hear of a couple in which he takes a hard line, she objects and it doesn't matter who is right or wrong --there is a stalemate.
    In a relationship -- the unique aspect is the ability for two people, independent thinkers, to respect the other's point of view. And for the sake of the marriage or the relationship negotiating a settlement is the win. Drawing a line in the sand creates a tension in which one may win the battle but lose the war. Or win a point, and lose out on love. My grandmother always said, "Never let the sun set on your anger." Find something to laugh about even in a difficult situation. Studies on laughter show that a good laugh is contagious. See for yourself below! Newscaster Can't Stop Laughing! PS: The New Yorker rerendition by comic book artist Seth is a reminder of the original Eustace Tilley dandy peering through his monocle at a butterfly. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    89 2008-02-11 03:50:19 2008-02-11 03:50:19 open open politics-and-sex-creating-a-win-win publish 0 0 post description Hillary and Obama on New Yorker cover reflect topsy turvey world of sex, politics, and a YouTube laugh link. title Politics and Sex: Creating a Win-Win keywords sex, bedroom, YouTube laugh link, creating a win-win, withholding sex, forgiveness, lovers _edit_lock 1219460109 _edit_last 2 41 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-02-11 16:15:09 2008-02-11 16:15:09 1 0 0 42 anitabparis@hotmail.com http:// 2008-02-12 13:38:36 2008-02-12 13:38:36 1 0 0
    Write Your Own Love Story of Romance and Spicy Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=90 Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:59:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=124 There is love without pain. There is love without sadness. There is LOVE. But first get rid of hope.” Yes, your heard right, “Hope” is the culprit. What is your story? Star-crossed lover, traveller, or collector? We present here the long Sternberg article, What’s Your Love Story? But if you just want to go straight to the questionnaire  may I offer three suggestions? Be Honest. Be Clear. Be Serious. Think about what he is suggesting? There are more stories: martyr, cop, business relationship. You will find your story, but first you may want to ask yourself:    * What is it that makes me most unhappy in relationships?  * What characteristics does each of my partners have in common?    The “What’s My Story” Questionnaire http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-20000701-000035.html Take the Quiz. Then decide to make a change. Just remember that even for the better, change is difficult. But the alternative is “hoping.” Kiss “hope” good-by and reach for the stars — “The sun, moon, and stars”– as the good professor of my columns likes to say. And rightly so.  Notes/ This is one of those columns that was lost during the server breakdown.  So we hope that if you commented before, you will comment again.  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 90 2008-02-13 02:59:59 2008-02-13 02:59:59 open open write-your-own-love-story-of-romance-and-spicy-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422720 _edit_last 2 43 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-02-13 16:16:13 2008-02-13 16:16:13 1 0 0 The Valentine Maven http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=91 Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:32:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=125 A Valentine Fairy Godmother If I could be the Valentine’s Day Fairy Godmother I would wave my magic wand and turn Feb. 14 into Children’s Day. I am incurable romantic. As a teenager my aunt taught us to think “Love.” She had us wear silk nightgowns, a strand of pearls, and a splash of Joy perfume to bed each night because, we were told, “You never know whom you will meet in your dreams.” When I grew up I wanted to become a Valentine’s Day maven strewing hearts and flowers in the streets. But now, I would like Valentine’s Day to become Children’s Day. What changed? I became a grandmother. As the Valentine Fairy Godmother, I will declare a day to rewrite the book of love and forgiveness, create a memory, and give the day back to young people, who are so much a part of the romantic tradition. We live in a love-addicted society. Every day on every television channel, a movie, a talk show, a soap opera reinforces the myth — without love, without a relationship, you are not whole. And so on Valentine’s Day women wait for the hearts, the flowers, and little signs of affection. The word is, “If he loved me he would….” He would what? Overpay for flowers? Send a box of calories? Those chocolates — we might just as well apply them directly to our bodies! What does the Valentine’s Day frenzy really mean? It means that on at least one day we want to feel loved. And for that we look to a Hallmark holiday card. Most of us forget that the way to be loved is to give love to those around us. Follow the advice of the man who wrote a book titled Love, Leo Buscaglia, who always reminded us to take a chance and tell people we love them — children, parents, friends. Give yourself the gift of love and forgive someone who has hurt you instead of remaining wounded. Build a room in your heart for that person and follow a Tibetan model — send wishes for a good life. It will free you and the person you send the message to, and open the door to happiness and your next adventure. Redford B. Williams, M.D., and a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University, tells us, “Eschew anger.” It will do a world of good for your heart. Find ways to show a no-strings-attached love to family, to friends, even to strangers. Look at the world through the eyes of a child before that child learns anger or hate. For those looking at Valentine’s Day with the same anxiety as “Will I have a date on New Year’s Eve?” take heart, take control. Turn this day into children’s day. Invite your friends for a champagne, strawberries and checkbook party. Collectively think of a children’s group that you might support either locally or nationally. Invite your florists to donate 10 percent from the Valentine’s sales; many will be pleased to do so. The tradition of Valentine’s Day cards and gifts dates back to the 1500’s, when young people in France and England gathered around a box in the village square to draw the name of their sweethearts for the year. Remember those lace doily Valentine’s Day boxes we had in grade school? At the end of the day we all tallied up the number of cards we had received. Let this be a day when children’s organizations can tally up checks. From groups that help children and families with disorders such as epilepsy to those supporting homeless children — there is a need. From organizations dedicated to improving children’s health to those fostering children’s creativity — a Valentine’s Day check will be a welcome surprise. Be an innovator. Work with your office to support a children’s arts program at a Rhode Island school, or a library such as the Providence Athenaeum. Help underwrite more children’s programming at PBS. If you cannot write a check, give time. Teach a child to read. Lobby to stop child abuse. There is a benefit to thinking of Valentine’s Day as Children’s Day. The wonderful world of children is limitless. Children see no obstacles. Their wishes are dreams that they believe will come true. Psychoanalyst Selma H. Fraiberg called growing-up time for children The Magic Years. We can help make the magic. What I miss about being a child is my belief in Santa Claus. As the Valentine Fairy Godmother, I will sprinkle Santa dust in the air so that each of us can think about loving, forgiving, and giving in a new way -- unconditionally. Originally published on February 14th, 2007 as inspired by the good Professor.]]> 91 2008-02-14 03:32:29 2008-02-14 03:32:29 open open the-valentine-maven publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422677 _edit_last 2 Love or Madness? Love Sales, and NBC Apology for Jane http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=92 Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:32:21 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=126 Love as madness and Love as sales. But first take a look at these:
    • Hairdresser Sex Talk and Toys (oh, those comments!)
    • Politics, Sex, a Win-Win and a You Tube Laugh (best laugh ever)
    • Write Your Own Love Story with Spicy Sex (could be steamy)
    • Valentine Maven (tame)
    While reading about new research and ideas, you might wish to click the link: "Could I have this dance?" Madly in love or just plain madness? Is being madly in love, just plain limerence – akin to an obsession-compulsive disorder? This new report tells all in an article by Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY. She says, “Are you crazy in love or just plain crazy? It all depends on whether new research into a condition called ‘limerence’ leads to the creation of a new psychiatric diagnosis." "It's that first stage of attraction where there's that bliss and euphoria and the newness of love," says Brenda Schaeffer, a psychologist from Minneapolis. That's the upside. But there is a dark side, too. "It is obsessive-compulsive when you're feeling it. It's the center of your life," says Arthur Aron, a psychology professor at State University of New York-Stony Brook.  Crazy in Love If You Are Single, You Are In Sales If you are single, and looking for love you are in Sales says, Keith Ferrazzi, the Never Eat Alone guru. And if you are married, you are in Sales. Keith says, “We’re all in sales. Do you want a raise or a promotion?  You’re in sales. Do you have a new idea at work?  You’re in sales. Are you single? You are DEFINITELY in sales. . . for Keith's email tips go to: www.keithferrazzi.com Decision-making tips for Valentine week: Play the song here, close your eyes, and imagine. Could I have this dance for the rest of my life? Now:
    • Take the time to be yourself.
    • Take the time to think about who you are and what you want in a companioin.
    • If you are seeing someone seriously think ahead – what does the rest of your life really mean to you? your children if you are a parent?
    • And if you are single, before you go out and “sell yourself” be sure you know your product.
    • If you are married, take stock every single day. Be grateful and be certain that you keep your relevence and loving alive.
    PS/ Yes, it's true, Jane said the offensive word on TV.  Jane Fonda word shocker, NBC apologizes.]]>
    92 2008-02-15 04:32:21 2008-02-15 04:32:21 open open love-or-madness-love-sale-and-rest-of-my-life-music publish 0 0 post title Love or Madness, Love as Sales, NBC apologizes for Jane description Are you madly in love or just mad? Looking for love, you are in sales? Read about sex toys, writing your love story, and Jane Fonda\'s c*** word keywords limerence, taking stock, Keith Ferrazzi, Jane Fonda uses C Word on NBC USA Today, new research, sex toys, advice _edit_lock 1214422666 _edit_last 2 47 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-02-18 22:20:31 2008-02-18 22:20:31 1 0 0 48 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-02-23 21:30:52 2008-02-23 21:30:52 1 0 0
    Men’s Valentine’s Day Recovery & Bill’s Striptease VIDEO http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=93 Sat, 16 Feb 2008 01:48:58 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=128   Men Just Can't Handle the Pressure of Valentine's Day    Mark tells us that one friend "went so far as to consult with a gay friend for advice. The friend suggested he get something from Hermes... pronounced 'air-maze,'" Mark proceeded to say, "I’m always troubled by men who know how to say it correctly."   [Mark, get a grip, the guy had great taste!]  Nonetheless, I think what men find most troubling is not just getting the right gift, but perhaps performance anxiety -- which doesn't seem to trouble Bill Clinton at all.  Bill's Bump and Grind for Hillary copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 93 2008-02-16 01:48:58 2008-02-16 01:48:58 open open has-your-man-recovered-from-valentines-day publish 0 0 post title Have the men recovered from Valentine\'s Day keywords Bill Clinton strip tease video, male anxiety, the right gifts description Why men are anxious about gift giving, performance anxiety, and a Bill Clinton Strip tease _edit_lock 1214422692 _edit_last 2 49 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-02-18 22:24:13 2008-02-18 22:24:13 1 0 0 50 maxlimoncelli@yahoo.com http:// 2008-02-27 03:09:59 2008-02-27 03:09:59 1 0 0 Hillary & Obama: A Dance Video and Sex Toy Talk Comments http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=94 Sun, 17 Feb 2008 03:18:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=130 The Economist cover story has Obama waving to a crowd and the words say: "But Can He Deliver?" The blog comments to my "What if" were interesting --TalkingPoingsMemo:What if?  And a note from the father of my children, Bill Watson,  was poignant-- "If Hillary was a man, no one would question her personality." But I think it is time to lighten up.  For a laugh and a dance Hillary and Obama Disco Together  and while a few have faded out, here is The Presidential Can Can. Decisionmaking Tips: With politics as with any relationship -- my TACT®  Strategies come in handy:
    • Take a minute -- Think about the issues
    • Assess the situation -- We are facing a recession and we have candidates squaring off.  The current president had no experience in business and no experience in government.
    • Consider the alternatives -- Look past personalities and consider past mistakes.
    • Take a stand -- Make a decision based on what's best for the country.
    And if politics are too mind boggling at the moment -- Hairdresser Sex Talk and Toys -- from last Saturday has some very funny comments that do speak to relationships!]]>
    94 2008-02-17 03:18:29 2008-02-17 03:18:29 open open hillary-and-obama-a-dance-video-and-sex-toy-talk-comments publish 0 0 post title Hillary and Obama: A Dance Video and Sex Toy Talk Comments description A humorous look at the election, TPM Muckraker blog comments, and Sex Talk Toys keywords sex toys, sex talk, Hillary and Obama, YouTube disco, decision tip _edit_lock 1214423094 _edit_last 2
    Love Story Quiz, but First Your Perceived vs. Real Self http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=95 Mon, 18 Feb 2008 04:31:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=131 Now I understand why. I think one needs to make some decisions first. In doing so you will see that from your profile you can come to an understanding of your personal life as well as your professional life. The whole article is on the February 13th posting, but we present here, just the quiz itself and your real vs. perceived self. Give yourself about 45 minutes.
    • Write a short profile of yourself, a biography. 
    • Make a list of five positive qualities.
    • Add least three and up to five of your negative traits.
    Here is the tricky part – be honest. Ask yourself this question:  Would your “perceived-self” recognize your “real-self”?
    • If you ask a best friend if he or she agrees with you, what do you think he or she might say?
    • Go ahead and ask a friend to write out or tell you your positive qualities and your negative traits.
    Now with your own profile along with positive and negative traits -- find your love story. Finding Your Love Story Sometimes misperception stands in the way of a love match and relationships keep ending sadly. A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster happiness, good health and youthful aging. Take a chance on love.  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    95 2008-02-18 04:31:43 2008-02-18 04:31:43 open open your-perceived-vs-real-self-finding-your-love-story publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214422656
    Hidden Agendas at Home & Office with Bushism video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=96 Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:16:58 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=132 With hidden agendas there is never a win-win and it is most often a lose-lose.  In the bedroom, it creates a tension that results in lack of intimacy and lack of sex.  Sexual issues are right up there with money in terms of divorce. In the boardroom -- sometimes hidden agendas work themselves out insidiously.  Cashmere Mafia is a good example Decision-making tips for couples.
    • Speak your mind, but kindly. Both men and women with hidden agendas may be harboring contradictory wishes that they are afraid to share.
    • She wants to be married. He doesn’t.
    • She wants security. He wants sex.
    • She wants to retire and garden. He wants to travel.
    • She wants his money. He wants her companionship.
    Both say nothing and they play the game.
    • Find the courage to speak the truth.
    • Negotiate terms that create greater intimacy and more loving.
    In the boardroom, same goes with decisionmaking:
    • If you suspect someone has a hidden agenda, confront without being confrontational.
    • If you think part of a hidden agenda involves someone sabotaging your work, start documenting and do so clearly without emotion. Keep in mind that journal entries are often sufficient "evidence" when making your case.
    • If someone at your workplace has a  hidden agenda that involves going after your job, say something, even if jokingly, but let that person know that you are onto them.
    Words are powerful.  Watch your words.  Think before your speak.   Bushisms copyright 2008 ritawatson ]]>
    96 2008-02-19 05:16:58 2008-02-19 05:16:58 open open hidden-agendas-at-home-office-with-bushism-video publish 0 0 post title Hidden Agendas at Home & Office with Bushism video description Say what you mean, have more sex, play fewer games. Watch your words. George doesn\'t watch his so have a laugh. keywords hidden agenda, sexual shutout, more loving, George Bush laugher _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214422643
    Words, Friendship, and the Laughter Club VIDEO http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=97 Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:28:42 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=133 We say unkind things because we are hurt, or angry, or disappointed or even disgusted.  Oftentimes, a man or woman will say things to his or her significant other because of a frustration at work.  The frustration might come from someone taking credit for your work, or a higher up making a stupid decision that impacts your work. And so we wish we could tell that person who offends us what we really think. Most times we can’t.  Although we probably all have wished for the courage (and the resources) at some point in our careers to walk into a champagne party and say, “I quit.”  How can you reverse the feeling? Unfortunately we feel what we feel.  But we might try developing a friendship that helps us get through life’s roller coaster.  Take Denny Crane and Alan Shore on the terrace with their cigars and scotch.  How about the ladies of Cashmere Mafia? And if don’t have immediate access to a person whom you can really call  “friend,” then make cultivating a friendship your priority.  Forget the boss. Forget work.  Forget a disagreement with someone you love and consider the value of a friend who helps you to laugh. Marcel Proust has said, “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” And Anaïs Nin says it even more poignantly: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” For a few humorous lines.
    • "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde
    • Lady Astor to Sir Winston Churchill: "If you were my husband I'd give you poison." He replied, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it." 
    • "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain
    Decisionmaking thoughts  for the day: copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    97 2008-02-20 07:28:42 2008-02-20 07:28:42 open open words-friendship-and-the-laughter-club-video publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214422628
    Are We Having Enough Sex? Or Marriage? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=98 Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:41:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=136 When she came to America to celebrate her 90th birthday and visit her 12 children, the party invitation read: “No presents, just negligees made of French silk.” As she opened gifts she fingered the fabric and smiled, “Grazia.” When she died at 104, her young lover was 80. It was then that we learned of her amorous ways. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED — erectile dysfunction. The pharmaceutical companies still applaud him, as do content men and women. However, one 50ish friend complained: “We can’t just be a good companion on the arm of a rich, old gent anymore. Now they pop their pills and want us to perform.” The dear professor says, “Many women today say they prefer younger men. Just look at Demi Moore and Susan Sarandon. And truthfully, men like young-looking women as well.” A recent cartoon in  The New Yorker may be suggesting turning of the trend Three older men with cigars are portrayed in armchairs at their private club. One asks, “What about you, Walter — how do you feel about same-age marriage?” The question should be — how do you feel about marriage and re-marriage? Most people agree that it is good for families. Good for couples. The union often ensures a ripe old age — despite theories that a dog may add more years to a man’s life than a wife. However, marriage doesn’t always ensure good sex. Why do people have sex anyway? Psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 2,000 people and compiled a list of 237 reasons. For both men and women the top three reasons stated: attraction to the person; physical pleasure; and because “it feels good.” If seniors are having more satisfying sex than younger people, attribute it to wisdom. One often hears “I wish I had more dates with my own husband, than with dinner party friends.” Or, “I just wish that the children saw us hugging and kissing more often. What kind of a role model were we?” When dual-career couples take to their separate bedrooms, they forgo the spontaneity and connection that keeps physical loving alive. Are seniors telling us that sex is really human touch — the ultimate expression of caring and friendship? In a world of chaos and uncertainty, perhaps seniors are experiencing what young couples and professionals are missing — intimate moments that restore our spirit, reaffirm our humanity, and give us reason to exchange a discreetly knowing smile. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 98 2008-02-21 03:41:06 2008-02-21 03:41:06 open open are-we-having-enough-sex-or-marriage publish 0 0 post title Are we having enough sex or marriage description sex may be more common among seniors than young people keywords Durex, sex, satisfaction _edit_lock 1219460148 _edit_last 2 Sex in the Senate, on Capitol Hill, and in the White House http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=99 Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:39:46 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=137  And in fact, what took place after the impeachment hearings brought a lot more scandals to light, mostly on the Republican side of the aisle. “Payback time,” said Hustler’s Larry Flynt, “and payback is a bitch.” Flynt went on a Hypocrite Hunt. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/07/12/larry-flynt-says-its-payback-time/ Flynt took out a full page ad in the Washington Post after the Clinton hearings to reveal scandals in DC offering $ 1 million for Sex Scandal information. http://www.shortnews.com/start.cfm?id=62861 Those who surfaced included Bob Livingston who was accused of infidelity and resigned.  Another was David Vitter. http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/07/16/vitter/index.html#cnnSTCVideo  Let’s not forget what happened with Senator Craig, whom police arrested in a restroom for soliciting sex.  He was parodied throughout media land and even a New Yorker cover showed a footsie-toesie scene while Boston Legal did  full blown episode featuring, Denny Crane! And according to the Salem-News, "Republican Sex Scandals Dwarf Those of Democrats." http://salem-news.com/articles/october172007/repub_scandals_10_17_07.php What does it all mean?  Women are standing by their man.  "Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone." copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 99 2008-02-22 06:39:46 2008-02-22 06:39:46 open open sex-in-the-senate-on-capitol-hill-and-in-the-white-house publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214422592 “How Many Times Have I Told You?” Does Not Work http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=100 Sun, 24 Feb 2008 18:37:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=139 I was crushed. It happened that another professor rescued my damaged ego and steered me into journalism – The New York Times to be exact. Writing well became the best revenge. After my daughter-in-law graduated from Teacher’s College, I began wondering if academia had embraced the positive-word concept while training teachers. Twenty years ago, Kenneth Blanchard’s book “The One Minute Manager” spawned a theory of productivity still being replicated: public praise and private criticism. I began asking professors their opinions about teaching teachers, and if they had been schooled in constructive criticism. Finally I turned to my education guru in Chicago. She told me about an article called “The Neuroscience of Leadership,” by David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz. They point out positive ways to bring about change through solution-focused questioning because they determined that the words – “How many times have I told you?” -- do not work. Why is this? They say that “the human brain can behave like a 2-year-old: Tell it what to do and it automatically pushes back.” They noted that “Rather than lecturing and providing solutions, effective coaches ask pertinent questions and support their clients in working out solutions on their own.” In a nutshell, they suggest:  Leave problem behaviors in the past  Focus on identifying and creating new behaviors  Ask thoughtful questions, rather than dictating advice “A gentle word is the tree of life.” This is adapted from The Providence Journal articles: Words that Harm, Words that Heal From Providence Journal, October 2, 2006]]> 100 2008-02-24 18:37:29 2008-02-24 18:37:29 open open how-many-times-have-i-told-you-does-not-work publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422578 _edit_last 2 Sex & Abstinence: Where Do They Stand? You Tube http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=101 Mon, 25 Feb 2008 05:08:30 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=141 New Yorker arrived.  A woman who looked to be nine months pregnant was sitting on a couch.  Her husband, holding a telephone asks, "Honey, it's the ob-gyn.  Do we want to know if it's mine or not?"  This seems to be the crux of the "Virginity Rules" movement. Wait until you are married to have sex. In the cartoon we don't know if the couple is married or not -- nor do we know whose child the woman is about to deliver. Escaping the message of sex is difficult.  We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even car advertising has seductive overtones.  Ironically, while we seem to be a society that likes sex, the recent Durex Survey ranks the United States at 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Nonetheless sex was still on the minds of the “Virginity Rules” movement when Congress again debated $176 million abstinence legislation last fall. It passed and President Bush signed the measure into law and actually increased funding. The budget is available online. The irony of the Congressional approval of the legislation is that their own mandated evaluation by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education has little impact on teen sexual practice and age of first sexual experience, just under 15. Where do the candidates stand on Abstinence Only legislation? As reported in Women’s News http://www.womensenews.org/index.cfm  on November 11, 2007:
    • Hillary Clinton has gone on record for abstinence-plus.
    • Barack Obama is an advocate of age-appropriate comprehensive sex education.
    • John McCain who now favors abstinence-only at one time favored comprehensive sex education.
    • Mike Huckabee in a proponent of abstinence-only.
    What is the real message of abstinence education?  Proponents want teens to place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That’s a good message.  But tax dollars should not be funding it.  However, I would support money spent for programs that instill passion, intimacy, a sense of connectedness in our young people – art, dance, filmmaking, and music.  And I would favor funding for model family programs at which children might learn about ethics, friendship, intimacy, and interpersonal dynamics.  My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table.  There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, or a half smile.  Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that does not release us from our responsibilities as parents.  Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well as themselves – with or without sex.  Abstinence: Humorous YouTube copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    101 2008-02-25 05:08:30 2008-02-25 05:08:30 open open packaging-sex-and-abstinence-where-do-they-stand publish 0 0 post title Packaging Sex and Abstinence: Where Do They Stand? keywords sex, abstinence, virginity, legislation, Hillary, Obama, McCain, Huckabee, pregnancy, description sexx education is jeopardized by abstinence only. where do the candidates stand? _edit_lock 1214423400 _edit_last 2
    Winds of Change and the War of Words http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=102 Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:53:32 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=143   I hear the words of a Robert Frost poem, "Why abandon a belief merely because it ceases to be true.  Cling to it long enough and it will turn true again.  So it goes.  Most of the change we think we see in life are truths moving in and out of favor." Hillary’s VP, Relationships, TACT® Strategy Decisions  on January 21, 2008.  And now from one of our nationally syndicated columnists in Rhode Island, Froma Harrop Vaporous Obama Obscurity Irks Centrists Geraldine A. Ferraro in the New York Times this week wrote:  Got a Problem? Ask the Super (Delegates, that is) For those of you who missed the original Huffington Post on January 14th -- this is interesting reading. I attached the original link that my son sent. That's the Ticket: Clinton-Obama Unity After Super Tuesday copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 102 2008-02-26 12:53:32 2008-02-26 12:53:32 open open winds-of-change-and-the-war-of-words publish 0 0 post title Winds of Change and the War of Words description As Hillary and Obama duke it out will the pendulum keep swinging right to the Convention Hall keywords Obama, Hillary, Robert Frost, beliefs, Froma Harrop, change, truths _edit_lock 1214423390 _edit_last 2 Yankee Stadium for NYU Grads: A Decisionmaking Flunk http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=103 Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:48:27 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=144 From the NY POST -- February 27, 2008 -- "Thanks to construction, NYU graduates will get their diplomas this year at Yankee Stadium - giving a degree of angst to students who are Red Sox or Mets fans." Here is a quote from one of them. "Sox fan Michael Schachter is upset over the new venue, saying: 'It's unreasonable to associate such an important honor and momentous occasion with a sports franchise that has been synonymous with evil for over 100 years.'"  Yankees Pitch Hit for NYU   Really now, Mr. Beckman -- in all of NYC -- the best you could do is a baseball stadium that will need tents if there is a downpour that day?  As a mother, it is difficult.  I raised one son in New York who is a born Yankee. The other came to Boston right after college and is a true Sox fan.  So the Sox fan, would be cheering you on today if he wasn't taking the State Bar exam.  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 103 2008-02-27 16:48:27 2008-02-27 16:48:27 open open yankee-stadium-for-nyu-grads-a-decisionmaking-flunk publish 0 0 post title Yankee Stadium for NYU Graduation: A decisionmaking flunk description NYU must graduate in Yankee Stadium leaving the Red Sox fans hoping mad keywords NYU, graduate,Yankee Stadium, Red Sox, fans, mad, _edit_lock 1214423380 _edit_last 2 51 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-02-28 18:06:12 2008-02-28 18:06:12 1 0 0 52 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-02-27 17:16:05 2008-02-27 17:16:05 1 0 0 53 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-02-28 23:19:50 2008-02-28 23:19:50 1 0 0 54 mschachter@gmail.com http:// 2008-02-29 22:39:46 2008-02-29 22:39:46 1 0 0 Baseball Coaches, Good & Bad and Manny Snubs DC http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=104 Fri, 29 Feb 2008 02:56:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=145 Providence Journal about baseball -- "Saving Baseball One Kid at a Time."  Patinkin makes an interesting point about the game, about our society, and especially about involving young people in what we once revered as our national passtime. He said, "My Little League team only drew from my neighborhood.... It put kids from the East Side next to teammates who showed up wearing do-rags and braided hair. It didn’t do either any harm.... Teenage boys are pretty much the same. But it was also eye-opening to see a team member have to leave a practice early to translate for his dad at a doctor’s appointment. "As in Little League, there were stand-out players and some that weren’t so good. But when you’re a team, you want to root for each other, and maybe the biggest applause of the year in my dugout was when my slowest kid finally stole a base."  Saving Baseball One Kid at a  Time He reminded me of what it was like being a Little League mother.   A child's experience was totally dependent on the type of coach who led the team.  Sometimes my children had role models.  But I remember the coach who was so unforgiving to one player that all the mothers wanted to pounch on him and pelt him.  The child who bore the brunt of his anger was his own. Where was his honor, his integrity? I remember another coach who passed over the star of a team to placate the whim of a mother who was head of the Club's board of directors.  Where was his honor, his integrity? Another coach let down a child whose parents were separated.  This child was a baseball star.  But the coach stacked the team with kids from his own neck of the woods.  The excuse given for leaving a good player off his team?  "Since the parents are getting a divorce, the kid may turn to drugs, might already be doing them already for all I know."  Clearly he hadn't heard that coaches as mentors can take such an opportunity to serve as a role model in a time of crisis in a young person's life?  He hadn't learned that teachers and coaches are meant to build-up a child's self-esteem instead of tearing it down.  This coach had no honor.  He had no integrity. But to all of those coaches who teach children the meaning of "let's play ball," thank you.  Our children played on inner-city teams in New Haven.  And yet, for the most part, they had coaches who believed in baseball and who believed in children. They played as a team knowing that people cared about them.  Even Bart Giamatti, former President of Yale, former Commissioner of Baseball cared enough to show up at opening season to pitch the first ball. When parents find that their children are being coached by someone who really is too self-centered to lead a team -- no amount of decisionmaking skills can make it right.  Speak up for your child, and the child loses.  Shut your mouth, and the child  might still lose.  But what the child will learn is that baseball -- as with life -- is a team sport that depends upon watching your words, practicing your game,  and seizing opportunties when they come your way. As for Manny Ramierz not showing up at the White House, here's what blogsters had to say: Manny Skipped the White House copyright 2008 ritawatson ]]> 104 2008-02-29 02:56:33 2008-02-29 02:56:33 open open baseball-bad-coaches-and-manny-skipped-the-white-house publish 0 0 post keywords Baseball, Bad Coaches, Integrity, inner-city teams, Manny, the White House title Baseball, Bad Coaches, and Manny Skipped the White House _edit_lock 1214423369 _edit_last 2 55 http://baseball.weblogtheyblog.info/?p=29161 2008-02-29 04:31:47 2008-02-29 04:31:47 1 pingback 0 0 Hillary and Obama: On Health Care and in Couple’s Therapy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=105 Sat, 01 Mar 2008 04:12:57 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=146 See for yourselves. Hillary and Obama in Couples' Therapy   On the reality side is a well thought out look at Hillary and Obama on Health Care The Mandates are the Message by Froma Harrop. In some ways I wish we didn't view politics as a game, because oftentimes we are putting our lives in the hands of those whom we choose as leaders.  It's a decision we should be making thoughtfully rather than getting caught up on what we believe is change. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 105 2008-03-01 04:12:57 2008-03-01 04:12:57 closed open hillary-and-obama-on-health-care-and-in-couples-therapy publish 0 0 post keywords Hillar, Obama, Health Care, Couple\'s Therapy title Hillary and Obama: On Health Care and in Couple\'s Therapy _edit_lock 1214423356 _edit_last 2 56 http://baseball.weblogtheyblog.info/?p=32513 2008-03-02 06:44:00 2008-03-02 06:44:00 1 pingback 0 0 Money, Marriage, Sex (or lack thereof) and Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=106 Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:49:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=147 Rita Watson: Money, marriage, sex and secrets 01:00 AM EST on Sunday, March 2, 2008/ The Providence Journal MONEY DOESN’T CARE who owns it,” was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called “modest times.” Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right. Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. However, the 2008 “Love and Money” survey of 1,049 people by Money Management International (MMI) found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. MMI is the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States. http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributors/content/CT_rita2_03-02-08_GE95S4L_v17.39c63f6.html]]> 106 2008-03-03 05:49:34 2008-03-03 05:49:34 open open money-marriage-sex-or-lack-thereof-and-secrets publish 0 0 post keywords Money, Marriage, Sex (or lack thereof), Secrets, Suze Orman, Metlife, Citizens Financial Group, divorce title Money, Marriage, Sex (or lack thereof) and Secrets description Money and sex are the top reasons for divorce. People need a plan. _edit_lock 1214422563 _edit_last 2 57 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-03-04 00:45:45 2008-03-04 00:45:45 1 0 0 Women: Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=107 Wed, 05 Mar 2008 04:44:30 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=148 Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets  says money tops of our concerns list.   According to WIFE.org, money can help us achieve our dreams.   Their Money Attraction Affirmation: Money can help you achieve your life dreams.  We have heard this since the late Catherine Ponder first began writing about The Secrets of Prosperity. WIFE.org  as Suze Orman believe in prosperity thinking for success in life.  WIFE.org suggests you print out the following affirmation and read it several times a day to promote harmony in your life.
    • I take all steps I can to control my taxes and concentrate on building my financial future.
    • I focus on the positive investments I am making in my life and on creating more prosperity in the world.
    We all know the saying, "Believe it, and you will achieve it. "  My horoscope today said instead of seeing is believing, believe and you shall see. The above material was a part of my Talking Points Memo blog: http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/rita_watson/  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    107 2008-03-05 04:44:30 2008-03-05 04:44:30 open open money-money-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423337 _edit_last 2
    Heart Choices: Videos of Texas Caucus Chaos & Andy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=108 Thu, 06 Mar 2008 18:46:57 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=149 "Will this choice that I am making now bring happiness to me and those around me?"   As for the answers, he says,  "If the answer is 'yes' then go ahead with that choice?" and here is where  he and I disagree slightly.  He says, "If the answer is 'no' if that choice brings distress either to you or those around you, then don't make that choice."  I like to add to this, if you would be the slightest bit uncomfortable telling your best friend your decision, then it is reason to pause. Making choices with yourself If you have made choices in the past, in conversations with yourself, and eventually you were hurt by those choices, then the decision-making process becomes a bit more complicated.  Chopra says to listen to your heart.  And I agree.  Your heart of hearts eventually reveals the right thing. But sometimes your heart is so wrapped up in HOPE that it side-steps what is best for you in the long run. And this is where friends can oftentimes be helpful.  Betraying the sisterhood: manipulative and jealous Women's groups were tough on my book Sisterhood Betrayed.  It was all about choices.  But in the book, I revealed secrets of manipulative women in hopes that we could all  become sufficiently appalled to say, "Enough."  I wished to see both women and men working together and in the process, those women moving into positions of power might bring others along with them.  So it is interesting to see the backlash of women with regard to Hillary.  I thought that the women I wrote about 10 years ago were women of the past; these were:
    • Women who sabotaged. 
    • Women who prevented women from succeeding.  
    • Women who stored up and used "sympathy stories and tears" to play on the hearts of men.
    • Jealous women in competition with young daughters --"daddy's little girl" -- of husbands and lovers.
    Why reveal the syndromes in the first place?  Because we all have the potential for helping or hurting another.  All women benefit when they can face themselves.  In making choices, good friends hold a mirror up to our faces even when we don't want to look.  And having true friends of the opposite sex can be a balance bonus and a blessing. Mirrors and videos in politics In politics we need many mirrors and a camera lens.  If anyone really believed that the Texas Two Step was a good idea, feast your eyes and ears on chaos.  Texas Caucus Chaos.   You will soon see why it is easy to say, "Froma Harrop, we are with you." Close Down the Caucuses Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes says that he is already tired of the presidential campaign and we are still trying to determine a candidate.  In pondering who would even want to be president, he wonders about the house itself.  If Hillary and Bill move back in – who gets the big closet? Why be president? On another political decision, enter Howard Dean suggesting a way of changing the rules in order to seat the Florida and Michigan delegates. There were rules.  The states knew the consequences.  They took their chances.  While there may well be a negotiated settlement at the Convention, the notion of redoing the primary is basically changing the rules in mid-stream. Howard Dean trying to negotiate a changing of the rules. * Deepak Chopra:  The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success copyright 2008 ritawatson]]>
    108 2008-03-06 18:46:57 2008-03-06 18:46:57 open open choices-videos-of-texas-caucus-chaos-andy-rooney publish 0 0 post keywords Making choices, good choices, bad choices, political choices, Andy Roony, Texas Caucus, Howard Dean, changing the rules description Making decisions by holding a mirror to your face and why politicians need many mirrors. The Texas Two Step Caucus Video should end the system.. title Heart Choices: Videos of Texas Caucus Chaos & Andy Rooney _edit_lock 1214423327 _edit_last 2
    Her Breasts Have Their Day in Court http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=109 Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:04:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=150 an investigation proved otherwise.  It seems that full breasts simply would not have made it through the hole.  No word on whether or not her boyfriend was in fact cheating on her. And if he was, he didn't deserve you.  Breasts and Her Day in Court copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 109 2008-03-07 17:04:50 2008-03-07 17:04:50 open open her-breasts-have-their-day-in-court publish 0 0 post title Breasts Have Their Day in Court keywords Breasts, court, bikink model, cheating, boyfriend, allegations, description Bikini model innocent of crime because of the size of her breasts. _edit_lock 1214423135 _edit_last 2 Spitzer Sex Scandal: Rising Star Joins the Falling Stars http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=110 Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:34:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=151 Crooks and Liars carries this story and the video. They report that “Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation.”But some are asking – was Gov. Eliot Spitzer set up? Is this a way to turn a rising star into a falling star? Isn't this kind of thing usually handled at the state level? No, I am not cutting him slack. I am often too outspoken about adultery – "for every time you cheat, you will be cheated!" But the Bible is a bit more tolerant that I am: “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” In the latest sex scandal, here is the story on Gov. Spitzer on Crooks and Liars In terms of Democrats and Republican scandals – they don’t quite seem equal. Remember Vittner? This link bears a second look at the man who allegedly paid for sex, the man who called for Clinton’s impeachment. Here he is returning to the Senate to applause: Republicans Celebrate Hypocrisy **********   While Rita  is recovering from a concussion -- no not hit on the head by a Republican -- here is an earlielr column that bears repeating.  Your MBA on campus ***************** Sex in the Senate, Sex in the States, Sex Scandals Abound What if John McCain had sex with a lobbyist? Will it matter to the country? I’m not happy about extramarital sex, none of us should be. But we seem to be obsessed with sex in the Senate, on Capitol Hill, and in the White House. Hillary brought the subject of Bill and Monica in an ever so cautious way during her debate this evening with Obama. She said: “Everyone here knows I’ve lived through some crises and some challenging moments in my life.” And in fact, what took place after the impeachment hearings brought a lot more scandals to light, mostly on the Republican side of the aisle. “Payback time,” said Hustler’s Larry Flynt, “and payback is a bitch.” Flynt went on a Hypocrite Hunt.  Payback Flynt took out a full page ad in the Washington Post after the Clinton hearings to reveal scandals in DC offering $ 1 million for Sex Scandal information. More on Scandals Those who surfaced included Bob Livingston who was accused of infidelity and resigned. Another was David Vitter. CNN onPOLITICS/ Let’s not forget what happened with Senator Craig, whom police arrested in a restroom for soliciting sex. He was parodied throughout media land and even a New Yorker cover showed a footsie-toesie scene while Boston Legal did full blown episode featuring, Denny Crane! And according to the Salem-News, “Republican Sex Scandals Dwarf Those of Democrats.” Republican scandals What does it all mean? Women are standing by their man. Perhaps they are thinking “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 110 2008-03-11 04:34:47 2008-03-11 04:34:47 open open spitzer-sex-scandal-rising-star-joins-the-falling-stars publish 0 0 post keywords sex scandals, republicans, democrats, Vitter, Larry Flynt description Was Spitz set up? Scandals, scandals everywhere title Spitzer Sex Scandal: Rising Star Joins the Falling Stars _edit_lock 1214422551 _edit_last 2 Archives http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=111 Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:19:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=111 111 2008-03-11 19:19:27 2008-03-11 19:19:27 open open archives static 0 0 post _wp_page_template archives.php New Look and Feel for Decisionmakingtips.com http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=112 Tue, 11 Mar 2008 19:43:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=154 info@decisionmakingtips.com Thanks for your support! Rita & Ferol]]> 112 2008-03-11 19:43:24 2008-03-11 19:43:24 open open new-look-and-feel-for-decisionmakingtipscom publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423954 _edit_last 2 Geraldine, Hillary, and Obama: Betraying the Sisterhood by Revealing Women’s Ways http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=113 Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:46:36 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=157 I like youth, I’m not 25 yet.  The biggest Obama irony is that the new face on the block is selling “Change.”   And yet who are the two men that will probably be his advisors?  Two men from the old boy network of political dynasties – Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd.   How does that differ from the Clinton’s? I’m studying lots about interpersonal dynamics.  Geraldine should have focused on the TIMES article that portrays Obama as seeking the limelight rather than slogging it through the halls of Congress.  Star Power, Minor Role Betraying the sisterhood by revealing manipulation and jealousy I always liked knowing how women think.  Being in graduate school in business really shows you different decisionmaking strategies. I read reviews of Rita’s  Sisterhood Betrayed.  It gave her a Today Show appearance, but angered women. She revealed secrets of conniving women because she always says that she hopes women will become sufficiently appalled to say, “Enough.”  In business and in politics, women moving into positions of power should bring others along with them. So it is interesting to see the backlash of women with regard to Hillary.  I had added this note to one of her columns a few weeks ago. It bears repeating as we wonder what Geraldine was thinking when she made remarks that offended those in the Hillary and Obama camps. Weren’t these the women of the past?
    • Women who sabotaged. 
    • Women who used words to harm rather than heal.
    • Women who prevented women from succeeding.
    • Women who stored up and used  stories that evoked “sympathy and tears” to play on the hearts of men.
    And what about:
    • Jealous women in competition with young daughters of husbands and lovers who were –”daddy’s little girl.” 
    • Mothers and daughters jealous of each other.
    • Duplicitious women and office wives jealous of their bosses's wives.
    Why did she reveal all of this first place? From a guy’s perspective, I'm happy.  It helps us to learn how women think. From a woman’s perspective, Rita likes to say, “All women benefit when they can face themselves. In making choices, good friends hold a mirror up to our faces even when we don’t want to look. And having true friends of the opposite sex can be a balance, a bonus and a blessing.”  --Your MBA on Campus copyright 2008 decisionmakingtips.com]]>
    113 2008-03-12 03:46:36 2008-03-12 03:46:36 open open geraldine-hillary-and-obama-betraying-the-sisterhood publish 0 0 post title Geraldine, Hillary, and Obama: Betraying the Sisterhood keywords Geraldine, Hillary, and Obama, betrayal, the sisterhood, jealousy, manipulation, checking up on men description What was Geraldine thinking? Is this betraying the sisterhood and a return to manipulative women _edit_lock 1214422540 _edit_last 2
    Before You Take That Job! I’m tired of politics, am thinking about a job! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=114 Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:36:13 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=159 Don't Quit that Job Just Yet  and about Dating Co-Workers .  But the important thing is to find a job!   Decision-making Tips: Before Taking a New Job 1. Determine the general reputation of the business. 2. If it is a small business, ask people whom you know. 3. If it is a large company, check out their website. 4. Go to your local or national newspapers to see what types of articles are written about the company. 5. Ask to see a copy of their annual report. 6. Ask people whom you know if they know anyone who is or was working with the company.  If so, try to get an honest appraisal. 7. Ask about the company policies regarding days off, vacation time, sick time, medical and dental benefits. 8. Ask about the employee turnover rate.  9. Stop by the company as people are leaving work and take a look at the expressions on their faces. 10. If there is a local coffee shop where employees congregate, stop by before accepting the position.  You will learn a lot from their smiles or frowns. 11. Before you accept the position be certain you have a letter clarifying your responsibilities. 12. If you do not receive a letter, send one yourself. 13. Clarification letters should be friendly and positive outlining your expectations. 14. Ask about the training period or if you will be expected to learn on the job. 15. Find out if you will be working independently or with a team. 16. If you are part of a team, try to find out what happened to the person who you will be replacing. 17. If you will be working independently, be certain you meet the person to whom you will be reporting. 18. Ask if there are weekly meetings with your supervisor or manager. 19. Find out how long the person to whom you are reporting has been in the organization. 20. If he or she has been there less than six months, ask what their goals are and their expectations for you. 21. Ask what is considered success. 22. Determine how you are evaluated, through one on one or through multi-rater 360 computerized system. 23. Make a list of your own expectations. 24. Ask about promotion policies, bonuses, and raises. 25. Make a realistic assessment as to how long it will take you to get to work and home again each day. 26. If you need day care services, find out which ones are available. 27. Ask to see your workspace. 28. If it is a shared space, ask yourself if it meets your needs in terms of cleanliness, neatness, workability. 29. Find out if you will have the necessary equipment to do the job whether it is a computer or a broom. 30. Ask yourself – is this the type of company where I would like to spend eight hours or more per day.  Here is Fortune's listing of The Best Companies for Women -- Best Companies for Women And most of all -- Good Luck!   MBA on Campus]]> 114 2008-03-13 05:36:13 2008-03-13 05:36:13 open open before-you-take-that-job publish 0 0 post keywords Best companies for women, dating, coworkers, employee turnover description Decisions to make before you take a job title Before you take that job _edit_lock 1214423317 _edit_last 2 “With WHAT was Spitzer thinking?” or A Betrayal of Trust http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=115 Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:08:36 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=160 Then she'll tick off friends who think with their  "----s. "  And add, ""If you need a roll in the hay with someone other than your spouse, it's called "Talk to each other. Find the problem.  Get therapy. Get help. Then FORGIVE. FORGIVE. FORGIVE." But I'm writing this first so here is my take on the whole thing. First off -- as a guy about to get married, I can't even imagine such a thing.  The guy in "Sideways" gives all of us a bad name.  But a lot of my friends think it was a great movie.   Paul Giamatti is the best.   But this guy Spitzer, he lets down his his wife, his children, and the State filled with his constituents.  It's called a betrayal of trust. The trust thing is big.  And when I talk to guys they say that men stray when:
    • Wives or girlfriends nag
    • Talk with an attitude to them and always putting them down
    • Have that bitchy voice
    • Or they have such a good thing that they think they don't deserve it 
    • So why do they stay?  Another blog post.  Back to Spitzer.
    Now about this sex worker and the VIP Service.... can't someone sue them for false advertising?  It doesn't look as if she could pass the test of discreet and tasteful. Actually it is all pretty distasteful.  But somewhere, someone was out to get this guy.  Spitzer was stupid but somewhere along the way he was set up.  He pissed off someone who is saying now, "Gottcha."   -- MBA on Campus copyright 2008 decisionmakingtips.com]]>
    115 2008-03-13 18:08:36 2008-03-13 18:08:36 open open with-what-was-spitzer-thinking-or-a-betrayal-of-trust publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423306 _edit_last 2 58 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-03-14 13:15:25 2008-03-14 13:15:25 1 0 0 59 Emma_77_18_1@yahoo.com http:// 2008-03-14 10:32:19 2008-03-14 10:32:19 1 0 0 60 jaws@hawaii.rr.com http:// 2008-03-15 18:22:43 2008-03-15 18:22:43 1 0 0 61 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-03-17 02:39:55 2008-03-17 02:39:55 1 0 0
    The Governor’s Integrity, Sex Worker, and Wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=116 Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:53:48 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=162 Reader comments, March 13, disagree)  The story doesn't want to go away.  The young lady who is about to land a music contract is talking of a copyright violation of pictures that she posted all over the Internet.  As one CNN commentator noted, “from shame to fame” and now she wants more.  Out of respect for the Governor’s family, isn’t it time for the Ashley Dupre to take the money and run?   She has already been given immunity from prosecution, claims she wants privacy, and is still making noise. Is she suing the media? The Abuse Card  She didn’t get too much sympathy from one of our blogger's comments yesterday who feels she may have played the abuse card.  (See March 13 blog comments).  I need to think about that one.  There are good statistics that show that young women who have been abused do become sex workers.  As such, conditions at home may have put her on this path.  This is a widely accepted view by researchers and clinicians but some question the empirical evidence. His Integrity But right now, I am thinking about the Governor’s wife and children.  And I am wondering who really tipped off the feds?  Something in the case doesn’t smell like roses.  Froma Harrop, acknowledging his indescretion says, "But in his role as the Sheriff of Wall Street,. . . .  He was on patrol when almost no one else was."   At Least Admire Spitzer for His Foes  His Wife About the Governor’s wife – She seemed pained and stricken.  Did she know?   Did they have an arrangement?  And is it any of our business?  One wonders why such a thing could have happened?  Was it about his sexual appetite or because of issues at home.   Dr. Laura Blames His Wife .  Shame on her for judging.  Sometimes even when life at home is perfect,  some men -- and women -- cannot take that much "Halleluia" and they sabotage themselves.  It is not for us to judge. The sad reality here is that a family is broken because of a betrayal of trust.  The family has lost their wholeness.  The State of New York has lost a crusader. / Rita Watson (It's good to be back!)]]> 116 2008-03-15 10:53:48 2008-03-15 10:53:48 open open integrity-and-call-girl publish 0 0 post _wp_old_slug call-girl-and-wife keywords call girl, abuse card, wife, betrayed, lawsuit, photos, media, Dr. Laura, Froma Harrop, Spitzer foews description Now what does the call girl want? From shame to fame, his wife and life and family are in shambles, Dr. Laura is accusing, and we forget he was a crusader! title The Governor\'s Integrity, Sex Worker and Wife _edit_lock 1214422529 _edit_last 2 62 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-03-22 23:14:09 2008-03-22 23:14:09 1 0 0 Cheater’s Website and Stand by Your Man Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=117 Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:05:52 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=165 Were they saying, "If you had used our services instead of VIP you wouldn't have been caught because we make millions protecting people who cheat?" NPR carried both stories: The website with the motto, "Life is short. Have an Affair," and the story of the Spitzer resignation:  Cheater's Website and Spitzer.  With so many people out there cheating, it makes one wonder about marriage. Fortunately, there are some who still believe in their marriage vows, "in good times and bad, in sickness and in health."  For those who wonder why did Silda stand by her man, take a look at Fox News. Standing by Their Man. / Rita Watson Comments: For those of your who question the Governor's decisionmaking skills, we question them as well.  One reader on  March 13th felt he was taken in by what may be the "sympathy scenario" while others showed no mercy./ Ferol, MBA on Campus copyright 2008 decisionmakingtips.com]]> 117 2008-03-17 05:05:52 2008-03-17 05:05:52 open open cheaters-and-wives publish 0 0 post keywords AshleyMadison.com, NPR, cheating, Wives, Faithful, Family, Fox News, Videos description AshleyMadison.com is for cheaters, but some women choose to stand by their man no matter what! title Cheater\'s Website and Standing by Your Man _edit_lock 1214423281 _edit_last 2 Titillating Toilets with Sexy Models http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=118 Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:56:32 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=166  No decision needed here -- It might be worth a trip to Portugal or you can just be an armchair tourist...or voyeur. Sexy Models in Public Toilets   (Just be patient to get through the commercial.) I already know what some of you are thinking -- why just men in the ladies' room and ladies in the mens' room? / Rita Watson]]> 118 2008-03-18 16:56:32 2008-03-18 16:56:32 open open sexy-toilet-models publish 0 0 post keywords Sexy, models, toilets, Portugal, scantily dressed, description Scantily dressed manniquins hover over the uninals and males adorn the ladies room. It\'s right here. title Titillating Toilets with Sexy Models _wp_old_slug sexy-toilets _edit_lock 1214423066 _edit_last 2 63 nannilo3@gmail.com 2008-03-19 11:18:47 2008-03-19 11:18:47 1 0 0 Political Sex, Gay Trysts, and Adultry: Signs and Forgiveness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=119 Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:45:18 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=167 I was barely able to listen to Jimmy Carter talk about committing adultery in his heart and now it seems as if adultery is the name of the game.  With Bill Clinton for some reason or another there seemed to be such hypocrisy surrounding the impeachment that -- despite our anger at his reckless behavior – we were still cheering for Bill and Hillary. In fact, what outraged me more than Bill and Monica was seeing the self-righteous twice married Joe Lieberman casting stones while our President was in another nation working his diplomatic magic abroad.  Whatever is happening with Dina Matos McGreevey and her former husband the former Governor who announced he was gay?  The London papers were quick to report on the sexual trysts of the McGreevey’s and their chauffer.  For their daughter’s sake we should all be saddened to see the New Jersy affair back in the public eye.  The UK Telegraph Tells All Back to New York -- Michelle and David Peterson did what one would expect of couples – they talked it over and worked it out.  And frankly, the indiscretion should still have remained a family issue. In thinking about the political wives – Congratulations to Hillary – she set a standard of dignity for Silda Spitzer, for Dina Matos, for Michelle Peterson even.  Family first! Cheating and The Forgiveness Factor  If  you are wondering what cues you might look for with regard to cheating – here they are:  Cheating Signs But let’s be mindful of one important relationship rule – if someone in a relationship is cheating, if you start with forgiveness then working on the marriage will happen naturally.  The religious writers are quick to tell us that those who do not forgive do the real damage -- to their own hearts and souls. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 119 2008-03-19 18:45:18 2008-03-19 18:45:18 open open political-sex-gay-trysts publish 0 0 post title Political Sex, Gay Trysts, and Adultry: Signs and Forgiveness keywords Sex, adultry, cheating, forgiveness, NJ governor, gay threesome, NY governor, affair, Hillary, Joe Lieberman description Adultry seems to be the name of the political game. _wp_old_slug political-sex-gay-trysts-and-adultry-signs-and-forgiveness _edit_lock 1214422516 _edit_last 2 Sexercise: Spice Up Your Life, Your Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=120 Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:30:07 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=168 While it could be a health problem, most often it is boredom.  Most couples experiment at the beginning of marriage, but as times goes on, it becomes same old, same old. To spice things up in the bedroom, here is some advice from Scott Haltzman, MD, who wrote The Secrets of Happily Married Men and just published The Secrets of Happily Married WomenSpice up your sex life Couples who have been avoiding away from sex, should reconsider the benefits.  According to some new students, Sex could be better for your health than diet and exercise.  Sex over exercise Why?  It eases stress, boosts your heart health, fights aging, and strengthens the immune system.   In fact, even just once a week sex is beneficial.  But for those who prefer actual exercise, but are not likely to get to a gym, here is some good news.  You don’t have to walk miles and miles each day.  Just 30 minutes three times a week is said to benefit you mind and body. Walk away to health   The secret to a healthy life is to get moving!]]> 120 2008-03-20 17:30:07 2008-03-20 17:30:07 open open sexercise publish 0 0 post title Sexercise: Spice up your life, your marriage keywords sex, sexless, 10 million sexless couples, exercise, get creative, boost immune system description If you are not having enough sex, you might need to spice up your life. Here are some ideas from The Secrets of Happily Married Men, and Women. _edit_lock 1226159205 _edit_last 2 64 william.watson@att.net 2008-03-21 13:11:12 2008-03-21 13:11:12 1 0 0 65 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-03-21 18:27:40 2008-03-21 18:27:40 1 0 0 Imus: The Dubious Honor http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=121 Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:19:07 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=179 Nappy Headed Phrase Story. Otherwise this speaks for itself.]]> 121 2008-03-21 06:19:07 2008-03-21 06:19:07 open open imus-the-dubious-honor publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423944 _edit_last 2 Confession: Online, at the Mall, in a Paper Shredder http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=122 Sat, 22 Mar 2008 15:59:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=170 Rita Watson:   While everyone seems to be airing their dirty linen in public, or confessing past sins, or repudiating pastor’s words or distancing themselves from Churches, the media is reminding us that we still have the option of online confession or the use of paper shredders. Christians around the world are still in Holy Week about to celebrate Easter.   Catholics are urged to go to confession at least once a year and that time is during Easter.  Is it any wonder that we are seeing more confession stories emerge? Confessions on line: According to one CNN story, “Already a repository for too much information from bloggers divulging their every intimate thought, the Web recently extended its reach into territory the church once dominated. Tens of thousands of the guilty among us are visiting confessional booths at ivescrewedup.com, mysecret.tv and dailyconfessions.com and unburdening themselves anonymously." Your sins are forgiven online Confessions at the Mall: The Capuchin fathers are hearing confessions at a mall in Colorado Springs, Colorado apparently 11 hours a day.  The Prudential Center Mall in Boston has a chapel where Mass and Confession are availble daily to shoppers of high end fashion. Confession Makes a Comeback, the Wall Street Journal Confession and Paper Shredders: The Catholic Church is making Confession a top priority. This February at the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI instructed priests to make confession a priority and surprisingly Protestant churches are promoting this as well – but making it less intimidating by suggesting wirting sins on paper and rocks. You can find confession online at YouTube or Google.  But here is the problem as I see it.  Online takes away from us the often painful but personal contact of admitting to another human being that we are frail and we do sin.  But there is a simple way out.  Consider living by the Golden Rule:  Do unto others and you would wish them to do unto you. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 122 2008-03-22 15:59:20 2008-03-22 15:59:20 open open confession-online-at-the-mall-in-a-paper-shredder publish 0 0 post title Confession: Online, at the Mall, in a Paper Shredder description Confessing past sins time and the media is reminding us that we still have the option of online confession keywords confession online, confession at the mall, Catholic Church, Protestant Church, Easter _edit_lock 1214423268 _edit_last 2 66 larry13131@hotmail.com 2008-03-22 22:41:31 2008-03-22 22:41:31 1 0 0 Confessing Adultry via Push Button: A Video Laugh http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=123 Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:07:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=171 Automatic Confession!  Remember to read yesterday's post Confessions On Line, At the Mall, in a Shredder. /RW]]> 123 2008-03-23 03:07:06 2008-03-23 03:07:06 open open confesion-automatically publish 0 0 post keywords Italian man, confesses, adultry, automatic confessional, press button, women watching description A YouTube Spoof title Confessing Adultry via Push Button, A You Tube Laugh _edit_lock 1214423053 _edit_last 2 Chocolate Videos from Body Rub to Easter Egg http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=124 Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:24:19 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=172 Chocolate Spa Rub While it appears that having it rubbed onto you at a spa, or at home with a lover, is a perfect way to keep off the pounds, there is a slight problem. After a Spa chocolate rub, most women feel a need to savor the flavor on their tongues. So perhaps simply admiring the chocolate from afar is the safest way to decadence. A Chocolate Fabrege Egg . copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 124 2008-03-24 06:24:19 2008-03-24 06:24:19 open open chocolate-indulgence-videos-from-body-rub-to-easter-egg publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423039 _edit_last 2 The Guy Who Brought Down Spitzer http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=125 Tue, 25 Mar 2008 01:39:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=176 Spitzer Stoned]]> 125 2008-03-25 01:39:24 2008-03-25 01:39:24 open open the-guy-who-brought-down-spitzer publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219509133 _edit_last 2 The Cards called Adultery, Blame, Call Girl, Gay, Gender, Race, and Abuse http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=126 Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:49:15 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=169 The Adultery card: It is being played from Mistress Day, February 13th in case you were wondering where your SO was, to AshleyMadison.com, the service for those who have lost all respect for the integrity of marriage. Mistress_day The Blame Card: I’m now getting tired of it – the name calling and labeling. When Silda Spitzer stood next to her husband, the former Governor of  New York – the Eliot Ness of Wall Street -- Dr. Laura said she had to share responsibility for her husband’s behavior.   Dr. Laura Blames His Wife  The Call Girl Card: The newspapers and the media called Ashley a call girl and a prostitute.  I share blame for being politically incorrect – she is a sex worker and back in 2001 I did a book that talked about the politically correct term.  The Gay Card: The Governor of New Jersey and his wife have resurfaced and we are inundated with news of the gay card.  Was she part of a ménage a trios or wasn’t she?  Did she know the governor was gay, or didn’t she?  I don’t care really, I do care about their child and what she will one day be hearing about what is becoming an ugly “he said” and “she said.”   The UK Telegraph Tells All  The Race Card: We’re hearing it with every political commentary. Can we let it be instead of accusing? The Gender Card:  Frankly I wish they would play that more often.  Without Feminism, we would have no Family Medical Leave, no day care standards, no corporate ladder for climbing, and we might still be earning 63 cents on the dollar. The Abuse Card: It is demeaning to one's self and other women whenever the abuse card is played to evoke sympathy from a man as a way to draw him into a relationship.  Reader's Comment   And it is demeaning to other women whenever the abuse card is played to squeeze a man for more money. Paul McCarthy’s ex-wife, who hurled charges at the former Beetle, was chastised by the judge.  She then showed her true colors in court when she poured a glass of water over the head of Paul’s lawyer.  It is time to reshuffle the deck or find a new one.  We lose our integrity every time we point a finger.  We lose our integrity every time we are manipulative. We lose our integrity every time we label. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 126 2008-03-26 09:49:15 2008-03-26 09:49:15 open open name-calling-cards publish 0 0 post title The Cards Called Adultery, Blame, Call Girl, Gay, Gender, Race, and Abuse description we lose our integrity whenever we name call keywords The Cards Called Adultery, Blame, Call Girl, Gay, Gender, Race, and Abuse _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247723012 Wild Sex in Cancun, Sexless in the US http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=127 Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:29:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=175 In Cancun women are preparing themselves for the beauty pageant of life, to attract a man.  For some it is a dangerous preparation for the trip as they starve themselves to reach an ideal weight of 100 pounds or less.  For others it is a rite of passage.  For all of the women it is a sad commentary. Women Rebranding Raunch As Confidence.    After the letting go and letting loose, hopefully students will emerge with a desire to get off the Congo Bongo floor where they are found to be hopelessly drunk - and move on. March Madness in Cancun.     Spring Break Safety Tips Kind Words as an Aphrodisiac -- Secrets of the Happily Married There are many reasons for marriages without sex.  But of 4,000 men interviewed by sexologist Bob Berkowitz 68 percent blamed their wives.   While the two books that I am suggesting are terrific, the most powerful of all aphrodisiacs still happens to be kind and loving words.  In today’s harried society, too often couples snipe instead of speak.  Women criticize instead of praise.  Then they wonder why husbands don’t feel like intimacy.  And vice versa. Help for Sexless Marriages If your bedroom life needs spicing up, The Secrets of Happily Married Women, and The Secrets of Happily Married Men are easy reads. Scott Haltzman, MD, a Brown University assistant professor and psychiatrist writes a breezy book that acknowledges that men and women think differently.  However, in terms of feelings – both want love and affection. copyright 2008 ritawatson  ]]> 127 2008-03-27 01:29:34 2008-03-27 01:29:34 open open spring-sex-sexless-success-secrets publish 0 0 post description March Madness is 10 days of drinking and sex while 20 million marriages go sexless. We have marriage secrets for success. _wp_old_slug spring-break-sex-sexless-marriage keywords Spring Break, March Madness, sex, drinking, singles, sexless marriages, he blames her, title Wild Sex in Cancun, Sexless in the US _edit_lock 1214422466 _edit_last 2 67 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-03-27 00:29:20 2008-03-27 00:29:20 1 0 0 A Good Book, Sex, or Forgiveness Helps Sleep http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=128 Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:17:35 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=180 Physicians at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center have determined that missing even one hour of sleep a night can impair your thinking and stiffle your ability to make good decisions.  So ignore the new New Yorker cartoon that says, "Look, if we never went to bed angry we'd never sleep." Anger keeps you awake.  There is also something Biblical about anger -- a phrase which my grandmother often quoted:  "Never let the sun set on your anger."  Anger makes you toss and turn.  AND the real problem with anger is that it harms you, not the person or situation that is the object of your anger. Ever wonder about the way in which you sleep?  Take a look at these sleep positions and learn what each says about you. Sleep Patterns Tell   Or Read this WebMD feature.  Sleep-Disorders . Chronic sleep deprivation, even if you only lose one or two hours of sleep a night, will impact your ability to make good choices.  So the decision here is an obvious one -- to sleep, perchance to dream.  copyright 2008 ritawatson BLOG POSTS ON THE HORIZON -- A Gay Move to Enjoy A Straight Bar; Popping the Question from His Perspective; Sisterhood Betrayed; More Secrets from Happily Marrieds]]> 128 2008-03-28 05:17:35 2008-03-28 05:17:35 open open good-sex-good-sleep publish 0 0 post keywords sleep, sex, book, forgiveness, make-up sex, dream, decisions title A Good Book, Good Sex, or Forgiveness Helps Sleep description Do what it takes to get a good night\'s sleep or you risk hurting your ability to make good judgements. _edit_lock 1214423256 _edit_last 2 Men’s Staying Power and Women’s Sex Drive http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=129 Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:06:03 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=181 It seems that a patch called transdermal testosterone might be beneficial to women.   Cars, Desire, and Joy (online)Try transdermal testosterone - Take time to cut holiday stress (newspaper) (Dec 2007)   While some pharmaceuticals are looking for the magic little pill, it seems that the patch, which is used for low testosterone in men, might be just what the doctor orders for women. The Patch forMen However there are natural libido enhancers: from foods such as asparagus, avocado, chili peppers, chocolate, oysters, and truffles to exercise and yoga.  For men Yoga is said to increase create muscle stamina, provide longer staying power, and create the ability and agility to try more positions.  For couples, it is a sexual romantic warm-up. Make a decision to give it a try.  Libido boosters copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 129 2008-03-29 04:06:03 2008-03-29 04:06:03 open open libido-boosoters publish 0 0 post title Enhancing men\'s staying power and women\'s sex drive description With men\'s testosterone levels dropping and women\'s sex drive waning, libido boosters help. keywords sex drive, libido, men, women, staying power, foods, exercise _edit_lock 1214422438 _edit_last 2 68 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-04-02 18:38:16 2008-04-02 18:38:16 1 0 0 Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=130 Sun, 30 Mar 2008 01:00:15 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=182 The state's conservatives were none too happy with the Clintons back in 1992.  The elder Casey's stand on abortion and gun control made the party nervous.  Now Casey, Jr., also a Catholic and an anti-abortion supporter, had a chance to avenge his father with his high profile endorsement of Obama.  One would hope that the Obama endorsement is sincere and not simply a "my turn." Nadar to Hillary With the election taking a few too many "jab" turns, the TACT®  Strategies come in handy.  Take a Minue, Assess the Situation, Consider the Alternatives, and Take a Stand.]]> 130 2008-03-30 01:00:15 2008-03-30 01:00:15 open open strange-bedfellows publish 0 0 post keywords Nadar, Hillary, snub, getting even, payback, TACT strategies, decision, 1992, convention title Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows: Nadar and Clinton, Obama and Casey description Nadar\'s open letter to Clinton suggests she hang in there, although was he thinking that Casey was \"getting even\" for a snub to his father? _edit_lock 1214423854 _edit_last 2 Gadgets, Hints, and Decisions http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=131 Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:16:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=184 When you've dropped your husband or lover's cell phone into a puddle, sink, or toilet -- its a help to know how to dry it out without damaging it with a hair dryer.  And a quick dry out decision is a relationship saver!  And I love the idea of putting an alarm inside of a wine glass to really reverberate if you are foolish enough to agree to drive to the airport in the middle of the night.  Lots of technie hints with this link. Technie Household Hints]]> 131 2008-03-30 12:16:20 2008-03-30 12:16:20 open open hints-and-decisions publish 0 0 post title Gadgets, Hints, and Decisions description Household tips worth repeating such as saving a wet cell phone. _edit_lock 1214423923 _edit_last 2 Gay Crashing and Gaiety at Straight Bars http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=132 Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:57:12 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=183 According to the Weekly Dig Che Guevara-styled Cher pins were handed out to the crowd.  The practice of going to bars that many have felt “off limits” began in San Francisco nearly ten years ago and has been catching on in other cities as well. The mingling seems to broaden horizons and raise eyebrows. The Boston chapter of Guerilla Queer Bar was founded by Daniel Heller and Josh Gerber. What's the decisionmaking tip here?  When you are wondering if you should push the envelope, do it!  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Take a chance on adventure and network! copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 132 2008-03-31 03:57:12 2008-03-31 03:57:12 open open gay-crashing-straight-bars publish 0 0 post title Gay Crashing and Gaity description gays crashed the oldest bar in American in Boston for an eye-opening experience _edit_lock 1214423531 _edit_last 2 69 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-03-31 16:26:43 2008-03-31 16:26:43 1 0 0 The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=133 Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:05:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=185 The 2008 Valentine’s Day “Love and Money” survey of 1,049 people by Money Management International (MMI) found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Men opted for a woman’s looks. So if men and women see things differently, then we probably need to agree with those who believe that men are from one planet and the women from another.  Although the good professor still insists that "women rule the world and men often just step aside."  Is that true?   Today we are starting a dictionary – every few days we will post a new definition or two until we compile all of the letters of the alphabet into an e-book. Tune in tonight as we begin the A's of love and danger. And for now enjoy a laugh courtesy of Hillary and Obama. Hillary and Obama Disco Dance Copyright 2008 The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only by Rita Watson from FEV Publications  ]]> 133 2008-04-01 04:05:04 2008-04-01 04:05:04 open open love-and-danger-dictionary publish 0 0 post keywords Love, Danger, Men, Women, Gender, Relationship, Interpretation, Attract, Adore description From a new book by Rita Watson, the letters of love and danger to help clueless men title Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only _edit_lock 1214422423 _edit_last 2 The A’s of Love and Danger: Adoration http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=134 Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:38:55 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=187 Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only and here it starts with just one word listed under "A" --adoration.  There are plenty more, and we will get to them, but for now it is adoration.  When two people first meet, and there is an immediate connection, there are fireworks.  You believe in love at first sight and don’t want to hear that love is blind.  In fact, you both feel as if you were touched by the same star.  Now here comes the difference with the genders. Men I know will tell me that they found their heaven on earth, their sun, moon, and stars, or their life soul mate.  And despite their loving smile, they will still talk about looking past a few flaws such as possessiveness, nagging, or jealousy.  Why?  Because the sex is so good and there is a connection.  Men see the flaws as a challenge or may feel that as a protector, they can negotiate around what they see as slight imperfections. The difference between men and women Women will walk on air for a few weeks and then get right to work trying to change their man -- and sometimes for good reason.  The men in their naivete, vulnerability, good-heartedness, or just plain “cluelessness” will believe that love conquers all.  This early stage of love is often infatuation --it is filled with inexplicable passion, urgency, and almost addictive need to be with the other person with whom they are completely absorbed.  It is the first stage of romance.    The danger  -- As some Tibetan masters say, “Love that ignites quickly, burns out suddenly.”   Love is a building process and a learning process that enriches and supports without tension.  I was impressed tonight to when a sensitive gentleman at our neighborhood "Cheers" told me that he was reading M. Scott Peck's "The Road Less Traveled" once again.  Why?  He was trying to understand the essence of love.   We all travel down various paths in this search for love.  The joy comes when two people meet along the way, choose each other honestly, and have the courage to leave the hidden agendas by the side of the road.  (Yes, agendas are in the A list as well as attraction). Need some scenarios?  Tune in tomorrow. *Copyright 2008 Rita Watson from The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, an FEV Publication]]> 134 2008-04-02 01:38:55 2008-04-02 01:38:55 open open adoration-love-and-danger publish 0 0 post title The A\'s of Love and Danger, Adoration keywords Love, infatuation, adoration, hidden agendas, danger, lifelong, his perspective, her idea, he accepts, she wants to change him description When you first meet you think you were touched by the same star, you are infatuated and in love, and do\'t want to hear that love is blind. _edit_lock 1214422403 _edit_last 2 The A’s of Love and Danger: Attraction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=135 Thu, 03 Apr 2008 02:45:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=188 Dictionary of Love and Danger, is a dynamic word.  It  implies movement, a drawing in. When you are attracted to someone they draw you into their presence, their being, their secrets.  But when that happens, do you ever ask yourself why?  Are you attracted to positive qualities, their neediness, or is there something devilish you see that creates a feeling of danger?  Attraction to positive qualities will enhance both of you.  In fact, it is helpful to look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “What is about me that this person finds attractive?  How can we help each other to grow together?"  Are you attracted enough to each other wake up each morning and say, “How can I give this person I care so much about a happier, stress free day?”   Can you then follow-through? The danger:  The downside of attraction is manipulation, obsessiveness (which can become fatal) and jealousy. Opposites attracting:   Too many of us attract our opposing opposite, someone whose value system so differs from our own that the relationship becomes a fraud.  Think in terms of givers and receivers.   When givers are attracted to receivers, it is a classic clash of opposing opposites attracting.  Receives are always ready to take all of the goodness you are able to give and they want all of you.   But it is hard to tell and it takes a while before you discover the deception. Obsessive attraction: As our MBA on Campus notes the classic case of obsessive attraction, "These are the women who can find their guys in hotels, on airplanes, at the Rent-a-Car place half-way across the world.  Then if we confront and ask, 'Are you checking up on me?'  we get that sad look or hurt voice that says, 'I just wanted to bring you a surprise,'   Or,  'I wanted to leave you a good night message at your hotel because you were so far away.'    This is the same woman who will text and call your cell phone 10 times a day." Why is it that givers are attracted to receivers?  Because the world is full of nurturers -- mothers and fathers at heart who are always ready to kiss the wound, make it better, and convince themselves they are not being duped. But in thinking of a partner, think about someone who enhances the qualities that you would like to see become more vibrant and alive, someone who will make you want to wake up in the morning and say, "Hello World." *Copyright 2008 Rita Watson from The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, an FEV Publication]]> 135 2008-04-03 02:45:29 2008-04-03 02:45:29 open open attraction-love-and-danger publish 0 0 post description Attraction draws us into a relationship for better or worse, it can be a blessing or obsessive, manipulative, or fatal. title The A\'s of Love and Danger, Attraction keywords Attraction, reels us in, better or worse, blessing or obsessive, manipulative, or fatal. _edit_lock 1214422386 _edit_last 2 Finding Love in the City http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=136 Thu, 03 Apr 2008 03:01:44 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=189 Just as a for instance, Boston has 1, 600 more single women than single men where as  New York and New Jersey have about 200,000 more single women than men.  But Los Angeles, Long Beach and Santa Ana have nearly 90,000 more single men than women.  So find your place before finding that job -- if you are looking for love, that is. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 136 2008-04-03 03:01:44 2008-04-03 03:01:44 open open love-in-the-city publish 0 0 post title Finding Love in the City description A book about where the singles live keywords love, singles, cities. _edit_lock 1214423231 _edit_last 2 The A’s of Love and Danger: Adultery http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=137 Fri, 04 Apr 2008 02:51:36 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=190 Dictionary of Love and Danger for Men Only, many women are thinking -- he knows what that is about.  In fact, one website we list here points out that women are moving up there along with men who cheat. It is rather sad that there is even a website AshleyMadison.com for adulterers and adultresses.  We don’t recommend the site because we believe in the law of karma.  If you cheat, you will be cheated.  Also there is good evidence that if you are involved with a married women, who is lying to her husband about you, she is probably lying to you about him.  Who is doing the cheating these days?  Both men and women.  "After researching women's sexuality for more than ten years, I can honestly say that most of our societal beliefs about females are grossly distorted and many are completely erroneous," says Michelle Langley, author of Women's Infidelity on her website. Womens Infidelity Love and danger: Where is the love and danger here? In terms of adultery there is usually danger. But many men think they are in love with the other woman. And many women believe that their lover will leave their wives just for them. Artificial setting: What is mistaken for love is the artificial relationship, the loving that we think is simple and pure and sweet because it is out of context with life. Love and passion work so well together when one is on vacation, when there are no children around, when there is no work to attend to, when there is no day to day routine of what life is all about. And so hiding within the artifical world of "an affair" one pretends to find love and instead finds that love is simply a lie. Stop, Don't:  Here is one website that encourages you to stop that divorce and take a look at that affair.  "More often than not, adultery isn't the cause of divorce; it's just one of the symptoms."  Read about adultery and how it can ruin your marriage, but what you might do to stop that divorce nonetheless from the Alabama Family Law Center.  Divorce info  *Copyright 2008 Rita Watson from The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, an FEV Publication]]> 137 2008-04-04 02:51:36 2008-04-04 02:51:36 open open adultery-love-and-danger publish 0 0 post keywords cheating, affairs, lies, love description Adultery – as we continue along the Dictionary of Love and Danger for Men Only, many women are thinking -- he knows what that is about. title The A\'s of Love and Danger: Adultery _edit_lock 1214423119 _edit_last 2 70 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-04-06 01:07:03 2008-04-06 01:07:03 1 0 0 Optimal Duration for Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=138 Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:04:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=191 Want to know how long it takes in bed for an optimal intimate experience?  According to a study about to be published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, that time would be 3 - 13 minutes.  But the average time is 7.3 minutes. Therapists wanted the answers and so a four week study of 1,500 couples was conducted in 2005 according the the Associated Press today.  The study did point out that prior research indicated that both men and woman wanted foreplay to last longer than the average times cited.  Make the decision to make the time to make loving last a bit longer. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 138 2008-04-04 03:04:33 2008-04-04 03:04:33 open open optimal-duration-for-sex publish 0 0 post title Optimal Duration for Sex description Want to know how long it takes in bed for an optimal intimate experience? According to a study about to be published that time would be 3 - 13 minutes. keywords sex, times, study, minutes, foreplay _edit_lock 1214422370 _edit_last 2 71 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-04-06 01:03:34 2008-04-06 01:03:34 1 0 0 72 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-04-09 00:44:19 2008-04-09 00:44:19 1 0 0 Who Is Doing Housework and a Diamond Thong http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=139 Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:38:10 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=192 Here are links to both of those stories.  Are the boyfriends really all that diligent?  Who is cleaning up?  It seems that men create seven hours more work for women but only save themselves on hour of cleaning up when they get married.  Can you figure the math?  Men create work Hopefully during that one hour they are not oggling women in thongs, diamonds or otherwise. Diamond thong ]]> 139 2008-04-05 02:38:10 2008-04-05 02:38:10 open open men-housework-diamonds publish 0 0 post title Who Is Doing the Housework and a Diamond Thong description A new report says that husbands create housework for women! It seems that it saves men an hour. During that time are they might be oggling the diamond thong? keywords house work, men, boyfriends, diamond thong _edit_lock 1214422309 _edit_last 2 The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch: Devotion http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=140 Sun, 06 Apr 2008 04:40:41 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=193 Wall Street Journal columnist Jeffrey Zaslow, it is the story of the man who created what was probably the world's first entertainment technology degree which helped students make Star Wars magic, the virtual reality of dreams. Randy Pausch, was a Brown graduate who went on to become a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon. Through his course he brought together technologists and artists and assigned them to rotating teams. No books, no curriculum -- their only mandate -- design, create, soar within the world of virtual reality. Through a computer program called Alice a software project that enables easy creation of 3-D animations, Professor Pausch sees his legacy. Dr. Pausch gave the last lecture on September 20, 2007 knowing that at 46, he would not be able to survive pancreatic cancer. "Like Moses, I get to see the Promised Land, but I don't get to step foot in it," he said. "That's OK. I will live on in Alice." What are the decisions here? Listen to this man talk about love, and life, and family. He speaks of his wife with absolute devotion.  He says that she really knows him and because of their incredible marriage, will help their children come to learn even more about who he is once he is gone. These segments on the ABC website show how a man of dreams, who found creative ways to walk through or over or around brick walls, lives each day filled with fun and laughter. TheLastLecture   It will be televised on a TV special this Wednesday. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 140 2008-04-06 04:40:41 2008-04-06 04:40:41 open open last-lecture publish 0 0 post title The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch: Learning About Devotion keywords Last Lecture, Randy Pausch, Carnegie Mellon, entertainment technology description Entertainment technology professor delivers lecture on creativity, challenges, wisdom, and family _edit_lock 1214422298 _edit_last 2 The A’s of Love and Danger: Amour and Alone http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=141 Sun, 06 Apr 2008 05:34:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=195 The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only (with help from the women) we will be exploring the words  "amour" and "alone" and "agendas." Also, I am gathering scenarios from words in our blog posts earlier this week -- adoration, attraction, and adultery. (See April 2, 3, and 4)What do these words mean when she says them and he thinks he hears them?  Women keep telling me that you men are clueless.  And men keep telling me that women are manipulative.  Is it simply that words are lost in translation? We will help men and women find the answers. *Copyright 2008 Rita Watson from The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, an FEV Publication ]]> 141 2008-04-06 05:34:24 2008-04-06 05:34:24 open open amour-and-agendas publish 0 0 post keywords amour, and agendas, adoration, attraction, and adultery description The words to explore, as we move along in The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, will be amour and agendas. adoration, attraction, and adultery title The A\'s of Love and Danger: Amour and Agendas _edit_lock 1214422247 _edit_last 2 Comments: and Please see “The Last Lecture” Post http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=142 Mon, 07 Apr 2008 00:50:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=196 142 2008-04-07 00:50:20 2008-04-07 00:50:20 open open comments-anyone publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423221 _edit_last 2 Alone in Love and Danger: the Love Myth http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=143 Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:59:42 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=198 We invest so much into deceiving ourselves that we sabotage our own chances for happiness.  Every day on every television channel, movie, talk show, soap opera, magazine -- the love myth is reinforced.  It tells us, "Without love, without a relationship, you are not whole." The love lie: Yet those living a love lie have insisted that even when the romance was ending, they tried to find moments to make the deception worthwhile.  For Michael, it was the rush he felt when he saw the man who would become his wife's lover. "I knew.  I had a hunch."  For Jason the moment of truth came with a telephone call, "I knew from the way she answered that she was talking to another man." Signs of Cheating Both Michael and Jason would eventually hear the women in their lives say to them, "I think we need to spend some time alone." Alone in the dictionary of love and danger: Alone -- when a woman says, "I think we need a little time alone, away from each other," what does it mean?  It means she is rethinking the relationship.  She might actually be toying with another man.  Or she may really sense that the commitment she is hoping for is simply not going to happen. Alone -- he thinks, "She wants a night out with the girls."  Or he may think that HE has been demanding too much and therefore should back off. Men's problem with alone: The problem that men too often have with "alone" is "lonely."  Men traditionally have had their places of retreat -- a boat, a workshop, a fishing trip.  But oftentimes, just the notion of being alone is threatening.  One young man recently went out with the women with whom he had just ended a relationship because he didn't have a date for the week-end and couldn't bear to be alone.   Oftentimes divorced fathers can fill in alone time with their children.  But alone is threatening and also fulfilling. A time to question: Alone can mean a new beginning.  Or it can mean an ending.  But when a woman says she needs to be alone, it is a time to think and honestly ask yourself, "Am I really happy in this relationship?  Or am I staying here because I don't want to be alone?" If you search your heart, when one person is dissatisfied with a relationship, so is the other. Sex becomes routine and boring.  You start snipping at each other.  And yet you hang on until she says, "I need alone time."  Rekindle romance: What should you do?  Be proactive.  Honestly assess the relationship and your reasons for being in the relationship.  If this relationship isn't working, then take a chance on being alone and use it to be good to yourself. And think about Michael and Jason.  What could they have done differently?  Each could have confronted without being confrontational.   Each could have said, "Before I give you some alone time, let's talk about what is happening between us." If you want the relationship, then do something. Why didn't either Michael or Jason do so?  Because each was afraid of rejection. And what did their wives really want?  They wanted to be courted again! Rekindling romance  *Copyright 2008 Rita Watson from The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, an FEV Publication]]> 143 2008-04-07 02:59:42 2008-04-07 02:59:42 open open alone-in-love-and-danger publish 0 0 post title Alone in Love and Danger: the Love Myth _edit_lock 1214422228 _edit_last 2 73 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-04-11 02:19:59 2008-04-11 02:19:59 1 0 0 74 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-04-11 03:26:48 2008-04-11 03:26:48 1 0 0 Hormones, Spring Fever, and Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=144 Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:28:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=199 Providence Journal.  Hormones, Spring Fever, and Sex If we all had the raging hormones of youth, might we become a more content, less stressed and a sexually satisfied society? Some physicians suggest that hormones hold the key to intimacy. Cougars, older women dating younger men, swear by hormone replacement. Researchers find that in younger women hormones can protect against depression and possibly even seizures. Whether it is hormones, attitudes, or appetites, Cougars and some politicians appear to enjoy more passionate moments than the rest of society. Perhaps Spring Fever will help languishing libidos. In the United States about 20 million marriages are essentially sexless, according to an online survey of 4,000 men. Conducted by sexologist Bob Berkowitz and Susan Yager-Berokwitz, they reported in December 2007 that 68 percent of men blamed the bedroom blahs on their wives. One wonders how many visited VIP services or the Web sites for cheaters. What accounts for lack of marital intimacy? Most often it is boredom,  exhaustion from the workplace, one’s physical health, or simply lack of desire. To cure boredom, therapists, books  and Web sites seem to agree that couples need to be adventuresome and spontaneous, and to push the boundaries of love-making. The best aphrodisiac? Loving words instead of criticism by day enhances creative play at night. Exhaustion is tough. The Work and Family Policy Institute’s “Overwork in America’’  report reported that employees often felt unable to accomplish what was expected of them. Increasingly work spills into the home and in two-laptop, two-Blackberry families, these devices and not erotica end up in the bedroom. Health issues or medication, inhibited sexual desire, or decreased hormone levels also account for lackluster love-making. Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. Hormone levels decrease in men and women in mid-life and both genders may opt for replacement therapy. Testosterone prescriptions began soaring in 2004, according to pharmaceutical-sales tracking. This therapy differs from the dysfunction problem alleviated by the little blue pill that former Sen. Bob Dole has promoted. Despite advances in synthetic alternatives for women, many have been cautious since a cancer scare several years ago. However, some physicians feel that hormone replacement has gotten a bad rap. Some doctors are suggesting benefits for young girls.  Yale researchers are looking at the therapeutic use of hormones for menstrual-cycle-linked neuro-psychiatric disorders. Although women taking synthetic hormones say they feel more passionate, this may have to do with relief from their menopausal symptoms. Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause recently reported that it is the male hormone delivered via a testosterone patch that appears to increase desire and arousal in women.    Can hormone replacement be why Cougars are having so much fun? Men dating or marrying the women say that “Cougars trade on their strengths instead of weaknesses, such as Samantha from Sex in the City. Cougars know that in pleasing us, we will please them. Cougars don’t bad mouth former husbands and lovers or spill out a sad history of abuse. These women are savvy and fun to be with.” Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist and assistant professor at Brown University, notes in his newly released book, Secrets of Happily Married Women, “Your actions can show your husband how to care for you. As you cater to your guy, he’s watching and learning what marriage means. He’s enjoying the love and care of his wife and will soon feel, if he doesn’t already, the desire to do the same for you.” For those hoping that a dose of spring fever will rejuvenate life in the bedroom, scientists have disappointing news. Diaries indicate that sexual activity decreases during the spring and does not pick up again until autumn. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 144 2008-04-08 04:28:34 2008-04-08 04:28:34 open open hromones-spring-fever-and-sex publish 0 0 post title Hormones, Spring fever and sex description If we all had the raging hormones of youth, might we become a more content, less stressed and a sexually satisfied society? Are Cougars having more fun? keywords hormones, sex, spring fever, cougars, politicians, sexless, intimacy, kind words _edit_lock 1214422204 _edit_last 2 75 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-04-14 21:42:13 2008-04-14 21:42:13 1 0 0 Great Lover and Quotes from LOVE http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=145 Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:01:38 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=201 Digital Snacker  Does anyone remember the man of LOVE, Leo Buscaglia? Listen to the music and enjoy the words in this slideshow:  LOVE ]]> 145 2008-04-08 05:01:38 2008-04-08 05:01:38 open open great-lover-and-quotes-from-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423690 _edit_last 2 The “How to Behave After Sex” Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=146 Tue, 08 Apr 2008 16:04:28 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=202 After Sex Etiquette]]> 146 2008-04-08 16:04:28 2008-04-08 16:04:28 open open after-sex-video publish 0 0 post title How to Behave After Sex keywords video, after sex, behave, etiquette, the frig, the long story, Marlon Brando description Should sex be planned or spur of the moment? Bed or beyond? Just for a good laugh, here is a video on how to behave after sex _wp_old_slug after-sex _edit_lock 1214423024 _edit_last 2 Love and Danger Scenario: Searching for “Amour” http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=147 Wed, 09 Apr 2008 03:21:12 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=203 Dictionary of Love and Danger: for Men Only.  The A's are all entwined, interwoven into truths and love lies in search of "amour." Romance was brought to us by the 12th century troubadors who serenaded townsfolk with their songs of love. Courtly love flourished as stories swirled of knights and ladies obsessed with their lovers.  Today's soap operas seem to capture the themes of love, desire, passion, betrayal, deception, lust and infidelity that we often read of in the Greek myths.  However, it was the fierly punishments and ultimate rewards that transcended the lust and lies that made the gods and goddesses of mythology memorable and monumental. Men ask us for scenarious --in fact any soap opera carries the themes of adoration, attraction, adultery, and alone.  It seems that deception plays a major role in soap operas and women are more often than not portrayed as deceptive manipulators. Deceptive scene: Just picture this.  You meet a woman and you are so attracted to her that you adore everything about her.  It's chemistry. You chat on the phone.   You text message.  You long for her.  You get her.  You bring her to your home. And then what happens? You discover a secret that she is keeping from you.  Reality intruded: For Henry reality intruded after he had driven half way to work and realized he took the wrong briefcase.  While on the phone with his law partner, he contined home.  He arrived at his home and his girlfriend's car was still in the driveway.  Still on his cell phone, he dashed upstairs to get his briefcase.  What did he discover? She was going through his drawers.  She was so intent upon searching, that she never heard him come into the room. "Katrina, what are you doing?" he asked. And from the book of "answers" she replied -- pouting and sad --  "Oh darling, I wanted to surprise you.  I was going through your drawers to see how I could organize them for you.  Remember you always tell me that you never can find a sock?" Good save.  He thinks -- she loves me.  BUT he is also uneasy about the intrusion.  Nonetheless, he forgives and hurries off to work. Each day, Katrina stays a little bit longer than the previous day.  She actually convinces him that she is taking time off from work because she needs the rest and wants to help him get his  house in order.  Henry likes getting home to a really clean house and a beautiful woman to greet him with his scotch on the rocks.  Later that week he asks when she is returning to work.  With a sad kiss she says, "Tomorrow." The next morning, they kiss each other good-by, and both leave for work. The surprise: Henry circles back and there are two cars in his driveway.  He parks the car down the road, and quietly enters his own home.  There he finds Katrina in bed -- HIS bed -- with another woman.  He goes into a rage, and throws them out.  They leave and with them goes the money he had stashed in his sock drawer. He still wonders how he could have been so blinded and unable to see the real person behind the sweet talking smile. Rules of the road:
    • Get to know someone before you hand them the keys to your kingdom.
    • Spend some time with their friends so that you can understand how they interact with others.
    • Listen carefully for slip-ups in what you were told and how they contradict themselves.
    • If you have a doubt, trust your instinct!
    copyright 2008 Dictionary of Love and Danger: for Men Only by Rita Watson, an FEV publication]]>
    147 2008-04-09 03:21:12 2008-04-09 03:21:12 open open love-danger-and-amour publish 0 0 post keywords love, danger, amour, cheating, deceving description In the world of love and danger, men do not fare as well as women. We have looked at a few of the A\'s -- adoration, attraction, adultry, and alone. title Love and Danger Scenario: Searching for \"Amour\" _edit_lock 1214422187 _edit_last 2 76 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-04-11 02:10:39 2008-04-11 02:10:39 1 0 0
    Rita’s 600 Words http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=148 Wed, 09 Apr 2008 23:14:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?page_id=209 Providence Journal pieces which are posted in their entirety under Relationship Columns. From my Blog -- there is one 600 word piece and we will add more as we refine this new design in the coming weeks. Columns in this Section MARRIED BUT CHEATING (And Dr. Ruth Says...) When I wondered aloud, “Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?” my colleague retorted, “It never left!” Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas. “Why do men cheat?” I asked Dr. Ruth Westheimer, . . HORMONES SPRING FEVER AND SEX If we all had the raging hormones of youth, might we become a more content, less stressed and sexually satisfied society? PACKAGING SEX AND ABSTINENCE From My Blog Sex sells. Whether we wrap it in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood – we are talking about sex. In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into “no sex before marriage,” and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science. NEW RULES FOR OPEN MARRIAGE In a year when “Virginity Rules” became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. MONEY, MARRIAGE, SEX, AND SECRETS Money doesn't care who owns it,” was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called “modest times.” WAYS TO AVOID CELL PHONE SMASHING Relationships that fizzle during the holidays often bubble over with anger long after the champagne has gone flat. GRATITUDE AND SEX TRUMPS THE KING If alovematch.com merged with aNewCar.com would relationships have a longer shelf life? SEX AND SMILING SENIORS When you are at a social event, do you ever look at other couples and wonder — do they or don’t they? SEXUAL SHUTOUTS IN COUPLES MAZE OF HIDDEN AGENDAS Hidden agendas are relationship hell that live in a cauldron of unspoken words and fiery outbursts. OVERDRIVE IN THE PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE LANE The discussion was animated. Men. Sex. Cars. Relationships. Yet when I announced that I wanted to be the “Sex in the City for Men Only” columnist, right after our Bill and Monica debate, silence slammed into me.]]> 148 2008-04-09 23:14:24 2008-04-09 23:14:24 open open columns-for-syndication publish 0 0 page _wp_page_template default _edit_lock 1226270897 _edit_last 2 The Love and Danger of Anger http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=149 Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:08:17 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=210 Men seem to able to shut down when it is for self-preservation, but oftentimes they are more likely to hold onto a relationship that isn't really right for them because of their protective nature.  I know -- as women we often say that men are the ones we need to be protected from -- and we know that's not true. When we are lying for love, we know it.  When we lie to ourselves about love, we find ourselves walking a tightrope between the truth that we do not want to face and that set of emotions from the dark side -- anger, venomous words, and revenge. Let's talk about anger for a moment.  When a woman says, "I'm really angry, "  Does she mean it?  Listen to the sound of her voice. She may be hurt.  She may be sad.  But oftentimes a woman's anger is saying, "I want you to fix this.  I want you to make this better."  And I think, at least from what men have told me, that when they reach the boiling point, or before, with their anger, they shut down or leave.  Women tend to stay and fight on. Listen to what anger is really telling you.  Perhaps it is saying,  "I want this relationship and if I have to be angry to get your attention, then that's what I will do."  Or it may be the anger of saying, "I'm really wanting to get out, but I don't have the courage and I want you to be the one who leaves." Love may be masked as anger.  What is key here is to trust your instincts by listening. Admit the truth about the relationship before becoming consumed by a love lie.  If a relationship isn't working, find out what is wrong and fix it.   Ask yourself how you can change things.  And if not, then do you really want to keep pretending? When a lie simmers for too long inside of us, we begin to hurt and hate with the same passion with which we once loved. Love has its risks.  Love exposes our vulnerabilites.  But the upside as Leo Buscaglia once said, "Love is life.  And if you miss love, you miss life."  If you make a mistake in love, forgive yourself and go on loving,  don't retreat.  With you in hiding, so many will miss your wonderful gifts.  Copyright 2008 Dictionary of Love and Danger: for Men Only by Rita Watson, an FEV publication ]]> 149 2008-04-10 04:08:17 2008-04-10 04:08:17 open open love-and-anger publish 0 0 post description The love myth is a true danger. It is poisonous because when we are connected to an unhealthy relationship, we end up disconnecting from ourselves. title The Love and Danger of Anger _edit_lock 1214422159 _edit_last 2 77 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-04-11 03:19:09 2008-04-11 03:19:09 1 0 0 Money, Beer, Taxes, and a Video Laugh http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=150 Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:33:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=211  A Million Dollar Contest for Women: Count Me In is trying to help women business owners nationwide and  they are expecting 5,000 women to take part in their "Make Mine a Million $ Business."  Money    Financial Literacy -- It's time to learn more about money.  Starting Monday will be bringing you tips from MMI. Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets -- from my Providence Journal -- check out relationship columns. The Beer and Tax Match -- Having trouble getting those taxes done? Head out to New Jersey.  Enjoy a brew while they do taxes for you.  Taxes while you down a brew 1040EZ Joke on Taxes Video -- Just a quick laugh 1040 Video ]]> 150 2008-04-11 01:33:59 2008-04-11 01:33:59 open open money-beer-taxes publish 0 0 post title Money, beer, taxes, a video laugh _edit_lock 1214422145 _edit_last 2 Love and Danger: Addiction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=151 Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:45:30 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=212 We want to experience the passion, tne exhilaration, the magic of walking on air.  In our Dictionary of Love and Danger, addiction is fatal.  Although love means different things to different people, in our society, being in love and being in a relationship are synonymous.  The search for love is perpetual.  Men search.  Women search. Two people meet.  The chemistry is there.  So is the gentleness, the understanding.  It is as if you had both been touched by the same star. At first it is sweet and touching. Ecstacy:  At first you can think of nothing more than being with the one you love.  You want to touch and hold and care for the other person.  From the moment of first passion -- the moment in which you are utterly convinced that you have found the love of your lives -- you are in ecstacy.  Then something happens.  The love starts to crumble.  He blames her.  She blames him. The love that once consumed is burning into an angry hate.   The problem is addiction.  You become co-dependent or addicted when each person needs the other as if they were a "fix."  You may wait for the emails.  You live for the next phone call.  Panic if the text message doesn't appear.  Think of sex from moment to moment.  If you are living together, you might make numerous calls during the day to check on her whereabouts. It is almost of if just the connection gives you a high.  What's the problem here?  When love is an addiction, often times a man's needs become secondary because the woman is so focused on her own. AND the man excuses it because of any number of reasons of things "she is going through."   She may say "the right words" but deep inside, she is so consumed with her own needs that she does not have the capacity to wake up each morning and put her partner's needs first.   How does it start? Very often it starts with an overwhelming desire on the man's part to be protective.  She tells a story of loss, pain, or mistreatment.  Sometimes it is the other way around -- I called it the Nurse Nicey syndrome in one of my books.  A man is in need and she is hooked -- addicted, co-dependent.  Her life becomes that of caretaker for his life.  Her needs mesh into his needs.   How does a man fall into Savior Syndrome? A way of measuring is the anger you feel towards those who have hurt your new love.  The doctors who misdiagnosed.  The husbands or parents who absued.  The situation that created the loss.  We can all feel empathy.   But with men, if you write yourself a checklist here you'll see how wrapped up you have become in those who were in her life.  Do you wish you could "get" those who hurt her?  Do you wish you could avenge the wrongs, not just make them right?  Do you see how things could have been better for her "if only" she had someone like you by her side?  I wrote a column about a man who was convinced that his very talented new girlfriend had a brilliant potential career and he could help.  Her former husband held her back.  But he was the Savior.   He ended up in an ugly threesome being so manipulated that his ex- arrived to take down the door of his house in the middle of the night.  Interesting enough, they are on again off again together becuase, "If you only knew what her family had done, you would understand. I could help her and she loves me." She is his drug of choice:  I finally said to this man, "What does her family have to do with the two of you?  What has she brought to the table to help you with your work, your children, your career that depends upon a large social network?" His answer, "She really can't because.... "   Because he is addicted and she is his drug of choice. Wanting to know everything too early on in a relationship, is an addictive sign. Or having too much information spilled out too soon is addiction flag. Relationships should be an unfolding, a learning process.  Too much, too soon beomes a "reel in" factor that masks some of the "real" issues that don't surface until a man is in the boat. A regular taxi driver confessed the other day that his wife told him, "She reeled him in and tricked him into marriage."  He says he is very happy with her, but he doesn't quite understand why she felt she needed to manipulate him. Hooked: Told the story to one of my friends and he said, "Because that's what women do. We get hooked on them, and they suck us right in.  It's like they see us coming."   Look at the language of love and addiction. Women seem to know when they are being manipulated and will oftentimes admit it, but realize that a part of them wanted the relationship enough to allow the situation to continue. Sometimes women seize upon a situation and very carefully plan.   "They see me coming," said one man who appears to make the same mistake over and over again.   Perhaps "a woman in need" is his drug of choice.   And I can say this because we all know the feeling.  We have all tasted the same addictive ecstacy at one time in our lives. copyright 2008, The Dictionary of Love and Anger by Rita Watson]]> 151 2008-04-11 01:45:30 2008-04-11 01:45:30 open open love-and-danger-addiction publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422130 _edit_last 2 78 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-04-11 13:13:06 2008-04-11 13:13:06 1 0 0 Love or Lust: Who is the One Night Stand? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=152 Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:01:38 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=213 How to identify the look of love -- or lust  LONDON (Reuters) - Members of the opposite sex can spot whether someone is after a one-night stand or something more permanent just by looking at their face, scientists said on Wednesday. On men, a square jaw, large nose and small eyes are more likely to betray the look of lust than of love.  Women found men with softer features more likely to opt for commitment.  But the Durham University-led research found that while men can judge whether a woman is footloose-and-fancy-free or not, there is no common facial detail to explain it. About 700 heterosexual people took part in the survey carried out by Durham, St. Andrews and Aberdeen universities.  Learn more about the findings.   How did you score? This article was first reported on Wed Apr 9, 2008 5:08pm EDT -- Love or Lust]]> 152 2008-04-12 03:01:38 2008-04-12 03:01:38 open open love-or-lust publish 0 0 post title Love or Lust: Who is the one night stand? description Members of the opposite sex can spot whether someone is after a one-night stand or something more permanent just by looking at their face. keywords love, lust, one night, stand, facial features, look, tell, _edit_lock 1214422118 _edit_last 2 Too Much Information as a Love Hook http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=153 Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:18:23 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=214 A bit of a departure from The Dictionary of Love and Danger  yet this relates a question in which the young man seems to know the answer.  The after-sex story of her life:  "She told me the story of her life in about 10 minutes.  It was right after we had sex.  Really good sex. I really liked her.  But I didn't know if I wanted to be in a relationship.  It was rough. I really felt for her." In repeating this story to a few other guys, the responses fell into two categories: 
    • "Wow, she really bared her soul. She must really like you."
    • "I'd be running fast."
    What did the women say?  Pretty much same as the men.
    • "She really trusts you.  I hope she knows what she's got in you."
    • "TMI is a danger zone.  I saw this on 90210 once and Grey's Anatomy.  She wants a nice guy to make up for all she went through.  Then suddenly, she'll turn on you, not in a good way.  Tell me the story, I'll tell you the TV show.
    TMI as half-truth:  What did his gut tell him?  This would not be the "getting to know you" relationship he had hoped for, yet she convinced him that in sharing secrets -- they shared a bond.  He felt he could be good for her. Balancing out:  A year into the relationship, every time he thinks he can get out, there is another crises between her debt and her roller coaster emotions.  Each day that he stays, it is harder for him to break free. (And women have the same problem.) And yet, I recall an older friend who married the woman who withheld as much as she told.  They are still sharing stories.  Copyright 2008 ritawatson ]]>
    153 2008-04-12 09:18:23 2008-04-12 09:18:23 open open too-much-information-as-a-love-hook publish 0 0 post title Too description Heard from a reader who appears to be swearing off women. \"When is offering too much information really a cover-up for witholding information?\" keywords love, info, dangerous, sucked in, run _edit_lock 1214422104 _edit_last 2 79 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-04-13 17:51:37 2008-04-13 17:51:37 1 0 0
    Her Mother is a Cougar and She’s Hot for Me! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=154 Sun, 13 Apr 2008 04:03:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=217 DEAR MARGO:  I am a 32-year-old man. After a string of older women,  I have happily, though uncharacteristically, been dating a woman eight years my junior for about a year.  [Given the stories these past few days, we couldn't resist this one.  As for how to handle this?  Margo's advice is right on target.]  I am deeply in love with her, and we have been seriously discussing moving in together.  She is unusually close to her mother and sings her praises every chance she gets. For the most part this praise is well deserved. Her mother gave birth to her at 16 years of age and still managed to give her a pretty good future, even as a single mom. Unfortunately, her mother has made some obvious passes at me. It started with affectionate behavior and light flirtation, which included playful allusions to my former lovers and how they were her age rather than her daughter's. One might dismiss those as mere jokes, but a few recent incidents can't possibly be dismissed as such. I'm not at all sure she would believe me if I accused her mother of hitting on me, and I fear she would believe it if her mother chose to reverse the accusation, especially given my record of dating older women.  Part of me is thinking "bail out," but I don't want to lose my girl. I also want to avoid damaging her relationship with her mother if at all possible. / DESPERATE DEAR DES: Here's what you do to keep your girlfriend and not blow the whistle on her mother: Treat all the flirting like a joke. Just laugh ... in a good-natured, friendly way, of course. Nothing will tamp down these passes like laughter and an implied "no, thank you." And by the way, this phenomenon is not all that unusual. Sometimes the mother is not seriously flirting; she is just being reflexively competitive. --- MARGO, TACTICALLY  For the whole story go to:  Dear_Margo ]]> 154 2008-04-13 04:03:47 2008-04-13 04:03:47 open open hot-mother-after-me publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422092 _edit_last 2 Start Attracting Money: Financial Literacy Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=155 Mon, 14 Apr 2008 02:43:23 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=218 This Blog has articles regarding the relationship between money and marriage.  Money is one of the leading issues that brings couples to divorce court.  See how Money Management International can help you. They have put together a 30 day package to help you.  Financial Literacy Month ]]> 155 2008-04-14 02:43:23 2008-04-14 02:43:23 open open financial-literacy-quiz publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422076 _edit_last 2 The Allure of Givers, Receivers, and Sex in the City http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=156 Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:00:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=220 Love begins to crumble.  Men blame the women.  Women blame the men.  Younger women get angry.  And older women become introspective.  Attracting opposites: But in reality it is not so much a matter of fault or blame, as it is a matter of misunderstanding.  We have misinterpreted the notion that opposites attract.  When men and women attract their complementary opposites, they bring out the best in each by respecting each other's feminine and masculine qualities.   And also their values.  However too many of us attract our opposing opposite -- someone who on the surface seems to meet our needs -- but whose value system or way of thinking so differs from ours that the relationship borders on being a fraud. When givers are attracted to receivers, it is the classic clash of opposing opposites attracting. The caretakers:  Givers are caretakers.  They invest so much in the receiver's happiness that they postpone their own happiness by creating the illusion that says, "she loves me or he loves me." Receivers are always ready to take all the goodness that caretakes are ready to give. The receivers might even make some gestures -- might do some giving that gives themselves pleasure as well.  Sex is a good example.  But in terms of the profound sense of giving -- one in which the love is so strong that one is willing to lose it for the sake of another's happiness, that is not in the taker's handbook.  When the well runs dry: Takers is a strong word.  I don't mean to say it is black and white.  But those on the receiving end often bring less to the table than do the caretakers, the givers.  And what happens is that in giving and giving and giving, one day the well of the giver runs dry.  The love cup keeps on pouring out.  But the receiver doesn't replenish or restore with the same intensity or desire.  And one day the receiver -- accustomed to being filled -- begins looking for the next giver in fact, may always be looking for the next giver because there is never enough to satisfy. Nurturers: Why is it so easy for the receivers to find the givers?  And why do givers see such allure in the receivers?  Because the world is full of nurturers -- mothers and fathers at heart who are always ready to kiss the wound and make it better, to enfold in their arms, and to love -- because love is what both givers and takers ultimately wish.  However the giver's love may be the dream of happily ever after -- whereas the receiver wishes for love that instantly gratifies.   A comment with regard to TMI came from "the professor."  He said, "I think the women who TMI are looking for the partner as caretaker. There are those of us who take care of others, and there are those who need to be cared for. . . . ounds like co-dependency, no? The ideal might be: 1) good, no, great sex and often, 2) great sex in different places and circumstances, 3) two individuals each of which has their own relatively successful career who like to share time (beyond sex) with the other because they learn from him/her, and just plain enjoy that person. It seems to me that the right one will still be the most interesting at the end of the day." (April 13th comment) At the end of the day -- the Allure:  I think many men might share the professor's views.  And so this is my take, from a woman's perspective. Oftentimes the allure is a physical attraction.  There is an ancient Oriental saying, "A relationship ends as it begins."   The allure of fast and furious means danger. I believe at the end of the day, the right one will be the person who believes heart and soul in the giver.  The person who derives more joy in giving than in receiving.  The person whose actions speak more lovingly than words. The person who wakes up in the morning and says, "What can I do to enrich his life or her life today?"  And then follows through feeling blessed for the priviledge.                                                                                                      #  #   #  # If you are wondering about the allure of  Sex in the City, read on --it gets to the heart of the matter in the last two  paragraphs Sex in the City Allure  -- where the fairy tale is always a glittering goal. Copyright 2008 ritawatson (from The Dictionary of Love and Danger)]]> 156 2008-04-15 02:00:24 2008-04-15 02:00:24 open open givers-and-receivers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422061 _edit_last 2 Marriage, Children, Tax Dollars, Words and Silence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=157 Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:05:12 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=222 The situation and problems inherent with divorce have been studied recently by a Georgia State University economist who is part of "the marriage movement."  They are suggesting that states do more to help strengthen and promote the concept of marriage as we have noted in many of our posts.  Save Marriages  (See March 20th, February 24th and Relationship Columns) Just a few months ago, The Providence Journal ran a piece by Dr. Scott Haltzman advocating marriage education in the schools.  The Brown University assistant professor is also author of two books that should be required reading:  The Secrets of Happily Married Women and The Secrets of Happily Married Men. Perhaps it is time to rethink the value of togetherness and show children two people giving to each other unselfishly for the sake of unity and love.  Marriage Education Perhaps it is time to watch our words as individuals, as couples before words become irreconcible differences.   I remember when the good professor once told his child that words sometimes said even in jest  can be hurtful.   We know the power of words can influence a child's self esteem.  Words that Harm, Words that Heal Perhaps if more couples watched their words, or listened to the tone of their voices -- a greater respect for each other might develop into supportive words, forgiving words, or no words at all.  I am not talking about the silent treatment, but rather the magic in a silent smile, a loving look into another's eyes, a gentle touch. Copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 157 2008-04-16 01:05:12 2008-04-16 01:05:12 open open save-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422040 _edit_last 2 80 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-04-16 01:20:43 2008-04-16 01:20:43 Copyright 1991 Genevieve Barrie This poem was first published in 1991-Candelabrum]]> 1 0 0 Love and Danger: Appearances http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=158 Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:52:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=223 The love myth, the one that tells us without love, without a relationship we are not whole, is poisonous.  Why?  Because the myth makes us feel that we should have a relationship and we often then become entwined in an infatuation that masquerades as love.  Or we stay in an  unhealthy relationship, where we end up disconnecting from ourselves.  Ironically deep in our hearts each and everyone of us knows when we are lying for love.  Those with the courage to trust their instincts and admit the truth can confront the lie before being consumed by it.  The more connected we are to ourselves, the easier it will be to connect meaningfully to others.  We do that by listening to our inner voice.  The voice that men develop from their history on the playing fields, the battlefields, and the mine fields of corporate takeovers and academia.  The voice that women develop from watching and listening and "knowing, just knowing." When one is lying for love, one must hope for the inner voice to save us -- a  little nagging feeling inside.  We may rationalize. We may tell ourselves that this is our destiny.  We may think that "head over heels" is real, but deep inside when little truths begin surfacing, we know.  Simply say the words: "I think I am really in love and I think I am loved in return" -- do you believe them?  I think the real bond comes when you can say, "I know that WE are in love with each other."   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 158 2008-04-17 03:52:33 2008-04-17 03:52:33 open open love-danger-appearances publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422017 _edit_last 2 Men as Givers Fare Better than Women: The Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=159 Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:00:53 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=224 Men can transform hurt into "I'm not going to let this get to me" and will make a business prosper, or simply walk away.  Women turn the hurt inward --and may avoid friends and opportunities to break free of the love lie.  Then when the dream is shattered, the reality faced, they sink into a devastating melancholy. Men rebound: Men as givers are often more enterprising when the women who are receivers move on.  Businessmen in particular rebound more quickly for two reasons: money and opportunity. Very often men are attracted to women first and foremost because of their looks.  Read my column on Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets.  Women most often choose a man who is finacially sound.  Equal value: However,  most men do try to find a woman who brings equal value to the table --so that the relationship is balanced.  And research on financial patterns of couples shows that educated women prefer it that wayas well.  They, too, want the relationship to be a partnership. One Chicago entrepreneur spent years supporting his wife, an artist.  She called him a workaholic who preferred to be with his cronies.  However, she also spent much of his money buying paintings and jewelry.  He kept giving.  She kept taking. Then she met another artist -- and left Nathan.  Three is the charm:  The giver built himself and his staff a new office with the most up-to-date executive toys, which became home to the family of employees who remained faithful to him for many years.  Then suddenly he married for the third time and sold his company. Nathan and his new wife started a new venture that she says, "Is far from the maddening crowd."  Fifteen years later, they are still living in bliss. Nathan pointed out that his men's group helped him.  And there he learned that regardless of income level -- the men who kept giving did so to fill a void -- not just for their wives, but for themselves as well. The maternal instinct: Women with a maternal instinct at first get angry with themselves for giving and giving.   Oftentimes, even when they know that their cup of love is not being refilled, they try harder.  When the truth hits, they are angry with their partner and themselves.  Take a look at Robert Sternberg's questionnaire -- What is Your Love Story?  If you are a caretaker, or a rescuer, rethink the role.  Finding Your Love Story   A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster happiness, good health and youthfulness at any age. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  (The Dictionary of Love and Danger:  For Men Only)]]> 159 2008-04-18 12:00:53 2008-04-18 12:00:53 open open men-as-givers-fare-better publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214422003 _edit_last 2 81 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-04-19 16:03:50 2008-04-19 16:03:50 1 0 0 Do Men Want to be Duped? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=160 Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:09:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=225 Sideways: And for half a second I wonder why women do it.  Then I think of a scene from Sideways in which Sandra Oh breaks the nose of Thomas Hayden Church because he led her to believe he loved her and wanted to marry her.  And all the while he was on his last fling before getting married to someone else.  "He is an actor," shrugs Paul Giamatti. Demeaning: Nontheless, it is demeaning to all women when one woman plays the "but I didn't know how to tell you" or "didn't think it was important" game with another man (from past lovers to children issues to health issues that may affect both of them to financial issues).  And it demeans all women when one woman hangs onto a man because he is the meal-ticket who could save her from ruin.  And it doesn't make it right when one woman tells her lover that she can't bear the thought of him even looking at another woman -- while she is snuggling up to another man, who is married no less.  Men's stories: I am not here to blame the woman.  I am not here to blame men.  But I am here to say that whenever I spend time talking with a group of men, I hear the same stories.  Infidelity: Tonight, Captain Whitebar, the keeper of secrets, helped me to think differently about men and women in relationships -- and I translated this into relationships that have a component of too much neediness.  I was stressing about my next column and I asked him  what I should write about next.  He immediately answered, "Infidelity in both men and women.  And they each have a good cover."  Another man chimed in and said, "I think people cheat in every marriage at least once.  But when caught, men buy jewelry and say, "I'm sorry" or nothing at all. Women say, "How dare you insult me with such an accusation!" What has this got to do with men who feel duped or women who can't let go?  Do men chose to be manipulated: I am beginning to wonder if men who are manipulated are simply putting themselves in the position because -- as the Love 2008 survey points out (See my columns) -- they chose a woman for her looks and then close their eyes to the red flags and statistical odds against success.  Furthermore even if they know that certain issues might be problematic, they don't do their homework to find out how these issues might affect them personally.  So are they living a self-fulfilling prophecy because they don't have the courage to break the pattern?  Women who can't let go: And for women who can't let go --- is it because they are simply reaching a biological clock age?  Or perhaps having had several bad marriages, a good one comes along and they erase the past that they don't wish to share.  Or they share just enough "I can barely talk about this" information to create a protective pull on the part of the man.  Or perhaps they really like the guy and think to themselves, "I can make him happy and eventually tell my story." For these women, I am so sorry.  They are frightened and are doing whatever it takes for companionship -- obviously terrified of the monster called Alone. Emotionally unfaitful: I would like to believe that neither men nor women are really trapped in their own emotional infidelity by hanging onto relationships that don't have lasting value. In many ways they are being unfaithful to themselves if in their heart of hearts each knows the truth. Tonight I was reminded of an old religious saying, "You never rise above the level of your confession."  In other words, if you are telling me you can't see a way out,  then you won't "see it"  and will remain stuck. If you are saying things such as, "I don't see myself...." then you won't.   If you don't see, you don't want to see, is it a way of absolving yourself of taking the responsibility to grow? If you are making excuses because a woman you are with are able to color shades of gray in pearly tones, then you will continue to be manipulated.   If you are telling me that everyone cheats in marriage and you accept this, than you will be cheated. A pattern of failure:  A glorious week.  A gorgeous full moon.  The stars are lined up for passion.  And instead of stories of love and romance, I listened to stories from wonderfully, smart attractive men -- good business decisionmakers -- stuck in a pattern.  Why?  Because change even for the better is difficult.    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 160 2008-04-19 02:09:59 2008-04-19 02:09:59 open open duped-men publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224642398 _edit_last 2 82 ritaewatson@aol.com http://www.decisionmakingtips.com 2008-04-19 15:54:04 2008-04-19 15:54:04 1 0 0 83 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-04-19 17:26:01 2008-04-19 17:26:01 1 0 0 84 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-04-23 21:04:13 2008-04-23 21:04:13 1 0 0 What He May Be Hiding From You http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=161 Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:32:16 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=226 Women's Health magazine has an explosive new article:  Guy's Secrets:  When He Drops a Bomb.  This tells you everything you don't really want to hear, but you need to listen.  Under his "Let's be totally honest" movie, the headliners in order of appearance:  He has herpes, wants time out to find himself, has wirthdrawn money from your joint account, changed his mind about wanting kids, slept with his best friend before he met you.   His Secrets I am a big believer that "when the truth is known the truth will set you free."  This article by Nicole Blades is thought-provoking and upsetting in a way that feels as if cold water is being splashed on your face.]]> 161 2008-04-20 04:32:16 2008-04-20 04:32:16 open open guys-secrets-for-women publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421971 _edit_last 2 The Movie: Let’s Be Totally Honest, and Travel http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=162 Mon, 21 Apr 2008 01:01:27 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=227 While I am an advocate on honesty – believing that the truth will always set you free – oftentimes even truth has its twists.   I think the Women’s Health article ( His Secrets), which featured prominently on AOL on Saturday lumped positive honesty with hurtful honesty. “Let’s be totally honest,” can be sincere or it can be a means of veiling truths that are too difficult to reveal.  One partner gets so wrapped up in worrying about or feeling sorry for the other, or himself or herself, that he or she misses out on something vitally important.   The Women's Health article left out more than it stated.  What questions could have or should have been asked? If you really want lifelong love and friendship, take the time to get to know someone.  Love at first sight can last a lifetime, but it can also end as quickly as it started – with one of you falling flat on your face.  Understand what you really need in a relationship verses what you think you need.  I think most men and woman who have experienced lasting love will say, “I believed in my partner heart and soul.” And I still believe that at the end of the day, you want to look across the table at someone who makes you laugh, who has been honest with you, and has put your needs above his own or her own, because is so doing you will put your partner’s needs first. It will balance out into perfect harmony.   And sometimes a vacation helps.  Here are some forgotten spots close to paradise.Heavenly travel This week watch for Popping the Question! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 162 2008-04-21 01:01:27 2008-04-21 01:01:27 open open lets-be-honest publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421955 _edit_last 2 Exercise and Smile Today http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=163 Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:17:26 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=230 In a Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine study published in 2007 it was found that after four months those who exercised felt nearly as good as those on those on medication.  Of those who felt better:  47 % were on an anti-depressant, 45 % were in an exercise group, 40 % exercised at home, and 31 % were on a placebo. In Mood Boosters, (January 24 Blog post) I pointed out that not everyone wakes up whistling each morning. If you are feeling a bit blue, chances are you know the reason and you also know that you’ll probably snap out of it soon. In the meantime, exercise will help lighten your mood. How much exercise is enough? Two of five times a week for 30 to 40 minutes, plus 5 to 10 minutes each of warm up and cool-down is recommended. Exercise, Boston Globe, Mood Lifting,  Smile, Think about things you love that bring a smile to your face and a sparkle in your eyes. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 163 2008-04-21 11:17:26 2008-04-21 11:17:26 open open exercise-and-smile publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215192046 _edit_last 2 Forget the Primaries: Marry Me! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=164 Tue, 22 Apr 2008 01:02:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=158 Step 1: Decide. This is the ever pressing ‘should I do it?’ question.  Hopefully if you are reading this you are so close to your decision that the answer is "Of course I want this woman to marry me and I want to marry her."  I cannot stress enough that you must decide with certainty, this is a big one and every step of this process is difficult enough without nagging doubt.   Weigh the pros and cons if you are getting cold feet.  But remember, this is something that you really wanted. Now that you have decided that she’s the one.  Go for it.  Don’t look back.  Let us to be the first to congratulate you.   Step Two: Find an ally For some reason it just doesn’t seem real to us guys until we tell someone, so tell someone.  Find your proposal ally.  But how do you find this ally? Well, best to choose someone you feel comfortable with, but who will know her as well. Best to find a relative, sister (not mom, we’ll get there later), best friend.  It is preferable to find a girlfriend because she is going to be your ring consultant, timing advisor, parental co-pilot your right hand woman to this proposal. Identify her, and approach her about it, she will be ecstatic.  Make sure to find someone who can keep a secret!   Step Three – Pick a date.  Finding a good date for the proposal is key.  So tune in tomorrow and I'll fill you in on the details. Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon]]> 164 2008-04-22 01:02:20 2008-04-22 01:02:20 open open marry-me publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421920 _edit_last 2 85 george.sax1@gmail.com http://dating-sax.blogspot.com/ 2008-04-22 03:57:39 2008-04-22 03:57:39 1 0 0 Dr. Happiness, a Laughter and Exercise Link http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=165 Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:50:12 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=232 But what happens with the unpredictable?  It really depends upon one's restores of energy and one's baseline for happiness.  Here are some thoughts from New York Times, Dr Happiness. Some years ago even the physician's Bible, The New England Journal of Medicine ran articles about laughter.  But it is more than laughter, it is the ability to take the cards we have been dealth and work with them.  Or, instead of seeing the cup half empty seeing it half full. If you can't do that -- then here is a good laugh.  Hold onto your sides!  Newscaster Can’t Stop Laughing! And a good exercise link.  Choosing happiness over hostility is within you.   A reminder about the Walking Challenge. A Walking Exercise Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 165 2008-04-22 12:50:12 2008-04-22 12:50:12 open open dr-happiness-exercise publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421905 _edit_last 2 Marry Me: I Have a “Pop the Question” Date http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=166 Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:01:28 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=231  Step Three: Chose a date to pop the question, because you will need a timeline.  This is really important because there are lot of steps in between.  You will need to get the ring, talk to parents, and breath so that the proposal is perfect!  There are a couple of big things you have to get done before this date, but by picking it early you will be able to figure out your timeline on all the other biggies.  A good date: Choose one that has some meaning for your relationship, an anniversary of when you met.  Your first date.  Your first romantic evening.  Make it a non-relative intensive holiday (avoid Valentine’s Day and Christmas). A few practical tips: Pick a day when you both will have time to enjoy each other she says, "Yes!"  So if you both work 9-5 choose a Friday night or Saturday, so you’ll have most of the weekend for each other.  Pick a time when you know she’s not going to be exhausted, sweaty, or otherwise consider herself undesirable --  no woman imagines the moment of her engagement after an hour on the elliptical machine!  Just pick the date for now, you can worry about the actual proposal details later. Think in terms of creating a memory! PS: To Sax, the guy who apparently had his heart broken, I'm sorry for you buddy.  Sometimes it takes a while from the right person to come along.  Thanks for writing us. Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon]]> 166 2008-04-23 01:01:28 2008-04-23 01:01:28 open open pop-the-question-date publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421889 _edit_last 2 Metabolism Boosters and Who is Hiding WHAT? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=167 Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:06:53 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=233 This blogpost on Reuters has some interesting tips on four food groups -- superfoods, spicy foods, protein, and water -- that will help you. Go to blogBurst on Foods. As for who is hiding WHAT?  Take a look at my blog post from a few days ago -- "What He May Be Hiding from You?" and let me add a little PS.  Talked with one of my two favorite bartenders last night at what is becoming our neighborhood Cheers, and he began sharing some stories about how both women and men keep secrets from each other.  And it seems that some of what was in the column about men hiding information from women -- can move both ways.  Watch for stories over the week-end and in the interim, Ferol, our MBA on Campus will continue with his "Marry Me," series.  Yes, he really is getting married.  Next month and she is wonderful! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 167 2008-04-23 04:06:53 2008-04-23 04:06:53 open open metabolism-boosters publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421872 _edit_last 2 Marry Me: I’ve Got the Ring http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=168 Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:01:05 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=235 Step Four:  The Ring Buying the ring is the fun part. It's the expensive part, but really a lot of fun.  This is where your proposal ally is a gem in every sense of the word.  Time for visiting a few jewelry shops.  Check out Blue Nile to get some of the basics down.  We won’t go into the details of buying a ring, because there is a ton of information out there.  What we can advise is go ring shopping with someone who will have her best taste at heart.  And remember the ring consultant must appreciate your future bride's taste and  NOT her own.  She is helping you chose the ring for your bride, and not the bride that she is hoping to be one day.  Definitely be cautious in selecting a jeweler and the ring. Finding someone you know in either the jewelry business or a dealer who comes through a recommendation is always the best. Keep in mind her style, the shape of her fingers and hands.  And think about how she is going to react -- not just when you hand her the velvet box with the sparkle inside, but how it will look on her hand, and how she will feel about  "the ring" you have chosen that says, "Marry me!" Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon  ]]> 168 2008-04-24 01:01:05 2008-04-24 01:01:05 open open ive-got-the-ring publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421857 _edit_last 2 Laughter Power and Exercise http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=169 Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:02:36 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=236 A low tech solution to mild to moderate depression -- aerobic exercise -- can be as effective as psychotherapy.  Both exercise and laughter help the heart. Futher, reports from a team at Loma Linda University in California, show that laughter prompts changes in the body that may help the immune and endocrine systems to function better. Laughter increases the number and activity of cells that help us fight disease and decreases stress-related hormones. The nice thing about laughter is that it’s contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too. Provine suggests that laughter does something special to our brains to trigger the laugh sounds in us. So for the sake of your health, exercise, laugh, and maintain a positive attitude. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 169 2008-04-24 01:02:36 2008-04-24 01:02:36 open open laugh-and-exercise publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219509451 _edit_last 2 Wondering if Your Ex Still Wants You? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=170 Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:10:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=237 Sometimes relationships come to an end because in reality there was something you both have avoided discussing -- from money, to sex, to frustration with a job.  Then one day, it all comes crashing down and you break up.  Sometimes men give clues that mean, "I still want you."  How can you tell?  Read Does he still want you? We often say that men and women seem to have their own language.  Here is it from a man: What do breakup lines mean? There is a wonderful reading in Emmet Fox:  Around The Year ... "There is no door that enough love cannot open.  There is no gulf that enough love cannot bridge."   Try it. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 170 2008-04-24 01:10:47 2008-04-24 01:10:47 open open breakup-make-up publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421825 _edit_last 2 More Sex Talk and Toys at the Hair Salon http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=171 Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:12:35 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=238 Providence Journal (see Relationship columns), I want everyone to fall in love and stay in love.   And I think part of what keeps love lively is hot sex.  Cosmopolitan came through again with their new issue -- 67 steamy ways.   As I talked about the naughty sex Q and A with other woman today, I was reminded of a blog post I wrote as Valentine’s Day was approaching.  I was at the hairdresser talking about romance when I was interrupted by a Blackberry message that I had to answer.  When I rejoined the conversation, suddenly I was listening to “sex talk.” Yes, in a very proper place, with very proper women I heard about someone’s Aunt Annette and her “Sex Tapes and Toy Shop.”   Whoa! Gadgets?  I don’t even own a blender.  I’m not good with things that have switches.  “Who goes to the shop?” I asked. “Professionals – doctors, lawyers, and businessmen visit my Aunt together and she tries to be helpful,” replied the bouncy and beautiful woman. In terms of helpful, while in Boston, I learned more about sex and relationships from the magazines and conversations at the hair dresser than in all my years at college such as.  Women usually read these magazines.  Men don’t.  Men like car and sports magazines because these get right down to the basics.   So I ask you: Is life behind your closed doors, somewhat boring? Are you worried that he might be straying? No talk, action! If you ansered "yes" to the above then  forget the “We should talk” conversation.  Action speaks louder than words.  You don’t need me to draw pictures here.   Now, may I preface this by saying, I’m Italian.  I believe a way to a man’s heart is through a wonderful meal, home cooked, or bought from a great store and placed in your own serving platters — however — here are some hair salon thoughts: Do something provocative:
    • Scan the Internet.
    • Tell him some of the things you saw that surprised you.  WATCH his eyes and reactions.
    • Which peaked his interest?
    • Ask, in a matter-of-fact manner, “Which of these toys should I bring to a shower for a friend getting married for the first time?”  And don’t let him off the hook. Or ask, "Which would you like?"
    • Whisper something to him that is romantic or “sex talk” shocking.
    Why women like sex toys:  According to my hair salon sources:    
    • They are fun.
    • They perform on demand.
    • They don’t talk back.
    • And they don’t snore. 
    I am all for getting in the mood for love, but if you are as “on-and-off switch phobic” as I am – I even got rid of my television when I became confused with those remotes – then try some old fashioned sweetness and love.  A good dinner always works and maybe, just maybe, become succulently creative with dessert. Oringial appeared on February 9th, 2008 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=121#comments  And you will love the Comments! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    171 2008-04-25 01:12:35 2008-04-25 01:12:35 open open sex-talk-and-toys publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421809 _edit_last 2 87 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-04-29 14:43:10 2008-04-29 14:43:10 1 0 0
    Week-end round up: Love and Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=172 Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:29:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=239 Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only, let's take a look at the week - in - review of love and marriage.  There is the compatibilty story, how to choose a man to marry, and love in the London tubes.  Ultimate-compatibility   -- this is a story of whether or not opposites attract.  While I think that we should all attract our complementary opposite, one that completes our personality, you might enjoy seeing what research says about compatibility. How to choose a man to marry -- this comes for AOL personals.  It has some down to earth advice. Love on the London tubes -- a surprising place to be finding love.  But this story tells us that quite a hefty number of people are finding love in the London underground. And so if you are anxious to be a June bride -- there isn't much time --you may want to consider the above advice. Copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 172 2008-04-26 01:29:50 2008-04-26 01:29:50 open open love-and-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421795 _edit_last 2 Marry Me — Today is Diamond Day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=173 Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:26:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=240 Step Five, Parents.  This is a dying tradition, but here at decisionmaking tips we really believe in it.  Ask her parents for permission, or even if you don’t ask them for permission -- talk to them about it first.  We can guarantee it will win you major points with your future in-laws, and with her.  It’s a delicate matter, and we suggest nothing but the most detailed planning to get it right.  This should be a conversation just between you and the parent or parents.  No interruptions by siblings, relatives, waiters, or any other outside sources. The proposal ally is a big help here too, you need someone who can talk you through this.  Have a script… YES a script.  Write down some of the things you are going to say and memorize them.  Don’t bring notes to the conversation, but make sure you are comfortable with the words you are saying. In fact say them out loud.  You’d be surprised how hard they are to get out. Also, make sure that you set a time and proposal date soon after your parental sit down – nothing adds pressure like awaiting in-laws!   Step Six: Plan the day.  Okay so you have a ring, a date, her parents permission,  Now is the time. Plan the date around what you think would be appropriate and not what you have heard works. In other words, if she’s a quiet type don’t do this in public.  It’s a very private event, and you are going to want to have time together afterwards.  Only if your potential fiancée is a very extroverted  person should you consider proposing in public.  There is no need to be jumping out of an airplane, in a shark tank, or to have your proposal in a scrolling marquee at the ball game for it to be meaningful.  BUT you should plan something.  At your place, her place, or your cohabitation place.  Again here is the importance of your proposal ally. She will keep your soon to be finance busy so that she arrives at your proposal destination at the expected time.  Set the scene, flowers, candles are a safe bet.  Do something that is meaningful for your relationship, pick something and go with it. No real need to stress over this, she will love it no matter what, and as long as there is some theme to it all you will be fine. One helpful thing to keep in mind about the proposal setting is that this story will be told later, as long as there is some kind of story to tell -- the details will get smoothed over.  Don’t worry about pink vs. red roses – the story will read “there were flowers everywhere”.   And this is precisely what you would like her to remember, a ring, a mood, flowers... what you have done is to create a memory! Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon]]> 173 2008-04-27 03:26:43 2008-04-27 03:26:43 open open marry-me-today-is-diamond-day publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421781 _edit_last 2 I’m Gettin’ Married in the Mornin’ http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=174 Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:20:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=241 Step Seven:  You have spent so much time planning the big day -- the day you were going to pop the question, that it seems as if there is nothing more to do.  Well, there is.  One more step.  Plan what to do after the big day.  After the big moment comes a period of euphoria, nervousness, and excitement all at once.  It’s intense.  You will want to  plan some alone time for the two of you right afterwards.  However, you will also want to share your happiness.  And so it   It might be a good idea to invite some friends and family to a small get together later that night or the next day.  This is a good way to show people the ring, tell lots of people at once.  Make it a surprise party. Every woman loves surprises. And on the plus side, it might help you cut down on your phone calls. Step Eight:  Congratulate yourself!  The adventure is about to begin. Copyright 2008 Ferol Vernon  ]]> 174 2008-04-28 01:20:06 2008-04-28 01:20:06 open open im-gettin-married-in-the-mornin publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214421762 Breaking Up is Hard to Do http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=175 Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:43:48 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=242 When marriages end it takes a toll on men, women, and children.  Last year at this time the Canadian Health Population Study reported on 20,000 people and found that depression rates doubled for those whose marriages or commited relationships came to an end.  And from men's reports, they were six times more likely to be depressed than women. While there is no good way to break - up, we did find this advice from "The Stars" -- horoscopes. Breakig up   But just remember, it is easier to find a way to solve your problems and reconcile your differences. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 175 2008-04-28 04:43:48 2008-04-28 04:43:48 open open breaking-up-is-hard-to-do-2 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421740 _edit_last 2 The Spitzer Scandal Gal is Back http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=176 Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:17:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=243 It seems that she is seeking $10 million in damages claiming that the Girls Gone Wild producers cajoled her with alcohol to expose her breasts while she was just 17.  Now the "he said" side of the story is in People magazine and it says that she was in a room full of people and other reporters and claimed to be over 18.    Ashley's back, People magazine We pointed out back than that this story doesn't want to go away.  The young lady who is about to land a music contract is talking of a copyright violation of pictures that she posted all over the Internet.  As one CNN commentator noted, “from shame to fame” and now she wants more.  We said it then, we say it now -- out of respect for the Governor’s family, isn’t it time for Ashley Dupre to take the money and run?   She has already been given immunity from prosecution, claims she wants privacy, and is still making noise.  We wonder how many young ladies during Spring break find themselves with too much alcohol and not enough dignity when they pick themselves up from the bar room floor and wake up in the morning? Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 176 2008-04-29 06:17:43 2008-04-29 06:17:43 open open spitzers-call-girl-is-back publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214421723 88 maxlimoncelli@yahoo.com http:// 2008-04-29 16:25:25 2008-04-29 16:25:25 1 0 0 Diffuse Stress with Cuddling http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=177 Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:13:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=244 Stress is not necessarily a negative force.  Sometimes a deadline or major project gets the adrenaline going.  That's the good stress. But when there is no let up, the body becomes overwhelmed and this results in physical symptoms that might include migraines,  hives, stomach upsets, muscle  spasms, chronic fatigue and even heart attacks. There are three ways to deal with stress that can be helpful. Change the situation -- If your workplace is overly competitive, see about setting ground rules.  If no one is willing to cooperate, then ask for a transfer or consider finding a new job. Change the response -- Sometimes when stressed we eat.  Sometimes we spend money.  Sometimes we take it out on those we love.  Change the response by defining the problem, outlining a plan, exploring alternatives, and defining a solution. Get physical: Try cuddling, exercise, or sex -- We know about exercise and sex.  Both are great for reducing stress.  But there is a supposed new stress reducer hitting the news, cuddling.  Cuddle parties Cuddly or creepy  are a new phenomenon.  Call them organized snuggling as a way of interacting without sex.  You might want to give it a try. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 177 2008-04-30 08:13:29 2008-04-30 08:13:29 open open diffuse-stress-cuddles publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421708 _edit_last 2 89 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-04-30 15:15:06 2008-04-30 15:15:06 1 0 0 Saving a Relationship on the Rocks http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=178 Thu, 01 May 2008 01:35:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=245 How well do you listen? And what is your tone of voice? Listening and the tone of one's voice are good measures as to the direction of your relationship.  Look inside yourself: It may sound simplistic but no matter where you are in your marriage or relationship, if you love the guy you are with but wish he was the way he was when you married him -- then it is time for a little look inside yourself. 
    • Are you the person he married? 
    • Are you the one who often sent love notes? 
    • When he wanted fun and spontaneous sex, were you right there and ready to go? 
    What has happened? And now don't blame him!  This is not about blame, this is about finding a way to fix a problem and you might just have the solution right in the palm of your hand.  Listen to your words and the tone of your voice. Men have fragile egos and just one or two words of criticism can set them back years -- honest!  There is a way of talking to him and never, repeat NEVER , should it involve saying, "How many times have I told you?" This is your visualization challenge.  Think about the man you married and what you loved most about him.  Think about the way you treated him when he was that person.  Now see him as you wish him to be.  And act accordingly.  If you wait for a grump to come home each night, he will.   If you expect a man to cheat, he will.  If you anticipate an argument, it will happen.  But if you see your lover waking in the door, and treat him accordingly, you might be surprised! So set the stage.  Choose the man you wish to share a bed with each night -- the qualities of the person with whom you first fell in love.  Make a decision to put some time and effort into changing the relationship to one of love and harmony. Take a look at this site -- Divorce Busting and give some thought to Michelle Weiner-Davis's new book about sex starved wives.  You may find that you can revive the fire, fan the flames, and enjoy some sizzling sex and loving companionship. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    178 2008-05-01 01:35:50 2008-05-01 01:35:50 open open save-your-relationship publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239422585 _edit_last 2
    Laughter for Love & Laughter Club Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=179 Fri, 02 May 2008 01:01:38 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=246 Now there is a difference between his foibles and his sore spots.  One should never tease her lover about his weight, his hairline, his mother, brother or sisters,  his fears.   Basically you are playing with poison if you do.  But you can begin to turn your words of criticism into jokes that you can both enjoy and still get your point across. How often have you noticed that your words -- even said jokingly -- are biting and hurtful?  Perhaps you don't realize it.  But look at the faces of others when you are critical, it makes everyone uncomfortable. Here is where laughter comes in.  Shared humor creates a bond that helps you get over little frustrations or big disappointments.  From that squirting pipe to the snow plow that damaged the garage.   You really want to say something sarcastic or use a tone of voice that is biting, "Just when can I expect that you will fix that pipe? " Another tactic, "Honey, I know you have been busy, so I just bought a little blow-up boat so I can go downstairs to do the laundry."   Maybe that's not his style or yours.  But humor can be cultivated.  Watch movies that make you laugh together. Listen to what makes him double over with laughter.  What kind of jokes does he respond to? AND IF YOU ARE A GUY READING THIS  -- help!  Maybe you can direct this movie.  Find ways that you can laugh together.  If she is always criticizing the way you dress -- go to a thrift store and buy yourself some plaid pants match it with a pink shirt and pick up a vest.  Tell her that you have decided it is time to take responsibility for the way you dress and you got yourself a new outfit.  I am willing to bet you will both roar with laughter. When you laugh it changes your mood and it creates life-enhancing properties. Laughter is contagious -- just look here at Laughter in London. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 179 2008-05-02 01:01:38 2008-05-02 01:01:38 open open laugh-for-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421682 _edit_last 2 90 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-05-07 20:36:06 2008-05-07 20:36:06 1 0 0 Breaking Up is Easier Than We Thought http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=180 Sat, 03 May 2008 01:53:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=249 How easy can it really be to break up?  This is the research from Northwestern. Breaking up is easy to do But we think that for adults, breaking up is hard to do.   It happens to all of us all too often. You meet someone and you think you have each been touched by the same star.  Then what started as love turns into an annoyance, sometimes anger, sometimes hate.  Sometimes there is just a feeling of being controlled.  Sometimes it is a sadness.  And many times a relationship ends because two people seem to be moving in different directions.  Whatever the reason – someone decides, “I want out.” If ending a relationship was easy, there would not be so many songs written  about ending relationships. Deciding how to say “It’s over.” 1. Before saying anything at all, write out the pros and cons of the relationship. 2. Write out the 5 qualities about the other person that helped you to fall in love. 3. Write out at least 2 things that brought the two of you joy. 4. In a completely rational way ask yourself, “If he or she were breaking up with me, what are the words that I would want to hear.  Start from a positive position – “We have shared happy times together.” 5. State the reality – “Something is not working between us.” 6. Express your need – “I need to move on.” 7. Be willing to listen, calmly, to the other person’s reaction. And it is all right to cry!   © Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 180 2008-05-03 01:53:04 2008-05-03 01:53:04 open open breaking-up-is-esay publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421668 _edit_last 2 Packaging Sex and Abstinence & Video Laughter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=181 Sun, 04 May 2008 01:12:32 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=247   and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science. Escaping the message of sex is difficult to do.  We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even advertising for cars comes with seductive overtones.  While we seem to be a society that likes sex, according to the recent Durex Survey the US ranks 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Nonetheless sex is still on the minds of the “Virginity Rules” movement. And the more money we pour into abstinence legislation the more we hear about its failures.  A study by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education makes no difference with regard to the age of a teenager’s first sexual experience. Recent hearings in Washington seem to imply that reluctantly some members of Congress may be coming to the same conclusion.   Washington times What is the real message of abstinence education?  Proponents would like to see children place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That’s a good message.  But tax dollars should not be funding it.  However, I would be pleased to see money spent on programs that instill passion and intimacy – not through sex, but through art, dance, and music.  And I would favor funding for model family programs where children might learn to talk about ethics, feelings, relationships, and the value of intimacy and friendship.   My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table.  There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, a half smile, an unspoken sadness.  Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that doesn’t absolve us from our responsibilities as parents.  Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not the Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well themselves.  And it doesn't hurt if we can do so with a sense of humor.  Here is a Jon Stewart abstinence laugh.  When abstinence doesn't work Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 181 2008-05-04 01:12:32 2008-05-04 01:12:32 open open packaging-sex-and-abstinence-video-laughter publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216252720 _edit_last 2 My Mom Did What?! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=182 Mon, 05 May 2008 01:12:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=252 So suddenly a research dilemma has surfaced.  There doesn't seem to be any studies regarding what to tell teens about our past.  I mean "our past" doesn't that mean that we can "pass over it" and just let selective senility take its course? I always tried to be an honest Mother.  When one of my sons asked if his girlfriend could spend the night I remember saying, "Absolutely not."  Not one to take "no" for an answer, he pushed a bit harder. "What would you rather have me do -- spend the night with her in the back seat of a car?" Withough skipping a beat I responded, "Yes, cold and uncomfortable, just like we did it.... Well... not me... I meant to say... we... as in my generation...." As the Post story tells when mothers were comparing notes about their most outrageous experience, one mother recounted her days as a topless pole dancer.  A little too much information~ But its a relationship problem and parents needs to make a decision on how to deal with it.  And honestly might be a policy to consider.    However, it depends upon the already established relationship with your teens. A teen who asks "Did you smoke pot?" Might deserve the answer, "The reason I know how dangerous it can be is that 'yes' I did try it." The article says, "Research does show that it's important for parents to establish clear household values. 'If you don't want your kid to have unprotected sex, or you don't want them having sex when very young, or doing drugs, it's very important to show very strong disapproval of that,' Manlove stressed. In other words, you risk sending a mixed message if you broke any of those rules and then ask your child not to break them." Make a pros and cons list.  Understand the maturity level of your child. Try to hear the question that he or she is really asking.  Do they want to know about YOUR past?  Or are they asking about your past in order to gauge an action they are contemplating in the the present or future. The Post articles noted, "Especially with teens, it is helpful for parents to remain authoritative without being authoritarian, and it is hard to be authoritative if there has been too much self-disclosure." The Secret Lives of Moms Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 182 2008-05-05 01:12:50 2008-05-05 01:12:50 open open my-mom-did-what publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421639 _edit_last 2 Hunches and Intuition: Relationship Saviors http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=183 Tue, 06 May 2008 12:01:02 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=253 We often think of intuition as that “funny feeling inside” when something is going wrong. But it can work miracles for you. Hotel chain magnate Conrad Hilton played his hunches and built his empire. Golf champion Jack Nicklaus dreamed of the swing that lifted him out of a slump and perfected his game. What does this have to do with relationships? The point is simple. If turning over a problem to the creative psyche can lead to a hotel chain, a championship golf game, and a Nobel Prize (yes the nerve impulse experiment of Physicist Otto Loewi) just think of what it can do to improve your relationships. In fact the possibilities are only limited by the boundaries of your imagination. Intuition needs a higher pedestal The problem with intuition is that most people only think about it as a warning. In a failed relationship, so many people say “I never saw it coming.” Yet when they rethink the situation they admit:
    • “I suppose we talked about it, but I didn’t want to believe what I was hearing.”
    • “I sensed that something was missing, but I thought it was my fault.”
    • “I was always suspicious, but I couldn’t exactly tell you why.”
    But those who face themselves honestly will admit “I knew it. I just knew it.” So here we are back to honesty again. It is time to retrain your instincts so that you can hear the voice inside you lead you to a more positive place.  That postive place is one of honesty within our own hears.]]>
    183 2008-05-06 12:01:02 2008-05-06 12:01:02 open open intuition-and-hunches publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421624 _edit_last 2 91 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-06 15:02:53 2008-05-06 15:02:53 1 0 0
    Do Intuition and Destiny marry? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=184 Wed, 07 May 2008 00:56:28 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=250 After yesterday's posting on Hunches and Intuition, a reader wrote and asked, "Do intuition and destiny marry?"  Hope Roderick comes back to clarify.   Intuition leads to bonding love:  Intuition leads us to our destiny, the man or woman to whom we are destined for life long love.  I am not talking about infatuation, not that high moment of waking on air that feels like and becomes an addiction in which we try to ignore what our inner voice is telling us -- or even waving the red flags.  I am talking about a relationship in which two people are clear in their minds that each can offer the other treasured, honest love with no strings attached.  No hidden agendas.  I have a friend who just married; his new wife talks more about her shoes than her love.  I certainly can't judge a sister Imelda.  But as one friend pointed out -- other than her shoes and smile -- what does she bring to the table? When something doesn't feel right: If you are in a relationship that is satisfying for the most part, but "something doesn't feel right" listen to your inner voice. Talk to your friends.  Then talk to your new love.  Listen for fine line between truth and near-truth.   And if something does really annoy you, confront without being confrontational.  Sometimes people shade the truth because they are afraid.  Make it easy for both or you to put all of your cards on the table. Remember the Emmet Fox story about an irritation as an ember that flies from the fireplace. If it stays on your sleeve, it will burn a hole. “Flick it off.” Trust your instincts: Once you start to trust your intuition you will find the courage to get out relationships that are hurtful. Then you will have room for wonderful new opportunities. The comments from hundreds of interviews in writing my books indicate that many women give away too much of themselves in relationships by loving someone who is is hurting them emotionally or even physically. There was a recent New York Times article that says “Hope” is the negative force that keeps us chained. You stay stay in a relationship because you hope it will get better. Change even for the better is stressful. But if it is time for a change – do so with love. Serendipity's surprise: Make room in your life and heart for Serendipity's surprise. Serendipity is chance -- those chance meetings that come out of the blue. When you stop home to pick up an umbrella and an old college love stops by "taking a chance that you might be there."  Sitting next to someone at a graduation and discovering that you both love to laugh, like the feel of newsprint on your hands, and adore champagne. What is key is keeping a positive attitude.  When someone bumps into you and spills coffee, look up and smile.  It could be the love of your life. What does your intuition tell you about your choices in relationships up to now? What is the mistake you keep making over and over again? Decide now to change the pattern --find a partner who brings out the best in you -- and you will both find yourselves loving life! And yes, intuition and destiny do marry when we are open.  When we say to the universe, I am looking for life long love then we should keep our eyes open wide, because life long love is looking for us as well. Yearnings and Intuition: Rabbi Irwin Kula in his book called Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life  says, in the opening section on LOVE --"It all begins with the yearning for love.  The observation 'It is not good to be alone' is the first intuition about human beings in the Bible, in the story of Adam and Eve."  Rabbi Kula's interpretation is one in which intuition and destiny embrace as Adam and Eve move from the garden of disappointment into the world of  intimacy. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 184 2008-05-07 00:56:28 2008-05-07 00:56:28 open open destiny-and-intution-marry publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226077594 _edit_last 2 92 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-07 17:03:26 2008-05-07 17:03:26 1 0 0 Boo to Barbara; Yes, I Interviewed Her Back When http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=185 Thu, 08 May 2008 00:14:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=256 Ridgewood Hearld News.  She was showing a group of young reporters a picture of her daughter.   The reporters oohed and aahed trying to decide if the baby looked more like Barbara or the baby’s father.  "Who do you think the baby looks like?"  She asked.  I replied, “I remember when you had the Baby.”  “Then you watch the show,” is what she said to me. And gave me an extended interview. At the time, I owned a TV – don’t own one now and haven’t for many years.  What I do remember is Barbara talking on air about her daughter’s adoption. At the time, she seemed honest and sincere and I really liked her.  But I am terribly disappointed that she would talk about an affair with a married man.  I know infidelity seems to be the way of the world.  It doesn't make it right.  And it doesn't mean we should be announcing it to the world. So maybe what Barbara is thinking is this -- what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.  If men can talk about their affairs, maybe this is how women can stand up and be counted.   Barbara talks about the glass ceiling!  Surely women can stand on their integrity rather than whacking the glass ceiling with "barbs" and secrets in order to be noticed. Barbara tells all And by the by, Star Jones is blasting the blabbing of Barbara. Blasting WaWa  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 185 2008-05-08 00:14:04 2008-05-08 00:14:04 open open boo-to-barbara publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421585 _edit_last 2 Cheating: Husbands, Wives, Orchids and Wasps http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=186 Sat, 10 May 2008 03:25:47 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=258  What’s happening here? This is a lazy Saturday with just a few varied stories. We are big fans of Dr. Scott Haltzman who wrote The Secrets of Happily Married Women and The Secrets of Happily Married Men.  His words of wisdom and efforts to keep marriages solid are laudable. In this link he is highlighted explaining why it is the men cheat. There are lots of stories out there right now that are talking about men cheating on women when they don't hear enough gentle words. But on the flip side, men who are secretive and can’t talk to their wives or lovers often find that their wives are straying seeking to fill the void. No one likes to hear, “Let’s talk” but marriages and relationships frequently falter simply because there isn’t enough talk or if there is and one party disagrees, the friction starts. Rather than face and fix it, someone just leaves. Sad isn’t it? Why men cheat The orchids and the wasps: And now the problem of orchids that mimic female wasps. They are luring away the males. While the flowers benefit from the pollinators, apparently it is taking its toll on the female wasps. It seems that even in nature, there is some cheating going on. Orchids and wasps Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 186 2008-05-10 03:25:47 2008-05-10 03:25:47 open open cheating-husbands-and-wives publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421535 _edit_last 2 93 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-05-12 02:17:43 2008-05-12 02:17:43 1 0 0 The Wedding Report and Forgiveness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=187 Sun, 11 May 2008 00:16:15 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=259 Yet ironically, a well documented yearly Canadian report says that depression rates nearly double when couples are ending a marriage verses those who stay in the relationship.   However, here is good news.  Minor changes to one’s life style, which result in a change of attitude, are within reach.  These include expanding one’s social circle, identifying stressors, and practicing forgiveness. Friendships are protective.  The Journal of the American Medical Association found that when healthy volunteers were infected with a cold virus, those who had a network of social contacts were less likely to get sick than the loners.  Friends help you to stay balanced, will help you laugh at yourself, and understand the forgiveness factor.   Too often when marriage becomes rocky people ignore the problem or they take their differences to the public arena and this is a dangerous place because you are bordering on cynical hostility.  What are some of the signs that you are verging on hostility? Being crticial of others, blaming others, reliving events that make you angry,  sniping at your spouse or partner in public.  What eventually happens is that friends being to avoid you, may call less frequently.  This is sad because the real danger with cynicism and anger is that they are predictors of heart attacks. Practice forgiving.  It is a lot simplier than you might think.  Write down the one thing that is bothering you about your spouse or lover.  Ask yourself what role you are playing in problem.  Then write ten positive qualities of your partner.   A friend who long practiced Religious Science says it takes ten positives to cancel out one negative.  Begin to see yourself interacting with the positive person with whom you fell in love. Take a chance and embrace change, a change in thinking from anger to forgiveness. It will do wonders for your heart and may save your marriage or relationship.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 187 2008-05-11 00:16:15 2008-05-11 00:16:15 open open wedding-and-forgiveness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421518 _edit_last 2 Hillary on Top? It’s Sounding Like Confused Lovers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=188 Mon, 12 May 2008 01:09:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=260 One day Hillary is the love, next day it is Obama. Hillary is up. Obama is down. And vice versa. What's the tie breaker? Liza Porteus Viana may have delivered us the answer. She said, "Over a dozen 'swing state' Democratic members of Congress today sent a letter to others in their party saying Clinton is the best option for the 'top of the ticket.' She says, "Not the best option for just 'the ticket,' but 'the top' of the ticket. That's what's needed to beat John McCain in the general election ... It appears that in three Quinnipiac University Swing State polls released May 1 show that among white working class voters, Clinton has strong leads over McCain - and runs much better than Barack Obama - in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. If Obama is the Democratic nominee, he's in a tight race with McCain in Florida and Ohio, but takes Pennsylvania." Now this is the real consideration here.  NO ONE has made it to the White House since 1960 without carrying two of these three swing states.   Why is this like deciding between two lovers -- we all want the Brass Ring and want to be sure we made the right choice. Political-machine Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 188 2008-05-12 01:09:00 2008-05-12 01:09:00 open open hillary-as-confused-lover publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421503 _edit_last 2 94 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-12 22:56:18 2008-05-12 22:56:18 1 0 0 What is Love? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=189 Wed, 14 May 2008 00:11:27 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=264 For about two years now, it seems that I have been working pretty much non-stop.  While we took time for several plays and a few formal events, somehow the symphony never made it on the calendar.   Tonight sitting with enchanting friends in the second row -- I was dazzled.  I could see the pianist's lips move as he spoke to the keyboard.  I could dance with his fingers as they teased and glided over the keys.  I could feel his body breathe and drink in the sounds.  There was no musical score to distract him, he and Beethovan's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major, op. 73 were one and the same. Yes, this was love.  His love of music and our love for the gift he gave to the audience. I closed my eyes and realized that whether married, single, or coupled -- music lightens up the soul.  From tempting little adagio whispers, to cello sounds creating butterflys, to the thundering orgasmic crescendo of the full orchestra, I was captivated by love.  The musicians and pianist were in dialogue with each other exchanging alluring melodies. I was intrigued by the eye's of the young child with us.  And as I glanced at him, the hand of a gentleman keeping time at the end of our row caught my eye.  My hand was also keeping time. Our hands were in sync. This little bit of serendipity inspired me to write my next column for the Providence Journal.  Sonia Choquette in her book, Your Heart's Desire, says that one of the things we need to think about when we have a dream or a goal is to focus on feelings.  When you are writing and hit a dry spot it is difficult to remember words flying off a page.  But sometimes just the act of sitting and writing anything helps me reclaim my voice. But this is a blog about love and relationships, and so here are some ways that she might suggest if companionship is your desire. Use your imagination to fashion a dream.  If you wish to bring love into your life, here are some ideas that will help you attract what you desire:
  • Speak words of love and speak loving.
  • Give praise and good wishes generously.
  • Think about what the person will feel like when close to you.
  • Hear a conversation in your head as to what you will talk about.
  • Answer the question, "What will my day look like if I start it and end it with the love of my life.
  • And I would like to add, make time for one another that doesn't consist of doing, but being and enjoying and relaxing and loving. Keep in mind that we are talking life long love, not a momentary fling or thrill that starts out hot and fiery but burns out fast when you discover why "love is blind." This is about the true, stable companionship of joys and sorrows, good times and bad, agreements and disagreements -- but always you can say, "I am here."  The question of love has been asked for centuries.  One of the most enduring quotes is from Corinthians: Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous. Love is never boastful nor conceited; it is never rude or selfish. Love does not take offense neither it is resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s faults, but delights in the truth. Love is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. 1 Corinthians 13:4 One can search for love, or one can wait for love.   But for certain one must prepare the heart to give and receive love.   The more love we give to others, the more likely love will come to us. The choice is ours. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    189 2008-05-14 00:11:27 2008-05-14 00:11:27 open open love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250301231 _edit_last 2 95 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-14 16:33:03 2008-05-14 16:33:03 1 0 0
    Love Making: Duration by Romance vs. the Clock http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=190 Thu, 15 May 2008 00:20:35 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=268 AP announced an upcoming report regarding the ideal duration for sex, couples seem to be concerned about performance.  Isn’t the ultimate intimacy supposed to be the ultimate expression of love? We like to believe that love making is the coming together literally and figuratively of a couple whose hearts and souls are united.  And when that is the case, there is no such thing as the perfect length of time or duration for love making because time is lost in ecstasy. But in our society of incurable researchers, a number has been placed on optimal sexual duration, and yes, a stop watch was used.  We did talk about this before -- April 4th --  but many of you had questions that were left unanswered. Satisfaction: Now that the actual research has been published, these are the findings.  A satisfactory sexual experience – excluding foreplay -- lasts from 3 to 13 minutes according Penn State Erie researchers. How was this determined?  Through a survey of 50 members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research who as a group have seen thousands of patients over several decades. On the clock: The average responses for duration said that "adequate," ranged between 3-7 minutes; "desirable,"  between 7-13 minutes; whereas 1 -2  minutes was "too short"  and 10 – 30 minutes was considered "too long". The goal of the study was to present realistic data about acceptable love making, thus preventing sexual disappointments and dysfunctions. Here is the abstract. Duration of Intercourse The art of romance: Given the reports about cheating and infidelity making headlines today, it makes one wonder if married couples or couples in general have forgotten the art of romance.  I know of couples in which the husband or lover still leaves chocolates under the pillow or a rose at the breakfast table.  They make a point of leaving each other little love notes in surprising places -- from bathroom mirror to inside suitcases to jacket pockets. We will be presenting another report regarding satisfaction among married couples which is more positive than some of the gloomier findings these days. Couples worried about sexual performance and duration might first take a look at romance. And if what is happening in the bedroom is boring, then try loving words or another room -- or paint the room you have! Here is a terrific article from WebMD: 10 Secrets to a Better Love Life The magazine rack: Or get yourselves any one of the May magazines on the news stands – it seems that from Cosmo to GQ, from Women’s Health to Men’s Health the number of new tricks are enough to make one’s head spin, but duration aside, just reading the pages will spice up your life. April 4, Optimal duration for sex and 2 good comments! Because we do read our mail, although Ferol wishes you would respond in comments instead, please WATCH FOR more advice and information about:
    • Sex with your ex
    • Can ex-lovers remain friends?
    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    190 2008-05-15 00:20:35 2008-05-15 00:20:35 open open sex-duration publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252255983 _edit_last 2 96 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-15 16:47:38 2008-05-15 16:47:38 1 0 0
    Deception in Love and Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=191 Fri, 16 May 2008 00:31:09 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=271   That article regarding deception before sharing intimacies appeared  in the February issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.  The researchers noted: “Prevalence of lying and deception within our society is found in countless forms, including literature, movies, self-help books, advice columns, and websites.” As such they were developing a behavior-based sexual discussion scale. Their expectation was to focus on deceptions that individuals use in order to engage in sex.  They hypothesized that deception might be contributing to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases STDs).  How did the students fare with respect to the types of lies? It was reported in one sample that 85%  admitting to lying to a relationship partner. What did they lie about?  The most prevalent lie (58%) was with regard to caring for, their love for, their partner. Being unfaithful to one's partner, kissing another person were also among the frequently mentioned. (But I would like add here, that sometimes one needs discretion before engaging in a "tell all.") What were the top love and sex lies?
    • The number of previous partners (31.1%),
    • Having an orgasm (26.2%),
    • Telling a partner that he or she was "the best" (17.5%),
    • Saying, "I love you" (16.7%),
    With regard to STDs  the deception was surprising.  Nondisclosure rates ranged from 12% to 33% to primary partners with regard to STDs and among those with genital herpes 38% did not disclose to their regular sexual partners (with a higher percentage of nondisclosure for casual partners). And as for those with  human papillomavirus (HPV), the deception rate was a whopping 69% that is, those who failed to disclose their serostatus to new partners prior to sexual intercourse.  (There is a movement on right now suggesting that teen age boys as well as girls should be considering the new vaccine.) Who were the participants?  These were 267 sexually active students from two major universities in Southern California. Participants received credit toward a psychology class requirement in exchange for their involvement in the study. Role models are absent: To suggest that the lies are a blatant betrayal of trust is to state the obvious.  And yet, while the values of the students might be disturbing, we must wonder, "Where are the role models?"  Indeed over the past few months the images of politicians who had been cheating on their wives has been seen all over the media.  There they are, the politicians beating their chests in a endless stream of mea cupa’s.  The wives are stoic.  Our hearts break for the children.  However, there is also new research that points to celibate marraiges where two people stay together for the sake of children.   Adults -- deception or discretion? This is another story. Some material suggests that adults color the truth even more so than college students with regard to past lovers.  Time, memory, and fear of admission have a way of "clearing the slate" of partners who were not significant others.  They may be exercising discretion.  Our past may shape who we are but in going forward many people reinvent themselves -- and perhaps in so doing, they are shedding negative behavior.  Nonethless as we look at a current study among college students, it seems that our value system has gone awry. This is the sexual deception discussion model http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-34129767_ITM            Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    191 2008-05-16 00:31:09 2008-05-16 00:31:09 open open deception-in-love-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421360 _edit_last 2 97 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-16 14:39:14 2008-05-16 14:39:14 1 0 0 98 MarguaritaWatson@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-16 17:09:06 2008-05-16 17:09:06 1 0 0
    Some Ex-Lovers Can’t Be Friends http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=192 Sat, 17 May 2008 00:01:42 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=273   It seems that a 24 year old speech therapist was head over with a man she wanted to marry.  But after the break up she discovered that her ex-lover was cheating and even had a MySpace page. She is devastated, but look what she says about him, “He was a nobody and through the years (4 years) I loved him and fought for him to become somebody.”  He wants to be friends:  Apparently he became a somebody, even got a job with the airlines, but instead of staying with “brokenhearted” he is now living with another women who has a child and “who depends on him for a place to live.”  But he still wants to be friends, calls begging, and insists he is trying to get of the mess.  The woman beneath her: What she find upsetting is not just losing this man to another woman – but to a woman whom she indicates is manipulative and beneath her and who calls her as well.   Needless to say the reader's advice was "no calls, no contact." Non-judgmental: It is difficult to be non-judgmental, but Deepak Chopra reminds us that in The Course on Miracles there is a passage, “Today I will judge nothing that occurs.”   And by that he also means, “I will judge no one.” It is so hard to do, believe me.  But women who have given this a try find that it helps them acknowledge their feelings of anger and thoughts about their ex-lovers, but rise above it. Some are grateful to lose what in this young woman’s case was “a millstone around her neck.”  Many others simply become wistful  because of the emptiness. Can ex-lovers be friends?  I think in some cases they can and should be -- next week we will explore this further.  Also coming: "Manipulation and Co-dependency" and "Getting Over and Ex-Love" and a reader’s question, “Therapists, what’s going on here?”   See comments from May 9th and 10th. (A NOTE ABOUT EDITING --In most cases, comments are not edited.  But one reader signed off “Damaged goods” and I requested that our administrator “the comment sign-off guru” delete the signature.  It made me feel sad.  It's my blog.  And I didn't want to feel sad.  But in reality, we all have little cracks in our personalities.  Some heal over time.  Some need to be patched by friends.  Others just become a part who we are.  Yet every one of us, despite a few dents and cracks, has a unique gift deep inside our hearts that will be a blessing to someone, somewhere.  / Rita E)]]> 192 2008-05-17 00:01:42 2008-05-17 00:01:42 open open breaking-up-ex-lovers-and-friends publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421341 _edit_last 2 Schachter in Lights at RISD, NYU, Yankee Stadium http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=193 Sat, 17 May 2008 09:51:32 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=278 New York Post about NYU’s graduation at Yankee Stadium and now David Schachter is “Busted” at RISD with his film reviewed in the Providence Journal.   Tonight, David’s film will be shown at RISD along with the projects of other graduating seniors.   And here is the review from the Providence JournalRISD Film Festival.   Scroll down to the 7th paragraph. Congratulations David and a belated Happy Birthday. Here are Michael's words from our Blog post: Yankee Stadium for NYU Grads: A Decisionmaking Flunk What's the connection here? David and Michael are brothers whose names are already making headlines. To Steve and Sue, Mazel tov! This just in!  Steve Schachter's Op-Ed appeared today in the Providence JournalWeighing the Risks and Benefits of Anti-epileptic Drugs. Now if I just had a picture of the beautiful jewelry made by Susan Schachter, her Artful Jewel designs, then this family blog post would be complete. Since I am one of her biggest fans, I will remember to take a photo and upload. Or contact her directly at artfuljewel@gmail.com and she can send you some photos.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson and Ferol Vernon]]> 193 2008-05-17 09:51:32 2008-05-17 09:51:32 open open risd-nyu-yankee-stadium publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421277 _edit_last 2 Getting Over Your Ex-Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=194 Sun, 18 May 2008 02:00:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=275
    • Fall in love with a new habit even if it is a walk around the park --and it will help you get over your ex if you truly observe what is around you.
    • Take up exercise and run until you are breathless and your head will spin and your will forget about your ex at least for those moments.
    • Find a new hobby or read a good book that totally captivates you and you won't give a thought to your ex.
    • Go out with real friends and never discuss your ex-lover.
    • Plant a window garden, nurture it, care for it,  and watch the flowers bloom -- become absorbed enough in the process and you will think about it as a way of planting new seeds in your heart to blossom new feelings for new love. 
    • Write a long list of all your own positive qualities until you feel good about yourself again and will wonder why you ever loved your ex-love.
    • Remind yourself each day that somewhere in the universe is a person looking for you.
    Can ex-lovers be friends?  As I said yesterday I think in some cases they can and should be — next week we will explore this further.  Also watch for the upcoming: “How co-dependents manipulate and eventually dominate in their demand for loyalty."  "How women in Tokyo have learned to seduce men who are caretakers." "Therapists, what’s going on here?”  -- an answer to a reader's question. See May 9th and 10th. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    194 2008-05-18 02:00:34 2008-05-18 02:00:34 open open getting-over-your-ex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421258 _edit_last 2
    Are You Being Manipulated by a Co-Dependent? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=195 Mon, 19 May 2008 01:00:40 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=277 Coping with Codependency by Kay Marie Porterfield offers a few definitions to help us recognize the signs.  We present them here. Notes in italics are ours, although they are not original thoughts, but rather a compilation of conventional wisdom, anecdotal material, and research. (I encourage you to read About Kay Marie.) People-pleasing. When we tell people what we think they want to hear no matter what we are really thinking and feeling, we are trying to manipulate them into liking us. We pretend to be what we are not in order to avoid conflict and prevent people from rejecting or leaving us. NB: You are being manipulated when people are not honest with you. Being instantly intimate. Sometimes codependents crave closeness so much that we overwhelm people by crashing through their boundaries. We try to spend every minute we can with them. We share our problems with then, whether they want to listen or not. We demand absolute loyalty. NB: You are probably being manipulated when someone tells you the intimate details of his or her life when you first meet.  When someone so overwhelmes you with stories of past abuse that you become enraged at the abuser, you are being manipulated.  With regard to the loyalty Kay Marie speaks of (and its first cousin "jealousy") you may well be asked to account for your whereabouts at every moment and checked-up on.  You may be asked often if you are looking at, having sex with, or a have a deep friendship with someone else. Caretaking. We confuse caring about people with taking care of them. Often we try to help people when they neither want nor need our help. Other times we may hook up with people who really do need help and we give so much of it that we keep them dependent on us. NB:  This is confusing.  But men are considered to be so vulnerable to medically needy women that a new craze is on -- women on Tokyo are using eyepatches and gauze wrapped around their heads or arms to attract a man. Watch for an upcoming blog post about this. Playing guilt games. Instead of owning up to the anger we feel when our manipulations fail to work, codependents walk around feeling hurt and sad. We usually make certain the people around us know how bad they have made us feel and try to make them feel guilty for hurting or disappointing us. NB: You may be a victim of manipulation when you confront the co-dependent with the truth,  then he or she becomes angry with you for the accusation.  You may be THE MANIPULATOR if someone is honest with you and says things you don't want to hear and then you punish them by telling them they made you feel guilty. What really gets mixed up here is when you begin to treat others who are not co-dependent with you as if they are thus alienating family and friends who really care about you and love you, just as you are. For more about co-dependency visit this website.   http://www.kporterfield.com  and re-read the Blog post of Manipulation and academia. What do we do about the co-dependency and manipulation trap?  Think of yourself as a valuable person who can be loved and appreciated without getting sucked in by manipulators.  Find ways, through friends who believe in you, or therapy, to break the habit, the learned behavior, that really doesn't serve you well. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 195 2008-05-19 01:00:40 2008-05-19 01:00:40 open open manipulation-and-co-dependency publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421241 _edit_last 2 What if … marriage thoughts & Same-Sex Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=196 Tue, 20 May 2008 02:00:14 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=274  What IF … she really didn’t mean to say those hurtful words? … he honestly forgot your birthday ... your problems don’t last forever? … you were both wrong? … you didn’t leave? … you fell in love all over again? ... you made it? ...this time things were truly different? From “Still the One” by Martha Bolton as adapted from Lists to Live By: For Everything that Really Matters Multnomah Publishers REGARDING SAME SEX MARRIAGE I think one of the most interesting articles on the topic came from syndicated columnist Deb Price -- Sneakiness Wins]]> 196 2008-05-20 02:00:14 2008-05-20 02:00:14 open open what-if-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421226 _edit_last 2 “Injured Doll” Syndrome Attracts Caretaker Men http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=197 Tue, 20 May 2008 02:24:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=279 We talked about the story of women who are realizing that men are attracted to women who need to be taken care of by someone.  It is a form of manipulation, but it seems to be working.  The fetish story hit Boing Boing about a year ago, but has just made it into American's mainstream women's magazines.  We read about it in Marie Claire. For more, here is the link. Injured Doll Attraction You may want to read our posting "Are You Being Manipulated by a Co-Dependent?  This gives a pretty clear picture of how this behavior fits into the needs of men who like taking care of "broken dolls" --women who are needy little girls. Guess it is time to get back to The Dictionary of Love and Danger: For Men Only which we are compiling into an e-book for clueless men and the women who love them. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 197 2008-05-20 02:24:20 2008-05-20 02:24:20 open open injured-doll-syndrome-attracts-caretaker-men publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421203 _edit_last 2 99 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-20 15:36:21 2008-05-20 15:36:21 1 0 0 Three Date Rule — Hold Out or Make Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=198 Wed, 21 May 2008 02:26:17 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=280 The readers who comment on this  question in Yahoo's "Shine"  have a variety of answers.  But they essentially fall into three categories:  do what feels best;  follow the three date rule; or get to know someone before you bed down with them.   
    • Doing what feels best -- basically trust your gut.  If deep inside you feel you should get to know someone better, than do it.  You heart always gives you the right answer.  And if you feel the need to question either yourself or a friend, the anwer is probably "no."
    • Follow the three date rule -- that's pretty silly, what can you learn by the third date that you don't already know on the first?  It is basically superficial and artificial. Rule out the rule, I'd say.
    • Wait until you get to know someone better.  This probably makes the most sense.  By waiting until the "Bloom wears off the rose," you might have had that infatuation period cool down just enough :
                  -->>   to  begin appreciate and to believe in the qualities of your new love,              -->>    to question some of his or her motives, or              -->>    to face what you would rather not face -- that you have been sucked in by someone who has said all the right things, but who basically lured you into a game for their own gain. (Not your sweetheart? Watch more TV re-runs!) The love business can be tricky.  While some people are totally honest, and who truly wish for lifelong love, there are just as many who have had the opportunity to read you like a simple graph.  For the clueless, the oblivious, the too trusting -- you may have a none too pleasant surprise.  In the words of Denny Crane, "Love is an ugly business, my friend.  An ugly, ugly business." My best aswer -- is WAIT -- if the person you think you love today is really right for you, then you will be in love tomorrow and the next day and the day after with no tension, regrets, or surprises.   The relationship may not always be smooth.  But you will stick with it because you will believe in a companion who will share with you the good times and the sad ones.  However,  each morning you will wake up knowing that you are loved!  Copyright 2008  Rita Watson ]]>
    198 2008-05-21 02:26:17 2008-05-21 02:26:17 open open should-i-hold-out publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421191 _edit_last 2 100 MarguaritaWatson@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-21 12:16:50 2008-05-21 12:16:50 1 0 0 101 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-21 14:21:39 2008-05-21 14:21:39 1 0 0 102 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-05-22 20:52:14 2008-05-22 20:52:14 1 0 0
    Could You Have Sex Every Day? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=199 Wed, 21 May 2008 13:57:59 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=281 Frankly, from men and women who have shared this info with me, most men talk a good game -- vacations are times of great intimacy -- but once back into daily routine, they fade fast.  Women have a different attitude.  The real issue is how well you both communicate.  If  two people respect each other's words, whether or not they agree, but at least face each other and talk about the problem -- then loving daily is not only possible, but will become a natural extension of feelings. Yes, sex every day is possible. But women or men who have fallen in love with their critical side, "How many times have I told you...." will find that love and intimacy will leave them cold. Sex Every Night? If I can offer any advice here it is this -- spend time often with someone you love.  Make a date every day to just be together to talk, to smile, and to interpret the silences.  Even 10 minute coffee breaks are good. I remember when I was a daily commuter and would meet husbands on the train.  They often said that they joined their spouses for a drink every night. Many of them are still married, and happily.  Am beginning to wonder if that little ritual is what fostered continuity, communication, and loving.  (As for daily sex, I never asked.  But as I think back, they all had a twinkle in their eyes.) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 199 2008-05-21 13:57:59 2008-05-21 13:57:59 open open sex-every-day publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421175 _edit_last 2 103 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-21 12:58:44 2008-05-21 12:58:44 1 0 0 Girls Cigar Night Out: Sexy Guys and Friendship http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=200 Thu, 22 May 2008 00:43:56 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=282 Apparently cigar smoking women are becoming all the rage.  So I stopped in at our local smoke-filled Tobacco shop — nearly choked — but learned a few good tips about cigars for women.  Stay away from those long, thin things. "Too harsh, not at all gentle on the lips," I was told.  "And they don’t have that smooth mild flavor." A good cigar for a good guy: Hmm I wasn’t thinking in terms of eating them so flavor didn’t occur to me.  The kindly Tobacconist suggested Hampton Court's Macanudo.  The first time I bought cigars was at smoke-shop off Glouster Street in Boston.  I went into the emporium where men sat  in leather chairs, sipped glasses of wine, puffed on their Davidoff's -- and I requested  a good cigar. “What’s the occasion?” I was asked. “Just a good cigar for a good guy,” I replied. The Tobacconist raised his voice for the other men to hear.  “THE LITTLE LADY WANTS A GOOD CIGAR FOR A GOOD GUY!” I had forgotten that since the Monica and Bill days, a cigar will never again be just a cigar.  While the men all chuckled, I slipped into the back room to perouse the hand-rolled leaves. Finally I settled for some pricey Davidoff’s — very pricey — anniversary editions.  (A good cigar for a good Professor.) Choosing was so difficult that I subscribed to Cigar Aficionado, not just to learn about cigars, but because their covers always sport men such as Tom Selleck, William Shatner, Tiger Woods and even The Blues Brothers.  Friendship on Boston Legal: What is it that I love so much about the show?  The lawyers, the bantering, the good writing.  But most of all I love the friendship.  Yet tonight Alan and Denny were rivals in court. (A conflict of interest, but this is TV).  Their friendship was put to the test.  They stopped speaking and sharing.  They questioned whether or not they were friends.  "Is our friendship worth no more than a jigger of scotch? " asked Denny. What is friendship?  Suddenly Alan realized he spent so much time trying cases that he wasn't making the time to be a friend.  From tonight's show, words to live by:  "Friendship is like a backyard garden.  We always plan to tend to them, but we put it off until next week." As the ladies puffed on cigars on a crisp night overlooking the city, someone said, "A cigar is like a friend.  They need to be slowly rolled to light.  You can't just smoke them.  You need to nurture them. You puff gently and get a feeling for the way they taste.  Then as you puff and think, puff and think, something sensual occurs . . ." Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 200 2008-05-22 00:43:56 2008-05-22 00:43:56 open open cigars-girls-sex-friendship publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219289865 _edit_last 2 105 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-22 14:28:17 2008-05-22 14:28:17 1 0 0 The Men Have Their Say: See These Blog Comments http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=201 Fri, 23 May 2008 02:05:50 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=267 And sometimes they don't. Hearing what men have to say might give us some perspective and help us take ourselves less seriously. Here are posts from readers: In terms of vulnerability, men can be clueless when it comes to recognizing manipulation.   May 13th, 2008 • 1 Comment • Sports Jock // May 13, 2008 at 1:15 am Brody here: Feel as if the Prof should answer this one. I’m jumping in because “Manipulate Brody” is written on my forehead. Cheating: Husbands, Wives, Orchids and Wasps Basically it is about communication. No one likes to hear, “Let’s talk” but marriages and relationships frequently falter simply because there isn’t enough talk or if there is and one party disagrees, the friction starts. Rather than face and fix it, someone just leaves and cheats. May 10th, 2008 • 1 Comment • the Professor // May 12, 2008 at 2:17 am Cheating on the significant other. There’s a hot topic.... He had everything he wanted but wanted the next one too. What’s that about? I have a male friend who says, “my problem is I can’t say 'no.'”  Therapists? Tell me what’s going on? We do have a therapist about to comment! Marriage on the Rocks, Infidelity Without End Actually, this is best summed up by the last comment -- betrayal is betrayals is betrayal. May 9th, 2008 • 2 Comments • TheB // May 14, 2008 at 7:28 pm I’m feeling sorry for your francophile friend.  Maybe I can find her a guy among the faithful 33%. So I did a mental survey among all my male friends, relatives and colleagues and sad to say, we all come up wanting. True, we are all monogamous and enjoy sex and if you would pass on the URL of the website where your beauty parlor friends shop for ‘toys’, we’ll happily investigate, but much to your survey’s chagrin, our mistresses are of a different nature: sports and politics mostly, with a couple of race car enthusiasts and deep sea fishermen. RODERICK // May 9, 2008 at 1:52 pm ‘CAN’T THINK IT MATTERS WHAT SIDE OF THE TRACKS HE/SHE COMES FROM; BETRAYAL IS BETRAYAL IS BETRAYAL! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 201 2008-05-23 02:05:50 2008-05-23 02:05:50 open open the-men-say publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421134 _edit_last 2 1020 ckmellor@cox.net 2009-03-07 14:51:01 2009-03-07 17:51:01 0 0 0 Zen Decor and Saying “I’m Sorry” http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=202 Fri, 23 May 2008 02:37:09 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=283 A friend from our group of "usual suspect" wonders how this incurable romantic with no TV could be quoting Denny Crane.  First off,  no, there is no plasma TV hiding behind a  Feng Shui drape, no laptops, no distractions.  In fact, I found a book at the Museum of Fine Arts last night that encouraged me to go into a further furniture rearrangement to create even more harmony by switching and tossing.  As for quoting Denny Crane, "Love is ugly business" instead of  "Love is never having to say you are sorry," I lost my head.  Too much cigar smoke. Now about my decorating mania -- I love arranging and rearranging so much that I remember once when we were going to a wedding my Ex shouted up to one of my sons, "Hey could you hurry up with that shower.  We need to leave for the wedding in an hour and your mother needs to move the bathroom." My goal is always clarity and simplicity.  And yes, I have tried to follow Feng Shui but tonight I read through the Zen book and achieved another look by following the principles outlined in Zen Interiors by Vinny Lee who says, "In the world of Zen philosophy, the balance of elements and nature is central to its beliefs and so vital to the Zen interior, implemented through color as well as objects." What has this to do with love?  In a calm home, a peaceful atmosphere, it is easier to achieve serenity and a meeting of the minds than in a home filled with clutter.  In a place of quiet beauty, hopefully you never find yourself  in a place where you should say, "I am sorry."  But if you find yourselves in a bit of a snit -- truth is -- it doesn't matter who says, "I'm sorry" whether you are right or wrong.  Just  say it, and go on loving. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 202 2008-05-23 02:37:09 2008-05-23 02:37:09 open open zen-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421119 _edit_last 2 What Does He Really Want? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=203 Sat, 24 May 2008 01:04:09 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=284 Am sending you to a link that can be summed up in the following -- there are wants and needs.  For example, he wants no commitment pressure  -- and yet he would like her to be open with her feelings.  A Catch 22 here. Be careful. This link and the magazines, which seem to be in sync say, he wants:
    • An emotionally and financially stable challenge
    • A woman who really enjoys pleasing him and being pleased
    • Someone who keeps herself looking attractive -- no going to bed in sweats
    • He would like someone who respects his emotional and physical space
    • Women who both listen and talk without being disrespectful get high marks
    What he DOES NOT Want: A woman who can be counted upon to make snide, condescending remarks.  The books say for every negative crack it takes five positive remarks.  In fact one of my books says it takes 10 positives to erase one negative. The choice is yours. What they Want Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    203 2008-05-24 01:04:09 2008-05-24 01:04:09 open open what-does-he-really-want publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421105 _edit_last 2 106 jmbodi@cox.net http:// 2008-05-25 14:35:30 2008-05-25 14:35:30 1 0 0
    They’re Getting Married in the Morning! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=204 Sun, 25 May 2008 03:01:45 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=285 This is an exciting day for all of us.  And we are thrilled.  So what are secrets to a happy marriage? Scott Haltzman, MD, tells all in The Secrets of Happily Married Women  and The Secrets of Happily Married Men. The best advice I have ever heard is this: Marriage Secret for HIM -- Each morning when you awake ask yourself, "What can I do to give my wife a happier and stress free day?" Marriage Secret for HER --Each morning when you awake ask yourself, "What can I do to give my husband a happier and stress free day?" How does this work? Take a look at one of my Providence Journal columns. Hormones, Spring Fever and Sex  . From Dr. Haltzman's  Secrets, for wives, he says: “Your actions can show your husband how to care for you. As you cater to your guy, he’s watching and learning what marriage means. He’s enjoying the love and care of his wife and will soon feel, if he doesn’t already, the desire to do the same for you.” Ferol and Ricci -- we are wishing you a lifetime of LOVE! (I promise to take and post photos! For now, here are photos and gossip from a royal wedding that has the Queen Mum steaming. Royal Wedding ) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 204 2008-05-25 03:01:45 2008-05-25 03:01:45 open open marriage-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421087 _edit_last 2 Tone of Voice, Love Enhancer or Wet Blanket http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=205 Mon, 26 May 2008 03:01:06 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=287 I am beginning to sound like a broken record -- but if you want love, you need to watch your words and tone of voice.  It seems as if there is a rash of sniping and sarcasm going around these days.  And in column after column of love advice, women are being admonished to watch their words. But men can be just as cutting even when they are looking for love. The questions are these: 
    • Do you enjoy intimacy? 
    • Do you like to give each other pleasure? 
    • Do you enjoy making love?
    Then a gentle word is the best aphrodisiac.  And a great sense of humor always adds spice to the night. Happy Loving.  Love and Heart Attacks Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    205 2008-05-26 03:01:06 2008-05-26 03:01:06 open open words-and-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421071 _edit_last 2
    Text Message Flirting and Love Codes http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=206 Tue, 27 May 2008 03:01:15 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=286 The way we flirt is changing according to this Chicago Tribune article.  It says that  "the immediacy of text-messaging makes it the preferred medium among information-barraged teens and twentysomethings—it's the contemporary, wireless equivalent of passing notes in class." Well, in fact it is happening with couples and people of all ages.  Can you fill in the words IWU? IWUWM?  IWtoHY. It is reminiscent of the days back when when Aristotle Onassis sent gold bracelets to his sweethears JILY or MILY. So here we have it -- and I guess there is no point in going into the new sex toy -- a silver bullet that can be turned on with a cell phone.  Communication has come a long way! By the by, the reporter noted that "between December 2005 and December 2007, the number of text messages sent and received in the United States increased almost fivefold, from 9.8 billion text messages a month to 48.1 billion, according to The Wireless Association."  How much love is wireless?  Wireless Love Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 206 2008-05-27 03:01:15 2008-05-27 03:01:15 open open text-love-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421057 _edit_last 2 107 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-05-28 00:26:13 2008-05-28 00:26:13 1 0 0 Hidden Agendas http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=207 Wed, 28 May 2008 00:09:14 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=289 You  might recognize these words from one of my Relationship columns, where I go on to say, "The good professor believes that women are masters of the veiled word and tells me, 'You just can’t seem to say what you mean.'" I'm bringing it up again because my Sunday column is about infidelity, because a number of you emailed me about this, and it was the topic of reader's comment.  First off, let me say that once Ferol gets back from his honeymoon, we are moving away from you having to register to leave a comment and making it via a simple email so you can say what you wish to all the readers and not just be emailing me. Second, I promised pictures, but I need to wait for my technical guru to arrive on Friday. Now back to hidden agendas and words.  Words play a real role in the way men  move in and out of a relationship.  While men see sniping and biting words as masking hidden agendas, and oftentimes they do, more women say to me that their biting remarks are a reaction to their man's passive aggressiveness. He withdraws into silence, and cutting words are just a way to "get a reaction."  Even though it may be a negative reaction and push a guy off the relationship cliff, women  find that passive agressiveness is a real relationship downer -- something that pushes them off the edge.  Something occured to me this week-end at the lovely wedding we attended of Ferol and Ricci.  Exhaustion is perhaps the singlemost factor that sends unkind words from women's lips.  I wonder how often two people are just both just so tired, so weary, that their words become thoughtless because they are hurting and wanting just a tiny bit of gentleness and understanding. I for one am going to try something revolutionary -- eight hours of sleep. By the by, here is the column Sexual shutout in hidden agenda hell (Sept 2007) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 207 2008-05-28 00:09:14 2008-05-28 00:09:14 open open hidden-agendas publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421044 _edit_last 2 Paul McCartney, Dr. Ruth & Rita: Yale Graduation http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=208 Wed, 28 May 2008 13:32:16 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=288 I am on deadline trying to get my column in to the Providence Journal,  so this is just a quickie.   What was I doing at Yale? I am a long-time associate fellow at Ezra Stiles, one of Yale's 12 residential colleges.  After walking at break-neck speed through the town, we came to a halt, lined up on either side of the path in the New Haven Green, and waited for the recipients of the honorary degrees to walk through and lead us into the Old Campus.   In a socializing moment of serendipity,  I found myself being introduced to Dr. Ruth Westheimer -- better known as just "Dr. Ruth." Wait till you read what she told me about infidelity!  Still to come: Photos.  And what happened when Sir Paul McCarthy came upon two people, Rita and Dr. Ruth, who believe in love and sex. To the Happy Honeymooners!  Ferol and Ricci hope you are loving every minute of that honeymoon.  Your wedding was exquisitely beautiful and relaxed and romantic and ever-so-much fun.  Love and happiness/ R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 208 2008-05-28 13:32:16 2008-05-28 13:32:16 open open rita-dr-ruth-and-paul-mccartney publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247722696 _edit_last 2 View Paul McCartney Receiving Yale Degree http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=209 Thu, 29 May 2008 00:33:34 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=291 At 1.12:29  I am rushing into the Old Campus behind the Ezra Stiles black and yellow flag and I am wearing sunglasses -- just in front of me was the former Dean wearing a beret.  We are at the far left. Sir Paul, who had been behind us in line had now moved ahead to the grandstand. At 1.15 the Doctor of Law honorary degree was presented. You'll notice that there is no music. At 1:15:47 on the counter, the honorary Doctorate in Music is announced.  Now the music starts quietly, and with Tom Duffy leading the Yale Precision Marching Band, we begin to hear the sounds of "Hey Jude" amid the cheers. Commencement with Paul I remember when my sister and brother-in-law named their son Jude.  And when I heard the music, I of course ... nostalgia. But almost simultaneously, Jeremy and Joshua, my sons, called me.  My sons were pretty much raised on the Ezra Stiles campus.  Since I was sitting next to the women who was Dean at that time, Dean Rita Lipson, hearing from my sons, and thinking of my nephew Jude, I felt as if I was in the midst of family. Promise when the computer guru arrives on Friday, he will get the photographs up of Rita, Dr. Ruth, and Sir Paul.  Just seeing Dr. Ruth's apparent laughter will bring a smile to your face. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 209 2008-05-29 00:33:34 2008-05-29 00:33:34 open open see-paul-mccartney-receive-degree publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247722719 _edit_last 2 Forgiveness, Friendships, and Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=210 Fri, 30 May 2008 01:28:25 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=290 I wish I had the answer.  Best I can do here is to take some info from May 11th and add a note from www.Don'tDateHimGirl.com  -- five reasons men fall out of love. Regarding forgiveness: Men -- The above mentioned site points out that "when things get tough, men go careening off the relationship cliff and often don't look back, also leading them to fall out of love."  To learn more,  check out Why Men Fall Out of Love: What Every Woman Needs to Understand by Michael French. Men are not as forgiving when they discover their wife is having an affair. However, I know of men who are very forgiving and simply let the good law of karma run its course. Women -- While women frequently don't leave, they may hold out on the forgiveness factor especially if they rationalize that they are in the right.  With this attitude, everyone loses. In terms of infidelity, however, women tend to be more forgiving of their husbands, especially when children are involved. Friendships and tenure -- Sometimes relationships and friendships last a lifetime.  Sometimes they are only meant to bring blessings for a particular moment in one's life.  However, I am on the side of the Yale department head, who after learning that a woman turned down tenure to be with her husband in another country -- pounded his desk and said to us, "She was a fool.  Marriages come and go.  But friendships and tenure last forever." Friendships, Relationships, and Forgiveness Friendships are protective. The Journal of the American Medical Association found that when healthy volunteers were infected with a cold virus, those who had a network of social contacts were less likely to get sick than the loners. Friends help you to stay balanced, will help you laugh at yourself, and understand the forgiveness factor. Too often when a relationship of marriage becomes rocky -- for whatever the reasons --people ignore the problem, take  take their differences to the public arena, find solace in an affair, or simply leave.  Practice forgiving. It is a lot simplier than you might think.
    • Write down the one thing that is bothering you about your spouse or lover.
    • Ask yourself what role you are playing in problem.
    • Then write ten positive qualities of your partner. A friend who long practiced Religious Science says it takes ten positives to cancel out one negative.
    • Begin to see yourself interacting with the positive person with whom you fell in love.
    Take a chance and embrace change, a change in thinking from anger to forgiveness. It will do wonders for your heart and may save your marriage or relationship. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    210 2008-05-30 01:28:25 2008-05-30 01:28:25 open open forgiveness-friendships-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214421001 _edit_last 2 108 ritaewatson@aol.com http://www.decisionmakingtips.com 2008-05-30 00:26:11 2008-05-30 00:26:11 1 0 0 109 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-05-30 07:08:00 2008-05-30 07:08:00 1 0 0
    Arts, Romance, and Vision: The Pell Awards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=211 Sat, 31 May 2008 00:45:54 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=292 What is the connection between romance and the arts?  The two interwoven create the fabric of love.  To hear the words spoken in honor of the award recipients, one knew immediately why every couple needs time off from their daily routine to visit an art gallery or museum, attend a musical event, participate in theatre.  During those uplifting moments, the anxiety of the day, the week will dissipate. Stopping to honor: Tonight many people stopped and took time to honor recipients of the awards named for the main sponsor of legislation that established the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities, Senator Claiborne Pell.   As we listened to the words and what it means to cherish works of art, music, and theatre, I wondered why we didn't stop more often to honor and cherish those we love. Those we love: I have been thinking a great deal about friendships, relationships, family, frustrations, and anxiety.  The world as we know it moves too quickly, our plates are too full, our calendars brimming over.  When do we have time to think about those whom we love?  So often in the stress and strain of not enough sleep, we become people that even we don't like -- and yet, when do we stop?  Tonight many of us stopped.  Many of us gathered to honor Roger Mandle, Peter Geisser, Consuelo Sherba and the Trinity Rep Acting Company.  Award Recipients I am I ever so grateful to those friends who made it possible for me -- for us -- to create a memory.   The tent of romance:  After the presentation we were escorted to a tent that filled nearly a city block of theatre sets where we dined on mini servings from the Japanese bar, a Latin lounge, and a French Bistro.  Each had adjoining living rooms, intimately created and defined. We sipped our champagne in a French provincial room of Oriental carpets and silver candleabras.  Couples and vision: For a brief moment in time the willing suspension of disbelief captured us and we began to appreciate the words quoted by one of the speakers, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18) Couples and lovers need a vision -- everyone in a relationship needs a vision.  But for the vision to blossom, we must renew our commitment daily.    Pell Awards Gala Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 211 2008-05-31 00:45:54 2008-05-31 00:45:54 open open arts-romance-pell-awards publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420988 _edit_last 2 Highs and Lows after Dr. Ruth and Paul McCartney http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=212 Sun, 01 Jun 2008 01:19:54 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=293 Since meeting Dr. Ruth and Paul McCartney at Yale I have been on a roller coaster.    I have both walked on air and felt deflated and down.  It happens sometimes. The Pell Awards last night were another high.  And I don't want to forget to mention the wonderful wedding of Ferol and Ricci.  The Rabbi quoted in today's Providence Journal article performed their ceremony.  I know, I promised those pictures as well.  Ferol is MBA on Campus and the blog master guru. So by today, at week's end of too many highs, I crashed and went through one of my moods after too much socializing, and what did I do? I compulsively cleaned.  I went through  bookshelves, closets, and drawers.  Then I found myself standing in a heap of "Now what?"  So I crawled over the mountain of stuff to the computer and there in the links something caught my eye.  And it was precisely what I needed -- laughter. There was a reference to one of my blog posts by Career Coach Malcolm O. Munro.  And this inspired me to find the perfect companion to my "Married but Cheating" article in the Journal today.  This blog post was about "Automatic Confessions." Confessing Adultery, a YouTube Laugh On a more serious note, with a humorous twist, you might wish to read Words, Friendship, and the Laughter Club Video Thank you, Malcolm. I encourage you to visit his site. In giving career advice, he frequently has a pearl of wisdom that helps relationships as well. Career Fitness Coach Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 212 2008-06-01 01:19:54 2008-06-01 01:19:54 open open laughter-dr-ruth-sir-paul publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420970 _edit_last 2 The Newlyweds’ Photo and Glass Slipper http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=213 Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:04:14 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=294 But now you will see why we need to wait for his return to really view photos! Ironically I took my 89 year old parents to Harvard Square's Charles Hotel today to eat outdoors at Legal Seafood.  Suddenly in the middle of the courtyard,  "the wedding planners" arrived.  Within minutes a team transfixed us as they brought in chairs, flowers, tulle, musicians, a minister, and a bride and groom! We were spectators at a wedding! Two in about a week.  If three is the charm I do hope the Prince will return my glass slipper before the next deadline or I will be too busy writing to hop onto the saddle of his white horse.  Ferol and Ricci -- It was an exquisite time!  Thank you for finding each other! img_0651aferol-and-ricci.jpg    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 213 2008-06-02 02:04:14 2008-06-02 02:04:14 open open the-newlyweds-photos publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420950 _edit_last 2 Dr. Ruth & Rita: “Married but Cheating” Op-Ed http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=214 Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:18:00 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=304 In the world of Serendipity,  I met Dr. Ruth at Yale Commencement.  She gave me a quote for my Infidelity Op-ed, "Married but Cheating." Meeting Dr. Ruth is  a wonderful story of two Yale college associate fellows (I'm from Ezra Stiles) and she was across the path (from Calhoun).  Our meeting and talking led to a serenade by Sir Paul McCartney.  Thank you Dean Stephen Lassonde for introducing two woman who believe in "good loving." Here is a link to the op-ed in today's Providence Journal.  The newspaper version read as follows: Married but Cheating Ask Dr. Ruth: Infidelity on the Rise WHEN I WONDERED aloud, “Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?” my colleague retorted, “It never left!” Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas. “Why do men cheat?” I asked Dr. Ruth Westheimer, psychosexual therapist, as faculty and fellows gathered for the Yale commencement this year. Her voice escalated. “It’s not only men! And put an exclamation point there. I have nothing more to say."    Married but Cheating Thank you, Dr. Ruth.  And thank you to all who gave me quotes and interviews. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 214 2008-06-02 02:18:00 2008-06-02 02:18:00 open open dr-ruth-and-rita-married-but-cheating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420934 _edit_last 2 110 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-06-04 23:26:45 2008-06-04 23:26:45 1 0 0 Paul McCartney, Rita, Dr Ruth & She Loves Me Photo http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=215 Tue, 03 Jun 2008 03:22:29 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=305 To Paul McCartney: Thank you. When I hurried Dr. Ruth from Calhoun's side over to our Ezra Stiles' side of the path -- as she experienced the thrill of "holding your hand" we savoured being photographed with you and friends and hearing your spontaneous serenade, "She loves ME, yeah, yeah, yeah." The answer is: "Sir Paul was delightful, playful, and sensitive" to all who asked: "Did he seem bitter since the divorce?" For the graduates: As I watched people whose lives were yet to unfold, I wished for them friendships with those whom they might share their joys and secret saddness. In sharing discreetly to trusted friends -- we come to give voice to fears which then often dissipate to make way for happiness. For my children: I thought of you all and the babies and Abby the Dog, and I wished for you and your friends days and nights filled with playfulness and sensitivity, times to seek and offer forgiveness, and moments to appreciate joy. Despite my admonition to most blogmasters, "I need to look 10 pounds thinner and 10 years younger" here I am sans "Photoshop" with Dr. Ruth and Sir Paul.   Photo one was taken by Dean Rita Lipson. FROM EARLIER POST:  Commencement Video is on May 29th with a time stamp so you can hear the music start quietly as the Honorary Doctorate in Music is announced and then the sounds of "Hey Jude" amid the cheers. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 215 2008-06-03 03:22:29 2008-06-03 03:22:29 open open paulmccartney-rita-dr-ruth-she-loves-me-photo publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247722644 _edit_last 2 Appetites of Men and Infidelity on the Rise http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=216 Wed, 04 Jun 2008 00:31:41 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=306 But in talking with writers from the Atlanta Constitution Journal I learned that New York magazine, May 18, 2008,  had just done a spread on "The Affairs of Men" by Phillip Weiss.  Mind you the next day, Dr. Ruth would point a finger at women.  But for now, the long article seemed to explore some salient facts about why men cheat. Monogamy: A key question was whether or not monogamy is outdated.  “There is no more unnatural principle of social organization than sexual exclusivity.”  But the author points out, 'like other of my male sources, he didn’t want me to use his name.' “Don’t get me divorced!” was the refrain. What about women who cheat? The author points out, "Society is far more judgmental about women who cheat than men; just read Anna Karenina." Cheating website: He also says, "Consider the Website meet2cheat, in which married people find one another for recreational sex; it charges $59 for a man’s three-month entry fee, $9 for a woman. Cheating wives are harder to come by."  Marital bonds and mistresses: Although for some couples an arrangement works as in the case of Yoko Ono and John Lennon.  But it seems that the bond in their marriage was created by a different passion -- their art rather than money or sex. As such there appears to be different types of marriages and different types of relationships.  The final quote of the heady article states, “A relationship is a myth you create with each other. It isn’t necessarily true, but it’s meaningful. The key to that myth is that the other person is enough for you. You know in your head that another person isn’t enough for you. But if you don’t honor the myth, then it crumbles.” The Madonna and Prostitute: The article is good and interesting reading.  But I think my hairdresser has the answer to keep men from straying.  "All men secretly desire a Madonna to the world and a sex siren in the bedroom.  They want variety.  And if we want to keep them from straying, we should play whatever role suits their fancy."   The Affairs of Men (See Married but Cheating for a different perspective.) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 216 2008-06-04 00:31:41 2008-06-04 00:31:41 open open appetites-of-men-and-infidelity-on-the-rise publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420901 _edit_last 2 111 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-04 14:12:10 2008-06-04 14:12:10 1 0 0 112 hotjennihot@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-05 15:02:45 2008-06-05 15:02:45 1 0 0 When Do You Walk Away from Infidelity? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=217 Thu, 05 Jun 2008 00:54:02 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=308 This most recent question from "TheB" asked, "Rita, as a columnist your job is to help us make sense of the world, providing guidance to a subject that has no easy answers. But looking over a number of your columns and blog entries, I’m not convinced that ‘hot sex’ and ‘kind words’ are enough to cool off the tempest of outrage over a violation of trust, a tenet so basic to the marriage contract." The question: "Infidelity, as much as physical and mental abuse, is a soul destroyer so I ask you this question: 'When do you walk away?'"   (See entire comment under Married but Cheating, my Sunday Providence Journal  column.) My Answer -- the inception:  I have really struggled with this answer.  I have often talked with people who really pinpoint the inception of infidelity.  When a relationship isn't going well, both parties know it.  They begin the distancing.  Then sniping and unkind words follow.  Both parties know there is a problem, but most often couples don't want to face it and fix it.  Emotional infidelity:  Too often, when a relationship is in trouble the man walks away thinking he is buying peace at any price -- and for many men, the price they pay is losing the love of their life.  He might even think that the "grass is greener"  and already be putting out feelers. Women have a tendancy to stay, particularly if children are involved.  However, infidelity often takes place within one's mind first. The physical act is simply a manifestation of an emotional process. Psychiatrists say:  Women know when a relationship is in trouble and frequently seek help.  Men on the otherhand often don't show up until after they have been served divorce papers and then they ask, "What happened?" Several answers: But specific to your question, Mr. B, this WebMD feature article might provide some answers about repairing a relationship after infidelity and knowing when to call it quits. Overcoming Infidelity  Preventive medicine: My grandmother believed that you should never let the sun set on your anger.  It would be best if you apologized even if the other person was wrong.  I wonder what would happen if couples took time each day at the end of the day to both talk and listen?  Might they might find greater peace of mind and a bond of friendship that is so dramatic, that infidelity would be out of the question? Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 217 2008-06-05 00:54:02 2008-06-05 00:54:02 open open when-do-you-walk-away-from-infidelity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218499272 _edit_last 2 113 emma_77_18_1@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-05 14:36:30 2008-06-05 14:36:30 1 0 0 114 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-05 16:31:41 2008-06-05 16:31:41 1 0 0 115 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-05 16:55:00 2008-06-05 16:55:00 1 0 0 116 hotjennihot@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-06 16:36:25 2008-06-06 16:36:25 1 0 0 117 wordysmith@sbcglobal.net http:// 2008-06-10 07:32:12 2008-06-10 07:32:12 1 0 0 Why Did He Cheat on Me? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=218 Fri, 06 Jun 2008 00:13:43 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=309 Two comments from readers on the subject of cheating and infidelity have been keeping my mind alert. On the subject of infidelity, in agreeing with my grandmother, Roderick said yesterday, "Touching base-as it were-everyday, leaves less room for distances to occur that may ultimately lead to infidelity." (See Cheating Husbands, Wives, Wasps and Orchids) Togetherness:  My grandmother futher felt that the key to successful relationships was the dining room table -- there people have the opporutnity to share thoughts, interpret silences, understand the meaning of laughter, and generally get a sense from a person's body language what he or she was thinking.  You just know if someone you care about needs some extra tender loving care. Veiled co-dependency:  Some people really don't know how to live with another person day in and day out -- the intimacy of day to day is too threatening.  Additionally, many couples today are in relationships of veiled co-dependency and manipulation.  As such if one becomes stronger or more successful, stress takes over.  Why does anyone cheat? Rhonda Fine, PhD, a clinical sexologist and diplomate of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists says, "There are a variety of reasons why people cheat, and it's not always about the sex. People cheat because they're selfish, immature or narcisstic. Or they're excitement junkies and attracted to the drama. They put their needs ahead of others and rarely blame themselves why they cheated in the first place." To find out more go to Cheating Facts and Myths on AOL   Caretaking, caretaking: I know of one man who still can't settle down.  Right now he is into his 60's and says, "It seems as if I just moved from patient to patient -- all of them younger.  None of them ever bringing an equal share to the table.  But it gave me a false sense of security.  I had more to offer.  Thought they would be grateful and stay.  In the end, I became bored and actually began missing the fight, the challenge with women my own age. And they were flirting with younger men." Why do people cheat?  As I looked back on years of research,  and forgive me for a quick general statement -- women cheat because they are lonely and men cheat for the thrill, the desire to feel rejuvenated.  But most often it is because they are not comfortable in their own skin and need outside affirmation -- and communication stops and intimacy turns cold. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 218 2008-06-06 00:13:43 2008-06-06 00:13:43 open open cheating-and-infidelity-why publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218499190 118 wordysmith@sbcglobal.net http:// 2008-06-10 01:58:37 2008-06-10 01:58:37 1 0 0 Bring Love Forward, Start Timing Backwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=219 Sat, 07 Jun 2008 00:01:28 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=311 Her recipe is simple. 
    • Make a schedule of things to do.
    • Start what is most important.
    • Do that FIRST.
    Read the story of a woman whose French family heritage gave her the gift of her story and then I will tell you how this works with loving. "I come from a long line of French pastry chefs.  I think I could bake Mille-feuille, Petit Fours, and  St. Honore Cake before I could scramble eggs.  When we moved from Paris to Harrison, NY (by the Westchester County Club), we joined a Gourmet Cooking many years ago.  I was always making these elaborate desserts about two hours before we had to leave.  "Then one day my husband said to me, 'Can't you make all these creations the night before? Or at least at the beginning of the day, instead of the end?' "Then I looked into it and sure enough, I had no problem at all.  Nothing in the recipe said I had to wait until the 11th hours.  It changed our whole way of thinking!" Too many stressed women: These past few days too many women told me they didn't have time at the end of the day, or were too tired for lovemaking at night. Suggestion One:
    • Make a schedule.
    • Put a time after each task.
    • Now double the amount of time you think each task will take.
    • Eliminate those that can wait.
    • Do what is most important at the beginning of the day.
    • Eliminate last minute shopping.
    • Schedule yourself time for lovemaking.
    Suggestion Two:
    • Forget the schedule.
    • Learn to be spontaneous.
    • Take a chance on creativity.
    • Turn lovemaking into a treat in whatever room or moment that you can find. 
    • Be playful and stop fretting.
    • Enjoy the week-end.
     Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    219 2008-06-07 00:01:28 2008-06-07 00:01:28 open open bring-love-forward publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420845 _edit_last 2
    Long Distance Relationships — Do They Last? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=220 Sun, 08 Jun 2008 00:48:14 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=312 I know quite a number of married couples who have done quite well on long distance relationships -- both parties were (are) professional couples, totally devoted to each other with  no children.  Meeting in Paris:  For those who have been involved for many years and long distance becomes a job necessity, one of the suggestions that I like best is vacationing together.  Meet in Paris.  Everything is more romantic in Paris.  Just keep in mind that the time together is a fantasy.  Success factors:  Other success factors include ease of travel, time together (every two to three weeks is best), and an approximately equal income helps in terms of independence.  Most often marriage is what makes the relationship a success -- unless it is a second marriage and children are involved -- then the success rate with or without long distance travel is 30 - 40 percent according to family court research.  However, the research on the success of LDRs was conducted primarily on childless couples. It helps to be in the same country, but if not a time zone that makes communicating easy helps.  I just discovered for example that when it is morning here -- it is evening in Dubai.  Same time, just the difference between AM and PM.  Whereas I'm always challenged by those cities that are between 3 and 5 hours phone distance away.   Avice columns:  Most of the advice columns on LDRs -- with regard to new coupls -- suggest an "end" time goal.  Six months for marriage.  But keep in mind that the LDR is artificial in itself -- and that too many couples try it, move in together or wed -- and then face the shock of routine or each other's real habits and needs within three - six months.  That's when the thrill and the excitement is gone and day to day sets in. Indepdent women:  For independent women, it often only takes only a few weeks of being with someone on their turf living their daily business routine to determine if the relationship can go forward.  Women essentially being supported:  Women who are essentially being supported by the man tend to be more patient for up to a full year.  We all know of the couples who seem ideal in public but on "girls night out" the women reveal their true motives, frustrations, and intentions.  And too many caretakers find themselves hurt and wondering, "Why?" So here it is:  From the men and the women.  Some advice and a quiz.  You be the judge.  Ask Men.  From the Women Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 220 2008-06-08 00:48:14 2008-06-08 00:48:14 open open long-distance-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420830 _edit_last 2 Loving 365 Days of Sex and Jane Austen Romance http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=221 Mon, 09 Jun 2008 00:45:03 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=313 This blog featured the story of a woman in Rhode Island who gave her husband 365 days of love-making for his 40th birthday.   The Sunday Times featured more books about couples making love a priority every day. Could You Have Sex Every Day? Keeping love alive: Ferol, our MBA on campus is just back from his honeymoon and for this week I am asking Ferol to tell us how to keep a honeymoon way of thinking every day. We keep reading "What Men Want."  And this week we will talk about "What Men DON'T want"  and in terms of loving and devotion and respect, "What Women Want."  Some other topics:
    • What are the three things men NEVER want to hear.
    • How men react when they DO hear the phrases that set them off.
    • Why some books are saying that being male is hazardous to your health.
    • Why women are being told to turn the other cheek.  (That should be negotiable!) 
    • Why women see action as speaking louder than words.
    Here is a link to the TIMES story by Ralph Gardner, Jr. -- "Yes, Dear. Tonight again."  Lots of Loving Of the two couples Gardner says, "The Mullers are Bible-studying steak-eating Republicans from Charlotte, N.C. The Browns are backpacking multigrain northerners who moved to Boulder, Colo. The Mullers’ book, “365 Nights,” is rather modest and circumspect in its details. The Browns’ book, “Just Do It,” almost makes the reader feel part of a threesome, sharing everything they used to stimulate sexual desire (it’s hard to visualize and even harder to explain)." The Jane Austen Book Club: And if you don't want to spend a night reading -- rent or buy The Jane Austen Book Club video -- it is about love, temptation, divorce and reconciliation, getting over hurt, and finding romance by opening yourself to the possibility.  What I loved most about the film, for every couple there is a happy ending.  Viva Romance! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    221 2008-06-09 00:45:03 2008-06-09 00:45:03 open open 365-days-of-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420815 _edit_last 2 119 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-09 09:56:06 2008-06-09 09:56:06 1 0 0 120 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-06-11 02:55:31 2008-06-11 02:55:31 1 0 0
    Good Girl’s Guide to Living Together “in Sin” http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=222 Tue, 10 Jun 2008 00:01:51 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=314 New Yorker cartonists know that a new survey would show that living together is up,  and marriage down?   According to a USA Today feature today a new report says that more Americans are finding that living together is OK rather than getting married.  The story by Sharon Jayson, noted, "An analysis of cohabitation, marriage and divorce data from 13 countries, including the USA, shows that living together has become so mainstream that growing numbers of Americans view it as an alternative to marriage." The story further noted "that cohabitation elsewhere is far more common and indeed viewed as an option to matrimony. The study found that anywhere from 15% to 30% of all couples identified themselves as living together, compared with about 10% right now in the USA."   An AOL survey on the topic early in the day noted that 57% of the respondants, that is,  6,362 peoople were OK with living together.  When asked: "What's your general opinion of it?"  The answers were:
    • It's fine by me 57% 6,723
    • I object to it morally 22% 2,664
    • I don't object morally but think it's not a great idea 21% 2,471
    Back at this week's New Yorker, ironically, one cartoon depicts a bride and groom in the back of a limo with a title that says, "It didn't have to end like this." The USA Today story cites, Joselin Linder, 33,  "co-author of the new book The Good Girl's Guide to Living in Sin and says many women her age and younger view living with a romantic partner as a convenience. She says it's not about avoiding marriage." Although a second New Yorker cartoon suggests the opposite. He says to her, "It wouldn't be fair for us to get married until gays can be legally married, too.  That's my story and I'm sticking too it." My own thoughts?  This is rather sad -- I love weddings! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    222 2008-06-10 00:01:51 2008-06-10 00:01:51 open open living-together-in-sin publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420800 _edit_last 2 121 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-10 14:50:31 2008-06-10 14:50:31 1 0 0
    Herpes (in the news) What You Should Know http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=223 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:01:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=319 Associated Press reported last night that 1 in 4 New Yorkers have herpes.  The TV interviews left us with lots of misperceptions. As Dr. Ruth noted and predicted last week, and which I reported in my op-ed on Sunday, herpes is on the rise.  A new report says that it is affecting 1 in 4 New Yorkers and as many as 1 in 6 nationwide.  It is on the rise with women and in particular women over 51 according to a recent British study. Herpes is an annoying and enigmatic disease.  It is not curable.  Even if you are taking valtrex (the drug of choice) it may prevent outbreaks, but not necessarily reduce the spread.  In women it has been associated with cervical cancer -- not the cause, but a "fellow traveler" related to the cause.  There is an associated increased cancer risk among those who also have the human papilloma virus (HPV).    Interchangable: There are a number of different types of herpes infections, but the most common are the HSV -1 (generally associated with cold sores) and the HSV -2 (genital).   However, the two forms are interchangable in location.  Researches at Dana Farber Cancer Institute have found that the physicians are seeing more HSV-1 in genital regioins and HSV-2 on the mouth depending upon a couple's sexual practices. The intial attack is the strongest.  Usually cold sores or canchre sores or blisters appear.  Other symptoms which seem to affect women may include burning during urination, fever and chills.  You will show symptoms within 2 days to 2-3 weeks of exposure. False-positives: You can be tested for the presence of herpes, but there are often false-positives especially if you do not test immediately during an initial outbreak. Herpes lives in nerves that go to the skin.  Stress can bring on an attack. Prevention and honest are best -- and while condoms are not 100% effective, they help.  A person who knows that he or she is a carrier should be careful and honest. As of last year, only 36% were telling their partners well in advance and some 38% made up an excuse not to have sex when they had an outbreak. WebMD: Herpes Stigma.  The disturbing trend continues in particular about HPV.  Take a look at Deception in Love and Sex. For whatever the reason, a man who has herpes, will suffer.  But women will have the more serious symptoms.  Keep in mind that herpes is treatable but not curable.  If you develop herpes you will have it the rest of your life.  Knowing your sexual partner or more than just a casual basis may help you protect yourself from contracting herpes. To read more about New York, ABC News, Herpes in NYC Regarding the lying aspect -- to borrow the title of from a Times book review, Permission to Lie to Yourself, sometimes women and men replay a story in their own heads so many times that it becomes real, even though it may not be so. It's a protective mechanism. The only way to come to the truth is with time because eventually inconsistencies emerge. [If you read enough blogs, you will find that sometimes a person reveals too much as a way to mask that which they are hoping to hide -- consciously or unconsciously. This is a different issue that we will address one day.] The above is from New Choices, New Chances: A Woman's Guide to Conquering Cancer by Watson and Wallach, MD. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 223 2008-06-11 00:01:04 2008-06-11 00:01:04 open open herpes-what-you-should-know publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214423615 _edit_last 2 Infidelity: It Really Hurts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=224 Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:02:24 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=318 There have been a number of comments posted since my Sunday Op-ed for the Providence Journal.   From those who just emailed me rather than tell your stories on the blog, my heart breaks for you. But additionally the comments from "When Do You Walk Away from Infidelity?"  are also something readers may wish to take a look at from this June 5th posting. What’s it all about?  Let me point out that much of the research points to a need that is more than sex — it is about a lack of understanding, a lack of communication, unkind words, or passive agressive behavior, the real relationship killer which happens when one or the other simply withdraws or walks. Ferol, who is just back from his honeymoon talked about two issues that he will address next week:  What happens when a woman says, “Why don’t you ever listen to me?”  and “How many times have I told you?”  He and Ricci have the perfect marriage. The opposite sex: Also, it isn’t always an attraction to the opposite sex that is the infidelity culprit. Some readers have told me of the hurt they experienced when their spouses drifted off with someone of the same sex.  Some men feel it was because they were too much like their spouses’s father, or they had an anger problem, or simply spent more time with sports than their wives.  Others thought their wives really wanted to be  married to a girlfriend.  Some women said their husbands’ were just always more comfortable around men.  It is hard to tell, but it is always difficult to accept because as one woman said, “I can compete with another woman, but how do I compete with another man?” A practical perspective: Please understand, if the relationship is over — despite the pain and the hurt you might feel, simply know that he or she was not the right person for you. Sometimes relationships end because a man or a woman has a fantasy love, and when he or she thinks they have found that person of their dreams, they jump in full steam ahead throwing caution to the wind, even if it can jeopardize their careers or families. The wise saying:   “How it begins is how it ends.”  If it starts in deception, it will end in deception.  If it starts hot and fiery, it will end with buring ashes. Happiness from within: To those who are still hurting I am going to quote from Emmet Fox, a favorite of Annie Lamott, author of Bird by Bird.  Release and let go.  Say over and over, “I forgive you and I let you go.  You and I are now both free to find our happiness elsewhere.” Infidelity: red flags and relationship savers  -- as well as how to get over infidelity's pain.  The pain of a broken relationship cannot be taken lightly.   But sometimes an old Tibetan rule works.  "Each day be grateful for the joy you once shared with the person you loved.  And holding onto that feeling,  wish the person who hurt you well.  And believe that such joy is possible again for you.  Gratitude works miracles. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 224 2008-06-11 00:02:24 2008-06-11 00:02:24 open open infidelity-it-really-hurts publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218499993 122 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-11 15:48:47 2008-06-11 15:48:47 1 0 0 123 wordysmith@sbcglobal.net http:// 2008-06-12 03:06:35 2008-06-12 03:06:35 1 0 0 Infidelity: Nipping it and Surviving it Now http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=225 Thu, 12 Jun 2008 01:20:21 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=316 From this WebMD feature, here are seven signs of straying: Red Flag No. 1: Crying Out for Help -- I am not happy. Marriage Saving Solution -- Take the bait.  Talk it out or get help! Red Flag No. 2: Sudden Change -- or Interest in Appearance. From botox for him to sexy dresses for her -- watch out. Marriage Saving Solution -- If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them -- do your part to spice up and spruce up! Red Flag No. 3: Unconstructive Criticism, even if deserved, hurts. "Why don't you ever listen to me?" it's a script ready of cheating. Marriage Saving Solution -- Listen and Learn. Even if he says something like, 'Those two women are attractive,' encourage him to talk about it so he will feel that he can talk to you about anything.  Red Flag No. 4: the Tony Soprano-Style Guilt Gift -- Expensive jewely so you will look the other way. Marriage Saving Solution -- Trust your instincts and say something, but kindly! Red Flag No. 5: Snubbed at the Company Party -- That's a no brainer.  People know and now you are getting the hint. Marriage Saving Solution -- Address It Head-on: Open the lines of communication and say what you felt and what you are thinking, but GENTLY, GENTLY, GENTLY. Red Flag No. 6: Sneaking -- The cell phone is usually the culprit.  The secret calls or the number he or she looks at but doesn't respond.  Also, more nights at the office. Marriage Saving Solution --  Confrontation (without being confrontational)  HOW??? This is where I take issue with WebMDs advice.  I think the marriage saving solution is to say, "I feel as if you are under a lot of stress and maybe I am not giving you what you need right now.  But I want to be the one in your life who meets your needs.  Tell me about this other person that I sense is coming between us." Red Flag No. 7: History Repeats Itself -- Not much to add here other than to say, "Don't let it happen.  Try to intervene." Marriage Saving Solution -- Set Boundaries: Try to set up rules that will safeguard your marriage -- if you are talking to others, make certain you trust that their advice will be to help you strengthen the relationship instead of straying. Cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship -- it may be the wake up call.  But, it is very difficult.  And again, the research shows that a partner who cheats often needs companionship more than sex. WebMD: Nipping an Affair in the Bud Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 225 2008-06-12 01:20:21 2008-06-12 01:20:21 open open nip-infidelity-in-the-bud publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218499173 _edit_last 2 124 wordysmith@sbcglobal.net http:// 2008-06-12 03:20:45 2008-06-12 03:20:45 1 0 0 125 MarguaritaWatson@yahoo.com http:// 2008-06-12 17:43:06 2008-06-12 17:43:06 1 0 0 126 bean_counter@mail.com http:// 2008-06-17 22:51:42 2008-06-17 22:51:42 1 0 0 The Unicorn! Finding Your Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=226 Fri, 13 Jun 2008 00:01:13 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=320 The Italian press reported yesterday that "A deer with a single horn in the center of its head - much like the fabled, mythical unicorn - has been spotted in a nature preserve in Italy, park officials said Wednesday." "This is fantasy becoming reality," Gilberto Tozzi, director of the Center of Natural Sciences in Prato, told The Associated Press. "The unicorn has always been a mythological animal."  To see photos and read more,The Italian Unicorn. If a magical animal can become real, so can true love.  But this is the secret.  Break old habits.  Even if you think you are happy now, ask yourself -- "Is he or she part of a pattern?  Have I done this before and ended up miserable?  Was I manipulated or duped?  Maybe you are saying to yourself, "This time it's different." Oh, really.  Than take the time to take the quiz.  Take yourself seriously enough to break with the past,  Consider the odds that may be against you.   Get over the ego that says, "I know people tell me that this can't work, but...." Take a look at Robert Sternberg’s questionnaire — What is Your Love Story?  If you are a caretaker, or a rescuer, rethink the role.  Finding Your Love Story   A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster happiness, good health and youthfulness at any age.  You owe yourself the time! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 226 2008-06-13 00:01:13 2008-06-13 00:01:13 open open unicorn-and-finding-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420694 _edit_last 2 Tim Russert — A Man Who Respected Others http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=227 Sat, 14 Jun 2008 00:03:01 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=323   He was in Rome celebrating his son's graduation from Boston College.  A devout Catholic, he made his beliefs known -- he took great pleasure in his faith and his family. But just after 4:00 PM today,  those in journalism were saddened and struck by news of his swift departure from one of the places he seemed to relish -- the newsroom. Tim Russert, NBC News’ Washington bureau chief and the moderator of “Meet the Press,” died Friday after collapsing, NBC News said. He was 58.  Tim Russert Full Story.  We all feel as if we have lost a friend.]]> 227 2008-06-14 00:03:01 2008-06-14 00:03:01 open open tim-russert-a-man-who-respected-others publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214420672 About Men: Health Warnings and Losers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=228 Sat, 14 Jun 2008 00:05:42 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=321 I was really upset by the news of Tim Russert's heart attack.  And so for all men and the women who love them, here is a link to Five Health Warnings. Men traditionally don't seek help, either medical or psychiatric.  They can be running a fever and still will not stay in bed.  They can be in pain from too many manipulative or co-dependent relationships and insist that they can handle the problem themselves.  But some problems absolutely require medical attention. Here are symptoms you don't want to ignore:  for younger men watch especially chest pains, a beer belly, and impotence.   Symptoms to Take Seriously Now for women. Men who are losers. This is about how to avoid meeting them! Here is the story of a woman who spent so much time with online dating that she has developed some models to follow and has written a book that will be required reading for online daters. Picking out the Losers  She sees online dating as a way of life and woman should accept it and become savvy about it.  I agree with the savvy part, but dating online!  One day, I may set up an account to see who will end up in my columns -- but only if I run out of things to say and someone develops an online truth detector.  Until then, I remain neutral, but opinionated. Happy Day. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 228 2008-06-14 00:05:42 2008-06-14 00:05:42 open open about-men-health-warnings-and-losers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420656 _edit_last 2 127 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-06-15 18:07:01 2008-06-15 18:07:01 1 0 0 What is Friendship? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=229 Sun, 15 Jun 2008 00:30:11 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=324 Friendships are protective. Friends help you to stay balanced, will help you laugh at yourself, and understand the forgiveness factor. Too often when a friendship, relationship, or marriage becomes rocky — for whatever the reasons –people ignore the problem, take their differences to the public arena, find solace in an affair, or simply leave.  How sad.  As Wilma Askinas, author of "A Splice of Life" once said, "A friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view." I loved listending to the tributes and here are a few of them.  Go to www.nbc.com to select the ones you wish to hear. Talking about children, our children, his father:  Talking about children Words from a Competitor on Face the Nation: From his competitor Tim's Love of Family:  Talking about Family  It seems that from his family and his faith, Tim Russerrt lived the life of love. Love is never boastful nor conceited; it is never rude or selfish. Love does not take offense neither it is resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s faults, but delights in the truth. Love is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. 1 Corinthians 13:4 How do we find good friends and love?  By being a friend.  By being loving.  One can search for love, or one can wait for love.   But for certain one must prepare the heart to give and receive love.   The more love we give to others, the more likely love will come to us. The choice is ours.  But it starts with being a friend. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 229 2008-06-15 00:30:11 2008-06-15 00:30:11 open open what-is-friendship publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420637 _edit_last 2 Friends and Friends with Sex Benefits Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=230 Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:07:33 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=325 At the end of this blog, I will write out the entire ABCs of friendship.  While we can trace the definition of friendship back to Aristotle On Friendship, the term "friends with benefits" became synonymous with sex on Boston Legal.  What started out as a kissing exercise went from desk to floor to bed –though not all in the same show. Someplace other than between the sheets, the two discovered a new type of relationship — friends with the benefits of sex. While it is traditionally associated with two people who enjoy each other's company but do not wish to make the commitment, in fact, some FWB relationships take a romantic turn and, as with Boston Legal, end up married with children. Friends with Benefits Quiz The New York Times carried a story called, Friends with Benefits, and Stress, too  based on research that appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship.” Abstract Are you reluctant to enter a friends with benefits situation because you really want to save yourself for the right person? Good. You should. But as one passes let’s say the age of 40 you might be using this as a excuse to avoid a committed relationship.  A quick quiz Do you feel that you are one of those who are not good at relationships? If you answered  "Yes," then this is a good excuse. You won't even need to bother trying.  Then if you disappoint, you can  shrug your shoulders and say, “See, I warned you.  Did my part.  Sorry if I broke your heart.” If you are in a friends with benefits situation ask yourself these questions:
    • Am I doing this because commitment is too difficult?
    • Is this my excuse to avoid commitment?
    • Do I traditionally tell myself and others that I am not good at relationships – thereby absolving myself of the responsibility for trying?
    • Have I been so hurt by others that I am really afraid to be hurt again?
    • Do I really like this person and sometimes fing myself caught up with feeling loved?
    If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and the friend with whom you are sharing the benefits is really a friend – than it is time for a friendship talk – truth with no consequences. What is a friend?  A friend is someone who: Accepts you as you are Believes in you Calls just to say 'Hi" Doesn't give up on you Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts Forgives your mistakes Gives unconditionally Helps you Invites you over to... Just "be" with you Keeps you close at heart Loves you for who you are Makes a difference in your life Never judges Offers support Picks you up Quiets your fears Raises your spirits Says nice things about you Tells you the truth when you need to hear it Undersatnds you Values you Walks beside you X-plains when you won't listen Zaps you back to reality! I sometimes wonder if our divorce rate is so high because people enter into relationships because they are searching for a dream -- and when they think they have found it -- ignore reality and advice and just dive in hoping for the best.  Sometimes that works, but most often it doesn't.  Relationships built on friendships and passion have a foundation that is firm and long term. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson "The ABC's of Friendship":  Author Unknown from Lists to Live By compiled by Alice Grav, Steve Stephens, and John Van Diest, Multnomah Publishers, Inc, Sisters, Oregon 2001 ]]>
    230 2008-06-16 04:07:33 2008-06-16 04:07:33 open open friends-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420621 _edit_last 2
    Billionaires Marry Brunettes: Dating and Mating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=231 Mon, 16 Jun 2008 13:00:02 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=326 So for a bit of non-scientific mating and dating trivia -- the British are reporting that it is the brunettes who "bag the billionares, blondes get the barman."   The top British dating channel analyzed 100 billionaires and found that 62% of them married women with dark hair.  With runners up: blondes by 22% and redheads at 16%.  The Love Report on Brunettes . The movie with Marilyn Monroe, Gentleman Prefer Blondes was adapted from the diaries of Lorelei Lee, a flapper in the 1920s written by Anita Loos.  But the author later wrote, But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes, because "it is bright ideas that keep the home fires buring, and prevent a divorce from taking all of the bloom off Romance." See Amazon listing And just another thought about hair -- in yet another unscientific study -- approximately 125 men and women about 27 years of age both found short or medium-length hair (just below the ears) to be far less attractive than long hair (8 inches below the shoulders). As a shoulder length blond -- I have no comment. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 231 2008-06-16 13:00:02 2008-06-16 13:00:02 open open billionaires-marry-brunettes publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420605 _edit_last 2 About Open Marriage and Chastity Belts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=232 Tue, 17 Jun 2008 00:10:11 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=327 Choosing Chastity: So taking a look at the two extremes, what's it going to be?  I'm not a proponent of Abstinence Only legislation (and do read my posts on this) but neither do I think women benefit from sex for the sake of sex.  So it was intriguing to read that a book from the women's reading list last year is making the Internet rounds. Not Tonight, Mr. Right: The Best (Don't Get) Laid Plans for Finding and Marrying the Man of Your Dreams.  This no-nonsense book by the "Sex Life" columnist for Gentleman's Quarterly, points out the reasons that men "hump and dump" and why women should be wary of casual sex.  "You want to wake up next to someone in the morning who adores you!" is essentially her message. Take a look at her website. www.nottonightmrright.com This is not moralistic finger-pointing.   Kate Taylor is an advisor to match.com in the United Kingdom.   After reading about the new books on open marriage -- this was a refreshing find. Or Making a Choice for Open Marriage Two new books:  Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage by Jenny Block and the other is Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships by Tristan Taormino).  The first is a suburban mother's memoir who has found that monogamy doesn't suit her.   The second book is a guide to open marriage, which I guess even when couples have involved in agreed upon cheating, there are rules. Both books make the case against monogamy because they believe that most people prefer polygamy.  However what they seem to agree upon is that the "mix" that works best is a woman with a female lover and a husband -- the men appear to be less threatened. Choosing Life Long Love: Call me old fashioned, but I loved the fact that Tim Russert and his wife had been a solid family for over 20 years.  And then there is my other hero James Gardner -- more than 30 years with his wife and it was impetuous love at first sight.  Hmm, both couples met through politics.  In each case both the husbands and wives were equally accomplished.  So maybe it helps to have something more in common than sex and passion. Anyone know which poet supported open marriage even before its popularity in the 60s?  The story, which I will write about tomorrow, will surprise you. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 232 2008-06-17 00:10:11 2008-06-17 00:10:11 open open open-marriage-and-chastity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420586 _edit_last 2 128 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-17 17:04:28 2008-06-17 17:04:28 1 0 0 129 myopenbook@yahoo.com 2008-06-17 20:49:43 2008-06-17 20:49:43 1 0 0 Emily Dickinson Encouraged An Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=233 Wed, 18 Jun 2008 00:01:18 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=328 Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, and painter Georgia O'Keefe had arrangements with their husbands that involved separate living quarters.  Eleonor and Franklin D. Roosevelt were known to have a  marriage in which each had a lover.   Monogamy apparently is most perculiar to swans who mate for life. Infidelity and collusion: One of the more intriguing marital arrangements was fostered and encouraged by the poet Emily Dickinson.  It seems that her brother Austin, treasurer at Mt. Holyoke, and the highly accomplished Mabel Loomis Todd, wife of a young professor at Mount Holyoke College, fell deeply in love.  She was more than 20 years younger. The affair, which went on for approximately 13 years, infuriated Austin's wife, Susan.  But Mabel's devoted husband --wanting nothing more than his wife's happiness -- and tenure at the college -- also colluded to facilitate the affair between Mabel and Austin.   In fact, on nights when he suspected that Austin was there, he would arrive home whistling a tune from the opera Martha to give them fair warning. A threesome:  Mabel's husband was impressed by Austin. The two gentleman got along so well together that during one of Mabel's trips to Europe, Austin began thinking of a ménage a trois. He wrote Mabel and said: "I think we three would have no trouble - in a house together -in living as you and I should wish."  (p 180) This never happened.  The affair continued both at the Todd home and at Austin's family home where Emily and his sister Lavinia helped the couple keep the affair alive. In love with two men: Mabel declared herself capable of loving two men at once each in a different way.  They wrote each other daily and Austin even wrote self- addressed stamped envelopes so that her handwriting would not be recognized.  But their affair was known throughout Amherst. Each dreamed that they would outlive their spouses and live happily ever after. However, the affair cost the good professor his sanity; he died in a mental institution.  And Austin died about two years after Mabel challenged Austin "to do something." Emily Dickinson's biographer, the late Professor Emeritus Richard Sewall, The Life of Emily Dickinson, winner of the National Book Award, and  former Yale College dean,  has said that Emily encouraged the affair.  She apparently told a relative that she did so "because I believe in passion." Yesterday I wrote about modern day open marriage.  Do take a look at the comment from the author of one of the books. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 233 2008-06-18 00:01:18 2008-06-18 00:01:18 open open emily-dickinson-on-open-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420570 _edit_last 2 130 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-18 14:04:17 2008-06-18 14:04:17 1 0 0 When Every Day You Think Love not Divorce http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=234 Thu, 19 Jun 2008 00:01:20 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=331 Some day my prince will come: In Cinderella,  she finds her dream when Prince Charming slips her foot into the glass slipper.  Snow White is awakened by the kiss of her Prince -- who, as the tale goes, was destined to find her. Happily ever after: As a society our dream of happily ever after has been evolving into happily after the hefty divorce settlement or happily after each marriage.   Up to now, despite the divorce rate people kept on marrying.  Now there seems to be a plateau in the trend as living together becomes "the new marriage." Have we lost our vision of marriage as commitment, as a relationship in which two people vow to be together for better or worse?  Are we evolving into a society of serial monogamists with occasional open arrangements -- instead of love? Loyalty as the essence of marriage: In Joseph Campbell's  The Power of Myth he talked about the essence of marriage with journalist Bill Moyers some years ago.  He called "loyalty" the essence of marriage -- "not cheating, not defecting -- through whatever trials or suffering, you remain true." Bill Moyers said:  "The Puritans call marriage the little church within the church.  In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive.  It is an ongoing sacrament -- love and forgiveness." The relationship: Professor Campbell added: "The real life of a marriage or a true love affair is in the relationship.... Marriage is the symbolic recognition of our identity  -- two aspects of the same being." If one thinks about two aspects of the same being, it is a way of thinking about your positive qualities as well as your negative traits.   If marriage is two aspects of the same being then the person who brings out the best in you and you in them, is the start of lifelong love and "happily ever after." Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 234 2008-06-19 00:01:20 2008-06-19 00:01:20 open open think-love-not-divorce publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227842409 _edit_last 2 131 glbdrummond@msn.com http:// 2008-06-19 16:11:22 2008-06-19 16:11:22 1 0 0 1606 mythsdreams@lycos.com http://www.mythsdreamssymbols.com 2009-07-03 20:12:42 2009-07-03 23:12:42 1 0 0 The Monogamy Diamond and a Threesome http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=235 Fri, 20 Jun 2008 00:01:26 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=332 Here is the direct press release from Hearts on Fire diamonds which found in a survey last October that over 1,000 people considered monogamy to be aspirational, sexy, and attainable. They reported that 87 percent of the participants aspire to be in a monogamous relationship, and 91 percent of men and women agree that monogamy is sexy The Monogamy Diamond Nonetheless, about the same time, The Threesome Handbook by Vicky Vantoch surfaced.  The Library Journal had this to say, "Will engage those curious about partaking in a threesome. Drawing on extensive research and personal experience, the author shows how to create sexy and emotionally rewarding threesomes based on trust, honesty, and self-awareness. She covers everything from seducing potential playmates, managing jealousy, to maintaining good hygiene.” Furthermore last month two new books were released on open marriage.  What seems to be happening? Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 235 2008-06-20 00:01:26 2008-06-20 00:01:26 open open monogamy-diamond-and-threesome publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420539 _edit_last 2 132 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-06-23 09:09:29 2008-06-23 09:09:29 1 0 0 Cigar Smoke: Women, Men, and Truth http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=236 Sat, 21 Jun 2008 00:06:56 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=333 "Women are tough on men and they are not as sneaky as we are!”   said one of the women. Suddenly I wondered: do cigar smoking women take on a temporary new empathy for men and become their defenders instead of detractors?  It seems so -- but what will happen when the smoke and champagne wears off is anyone's guess.   Getting at the truth: I am getting ready for my next Providence Journal column and somehow discussing rules for open marriage went to rules of behavior.  That’s when one of the women said, “Listen, I understand men.  I don’t like being confrontational.  If I am told a story I believe it — even if it doesn’t happen to be true. I would rather accept it and walk away and then when I come back, hopefully we can get to the truth.” Three variations of “truth” that the female puffers found to be demeaning came with the “let’s be honest” card,  the “checking on you” card , and the “abuse card.”     The abuse card:  Since Paul McCartney's divorce, we have heard too many suspect stories about abuse.  Women don’t like to hear of a woman who plays the abuse card -- especially to the extent that the man being reeled in is ready to meet the ex in an alley and get even with him -- a la Robert Parker mystery.   Just finished a quick Robert Parker read where this is precisely what happened.  However, the mistreatment allegations surfaced not from the wife, but rather those who witnessed it.  They knew the truth. When the claims of abuse are such that a new love or partner wishes to avenge the woman — men should be suspicious.  Basically it is demeaning to all women when one woman uses this type of sympathy to hook a man.  Shocking that some women use and embellish upon the drama of their past when there are so many women today who are genuinely in need of sympathy and support.   “Let’s be honest.”   Probably after inhaling the cigar from her cigarette smoking days, another woman revealed the truth about what happens  when a woman says, “Let’s tell each other everything.”  What she really wants to do is gain the upper hand by having a man reveal too much while she hides a secret. As she pointed out: "The gal may claim the truth exchange is to start with a clean slate, but a guy won't be getting the whole truth from her.  It's a test to see how far she can go in telling about her past. I know, my friends and I have done this sort of thing in our younger days.  And we are not proud of those moments."         "Checking in and checking up.”  My story turn.  I have a male friend whose girlfriend always called me when he was out of town.  Just recently I attended a reunion party and learned that three of us were each receiving phone calls from from this insanely jealous woman trying to find out the truth.  Was her man at the hotel where he claimed to be -- or sleeping with one of us! The other side of that story is from “The Manual -- a Book of Face Saving Lies."   As our jet-setter learned too late: "I confronted her about this and she had such a sad look on her face and hurtful denial in her voice that of course I believed her when she said: 'Oh, no, no.  I was just calling you to say good night.  I felt so bad for you all alone in that hotel room.'   He believed her.  He married her.  He divorced her.   His comment: "She had lots of good 'saves' but rarely the truth." Fool me once: The real issue is this: why do women feel a need to play this game?  And why do guys play into it?  Can it be that you really feel a need to be duped and manipulated? In playing the good savior, do guys really find it flattering to think that a woman wants them so much that she will be deceitful to gain love?  Step back and ask yourself, "When does the manipulation stop?" The answer, "The manipulation will go on and on and on."  And you all know what will happen when you confront and try to get at the truth!  You become the bad guy. There is an old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me."    Games — why is it so difficult for two people to be straightforward?  The truth is really so much easier.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 236 2008-06-21 00:06:56 2008-06-21 00:06:56 open open women-lies-the-truth publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219290785 _edit_last 2 133 theb@ix.netcom.com http:// 2008-06-23 09:06:04 2008-06-23 09:06:04 1 0 0 If You Recognize Yourself in These Stories…. http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=237 Sun, 22 Jun 2008 00:00:40 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=335 In fact, he was one of three people who told me the same story.  Here is the truth about stories of love and sex, clueless men and manipulation, women who have had husbands cheat on them, men who tell lies, women who tell lies ... there are almost no original stories.   Someone already called me on a story from our champagne and cigar night.  And I remembered four woman who were outraged that I published "their" story in one of my books.  Ironically the story was from a woman half way across the country who not only told me her story, but signed a consent form for me to use it. I remember trying to convince my publisher to let me put a little note in the front of one of my books that read: "If you recognize yourself in any of these stories, you probably shouldn't admit to it!" Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 237 2008-06-22 00:00:40 2008-06-22 00:00:40 open open recognize-yourself publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420490 _edit_last 2 Husband and Wife and Hot Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=238 Sun, 22 Jun 2008 00:01:38 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=334 As I write up my next column about the new open marriage rules and threesomes -- it is kind of refreshing to find that Best Life magazine has a story by Hugh O'Neil that focuses on creating passion with one's wife.   He believes that "hotter monogamy is simply a matter of mind over monotomy."  Cheering you on, Hugh!  Home_Is_Where_the_Heat_Is]]> 238 2008-06-22 00:01:38 2008-06-22 00:01:38 open open husband-and-wife-and-hot-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214420445 Liar, Liar: Lies Men Tell and Lies Women Tell http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=239 Mon, 23 Jun 2008 00:02:55 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=336     While both men and women tell lies, they seem to have different reasons for doing so. It is more difficult to determine the truth if you are dating someone who lives more than an hour away from you because you  miss daily cues and clues as to how the relationship is moving along.  It is even more daunting if you do not share the same circle of friends.    In the world of "liar, liar, pants on fire" if you read enough of these Internet stories, you will see that men tell lies more often than women.  Sometimes they just lie to lie because they are conditioned to do so by their profession.  At other times they are cheating and lie to hide this fact from their wives or girlfriends: Lies Men Tell Who tells the bigger lies?  Web writers from multiple sites say that men lie more often, but the women's alibis and stories are told in such a complicated way that a man gets confused and gives up trying to get at the truth.    What is it that women are trying to hide and if caught their excuse for hiding it?  According to most websites the top three include:
    • Number of past lovers  -- (It slips her mind because some were just casual affairs not serious relationships.)
    • Being pregnant  -- (Says she didn't realize it because she didn't have any of the usual symptoms.)
    • Having a sexually transmitted disease  -- (Claims she didn't think that her STD was contagious because she hasn't had an outbreak in years, or it happened so long ago that she just forgot about it.
    How can you tell when a man is lying?  He isn't very good at it. How can you you when tell a woman is lying?  She gets mad at you for accusing her  -- pouts, throws a tantrum, witholds sex, or refuses to speak with you -- even though you are right and she is guilty.   Or she becomes overly affectionate.  In either case, men are caught between a rock and a hard place unless they have the courage to confront without being confrontational.  Eight Lies Women Tell    (A gay couple told me recently that each had a previous partner who was unfaithful. One said his partner of many years always pointed a finger at him, was terribly jealous of his travels, and accused him of cheating when he traveled. "Finally I realized that HE was the one doing the cheating. One day a neighbor told me the truth." The new couple said that they are committed to monogamy.) In defense of couples:   So often what we see in terms of lying occurs with people in relationships that are not based on love or values, but infatuation and need. You might also see destructive lying with couples who have had multiple partners and are trying to make a fresh start but do not have experience with successful partnerships. To couples wanting a fresh start, good for you.  But a fresh start only works when it is based on truth and respect for each other's emotions, health, and integrity.    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    239 2008-06-23 00:02:55 2008-06-23 00:02:55 open open lies-men-and-women-tell publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219116565 _edit_last 2 134 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com 2008-06-24 21:27:28 2008-06-25 03:27:28 1 0 0
    Hidden Sipping Cup; What Would George Carlin Say? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=240 Tue, 24 Jun 2008 00:00:22 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=337 Carlin died last evening and his comic genius could only be matched by his irreverence.  You Tube has many of his pieces. But I do think he would have a field day with the new "sipping bra." There is very little to add to this story from Reuters other than to point out that the company who came up with this design thought of the men as well.  Guys, you can have a teddy bear tummy only yours will be filled with beer. Her Cups Runneth Over Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 240 2008-06-24 00:00:22 2008-06-24 00:00:22 open open sipping-cup-bra publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214420326 _edit_last 2 Fred Astaire Eleanor Powell http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=242 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:46:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/fredastaireeleanorpowell1.wmv 242 2008-06-24 21:46:43 2008-06-25 02:46:44 open open fredastaireeleanorpowell1 inherit 0 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/fredastaireeleanorpowell1.wmv _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/fredastaireeleanorpowell1.wmv _wp_attachment_metadata a:0:{} Married but Cheating http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=244 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:08:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=244 Sunday, June 1, 2008 Providence Journal adaptation WHEN I WONDERED aloud, “Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?” my colleague retorted, “It never left!” Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas. “Why do men cheat?” I asked Dr. Ruth Westheimer, psychosexual therapist, as faculty and fellows gathered for the Yale commencement this year. Her voice escalated. “It’s not only men! And put an exclamation point there. I have nothing more to say.” Just an hour earlier, a young National Guardsman told us that infidelity was on the rise with military wives. He said, “We now have a co-ed Army, and wives know that when their husbands are in Iraq these guys are going to cheat and so they do it also.” Despite what we hear about infidelity, the last major survey in 2006 conducted by Pew Research, an independent think tank, found that 88 percent of 1,502 persons interviewed said that a married person having an affair is morally wrong. Good statistics about infidelity are dated. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy in 2002 cited a study identifying some 15 percent of wives and 25 percent of husbands involved with extramarital affairs. Today numbers quoted are much higher, particularly after adding 15 percent of Internet users involved in “online infidelity,” undocumented numbers involved in emotional cheating with people they meet on the job, and Web sites that cater to “married but cheating” clientele.  And guys, the word is out about Mistress Day, Feb. 13. What concerns me is the effect of infidelity and divorce on children. A new Dutch study reported on the effects of divorce with 2,149 boys and girls from 10 through 15. The Journal of Marriage and Family noted that girls, though not boys, were at high risk for depression in adolescence. With the damage that infidelity does to families and children, I thought the “sin” and dishonesty might be peaking and leveling off. A February article in the Journal of Sex Research was discouraging. The team is developing “a scale assessing sexual deception practices.” As if it wasn’t bad enough that students are lying about being faithful, 31 percent lied about the numbers of previous partners, and a whopping 69 percent failed to disclose having the human papilloma virus. Dr. Ruth emphatically reminded me of her concerns about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS. “Just watch. The numbers are going to start going up again,” she said. His and hers reasons that spouses cheat are similar: lack of intimacy and emotional fulfillment, the need for attention, a change in physical appearance, unkind words, and most especially, lack of communication. However, when infidelity is discovered, women tend be more forgiving than husbands, who are generally too angry to reconcile. Does religion help? Only for those attending church and not just parroting pious words.  A new study from the Fuller Theological Seminary reported on 1,439 married participants. They found that those who talked “religious importance” but did not attend church regularly were more likely to have an affair than the churchgoers. When infidelity becomes an irreconcilable difference, women and children lose out financially. Mindful of the economics of divorce, one woman we know of was determined keep her marriage afloat despite a cheating husband. Taking a creative approach, she shocked him into resolving their differences. Just before he returned from a business trip, she posted a large sign on their front lawn. When he arrived back home, he found himself face to face with the words: “House for Sale — Husband Included.” Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger at www.ritawatson.com. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 244 2008-06-24 22:08:30 2008-06-25 03:08:30 open open married-but-cheating publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778148 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Hormones, spring fever and sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=245 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:22:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=245 Sunday, April 6, 2008 — Providence Journal (adaptation) IF WE ALL HAD the raging hormones of youth, might we become a more content, less stressed and sexually satisfied society? Some physicians suggest that hormones hold the key to intimacy. “Cougars,” older women dating younger men, swear by hormone replacement. Researchers find that in younger women hormones can protect against depression. Whether it is hormones, attitudes, or appetites, Cougars and some politicians appear to enjoy more passionate moments than the rest of society. Perhaps spring fever will help languishing libidos. In the United States about 20 million marriages are essentially sexless, according to an online survey of 4,000 men. Conducted by Bob Berkowitz and Susan Yager-Berkowitz, they reported in December 2007 that 68 percent of men blamed the bedroom blahs on their wives. One wonders how many visited VIP services or the Web sites for cheaters. What accounts for lack of marital intimacy? Most often it is boredom, exhaustion from the workplace, one’s physical health, or simply lack of desire. To cure boredom, therapists, books and Web sites seem to agree that couples need to be adventuresome, spontaneous, and push the boundaries of love-making. The best aphrodisiac? Loving words instead of criticism by day enhance creative play at night. Exhaustion is tough. The Work and Family Policy Institute’s “Overwork in America” report said that employees often felt unable to accomplish what was expected of them. Increasingly work spills into the home and in two-laptop, two-Blackberry families, these devices and not erotica end up in the bedroom. Health issues, medication, inhibited sexual desire, or decreased hormone levels also account for lackluster love-making. Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. Hormone levels decrease in men and women in mid-life, and both genders may opt for replacement therapy. Testosterone prescriptions began soaring in 2004, according to pharmaceutical-sales tracking. This therapy differs from the dysfunction problem alleviated by the little blue pill that former Sen. Bob Dole has promoted. Despite advances in synthetic alternatives for women, many have been cautious as a result of a cancer scare several years ago. However, some physicians feel that hormone replacement has gotten a bad rap. Constance Guille, M.D., of the Yale Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry, has a paper in Epilepsy & Behavior regarding research studies under way to determine the therapeutic use of hormones for menstrual-cycle-linked neuro-psychiatric disorders. Although women taking synthetic hormones say they feel more passionate, it may simply be relief from their menopausal symptoms. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause recently reported that it is the male hormone delivered via a testosterone patch that appears to increase desire and arousal in women. Can hormone replacement be why Cougars are having so much fun? Men dating or marrying the women say: “Cougars trade on their strengths instead of weaknesses, such as Samantha from Sex and the City. Cougars know that in pleasing us, we will please them. Cougars don’t bad-mouth former husbands and lovers or spill out a sad history of abuse. These women are savvy and fun to be with.” Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist and assistant professor at Brown University, notes in his newly released book, Secrets of Happily Married Women, “Your actions can show your husband how to care for you. As you cater to your guy, he’s watching and learning what marriage means. He’s enjoying the love and care of his wife and will soon feel, if he doesn’t already, the desire to do the same for you.” For those hoping that a dose of spring fever will rejuvenate life in the bedroom, scientists have disappointing news. Diaries indicate that sexual activity decreases during the spring and does not pick up again until autumn. Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 245 2008-06-24 22:22:05 2008-06-25 03:22:05 open open hormones-spring-fever-and-sex publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778087 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Packaging Sex and Abstinence: Is Congress Listening? http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=246 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:23:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=246 Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 246 2008-06-24 22:23:17 2008-06-25 03:23:17 open open packaging-sex-and-abstinence-is-congress-listening publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778303 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Money, marriage, sex and secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=247 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:25:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=247 Sunday, March 2, 2008 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) MONEY DOESN’T CARE who owns it,” was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called “modest times.” Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right. Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. However, the 2008 “Love and Money” survey of 1,049 people found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States, conducted the survey. “The problem is that most couples don’t talk about money,” says Brooks P. Bartlett Sr., managing director of Lighthouse Financial Group, a division of Metlife. “We spoke with one couple during a rather sad divorce and the woman said to us, ‘Look around. Do you see all of this beauty? We can’t afford any of it. We are broke. I just learned about this and my husband is in denial!’ Bartlett added, “Couples need to have a plan for their money.” Suze Orman, author of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, is trying to help women and men cope with mounting debt and develop a relationship with and respect for their money. Then there is the Women’s Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org), which offers sound advice as well as a tongue-in-cheek guide to translating what “he says” and “she says.” One young husband said, “Whenever we have an argument over money, my wife goes on a spending spree. Then even when I get over my anger and I try to talk with her rationally, I go from hearing ‘no make-up sex for you’ to the silent treatment.” What happens in this type of situation? Each will go to bed angry. Husband and wife won’t sleep. And the next day neither will have a clear enough head to talk about the issue. Carl W. Brazil, M.D., Ph.D, a neurologist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, says that even losing an hour or two of sleep a night can compromise how a person processes information or uses information to make judgments. When two people marry, and they have their own money-management or-mismanagement styles, they might guard money or debt as if they were holding onto a secret significant other. Experts agree that making a list of what comes in and what goes out, and having a dialogue instead of tossing accusations at each other about spending habits are important for a sound financial foundation. Financial literacy is becoming a new slogan in our economy. The Business Council and the Conference Board Survey of Chief Executives released in February found that more than 85 percent of members see conditions in the U.S. economy as having deteriorated during the past six months, “and 77 percent expect that conditions will worsen in the next six months.” The Federal Reserve reported consumer debt topping $2.5 trillion in December, exclusive of mortgages. It is not surprising that the Associated Press said last week that people are saving less and borrowing more from their retirement accounts. Families are understandably worried. Bruce R. Hrovat, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Citizens Financial Group, has this advice: “Save consistently. Be consistent. Just save what you can and keep on saving. It’s the time value of money. Eventually it will add up.” Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 247 2008-06-24 21:25:59 2008-06-25 03:25:59 open open money-marriage-sex-and-secrets publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778181 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Ways to avoid cell-phone smashing http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=248 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:26:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=248 Sunday, January 6, 2008 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) RELATIONSHIPS that fizzle during the holidays often bubble over with anger long after the champagne has gone flat. What ever happened to the New Year sentiment about “old acquaintance”? Despite the blogs a-buzzing about December break-ups, I am an incurable romantic who wants to believe in happy endings and new beginnings in the face of considerable contrary evidence. A mother called on Christmas Eve after watching her son’s tearful young lady leave their home clinging to the present she had brought him. The 20-year-old explained: “I told her a month ago it wasn’t working out. I want to start the New Year with someone special.” Contrast this to the 45-year-old who spent the holidays vacationing with a woman whom he planned to leave after fulfilling their social obligations. Hopefully, he did not deliver his “goodbye” under the mistletoe or via text message after a night of passion. My heart hurt for both of the couples. Despite the difficulty with relationships, marriage continues. Writer and retired New Mexico judge Anne Kass notes that within three years of divorce, many people marry a second time. However, she says, even in the Land of Enchantment, 70 percent of second marriages involving stepchildren will fail. Couples who end relationships during the holidays often hear one party express disbelief and shock, but often they are simply not listening to each other. Or if one hears what the other person is saying, he or she may not wish to accept the situation. A showdown often follows. “Why shouldn’t I be angry?” questioned a divorced gentleman in his early 50s. “She literally threw herself against the door of my home and broke it in! What could have provoked this once sweet woman to do such a thing?” Perhaps it was an unfamiliar Saab sitting in his driveway, which his former love saw when she drove by his home because of an intuitive 3 a.m. impulse. She went into a rage. He later admitted, “We had pretty much broken up, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by letting her know that I was seeing someone else.” Sometimes two people know a relationship is rocky but coast along until an irritant pushes them over the edge. For one couple, the cell phone was their demise. “Whenever it rang, my wife would become furious if I didn’t tell her who was calling. Then at a party one night, it rang. I looked at the caller’s name. But before I could put the phone back in my pocket, she grabbed it and stepped on it.” An angry divorce and custody battle ensued. The desire to get even or to blame is pervasive in break-ups. It seems that only in sitcoms do we find a model for lovers turned friends, as with Jerry Seinfeld and Elaine. Wasn’t this supposed to be the modern way of endings? Good feelings instead of anger and resentment. When relationships come to an end, Pollyana here wants to believe in a Tibetan ritual of forgiveness, where couples celebrate the love they once shared, and then let go. Relationships can be exhilarating, but they are also fragile and complex. Perhaps this New Year we might think about “relationship resolutions.” For loves past, present, and future, the words of a life-coach friend and mother resonate: “You attract what you project.” Her simple thought may help to rekindle or strengthen relationships if upon awakening each morning we remember to: Wish blessings. Laugh often. And ask ourselves, “What can I do today to make someone I care about feel a little happier, less stressed, and unconditionally loved?” Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 248 2008-06-24 21:26:19 2008-06-25 03:26:19 open open ways-to-avoid-cell-phone-smashing publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778455 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Gratitude and sex ‘trumps the king’ http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=249 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:26:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=249 Sunday, November 4, 2007– Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) IF ALOVEMATCH.COM merged with aNewCar.com would relationships have a longer shelf life? With fall in the air, more invitations to join a Man-of-the-Month club arrive at my door than enhancement ads that clutter up the nation’s e-mail. Whatever happened to serendipity or friends introducing friends? Friends are either helping the divorce rate hover at 50 percent or e-mailing let’s-get-together-times without getting together. I remember when friends dropped by spontaneously to share a glass of wine, laughter and exchange stories about creative ways to thwart a blow up. We are still amused when thinking about the chess widow. “Once he gets started, I’m invisible. The other night, I surprised him. I slipped into the den wearing nothing more than a trench coat and whispered into his ear. Then I smiled sweetly at his puzzled partner and said, ‘Sex trumps the King.’  By morning my husband was grinning gratefully.” Her humor contradicts a new Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine report suggesting that wives, though not necessarily husbands, should “speak out” during marital disputes or risk a heart attack. Perhaps the quiet men are rewarded with a protective benefit, sex twice a week. A 10-year South Wales comparison study reported 50 percent lower mortality risk in men with “high orgasmic frequency.” This may be good news for online daters. Of 40 million Americans going to match services, 30 percent of women engage in sex on a first date, according to the recent Sexuality Research and Social Policy report. I know of five couples who married their online match. But for another twosome, serendipity intervened. “When I met my wife, we were Baby Boomers at an Ivy League graduate program. She was using one of those high-end dating services. I didn’t fit her stuffy doc profile. I kept telling her, ‘I’m younger than you are and more fun than these older guys.’ So I kept asking her out until she married me.” The experience of this couple, who are complementary opposites, underscores the “perception versus reality” problem. We seldom see ourselves as others see us. Perhaps online daters and even committed couples, who wish to enhance each others virtues, might try the profile exchange. If you write a short profile of yourself and add five positive qualities and five negative traits, then ask a friend to write an honest profile as he or she sees you, would your “perceived-self” recognize your “real-self”? Sometimes misperception stands in the way of a love match and relationships keep ending sadly. Yale’s Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D., suggests rewriting your love story and finding someone with a comparable dream.  A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster youthful, healthy aging. It is as important to think about desirable attributes in a potential partner as it is to gather specifics regarding a new car: style, acceleration, performance, horsepower, safety and dependability. Couples who once did share the story of devoted lovers and friends often hit rocky places. Nagging, thoughtlessness, unkind words, and passive-aggressiveness become tripping points. An exercise in gratitude is a simple solution. Thinking of the endearing qualities that your partner possesses, even if these seem to be hiding, and expressing gratitude for them, will spark a change in your attitude and your partner’s reactions. Skeptical of word power? Sound-bites change voter opinion and influence juries. Remember the glove? “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” A silent “thank you,” based on the principle of subliminal word thought, can create renewed appreciation, respect, and peacefulness.   When it comes to intimacy, passion and joy as lifelong goals, these require sprucing up day by day. Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 249 2008-06-24 21:26:43 2008-06-25 03:26:43 open open gratitude-and-sex-%e2%80%98trumps-the-king%e2%80%99 publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1234018939 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Sex and smiling seniors http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=250 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:27:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=250 Saturday, October 6, 2007 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) WHEN YOU ARE AT a social event, do you ever look at other couples and wonder — do they or don’t they? From most accounts, if you have young children, when you do get to bed at night, you have only one thought in mind — sleep. If you are a business couple, married to laptops and e-mail gadgets, you don’t even get to bed every night. And when you do, you sleep in separate bedrooms, says a WCCO-TV Minneapolis survey. But if you are in your senior years and smiling coyly, you might be one of those who enjoy sex regularly, as reported recently in the New England Journal of Medicine. Great-grandma was ahead of her time. When she came to America to celebrate her 90th birthday and visit her 12 children, the party invitation read: “No presents, just negligees made of French silk.” As she opened gifts she fingered the fabric and smiled, “Grazia.” When she died at 104, her young lover was 80. It was then that we learned of her amorous ways. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED — erectile dysfunction. The pharmaceutical companies still applaud him, as do content men and oftentimes the younger women on their arm. Not all older gentlemen want trophy wives.  Although the following words were mistakenly attributed to Andy Rooney, we still love them: “Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart! Her libido is stronger. Her appreciation of experienced lovemaking is honed and reciprocal. And she’s lived long enough to know how to please a man in ways her daughter could never dream of.” A cartoon in a September issue of The New Yorker may be suggesting a trend. Three older men with cigars are portrayed in armchairs at their private club. One asks, “What about you, Walter — how do you feel about same-age marriage?” The question should be — how do you feel about marriage and re-marriage? Most people agree that it is good for families. Good for couples. The union often ensures a ripe old age — despite theories that a dog may add more years to a man’s life than a wife. However, marriage doesn’t always ensure good sex. Why do people have sex anyway? Psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 2,000 people and compiled a list of 237 reasons. For both men and women the top two reasons stated: attraction to the person; physical pleasure. When dual-career couples take to their separate bedrooms, they forgo the spontaneity and connection that keeps physical loving alive. Despite Alzheimer’s, whenever my father, Vincent, shakes someone’s hand, he always remembers to say: “If we touch each other more, we hurt each other less.” Are seniors telling us that sex is really human touch — the ultimate expression of caring and friendship? In a world of chaos and uncertainty, perhaps seniors are experiencing what young couples and professionals are missing — intimate moments that restore our spirit, reaffirm our humanity, and give us reason to exchange a discreetly knowing smile. Rita Watson  (www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 250 2008-06-24 21:27:10 2008-06-25 03:27:10 open open sex-and-smiling-seniors publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778356 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Sexual shutout in hidden agenda hell http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=251 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:27:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=251 Saturday, September 10, 2007 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) HIDDEDN AGENDAS are relationship hell that live in a cauldron of unspoken words and fiery outbursts. The good professor believes that women are masters of the veiled word and tells me, “You just can’t seem to say what you mean.” Men find themselves perplexed by hidden agendas and admit that when they can’t decipher the message — wives, girlfriends, or partners withhold affection. One young man voiced an often repeated theme, the sexual shut-out. “Do you know why men try to pick up women at bars?” he asked, “Because our women have shut us down. Then if we happen to meet another woman, even for fun, we’re the bad guys!” He added: “They force us out and want us to be celibate while we try to read their minds. I don’t want to read her mind. I want her to tell me. Show me. I said to her one day, ‘Take a look at this. It’s a car manual. See these symbols? Each one points to a problem. Pretend I’m a car. Show me what’s wrong. Make a list of what you want. I’ll try to fix it. But don’t keep telling me that ‘I don’t get it,’ because I don’t. What she doesn’t get is that we are both losing this battle.” Social research confirms that men and women think differently. Dr. Myrna Weissman, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia, did research while at Yale on depression in women. She found that when marriage gets rocky, women seek counseling, whereas men wait until the marriage is over, and then wonder what happened. In a society that flaunts sex on television, at the movies, and with car ads of sultry women — can hidden agendas account for our low sexual satisfaction rating? According to the recent Durex Survey, in terms of sexual pleasure and frequency, the United States ranks at 23 out of 26 nations. Although couples with hidden agendas may remain together, sometimes angry words erupt about an unrelated issue. How often do women tease men in public about their expanding waistlines? They should realize that for every one insult hurled at a man three women are waiting to say, “Ooh, ooh, ooh, I just love your teddy bear tummy.” At a dinner party, silverware jangled each time a husband spoke and his wife snapped: “How many times do I have to tell you, that’s not how it happened?” He said: “I don’t hear her anymore. I live an old  philosophy: ‘Don’t take unkind words personally. They are not because of you. They are because of the one who utters them.’” Both men and women with hidden agendas may be harboring contradictory wishes that they are afraid to share. She wants to be married. He doesn’t. She wants security. He wants sex. She wants to retire and garden. He wants to travel. She wants his money. He wants her companionship. Both say nothing and they play the game. When a hidden agenda masks a skeleton in the closet, it becomes complicated. One man told us that a certain incident nearly ruined his marriage. “I vowed to keep this secret even from my wife and take it with me to the grave. Then before major surgery, I told my priest friend. When I finished my story, he said, ‘Is that all?’ I looked him in the eye and asked: ‘That’s not bad enough. You want more?’ We doubled over laughing, and I learned forgiveness.” Hidden agendas are like the emperor’s new clothes. If we pretend they do not exist, as with the naked emperor, the relationship becomes vulnerable and exposed. Talking and trusting takes courage. Rita Watson (www.ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 251 2008-06-24 21:27:33 2008-06-25 03:27:33 open open sexual-shutouts-in-couple%e2%80%99s-maze-of-hidden-agendas publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216782401 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default Overdrive in the passive-aggressive lane http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=252 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:27:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=252 Saturday, August 20, 2007 — Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) THE DISCUSSION was animated. Men. Sex. Cars. Relationships. Yet when I announced that I wanted to be the “Sex in the City for Men Only” columnist, right after our Bill and Monica debate, silence slammed into me. Finally a dear professor quizzed: “What do you know about the subject?” After I calmly recounted that I was the mother of sons, had spent years at The Times as one of the guys plus another 10 years in psychology and psychiatry at Yale, I realized that I can write about the subject because I can talk about it. Growing up in a working world of men, we talked often about relationships, generally after I made an analogy between cars and sex — without blushing. The next day, I would receive a phone call inviting me to lunch. We would begin with complaints about editors and deadlines. Then across the table I would see a slight turn of the head, clenched jaw, and hunched shoulders. He might even loosen his tie. Finally a lowered voice would say, “We are having this problem.” Somehow, we could talk freely until we came too close to the real issue — sexual needs versus understanding. Then it was back to wishing for the luxury that eluded us in Manhattan, owning a car. Cars are a safe subject and car writers get right down to the details. Whether or not a man plans to buy a new car is irrelevant. The articles cover specifics. A man knows that what he reads, sees, test drives, and eventually buys is what he gets. When something goes wrong, he has the repair manual and a maintenance schedule. Relationships are not that clear-cut. Men so often say, “After we were married, something changed, mostly our sex life.” I would like to believe that as women we are not leopards changing our spots. Yet even Boston Legal featured Denny Crane learning that his fifth wife was planning on retiring him to Hawaii minutes after saying, “I do.” It would be ideal if the sexes could talk about expectations and perceptions. But it doesn’t happen that way. When a man comes home from work, a woman may ask with sincerity, “How was your day?” But he doesn’t want to talk about it. Many women in offices are disillusioned with the workforce. Yet, they bring the office home with them and want to talk about conflicts, confrontations, and demands. Chances are he doesn’t want to hear about it, at least not immediately. Then the accusation comes at him: “You never talk to me.” As we shift into a 24/7 Blackberry, laptop and two-paycheck society, there are too many couples on overdrive moving into the passive-aggressive or snipe-at-each-other lane. When a car shows signs of stress, or needs a tune-up, men handle it immediately. There is a problem and men fix it. In a relationship, who is responsible for the tune up? Perhaps women should take the lead. Although men today are more involved in parenting and family than our fathers were, women have that sixth sense. Research at Yale indicates that women have so keen an intuition that they sense a relationship problem at its inception. If men and women could develop their intuitive skills and interpret the silences, downcast eyes, uncomfortable moments and body language, perhaps more relationships could be saved. Or should women be using their gift to cultivate non-judgmental spaces within the home? In an atmosphere with no hidden agendas, just simple clarity, both parties would benefit. When home is a sanctuary, men might find saying, “Can we talk?” is as easy as test driving a car. Rita Watson (ritawatson.com) is a monthly contributor and senior editor for an on-line medical magazine. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 252 2008-06-24 21:27:59 2008-06-25 03:27:59 open open overdrive-in-the-passive-aggressive-lane publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778272 _edit_last 2 _wp_page_template default We're Dancing to a NEW and Simple "Leave a Comment" Tune http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=243 Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:20:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=243 We are trying out a new design.  And looking forward to lively feedback from all of you.  There have been some provocative stories with more to come.  While my favorites are always about love -- it seems that many of you are writing me (via email) but now you can easily blog me, about infidelity, betrayals, and partners who have been less than honest. Sometimes life between the sexes gets testy.  Take this really terrific dance piece with Eleanor Powell and Fred Astaire.  Word has it that it is a treasure.  It seems she may have been too good for Fred Astaire and he never wanted to be paired with her again. The voice is Frank Sinatra. For now, take a minute vacation.  Slip on your dancing shoes.  And put on a happy face. ]]> 243 2008-06-25 00:20:25 2008-06-25 04:20:25 open open were-dancing-to-a-simple-leave-a-comment-tune publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215747197 _edit_last 2 136 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-06-25 23:02:44 2008-06-26 03:02:44 1 0 0 If You Cheat, Should You Tell? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=253 Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:01:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=253 Usually there are games that are played before any person cheats. These often include the notion of who is right and who is wrong.  There seems to be a few variations of the game, but essentially one can expect: • The silent treatment because one is right, the other is wrong. • One party may withhold sex, because one is right, another is wrong. • One person may take a hard line on an issue and it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong – there is a stalemate. Respect: The unique aspect is the ability for two people, independent thinkers, to respect the other’s point of view.  Infidelity never settles an argument.  In fact, cheating always delays the resolution.   Infidelity is harmful: Drawing a line in the sand creates a tension in which one may win the battle but lose the war. Or win a point, and lose out on love. But what happens when tension builds up is that one person seeks solace in the arms of another.  Even if there is no physical infidelity, emotionally one can detach from one’s spouse and bond with another person.   When this happens, the big questions is this: “Should I fess up to cheating?” Websites one relationships, post two simple views.  “Yes, you should tell.”  Or “No, keep your mouth shut.”   If you tell: This is a tough one because some spouses cannot handle indiscretion.  Cheating does not signal an end to marriage or a relationship, but it will most certainly add a new stress and stain.  Researchers tell us that it can often take up to two years before a marriage in which one partner cheated is made right. Distrust, betrayal, anger often consumes the partnership.   Forgiveness:  When two people reach a stalemate, for the sake of the marriage or the relationship there is only one solution — negotiating a settlement by working through the problem instead of pretending it will go away.  Talk about problems the minute they occur.   Anger and laughter:  My grandmother always said, “Never let the sun set on your anger.” Find something to laugh about even in a difficult situation.  It is so difficult to laugh when you are angry.  But finding a way to use a sense of humor to help you through difficult times will be worth the effort and may save your marriage.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 253 2008-06-26 00:01:14 2008-06-26 03:01:14 open open if-you-cheat-should-you-tell publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218499072 _edit_last 2 137 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-06-26 15:28:49 2008-06-26 18:28:49 1 0 0 To Save a Relationship, Even After Infidelity - Friends Can Help http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=254 Fri, 27 Jun 2008 03:01:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=254 Sometimes in order to keep a marriage together for the sake of children, one spouse finds solace with another partner.  Very often a wife or husband suspects, but ignores the situation.  It takes a toll. Refusing to face a problem and fix it very often mean that you will keep meeting the problem over and over again. This is where friends can help.  Friends who are positive thinkers and who appreciate your family situation may actually help you survive infidelity, or help you realize that if you don't change your ways, you will face a spouse who will be unfaithful.   But let's not kid ourselves -- when a woman withholds sex, and decides to leave a separate life apart from her husband, he will be unfaithful. When a woman puts career first, her husband will very likely stray. If you have friends and you value them, they may tell you a truth you would rather not hear.  But if they are friends who believe in you, they won’t play games. I am not talking about friends who will say, “Take him for all you can get.”  Or “Screw her, she deserves it.”  I am talking about friends who realize that anger is very damaging. Friends who play Devil’s Advocate may help you evaluate your situation and give you supportive advice.  Or they be blatantly frank and point out things you would rather not hear.   While most of society feels there is something morally wrong about infidelity, it goes on and on and women are becoming as active in this role as are men. Here is a link to When Good People Have Affairs by Mira Kirshenbaum. Some of her thoughts may surprise you. Good People Who Have Affairs To repair a relationship after infidelity or know when to call it quits, here is a WebMD link: Overcoming Infidelity Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 254 2008-06-27 00:01:15 2008-06-27 03:01:15 open open to-save-a-relationship-even-after-infidelity-friends-can-help publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214666853 _edit_last 2 Love, Relationships, Forgiveness, and Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=255 Sat, 28 Jun 2008 03:01:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=255  ]]> 255 2008-06-28 00:01:40 2008-06-28 03:01:40 open open love-relationships-forgiveness-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214742360 _edit_last 2 140 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com 2008-06-29 09:59:25 2008-06-29 12:59:25 1 0 0 Thrilled to Death -- In Pursuit of Pleasure http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=256 Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:21:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=256 Thrilled to Death: How the Enless Pursuit of Pleasure is Leaving Us Numb, friends are calling. I didn’t read the book by Dr. Archibald Hart, a clinical psychologist, however, The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry questioned the new data.  The book itself has been around for years, but now Dr. Hart reports new brain imaging studies. Despite some raised eyebrows, he seems to make an interesting point – the rise in what is called anhedonia.  This is basically the opppposite of hedonism (the pursuit of pleasure) only in this case, it is the inability to experience pleasure or happiness because of "over seeking" -- emotions, sex, relationships, food and drugs. One friend wrote, "I was amazed to hear of mice driving themselves to exhaustion and death with pleasure!"   Dr. Hart seems to be advocating a bit of boredom in our lives -- it might be healthy and relaxing.  Here is a link:  Amazon.com Thrilled to Death and you can take a look at the table of contents and his steps for overcoming anhedonia.  Just remember gratitude, laughter, and love goes a long way to fill an empty heart. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 256 2008-06-29 01:21:10 2008-06-29 04:21:10 open open thrilled-to-death-in-pursuit-of-pleasure publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214744155 _edit_last 2 139 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com 2008-06-29 09:48:27 2008-06-29 12:48:27 1 0 0 STDs: A Moral Obligation to Tell the Truth http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=258 Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:45:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=258 . . . to answer Brody and friends -- "yes"  if you have it, you always know it.  Someone who claims not to know is simply not telling the truth. Contagious for life: Between 10 and 15 years ago, doctors across the globe blanketed their offices with information for men and particularly for women. (See June 11th -- Herpes in the News, What you Should Know)  Also  Our Bodies, Ourselves made certain that women knew about their health and health risks. Covering up -- a pattern:  When someone says, "I didn't know..."  it could be that they are in denial or simply dishonest. No matter how good a story they might tell, think back on other episodes with the same person -- are you dealing with a pattern of pathological lying?   It is difficult to know.  See posts this week titled, "Liar, Liar"  June 21 and "Hey Guys, the Ladies Are on Your Side" June 23. Watch House, MD:  Those who fail to disclose remind me of a case on this show in which a woman gave a kidney to a lover about to leave her hoping that "obligation" would hook the two for life.   With STDs or herpes:  In some perverted way, those who fail to disclose  -- and perhaps manipulate for sympathy -- may think that the person whom they have infected will be unwilling to disclose to a new partner and therefore stay attached to them for life. Can you trust?   If a man or a woman will jeopardize your health think about how he or she might harm your reputation, your finances, your career? Here is a site that has questions and answers -- again, far less opinionated than I am. Cut me a bit of slack.  I am an incurable romantic who belives that relationships are built on truthfulness.   Herpes cold sores: How to tell     One last word, Brody -- instead of anger be grateful that "the truth has set you free."  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 258 2008-06-30 01:45:57 2008-06-30 04:45:57 open open stds-a-moral-obligation-to-tell-the-truth publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1214838511 533 http://www.remmrit.com/stds 2008-10-14 23:47:59 2008-10-15 02:47:59 1 pingback 0 0 Loving Tips http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=259 Mon, 30 Jun 2008 18:00:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=259 Redbook to spice up your life with your man.  But guys, you can suggest these as well.  Some are naughty.  Some are sweet.  Enjoy. Love Tips ]]> 259 2008-06-30 15:00:39 2008-06-30 18:00:39 open open loving-tips publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214848870 _edit_last 2 Getting Married at The Car Show! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=260 Tue, 01 Jul 2008 03:01:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=260 couples have applied to take part in a marriage ceremony at a car show in Sweden next month. There will be ten priests from the Church of Sweden performing the ceremony at what is being called, “the focal point of the auto gathering, a motorcade of 1950s and 1960s cars,” according to Reuters. Honk Once for “I Do” This seems to me to be the ultimate guy wedding and it will last just 7 minutes.  Can't wait to hear the music. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 260 2008-07-01 00:01:09 2008-07-01 03:01:09 open open getting-married-at-the-car-show publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214850084 _edit_last 2 Over 45ers Taking Unsafe Chances When Dating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=261 Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:01:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=261 health.  A new report from the United Kingdom is reflective of trends in cities across Eurpore and the United States. With the wealth of information on the Internet — be safe not sorry.  Do not be afraid to ask a new partner straight out — here are a few easy ways to ask: “Have you ever had an outbreak of herpes?” “How often do you get cold sores?” (remember HSV1 and HSV2 are interchangable) “Are you taking any medication for herpes or STD’s?” If a partner bristles or gets irritated, say "Good night." Enjoy life safely.  http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2008/jun/30/health.nhs Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 261 2008-07-02 00:01:35 2008-07-02 03:01:35 open open over-45ers-taking-unsafe-chances-when-dating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214851600 _edit_last 2 145 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-07-02 12:02:43 2008-07-02 15:02:43 1 0 0 Where Men Wait on Cafe Princesses http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=263 Thu, 03 Jul 2008 03:01:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=263 See for yourself how these women, tired of the routine of daily life, are treated as if they are Princesses.  Yes, tiara is included.  http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2008/06/30/lah.white.cafe.cnn Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 263 2008-07-03 00:01:17 2008-07-03 03:01:17 open open where-men-wait-on-cafe-princesses publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1214858323 _edit_last 2 146 victoriasolinger@yahoo.com 2008-07-03 16:20:41 2008-07-03 19:20:41 1 0 0 Free Yourself: New Looking Love, Same Old Pattern http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=264 Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:02:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=264 So many times we go back to what we know. Women recognize themselves doing this, oftentimes men do not. I can help him change:  We all have women friends who are in a destructive relationship, they know it, but they believe they can overcome and help their man change. Too often we heard the words, “I know he drinks, but… “I know he gambles, but… “I know he gave me herpes and lied about it, but he loved me so much he was afraid to lose me… Please, ladies, set yourselves free! For men it is less obvious.  Despite problems with moving old blog to new — you are still getting in touch and telling me your stories. Here are two good ones: In my past relationships, the women were looking for a meal ticket. This one is different.  She really digs me.  But we come from different backgrounds and my friends think she is waiting for her ticket…”  “In my past relationships, women had a hidden agenda.  My new girlfriend is a younger and pretty innocent. When I traveled to San Francisco from New York one night, I think she called all the hotels in the city trying to find me.          At first I thought she was trying to track me down.  But she told me the truth, that she just wanted to say ‘good-night.’ It was sort of sweet.”  No point in going on – you get the picture.  Hello  Cluleless?  Are you there? Friends and truth: When friends try to tell you the truth that you don’t want to hear, do you get angry or defensive?  Probably both. Too bad because friends with whom you have a history, want to love and protect you. Ladies, take a look to see whether or not you are dating a loser: Red Flags Here is some advice for the men:   Seven Mistakes Head over heels: Men have a more difficult time than women breaking old patterns because too often they fall head over heels with looks and don’t take a good look inside the heart and soul of the woman whom them are with. Even when a woman might be telling outright lies, they find excuses. Why?  It is easier than confronting.  Women on the other hand talk to their girlfriends who may yell, scream, and beg them to toss out the guy with the bad pattern! Change even for the better is difficult.  But wake up and tell yourself over and over again, “I deserve the best.” Happy Fourth! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 264 2008-07-04 01:02:42 2008-07-04 04:02:42 open open free-yourself-new-looking-love-same-old-pattern publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1217821775 Mood Booster 1: Spend Time with Friends and Family http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=37 Sat, 05 Jul 2008 04:01:04 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=30 Everyone knows how easy it is to pick up a cold when “you’re resistance is low.” New studies no urge us to be as mindful of our moods and attitudes as we are of our physical health. Research from medical centers around the world conclude that hostility, cynicism, depression, and stress contribute significantly to the onset of illness and also slow down recovery. Conversely, minor changes in attitude can bring about major positive changes in health. The Decision Making Tips Mood Boosters will make you feel both happier and healthier.  SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY “Good times spend with friends and family are a tonic for the spirit but may also be good for the body,” says David Spiegel, M.D., of Stanford University in California. Indeed, the risk to health associated with being socially isolated is of “the same order of magnitude as the risk that accompanies smoking or having high cholesterol levels,” Spiegal says. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that when healthy volunteers were infected with a cold virus, those more involved with friends, family, work, and church groups didn’t get sick. Conversely, the volunteers who were loners, and had few social contacts readily picked up the colds. Spiegel notes that we tend to lose sight of the fact that humans are social creatures. “Social support is a stress buffet,” he says. “My prescription for good health is to take one friend or family members at least three times a day as needed.” Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson,  Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 37 2008-07-05 01:01:04 2008-07-05 04:01:04 open open mood-booster-1-spend-time-with-friends-and-family publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215192796 _edit_last 2 Mood Booster 2: Mange Subtle Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=38 Sun, 06 Jul 2008 04:01:21 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=31 These more subtle stressors, such as an unfulfilling job, a rocky marriage, or just sitting in commuter traffic day in and day out, can suppress the immune system. That leaves the body open to infection disease, and muscle weakness, according to Bruce McEwen, Ph.D, of Rockefeller University in New York City, who reported his findings in the New England Journal of Medicine. We can handle acute stress when we must-both the good stress of working toward a difficult goal and the bad stress caused by some kind of calamity. When the stressful period ends, our bodies gradually return to normal functioning. However, if we are in a “state of chronic stress, hormones gradually produce harmful changes in blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels,” notes McEwen. Without realizing it, subtle stress has made us ill. In more recent research, McEwen and colleagues found that, contrary to the long-held belief that humans or animals cannot grow new brain cells once they reach adulthood, monkeys constantly make new brain cell sin an area of the brain used for forming long-term memories. But the brain stops producing these new cells when the animals are under stress. If this happens in animals, the researchers wonder, why not in humans? This is all the more reason to keep stress at bay. How can you deal with life’s subtle stressors? The first order of business is to try to get a good night’s sleep. If you go through the day dragging your heels or some other part of your anatomy, you’ll find it difficult to deal with much of anything. Then, try to alleviate those minor irritations that leave you feeling grumpy or out of sorts. Break up your day by going for a short walk at lunch. Change your routine if you can. Take a different route to work or back home. If you’re at home during the day, vary the order in which typically do things. If you always go to the market in the morning, wait until after lunch. If you visit the library in the evening, switch to the afternoon for a while. The changes don’t have to earth-shattering, but they should give you the feeling that you’re looking at life from a slightly different angle. Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 38 2008-07-06 01:01:21 2008-07-06 04:01:21 open open mood-booster-2-mange-subtle-stress publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1215192828 How Big a Love Lie Have You Bought? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=267 Sun, 06 Jul 2008 11:59:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=267 So you confront your love and he or she gets angry with you for doubting them.   So now YOU become the bad guy.  Friends are incredulous because they know you are buying a love lie.  What happens?  Hopefully it doesn’t get as bad as what happened to Anne Hathaway. Seems that her man Raffaello Follieri, 30, has been arrested from serious charges stemming for accusations that he “swindled millions from investors.”  According to PEOPLE magazine, “She loved him and so she didn’t see much else until now,” a source close to Hathaway told the magazine. “She was completely blinded on this one.” What should you do if you suspect you are being lied to? Instead of buying a story, confront.  And talk to friends!  This is one time you should not be relying on your own judgement.  If your friends think you are being duped even after what you think is a plausible story — you probably are living in Anne Hathaway’s world.  from People magazine NOTE: For related stories go to June titled posts:  Liar, Liar and Hey Guys, Ladies on Your Side, and also STDs, a moral obligation to tell the truth. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 267 2008-07-06 08:59:13 2008-07-06 11:59:13 open open how-big-a-love-lie-have-you-bought publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215346949 _edit_last 2 Mood Booster 3: Laugh Yourself Healthy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=39 Mon, 07 Jul 2008 04:01:53 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=32 Remember Psalm 17- “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Medical research has caught up. Studies reported by Lee Berk, M.D., a neurologist at Loma Linda University in California, and his team, as well as other researchers, show that laughter prompts changes in the body that may help the immune and endocrine systems to function better. Laughter increases the number and activity of cells that help us fight disease and decreases stress-related hormones. The nice thing about laughter is that it’s contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too. Provine suggests that laughter does something special to our brains to trigger the laugh sounds in us. So for the sake of your health, if you don’t find the nightly sitcoms funny, rent some of your favorite old movies ; or call a friend to share your latest joke. Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 39 2008-07-07 01:01:53 2008-07-07 04:01:53 open open mood-booster-3-laugh-yourself-healthy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215192866 _edit_last 2 Jealousy! JEALOUSY http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=269 Mon, 07 Jul 2008 19:57:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=269 Women who say they are jealous -- oftentimes (if single) are still looking themselves and therefore project their own unfaithfulness onto a man.  (Told to me by a professor and confirmed by many conversations with both men and women since then.) A man who is jealous -- well the same applies. Regardless of the gender, jealousy can be petty or serious. There are ways to handle jealousy but there is no way to prevent a person who is has a tendency to cheat to be honest about his or her true motives for telling you that he or she is jealous. Bottom line -- jealousy is about insecurity in a relationship.  It is also a red flag.   Take a look at some of the earlier posts on Lies, Cheating, and Infidelity. Next week, we are presenting some interviews on jealousy, manipulation, and open relationships. Share your thoughts. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 269 2008-07-07 16:57:19 2008-07-07 19:57:19 open open jealousy publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1215480179 Mood Booster 4: Control Your Anger http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=40 Tue, 08 Jul 2008 04:01:26 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=33 Anger is an emotion we should all make an effort to quell for the sake of our hearts, says Thomas Pickering, M.D., D.Phil., of New York City’s Cornell Medical Center. “We ask people to keep diaries, and we can see that on days when they are particularly angry, their blood pressure goes up,” says Pickering, who heads the Cornell Work Site Blood Pressure Study. “While many people don’t feel angry enough often enough during the day for it to have an impact on their health, for some, an outburst of anger can tip them over the edge.” Not everyone is able to alter a job situation. But everyone can and should take the time to have lunch with a friend to talk out an anger-provoking situation. Other techniques to manage anger include excusing yourself from volatile predicaments, saying, “I’ll get back to you on that” or, when pressed for an answer you know will create more anger, learning to say, “I need some time to think about this.” Of course, there’s always that old standby; counting to 10. According to Susan Everson, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, cynical distrust I s the “toxic component” of anger. Everson studied more than 2,000 Finnish men, asking whether they agreed or disagreed with statements such as “No one really cares as much about what happens to you” and “I think most people would like to get ahead.” She found that those who turned out to be the most cynical were also likely to have unhealthy lifestyles. They smoked more, drank more, and exercised less. What can you do to get over this type of negative behavior? Wise advice comes from Redford Williams, M.D., of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who uncovered the link between heart disease and the hostility and anger of Type A behavior. When you find yourself in a situation that triggers hostility and anger, Williams suggests that you ask yourself whether the situation is important enough to be worth continuing you attention, whether your reaction is appropriate to the situation, and whether you can change the situation. Most times, he notes, the answer to all three questions will be no. So find alternative responses, and back off. Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 40 2008-07-08 01:01:26 2008-07-08 04:01:26 open open mood-booster-4-control-your-anger publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215193543 _edit_last 2 Mood Booster 5: Exercise Away the Blues http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=41 Wed, 09 Jul 2008 04:01:17 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=34 If you feel down in the dumps occasionally, chances are you know the reason for the slump and you also know that you’ll probably snap out of it soon. In the meantime, exercise will help lighten your mood.   Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, improve memory, and increase a sense of well-being. As if that’s not enough, aerobic exercise seems to enhance creativity, quite independent of its effect on mood. Why should something so simple have such a positive effect? Researchers don’t know. Theories include a regaining control of one’s body, altering chemical substance in the brain, or elevating body temperature, which could have an effect on the brain. How much exercise is enough? Two of five times a week for 30 to 40 minutes, plus 5 to 10 minutes each of warm up and cool-down is recommended. If negative feelings seems to go on and on without a light at the end of the tunnel, however, you may be suffering from depression. Consider talking with you doctor if you’ve lose interest in things you used to enjoy; your appetite or weight has changed dramatically in a short time; you feel tired all the time; or you have problems concentrating, thinking, or making decisions. Treatment will not only give you a bright outlook on life, it may help improve your health, as well. Depression has been identified as a major risk factor for heart disease, and studies from Stanford University show a strong relationship between depression and breast cancer. Although therapy and/or medication can for the most part relive depression, an even lower-tech solution can often do the trick. Recent evidence shows that aerobic exercise may be as effective as psychotherapy and medications in treating mild to moderate depression, and is even more effective when used in conjunction with conventional therapies. Australian researchers found that two one-hour exercise sessions a week for six week significantly alleviated feelings of depression among depressed women, and also elevated moods in non-depressed women. Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 41 2008-07-09 01:01:17 2008-07-09 04:01:17 open open mood-booster-5-exercise-away-the-blues publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215193433 _edit_last 2 New Rules for Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=266 Thu, 10 Jul 2008 04:01:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=266 Just look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Nelson Rockefeller and his mistress, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono.  Then there was the scandal that rocked Amherst College in the 1800's. Today we have new books that discuss open relationship arrangements.  There is even a section on how to deal with jealousy.   That would NEVER work for me -- I am still furious at the women who got the last pair of sandals that I wanted at Nordstrom's.  And yes, we did check with other stores. From my Providence Journal column this past Sunday -- enjoy! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 266 2008-07-10 01:01:40 2008-07-10 04:01:40 open open new-rules-for-open-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215193879 _edit_last 2 Infidelity? Madonna and A-Rod; a Pregnant CBS Reporter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=270 Thu, 10 Jul 2008 04:17:48 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=270 There are the rumors about A-Rod, New York Yankee Alex Rodriguez, and Madonna.  "Not so,"  says Madonna.  "A divorce" says A -Rod's wife. Then there is no denying the Lara Logan story.  The CBS reporter is expecting the child of a married man whom she met in Iraq. What’s infidelity all about?  Let me point out once again that much of the research points to a need that is more than sexual — it is about a lack of understanding, a lack of communication, unkind words, or passive agressive behavior, the real relationship killer which happens when one or the other simply withdraws or walks. The opposite sex: Also, it isn’t always an attraction to the opposite sex that is the infidelity culprit. Some readers have told me of the hurt they experienced when their spouses drifted off with someone of the same sex.  A practical perspective: Please understand, if the relationship is over — despite the pain and the hurt you might feel, simply know that he or she was not the right person for you.  However, I encourage you to read other postings about saving your marriage or relationship despite infidelity.  Just go to SEARCH -- top of the page right and put in "infidelity."  From fantasy to herpes: Sometimes relationships end because a man or a woman has a fantasy image.  Then he or she sees someone who looks like their dream, but only too late realize that looks deceive.  And I have heard too many stories about men who find the love of their life, throw caution to the wind, jeopardize their careers or families, and then end up divorced or as one smart man learned -- even worse -- herpes!   You can be done with someone after a divorce, herpes is with you all your life. The scoop on two new scandals: Taking what doesn't belong and Boundry violations: Someone once told me that infidelity was really like stealing --- it is taking something that doesn't belong to you.  An attorney pointed out to me that any boundry violation can be seen as "infidelity to one's character" such as: teacher-student, employer-employee, religious leader-congregation member or children.  Infidelity damages one's integrity.  A wise old saying:  A relationship ends as it begins.  If it begins in deception according to the law of karma those involved will be deceived.  If it begins hot and fiery, it will end in ashes.  If it begins thoughtfully and honestly -- it will last and last and last. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 270 2008-07-10 01:17:48 2008-07-10 04:17:48 open open infidelity-madonna-and-a-rod-a-pregnant-cbs-reporter-next publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224466014 _edit_last 2 289 ghrtyppiucrzmm@mail.ru http://mp3maker.org/all_albums_artist3105/John-Williams/ 2008-08-20 12:16:45 2008-08-20 15:16:45 0 0 0 Beach Time Becomes Jail Time in Dubai, YouTube Love Scene http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=274 Fri, 11 Jul 2008 03:01:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=274 Apparently a couple had a bit too much champagne at an office party, drifted off to the beach, and found themselves in the midst of the classic scene in From Here to Eternity -- you know the one where the waves wash over two lovers?  The lovers were Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster involved in an illicit affair even way back when! Fast forward to Dubai and remake the scene with sex -- then add handcuffs -- from police --  leading the  lovers off to jail.   No Beach Sex, please! The famous beach love scene in From Here to Eternity:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W6AGM-LxGY Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 274 2008-07-11 00:01:33 2008-07-11 03:01:33 open open beach-time-turned-into-dubai-jail-time publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1215747954 Why Men Miss the Clues: A Study Says... http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=275 Fri, 11 Jul 2008 04:01:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=275 In the world of body language, men do not seem to have the same sense of interpretation as do women.  The good professor often says, "Men are simple creatures."   And according to this new study men DO need things spelled out. From CNN.com living this piece posted today says, She is Just Not that Into You -- or IS SHE?  " Case in point: If a woman is giving 'I'm interested' signals -- touching a man on the arm, for example, or maintaining eye contact and smiling while talking -- but then talks about how she's not really interested in dating, the man's going to believe her words, Stafford says, not her action." Reality check: And in reality we know of men whose girl friends track them down in a crowded airport halfway across the world and will manage to get information about whether or not they have a travel companion.  When confronted "Are your tracking me down?"  all she needs to say is "Oh, no.  I was worried about you." When will the CIA or the FBI come to realize that a jealous woman can find out more about her man than all the detectives in the world.  And when confronted by the man, she will simply cry and he will listen to her words rather than trust his gut and look at her actions. Women saving women: But conversely, if there was a study about women's instincts, women who are jealous usually have a reason and many a woman's dignity was saved when she learned the truth about her man.  But ironically, the truth sets women free, whereas men just wait until reality hits them over the head.  She's Just Not Into You Ironically a book with a similar title was a highlight on a Sex and the City episode several years ago --only this book was called He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys (The Newly Expanded Edition) by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo, and Lauren Monchik The message here is simple and the title of many books on effective communications -- it is called, "Say What You Mean."   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 275 2008-07-11 01:01:08 2008-07-11 04:01:08 open open why-men-miss-the-clues-a-study-says publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215747728 _edit_last 2 Pole Dancing, Naked Protests, and Sizzling in Chile http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=11 Sat, 12 Jul 2008 05:26:08 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=200 She said she was challenging societal prudishness in Chile. Stripper Arrested Apparently, skimpily dressed women and naked college students can make a powerful statement.  Another group stripped down totally to protest poor education. Naked Protest I think the Chileans get five stars for creativity.  One wonders if the society is really timid outside, do couples have torried relationships behind closed doors?  According to a Durex survey in 2005 "The Chileans are the nationality who feel the strongest in terms of sex education for developing countries (62%)."  And in a piece called, "How Hot is Your Bedroom?" Chile was sizzling! Sexbolt Saturday Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 11 2008-07-12 02:26:08 2008-07-12 05:26:08 open open pole-dancing-naked-protests-and-sizzling-in-chile publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215841420 _edit_last 2 Kind Words and Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=281 Sat, 12 Jul 2008 05:40:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=281 It was Plato who once said: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. " I received this note the other day from one of my sisters, Deborah, who sent it on my birthday. I can understand why.  I'm Italian and if it is in my head, it is on my lips, or in this blog.  While many of us know the saying, we often forget that the first line originated with a philosopher who lived sometime in the 400 BC era!
    • Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
    • Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply.  Speak kindly.
    • Leave the rest to God.
    • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .
    • Life is about learning to dance in the rain.
    What has this to do with relationships?  Everything.  As such, here is a piece I wrote sometime ago and it is still one of my favorites:  Words that harm, words that heal Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    281 2008-07-12 02:40:09 2008-07-12 05:40:09 open open kind-words-and-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1215896171 _edit_last 2 151 debsteady@gmail.com 2008-07-12 19:02:34 2008-07-12 22:02:34 1 0 0
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a:5:{s:5:"width";i:90;s:6:"height";i:128;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='67'";s:4:"file";s:70:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson4.jpg";s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} What Kind of Man Should You Marry or Avoid? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=292 Sun, 13 Jul 2008 04:01:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=292 New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd did a piece about finding the ideal man -- with the advice of a Catholic missionary priest! In this day of high profile and messy celebrity divorces, she presented the opinions of a man, who, for  starters, cautioned against men who:
    • Have no friends
    • Can be stepped on
    • Are tied to their mother's apron strings
    For more, here is a link to the column: An Ideal Husband This is serious reading and so for a bit of fun, take the Cosmopolitan quiz to see if your man if more interested in your body than in YOU! Cosmo Quiz And if you are really looking for a husband, whether you are a kitten or a cougar, start out with honesty.  I know, I am an honesty maven for two reasons -- honesty is a good foundation for any relationship and as a woman closer to cougar age than kittens, I simply couldn't remember a lie!  Far too complicated. Happy partnering. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    292 2008-07-13 01:01:27 2008-07-13 04:01:27 open open what-kind-of-man-should-you-marry-or-avoid publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1215922535
    Which Man, Which Woman? Listen for Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=294 Mon, 14 Jul 2008 04:01:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=294   You might sit and talk and even make a pros and cons checklist.  And if you are a list maker -- let's not forget the weighted average.  He or she may be a 10 however, there may be one trait that screams, "walk away."  Are you willing to listen to friends and to your heart? When you are listening to music, oftentimes it is in the context of background music -- in the house, the car.  At a concert, however, you become absorbed in the music.  If you meditate, you become absorbed in the silence. Absorbed with love:  Try taking some quiet time to listen for love. We often need to make a change in our lives in order to give ourselves permission to love, and to clear our heads so that we can hear – love. What does love sound like? It is a still small voice in our heart that comes with contentment, and a feeling that you know is just right.  When that happens you may have to take a chance on love. Just one word of caution -- are you someone who always goes back to what you know?  And if what you know is diaster, then maybe while your head is in the clouds, you should walk away. However, if you are just afraid to go forward with a new and different love -- a person who really loves you and isn't coming with too much baggage or hidden agendas -- then a friend will help you move forward with a feeling of joy. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]> 294 2008-07-14 01:01:43 2008-07-14 04:01:43 open open which-man-which-woman-listen-for-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219509338 _edit_last 2 bios_watson5 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=296 Mon, 14 Jul 2008 16:14:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson5.jpg 296 2008-07-14 13:14:10 2008-07-14 16:14:10 open open bios_watson5 inherit 58 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson5.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson5.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:5:{s:5:"width";i:90;s:6:"height";i:128;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='67'";s:4:"file";s:70:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson5.jpg";s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Clearing the Path for Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=295 Tue, 15 Jul 2008 04:01:24 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=295
    • Let go of worn out friendships and relationships -- the downers.
    • Break old patterns that really hinder your happiness -- overscheduling, overwork.
    • Make a change – change something – your hair, your furniture, the way your office is set up. Do something so you can see yourself differently.
    • Take yourself yourself less seriously.
    • Be more forgiving or yourself.
    • Be more forgiving of others without losing your sense of self or your values.
    Now what? Then tell a friend whose opinions you value about your new love and about the doubts.  Or if you are trying to decide between one of two people, a friend can help.  Just make sure the friend is a cheerleader who will help you move forward even while pointing out the red flags.  \ However, if you are listening for love — and clearing the path in your heart of hearts you will know the truth. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    295 2008-07-15 01:01:24 2008-07-15 04:01:24 open open clearning-the-path-for-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219509265 _edit_last 2
    Relationships Keep You Feeling Young and Healthy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=298 Wed, 16 Jul 2008 04:34:32 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=298 It seems that he has been studying areas of the world that he calls "blue zones"  and it is in these "areas of the world where longevity and health go hand in hand." What did he discover?   People are living longer and healther lives by, "making low-intensity physical activity part of one's daily routine, building good relationships with friends and family, eating a diet lighter on meat and excess calories and heavier on plants, and finding a purpose for and sense of meaning in your life. " And it certainly helps to find someone to love!  Long life! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 298 2008-07-16 01:34:32 2008-07-16 04:34:32 open open relationships-keep-you-feeling-young-and-healthy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216185689 _edit_last 2 How to Scare Away a Man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=299 Wed, 16 Jul 2008 05:17:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=299 I have said often in my postings, "Watch your words, and don't play the abuse card looking for sympathy as a way to reel in a guy.:  Everyone in your life is someone whom you chose to be with for a reason.  If it didn't work out, be grateful that you are out of that relationship and moving on. Men like women who are upbeat and positive.  And in fact, try to find one good thing about your ex and even you will feel better about yourself.  When you are negative, you invite negativity into your life.  Looking on the bright side will help you keep yourself open to new opportunities and possibilities.  And when you meet someone new, let your best spirit, your happiest personality captivate him. Six don'ts when dating Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 299 2008-07-16 02:17:41 2008-07-16 05:17:41 open open how-to-scare-a-away-a-man publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1216253927 Sexy people, sexy voices http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=300 Thu, 17 Jul 2008 04:01:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=300   While many of us judge a book by its cover -- and determine attraction through looks -- voice  plays a major role in determining one's mate.  The research suggests that " what we hear in a person can greatly affect what we see in them," Greg Soltis reported today in LiveScience.  Sexy People Sound Better Interestingly, a report from  Canada several years ago indicated that men with deep voices have more children then men with higher pitched voices.  Findings from McMaster University in Canada "have shown that women are more attracted to men with deeper voices, judging them to be older, healthier and more masculine than their higher-pitched rivals."  It seems that men choose women with higher pitched voices because they sense in them traits ranging from feminine and subordinate to healthy and younger.  Deep Voices We once believed that beauty was in the eye of the beholder.  Can it be that love at first sight is really love at first sound? Copyright 2008 Rita Watson          ]]> 300 2008-07-17 01:01:22 2008-07-17 04:01:22 open open sexy-people-sexy-voices publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216307441 _edit_last 2 Online Dating -- Another Saga http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=304 Fri, 18 Jul 2008 04:01:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=304 Dating a stranger?  For me, I always liked knowing family, friends, social settings, clubs -- oh, yes, a private club is a hotbed of gossip --  you can learn just about anything about anyone,  whether or not it is true. So, I don't have much advice for online daters, however, here is a saga that perhaps would have ended if she bought the book, "He's just not that into you!" An online dating story Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 304 2008-07-18 01:01:18 2008-07-18 04:01:18 open open online-dating-another-saga publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1216272719 Married, Cheating, and Divorcing Fake Wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=306 Sun, 20 Jul 2008 02:48:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=306 It seems that a gentleman went to court to divorce his wife, but used a "stand-in" instead.  The unsuspecting wife was none too happy. Fake Wife While in my "neutral but opinioned" world, you know that I believe adultery, infidelity, whatever you wish to call it, should not be taken so lightly. Yet, in England, there are some who believe that adultery can save your marriage as reported in the Guardian in the UK. Adultery, the Guardian But the same publication also said, "Whoa" in a report that the British may have this one all wrong. Brits may be wrong Despite my opinionated ways, I do believe that Mira Kirshenbaum may have done a service to many couples with her new book: "When Good People Have Affairs." Amazon book  And so, you be the judge. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 306 2008-07-19 23:48:31 2008-07-20 02:48:31 open open married-cheating-and-divorcing-fake-wife publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216562226 _edit_last 2 Why People Cheat in Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=308 Sun, 20 Jul 2008 04:01:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=308 Men who cheat: New York magazine, in May 18, 2008, had just done a spread on "The Affairs of Men" by Phillip Weiss.  A key question was whether or not monogamy is outdated.  "There is no more unnatural principle of social organization than sexual exclusivity."  But the author points out, ‘like other of my male sources, he didn't want me to use his name.' "Don't get me divorced!" was the refrain. What about women who cheat? The author points out, "Society is far more judgmental about women who cheat than men; just read Anna Karenina."  And Dr. Ruth confirms this is my Married, but Cheating op-ed for The Providence Journal (see relationship columns.)  Weiss adds, "Consider the Website meet2cheat, in which married people find one another for recreational sex; it charges $59 for a man's three-month entry fee, $9 for a woman. Cheating wives are harder to come by."   Why people cheat: Rhonda Fine, PhD, a clinical sexologist and diplomate of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists says, "There are a variety of reasons why people cheat, and it's not always about the sex. People cheat because they're selfish, immature or narcissistic. Or they're excitement junkies and attracted to the drama. They put their needs ahead of others and rarely blame themselves why they cheated in the first place." To find out more go to Cheating Facts and Myths on AOL The madonna and prostitute: The article is good and interesting reading.  But I think my hairdresser has the answer to keep men from straying.  "All men secretly desire a Madonna to the world and a sex siren in the bedroom.  They want variety.  And if we want to keep them from straying, we should play whatever role suits their fancy."   The Affairs of Men Why do people cheat?  As I looked back on years of research, and forgive me for a quick general statement - women cheat because they are lonely and men cheat for the thrill, the desire to feel rejuvenated. Straight, gay, or insecure? But most often it is because they are not comfortable in their own skin (sometimes because inside their own skin they are stuggling with issues of straight or gay)  and need outside affirmation - and communication stops and intimacy turns cold. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 308 2008-07-20 01:01:57 2008-07-20 04:01:57 open open why-people-cheat-in-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222984833 _edit_last 2 156 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-07-21 10:43:45 2008-07-21 13:43:45 1 0 0 New Rules, New Look at Open Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=311 Sun, 20 Jul 2008 14:41:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?page_id=311 Sunday July 6, 2008, adapted from Providence Journal IN A YEAR when "Virginity Rules" became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - will the words "for better or worse, until death do us part" become obsolete? Polyamory means sharing more than one intimate partner at the same time. Unlike the ménage à trois or Updikean wife-swapping, polyamory is characterized by multiple-relationship arrangements with the consent of all partners and defined by specific boundaries. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor's wife. Mabel Loomis Todd, who documented their relationship, declared that she could love two men at the same time.  Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. One man loving three wives at the same time was depicted in Big Love, an HBO tale glamorizing polygamy. Since I do not own a television, I missed it and had to wait to read about marriage alternatives in two new books that are shedding light on sexual-preference-packages. Written or unwritten rules that include mutual respect, agreements, and even contracts between various partners appear to set apart today's open marriages from the swinging '60s. Tristan Taormino, in Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships, describes a variety of arrangements, ranging from monogamy with benefits to triads and  solo polyamory.  The book comes with an extensive resource list by  state and country. Taormino says her goal is "to empower people to let go of societal expectations of what relationships should look like and create customized relationships that meet their needs and desires." Jenny Block's Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is a memoir. She wrote me and said, "I do think that polyamory might well work for many people. That's not to say that I have any problem with monogamy. I think it is great when a couple is actually practicing it and not just giving lip-service to the concept." Escalating marital infidelity and divorce rates may be contributing to the rise in cohabitation. A young couple from Portland, Ore., expressed a growing sentiment. Amanda Thibodeau said: "Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?" Of their relationship Scott Beck added: "We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old." Ironically in an era when many are giving a "thumbs down" to marriage, gay couples are still lobbying for the right to marry. What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, we are spending taxpayer dollars for abstinence programs that congressional-funded research shows are failing. Why not spend money on family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care? We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation. Does marriage even have a future? As an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. But I paused at a recent New Yorker cartoon by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal "just married" attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: "It didn't have to end like this." Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger at www.ritawatson.com who writes about relationships. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 311 2008-07-20 11:41:34 2008-07-20 14:41:34 open open new-rules-new-look-at-open-marriage publish 148 0 page _edit_lock 1216778212 _wp_page_template default _edit_last 2 Marriage and Money in the News http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=315 Mon, 21 Jul 2008 04:01:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=315 The article by writer Linda Stern presents an interview with a seven point suggestions on how to manage money.  Personal Finance In my column for the Providence Journal I pointed that in the 2008 "Love and Money" survey of 1,049 people -- over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States, conducted the survey. "Money doesn't care who owns it," was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called "modest times." Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right.  Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. What do the experts suggest? Here are their thoughts in Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 315 2008-07-21 01:01:20 2008-07-21 04:01:20 open open marriage-and-money-in-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1216645667 802 http://www.remmrit.com/relationships 2008-12-23 18:21:59 2008-12-23 21:21:59 0 pingback 0 0 Divorce Hurts Taxpayers as Well http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=316 Tue, 22 Jul 2008 03:35:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=316 With this startling news, perhaps more attention will be paid to strengthening marriages. The situation and problems inherent with divorce have been studied recently by a Georgia State University economist who is part of "the marriage movement."  They are suggesting that states do more to help strengthen and promote the concept of marriage as we have said in many of our posts.  New Report     Perhaps it is time to rethink the value of togetherness and show children two people giving to each other unselfishly for the sake of unity and love.  Marriage Education   We like the concept of Divorce Busting! It is important to watch our words, which often become irreconcilable differences. Perhaps if more couples watched their words, or listened to the tone of their voices - a greater respect for each other might develop into supportive words, forgiving words, or no words at all.  I am not talking about the silent treatment, but rather the magic in a silent smile, a loving look into another's eyes, a gentle touch Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]> 316 2008-07-22 00:35:15 2008-07-22 03:35:15 open open divorce-hurts-taxpayers-as-well publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216735338 _edit_last 2 Sex on Your Mind? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=317 Wed, 23 Jul 2008 04:01:16 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=317 The Economist, an international magazine of politics and world affairs to Self and Cosmopolitan. In an attempt to catch up on gossip at the hair dresser instead of reading women's magazines -- I've subscribed to so many that when you walk into my home -- my entryway has three magazine racks!  You know the ones that display magazines as in a physician's office.  So has it helped me keep up on my reading? In view of the fact that I spotted the Sex Diary in a March issue, I guess not.   "Sex Diary"  was apparently inspired by last year's Durex survey of sexual satisfaction.  The chart here is from The Economist and, as the article points out, "sex is a risky business."  It seems that those in rich countries take more chances and are at higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases.  Sex by Country While some reports say that on average, people have sex 1.6 times a week, Self  was inspired to ask women to keep sex diaries.  But alas I was not able to access it online for all of you.  So instead I went to Cosmopolitan and found Ten Sizzling Tips. But I do want to emphasize the serious risk with unprotected sex.  Take a look at posts here on STDs, look at the numbers in Economist, and you will really want to take protection seriously. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 317 2008-07-23 01:01:16 2008-07-23 04:01:16 open open sex-on-your-mind publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216754367 _edit_last 2 The Advice Question http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=318 Thu, 24 Jul 2008 03:37:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=318 Sometimes it makes more sense to make your own decision and then ask others to confirm your thoughts.  But if you do wish other opinions, whom should you ask? DO ASK friends, neighbors, and business associates.
    • Friends you admire who seem to make good decisions
    • Associates from a business group, your church, arts council, or political group
    • Friends who have experience making decisions similar to the one you are now facing
    DONT’ ASK or ACCEPT advice from Know it alls
  • Those whose attitude is “my way or the highway”
  • Those who put you on a spot, for example, you ask about a lawyer and they go right to the phone, dial a number and say, “Here, talk to my friend, he is the best.”
  • Those whose mind is already made up.
  • Keep in mind: You want objectivity.  You want different points of view. You want information to help you make an informed decision.
  • It is good to gather facts.  But in the final analysis, it is oftentimes best to weigh your options in the quiet of your heart of hearts.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    318 2008-07-24 00:37:05 2008-07-24 03:37:05 open open advice-when-to-listen-when-to-ignore-it publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1216917145 _edit_last 2
    Infidelity, Once Again http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=320 Thu, 24 Jul 2008 16:13:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=320 Once again, infidelity is in the news and it isn't just Sara, it appears that A-Rod and Madonna are making the rounds again.  Is there really a video? Is it possible we are becoming a society that is turning marriage into a mockery?  The photos are all over the Internet and so is the gossip.  As such I am simply going to repeat what I said in my July column for the Providence Journal.  What kind of role models exist for our children?  Politicans, movie stars, sports heroes — the parade of infidelity is endless.  When are going to step back and take a good look at the "Cheating" headlines in front of us and wonder about the children growing up to be the next generation? To read more of what I have to say about "Infidelity" and "Cheating" take a look at the CATAGORIES index to your right.  There are too many links to list here. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 320 2008-07-24 13:13:54 2008-07-24 16:13:54 open open more-infidelity-in-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249911331 _edit_last 2 160 jimbobfurley@gmail.com 2008-07-24 14:10:21 2008-07-24 17:10:21 1 0 0 185 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-07-31 15:06:38 2008-07-31 18:06:38 1 0 0 The True Love Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=321 Fri, 25 Jul 2008 03:18:55 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=321 I was writing my next Providence Journal column and decided to include in it a questions asked of me about older men dating younger women and vice versa. I think older women who date younger men are confident and not afraid to be both nurturing and sexy at the same time.  Whereas men who date younger women often do so because they are afraid of getting old.  They somehow feel that the younger woman will help them to feel young again.  Was this the case with Harrison Ford and Ally McBeal?  And was this Sir Paul McCartney's mistake? One friend told me that oftentimes younger women "are looking for a meal ticket."  That may have been true at one time, but Internet dating sites are reporting that younger women are more reluctant to date older men these days. Only about 25% of women are looking to date men 10 years older. Chicks-Dig-Younger looking-Men Whereas the BBC reports an increase in marriages between younger men and older women.  So perhaps love and romance is really about values and qualities that you respect in another.  I can't stress values often enough.  Read the postings under "Lies" to the right under Categories.   However to find out your compatibility regardless of age, take this quiz.  Ageless Love Quiz. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 321 2008-07-25 00:18:55 2008-07-25 03:18:55 open open is-it-true-love publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1217027268 title Is it true love? description a compatibility quiz designed for older women dating younger men and vice versa keywords Harrison Ford, Allie McBeal, love, cougars, compatibility Jilted Woman Gets $150,000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=323 Fri, 25 Jul 2008 23:01:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=323   We often talk about honesty in relationships.  And talking about money is key especially since sex and money are the two deal breakers in relationships.  Apparently her financee is said to have gotten cold feet because of her debt. Here is a link to my colums, you will want to read Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets at Relationship columns. As for the story of the jury award to the Jilted Bride -- here is the Today Show interview.  And yes, she is keeping and selling the ring.  The bloggers are falling behind the man on this one. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 323 2008-07-25 20:01:26 2008-07-25 23:01:26 open open jilted-woman-gets-150000 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1217027205 _edit_last 2 description There are two sides to every story, but apparently the jury believed the jilted woman. Her financee is said to have gotten cold feet because of her debt. title Jilted Woman Gets $150,000 keywords Jilted, cold feet, Today Show interview, debt, sued finance, kept the ring, Male Brothels for Women Only http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=322 Sat, 26 Jul 2008 04:01:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=322 The Stud Farm: Heidi Fleiss is a former Hollywood madam known for her high-priced services and clientele.  She took a fall, did some time, but is an endless adventuress.  Her latest endeavor is an attempt to create a male brothel in Nevada called Heidi's Stud Farm.  It will cater only to women.  The documentary apparently aired this week on HBO.  I still don't have a TV, but for those who do, and who are interested -- it was slated for July 21st. A Variety of Men: While the concept is interesting, I just love the commentary from Cassandra by Ariel Leve in the UK's TIMESonline.  She seems to know our thoughts on every man anyone of us has ever dealt with.  So what will a brothel need?  Father figures. Vaporous men who disappear. Wokers with whom one would never have sex in the real world.  But what I like best -- she gets at the heart of women's needs -- the phone call in the morning.  And says that should be included in the price. Read for yourselves. All Male Brothel Mayflower Madam: Madam's sometimes do very well in our society.  Remember Sydney Biddle Barrows, dubbed the Mayflower Madam because of her ancestry?  She was from the upper-class Biddles of Philadelphia.  And although her escort service was exposed, her book helped her gain notoriety world-wide. The DC Madam: But for 52-year-old Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who was convicted of running a high price service catering to Washinton's elite, her story ends sadly.  The bloggers, however, are wondering if she was "hushed." Sen. David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican was one of her clients.  Read the comments -- and see what you think in this report from The Sleuth at the WashingtonPost.com, Mary Ann Akers:  DC Madam      Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 322 2008-07-26 01:01:42 2008-07-26 04:01:42 open open male-brothels-for-women-only publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219461968 _edit_last 2 description The UK is on top of the story: the former Hollywood Madam, Heidi Fleiss is trying to open up a brothel stocked with men for women. keywords Heidi Fleiss, Stud farm, Male brothel, fantasies, father figures, disappearing me, Ariel Leve, Cassandra, breakfast, phone call in the AM, Mayflower Madam, DC Madam title Male Brothels for Women Only 182 TheB@ix.netcom.com 2008-07-30 10:06:59 2008-07-30 13:06:59 1 0 0 imagenewsfetcher http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=325 Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:46:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/imagenewsfetcher.jpg 325 2008-07-27 20:46:41 2008-07-27 23:46:41 open open imagenewsfetcher inherit 324 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/imagenewsfetcher.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/imagenewsfetcher.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:160;s:6:"height";i:109;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:23:"height='87' width='128'";s:4:"file";s:74:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/imagenewsfetcher.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:1:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:28:"imagenewsfetcher-150x109.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:109;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} picture-34 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=326 Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:47:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/picture-34.png 326 2008-07-27 20:47:23 2008-07-27 23:47:23 open open picture-34 inherit -1217202422 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/picture-34.png _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/picture-34.png _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:490;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='29'";s:4:"file";s:68:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/picture-34.png";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:22:"picture-34-150x150.png";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:21:"picture-34-91x300.png";s:5:"width";i:91;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Women, Stress, and Arousal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=331 Mon, 28 Jul 2008 01:00:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=331 In a publication in this month's Journal of Sexual Medicine, "Cortisol, Sexual Arousal, and Affect in Response to Sexual Stimuli" researchers from the University of Vermont and the University of Texas reported on a study in which women were shown erotic films to determine arousal levels. Those with increased levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) may have less interest in sex.  The researchers noted that "Stress related to sexual performance may interfere with sexual arousal."   Hmm.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 331 2008-07-27 22:00:27 2008-07-28 01:00:27 open open women-stress-and-arousal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1217207273 _edit_last 2 A Model Husband: Randy Pausch http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=324 Mon, 28 Jul 2008 04:01:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=324 http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/LastLecture/  For the entire lecture series, go to April 6th Blog post.    The TIMES obituary.  ]]> 324 2008-07-28 01:01:06 2008-07-28 04:01:06 open open in-memory-of-randy-pausch publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1217257165 title In Memory of Randy Pausch description He sang to his wife. He left a legacy to his children. He inspired us all. keywords Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture Save that Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=334 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 04:01:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=334 For couples with failing marriages, Just a few quick suggestions.  I know it may be hard to hear this especially after I had a long talk with a mother last night watching her son and daughter-in-law go through such pain and sadness with their 10 year olds. But think about this.  Are you willing to accept this challenge?
    • Take time to see the man or woman you married as the love of your life. 
    •  Pull out those wedding photos. 
    • Start laughing again at each other's jokes. 
    • Read "Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7 Step Plan for Saving Your Marriage" by Michele Weiner-Davis. 
    • Find the Boston Legal episode depicting a married couple who meet each other on the Internet under assumed identities and fall in love again.  
    Your visualization challenge.  Think about the man you married and what you loved most about him.  Think about the way you treated him when he was that person.  Now see him as you wish him to be.  And act accordingly.  If you wait for a grump to come home each night, he will.   If you expect a man to cheat, he will.  If you anticipate an argument, it will happen.  But if you see your lover waking in the door, and treat him accordingly, you might be surprised! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    334 2008-07-29 01:01:50 2008-07-29 04:01:50 open open save-that-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1217301101
    figure-2 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=337 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:04:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/figure-2.doc 337 2008-07-29 13:04:27 2008-07-29 16:04:27 open open figure-2 inherit 336 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/figure-2.doc _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/figure-2.doc _wp_attachment_metadata a:0:{} mpj030923800001 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=338 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:13:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/mpj030923800001.jpg 338 2008-07-29 13:13:02 2008-07-29 16:13:02 open open mpj030923800001 inherit 336 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/mpj030923800001.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/mpj030923800001.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:397;s:6:"height";i:600;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' 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width='67'";s:4:"file";s:70:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bios_watson6.jpg";s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Open Marriage vs True Love? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=336 Wed, 30 Jul 2008 05:01:21 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=336 Happily              Does open marriage negate true love? IN A YEAR when “Virginity Rules” became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up — and monogamy being challenged by polyamory — will the words “for better or worse, until death do us part” become obsolete?   This column ran in the Providence Journal.  My thanks to Jenny Block and Tristan Taormino for the interviews.  An interesting question was asked by Cindy, hair stylist at Kareez in Providence, RI,  with Kim and Joe -- "If you are looking outside of your marriage, are you happy in your marriage?" Which couple are you?  The one headed for polyamorous relationships or one the couple content to find passion within your marriage? Here is the full column: New Rules for Open Marriage Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 336 2008-07-30 02:01:21 2008-07-30 05:01:21 open open open-marriage-vs-true-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1217389658 _edit_last 2 enclosure http://www.kingscourtensemble.com/midi/wagner.mid 10336 audio/midi keywords monogamy, polyamory, marriage, divorce description Statistics from 13 countries show that marriage is down while living together is up and polyamory is challenging monogamy. 184 cschackai@gmail.com http://distelfinkfarm.blogspot.com 2008-07-31 12:37:25 2008-07-31 15:37:25 1 0 0 Another Cougar Wedding http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=346 Thu, 31 Jul 2008 04:01:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=346 The Happy Couple  Sex in the City’s Samantha, with her penchant for younger men, is credited with turning the pejorative image of “Mrs. Robinson” into a Cougar. Samantha is a business woman who seduces through her ability to think like a man sexually, and network like a man from the “old boy’s club” socially. Defined as “older women involved with younger men,” it seems that Cougars are becoming a trend — The Bachelor Show, Amazing Grace, and a cover of The New Yorker! Many young men who date older women tell me they do so because:
    • The women are more established. 
    • They have a stronger libido than young working women or those in their 40’s looking at menopause. 
    • They are nurturing.  Whereas today’s working women are too demanding and too career driven.
    • They are independent and will dash off to a mini-holiday even if at the motel down the street!
    The BBC Relationships section warns younger women about making time for intimacy. For another fun Cougar piece go to: Her Mother is a Cougar and She's Hot for ME Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    346 2008-07-31 01:01:15 2008-07-31 04:01:15 open open another-cougar-wedding publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219509221
    Seven Relationship Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=349 Fri, 01 Aug 2008 04:01:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=349   It seems that his secret is being Italian.  "I believe in devotion and family.  My wife and I were raised with old school values. If we were Americans we would have said 'Arriverdici' at least 100 times throughout the years. And what helps us through is love.  People say 'sex' but anyone can have sex anytime.  It is love that lasts." What does an expert say? According to relationship psychotherapist Paula Hall, every relationship needs a solid foundation if it's to survive all life can throw at it.   And here from BBC we present the seven essentials.  But please click the link to better understand why Paula selected these seven essentials.
    • Love yourself
    • Like your partner
    • Make quality time
    • Communicate
    • Argue well
    • Touch every day
    • Accept change
    To read more, please go to: Success Secrets Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    349 2008-08-01 01:01:47 2008-08-01 04:01:47 open open seven-relationship-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1252249231 keywords relationship, love, communicate, sex, secrets title Seven Relationship Secrets description Read the 7 steps which are secrets to successful relationships
    bios_watson7 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=350 Fri, 01 Aug 2008 15:39:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson7.jpg 350 2008-08-01 12:39:00 2008-08-01 15:39:00 open open bios_watson7 inherit 344 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson7.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson7.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:5:{s:5:"width";i:90;s:6:"height";i:128;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='67'";s:4:"file";s:70:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson7.jpg";s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} bios_watson71 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=351 Fri, 01 Aug 2008 15:39:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson71.jpg 351 2008-08-01 12:39:47 2008-08-01 15:39:47 open open bios_watson71 inherit 344 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson71.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson71.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:5:{s:5:"width";i:90;s:6:"height";i:128;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='67'";s:4:"file";s:71:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/bios_watson71.jpg";s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Camaraderie, Cigars, and a Good Relationship http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=352 Sat, 02 Aug 2008 04:00:24 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=352 It never quite occurred to me that men enjoy this ritual as they might fishing and hunting. "We talk, but maybe we sit here for 15 minutes before one of us says anything," said a professor.  "Women can't do that.  They need to be talking and interacting. Here we have a bond." This quiet friendship reminded me of a recent column that I posted by Maureen Dowd that says, "Never marry a man without friends.  He doesn't know how to be intimate."   A newlywed said he liked the company because, "Sometimes a man just needs to chill with a remote."  Others pointed out that most women would be saying, "Is something wrong?"  or "Did you have a bad day?" The Ritual: A gentleman married for 17 years appreciates the ritual.  "There is the choosing.  The unwrapping.  The cutting.  The lighting up.  The puffing.  The flavor -- all cigars have a different flavor. It is a quiet ritual, but it brings us together.  I think women don't understand camaraderie.  My wife and I do." Respecting emotional space: Perhaps in a marital camaraderie two people learn to respect each other's emotional space with as much reverence as one might respect physical space.  I often believed that for a man and woman to co-exist, it was important to have a room of one's own -- to write, to think, to be.  But after cigar night, I am rethinking the concept of separate but together for laughter, for passion, and moments of silent independence. Passionate independence:  This week's New Yorker reviews a new book about Emily Dickinson.  The Homestead is described as a place "where each member runs his or her own selves."   Can it be that a good cigar is what it takes for couples to understand intimate independence where eventually something sensual occurs?  And yes, I am still opposed to separate beds and separate his and her bedrooms. Cigar Masters: I am fascinated by cigar emporiums and will be writing about thoughts from the gracious Jeremy Soares and team at Cigar Masters Providence at the Westin.  And yes, in the spirit of full disclosure -- I joined as the first female Master Member. To read more please go to Cigar night out (which started in honor of the last show of the Boston Legal season) and Cigar smoke: Men, women, and truth.  In fact, it was one of the cigar-smoking women who discovered the new Cigar Masters while taking a walk.  Watch for my column in the Providence Journal this Sunday: DNA and Desire on the editorial pages. Projo Relationship Columns Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 352 2008-08-02 01:00:24 2008-08-02 04:00:24 open open camaraderie-and-cigars publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1217783466 _edit_last 2 title Camaraderie and Cigars description A ritual of friendship that men enjoy like hunting and fishing. keywords friendship, cigars, couples, men, women, hunting, fishing, ritual 194 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com 2008-08-02 11:41:03 2008-08-02 14:41:03 1 0 0 197 marguaritawatson@yahoo.com 2008-08-02 12:56:34 2008-08-02 15:56:34 1 0 0 More Cuddle Parties http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=353 Sun, 03 Aug 2008 04:01:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=353 Cuddle parties with strict rules are springing up nation-wide.  They are basically adult pajama parties with trained facilitators and strictly for hugging. It helps people to touch and to say "no" to a touch.  Here we have a TV video that shows a cuddle party in New York. Why the need?  Stress is unhealthy for your moods and your heart.  While there is some good stress related to workplace highs, in general physical symptoms and emotional symptoms of stress can be devastating.  Stress is not necessarily a negative force.  Sometimes a deadline or major project gets the adrenaline going.  That’s the good stress. But when there is no let up, the body becomes overwhelmed and this results in physical symptoms that might include migraines,  hives, stomach upsets, muscle  spasms, chronic fatigue and even heart attacks. There are three ways to deal with stress that can be helpful. Change the situation — If your workplace is overly competitive, see about setting ground rules.  If no one is willing to cooperate, then ask for a transfer or consider finding a new job. (If there is tension at home, face it and fix it.) Change the response — Sometimes when stressed we eat.  Sometimes we spend money.  Sometimes we take it out on those we love.  Change the response by defining the problem, outlining a plan, exploring alternatives, and defining a solution. (This works at home or in the workplace.) Get pysical: Exercise, loving, or cuddling.  We all know the benefits of exercise, but did you know that sex is a great stress-reducer?  Loving: And to those who say, "How can we have sex if we are stressed and fighting?  I don't believe in 'make-up' sex."  My answer is simple: Skip the fight and just have the sex. Cuddling: If it is cuddles you wish to learn about, here is a website. Cuddle Up Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 353 2008-08-03 01:01:51 2008-08-03 04:01:51 open open more-cuddle-parties-more-touch publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218159711 _edit_last 2 title More Cuddle Parties, More Touch description One of the keys to a successful relationship is to touch every day. For some people that is difficult to do. A cuddle party might help. keywords cuddle, touch, love, sex, peace, snuggle 206 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-08-07 20:06:27 2008-08-07 23:06:27 1 0 0 207 ritaewatson@aol.com http:// 2008-08-07 22:43:33 2008-08-08 01:43:33 1 0 2 Hit the Breaks Before a Break-up http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=354 Mon, 04 Aug 2008 03:08:21 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=354   So just to confuse lovers it seems that red flags fall into two categories. Both mean danger but in some cases you can step back, look from a new perspective, and move on together -- as in the following examples: Many couples tell me that the new "Rules" say no make up sex.  What is my thinking on this one?  Don't fight, just have sex.  But on a serious note, it is possible to see two sides of an issue.  Instead of arguing, negotiate. On a regular basis go out on a date with your spouse or significant other -- alone -- and pretend it's a first date all over again -- and talk about dealbreakers instead of the usual "getting to know you."  Then look to see how close each of you are coming to drawing that line in the sand.  Back up a bit. Instead of focusing on "break-up" think about ways to mend the tear in the relationship. Here is some advice from Dr. Laura Berman regarding red flags and cures Red Flags and Relationship Healers For women: Another type of red   For Men Common Mistakes  (It's late. I'm tried.  And by morning, I will probably amend this!) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 354 2008-08-04 00:08:21 2008-08-04 03:08:21 open open hit-the-breaks-before-a-break-up publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218566470 _edit_last 2 Cougar Reality Show http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=356 Tue, 05 Aug 2008 12:33:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=356 Page Six tells us that a new older woman, younger man reality show is in the making. There is a casting call going on right now.  And the show is about "empowerment."  Here is the link  from PAGE SIX .  As you know, I love writing about Cougars and you can find lots of links by searching on these pages.  Tomorrow we will be posting the Providence Journal Sunday feature, DNA and Desire, with Samantha, our favorite Cougar, cast in a very serious light.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 356 2008-08-05 09:33:40 2008-08-05 12:33:40 open open a-new-cougar-reality-show publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218985375 _edit_last 2 description Older women, younger man featured in new Reality show about empowerment. The news is from Page Six. title A New Cougar Reality Show keywords Older women, younger men, Reality TV, empowerment, news, Page Six. 200 dinobies@yahoo.com 2008-08-06 20:28:48 2008-08-06 23:28:48 1 0 0 Lies He Tells, Lies She Tells http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=357 Wed, 06 Aug 2008 04:02:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=357 Women often say they are not really lying, they are simply telling a complicated form of the truth -- or they tell the truth in such a complicated way that a man gets confused and gives up trying to get at the truth.    What do women try to hide?  First and foremost women lie to themselves about love.  They oftentimes convince themselves they are in love because they are afraid "not to be" in love.  However, when lying to a man, according to most websites the top three variations of truth include:
    • Number of past lovers  — (It slips her mind because some were just casual affairs not serious relationships.)
    • Being pregnant  – (Says she didn’t realize it because she didn’t have any of the usual symptoms.)
    • Having a sexually transmitted disease  – (Claims she didn’t think that her STD was contagious because she hasn’t had an outbreak in years, or it happened so long ago that she just forgot about it.
    What do men try to hide?  Basically the fact that they are cheating or that they are simply not really invested in the relationship.  But men will also be dishonest about a gambling habit or some other addiction. (Brad Pitt in The Cleaner. Provocative scene when he is confronted about his lying.) How can you you when tell a man is lying?  Oftentimes, he isn't very good at it. However sometimes men tell little white lies as depicted here in an article by Dr. Joyce Brothers. White lies. How can a man tell when a woman is lying?  She gets mad at you for accusing her  – pouts, throws a tantrum, witholds sex, or refuses to speak with you – even though you may be right and she may be guilty.   Or she becomes overly affectionate.   Lies Women Tell In HER defense and in HIS defense:  It is really about communicating with each other. Oftentimes couples do not communicate well because one or the other explodes and the other person is afraid to tell the truth.  Or one person walks rather than talks. Take a look at your communication style.  Gay or straight -- the truth is the truth: I was told the following by two gay men who have been together for three years. But it has surfaced in heterosexual couples as well in terms of unfaithful and jealous.  The person pointing the finger and accusing, "You are cheating on me, aren't you?" is oftentimes the person doing the cheating.  The person who claims to be jealous if you look at another man or woman, is often the person doing the looking. This couple meet while exchanging stories of partner's accusing them!  They are happily together and continue to be monogamous. And if you think you are too smart or above being trapped in buying a lie, I'll remind you all about Anne Hathaway. Seems that her man Raffaello Follieri, 30, has been arrested for alledgedly swindling millions.  According to PEOPLE magazine, “She was completely blinded on this one.”from People magazine What should you do if you suspect you are being lied to?  Instead of buying a story, confront without being confrontational.  And talk to friends!  This is one time you should not be relying on your own judgement.  If your friends think you are being duped even after what you think is a plausible story — you probably are living in LaLa Land.    In my little world -- shades of gray are not very appealing.  I like black and white... the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    357 2008-08-06 01:02:53 2008-08-06 04:02:53 open open lies-we-tell-or-he-said-she-said publish 0 0 post description Who tells more believable lies -- men or women? Peruse the magazines and word has it men lie more often, but women tell the more believable lies. The Cleaner _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218133419 title Lies He Tells, Lies She Tells keywords Lies, Brad Pitt, The Cleaner, Ann Hathaway, sex, STDs, cheating, lots of sex partners 205 brodysportsjock@yahoo.com 2008-08-07 10:41:00 2008-08-07 13:41:00 1 0 0
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The link to: Newscaster Who Can’t Stop Laughing!  Treat yourself to this video. Here is the piece about Yale graduation with  Sir Paul and Dr. Ruth. And yes, I cried during, "Hey Jude." Finally, Loving Italian Secrets that do not involve pasta, pastry, or my Grandmother's secret recipe for tiramisu -- an exquisite delicacy made while the expresso is brewing. My newest op-ed DNA and Desire in the Relationship Columns. What are your favorite blog posts?  The most viewed: cigar nights, infidelity, and lying.  But for today, just focus on loving and laughter.  And perhaps read the comments under RSS feeds to the right. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 359 2008-08-07 01:35:33 2008-08-07 04:35:33 open open paul-mccartney-laughter-loving publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247722672 keywords loving, laughter, Paul McCartney description My favorite posts, but unfortunately your favorites are about cheating, lying, and manipulation. Read about loving, and have a great laugh as well. title Paul McCartney, Laughter, Loving Love, Just LOVE http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=363 Fri, 08 Aug 2008 04:01:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=363 I had just come across the above quote as I looked through the news and it was filled with infidelity and divorce --  from the entertainment world, to politics, and sports -- I thought it was time to just think about a simple statement of love from the man whose book was titled, LOVE. More about love Why We Fall in Love  and Make Up Sex and Loving Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 363 2008-08-08 01:01:42 2008-08-08 04:01:42 open open love-2 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219278880 _edit_last 2 Hillary and Barack Disco Dance Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=364 Sat, 09 Aug 2008 04:09:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=364 We know that politicians make strange bedfellows.  Yet just this past January I was looking for an article in which it is suggested that the Clinton team approach the Obama team and say, “Let’s make a deal. You drop out of the race and we make you the VP. Within eight years, you will have the experience and the backing to be our next president.” Surprise.  Surprise.  Today, groups prepare for 18 million marchers to give voice to those who voted for Hillary.  And in this upside down world, it is now Hillary who waits in the wings to see if she will be the VP. Couples should take note of politicians.  Instead of going off to their rooms and slamming doors, or filing for divorce, they find a way to become bedfellows or in this case -- dance partners. It is fun music and a good laugh.  Hillary and Obama Disco Dance Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 364 2008-08-09 01:09:00 2008-08-09 04:09:00 open open hillary-and-barack-disco-dance-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218168597 _edit_last 2 title Hillary and Barack Disco Dance Video keywords Dance, video, disco, Hillary, Barack description We know that politicians make strange bedfellows. Yet couples should take note, they co-exist and become bedfellows or dance partners. Of DNA and Desire http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=365 Sun, 10 Aug 2008 04:01:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=365 Here is my op-ed from last Sunday's Providence Journal.  Could this be happening to us? Here is the link:  Of DNA and Desire.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 365 2008-08-10 01:01:54 2008-08-10 04:01:54 open open of-dna-and-desire publish 0 0 post keywords DNA, dating, sex, brain waves, desire, erotic, arousal, male brothels, research, statistics _edit_lock 1218405711 _edit_last 2 description Will heart flutter romance may be replaced by DNA dating and brain wave sex? title Of DNA and Desire 211 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-08-11 17:20:30 2008-08-11 20:20:30 1 0 0 Lying Lovers and Moving On http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=366 Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:01:38 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=366 Anne is handling the incident with a sense of humor.  In general, it is very difficult.  Here is how  the TACT Strategies® can help.  Take a minute:  Think about the inconsistencies in his or her stories.  Are there reasonable explanations or is there always an excuse? Assess the situation:  Do you suspect that you are being told a white lie or a serious lie?  If it deliberate withholding of information or convenient cover-up "I didn't know"  and your health has been jeopardized, moving on is a simple, "So long, see you."  Consider the alternatives:  Ok, you find that you have been lied to, then think about why.  The alternative is moving on emotionally or physically.  If you decide to stay with someone who has been lying,  just remember there will be consequences for you, your family, your career. Take a stand:  Do it.  Make the break.  If you are with someone who manipulates words in order to manipulate the relationship -- it's up to you to say, "Enough."  However, if you really love the person even though friends are warning you -- set up ground rules.  But first ask yourself if you are trapped in a pattern and it is more comfortable living with the manipulation than leaving and starting fresh?   Here is Anne Hathaway's story:  Hoping for Love  (The last Cigar story has links to "Liar, Liar." Too many stories are surfacing these days about lovers and lying.  Sad story in the news this week-end is the Jon Edwards affair.  NY Times Reports Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 366 2008-08-11 01:01:38 2008-08-11 04:01:38 open open lying-lovers-and-moving-on publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224642345 _edit_last 2 Cheating and Forgiveness: John Edwards, Elizabeth, and Sam http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=368 Mon, 11 Aug 2008 19:00:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=368 The B called me on that one in his comment yesterday regarding my article DNA and Desire in the Providence Journal.  To make a point about the devastating effects of chemotherapy -- and loss of libido -- I said that my favorite Cougar, Samantha from Sex in the City, encourged her young lover to have sex with another woman while he was on one of his musical tours.  She essentially gave him cheating priviledges because she did not have the energy or the drive. Somehow, knowing that John Edwards was cheating on Elizabeth -- who has been such a powerful and loving figure in his life -- puts a real face on a poignant problem.    CBS News wondered:  Did Elizabeth's illness trigger his straying? Jon and Elizabeth Cheating and forgiveness -- an incredible testimony to their love and faith.  I can appreciate her wishes for privacy.  Yet, the question surfaces, as a presidential candidate, did the voters deserve full disclosure and did the press help protect him? Washington Post.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 368 2008-08-11 16:00:10 2008-08-11 19:00:10 open open cheating-forgiveness-jon-edwards-and-samantha publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218572542 _edit_last 2 title Cheating and Forgiveness: Jon Edwards, Elizabeth, and Sam keywords Sex, cheating, Jon, Elizabeth, Samantha, DNA, Desire, Providence Journal, forgiveness, privacy, chemotherapy description After writing that Sex in the City\'s Samantha encouraged her lover to cheat while she has chemo, news of Jon Edwards cheating on Elizabeth surfaces. Make Up Sex and Loving http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=367 Mon, 11 Aug 2008 22:13:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=367 There is a way to fight constructively rather than allowing pent up anger to turn into a volcano or the silent treatment.  When two people do fight it oftentimes shows that they are invested in the relationship and want to jump over the hurdles to find happiness.  However if your style of fighting is something you'll recognize in this Cosmo article, then you are probably going to find yourself angry, frustrated, and alone at the end of the day instead of loving, hugging, or having sex. A few quick notes from the article:
    • Never send angry emails these really put a damper on loving. 
    • Don't keep repeating yourself. Also, there is good research that shows that the words"How many times have I told you?"  simply do not work.)
    • Never let one incident turn into tumbleweed -- it will put a major damper on loving and sex.
    DO STAY CALM AND FOCUSED and let your partner know that you really do want to resolve the issues at hand. Remember your goal is loving and fostering a healthy relationship. Here is a link to the Cosmopolitan article: "How to Emerge From A Fight More in Love" -- Cosmopolitan Another point of view -- Just because I like to say, "Make love not war" you may agree with the following article, "Make up Sex Rocks."  But be careful that it doesn't become a bad habit. Savvy Miss . A word of caution -- there are some provocative stories on the site itself, yet you will also find some happy day advice. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]>
    367 2008-08-11 19:13:51 2008-08-11 22:13:51 open open make-up-sex-and-loving publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219278790 _edit_last 2 description There are ways to fight and stay in love. Or don\'t fight, just make love. OR for some, make up sex is great. Your choice. keywords make up sex, anger, fight, links, Cosmo, SavvyMiss, intimate, love title Make up Sex and Loving
    A Man's Point of View: Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=369 Tue, 12 Aug 2008 04:01:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=369 Jerusalem Post  puts in perspective the John Edwards affair -- with an eye towards values and our children. I can and will point you to a series of links on why men cheat.  But this is a thoughtful article by Shmuley Boteach, author of The Broken American Male and How to Fix Him .  Why is it different than most?  Because of his conclusion.  He says, " But perhaps an even more important lesson to the convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first."  from The Jerusalem Post. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 369 2008-08-12 01:01:13 2008-08-12 04:01:13 open open why-men-like-jon-edwards-cheat-a-mans-pov publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218572511 _edit_last 2 title Why Men Like Jon Edwards Cheat: A Man\'s POV keywords Men, point of view, cheating, values, Jerusalem Post, children, family, values, Jon Edwards, Bill Clinton, ego, politicians description An article in the Jerusalem Post has put in perspective the Jon Edwards affair. It is a man\'s point of view, with an eye towards our children. Why Men Cheat http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=371 Tue, 12 Aug 2008 05:03:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=371 Kevin Haynes for LifeScript gives six reasons: Her looks changed.  She's become a ball buster.  He wants thrills.  He has the wanderlust. It's the monogamy problem.  It's just about sex. Six Reasons Men Cheat "The Affairs of Men" by Phillip Weiss in New York magazine asks a  key question -- "Is monogamy outdated?" The article is good and interesting reading.  The Affairs of Men Why people cheat: Rhonda Fine, PhD, a clinical sexologist and diplomate of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists says, "There are a variety of reasons why people cheat, and it's not always about the sex. People cheat because they're selfish, immature or narcissistic. Or they're excitement junkies and attracted to the drama. They put their needs ahead of others and rarely blame themselves why they cheated in the first place." To find out more go to Cheating Facts and Myths on AOL Cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship -- it may be the wake up call.  The research shows that a partner who cheats often needs companionship more than sex. WebMD: Nipping an Affair in the Bud Madonna and Sex Siren: In answer to the boredom problem, my hairdresser may have the answer to keep men from straying.  "All men secretly desire a Madonna to the world and a sex siren in the bedroom.  They want variety.  And if we want to keep them from straying, we should play whatever role suits their fancy."   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 371 2008-08-12 02:03:42 2008-08-12 05:03:42 open open why-men-cheat publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219026806 _edit_last 2 keywords Men, cheat, thrill seekers, reasons, links, links, links, WebMD, AOL description Men and women cheat because they are angry, hurt, disenchanted, feeling unloved, or we are simply thrill seekers. title Why Men Cheat Mending a Marriage after Infidelity Takes Forgiveness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=372 Wed, 13 Aug 2008 04:01:03 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=372 The Mayo Clinic offers advice on what to do about infidelity and how to mend a marriage after an affair. Mayo Clinic Infidelity Advice WebMD also offers advice on repairing marriages.  Marriages do survive infidelity, but it takes courage to forgive someone who violates the marriage vows. Overcoming Infidelity  Mending and Forgiving:  The secret to overcoming the sting of infidelity is forgiveness. Think Love, Not Divorce  In Joseph Campbell’s  The Power of Myth he talked about the essence of marriage with journalist Bill Moyers some years ago.  He called ”loyalty” the essence of marriage — “not cheating, not defecting — through whatever trials or suffering, you remain true.”   Bill Moyers said:  “In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive.  It is an ongoing sacrament — love and forgiveness.” Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 372 2008-08-13 01:01:03 2008-08-13 04:01:03 open open mending-a-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246899053 _edit_last 2 title Mending a Marriage After Infidelity description Marriages can be saved after infidelity. Here is advice from the Mayo Clinic and WebMD. keywords Mend, marriage, infidelity, advice, love, forgiveness, Bill Moyers, Professor Joseph Campbell Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=374 Wed, 13 Aug 2008 04:01:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=374 Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. Although I wrote about it for my monthly Op-ed column for the Providence Journal, “Of DNA and Desire” I had no idea that the John and Elizabeth Edwards story would surface. Today the issue of infidelity is all the more poignant in the face of reality. Cheating: Despite the parade of infidelity scandals among politicians -- the outrage and finger-pointing with the John Edwards story is searing. Why? Because in most of the other scandals, there was always a question: Did the wives know? Was there a silent arrangement? Commitment:  John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. "W" Skeletons: Perhaps it is the loss of an image that really angers us most today. We have come to expect certain tawdriness in our politicians. And with George Bush we knew that one day a movie would portray the closet filled with skeletons. The new Oliver Stone film “W” promises to rattle those bones. Cheating and truth: But John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on. Commitment to children: The Rabbi says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to the convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first. As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” (posted earlier on Talking Points Memo -- To read comments go The Politics of Sex and Commitment Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 374 2008-08-13 01:01:08 2008-08-13 04:01:08 open open cheating-chemotherapy-and-commitment publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233706004 _edit_last 2 keywords Cheating, Chemotherapy, Commitment, John and Elizabeth, Edwards, Oliver Stone, \"W\", outrage, marriage, models, family, children description The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. title Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment 214 maxlimoncelli@yahoo.com 2008-08-13 12:31:13 2008-08-13 15:31:13 1 0 0 218 BrodySportsJock@yahoo.com 2008-08-13 20:15:14 2008-08-13 23:15:14 1 0 0 215 HotJenniHot@yahoo.com 2008-08-13 12:34:49 2008-08-13 15:34:49 1 0 0 217 Marguarita.watson@yahoo.com 2008-08-13 16:30:14 2008-08-13 19:30:14 1 0 0 270 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-08-19 14:10:41 2008-08-19 17:10:41 1 0 0 Crossing the Relationship Line: Teacher-Student Seduction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=375 Thu, 14 Aug 2008 03:01:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=375 In college we all knew the professors who "hit on" their students.  And we all knew the women who would make a deal as to which one would be the first to seduce a certain professor.  Grad school was hot-bed of sexual activity with students and professors closer in age.  But today the social networking technology of  Facebook and MySpace is creating a new world of student-teacher seductions and it is hitting the high schools. According to an article by Mallory Simon yesterday and posted on CNN.com, the rising number of inappropriate relationships between student and teachers in Missouri is resulting in a "crackdown of social networking sites." Simon tells us that "Jim Keith, an education lawyer who represents several school boards in Missouri, has been giving talks to teachers in which he explains that most of the inappropriate student-teacher relationships start out on a friendship level... ‘As an educator, there is a line of demarcation between you and your student,' Keith said. ‘It's a line that you cannot come close to, let alone step over. You've got to establish it from Day One...'"  Student-Teachers CNN.com  In Manipulation and Sex Cheating in Academia, I quoted a female faculty member who thinks student and professor relationships are based on manipulation and blamed the professors for crossing the relationship line thereby creating an ethical "boundry violation." A male faculty member had a different perspective: "In the workforce people work in parallel with each other despite the hierarchy of doctor and nurse, director and secretary, lawyer and assistant.  "Whereas in academia we might be more vulnerable to manipulation than other professions because instead of really interacting, we are there teaching and students are drawing in not just the knowledge we are trying to share, but our style as well."  He added: "I confess to thinking about crossing the line every once in a while.  But my wife would tar and feather me and plunk me in the middle of the old campus."  Manipulating and Sex Cheating. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 375 2008-08-14 00:01:04 2008-08-14 03:01:04 open open crossing-the-relationship-line-student-teacher-seduction publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218688817 title Crossing the Relationship Line: Student-Teacher Seduction description What happens when students and teachers become too friendly with one another? Teachers cross the line. keywords student-teacher, seducation, too friendly, social networking, professors, inappropriate 221 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-08-14 13:17:06 2008-08-14 16:17:06 1 0 0 The Wrong Man Choice: Blame it on "the Pill" http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=378 Fri, 15 Aug 2008 03:01:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=378 I have often said that we should never judge a woman by the man she marries, we all make mistakes.  But now science may be absolving women chosing the wrong man. While some research tells us that women choose mates based on a sense of smell - men's sweaty T-shirts - women on the pill are at risk for making a bad choice because of the interaction of chemicals with their sense of smell. So if you traditionally make bad choices in man, you can blame it on the pill. According to a LiveScience report by Jeanna Bryner - women on contraceptive medication have their sense of smell compromised and may therefore choose the wrong mate.  The gene theory itself is contradictory. Some research says that "couples with dissimilar MHC genes are more satisfied and more likely to be faithful to a mate. And the opposite is also true with matching-MHC couples showing less satisfaction and more wandering eyes." The Pill For more on the story, here is a report from the BBC  The Science of Love which points out, "Women are thought to use smell to identify people with different immune systems and complementary genes. But the joint Liverpool and Newcastle universities' study suggested the pill disrupted this process, the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal said. " Keep in mind that different studies often reach conflicting conclusions, but it is interesting to note that DNA dating and matchmaking by chemistry is looking to become the wave of the future for online dating.  Of DNA and Desire . Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 378 2008-08-15 00:01:47 2008-08-15 03:01:47 open open chose-the-wrong-man-blame-it-on-the-pill publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218773877 _edit_last 2 title Chose the Wrong Man? Blame it on \"the Pill\" description Is \"the pill\" responsible for \"the smart women dumb choice in men\" syndrome? Our sense of smell helps us choose a mate. But the pill can interefer. keywords pill, choices, contraception, mate, date, sweaty T shirts, smal women, dumb choices. Are You Dating Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=379 Fri, 15 Aug 2008 03:57:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=379 In her interview Dowd tells us the  Men to Avoid -- those who have no friends, can be stepped on, or  are tied to Mama's apron strings.  Take a look at that blog posting on July 13th.  Then take this quiz from LifeScript to  help you determine if you are in the right relationship.  Or are you in the wrong relationship and heading for heartbreak?  Are You Dating the Right Person Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 379 2008-08-15 00:57:39 2008-08-15 03:57:39 open open are-you-dating-mr-right-or-mr-wrong publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218772659 _edit_last 2 title Are You Dating Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? keywords Quiz, Quiz, Quiz, Mr. Right, Mr. Wrong description The Maureen Dowd column of men we should never marry is all over the Internet. We know the Mr. Wrongs, but do we know Mr. Right? Here is a QUIZ to help you. Why We Fall in Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=380 Fri, 15 Aug 2008 15:19:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=380 In this feature from the BBC, take a look at Why We Fall in Love . Sometimes it is an unconscious fit, sometimes instant attraction, and sometimes a person whom you don't expect will become a partner grows on you.  When looking for a partner, keep in mind that honesty and respect are vital elements in any relationship. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 380 2008-08-15 12:19:08 2008-08-15 15:19:08 open open why-we-fall-in-love publish 0 0 post title Why We Fall in Love _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1218946977 description Notes from the BBC keywords Love, love, love, aphrodisiac, attraction Gay Couples: for Binationals, Legal Limbo or Long Distance http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=381 Sat, 16 Aug 2008 04:01:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=381 Some couples simply leave the US and take up residency in the country of their partner.  But for those without a firm financial backing, when a VISA runs out it can mean a painful separation. According to Mary Milliken in a story yesterday for Reuters.com, " Gay rights activists estimate that 40,000 binational gay and lesbian couples in the United States are caught in the same legal limbo. A solution, they say, is years away." Reuters.com. article If there is any solace at all to such difficult situations, according to Jan Denise on Creators Syndicate, couples who have established a firm foundation when they were together, can oftentimes survive long distance.  Long and Short of Distance. Noneheless, for same-sex marriages, couples find the lack of rights to be an unfair challenge. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 381 2008-08-16 01:01:13 2008-08-16 04:01:13 open open gay-couples-for-binationals-its-legal-limbo-or-long-distance publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218918911 _edit_last 2 description What happens when bi-national gay couples find that a VISA runs out on their partners? They leave each other or the country. title Gay Couples: for Binationals its Legal Limbo or Long Distance keywords gay marriage, same-sex, VISA, legal limbo, binationals, immigration, US student visa Pole Dancing! No Lies, Sexy Workout, Learn How! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=383 Sun, 17 Aug 2008 04:02:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=383 It strengths leg muscles.  Gives a strenuous and healthy workout.  And it is a fun way to fight the battle of the bulge.  And healthy women feel better about their relationships. Regarding pole dancing, Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN says, "We watched as mothers, teachers, claims adjusters, nurses and businesswomen in all shapes and sizes used exotic dance moves to get in a workout and tap their inner vixen."   Here's the story.  Pole Dancing Want to learn how it is done?  Here are 7 steps to mastering the erotic pole dance thanks to Wikihow.com, Learn-Pole-Dancing. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 383 2008-08-17 01:02:47 2008-08-17 04:02:47 open open pole-dancing-no-lies-sexy-workout-learn-how publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218946694 _edit_last 2 title Pole Dancing! No Lies, A Great Sexy Workout description We try just about anything to keep our bodies in shape and looking glamorous--from jumping rope to erotic yoga for ourselves and partners -- even pole dancing. keywords sexy, relationsips, pole dancing, Dr. Gupta, CNN, White Lies or Love Secrets? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=382 Sun, 17 Aug 2008 04:04:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=382 Joanna Philbin did a piece for Redbook in which they asked 900 married women to talk about secrets they keep from their husbands.  And they also asked women to tell what it is they reveal when they are not keeping a secret. Here's what they said.  What do you think?  Are these secrets or little white lies? Love Secrets. Speaking of Love Secrets -- check out  WHY WE FALL IN LOVE. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 382 2008-08-17 01:04:58 2008-08-17 04:04:58 open open white-lies-or-love-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1218946964 _edit_last 2 title White Lies or Love Secrets? description Sometimes women keep little secrets from their husband. Ever wonder what these secrets are about? Is Mr. Right, Gay, Straight, or Lying? Watch His Walk http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=385 Mon, 18 Aug 2008 04:19:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=385 If you are searching for Mr. Right, it can be heartbreaking to find that he too is searching for HIS own Mr. Right. 


    The New York Times looked at this issue several years ago.  And we will be presenting a story by Times' writer Aliyah Baruchin about down-low behavior, (DL or discreet level) which has been making the Internet rounds these past few months.  It is about men leading double lives. There is very little research on the subject. 


    Why more articles on same-sex marriage and gay and straight?  Because I am receiving emails telling me that I am too one-sided.  That may be true, but as I have said earlier and often, I am neutral but opinionated. 


    As such, to be more informative, we present here some help from Kerri Johnson, PhD, an associate professor at UCLA.


    Here is the TIMES article Gay, Straight, or Lying? 

    And here is a link to Kerri Johnson  which will bring you to the following links:
    • Gay or Straight  from Science Daily
    • Sexual Orientation from Physorg.com
    • MSNBC.com  Watch his Walk
    • Body language speaks louder than words 
    An often asked question is this one "Can you live with a man who is homosexual or bisexual?"  I think we have seen that series -- It was called Will and Grace.  However, watch for more news and  opinion on this topic.  You may wonder about the issue of infidelity.  That is another topic with regard to making the decision to live with a bisexual man or women.  Some couples can do this comfortably.  See my column on Open Marriage.  Others call it cheating, but it is more complicated.   Nonetheless here is a link to Why People Cheat with a note at the end.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    385 2008-08-18 01:19:11 2008-08-18 04:19:11 open open is-mr-right-gay-straight-or-lying-watch-his-walk publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219070768 _edit_last 2 title Is Mr. Right, Gay, Straight, or Lying? Watch His Walk description If you are searching for Mr. Right, it can be heartbreaking to find that he too is searching for HIS own Mr. Right. keywords gay, straight, lying, walk, research, Times, Kerri Johnson, UCLA
    Rekindle Romance: Lavish Your Man with Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=387 Mon, 18 Aug 2008 08:01:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=387 In this article by Jennifer Kelly, for Lifescript, she  tells us how to "Speak His Love Language and Rekindle Romance."  The five secrets that you will want to read about:
    • Going the extra mile
    • Giving gifts
    • Performing acts of service (no this does not mean sex)
    • Sharing quality time
    • Knowing the secret of physical touch
    As for the Five Love Languages human touch is so important that even within the medical profession, it is known to provide healing qualities. But may I add a 6th love secret?  Of course, I can.  It's my blog -- speak words of love, they are deliciously contagious. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    387 2008-08-18 05:01:28 2008-08-18 08:01:28 open open rekindle-romance-lavish-your-man-with-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219591276 _edit_last 2 title Rekindle Romance: Lavish Your Man with Love keywords love, romance, giving, sharing, touching, words, gifts, Lifescript description I think it is important for women to lavish love because, let\'s face it ladies, we get back what we give. Learn the 5 languages of love.
    Mistakes that Men Make http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=389 Tue, 19 Aug 2008 03:11:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=389 WebMD says that in terms of sex men make at least six mistakes. Mistakes But listening to men talk at my favorite pub, I think men make two different types of mistakes with regard to women.  And ladies, take note of all of this.  It is helpful for you to be aware. One mistake you men make -- you are too cynical and you need to lighten up:
    • "If you are not careful, women will walk all over you." 
    • "Women have hidden agendas and really just want a meal ticket."
    Or you might be making the "softie" or totally clueless mistake (a problem with older men, younger women).
    • "She is so sweet.  She tracks me down wherever I go because she misses me."
    • "She's the real jealous type. It is kind of flattering."
    From "Lovers Love Life" here are some common mistakes men make with regard to relationships. Seven Mistakes Essentially, it is about breaking old habits. Men have a more difficult time than women breaking old patterns of behavior especially when they fall head over heels with exterior features. Guys take a good look inside the heart and soul of the woman with whom you wish to share special moments.  And ladies, the same goes for us. The great advantage of mistakes -- they give us an opportunity to learn! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    389 2008-08-19 00:11:43 2008-08-19 03:11:43 open open mistakes-that-men-make publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219121472 _edit_last 2 title Mistakes that Men Make description I know men don\'t like to think they make mistakes, but guys, sometimes you do. Six Sex Mistakes. Seven Relationship Mistakes. Women take note. keywords men, mistakes, women, sex mistakes, relationship mistakes 326 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-08-26 13:29:39 2008-08-26 16:29:39 1 0 0
    What is Different About the Sexes? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=388 Tue, 19 Aug 2008 13:32:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=388 Don'tDateHimGirl.com says there are six main differences between men and women.  These might not be what you are thinking about, but here goes: sex, maturity, laundry, beauty produts, direction, and the big one -- admitting mistakes.  To read more go to:   Six Differences     And if you read enough on the Internet, you will find that men and women tell different types of lies. While both men and women tell lies, they seem to have different reasons for doing so. It appears that men tell lies more often than women.  Sometimes they just lie to lie because they are conditioned to do so by their profession.  At other times they are cheating and lie to hide this fact from their wives or girlfriends: Lies Men Tell When a woman is lying she gets mad at you for accusing her.  She pouts, throws a tantrum, witholds sex, or refuses to speak with you – even though you may be right and she may be guilty.  Or she becomes overly affectionate.  (Yes, ladies, you know we do this.) Eight Lies Women Tell In most blog posts, however, it seems that women tell those little white lies to save a man's feelings.  In any case, it is so much better to aim for telling the truth.  Honest! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 388 2008-08-19 10:32:51 2008-08-19 13:32:51 open open what-is-different-about-the-sexes publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219117015 title What is different about the sexes? description Something about those books that talk about men and women from different planets always irritate me. But there are differences, and each tells different lies. When Life Trumps Fiction: l’affaire Edwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=390 Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:01:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=390 This entry was a comment from a reader.  The full link is at the end.  But I think its message merits a blog post.  TheB writes: "I’m amazed that I was able to access all of the tawdry tabloid details of l’affaire Edwards in of all scandal sheets, the New York Times.  And my sadness isn’t about John and Elizabeth; let’s face it, they’re wealthy and money makes up for a lot of shortcomings. At worse, they’ll co-exist in their 28,000 square foot palace. No, the sadness should be over the alleged father of the mistress’ child, Edwards’ former campaign aide, married with three kids, who sold his house to move into rented quarters, and then, at the expense of Edwards’ well heeled friends, moved across the country to a rental in California the lease of which is about to expire. The Times failed to report how he’s made a living since leaving the campaign. The mistress in question is an emotionally distraught person who knows at least now, that she was never to be the future Mrs. E.. That she initially shared the California rental with the aide and his family would invite titillating speculation but I suspect the truth is far more prosaic - a matter of economics. Rabbi Boteach’s writes as a spiritual leader, someone who sets the bar for what is morally correct, not for us to judge others but as a matter of how we should conduct our lives. And for politicians he sets a debatably high standard of behavior. I agree with him that the time taken to have, to use your words, ‘hot sex’ with a person other than your spouse, is time taken away from family. But what will never appear on the cover of the National Enquirer or even in All The News That’s Fit To Print is that for aspiring politicians the real mistress is, as Boteach alludes, the electorate and once elected a never ending line of people who want a piece of your time. It’s clear where infidelity stands in the moral universe. Ambition involves murkier ground, and a question of whether you can live up to one ideal, that of devoted family man or woman and mother, the work ethic which promises at least in theory, position, riches and the admiration of the public. Possessed of high self esteem and moral compass, can a politician balance the two? Copyright TheB 2008  -- for full story, please go to: Cheating, Chemo, Commitment  (And Mr. B, it is true I do not own a TV -- but I do find a comfortable spot to view Boston Legal each week and as for Sex in the City -- reruns in the gym, which I clearly do not visit often enough.) / R ]]> 390 2008-08-20 00:01:15 2008-08-20 03:01:15 open open when-life-trumps-fiction-l%e2%80%99affaire-edwards publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219200565 _edit_last 2 keywords mistress, cheating, economics, Rabbi Boteach description cheating, chemo, commitment title When Life Trumps Fiction: l’affaire Edwards Your Sex Personality Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=360 Wed, 20 Aug 2008 03:04:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=360 For two people to really enjoy a sexual experience together, it is helpful to understand your own thoughts and feelings about loving.  Here is a sex quiz from iVillage.co.uk that will be both informative and thought-provoking. A word of suggestion -- Take the sex quiz with your partner as well. Happy loving. Sex Personality Quiz Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 360 2008-08-20 00:04:35 2008-08-20 03:04:35 open open your-sex-personality-quiz publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219201475 _edit_last 2 description For two people to really enjoy a sexual experience together, it is helpful to understand your own thoughts and feelings about loving and sex. Take this quiz. title Your Sex Personality Quiz keywords sex, quiz, loving, sex personality, understand sex personality, sex preferences Text Messaging No's: Movie star and Teacher http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=393 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 04:06:38 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=393 The Bad News:  Hollywood The most callous text message of the day seems to have come from John Mayer. Gossip has it that he texted Jennifer Aniston a message that said: "That's it.  The End."   You can read about it right here on the British site.  May have to add him to my list of Smart Men - Stupid Choices. Mirror.co.uk Bad News Text:  Missouri The most disturbing text message story of the week: the Lamar County School Board in Missouri recently implemented a policy forbidding teachers and students from having any text-message conversations or social-networking friendships.  It seems that parents thought their child was spending time with a teacher who was helping the child overcome shyness.  Education lawyer Jim Keith apparently urged the parents to check the child's phone bill.  They found 4,200 text messages between the teacher and student.  From CNN.com, here is the story: Cnn.com  Good News Text: Political Savvy Obama apparently collected cell phone numbers that could be a powerful tool on election day. According to the Trib stroy,  "Allison Dale, a University of Michigan graduate student who has studied the impact of text messages on voting, said Obama's campaign was shrewd to give prospective voters a juicy piece of information -- the vice presidential pick -- in exchange for their cell phone number."  Chicago Tribune.com  Text Messaging Etiquette: Geek Sugar gives us some text message etiquette and we agree with every single point!  They are giving a big thumbs down to text messaging shorthand  -- Be more thoughtful when you send a message that says,  I LUV U  or worse U R sacked www.Geek sugar.com  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 393 2008-08-21 01:06:38 2008-08-21 04:06:38 open open text-messaging-nos-movie-star-and-teacher publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219291760 title Text Messaging No\'s: Movie star and Teacher description Text messaging is again in the news. While it may be good news for Obama, it was bad news for Jennifer Aniston. keywords text, etiquette, breaking up by text, teacher-student text, geek text, Obama text mrs-robinson http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=395 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 19:01:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/mrs-robinson.doc 395 2008-08-21 16:01:09 2008-08-21 19:01:09 open open mrs-robinson inherit 394 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/mrs-robinson.doc _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/mrs-robinson.doc _wp_attachment_metadata a:0:{} Cougar Training Camp http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=394 Thu, 21 Aug 2008 19:45:24 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=394 Page Six press -- a new reality show to train women on how to date and mate a younger man.  Here is a video tribute!  I think you should read this story yourselves.  But I will give a hint on required reading -- "The Graduate" of course.  Camp Cougar: NY Post. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 394 2008-08-21 16:45:24 2008-08-21 19:45:24 open open cougar-training-camp publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219349352 description Hot off the Page Six press -- a new reality show to train women on how to date and mate a younger man. title Cougar Training Camp 294 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-08-21 20:20:31 2008-08-21 23:20:31 1 0 0 Is it Just a Kiss? Friends with Benefits and Cheating Kisses, too http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=399 Fri, 22 Aug 2008 03:29:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=399 Boston Legal, we had no idea it would turn into friends with benefits! While traditionally associated with two people who enjoy each other’s company but do not wish to make the commitment, in fact, some FWB relationships take a romantic turn.  On Boston Legal, the couple ended up married with children. Friends with Benefits Quiz The New York Times carried a story called, Friends with Benefits, and Stress, too  based on research that appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship.” Are you reluctant to enter a friends with benefits situation because you really want to save yourself for the right person?  Good. You should. Or are you looking for excuses to avoid a committed relationship?  A quick quiz Do you feel that you are one of those who are not good at relationships? If you answered  “Yes,” then this is a good excuse. You won’t even need to bother trying.  Then if you disappoint, you can  shrug your shoulders and say: “See, I warned you.  Did my part.  Sorry if I broke your heart.” If you are in a FWB situation ask yourself these questions:
    • Am I doing this because commitment is too difficult?
    • Is this my excuse to avoid commitment?
    • Do I traditionally tell myself and others that I am not good at relationships – thereby absolving myself of the responsibility for trying?
    • Have I been so hurt by others that I am really afraid to be hurt again?
    • Do I really like this person and sometimes find myself caught up with feeling loved?
    If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and the friend with whom you are sharing the benefits is really a friend – than it is time for a friendship talk – truth with no consequences.  The Affair Kiss:  And if you are lying for love and telling yourself that the married man or woman with whom you are involved is really the love of your life -- then it is just another excuse to avoid commitment. If you need the passion of an illicit affair -- then watch a movie.  Here is the great beach scene  From Here to Eternity embedded. And despite the number of times I say that I like to remain "Neutral but opinionated" -- when it comes to  infidelity -- infidelity is adultry, is cheating,  is infidelity. Married But Cheating  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson (adapted from an earlier posting)]]>
    399 2008-08-22 00:29:35 2008-08-22 03:29:35 open open is-it-just-a-kiss-friends-with-benefits-and-cheating-kisses-too publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222399542 _edit_last 2 title Is it Just a Kiss? Friends with Benefits and Cheating Kisses, too description A kiss isn\'t always just a kiss. When we first saw the kissing lesson on Boston Legal, we had no idea it would turn into friends with benefits. Cheating kisses. keywords no commitment, cheating, kisses, Boston Legal, FWB, From here to Eternity, illicit, love, 299 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-08-22 20:49:24 2008-08-22 23:49:24 1 0 0 300 BrodySportsJock@yahoo.com 2008-08-22 20:57:54 2008-08-22 23:57:54 1 0 0
    Is Your Man a Mama's Boy? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=397 Sat, 23 Aug 2008 04:01:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=397 I remember when I was living in New Haven a lovely women with whom I worked came to my office in tears one day.  She had taken an assistant's position - although she didn't have to work - to get away from her mother-in-law, who came each afternoon to do the laundry and clean their house. Why?  Her husband insisted on it.  And this was long before eveyone was loving Raymond and groaning at his mother, Marie. This particular day, her mother-in-law pushed her over the edge.  The woman arrived first thing in the morning because her son had a job interview.  Mama wanted to be certain that he wore the right shirt and tie.    And we though Charlotte's mother-in-law on Sex in the City was an exaggeration!   Since my assistant wanted to stay married, she didn't dare say to Mama the things I suggested. However, CNN.com LIVING does have some practical advice:  Mama's Boy Help Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 397 2008-08-23 01:01:58 2008-08-23 04:01:58 open open is-your-man-a-mamas-boy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219466189 _edit_last 2 title Is Your Man a Mama\'s Boy? keywords Mama\'s boy, dating, what to do, mother-in-law, practical advice description Sometimes a young man simply cannot let go of Mama. Are You Dating Daddy's Girl? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=400 Sat, 23 Aug 2008 04:25:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=400 From the UK's Daily Mail: Daddy double And in AskMen.com, dating a daddy's girl is the equivalent to high maintenance or worse!  High maintenance daddy's girl  -- But some men feel that a daddy's girl is better than this: Top ten signs that you are too good for her! Time to upgrade. While our gum chewer is a bit exaggerated, if you've got a gum chewing gal, an upgrade is a absolute must. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 400 2008-08-23 01:25:01 2008-08-23 04:25:01 open open are-you-dating-daddys-girl publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219468019 _edit_last 2 keywords daddy, high maintenance, upgrade, too good for her description And in AskMen.com, dating a daddy\'s girl is the equivalent to high maintenance or worse -- you are too good for her Time to upgrade. title Are you dating Daddy\'s girl? The Forgiveness Factor: Married, Single, Straight or Gay http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=401 Sun, 24 Aug 2008 04:01:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=401 There are many postings on this site about forgiveness.  We often point out that men and women do have a different view on forgiving and forgetting.  Our take is forgiveness between couples, however, the CNN story has a broader reach, forgiveness within families. Men:  For men, forgiveness depends upon the situation -- when it comes to cheating in a relationship -- research shows that men are less forgiving than women.  And men who are too forgiving -- letting the good law of karma run its course -- may actually be doing themselves more harm than good.  Whether it is burying their heads in the sand, hoping for the best, or just walking away without a confrontation, this attitude generally turns into a diaster.  Why?  Because they keep running into the same problems with relationships over and over again.   New look --  same old book. Women: While women may not leave a relationship, they may hold out on the forgiveness factor especially if they rationalize that they are in the right.  With this attitude, everyone loses.  However, when it comes to infidelity, women tend to be more forgiving of their husbands, especially when children are involved. Friendships, intimacy, and loners:   Friendships are vital to love and health.  Women cultivate friendships. Men find it more difficult to do.   As Maureen Dowd's column pointed out (it is now a top story all over the Internet and we carried it immediately) men without friends do not know how to be intimate. Friends can help you forgive by drawing a circle of love around you.  We are reading a lot about "ex-friends" and "ex-lovers" these days and will do more postings next week.  But for now, the blogs, magazines, and medical journals are unanimous: Friendships are protective. The Journal of the American Medical Association found that when healthy volunteers were infected with a cold virus, those who had a network of social contacts were less likely to get sick than the loners. Friends help you to stay balanced, will help you laugh at yourself. Practice forgiving: It is a lot simpler than you might think.
    • Write down the one thing that is bothering you about your spouse or lover.
    • Ask yourself what role you are playing in the problem.
    • Then write ten positive qualities of your partner. A friend who long practiced Religious Science says it takes ten positives to cancel out one negative.
    • Begin to see yourself interacting with the positive person with whom you fell in love.
    • Begin to recount the joys in friendship.
    • Take a chance on change.
    Embrace change:  A change in thinking from anger to forgiveness will do wonders for your heart and may save your marriage or relationship, rekindle a friendship, and heal your heart and soul. From cnn.com, Forgivenes or Not
     Other posts on Forgiveness include:
    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    401 2008-08-24 01:01:12 2008-08-24 04:01:12 open open the-forgiveness-factor-married-single-straight-or-gay publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1219552627 title The Forgiveness Factor: Married, Single, Straight or Gay description Forgiveness is in the mainstream news, a CNN feature this week-end. Forgiveness is at the heart and core of all our relationships. We have many posts on it. keywords forgiveness, love, infidelity, men, women, straight, gay, CNN, other postings, change, practive forgiving, Steps to forgiveness,
    Yes, You Can Hear Love in Your Heart http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=402 Mon, 25 Aug 2008 04:01:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=402 Sometimes we need to clear our heads and hearts so that we can hear – love.  As we see August slipping away,  promise yourself now to make some changes in your life.  Take a stand on clearing the path for love.  Here are seven steps to help you.
    1. Let go of worn out friendships and relationships.
    2. Break old patterns that really hinder your happiness.
    3. Take a chance on an out of character relationship.
    4. Break away from relationships that are boundary violations with piles of baggage.
    5. Be more forgiving of others without losing your sense of self or your values.
    6. Laugh at yourself and who you really are by accepting yourself.
    7. Forgive your love mistakes of the past and prepare to move into the Fall with a renewed sense of self and spirit.
    What will love sound like?   Not a crackling fire. An old saying goes something like this:  Starts hot, burns out fast.  Starts slow, lasts long.  The sound of love?  It is a still small voice in our heart that comes with contentment and commitment. A gentle breeze, the sound of peace.  Here is Leo Buscaglia's humorous and thought-provoking take on those who are looking for the perfect love!  Just click on the video. Copyright 2008  Rita Watson]]>
    402 2008-08-25 01:01:10 2008-08-25 04:01:10 open open yes-you-can-hear-love-in-your-heart publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265835755 keywords Listening, finding, clearing out, forgiving, changing _edit_last 2 title Yes, You Can Hear Love in Your Heart description In the hustle, bustle, and overly commited lives we lead, do we ever remember to take time to listen for love? Seven steps. 320 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-08-25 22:30:00 2008-08-26 01:30:00 1 0 0
    New Joys in The New Joy of Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=404 Tue, 26 Aug 2008 03:01:48 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=404 Caroline Davies in the guardian.co.uk  tells us that there are 120 new tastefully obscured photographs.  You will also find some new positions for love thrills and a body map to make it easier to find not just the G-spot but the A- spot and U-spot as well.  I would give you better definitions of the spots -- but a few of these were news to me until the magazines began touting them.  So be surprised~  Guardian, New Joy The book is designed for the new world of lovemaking in which even older couples are exploring and enjoying sex. The  New Joy of Sex: A Gourmet Guide to Lovemaking in the Nineties is at Amazon.com New Joy of Sex Happy Loving. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 404 2008-08-26 00:01:48 2008-08-26 03:01:48 open open new-joys-in-the-new-joy-of-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219716981 _edit_last 2 title New Joys in The New Joy of Sex keywords G-spot, A- spot, U-spot, new joy, more sex description There are 120 new photographs and some new positions for love thrills and a body map to find not just the G-spot but the A- spot and U-spot as well. 329 BrodySportsJock@yahoo.com 2008-08-26 18:36:21 2008-08-26 21:36:21 1 0 0 327 elkess62@gmail.com 2008-08-26 14:28:50 2008-08-26 17:28:50 1 0 5 Men on the Down-Low: The Lie They Must Tell http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=405 Wed, 27 Aug 2008 04:22:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=405


    Presented here is an article from the Centers for Disease Control and also one posted on AOL written by Aliyah Baruchin, who reports on complex medical issues for the New York Times.  She also contributes to  Essence, Vanity Fair, Rx and match.com's Happen magazine.


    Why the list of credentials?  Because she is touching upon a topic that sometimes is regarded with skepticism.  But it is out there.  And the sooner women become more aware of this behavior the easier it will be for them to get on with their lives if they are involved with a man who is down-low.   Or for that matter, reconcile with his sexual preference and incorporate into their lifestyle as one sometimes sees in Open Marriage. Open Marriage vs True Love?


    Sure it has gone on for centuries, but it is now out in the open. This article gives "straight answers" to your questions.  Dating on the Down Low

    "What are the origins of this term down low and what does it refer to?" The CDC says, "The most generic definition of the term down low, or DL, is 'to keep something private,' whether that refers to information or activity. "  For a medical perspective and how down-low behavior may affect one's health and women with regard to STD's or HIV, please read Questions and Answers: Men on the Down-Low.  CDC - Down-low   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    405 2008-08-27 01:22:56 2008-08-27 04:22:56 open open men-on-the-down-low-the-lie-they-tell publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219899874 _edit_last 2 title Men on the Down-Low: The Lie They Must Tell keywords men, lie, down-low, women, STD, HIV, behavior, open marriage description The sooner women become more aware of this behavior the easier it will be for them to get on with their lives if they are involved with a man who is down-low.
    From Paris, With Love and Lies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=406 Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:19:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=406 Lying for love?  This just in from Paris, "A resounding OUI for ladies who lie for relationships --guilty as charged." You all well know that I am a firm believer that all relationships should be based on truth.  But perhaps truth varies depending upon the generation, the country, the culture, and the honesty in admitting that you may be painting in shades of gray. An American in Paris: Lying to Ourselves Aimee in ParisAimee Charest is a beautiful and talented twenty-ish American in Paris.  She has been living and working there since January.  She believes that everyone is afraid of being alone or being rejected. Aimee says, "I think the real problem is that we lie to ourselves too much.  As cliché as it may sound, the person we really need to be happy with is ourselves... and taking that one step further, the person we really need to be honest with is ourselves. " She reminds us that we each need to ask ourselves, "What do I want, how do I feel?"  Why?  "Because at the end of the day, we all find ourselves alone with ourselves, our thoughts and our desires - whether we are single for years, or happily married." Carefully Nurtured Love Relationships Aimee added, "Being in France, it seems that woman/man relationships are more carefully nurtured.  There isn't a feeling that you can date more than one person at a time; it's more like if you don't like that person anymore, it's over, c'est la fin.  "The French don't understand the whole ‘testing' people out; they can be more honest with their feelings (if it's about sex it's about sex).  Sure it's easy to kid yourself that this dreamy French guy is the real deal, but the refreshingly honest thing is that you learn quickly that it's probably not... and that's okay!   "Sometimes I get the feeling that in the US we are searching for that special person to marry and begin our lives, instead of maybe living our lives for the right now.  "As a 20-something living in Paris (don't think for one minute I don't realize how lucky I am), perhaps it's too easy for me to say that my current thought on relationships would be to have a life filled with lovers, affairs of the heart. " The Marriage Problem, Love Lies, and Happiness "Hearing so many disaster stories about marriage has made me wary and quite skeptical - and I grew up with the most loving wonderful parents, who are still together after 26 odd years. And I am also saying this as a hopeless (albeit independent) romantic. "I just wonder how possible this is anymore; especially if you lack honesty.  I have realized that I never want to be in a relationship that isn't honest - not to say that you have to share every little thing with your partner, because I don't think that's healthy.  But I believe you should be on the same page as the person you are with (family, values, marriage or not, hopes, money, etc.) "Last thought is that judging people for the fact that they are not honest with themselves or their partners is just plain wrong.  It only serves to make you feel better and who knows - they could be extremely happy and fulfilled. "So I don't think honesty necessarily brings happiness to everyone even if it is a big factor for me.  Who knows?  The more I live, the less I know, and that's just fine with me." Aimee, we love your fresh perspective.  Nonetheless, I remain neutral, but opinionated.   Links to Love and Lives: How Big a Love Lie Have You Bought? , Deception in Love and Sex, Alone in Love and Danger: the Love Myth Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 406 2008-08-28 01:19:51 2008-08-28 04:19:51 open open from-paris-with-love-and-lies publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219983919 _edit_last 2 title From Paris, With Love and Lies keywords Paris, 20-something, love, lies, relationships, nurture, description Lying for love? This just in from Paris, \"A resounding OUI for ladies who lie for relationships (guilty as charged).\" 337 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-08-28 12:59:48 2008-08-28 15:59:48 1 0 0 338 marguaritawatson@yahoo.com 2008-08-28 17:48:45 2008-08-28 20:48:45 1 0 0 aimee http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=407 Thu, 28 Aug 2008 06:20:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/aimee.jpg 407 2008-08-28 03:20:39 2008-08-28 06:20:39 open open aimee inherit 406 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/aimee.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/aimee.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:448;s:6:"height";i:604;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='71'";s:4:"file";s:63:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/aimee.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:17:"aimee-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:17:"aimee-222x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:222;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Detecting Sensuous Flirting and Body Language http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=409 Fri, 29 Aug 2008 04:01:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=409 I learned recently that men and women who look for partners on-line are well schooled in the art of flirting, dating and mating. I was at my favorite pub the other evening, invited by a young man whom I consider to be a drinking buddy. He is attractive, very sexy, but too young in spirit even by most Cougar standards. It was a windy evening and I had my hair piled high and held with a big barrette.  So as I sat next to him and he ordered me a South Beach Diet drink, I took the barrette from my hair and shook my head.  "Ah, ha," he said, "So you really are interested in our being together. What you just did with your hair is blatant flirting."   I smiled sweeting and said, "Absolutely! And when your kids grow up and leave home, call me. We could become a really hot couple." Actually, I love children - babies with nannies and young adults in college out of state.  And so as we chatted in between calls from his children, I began to covet the olives next to him.  Not wishing to disturb his fourth phone call, I leaned across him and helped myself. He immediately touched my arm, ended the call, and said to me:  "Hmm, now you who writes about relationships and sex, did you see what you just did?  You just moved into my space.  More flirting."  Then with a twinkle, he added, "I hope that it was deliberate."  I answered, "Yes, it was. I'm starving and you are hogging all the olives."  Others joined us.  The group expanded.  And just as the appetizers arrived, I spotted a gentleman coming towards us.  A stately politician, he and I had been criss-crossing each other for a few weeks. So as I leaned back in my chair preparing myself to greet him with a kiss-kiss,  Mr. Too Young said, "What's this?  What's happening?  I can tell from your body language that you just withdrew from me totally." Without skipping a beat, I admitted,  "That's true,  I did so to kiss the Elder Statesman. "   The next day as we were talking about his "in depth" knowledge of flirting and body language, he confessed:  "I love on-line dating, as you know.  And if you are a member of certain on-line groups, you get some extra advice." Well extra advice or not, I'm still not changing my opinion of on-line dating. I'm suspicious of the whole thing.   But I did do some further checking on body language, a hot Internet topic. There is a slide presentation from former FBI agent Joe Navarro presented by the WashingtonPost.com called Every body's talking.  The article has an embedded slide show presentation called  "What We Say Without Words." It is crystal clear.  And here is a link to http://www.flirting.com/ Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 409 2008-08-29 01:01:40 2008-08-29 04:01:40 open open detecting-sensuous-flirting-and-body-language publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1219984447 _edit_last 2 keywords flirting, sensual, body language, detection description One flirting link to Oprah.com, Should you put the brakes on flirting? And the other, is called Every body\'s talking. A great help in assessing sensual flirting. title Detecting Sensuous Flirting and Body Language 387 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-09-05 03:14:17 2008-09-05 06:14:17 1 0 0 Cougar Reality Roundup http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=410 Sat, 30 Aug 2008 04:08:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=410 Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist and assistant professor at Brown University, seems to agree -- but not just Cougars, all women.  In his book, Secrets of Happily Married Women,  he says:“Your actions can show your husband how to care for you. As you cater to your guy, he’s watching and learning what marriage means. He’s enjoying the love and care of his wife and will soon feel, if he doesn’t already, the desire to do the same for you.” In the same column from which I quoted the above, men added: "Cougars don’t bad-mouth former husbands and lovers or spill out a sad history of mistreatment. These women are savvy and fun to be with." Want to be a Cougar?  This book, now in paperbook, can help. Cougar: A Guide For Older Women Dating Younger Men by Valerie Gibson. To read about Cougars in the News:  MainStreet Cougar Dating Money Rules  and also the Cougar Reality Dating Series to Debut Reality TV And for the Cougar Reality Roundup:  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 410 2008-08-30 01:08:19 2008-08-30 04:08:19 open open cougar-reality-roundup publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1220069299 description Men dating or marrying older women say: “Cougars trade on their strengths instead of weaknesses. Cougars know that in pleasing us, we will please them.\" keywords Cougars, older women, younger men, sex, pleasing, cougars, cougars title Cougar Reality Roundup Sexercise Your Way to Happiness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=412 Sun, 31 Aug 2008 04:20:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=412 It is estimated that in the US some 20 million marriages are essentially sexless arranagements - sexless generally defined as having sex about once a month.  What is it that causes a lack of desire?   While it could be a health problem, most often it is boredom.  Most couples experiment at the beginning of marriage, but as times goes on, it becomes same old, same old. To spice things up in the bedroom, here is some advice from Scott Haltzman, MD, who wrote The Secrets of Happily Married Men and just published The Secrets of Happily Married WomenSpice up your sex life Couples who have been avoiding sex, should reconsider the benefits.  According to some new students, Sex could be better for your health than diet and exercise.  Sex over exercise  Why?  It eases stress, boosts your heart health, fights aging, and strengthens the immune system.   In fact, even just once a week sex is beneficial.  But for those who prefer actual exercise, but are not likely to get to a gym, here is some good news.  You don't have to walk miles and miles each day.  Just 30 minutes three times a week is said to benefit you mind and body. Walk away to health   The secret to a healthy life is to get moving! (This is a repeat posting by request.) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 412 2008-08-31 01:20:25 2008-08-31 04:20:25 open open sexercise-your-way-to-happiness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230054995 _edit_last 2 keywords sex, exercise, health, sex, exercise, sexercise description The blogs and papers are filled with stories of sex. Politicians seem to be having more sex than the rest of society. So get moving. title Sexercise Your Way to Happiness Dialing Drunk or The Booty Call http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=414 Mon, 01 Sep 2008 04:02:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=414 This problem of drunk dialing is that it walks the tightrope of a booty call.  As such, we are not only posting the link to "Shine" that recently addressed the problem of drunk dialing, but also a terrific video link that you won't want to miss. Regarding drunk dialing -- on "Shine" the Yahoo Relationships Community, Erin Flaherty gave her opinion and then asked for members suggestions.  The one I liked best fell in line with my simple "don't" thinking. 
    • To avoid making that "I know I'm drunk but I need you call"  -- don't drink. 
    • To avoid the problem of "make-up sex"  --  don't fight. 
    • To solve the problem of whether or not you are being told the truth --  Don't give the benefit of the doubt.  (You know you have already seen the red flags that he or she was lying.)
    Whenever you wonder if you should or you shouldn't -- there is usually a voice inside screaming,"If you need to think twice, then in your heart of hearts you know what you are about to do is a bad move, especially if it is going to damage your credibility, your values, your morals." Therefore, stop rationalizing and grow up. When you are alone and sad and drinking -- Don't touch that dial.  1. For cell phones -- delete his or her number. (No one remembers phone numbers these days, so once you delete it, it will be too much trouble to find it again.) 2. For land lines -- tie a big string around the phone and add a double knot. Tape a large piece of paper that says: DON"T TOUCH THAT DIAL.  How to keep yourself from dialing drunk The Booty Call Video:  This one is terrific!  It is really a five-star. Booty call video "On dating" For every relationship, it is important to take a periodic review of the good, the bad, and the reality.  Face the facts and your feelings.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    414 2008-09-01 01:02:43 2008-09-01 04:02:43 open open dialing-drunk-or-the-booty-call publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220241883 _edit_last 2 title Dialing Drunk or The Booty Call description Never dial drunk -- you know, that 2 AM call because you are lonely or angry about a recent break up. Here are two ways to keep yourself from hating yourself. keywords dialing, drunk, booty call, liten to your inner voice, grow up
    More Sex with Your Ex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=415 Tue, 02 Sep 2008 03:59:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=415 There is so much written about this topic that as I have said before, I am going to refer you to other writers.  But if you did have sex with your ex and need to do some damage control to your heart, it's back to the TACT® Strategies.  But first, here are links that you may wish to read. This from LifeScript sheds some light on the topic of sex with your ex or the booty call.  Women's Health and sex with your ex   There is also a book called, Sex With Your Ex. . . And 69 Other Tempting Things You Should Never Do Again (Plus a Few That You Should) by Yvonne K. Fulbright.  And here is what you should keep in mind for yourself, The TACT® Strategies. Take a minute - think about what you did in terms of reconnecting with someone who brought you pain and so one of you severed the connection. Why did you decide to rekindle a moment of passion? Be honest, this is between you and your heart! And forgiveness is a good answer. Assess the situation - what are you feeling? Were either of you hurt by the moment of passion? What had you hoped for with regard to the outcome? Can you tell him or her honestly what you had expected? If not, then why! Consider the alternatives - Ok, you did the deed and now what, feeling guilty? Don't waste a minute on guilt. But do generate a list of what you would like to see happen in the future. Perhaps you wish to:
    • Try to forgive and forget and start fresh.
    • Acknowledge that it was fun but you should set parameters for the future.
    • Ask him or her to talk with you about the situation.
    >>> A word about "Can we talk?" Make it fun. Make a loving joke. But be serious. "Never thought we'd be up for a roll in the hay. But we did. Where do we go from here?" Take a stand and follow-though - Make a decision. Don't leave yourselves like a ship with a broken sail. Talk about it. Or dismiss it completely. Obsessing about it serves no useful purpose. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    415 2008-09-02 00:59:23 2008-09-02 03:59:23 open open more-sex-with-your-ex publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1220327963 description It\'s back in the news -- Sex with your Ex. Should you or shouldn\'t you? title More Sex with your Ex keywords sex, ex.
    Packaging Sex and Abstinence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=419 Wed, 03 Sep 2008 03:22:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=419 I wrote this column on June 24th.  And yes, I am still in favor of comprehensive sex education.  So to those who have written me about Sarah Palin's belief in abstience, I can only hope that if McCain becomes the nation's presidential choice, she changes her mind on the issue.   Packaging Sex and Abstience Sex sells. Whether we wrap it in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood - we are talking about sex. In the abstinence world, the talk of sex translates into "no sex before marriage," and it comes without the sound advice of safe sex based on good science. Escaping the message of sex is difficult to do. We live in a society in which magazines, movies, and television have blurred the boundaries of propriety. Sex is so much a part of our culture that even advertising for cars comes with seductive overtones. While we seem to be a society that likes sex, according to the recent Durex Survey the US ranks 23 out of 26 nations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Nonetheless sex was still on the minds of the "Virginity Rules" movement when Congress again debated $176 million abstinence legislation last fall. It passed and President Bush signed the measure into law and actually increased funding. The controversial issue was raised again in the Congress and on April 24th The Washington Times reported "a House hearing on the effectiveness of abstinence education loosed a flurry of statistics, studies and anecdotes, but concluded yesterday with little moment on the contentious issue." Furthermore the Government Accounting Office spokesperson acknowledged medical inaccuracies in federally funded abstinence materials, but said that Health and Human Services was working to correct them. But what was most shocking is that she said that more data was being collected because the information thus far, "is insufficient for the GAO to draw conclusions about the programs' effectiveness." Just how many millions more dollars does it take to show that children are having babies and sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise? The irony of the Congressional approval of the legislation is that their own mandated evaluation by Mathematica Policy Research Inc. shows that abstinence education has little impact on teen sexual practice and age of first sexual experience, just under 15. Last year Women's News reported the candidates' stand on the legislation. Hillary Clinton has gone on record for abstinence-plus - which essentially acknowledges respect for delaying sexual activity and viewing sex as part of an intimacy process with a view towards lifelong commitment. However, the plus means also teaching about safe sex and the use of contraception. Barack Obama is an advocate of age-appropriate comprehensive sex education. John McCain who now favors abstinence-only at one time favored comprehensive sex education and Mike Huckabee was a proponent of abstinence-only. What is the real message of abstinence education? Proponents would like to see children place more value on marriage and family than on sex. That's a good message. But tax dollars should not be funding it. However, I would be pleased to see money spent on programs that instill passion and intimacy - not through sex, but through art, dance, and music. And I would favor funding for model family programs where children might learn to talk about ethics, feelings, relationships, and the value of intimacy and friendship. My grandmother taught us about family at the dining room table. There we shared thoughts, celebrated joys, and learned to decipher the meaning of a sigh, a half smile, an unspoken sadness. Today we live in a world of fragmented families often on treadmills racing against activities and time. There are few role models. But that doesn't absolve us from our responsibilities as parents. Sex is a part of growing up. And it is up to us, not the Congress, to teach our children to grow up responsibly and respectfully of others as well as themselves. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 419 2008-09-03 00:22:44 2008-09-03 03:22:44 open open packaging-sex-and-abstience publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235063605 _edit_last 2 title Packaging Sex and Abstinence description Sex sells. Whether we wrap it in an abstinence package or talk about it through Planned Parenthood - we are talking about sex. keywords sex, abstinence, Planned Parenthood, sex survey, sex at 15, teen sex practices, no sex, marriage The Marriage Gene http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=420 Thu, 04 Sep 2008 04:01:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=420 Here are my thoughts on Open Marriage followed by an AOL blog note wondering if men have a marriage gene! IN A YEAR when “Virginity Rules” became an abstinence movement motto, the pendulum swings to new rules for an open marriage. With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - will the words “for better or worse, until death do us part” become obsolete? Polyamory means sharing more than one intimate partner at the same time. Unlike the ménage à trois or Updikean wife-swapping, polyamory is characterized by multiple-relationship arrangements with the consent of all partners and defined by specific boundaries. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor’s wife. Mabel Loomis Todd, who documented their relationship, declared that she could love two men at the same time.  Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. One man loving three wives at the same time was depicted in Big Love, an HBO tale glamorizing polygamy. Since I do not own a television, I missed it and had to wait to read about marriage alternatives in two new books that are shedding light on sexual-preference-packages. Written or unwritten rules that include mutual respect, agreements, and even contracts between various partners appear to set apart today’s open marriages from the swinging ’60s. Tristan Taormino, in Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships, describes a variety of arrangements, ranging from monogamy with benefits to triads and  solo polyamory.  The book comes with an extensive resource list by  state and country. Taormino says her goal is “to empower people to let go of societal expectations of what relationships should look like and create customized relationships that meet their needs and desires.” Jenny Block’s Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage is a memoir. She wrote me and said, “I do think that polyamory might well work for many people. That’s not to say that I have any problem with monogamy. I think it is great when a couple is actually practicing it and not just giving lip-service to the concept.” Escalating marital infidelity and divorce rates may be contributing to the rise in cohabitation. A young couple from Portland, Ore., expressed a growing sentiment. Amanda Thibodeau said: “Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?” Of their relationship Scott Beck added: “We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old.” Ironically in an era when many are giving a “thumbs down” to marriage, gay couples are still lobbying for the right to marry. What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, we are spending taxpayer dollars for abstinence programs that congressional-funded research shows are failing. Why not spend money on family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care? We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation. Does marriage even have a future? As an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. But I paused at a recent New Yorker cartoon by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal “just married” attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: “It didn’t have to end like this.” Sunday July 6, 2008, adapted from Providence Journal This AOL feature presents some interesting thoughts.  The marriage gene You may also want to read my piece "Of DNA and Desire" at Relationship Columns Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 420 2008-09-04 01:01:07 2008-09-04 04:01:07 open open the-marriage-gene publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220478288 _edit_last 2 description Does marriage have a future? With the rise in infidelity and living together instead of walking down the aisle some are wondering. title The Marriage Gene Don't Do the Silent Treatment http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=421 Fri, 05 Sep 2008 04:01:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=421 Thoughts from Me and from Oprah.com, me first. Sexual Shutout in Hidden Agenda Hell HIDDEDN AGENDAS are relationship hell that live in a cauldron of unspoken words and fiery outbursts. The good professor believes that women are masters of the veiled word and tells me, "You just can't seem to say what you mean." Men find themselves perplexed by hidden agendas and admit that when they can't decipher the message - wives, girlfriends, or partners withhold affection. One young man voiced an often repeated theme, the sexual shut-out. "Do you know why men try to pick up women at bars?" he asked, "Because our women have shut us down. Then if we happen to meet another woman, even for fun, we're the bad guys!" He added: "They force us out and want us to be celibate while we try to read their minds. I don't want to read her mind. I want her to tell me. Show me. I said to her one day, ‘Take a look at this. It's a car manual. See these symbols? Each one points to a problem. Pretend I'm a car. Show me what's wrong. Make a list of what you want. I'll try to fix it. But don't keep telling me that ‘I don't get it,' because I don't. What she doesn't get is that we are both losing this battle." Social research confirms that men and women think differently. Dr. Myrna Weissman, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia, did research while at Yale on depression in women. She found that when marriage gets rocky, women seek counseling, whereas men wait until the marriage is over, and then wonder what happened. In a society that flaunts sex on television, at the movies, and with car ads of sultry women - can hidden agendas account for our low sexual satisfaction rating? According to the recent Durex Survey, in terms of sexual pleasure and frequency, the United States ranks at 23 out of 26 nations. Although couples with hidden agendas may remain together, sometimes angry words erupt about an unrelated issue. How often do women tease men in public about their expanding waistlines? They should realize that for every one insult hurled at a man three women are waiting to say, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, I just love your teddy bear tummy." At a dinner party, silverware jangled each time a husband spoke and his wife snapped: "How many times do I have to tell you, that's not how it happened?" He said: "I don't hear her anymore. I live an old  philosophy: ‘Don't take unkind words personally. They are not because of you. They are because of the one who utters them.'" Both men and women with hidden agendas may be harboring contradictory wishes that they are afraid to share. She wants to be married. He doesn't. She wants security. He wants sex. She wants to retire and garden. He wants to travel. She wants his money. He wants her companionship. Both say nothing and they play the game. When a hidden agenda masks a skeleton in the closet, it becomes complicated. One man told us that a certain incident nearly ruined his marriage. "I vowed to keep this secret even from my wife and take it with me to the grave. Then before major surgery, I told my priest friend. When I finished my story, he said, ‘Is that all?' I looked him in the eye and asked: ‘That's not bad enough. You want more?' We doubled over laughing, and I learned forgiveness." Hidden agendas are like the emperor's new clothes. If we pretend they do not exist, as with the naked emperor, the relationship becomes vulnerable and exposed. Talking and trusting takes courage. (from Relationship Columns, The Providence Journal) from Oprah.com Say What You Want Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 421 2008-09-05 01:01:14 2008-09-05 04:01:14 open open dont-nag-or-do-the-silent-treatment publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220478378 _edit_last 2 title Don\'t Do the Silent Treatment description Say what you want, please? Is it a baby? Is it sex? Is it a vacation? Don\'t let him guess! Words from me and from Oprah.com. On-line or off-line Dating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=422 Sat, 06 Sep 2008 04:01:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=422 Dating a stranger?  For me, I always liked knowing family, friends, social settings, clubs — oh, yes, a private club is a hotbed of gossip –  you can learn just about anything about anyone,  whether or not it is true. And one word of warning.  If you are in a small town and are meeting on-line, chances are you know the friend of the person whom you eventually meet "off-line."  Be careful what you say and convey.  This next article gives a shocking statistic regard sex off-line with those meeting on-line. Sex and Gratitude So, I don’t have much advice for online daters, however, here is a saga that perhaps would have ended if she bought the book, “He’s just not that into you!” An online dating story Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 422 2008-09-06 01:01:04 2008-09-06 04:01:04 open open on-line-or-off-line-dating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220793295 _edit_last 2 title On-line or off-line Dating Sarah Palin Did WHAT? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=423 Sun, 07 Sep 2008 12:06:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=423 snopes.com   It started out as a Urban Legend -- but it did turn out that a particular woman wrote it.  Most letters turn out to be fabrications.  You can always check with the link above.  However, regardless of how you plan to vote -- get two sides of the story from Real Clear Politics.  It's right there on my blogroll under categories. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 423 2008-09-07 09:06:19 2008-09-07 12:06:19 open open sarah-palin-did-what publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1220793377 _edit_last 2 Teens and Sex and Maybe a Love Lesson for Adults http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=424 Mon, 08 Sep 2008 04:01:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=424 The attached article was written by Bernadine Healy, MD, the first woman to serve as director for the National Institutes of Health.  She is also a Senior Health Editor for U.S.News & World Report  and is CEO of the American Red Cross.  Just a note as you read this article -- the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is on the rise in women over 40 as well as men due to our population in which people are living longer more fitful lives.  Some of what Dr. Healy says in this article for young people, is applicable for all ages.  Your Teens and Sex Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 424 2008-09-08 01:01:01 2008-09-08 04:01:01 open open teens-and-sex-and-maybe-a-lesson-for-adults publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 title Teens and Sex and Maybe A Love Lesson for Adults _edit_lock 1220843266 description While I have clearly expressed my opinions on Sex Education and Abstinence Programs, today teens are at risk in their search for love -- as so are adults. keywords sex, STDs, adults, seniors, kids, pregnancy, risk Love lies and brain scans http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=427 Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:17:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=427 from my column Sunday for the editorial pages of the Providence Journal which appeared on September 7th Neuroimaging Love Lies LYING FOR LOVE is becoming as commonplace as lying for a business or political advantage. From candidates to couch potatoes, everyone hiding a love secret squirms when allegations of infidelity surface. But what happens if you are accused of cheating, the stakes are high, and you need to prove your innocence? For about $10,000 there is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that can trace a lie by pinpointing an area of the brain where lies originate and truth prevails. Findings from the Brain Mapping Center at UCLA, published in the Annals of Neurology this year, show how neuroimaging can help distinguish belief, disbelief and uncertainty in real time. David Langleben, M.D., a University of Pennsylvania neurologist and psychiatrist, said on National Public Radio: "Three areas of the brain generally become more active during deception." Essentially, he said, it takes more brain activity to tell a lie "than when you just say the truth." In other words truth comes more naturally than a lie, which on a brain scan can be tracked as it forms and is depicted as increased blood-flow activity to specific areas. While there is a perceived notion that it is easy to tell a lie, it appears to be quite the contrary. To lie, one must first know the truth. The surprise finding can be disconcerting to those who talk in shades of gray to try to veil the truth. Sean A. Spence, M.D., in writing about "The Deceptive Brain" for the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, five years ago reported that "responding with a lie demands something ‘extra' . . . a hypothesis that we can test by means of functional neuroimaging." Today deception-analysis software and MRI are being used by the California-based No Lie MRI. Requests for brain scans are coming from businesses as well as those in relationships who have been accused of infidelity and wish to prove their innocence. While we often associate love lies with infidelity, an American in Paris tells us that love and lying may be inexplicably entwined. Twenty-something freelance translator Aimee Charest said, "A resounding oui for ladies who lie for relationships - guilty as charged. Everyone is afraid of being alone or being rejected. I think the real problem is that we lie to ourselves too much." Lying to oneself can create both illusions and delusions. Bloggers are often asked, "Is it cheating if you are married and having a secret on-line relationship?" (Such questions are often prefaced with the words "But I really love my spouse.") The answer is always, "Yes, if it's a secret, it's emotional infidelity." If we follow the logic that it is easier to tell the truth than to tell a love lie, "what is love?" I asked a group of people at an upscale café in midtown Providence. Answers from patrons and staff fell into two categories: romantic and biological. Sean Scannell, maitre d', said, "Love is when the faults of your other are no longer recognizable." From behind the bar, Christopher Perrino quickly responded: "Love is chemistry." And chemistry may be why co-habitation is up in 14 countries even though marriage is down. In Dubai, those who are unmarried but living together in committed relationships are breaking the law. Roger Manny, a U.S. architect managing a project in Dubai, says, "It is whispered that love lies and cheating do go on here except in marriages among the more fundamentalist couples. Out of respect for the sanctity of family, they are expected to live by higher standards." Yet, he pointed out, "In my travels around the world, the bigger issue is not lying for love, but looking for love. Everywhere people are trying to find someone to love, romance, marry and maintain the intimacy of their initial passion." In the search for lifelong love, some wonder if they should take brain scans before marriage to track the blood-activity pattern of truth or lies to interpret each other's intentions. Steven C. Schachter, M.D., a professor of neurology at the Harvard Medical School, said: "This form of high-tech mind reading gives new meaning to the phrase ‘Go with the flow.' But what ever happened to looking into someone's eyes?" Copyright 2008 Rita Watson Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com ) is a daily blogger and a monthly contributor.]]> 427 2008-09-09 00:17:57 2008-09-09 03:17:57 open open neuroimaging-lies-in-love-and-business publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226158887 _edit_last 2 title Love lies and brain scans keywords love lies, neuroimaging, secrets, honesty, truth, MRI, fMRI, no lies, fidelity, prove, the truth description LYING FOR LOVE is becoming as commonplace as lying for a business or political advantage. People hiding love secrets squirm when allegations surface. 406 william.watson@att.net 2008-09-09 11:30:37 2008-09-09 14:30:37 1 0 0 Why Guys Love "Gossip Girl" http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=428 Wed, 10 Sep 2008 03:08:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=428 Or as Joshua Alston says in a Newsweek Web Exclusive:  "Gossip Girl" is "another teen soap for which guys have an unconflicted affinity. . .  "  He thinks the secret to its populary is in creating "A genre that is traditionally hostile to men and make[ing] it welcoming to them. And the trick is only to put fleshed-out, relatable male characters into them rather than cartoonish buffoons." We often hear from readers who learned a lot about women by watching some of the evening soaps.  Men who feel they have been lied to, watch these shows and realize that basically -- they are clueless.  However, they also realize just how unsteady certain relationships can be.  Here is a blog post about relationships. Mistakes Men Make Copyright 2008 Rita Watson      ]]> 428 2008-09-10 00:08:40 2008-09-10 03:08:40 open open why-guys-love-gossip-girl publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221047342 _edit_last 2 title Why Guys Love \"Gossip Girl\" When Duped by a Big Lie http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=429 Thu, 11 Sep 2008 04:01:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=429 Most often it is men who buy the big lies.   During one of our cigar nights out -- with the ladies before I joined Cigar Masters -- one of the women said, “Listen, I understand men.  I don’t like being confrontational.  If I am told a story I believe it — even if it doesn’t happen to be true. I would rather accept it and walk away and then when I come back, hopefully we can get to the truth.” I can't begin to tell you the number of men I know of who can easily be called Professor or Dr. or CEO Clueless.  And yet it happens to women who are too trusting as well. A male friend of mine has an accountant who learned after 10 years of marriage that her husband has a second family on the West Coast.  He was always a traveler, and while she suspected him of infidelity, she had no idea he was raising children with another woman. What if friends warn you that your love might be cheating, or leading a double life, or responsible for giving you a sexually transmitted disease?  Sometimes you confront your love and he or she gets angry with you for doubting them.  Then what?  You back down, and friends become incredulous because they know you are buying a love lie.  What happens?  Hopefully it doesn’t get as bad as what happened to Anne Hathaway. Seems that her man Raffaello Follieri, 30, has been arrested from serious charges stemming for accusations that he “swindled millions from investors.”   What should you do if you suspect you are being lied to? Instead of buying a story, confront.  And talk to friends!  This is one time you should not be relying on your own judgement.  If your friends think you are being duped even after what you think is a plausible story — you are probably living in the world of denial. For Anne Hathaway, who has dealth with the issue with a sense of humor up to now, she is now taking a more cathartic route and is Tossing Her Ex Under the BusCopyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 429 2008-09-11 01:01:14 2008-09-11 04:01:14 open open when-duped-by-a-big-lie publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221116398 _edit_last 2 keywords Lies, infidelity, duped, friends, description Anne Hathaway is talking about her former boyfriend\'s big lie. All men and women who have been duped find that it is humiliating. title When Duped by a Big Lie Condom Ring Tones: A Musical Reminder http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=430 Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:15:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=430 In an effort to promote safe sex and convey a social-conscious, a new company has devised ring tones that sing "the condom tune."  In part its ultimate goal is to help curb sexually transmitted diseases. There seems to be a myth that not everyone is suspectible.  Just not true.  STDs and Herpes do not care whom they latch onto.  A sad state of affairs, at least happening in the US, is that some women and men withhold information from a partner with regard to herpes. Some do it deliberately, not wanting to put a damper on a new relationship.  Others conveniently "forget" to disclose, or claim that they had an outbreak years ago and forgot that it could be contagious.  To those you can safely say, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire." Don't think because you are a doctor, lawyer, business executive or professor that you are safe because you are careful about the partners whom you choose -- STDs cut across all cultural lines.  Go to this link -- and enjoy the music!  Condom Ring Tones Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 430 2008-09-12 00:15:04 2008-09-12 03:15:04 open open condom-ring-tones-a-musical-reminder publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1221225205 title Condom Ring Tones: A Musical Reminder description Are you ready for an a cappella chorus singing the \"condom, condom, condom\" song? They seem to be loving it in India. keywords condoms, ring tones, chorus, safe sex, STDs, herpes 600 grdgereg@gmail.com http://filmnew.ru 2008-11-05 20:45:38 2008-11-05 23:45:38 1 0 0 Sarah Palin Topples Gossip Girl http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=431 Sat, 13 Sep 2008 04:01:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=431 And I think it is a terrific sign.  People want to know, "Who is this woman from Alaska?"  The blogs are abuzz with the pros and cons of a candidate who seems to have so little experience. Sarah Tops Searches   Though I am one of a few people who think she held her own last night  while Charles Gibson did some exasperated squirming.  But she represents an oddity for Feminists, which is why Feminist writers are defending her as a woman even as they oppose her politics. However, for me -- the best story of all comes from Camilla Paglia in an article called "Fresh Blood for the Vampire." The Calf story: Perhaps Palin seemed perfectly normal to me because she resembles so many women I grew up around in the snow belt of upstate New York.. .  Here's one episode. My father and his visiting brother, a dapper barber by trade, were standing outside having a smoke when a great noise came from the nearby barn. A calf had escaped. Our landlady yelled, "Stop her!" as the calf came careening at full speed toward my father and uncle, who both instinctively stepped back as the calf galloped through the mud between them. Irate, our landlady trudged past them to the upper pasture, cornered the calf, and carried that massive animal back to the barn in her arms. As she walked by my father and uncle, she exclaimed in amused disgust, "Men!" from Salon.com   from Camille Paglia I have some really strong opinions, some of which I have written about, some which I haven't published yet.  But I  am putting my thoughts together because I am feeling both anxious and relieved.  We will have a president in the fall -- but just who, right now, seems to be the big question.  So I am glued to the polls, can't get enough of them.   Go to the link on this blog to Real Clear Politics -- for articles from both sides of the aisle. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 431 2008-09-13 01:01:17 2008-09-13 04:01:17 open open sarah-palin-topples-gossip-girl publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221603462 _edit_last 2 title Sarah Palin Topples Gossip Girl description How is it that searches for Sarah Palin have topped those of Gossip Girl? It\'s true. Take a look at this release from Lycos. Sarah Tops Searches keywords Palin, Alaska, Sarah Palin, Feminists, Camille Paglia, Palin answers, Gibson squirms, opinions 409 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-09-13 17:42:21 2008-09-13 20:42:21 1 0 0 Sarah Palin on Abortion: What she REALLY said http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=433 Sun, 14 Sep 2008 04:01:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=433 Women's Right to Know:  What follows is what SARAH PALIN said - verbatim from the video. GIBSON: Roe v. Wade, do you think it should be reversed? PALIN: I think it should and I think that states should be able to decide that issue. GIBSON:  It's a critical issue for so many women. PALIN:  It is. GIBSON:  You believe women should not have that choice. PALIN: It is a very critical, very sensitive and a personal issue also for so many women and men across this nation. I am pro-life. I do respect other people's opinion on this, also, and I think that a culture of life is best for America. Because I know we can all agree on the need for and the desire for fewer abortions in America and greater support for adoption, for other alternatives that women can and should be empowered to embrace, to allow that culture of life. That's my personal opinion on this, Charlie.   Abortion stand from Video  (Click Part Three) This is RUSSELL GOLDMAN's transcript:  What is in brackets is not on the video. * GIBSON: Roe v. Wade, do you think it should be reversed? PALIN: I think it should and I think that states should be able to decide that issue... I am pro-life. I do respect other people's opinion on this, also, and I think that a culture of life is best for America... [What I want to do, when elected vice president, with John McCain, hopefully, be able to reach out and work with those who are on the other side of this issue,] because I know that we can all agree on the need for and the desire for fewer abortions in America and greater support for adoption, for other alternatives that women can and should be empowered to embrace, to allow that culture of life. That's my personal opinion on this, Charlie. Candidate Talks With Charles Gibson in Exclusive Interview  By RUSSELL GOLDMAN  Sept. 12, 2008  Politics The right to accuracy: Why do I feel it is important to read the interview exactly as presented in her words?  Because women have a right to be quoted accurately.  Also, as a woman I think Charles behaved like a condescending, pompous professor trying to let his words influence her words.  In Perry Mason's world, he would have stood up and said, "I object, Your Honor."    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 433 2008-09-14 01:01:50 2008-09-14 04:01:50 open open sarah-palin-on-abortion-what-she-really-said publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221366034 _edit_last 2 keywords Sarah Palin, abortion, rights, women, Roe v. Wade description Women have a right to know what Sarah Palin really said about abortion and choice. The excerpts were not accurately reported. Here are both versions. title Sarah Palin on Abortion: What she REALLY said Saturday Night Live with Hillary and Sarah http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=435 Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:01:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=435 Hillary and Sarah]]> 435 2008-09-15 01:01:53 2008-09-15 04:01:53 open open saturday-night-live-with-hillary-and-sarah publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221479205 _edit_last 2 title Hillary and Sarah on Saturday Night Live description a video laugh How to See a Lie: A Jury Consultant Tells All http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=426 Mon, 15 Sep 2008 04:07:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=426 It all started out when a male friend of mine began telling me stories about a new woman in his life.  He asked my opinion since it was a long distance stretch.  The more I heard, the more suspicious I became.  The woman who had an ingenious knack for shading the truth -- to the point of telling outright lies.   Now frequently men who confide in me and ask my opinion become sulky and tell me that I am negative when I tell them the truth.  They really want me to say, "It's all right to lie."  Instead  I say, "No, no, no. Lies are not good." Then they say that I am tough on their women.  Not true.  I am only tough on women who give women a bad name.  However, my dear young friend from Paris set me straight -- "a resounding mais oui to women who lie."  Read: From Paris with Love and Lies on this blog. So I guess I am trying to become more accepting of "white lies" and less tolerant of women (and men) who tell big lies -- about having a sexually transmitted disease or are in trouble with the law as poor Anne Hathaway discovered.   What I find to be so sad is that there are so many good people out there who come by relationships honestly that being duped by someone who lies is just unnecessary.   Nonetheless there must be something going around. The more I write about lies, the more readers write me and ask for more.  So here goes, this one is a new book from a jury consultant  Jo-Ellan Dimitrius.  She has worked on over 600 trials -- from OJ Simpson to the Enron scandal.  Her latest book is called:  "Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behavior -- Anytime, Anyplace."  It is a book about truth and lies.  Reading People Additionally The Situation of Lying article posted by The Situationsit Staff in April excerpts a piece by Melaine Linder of Forbes citing research from a Brandeis University psychologist who points out that "the right pressures or incentives will cause anybody to lie."   What are your thoughts?  The Situationist The Situationist is associated with The Project on Law and Mind Sciences at Harvard Law School. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 426 2008-09-15 01:07:25 2008-09-15 04:07:25 open open how-to-see-a-lie-a-jury-consultant-tells-all publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221520737 _edit_last 2 title How to See a Lie: A Jury Consultant Tells All description A little bit of distrust goes a long way. I feel that my investigation into lies that men and women tell is turning into a cottage industry. keywords lies, jury consultant, Anne Hathaway, OJ Simpson, Enron, lies, more lies, the truth Hotel Rooms: With or Without Passion Kits http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=432 Tue, 16 Sep 2008 04:01:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=432 Some hotels boast heavenly mattresses and now at The Water Club, the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa's ultra-posh luxury hotel, you have the option of purchasing a kit of sex and passion for $18.   Here is the catch.  Take it off the shelf.  Spend more than 60 seconds examining the contents from condoms to sex fun, and it it yours.  Billed to you.   A little "Shag Kit" to tweak your interest is now on display there and judging from its popularity, it could become a national hotel sensation. For couples who are doing long distance and traditionally rendevous in a particular hotel, the place becomes routine, familiar even.  So the little kits will be a bit of spice.  I think the idea is rather ingenious. One of my friends always travels with the latest issue of Cosmo to bypass, "Tell me dear, how was your month?"  This kind of moment happens when two high-powered people travel.  Sure you get some news via phone calls and email.  But I have long expounded that there is no substitute for learning to read the silences, the sighs,  the smiles, the human touch.  Well to bridge a few gaps, when each of you flies in from a different city,  a sex kit might be a nice surprise.  Now I wonder if you are a regular guest at the hotel, will there be a rotating kit so it doesn't become routine?  You can always call ahead and say, "Hello, we are regulars there.  I would just like to remind you that we have already been through Kits 1 - 4.  Is there something else you can recommend?  For the adventuresome, it could be sensational.  For two tired travelers, it could become, "The sex kit?  Not again?"  Perhaps there is no substitute for looking into someone's eyes and taking it from there.  Hotel Sex Kits Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 432 2008-09-16 01:01:12 2008-09-16 04:01:12 open open hotel-rooms-with-or-without-passion-kits publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224715896 _edit_last 2 title Hotel Rooms: With or Without Passion Kits description Remember when making a hotel reservation you were asked: \"Smoking or non-smoking?\" Soon you might be hearing: \"With or without sex kits?\" 413 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-09-16 19:22:21 2008-09-16 22:22:21 1 0 0 You Read it Here First: 365 Nights of Passion http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=436 Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:01:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=436 On June 9th I wrote:  "It seems that the concept of 365 days of love making has caught on.  Couples in Providence, Charlotte, and Boulder are keeping loving alive.   Read the rest of this entry » Now there is a feature that appeared on the Internet this week and they note: "According to the National Opinion Research Center, the average American couple reports having sex 66 times a year. Newsweek has noted that 15% to 20% of couples have sex less than 10 times a year, which is defined as a "sexless" marriage." So if you are ready for a marathon of loving, read on: Lots of sex  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 436 2008-09-17 01:01:26 2008-09-17 04:01:26 open open you-read-it-here-first-365-nights-of-passion publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221629675 _edit_last 2 title You Read it Here First: 365 Nights of Passion keywords sex, love, passion, 365 nights description WebMD now has the story of 365 nights of sex. There have been at least three books written on the topic and we covered them all last June. Why Do Men Cheat on their Wives? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=438 Thu, 18 Sep 2008 12:01:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=438 I write often about men and women who cheat and why it is important to value marriage.  But today I am adding another expert to the mix.  M. Gary Newman is a marriage counselor and author of a new book called, "The Truth About Cheating."  Dr. Newman is a psychotherapist and rabbi who is married and has five children.  He has also written about emotional infidelity. One of the surprise findings in his book is that men do not always cheat because of sex or lack thereof. But for me, the real shocker came in learning about the number of men who cheat -- "One in 2.7 men will have affairs!"   He apparently interviewed hundreds of men for his book in order to document his findings. He not only talks about why men cheat but also factors in their wives, not in a blaming sort of way, but as a way to empower women.   Another author, whom I write about often is Dr. Scott Haltzman.   His books are also aimed at empowering women and men to keep their marriages strong and loving.  In talking about his newest book, "Secrets of Happily Married Women," he said: “Your actions can show your husband how to care for you. As you cater to your guy, he’s watching and learning what marriage means. He’s enjoying the love and care of his wife and will soon feel, if he doesn’t already, the desire to do the same for you.”   For now, here is the link to Oprah's interview with Gary Newman. Oprah interview Am also linking to the perspective of another blogger. Why Men Cheat: Marriage Counselor Gary Newman Explains Affairs .  Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen lives on Bowen Island, British Columbia (in Canada). Her website is theAdventurousWriter.com Here is a link to Gary Newman's Book at Amazon.com  This week, I will pull together all of the articles on Cheating with separate links for easy reading.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 438 2008-09-18 09:01:22 2008-09-18 12:01:22 open open why-do-men-cheat-on-their-wives publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221825424 _edit_last 2 keywords men, cheat, 2.7 men cheat, dishonest. description Men cheat. And women cheat. But today we are really taking a look at why men cheat on their wives. It was recently an Oprah feature. title Why Men Cheat on their Wives The Big Drill with Nancy and Sarah http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=440 Fri, 19 Sep 2008 04:01:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=440 This post is the drill grill that both Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin can expect to be facing in the curious relationship between women, politics, and policies.  Looking at two different perspectives, here is: Drilling for cover: Pelosi & Co.'s phony bill  from the Union Leader in Vermont. Sarah Palin and Big Oil  from Energy Wire. How committed are we to alternative sources of energy?  The answers depend upon the people with whom we speak.  Try putting a new source of energy on Cape Cod and Senator Kennedy and Clan mobilize their troops.  No money is spared to keep windmills from spoiling their view. To read more pick up a copy of Cape Wind:  Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound by Wendy Williams and Robert Whitcomb, who is the Editorial Page Editor at the Providence Journal.  Cape Wind at Amazon.com For a perspective from both sides of the aisle, go to Real Clear Politics  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 440 2008-09-19 01:01:45 2008-09-19 04:01:45 open open the-big-drill-with-nancy-and-sarah publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1221864228 Vets Need Us, Call Congress, Bolster Health and Relationships http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=442 Fri, 19 Sep 2008 13:09:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=442 I am posting here a link to An Open Letter to Congress from the Disabled American Veterans.  I wrote about the issue of health and relationships last February.  Be supportive. Call Congress today!   Veterans Today Newsletter .  My article from the February's Providence Journal follows:  Challenges for Returning Vets: Health and Relationship Havoc IT IS VALENTINE'S DAY every day that a young man or woman arrives home safely from Iraq or Afghanistan. But for returning veterans the war often comes back with them. Family, friends and lovers looking forward to normality often see soldiers struggling with health and relationships as they fall through medical-care cracks. One member of an elite combat unit seeking help in Rhode Island was told: "Not only are you not in the system, but you are listed here as ‘sensitive file.' I can't even confirm that you were in the military." This is an all too familiar story at Veterans Administration hospitals. Why? "When you are a soldier you are under the purview of the Department of Defense whereas at home you are under the Veterans Administration. Because of confidentiality rules, the two do not share medical records," says Anne Van Cott, a neurologist at the Veterans Administration Pittsburgh Health Care System. Dr. Van Cott is promoting awareness of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can result from a blow to the head, concussion or a penetrating wound. Today's signature combat wounds are head and extremity injuries from blast exposure; about a third of those in combat are coming into contact with improvised explosive devices. TBI disrupts normal functions with mild to severe consequences and may develop into post-traumatic epilepsy. Seizures from this disorder can range from the hardly noticeable to disabling. Veterans must be alerted to the wide range of symptoms, and if they experience any of them, find a V.A. hospital for diagnosis and early treatment. The situation with brain injury and epilepsy in veterans is so serious and widespread that at a recent American Epilepsy Society meeting of neurologists, Marc Dichter, M.D., a neurology and pharmacology professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, outlined "Operation Giveback" to create better access to care nationwide and develop comprehensive information networks. In addition to physical injuries, some vets are homeless, without jobs, and are turning to drugs and alcohol. Within nine months of civilian life, a model soldier in a state unit developed a severe drinking problem, abandoned his family and drained the bank account. Family relationships are so strained that the military reports a divorce rate up to 53 percent among enlisted men, with numbers on the rise among officers. One young physician, Maj. Daniel O'Connor, of the Massachusetts Army National Guard, recently served at a triage station in Iraq for wounded soldiers and civilians. He believes that most families are resilient enough to weather the relationship stress of one deployment. But he pointed out that "by the end of the second or third deployment, and as many as three years away from home, many relationships start to suffer. When you factor in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that affects so many soldiers, even the strongest relationships will suffer." His opinion is underscored by Capt. (ret.) Charles Reade, of Barrington. Also a Providence businessman, he was commander of an operational Green Beret "A Team" within the 10th Special Forces Group in Germany and a combat adviser and troop commander in Vietnam. Serving as a volunteer Army deputy chaplain since 2004, he has held pastoral-care and depression/suicide-prevention classes and works with fresh-from-combat Army recruiters. Chaplain Reade said, "I often receive calls from family and friends asking me to give a touch of God's love to a veteran. I see in returning warriors a broken spirit. They come home and have flashbacks. They have great difficulty tolerating daily life or relaxing. Their family partners have been running the household in their absence and they want to jump back in and make family decisions because they were trained to be decisive. This creates conflict and frequently results in domestic abuse." He added, "Sometimes I see young men and women affected by PTSD who have lost their ability to be intimate. They have lost hope, positive feelings for the future, peacefulness, spontaneity, their wholeness. They have lost trust in almost everyone including their families. They have lost their ‘awe' to believe that there could be anything greater than that which inflicted the original pain." In this election year, war is no longer foremost on our minds though we look for dates that will signal its end. However, for those who did the fighting for us, now struggling with their health and relationships, there may be no end in sight. It seems that insufficient dollars and system policies are thwarting veterans from receiving the medical care they need. Where is the outrage? from the Providence Journal on Sunday, February 3, 2008 Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 442 2008-09-19 10:09:52 2008-09-19 13:09:52 open open vets-need-us-call-congress-bolster-health-and-relationships publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221837622 _edit_last 2 keywords Veterans, health, relationships, legislation, Congress, Veterans Health description Will Congress Abandon Veterans\' Legislation so vital to their health and relationships? It appears so. Let\'s all call Congress today! title Vets Need Us, Call Congress, Bolster Health and Relationships Condoms: Protection, Party Favors, Ring Tones and No Lies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=443 Sat, 20 Sep 2008 04:01:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=443 Without incriminating anyone, we went on a condom hunt one night in Boston.  We wondered why it is so difficult to get men to wear condoms.  Well, it didn't take long to figure out that there are more choices regarding condoms than there were shoes in Imelda's closet. It takes a long time to read and try to make sense of the choices.   And so, I am going to send all of you out there in the Blogsphere to do that research yourselves -- or surely you are near a drug store! But in the interim, here it is again:  Condom Ring Tones  the story, and www.condomcondom.org, the sound. Condon party favors:  Party Favors And from Mayo Clinic, condom use: Mayo Clinic on Condoms Keep in mind that the goal of a condom is to help curb sexually transmitted diseases in addition to preventing conception. There seems to be a myth that not everyone is suspectible to herpes or STDs.  Just not true.  STDs and Herpes do not care whom they latch onto.  A sad state of affairs, at least happening in the US, is that some women and men are withholding information from a partner with regard to herpes. Some do it deliberately, not wanting to put a damper on a new relationship.  Others conveniently “forget” to disclose, or claim that they had an outbreak years ago and forgot that it could be contagious.  To this group I have no problem in saying,  ”Liar, Liar, pants on fire.” Don’t think because you are a doctor, lawyer, business executive or professor that you are safe because you are careful about the partners whom you choose — STDs cut across all cultural lines.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 443 2008-09-20 01:01:27 2008-09-20 04:01:27 open open crazy-condoms publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222000296 _edit_last 2 description The condom ring tones are a terrific novelty. So are the party favor condoms. But listening and looking do not equal protection! title Condoms: Protection, Party Favors, Ring Tones and No Lies The Love Myth and Online Dating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=10 Sun, 21 Sep 2008 04:01:05 +0000 http://www.decisionmakingtips.com/?p=197 To keep our hearts from breaking and to save us from the monster called "Alone" we often deceive ourselves and others for a religion called "relationship."  We date and we date.  And when we still can't find the love of our dreams we go online.  Fun for a while.  But here is the downside from Shine! Too Picky Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 10 2008-09-21 01:01:05 2008-09-21 04:01:05 open open the-love-myth-and-online-dating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1221999770 _edit_last 2 title The Love Myth and Online Dating description We live in a love addicted society. When one relationship edns, we are so terrified of \"Alone\" that we jump back into love. Online can be a problem. keywords online, dating, love, myth, 598 priest8@yahoo.com http://shurl.net/5wE 2008-11-05 02:50:58 2008-11-05 05:50:58 0 0 0 Is it Cougar Love? Take the Quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=445 Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:01:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=445 It seems that Cougars are back in the news.  And we are a bit perplexed by all of the publicity.  Why the popularity of it all?  It seems that older women who date younger men are confident and not afraid to be both nurturing and sexy at the same time.  Older and younger There was a Cougar-fest in New York in August Cougar fest  and there is now a boytoy website in the UK. Whereas men who date younger women often do so because they are afraid of getting old.  They somehow feel that the younger woman will help them to feel young again.  Was this the case with Harrison Ford and Ally McBeal?  And was this Sir Paul McCartney’s mistake? But what about men who date younger women?  One friend told me that oftentimes younger women “are looking for a meal ticket.”  And the men need to be reassured that they are still attractive.  However, the tide is turning. Internet dating sites are reporting that younger women are more reluctant to date older men these days. Only about 25% of women are looking to date men 10 years older. Chicks-Dig-Younger looking-Men And the BBC reports an increase in marriages between younger men and older women.  However to find out your compatibility regardless of age, take this quiz.  Ageless Love Quiz. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 445 2008-09-22 01:01:33 2008-09-22 04:01:33 open open is-it-cougar-love-take-the-quiz publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1222078436 keywords Cougars, sex, love, older women, younger men, NY Post, cougar fest description Those Cougars in the headlines again. In fact, there was a real cougar siting in Virginia. But let\'s talk about our favorite Cougars! title Is it Cougar Love? Take the Quiz 449 ianstratton@toyboyclub.com http://www.toyboyclub.com 2008-09-22 11:18:44 2008-09-22 14:18:44 0 0 0 Are We Enjoying Sex? Take this Quiz and Find Out http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=447 Tue, 23 Sep 2008 03:27:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=447   But do we spend more time talking about sex than we do enjoying sex?  And if so, why?  British sites tell us that young people today are too stressed out and working too many hours to appreciate the value of a good relationship. Great-grandma was ahead of her time. When she came to America to celebrate her 90th birthday and visit her 12 children, the party invitation read: "No presents, just negligees made of French silk." As she opened gifts she fingered the fabric and smiled, "Grazia." When she died at 104, her young lover was 80. It was then that we learned of her amorous ways. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED - erectile dysfunction. Why do people have sex anyway? Psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 2,000 people and compiled a list of 237 reasons. For both men and women the top three reasons stated: attraction to the person; physical pleasure; and because "it feels good." Wondering about sex and relationships?  Take this quiz.  The Sex Quiz Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 447 2008-09-23 00:27:01 2008-09-23 03:27:01 open open are-we-enjoying-sex-take-this-quiz-and-find-out publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239295573 _edit_last 2 title Are We Enjoying Sex? Take this Quiz and Find Out keywords sex. quiz, internet, more sex, enjoy, studies, Chicago description Sometimes I wonder if we as a nation are losing interest in sex. I know that sex quizzes and questions sometimes seem to dominate the Internet. Sex and the City Stars Dish, Sarah Palin on Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=448 Wed, 24 Sep 2008 04:01:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=448 The ladies from Sex in the City have been hearing a lot about Sarah Palin's style from glasses to dress.  What are their thoughts about style and substance? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/showbiz/2008/09/22/sbt.sex.and.the.city.stars.cnn    ]]> 448 2008-09-24 01:01:46 2008-09-24 04:01:46 open open sex-and-the-city-stars-dish-on-sarah-palin publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1222206202 title Sex and the City Stars Dish, Sarah Palin on Video description The fashionistas had their say about Sarah on the Red Carpet. Here is the video. keywords sex, city, stars, Sarah Palin, red carpet, fashionistas Love, Marriage, and Compatibility http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=450 Thu, 25 Sep 2008 04:01:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=450 A complementary opposite is someone who fills in our differences and together the two of you become whole.  And to see what research and wisdom have to say on the topic, here are some quizzes, quotes, and links.  Happy Loving! Ultimate-compatibility  While I think that we should all attract our complementary opposite, one that completes our personality, you might enjoy seeing what research says about compatibility. Take this quiz from LifeScript to  help you determine if you are in the right relationship.  Or are you in the wrong relationship and heading for heartbreak?  Are You Dating the Right Person While I try to remain "neutral but opinionated" we can always count on Maureen Dowd of the New York Times to tell it like it is.  Men to Avoid - those who have no friends, can be stepped on, or  are tied to Mama's apron strings.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 450 2008-09-25 01:01:08 2008-09-25 04:01:08 open open love-marriage-and-compatibility publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222305690 _edit_last 2 description Do opposites really attract or should we be looking for a complementary opposite? title Love, Marriage, and Compatibility 482 tkearney@kearflex.com 2008-09-26 17:16:48 2008-09-26 20:16:48 0 0 0 Dodd, Obama, Kerry Top Fannie and Freddie List http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=454 Fri, 26 Sep 2008 03:01:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=454 Open Secrets ]]> 454 2008-09-26 00:01:23 2008-09-26 03:01:23 open open dodd-obama-kerry-top-fannie-and-freddie-list publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222398750 _edit_last 2 Truth, Politics, Bedfellows and Lies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=453 Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:01:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=453 Strange Bedfellows: Head of the Banking Committee, Chris Dodd was the top recipient of political contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  And . . . . . . according to a report from the Center for Responsive Politics, John Kerry came in second and Barack Obama, third.  BUT if you figure that Obama has only been in serious politics for about half the number of years served by Dodd and Kerry -- wouldn't that put him on top of the list? And now comes along Bill Clinton who says the Democrats are partially responsible for the Fannie and Freddie mess. Here is the link   Bubba Says Dems Share Blame Off to Washington goes John McCain and the darts are flying.  But let's step back a bit and look at the problem  from another perspective.  If a major financial crisis was taking place in your own family -- and you might be called upon to take over the family finances -- would you:
    • Sit it out and say, "I have more important things to do?" 
    • Would you want to participate in the outcome? 
    • Would you want to be there to just sit and listen and watch the dynamics?
    • Would you trust to hear about the deal-making and results second hand? 
    If there is a chance you might be the next president and inherit the mess, you might want to there -- particularly if you are being accused on being on the side of the family that is being targeted for creating the mess.    (John McCain must be sending roses to Bubba tonight.) EYES AND LIES:  You want to be there for the family crisis.   And in politics, you definitely want to see the whites of your friends' eyes, your foes' eyes.  You want to see the smirks, the facial expressions, and assess the body language. There are two links here:  One from a former FBI agent who tells how to interpret body language and lies. Another from the Center for Responsive Politics. A TAKER'S LIST: Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac political contributions:  Open Secrets BODY LANGUAGE AND LIES: There is a slide presentation from former FBI agent Joe Navarro presented by the WashingtonPost.com called Every body’s talking.  The article has an embedded slide show presentation called  “What We Say Without Words.” It is crystal clear. Those critical of anyone's efforts to help solve the financial mess should stop the finger pointing and roll up their sleeves.  Every time you point a finger at another -- three fingers point back to you!  Of course, those of you who know that I don't own a television are saying, "What does she know about this?"   And I will tell you.  Very little.  I just know that sometimes in life being there and listening is more valuable than interpreting someone else's interpretation. Whichever candidate inherits this financial nightmare will be the wiser for participating in history unfolding. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    453 2008-09-26 01:01:33 2008-09-26 04:01:33 open open truth-politics-bedfellows-and-lies publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222406664 _edit_last 2 description Strange Bedfellows: Head of the Banking Committee, Chris Dodd was top recipient of political contributions from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Bubba blames Dems. title Truth, Politics, Bedfellows and Lies keywords Politics, finances, mess, Bubba, Bill,Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, blame, Obama, on the take, financial crisis
    Bubba Says Dems Share Blame for Financial Crisis! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=455 Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:13:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=455 Bubba Says Dems Share Blame    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson / Bubba]]> 455 2008-09-26 13:13:34 2008-09-26 16:13:34 open open bubba-says-dems-share-blame-for-financial-crisis publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222735004 _edit_last 2 The Youngest Cougar and an Old Tale Revealed http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=451 Sat, 27 Sep 2008 04:01:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=451 It is all over the news.  Drew Barrymore, age 33,  was with -- well a bit closer than with -- a 21 one year old.  Read all about it. Cougar kisses  In fact Cougars can be in their 30s although most of us think of Cougars as being closer to Samantha's age in  Sex in the City.  And in real life, Kim Cantrell does not disappoint us.  And now for a bit of history.   Robert Wagner at 22 was having an affair with Barbara Stanwyck, age 43.  He just admitted it.  And the UK's Daily Mail has the story.  A Secret Cougar Affair Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 451 2008-09-27 01:01:52 2008-09-27 04:01:52 open open the-youngest-cougar-and-an-old-tale-revealed publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222576870 _edit_last 2 description The youngest Cougar in Tinseltown may be Drew Barrymore. And the oldest story to reach us, Robert Wagner and Barbara Stanwyck when he was 22. title The Youngest Cougar and an Old Tale Paul Newman: He Introduced Himself to Me as "Paul" http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=458 Sun, 28 Sep 2008 03:30:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=458 Yale does not announce those who are to be given honorary degrees.  Many people learn the night before either at the Baccalaureate address, at the President's dinner, or through a whisper.  For some reason -- which truly escapes me right now -- we were by the Provost's office walking to our respective colleges.  The routine with honorary degree recipients: All the colleges line up on campus before we march through the Downtown Green -- and then we create a border as the President, Provost, and honorary degree recipients walk past us.  As an associate fellow at Ezra Stiles College, it happens that we are always in the front rows. But this time we were rushing down the stairs towards campus.  The special person in my life was not so discreetly pointing to me and nodding his head from the sidelines.  I just waved. Finally he mouthed a word that sounded like "Paul."   I shrugged not quite understanding him and he waved good-bye. Blue stars twinkling:  We quickened our pace and there was no chatting.  We had a destination.  But suddenly the lines slowed and  we had a minute to catch our breath. I exchanged some pleasantries with the gentleman next to me shielding my eyes from the sun. And that's when it happened. In the middle of a morning of blue sky and sunshine, the stars came out and twinkled blue.  "Oh, I seem to know you," I uttered.  "I'm Paul," he said, extending his hand.  The man next to me was not nearly the giant I perceived him to be.  Perhaps his stature is something I attributed to his character and the fact that I loved the devotion that we saw with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Beer-drinking buddies: How is it that Roger special person recognized him immediately?  It seems that before a movie, Paul needed a Texas twang.  He was at Yale visiting and so one of the directors pulled together a few friends from Texas.  Roger still has a bit of a Texas drawl and after he and Paul talked through the night -- with pitchers of beer --  by morning, both Roger and Paul could have hailed from Fort Worth. I remembered this story just last week after learning that my neighbor's daughter has had the priviledge to work at Camp Hole in the Wall, which Paul Newman supported.  As I reflected on this today, I realize that through his movies, his charities, his larger than life humility -- he has left us a breath-taking legacy.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 458 2008-09-28 00:30:52 2008-09-28 03:30:52 open open paul-newman-he-introduced-himself-as-paul publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224194535 _edit_last 2 title Paul Newman: He Introduced Himself as \"Paul\" description It was during the fellows and faculty line-up at Yale that I rushed into place and didn\'t realize I was walking with Paul Newman until I saw those eyes. keywords Paul, Yale, graduation, honorary degree, meeting him, walking with him 532 anitabparis@hotmail.com 2008-10-14 19:54:41 2008-10-14 22:54:41 1 0 0 A Kiss of Friendship, A Kiss of Danger, and Cheating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=456 Mon, 29 Sep 2008 03:22:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=456 When we first saw the kissing lesson on Boston Legal  last season, we had no idea it would turn into friends with benefits! While traditionally associated with two people who enjoy each other’s company but do not wish to make the commitment, in fact, some FWB relationships take a romantic turn.  And sometimes, a kiss becomes dangerous: If you are lying for love and telling yourself that the married man or woman with whom you are involved is really the love of your life — then it is may just be another  excuse to avoid commitment. If you need the passion of an illicit affair (whether in marriage or the boundrary violation of teacher and student -- Crossing the line, media report — then watch a movie.  Here we present the great beach scene  From Here to Eternity embedded. And despite the number of times I say that I like to remain “Neutral but opinionated” — when it comes to infidelity — infidelity is adultry, is cheating,  is infidelity. Married But Cheating  Cheating in Marriage:  According to M. Gary Newman, father or five and a Rabbi, in his new book The Truth about Cheating: Why Men Stray and What You Can Do to Prevent It, we learn that 92 percent say it was not about sex.  Of the nearly one in THREE men who cheat, he tells us that "The majority said it was an emotional disconnection, specifically a sense of feeling underappreciated. A lack of thoughtful gestures."  The full transcript of his interview with Oprah can be found on an earlier posting Why Men Cheat We also know from reseearch that men do not appreciate being criticized.  "How many times have I told you?" can be a deal breaker.  In  "The Neuroscience of Leadership,"  David Rock and Jeffrey Schwartz, point out positive ways to bring about change: "Leave problem behaviors in the past; focus on identifying and creating new behaviors. The full article is in:  Strategy and Business Healing After Infidelity:  Although Mayo Clinic tells us that a relationship and marriage can be healed after infidelity, recovering from a betrayal of trust is not easy.  It is much better to find a way to talk to each other before the damage is done.  Infidelity  Practice forgiving. It is a lot simpler than you might think.
    • Write down the one thing that is bothering you about your spouse or lover.
    • Ask yourself what role you are playing in problem.
    • Then write ten positive qualities of your partner. A friend who long practiced Religious Science says it takes ten positives to cancel out one negative.
    • Begin to see yourself interacting with the positive person with whom you fell in love.
    Take a chance and embrace change, a change in thinking from anger to forgiveness. It will do wonders for your heart and may save your marriage or relationship. And if you still think you need that illicit affair, perhaps you can live vicariously on this beach!  Hot kisses:  If you missed the stories about the Cougars, just go to the search bar -- the Cougars are about to sizzle the TV screens with the fall line-up.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson: A Kiss of Friendship, A Kiss of Danger, and Cheating]]>
    456 2008-09-29 00:22:58 2008-09-29 03:22:58 open open a-kiss-of-friendship-a-kiss-of-danger publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250397495 _edit_last 2 keywords kiss, danger, cheating, Boston LEgal, FWB, Gary Newman, illicit, affair, men, forgiveness, video, change, damage, Mayo Clinic, infidelity description Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss. Sometimes it turns into friends with benefits, and in some cases, it signals the beginning of a dangerous cheating. title A Kiss of Friendship, Danger, and Cheating 847 Glo2girl@msn.com 2009-02-11 22:01:45 2009-02-12 01:01:45 0 0 0
    Nancy Pelosi: Relationship Wins Take Honey Not Castor Oil http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=459 Tue, 30 Sep 2008 04:01:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=459 Remember when the nun took her ruler to the knuckles of those bad boys?  They deserved it, Nancy.  No question.  But when someone else has something you want, it is better to chose your words wisely than swing around a ruler.  Instead of extending an olive branch Nancy spooned out caster oil.  In fairness to her lack of tact  - the old boys could have ignored her words and simply invoked a philosophy that says, "Unkind words are not about you, they are about the person who speaks them." Republicans blamed Pelosi's tongue lashing for squelching success.  Here is a reprint from The Swamp, The Chicago Tribune's Washington Bureau which conjures up the image of the cow who gives a good bucket of milk and then kicks it over.  Nancy went from -- "Today we must act for those Americans, for Main Street, and we must act now, with the bipartisan spirit of cooperation which allowed us to fashion this legislation...." To an apparent addition to the transcript: "For too long this government, eight years, has followed a right-wing ideology of anything goes, no supervision, no discipline, no regulation."    Full Transcript Nancy,  let's pretend it is Halloween.  You gather all the trick or treaters and say, "We each have a piece of candy in our hands - it is called a vote. If we all put our candy into this great big plastic pumpkin made from melted down credit cards - we can stand united and bail out the economy. I am ready to give up my candy.  "But I am not happy about giving up my candy, because it's all your fault you right wingers took all the candy you wanted, no supervision, no discipline, no regulation. "  (Perhaps Nancy missed the part where Bubba pointed a finger at this own party and said, "We are all to blame."   Bubba ) I have images of her cracking that ruler and saying, "Now step up to the plastic pumpkin and drop in your vote." I guess what happened is this: a  lot of men said, "To hell with you.  You have enough candy on your side of the aisle to fill the great pumpkin - you take responsibility." Should men have ignored her and acted more responsibly?  Read what I really write about most of the time - sex and relationships - and you will see that tone of voice can be a deal breaker. And don't ask what happens when men hear the words --  "How many times have I told you?"  And that is precisely what Nancy was saying. Did Nancy forgot the first rule of creating a win-win? If the person across the table has something that you want, you smile despite what you are thinking?  With politics we are really talking about a big dysfunctional family -- it is all about relationships.  It seems that woman have more difficulty with a win-win than men. When in fact, we should be the diplomats. In a win-win situation everyone wins something and everyone must give up something. There are three questions to consider for a win-win.
    • What is it that I really need to feel as if I am winner?
    • What is it that I am willing to give up?
    • If I win, then what?
    Here are four tips from The TACT® Strategies.
    • Take A Minute
    • Assess the Situation
    • Consider the Alternatives
    • Take a Stand (This is where we close the deal. )
    Taking a stand!
    • Make sure your stance is clearly known
    • Do not underestimate strategies and timing aimed at success
    • Be willing to negotiate a win-win situation
    • Proceed with confidence
    If I am sounding a bit condescending right now, Nancy, it is because women of the world are looking at you to act like a leader instead of a Blues Brothers ruler-wielding nun. Hidden Agenda Hell If you don't think words matter to men, read Sexual Shutout in Hidden Agenda Hell. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]>
    459 2008-09-30 01:01:49 2008-09-30 04:01:49 open open nancy-pelosi-a-win-win-tastes-like-honey-not-castor-oil publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222784402 _edit_last 2 description Rule One of win-win, when someone else has something you want chose your words rather than swinging around a ruler saying, no supervision, disciple, regulation. keywords Nancy, bailout, words, agendas, transcripts, The Swamp, Bubba,supervision, disciple, regulation, title Nancy Pelosi: Relationship Wins Take Honey Not Castor Oil
    A Good Book, Sex, Forgiveness Helps Sleep Even in Crisis http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=461 Wed, 01 Oct 2008 04:17:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=461 Stay away from the TV: You owe it to your health, your body, and your mind to sleep well.  Don't let the financial crisis deprive you of sleep. People always look at me strangely when I tell them that I have no television.  I don't really.  Why?  Because there is seldom good news on TV and if I want to see episodes that make me laugh -- it's Boston Legal or Pushing Daisies or Perry Mason reruns.   Before you go to bed at night, you want to feel peace.  What about make-up sex?  So many of you ask me that question.  If you don't believe in make-up sex -- just don't fight!  Medical research: Physicians at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center have determined that missing even one hour of sleep a night can impair your thinking and stiffle your ability to make good decisions.    Anger and the financial crisis: There is also something Biblical about anger — a phrase which my grandmother often quoted:  “Never let the sun set on your anger.”  Anger makes you toss and turn.  AND the real problem with anger is that it harms you, not the person or situation that is the object of your anger.  You can do very little about this financial crisis -- OK so I railed about Nancy Pelosi in my last blog.  I'm over it.  And she doesn't even know that she had me steaming. What sleep patterns say: Ever wonder about the way in which you sleep?  Take a look at these sleep positions and learn what each says about you. Sleep Patterns Tell   Or Read this WebMD feature.  Sleep-Disorders . Chronic sleep deprivation, even if you only lose one or two hours of sleep a night, will impact your ability to make good choices.  So the decision here is an obvious one — to sleep, perchance to dream.  copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 461 2008-10-01 01:17:01 2008-10-01 04:17:01 open open a-good-book-sex-forgiveness-helps-you-sleep-even-in-crisis publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1222838643 _edit_last 2 title A Good Book, Sex, Forgiveness Helps You Sleep Even in Crisis keywords book, sleep, forgiveness, financial crisis, anger, makeup sex description Whether it takes a good book, good music, or good sex to send you off to dreamland, do what it takes — even if you have to forgive someone or have makeup sex! Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=460 Thu, 02 Oct 2008 03:08:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=460 Monday during the day of doldrums when the financial world looked as if it was going belly up, Sharon Jayson for USA Today wrote about a new study in which researchers found that a warm touch can temper stress and blood pressure.  The study was performed on 34 young married couple, but it noted that it could have an affect on seniors. It is difficult to do such a study on seniors because so many are taking medications that might confound results. This is too bad because studies are beginning to show that widowed and divorced men over age 65 who are alone are more prone to depression and suicide.  Nonetheless, researchers are suggesting even this group can benefit.  Healing Touch  Seniors and Wall Street: The news today was dire for seniors - one conservative writer suggested that 401Ks might be best used with kindling wood! I am more optimistic - not just an incurably romantic, but an optimistic one as well.  As such, I am reprinting here my piece on Sex and Smiling Seniors that originally appeared in the Providence Journal.  Some people jump into bed and pull the covers over their heads -- I have another thought -- jump into bed with someone you love. So take your mind off the market - there is very little we can do anyway, and think about hugging, loving, and even a little bit of sex. Sex and Smiling Seniors (adapted from my Providence Journal Column) Great-grandma was ahead of her time. When she came to America to celebrate her 90th birthday and visit her 12 children, the party invitation read: "No presents, just negligees made of French silk." As she opened gifts she fingered the fabric and smiled, "Grazia." When she died at 104, her young lover was 80. It was then that we learned of her amorous ways. But these days, if you have young children, when you do get to bed at night, you have only one thought in mind - sleep. If you are a business couple, married to laptops and e-mail gadgets, you don't even get to bed every night. But if you are in your senior years and smiling coyly, you might be one of those who enjoys sex regularly, as reported recently in the New England Journal of Medicine. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED - erectile dysfunction. The pharmaceutical companies still applaud him, as do content men and oftentimes the younger women on their arm. Not all older gentlemen want trophy wives.  Although the following words were mistakenly attributed to Andy Rooney, we still love them: "Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart! Her libido is stronger. Her appreciation of experienced lovemaking is honed and reciprocal. And she's lived long enough to know how to please a man in ways her daughter could never dream of." Why do people have sex anyway? Psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 2,000 people and compiled a list of 237 reasons. For both men and women the top two reasons stated: attraction to the person; physical pleasure. When dual-career couples take to their separate bedrooms, they forgo the spontaneity and connection that keeps physical loving alive. Despite Alzheimer's, whenever my father, Vincent, shakes someone's hand, he always remembers to say: "If we touch each other more, we hurt each other less." Are seniors telling us that sex is really human touch - the ultimate expression of caring and friendship? In a world of chaos and uncertainty, perhaps seniors are experiencing what young couples and professionals are missing - intimate moments that restore our spirit, reaffirm our humanity, and give us reason to exchange a discreetly knowing smile. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 460 2008-10-02 00:08:50 2008-10-02 03:08:50 open open hugging-and-loving-in-good-times-and-bad-financial-times publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224710724 keywords Stress, finances, loving, touch, blood pressure, seniors, 401K description There are often stories about the value of human touch. During these tough financial times we tend to wring our hands rather than reach out and hug. title Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress An After-Debate Mood Booster for These Turmoil Times http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=462 Fri, 03 Oct 2008 04:01:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=462 The debate is over -- whether you are happy with the results or not, forget politicis for a moment. If you’ve never looked through the world with rose-colored glasses now may be the time! Not only will a hearty dose of optimism cheer you, but a positive outlook can also dramatically improve your health. And let's remember the value of gratitude.  Even when the world seems to be falling apart around you, find something for which to feel grateful. It is important to your health. LOW RESISTENCE: Everyone knows how easy it is to pick up a cold when “you’re resistance is low.” New studies now urge us to be as mindful of our moods and attitudes as we are of our physical health. Research from medical centers around the world conclude that hostility, cynicism, depression, and stress contribute significantly to the onset of illness and also slow down recovery. Conversely, minor changes in attitude can bring about major positive changes in health. The Decision Making Tips Mood Boosters will make you feel both happier and healthier.  First tip! SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY “Good times spent with friends and family are a tonic for the spirit but may also be good for the body,” says David Spiegel, M.D., of Stanford University in California. Indeed, the risk to health associated with being socially isolated is of “the same order of magnitude as the risk that accompanies smoking or having high cholesterol levels,” Spiegal says. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that when healthy volunteers were infected with a cold virus, those more involved with friends, family, work, and church groups didn’t get sick. Conversely, the volunteers who were loners, and had few social contacts readily picked up the colds. Spiegel notes that we tend to lose sight of the fact that humans are social creatures. “Social support is a stress buffet,” he says. “My prescription for good health is to take one friend or family members at least three times a day as needed.” INSTANT MOOD BOOSTERS: Here are some things you can do right now to boost your mood From SHINE Copyright 2008 Rita Watson / Syndicated through Newstex.com]]> 462 2008-10-03 01:01:17 2008-10-03 04:01:17 open open an-after-debate-mood-booster-for-these-turmoil-times publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223010983 _edit_last 2 keywords mood, boost, turmoil, crisis, family, friends, gratitude description With all the political, social, and economic turmoil that we have been experiencing these days, it is take to boost your mood. title Mood Booster for These Turmoil Times Managing Stress With or Without Medication http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=463 Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:01:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=463 We also how stressful divorce, job loss, or a move to another part of the country can be. But the impact of less obvious stress-producing events often go unrecognized. These more subtle stressors, such as an unfulfilling job, a rocky marriage, or just sitting in commuter traffic day in and day out, can suppress the immune system. That leaves the body open to infection disease, and muscle weakness, according to Bruce McEwen, Ph.D, of Rockefeller University in New York City, who reported his findings in the New England Journal of Medicine. We can handle acute stress when we must-both the good stress of working toward a difficult goal and the bad stress caused by some kind of calamity. When the stressful period ends, our bodies gradually return to normal functioning. Chronic stress: However, if we are in a “state of chronic stress, hormones gradually produce harmful changes in blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels,” notes McEwen. Without realizing it, subtle stress has made us ill. In more recent research, McEwen and colleagues found that, contrary to the long-held belief that humans or animals cannot grow new brain cells once they reach adulthood, monkeys constantly make new brain cell sin an area of the brain used for forming long-term memories. But the brain stops producing these new cells when the animals are under stress. If this happens in animals, the researchers wonder, why not in humans? This is all the more reason to keep stress at bay. Dealing with life's stressors: How can you deal with life’s subtle stressors? The first order of business is to try to get a good night’s sleep. If you go through the day dragging your heels or some other part of your anatomy, you’ll find it difficult to deal with much of anything. Then, try to alleviate those minor irritations that leave you feeling grumpy or out of sorts. Break up your day by going for a short walk at lunch. Change your routine if you can. Take a different route to work or back home. If you’re at home during the day, vary the order in which typically do things. If you always go to the market in the morning, wait until after lunch. If you visit the library in the evening, switch to the afternoon for a while. The changes don’t have to earth-shattering, but they should give you the feeling that you’re looking at life from a slightly different angle. Medications: But if stress continues, and you can't shake it off, there are medications to help you reduce stress.  Medications when properly prescribed, properly taken, and under proper supervision by a physician can be an invaluable mood booster to those who need them. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson / Syndicated by Newstex.com Adapted from New Choices article by Rita Watson, Copyright 2007 Watson]]> 463 2008-10-04 01:01:58 2008-10-04 04:01:58 open open managing-stress-with-or-without-medication publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224710686 _edit_last 2 title Managing Stress With or Without Medication description Everyone knows stress these days. We know it at the gas pump. When our bills arrive. When our savings plummet. keywords stress, medication, managing stress, The Week in Review: Finances, Politics, and Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=464 Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:00:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=464 Managing Stress with or without Medication: Everyone knows stress these days.  We know it at the gas pump.  When our bills arrive.  When our savings plummet. Read the rest of this entry » Mood Booster for Stressful Times: With all the political, social, and economic turmoil that we have been experiencing these days, it is time to boost your mood. Read the rest of this entry »
    Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress: There are often stories about the value of human touch.  During these tough financial times instead of wringing our hands, perhaps we should be reaching out. Read the rest of this entry » A Good Book, Sex, Forgiveness Helps Sleep Even in Crisis: Whether it takes a good book, good music, or good sex to send you off to dreamland, do what it takes — even if you have to forgive someone!  Read the rest of this entry » Nancy Pelosi: Honey not Castor Oil: Nancy Pelosi’s words before the bail out vote yesterday reminded me of a scene from The Blues Brothers. Read the rest of this entry » A Kiss of riendship,a Kiss of Danger, and Cheating: Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss.  Sometimes it turns into friends with benefits, and in some cases, it signals the beginning of a dangerous liaison. Read the rest of this entry »
    464 2008-10-05 01:00:56 2008-10-05 04:00:56 open open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1223244050
    A Tumultuous Week in Review http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=466 Sun, 05 Oct 2008 16:04:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=466 Managing Stress with or without Medication: Everyone knows stress these days.  We know it at the gas pump.  When our bills arrive.  When our savings plummet. Read the rest of this entry » Mood Booster for Stressful Times: With all the political, social, and economic turmoil that we have been experiencing these days, it is time to boost your mood. Read the rest of this entry » Loving and Hugging Can Ease Financial Stress: There are often stories about the value of human touch.  During these tough financial times instead of wringing our hands, perhaps we should be reaching out. Read the rest of this entry » A Good Book, Sex, Forgiveness Helps Sleep Even in Crisis: Whether it takes a good book, good music, or good sex to send you off to dreamland, do what it takes - even if you have to forgive someone!  Read the rest of this entry » Nancy Pelosi: Honey not Castor Oil: Nancy Pelosi's words before the bail out vote yesterday reminded me of a scene from The Blues Brothers. Read the rest of this entry » A Kiss of Friendship, a Kiss of Danger, and Cheating: Sometimes a kiss is more than a kiss.  Sometimes it turns into friends with benefits, and in some cases, it signals the beginning of a dangerous liaison. Read the rest of this entry » This coming week: Watch for Cougar Love and Financial Hints -- this is financial planning week.   Copyright 2008  Rita Watson]]> 466 2008-10-05 13:04:17 2008-10-05 16:04:17 open open a-tumultuous-week-in-review publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223244325 _edit_last 2 Money, Marriage, Stress, and Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=468 Mon, 06 Oct 2008 04:01:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=468 But first I am reprinting a column I wrote recently that captures the essense of many of the problems couples face when it comes to money.  And then I am going to tell you about a few organizations that I will be highlighting this week as we discuss relationships and money. Money, Marriage, Sex, and Secrets MONEY DOESN'T CARE who owns it," was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called "modest times." Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right. Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. Love and Money Survey: However, the 2008 "Love and Money" survey of 1,049 people found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States, conducted the survey. "The problem is that most couples don't talk about money," says Brooks P. Bartlett Sr., managing director of Lighthouse Financial Group, a division of Metlife. "We spoke with one couple during a rather sad divorce and the woman said to us, ‘Look around. Do you see all of this beauty? We can't afford any of it. We are broke. I just learned about this and my husband is in denial!' Bartlett added, "Couples need to have a plan for their money." Suze says: Suze Orman, author of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, is trying to help women and men cope with mounting debt and develop a relationship with and respect for their money. Then there is the Women's Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org), which offers sound advice as well as a tongue-in-cheek guide to translating what "he says" and "she says." One young husband said, "Whenever we have an argument over money, my wife goes on a spending spree. Then even when I get over my anger and I try to talk with her rationally, I go from hearing ‘no make-up sex for you' to the silent treatment." Money, sex, and sleep: What happens in this type of situation? Each will go to bed angry. Husband and wife won't sleep. And the next day neither will have a clear enough head to talk about the issue. Carl W. Brazil, M.D., Ph.D, a neurologist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, says that even losing an hour or two of sleep a night can compromise how a person processes information or uses information to make judgments. When two people marry, and they have their own money-management or-mismanagement styles, they might guard money or debt as if they were holding onto a secret significant other. Experts agree that making a list of what comes in and what goes out, and having a dialogue instead of tossing accusations at each other about spending habits are important for a sound financial foundation. Becoming Financially Savy: Financial literacy is becoming a new slogan in our economy. The Business Council and the Conference Board Survey of Chief Executives released in February found that more than 85 percent of members see conditions in the U.S. economy as having deteriorated during the past six months, "and 77 percent expect that conditions will worsen in the next six months." The Federal Reserve reported consumer debt topping $2.5 trillion in December, exclusive of mortgages. It is not surprising that the Associated Press said last week that people are saving less and borrowing more from their retirement accounts. Families are understandably worried. Bruce R. Hrovat, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Citizens Financial Group, has this advice: "Save consistently. Be consistent. Just save what you can and keep on saving. It's the time value of money. Eventually it will add up."   (Providence Journal (600 word adaptation) Financial Planning Week  Here is a look at the wide range of events taking place this week.  Watch this site for information from the Women's Institute for Financial Education (WIFE),  Money Management International (MMI),  and Suze Orman as well as updates on how finances affect relationships. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 468 2008-10-06 01:01:12 2008-10-06 04:01:12 open open money-marriage-stress-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224710642 _edit_last 2 keywords Money, marriage, sex, financial planning, stress, Suze Orman, MMA,love and money survey description This is financial planning week. Watch issues relating to money and sex. Here is a reprint of Money, marriage, sex, and secrets from Providence Journal. title Money, Marriage, Stress, and Sex Decisions Affecting Your Relationship with Money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=469 Tue, 07 Oct 2008 03:08:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=469 In fact, this past July, even before the honeymoon was over,  June brides were seeing articles on personal finance appear in the news encouraging couples to pay down their debt.  Marriage and money: This article by writer Linda Stern presents an interview with seven suggestions on how to manage money.  She says in this piece for Reuters that what happens with money at the beginning of marriage might well affect the outcome. Personal Finance Separate emotions from money: In today's ever-so-risky economy, here are some thoughts:  Suze Orman, on Oprah.com, she tells us how to separate our emotions from our money.  This is a very emotional time and we do need to keep our wits about us as we try to see our way through this financial crisis that is becoming a world crisis. Suze says  Keep On Saving:  From WIFE.org, there is this advice, "In times of financial turbulence it is tempting to cut back on retirement saving. But it's better to be saving than sorry! Here's why you can't afford to stop!" from WIFE Decisions: Making money decisions is about choices and with decision-making one is sometimes presented with differing and sometimes competing alternatives. Sometimes decision-making involves taking a risk. As such, a wise decision-maker goes through a process that involves evaluating the pros and cons.  A good decision-makers:  
    1. Generates options and alternatives to address problems and opportunities.
    2. Brainstorms.
    3. Takes the time to think through the consequences of decisions.
    4. Writes out options.
    5. Chooses appropriate actions with consideration for implications and consequences.
    6. Commits to action by taking a firm stand on decisions without wasting time.
    7. Informs others of decisions and actions taken.
    8. Takes initiative to re-establish priorities if necessary.
    9. Generates alternative thinking.
    10. Evaluates time lines to know when to re-adjust.
    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    469 2008-10-07 00:08:27 2008-10-07 03:08:27 open open decisions-affecting-your-relationship-with-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224710599 _edit_last 2 keywords couples, decisions, money, finances, decision-making, worried description Today all couples and single people are worried about their finances and rightly so. title Decisions Affecting Your Relationship with Money 1073 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=702 2009-03-18 00:33:42 2009-03-18 03:33:42 0 pingback 0 0
    Money and Love Answers in Tough Relationship Times http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=470 Wed, 08 Oct 2008 03:53:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=470 Money is one of the top reasons for divorce.  Despite the economic downturn, it is not a time to blame or accuse.  It is a time for couples to pull together, pool resources, make a realistic budget and take a serious look at what they need to do to strengthen and support each other and their family In an effort to bring you a wide range of ideas on what to do during these difficult relationship times, we are bringing you different thoughts and ideas from a variety of sources.   A sampling of questions from AARP News: The following is a list of questions asked by readers of the AARP News-these are questions that even young couples are asking.  Here are the questions.  Q. Over the past year I have moved most of my retirement money to bonds or bond funds ... It now appears that bonds go down when the market goes down, but they don't recover when the market goes up....Does this make sense, and what do I do? Q. I've heard that pension benefits may be one of the casualties of the economic crisis. I've been retired for four years. Is my pension safe if my former company fails? Q. What's the latest with the financial rescue plan? Q. Is my money safe? I have most of it in a bank account and invested in money market mutual funds. Q. My bank, Wachovia, was just bought out. What does that mean for me? Q. The Wall Street drama and the volatile stock market are making me extremely nervous. Should I bail out now and withdraw from stocks completely? Q. I'm not one to ride out the storm on Wall Street. Where can I park my money that's less risky? Q. What happened with AIG? Q. I retired five years ago, but with the economy and inflation as they are, I need to go back to work. Where do I start? Q. I'm about to start a new job. What should I do with my 401(k) plan? Q. I'm behind on my house payments and the bank is about to foreclose on my house.  To find the answers go to: Money on Your Mind  Women's Institute for Financial Education: WIFE is taking an affirmative role in the crisis. Here is a link to believing in a turnaround using the prosperous thinking technique often promoted by Suze Orman. WIFE says their Money Attraction Affirmation helps you create dynamic changes in your life. "Financial freedom is within my reach."  www.wife.org - See it.  Believe it.  Achievement.   Gratitude and loving power: Three words of advice: Gratitude. Gratitude.  Gratitude.  This is not a time to point fingers, but to be grateful for what you have.  Don't fight - hug and love.   Read my posting from the other day that talks about the research on human touch.  Healing Touch  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 470 2008-10-08 00:53:31 2008-10-08 03:53:31 open open money-and-love-answers-in-tough-relationship-times publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224710555 title Money and Love Answers in Tough Relationship Times description Therapists are telling us that the number one reason that couples are seeking counseling these days centers around money concerns. keywords money, love, budget, finances, WIFE.org, therapist, questions, AARP Sex Brings Happiness, But Money Enhances Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=471 Thu, 09 Oct 2008 13:00:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=471 About five years ago, WebMD noted that the happiest folks are those getting the most sex -- married people, who report 30% more between-the-sheets action than single folks.  However from researchers they state: "Despite popular opinion, they find that having more money doesn't mean you get more sex; there's no difference between the frequency of sex and income level. But they do find sex seems to have a greater effect on happiness levels in highly educated -- and presumably wealthier -- people than on those with lower educational status." More Money Doesn't Mean More Sex, but More Sex Can Make You Feel Richer says, Sid Kirchheimer, Sex and  happiness On the flip side, in an piece for CBS MarketWatch by Thomas Kostigen less than a year ago, it was reported that being rich was a powerful aphrodisiac.  We often wonder what younger women see in older men - are they just out for the money?  Maybe not. Money might actually enhance one's sex.  It appears from two researches on the habits of the rich and famous - that the wealthy are more adventurous.  And in a surprise turn rich women seem more likely to enjoy sex. "Some 84% of rich women and 63% of rich men say having money means having better sex," he notes. Here is a link to the full article: Sex and money   Well that was then.  What about today?  The financial crisis will pass - count the young blessings and spend more time with each other talking about the goodness and love you share.  Or you can turn on Dirty Sexy Money or watch past episodes of Dirty Sexy Money and be very grateful! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 471 2008-10-09 10:00:19 2008-10-09 13:00:19 open open sex-brings-happiness-but-money-enhances-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224710522 _edit_last 2 keywords surveys, sex, money, satisfaction, description Sex and Money Happiness, or Just Happiness title Sex Brings Happingss, More Money Enhances Sex Solving Your Money Affecting Relationship Problem http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=472 Fri, 10 Oct 2008 03:01:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=472 As promised, we are bringing you links to other experts in the field.  I have spent most of this week talking about stress, loving, money, and sex.   Here is some advice from a friend who specializes in career fitness. Malcolm O. Munro - Career Fitness Coach wrote a special piece this week on problem solving: short term and long term solutions for those in business, but it can apply to all of us. Personal and relationship stress as these relate to money problems will be with us for a long time given today's economy. Most people will need a short term plan and a long term plan, but first we each need to identify the problem. Short Term: Malcolm says, "These are problems that give us headaches in the moment and come without warning.  These could be a moderate annoyance or a critical issue that can cause great harm.  The solutions to these problems are quick and result in instant abatement of the problem." Relating to the economy and your own relationships
    • Determine the problem that is pushing you over the edge
    • Make a budget
    • Work as a team in you are married or in a committed relationship
    • Maintain a positive attitude with a vision towards a solution
    • Call a credit agency to help you such as Money Management International Money Management.org/
    Long Term: Malcolm calls these "chronic problems that have a history of plaguing us. They may be mild in nature or severe enough to cause hate and discontent but are somewhat systemic in nature, meaning we don't know why the problem is here or where it came from, we just want it gone!" We know what happened to the economy but for many people a money shortage was a chronic problem even before the stock market seemed to hit rock bottom. Relating to the economy and your own relationships: If you have been living above your means, using my TACT Strategies®
    • Take a minute and think about where you need to be cutting back. Make a budget for the next year.
    • Assess the situation given money you have today and money you will need for the year.
    • Consider some alternatives -- If you are married and one of you needs to consider finding a part time job, just do it. And if you need a job in a tough economy - go to Malcolm's website - he can help. Career Fitness Coach
    • Take a stand: If you need to scale down - this may be the year to down size.
    But what is key is that you - Work together - Refrain from the Blame Game - Create a plan Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    472 2008-10-10 00:01:09 2008-10-10 03:01:09 open open solving-your-money-affecting-relationship-problem publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224710444 title Solving Your Money Affecting Relationship Problem description The economy affects personal relationships as well as working relationships. A key question: \"How do I begin to tackle the problems we are facing? keywords money, relationship, solutions, budget, short term, long term
    Gay Marriage Ban Overturned and Online Marriage Hopes http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=474 Sat, 11 Oct 2008 03:01:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=474 Gay marriage ban lifted: According to a report by Ted Lorson, for Reuters, the ban on gay marriage in Connecticut has been overturned. The decision, which overturns a lower court ruling, follows the legalization of gay marriage in California this year and in Massachusetts in 2003. It was hailed by gay rights advocates as a proud day after battles over the culturally divisive issue in several states. Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell, a Republican, disagreed with the ruling but said she will uphold it. Gay Marriage Online daing and marriage: And in London this week a study was reported with the launch in the UK of eHarmony, the match-making service. The article by Jason Palmer stated: "The Oxford Internet Institute which looked at the habits of 1,000 couples to find the secret of a happy relationship. " The article talked about compatibility and also dispute the notion that opposites attract. Dr Neil Clark Warren, eHarmony founder, said: "We find that 'opposites attract' is not a great long-term kind of compatibility, even though it certainly does drive a lot of initial attraction," he says. Online marriage Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 474 2008-10-11 00:01:29 2008-10-11 03:01:29 open open gay-marriage-ban-overturned-and-online-marriage-hopes publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223696043 _edit_last 2 keywords gay marriage, eHarmony, compatibility, opposites, marriage description Two marriage notes in the news, gay marriage ban overturned in Connecticut and online dating service launched in the UK which claims high marriage rates. title Gay Marriage Ban Overturned and Online Marriage Week in Review: Money, Stress, Marriage, Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=476 Sun, 12 Oct 2008 03:01:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=476 The most well read story of the week was about Stress, Money, and Sex.  Understandably, when people are worried they tend to lose their libido.  In fact, this is precisely the time for snuggling and hugging and talking to each other. If you missed any of these stories, here are the links. Gay Marriage Ban Overturned and Online Marriage Hopes Solving Your Money Affecting Relationship Problem: Sex Brings Happiness, But Money Enhances Sex Decisions Affecting Your Relationship with Money Money and Love Answers in Tough Relationship Times Money, Marriage, Stress, and Sex Next week: Watch for Cougar Love and Marriage as well as continued feature interviews regarding money and relationships. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 476 2008-10-12 00:01:58 2008-10-12 03:01:58 open open week-in-review-money-stress-marriage-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223785957 _edit_last 2 title Week in Review: Money, Stress, Marriage, Sex description This was a week of money, marriage, stress, and sex. The links to each day of the week are highlighted. Couples, Conflict, and Laughter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=477 Mon, 13 Oct 2008 03:01:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=477 Arguments: While most arguments start because two people have two different needs, wants, or opinions, oftentimes instead of negotiating, talking, or compromising - prior to a full blown argument there will be little "digs" and then a bit of sarcasm, door slamming, and then the explosion. I cannot say it often enough the words, "How many times have I told you?"  or its partner in crime, "Why do I have to keep repeating myself?" are counterproductive. Here is some advice on how to resolve conflicts from MSN. com and from BBC. com.  If you seem to be in the relationship hell of hidden agendas or serious conflicts most of the time, relationship psychotherapist Paula Hall for BBC Relationships has some advice. Arguments How to fight fairly:  Here are some rules from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's "Oprah & Friends" XM Radio Show: Argue Fairly  Negotiating Session: Dr. Hall also has a suggestion on how couples can learn to talk to each other.  But to do so requires a bit of practice and she advises a warm-up time. Here is what she proposes:
    • Each partner gets 30 minutes to talk.  (Or 20 minutes if one feels time pressured)
    • The other partner gives undivided attention
    • After the hour is up, both walk away and do something else
    • Do not analyze the conversation
    • Agree not to talk about it for at least 48 hours
     If you find the exercise useful, set a regular date taking it in turns as to whom will talk first. Communications Laugh away the anger:  While the root of a conflict is never a laughing matter, it is really important for two people to get over the anger that generated the conflict in the first place.  It is helpful if each of you remembers something about the other person that generates laughter -- even silliness.  I know of one gentlemen who, after an argument with his wife,  will appear at the bedroom door with a Groucho Marx mask - or whatever he can find from his bag of tricks -- knock on the door and say, "Special delivery! -- I hear you are hoping mad at your hubby so how about some hot sex with me?"   It's enough to get them both laughing again.  But here is something else... a laugh track.  Laughter is contagious -- not a substitute for saying, "I'm sorry," but it is a good mood setter.  If you don't believe that laughter is contagious, listen to the weather women.   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    477 2008-10-13 00:01:35 2008-10-13 03:01:35 open open couples-conflict-and-laughter publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1223944304 _edit_last 2 description The most common reasons for divorce are also the most common problems about which couples argue: money and sex, work, children, and household chores. title Couples, Conflict, and Laughter keywords Rabbi Boteach, BBC, Oprah, arguments, conflicts, laughter, negotiate, Paula Hall, fight fairly 531 DrK723@aol.com http://www.ChoiceRelationships.com 2008-10-14 11:53:44 2008-10-14 14:53:44 1 0 0
    The Divorce Settlement May be a Relationship Solution http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=478 Mon, 13 Oct 2008 23:29:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=478 He came with family while local officials watched as he sawed the family home of 18 years in half.  His former wife was left with approximately 10 by 12 feet. Half a house Coincidentally here in America, there was a feature today in the Providence Journal about the tiny house - 84 square feet made of knotty pine and built for $10,000.  Steven Kurutz, of the New York Times has been reporting on tiny houses. Can't live with each other:  Ironically, I keep hearing from couples these days who love each, can't live without each other, but can't live with each other.  This could be the answer - two tiny houses on one big lot.  The problem of course would be in finding a piece of property that two people might agree to call their "homes." Although one devotee of the small house movement may have what many consider to be an ideal arrangement.  Jay Shafer is the founder of the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, but admits that the small house concept is not for everyone. In fact, his new bride lives next door to him in 700 square feet.   His house is less than 100 square feet although he is planning to expand to 300 square feet. Small house adherents "believe in minimizing one's footprint - structural as well as carbon - by living in spaces that are smaller than 1,000 square feet and, in some cases, smaller than 100. Tiny houses have been a fringe curiosity for a decade or more, but devotees believe the concept's time has finally arrived," says Kurutz. Half the size Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 478 2008-10-13 20:29:05 2008-10-13 23:29:05 open open the-divorce-settlement-may-be-a-relationship-solution publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224710486 title The Divorce Settlement May be a Relationship Solution description Sometimes half a house is better than none. Both in Cambodia in a divorce settlement and in the US as the tiny house movement takes hold. Another Sex Scandal Rocks the Florida House http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=480 Tue, 14 Oct 2008 05:10:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=480 According to CNN.com News  "Florida Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney called on the House ethics committee to investigate his own behavior after ABC News reported that he paid a former staffer who was also his mistress $121,000 to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit." What really has people up in arms is that Mahoney, a married man,  was voted into office to replace Republican Rep. Mark Foley who resigned when allegations surfaced about misconduct with White  House pages  Sex scandal To take a look at some of the other scandals and disappointments we have seen this past year,  read on. John Edwards: Cheating, Chemo, and Commitment ran as one of my Providence Journal editorials. The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. Although I wrote about it for my monthly Op-ed column for the Providence Journal, “Of DNA and Desire” I had no idea that the John and Elizabeth Edwards story would surface. Today the issue of infidelity is all the more poignant in the face of reality. Despite the parade of infidelity scandals among politicians — the outrage and finger-pointing with the John Edwards story is searing. Why? Because in most of the other scandals, there was always a question: Did the wives know? Was there a silent arrangement? John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. Perhaps it is the loss of an image that really angers us most today. We have come to expect certain tawdriness in our politicians. And with George Bush we knew that one day a movie would portray the closet filled with skeletons. The new Oliver Stone film “W” promises to rattle those bones. But John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Shmuley Boteach said in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on. Boteach says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to the convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first. As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.”   (August 17th) Eliot Spitzer and Raging Hormones:  Never mind the fact that word in Washington is that Republicans pay more for prostitutes than Democrates, the fact seems to be that the men whom we send to lead us in Washington are being led by their raging hormones.  Do we remember the report from Crooks and Liars that said: "Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation." Is this a way to turn a rising star into a falling star? Isn't this kind of thing usually handled at the state level? No, I am not cutting him slack. I am often too outspoken about adultery - "for every time you cheat, you will be cheated!"   Sen. David Vitter: from scandal to applause: In terms of Democrats and Republican scandals - they don't quite seem equal. Remember Vittner? This link bears a second look at the man who allegedly paid for sex, the man who called for Clinton's impeachment. Here he is returning to the Senate to applause: Republicans Celebrate Hypocrisy Maybe it is true.  Power corrupts.  Sad for wives.  Sad for children. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 480 2008-10-14 02:10:33 2008-10-14 05:10:33 open open another-sex-scandal-rocks-the-florida-house publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224010031 _edit_last 2 title Another Sex Scandal Rocks the Florida House description Another sex scandal in Florida by the very person who replaced the last person involved in a sex scandal. keywords sex, scandal, Florida, Tim Mahoney, Mark Foley, ethics, mistress, hush money 594 kevin.folie@nbcuni.com http://dirtymoney.cnbc.com 2008-11-03 13:01:32 2008-11-03 16:01:32 1 0 0 Lies About Lovers and The Boston Legal Lie http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=481 Wed, 15 Oct 2008 04:01:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=481 Psychologist Norman R. Brown at the University of Michigan has determined the reason.  It appears that men report approximately the number of lovers, whereas women report on raw count, ticking off names. In fact according to the article by Robert Roy Britt in Live Science, "the women reported on average 8.6 lifetime sexual partners. The men claimed 31.9."   But what Professor Brown learned is that those he interviewed lied and even admitted to lying. This wasn't a new study, but it is an interesting one.  For the full story, go to Why Men Report More Sex Partners Than Women After watching Boston Legal  last evening I began pouring through the literature about lying for love and lying about love -- as if it isn't becoming a cottage industry! (No, I still do not own a television, but I always manage to find a place to watch Denny Crane.) The Boston Legal episode was really troubling -- the lies of the husband who murdered his nurse and lover, and the lies of his wife on the witness stand who covered for him after leading Alan Shore to believe that she had murdered the nurse in a jealous rage. In fact, husband and wife colluded to deceive - although Phoebe, who had once been Alan's lover - lead him to believe that if her husband was set free she would walk away from him and into Alan's arms.  Her lies were pernicious. There seems to be so much in the news about women who tell lies.  Recently I spoke with Susan Shapiro Barash, the author of Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie.  She is a gender expert at Marymount Manhattan College. I interviewed Susan for an article in the Providence Journal called: Marrying their Mrs. Robinson -- it was about Cougar Love and Longevity. This will be posted on Friday. In the upcoming weeks, I will devote a full series to love, lies, and deception.  The picture is not a pretty one.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 481 2008-10-15 01:01:49 2008-10-15 04:01:49 open open lies-about-lovers-and-the-boston-legal-lie publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224039457 _edit_last 2 title Lies About Lovers and The Boston Legal Lie keywords Love, lies, Boston Legal, sex, sex partners description Ever wonder why men report having more sexual partners than women? 534 ChristinaGombar@msn.com http://www.ChristinaGombar.com 2008-10-15 22:05:41 2008-10-16 01:05:41 1 0 0 1024 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=693 2009-03-13 13:46:46 2009-03-13 16:46:46 0 pingback 0 0 The Debate and Robert Redford in the Candidate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=482 Thu, 16 Oct 2008 04:34:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=482 In order to watch the debate tonight, I signed up for the Community Room.  We live in somewhat of a resident hotel.  Through some mix-up I arrived to find a group of young men from the Rhode Island School of Design poised to watch Barack Obama and John McCain.  They were Obama supporters who had canvassed for him and attended focus groups. Despite the fact that I had a disconcerted scowl on my face because I was hoping to sit and watch it with a neighbor, they invited us to join them.  Almost by default I stayed because I received a series of emails from my editor on a Blackberry gone wild. I like to think I am neutral, but opinionated. So here goes. For me the campaign from the start has been filled with bumper sticker thinking, "My mind is made up; don't confuse me with the facts."   And I don't think tonight's debate really had a defining moment - although there were a few good jabs. Student Perspective on Ayers:  The young men thought that Obama answered the questions more crisply -- although some said in the beginning McCain was "doing pretty good."  As I watched the reruns on my computer, John McCain seemed to answer the questions more directly. They asked me what it was that most concerned me about Obama.  That was easy, "Ayers and experience."  As someone who lived by Greenwich Village and knew the house that exploded because of the Weathermen, a group to which William Ayers belonged - I have long been troubled that Obama did not tackle the issue head on and say, "Yes, I knew him.  Yes, I wrote a forward to one of his books.  Yes, the records from the Annenberg Challenge show that we worked closely together.  As I look back, I may have made a mistake in embracing him as I did." However - one student pointed out that what troubled him was the characterization that Ayers was a domestic terrorist.  They were not old enough to remember Vietnam.  But they had a keen sense of history, and they saw the SDS and the Weathermen for who they were - angry young people who could not get the attention of their government.  I pointed out that it was the massive peaceful demonstrations that probably were responsible for the famous words of Lyndon Johnson, ". . . I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President." Everyone of us who had every marched in protest were stunned and elated. But where do we stand today?  And more importantly where do the young people stand?  For the most part, they stand solidly behind Obama.   Nonetheless, they saw McCain as too connected to George Bush - but interestingly not because of John McCain, but because of "those who chose Sarah Palin."  It is their feeling that she was chosen by George Bush operatives. Education: They see that as a nation we are in crisis.  They were smart enough to realize that our educational system is in a shambles.  Bob Schieffer, 71, longtime host of CBS' "Face the Nation" touted the old chestnut - our children consistently score lower than other nations.  Bob, please let's get that one right -- the students have lower scores than other nations because other nations only test the best and the brightest. Nonetheless - "No Child Left Behind" is a bit of a disaster.  It teaches children to test, instead of think. Energy:  And as for our energy policy, they believe in wind and solar.   Some of the students were quite excited that Robert Whitcomb, one of the authors of  Cape Wind,  was addressing their class.  Obama, so closely associated with the Kennedy family,  will he be willing to buck them on their cherished pledge to keep wind energy from their treasured cove at the Cape?   The full title of the book is Cape Wind: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics, and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound. As such, if all young people are as forward thinking then maybe whomever the next president happens to be will not matter.  They will go on and create and innovate and think. Perhaps the most interesting discussion centered around our future - their future.  One young man said, "We are in a crisis but sometimes it takes a crisis to become the most creative." What if? Months ago, I expressed my greatest concern about Obama on Talking Points Memo. "He is a new face and his ability to stir a crowd is riveting. But he reminds of how we all flocked to Jimmy Carter for a change - a breath of fresh air. We all loved Jimmy Carter, but he couldn't lead the country.  I loved his sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton.  But he couldn't lead the country.  What if Obama is the star in a movie in which the golden candidate is elected; his team celebrates; and he says, "Now what?" Actual words: The movie to which I was referring is "The Candidate" with Robert Redford.  And after winning the election, before meeting with reporters he says to Peter Boyle:  "Marvin, what do we do now?" If Barack Obama is our next president as the polls indicate, will he have a "What do we do now" moment?  My own sons see Obama as surrounding himself with the smartest young minds in the country,  Bill Gates style.  If that is the case, and he can separate himself from the politics of old regime Democrats - then young people are convinced he will succeed.  And you have to feel their spirit, their personal energy. Who do I think is the most qualified?  Hillary -- forget likes or dislikes -- forget personal style -- iHillary. Hillary disappointed:  In the interim, tonight Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a former Hillary fundraiser, is heading up Democratic Women for McCain.  She said that at a recent rally, Hillary and Bill attracted a crowd of 4,000 - while Sarah Palin attracted 7,000.  Ah yes, Tim Russert you must be enjoying the view!     Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 482 2008-10-16 01:34:52 2008-10-16 04:34:52 open open the-debate-and-robert-redford-in-the-candidate publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224193896 title The Debate and Robert Redford in the Candidate keywords Obama, McCain, Redford, The Candidate, students, energy, wind, solar, Ayers, description Political relationships are almost as intriguing as personal relationships. 541 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-10-19 07:32:49 2008-10-19 10:32:49 1 0 0 Bristish Couple Jailed in Dubai: A Kiss, Sex, or Cheating? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=483 Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:09:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=483 What is the real story behind the jailing of two people from Britain reportedly having sex on a beach? My Guy in Dubai (MGD) tells me that it has been whispered that the real affront may have had more to do with an attitude than an act.  "These people were guests in another country that has rules of behavior in public. People are expected to show a certain reverence to a host country." So can it be that if the authorities found them on the beach and said something -- but instead of humbly apologizing, they developed a too-much-to-drink attitude?  Well you can take the story whichever way you please.  But bear in mind that when you travel -- behavior is subject to consequences.  The State Department issues alerts.  For example, we often hear of students jailed in foreign countries because they were caught with marijuana.  If you learn in advance the rules of a foreign country -- observe them rather than test the authorities. As the Reuters article noted: "The case has highlighted culture clashes between the luxury tourism industry in Dubai, home to artificial palm-shaped islands and the world's tallest building, and the conservative Muslim culture of the Gulf Arab region."  (Reporting by Raissa Kasolowsky, editing by Tim Pearce) British Couple Jailed In fact, the rules of behavior in Dubai are such that those who are unmarried but living together in committed relationships are breaking the law. And cheating does go on, but as I have reported before, cheating does not take place in marriages among the more fundamentalist couples. "Out of respect for the sanctity of family, they are expected to live by higher standards.” (MGD) In an effort to report fairly, here is a link to the Khaleej Times article by Mary Nammour comments from readers. Take note of the first comment from Elan, an American in Dubai, who points out that "It wasn't love, it was lust from the bottom of a bottle, big difference.  Mr. Acors, going wilding on holiday, had a wife at home."  from The Dubai side Well, if that is the case then you may want to read my comments in A Kiss of Friendship, A Kiss of Danger, and CheatingCopyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 483 2008-10-17 05:09:05 2008-10-17 08:09:05 open open bristish-couple-jailed-in-dubai-is-it-just-a-kiss publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224241196 title Bristish Couple Jailed in Dubai: A Kiss, Sex, or Cheating? description Public displays of affection are strictly controlled in Dubai. So loving on a public beach is considered a serious breach. But was he guilty of cheating also? keywords Dubai, cheating, kiss, sex, beach, Reuters, Khaleej Times 1157 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=719 2009-03-24 01:42:53 2009-03-24 04:42:53 1 pingback 0 0 Married but Cheating, Dr. Ruth says... http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=485 Sat, 18 Oct 2008 04:01:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=485 Given the story yesterday regarding the couple jailed in Dubai, I thought this was a good time to repost my story from the Providence Journal -- which you may have seen on Scripps Howard News through United Media.  But the thoughts bear repeating. Married but Cheating When I wondered aloud, "Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?" my colleague retorted, "It never left!" Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas. "Why do men cheat?" I asked Dr. Ruth Westheimer, psychosexual therapist, as faculty and fellows gathered for the Yale commencement this year. Her voice escalated. "It's not only men! And put an exclamation point there. I have nothing more to say." Just an hour earlier, a young National Guardsman told us that infidelity was on the rise with military wives. He said, "We now have a co-ed Army, and wives know that when their husbands are in Iraq these guys are going to cheat and so they do it also." Despite what we hear about infidelity, the last major survey in 2006 conducted by Pew Research, an independent think tank, found that 88 percent of 1,502 persons interviewed said that a married person having an affair is morally wrong. Good statistics about infidelity are dated. The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy in 2002 cited a study identifying some 15 percent of wives and 25 percent of husbands involved with extramarital affairs. Today numbers quoted are much higher, particularly after adding 15 percent of Internet users involved in "online infidelity," undocumented numbers involved in emotional cheating with people they meet on the job, and Web sites that cater to "married but cheating" clientele.  And guys, the word is out about Mistress Day, Feb. 13. What concerns me is the effect of infidelity and divorce on children. A new Dutch study reported on the effects of divorce with 2,149 boys and girls from 10 through 15. The Journal of Marriage and Family noted that girls, though not boys, were at high risk for depression in adolescence. With the damage that infidelity does to families and children, I thought the "sin" and dishonesty might be peaking and leveling off. A February article in the Journal of Sex Research was discouraging. The team is developing "a scale assessing sexual deception practices." As if it wasn't bad enough that students are lying about being faithful, 31 percent lied about the numbers of previous partners, and a whopping 69 percent failed to disclose having the human papilloma virus. Dr. Ruth emphatically reminded me of her concerns about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS. "Just watch. The numbers are going to start going up again," she said. His and hers reasons that spouses cheat are similar: lack of intimacy and emotional fulfillment, the need for attention, a change in physical appearance, unkind words, and most especially, lack of communication. However, when infidelity is discovered, women tend be more forgiving than husbands, who are generally too angry to reconcile. Does religion help? Only for those attending church and not just parroting pious words.  A new study from the Fuller Theological Seminary reported on 1,439 married participants. They found that those who talked "religious importance" but did not attend church regularly were more likely to have an affair than the churchgoers. When infidelity becomes an irreconcilable difference, women and children lose out financially. Mindful of the economics of divorce, one woman we know of was determined keep her marriage afloat despite a cheating husband. Taking a creative approach, she shocked him into resolving their differences. Just before he returned from a business trip, she posted a large sign on their front lawn. When he arrived back home, he found himself face to face with the words: "House for Sale - Husband Included." Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 485 2008-10-18 01:01:13 2008-10-18 04:01:13 open open married-but-cheating-dr-ruth-says publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224239580 _edit_last 2 description \"Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?\" Given the story yesterday regarding the couple jailed in Dubai, I thought this was a good time to repost my op-ed. keywords marrried, cheating, Dr. Ruty, STDS, families, religion title Married but Cheating, Dr. Ruth says... Week in Review: Sex, Lies, and Laughter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=486 Sun, 19 Oct 2008 04:01:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=486 Married but Cheating, Dr. Ruth says... When I wondered aloud, "Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?" my colleague retorted, "It never left!"   Given the story in Dubai and what may actually have been a story about infidelity, it seems like a good time to revisit this piece. Bristish Couple Jailed in Dubai: A Kiss, Sex, or Cheating? Public displays of affection are strictly controlled in Dubai.   So loving on a public beach is considered a serious breach. Lies About Lovers and The Boston Legal Lie Ever wonder why men report having more sexual partners than women?  Another Sex Scandal Rocks the Florida House The story is not a pretty one.  Another sex scandal in Florida by the very person who replaced the last person involved in a sex scandal.  Is there no end in sight? The Divorce Settlement May be a Relationship Solution Sometimes half a house is better than none - both in Cambodia in a divorce settlement and in the US as the tiny house movement takes hold. Couples, Conflict, and Laughter The most common reasons for divorce are also the most common problems about which couples argue: money and sex vie for first place and next comes work, children, and household chores. Paul Newman: He Introduced Himself to Me as "Paul" I exchanged some pleasantries with the gentleman next to me shielding my eyes from the sun. And that's when it happened. In the middle of a morning of blue sky and sunshine, the stars came out and twinkled blue.  "Oh, I seem to know you," I uttered.  "I'm Paul," he said, extending his hand.  The Debate and Robert Redford in the Candidate Political relationships are almost as intriguing as personal relationships.  This has a great video link to an old movie, "The Candidate." Comments: Would like to point out that among those who commented, you may want to read about the work of Christine Gombar www.ChristinaGombar.com  and therapist Dr. Karen Sherman. www.choicerelationships.com Watch for a new addition in the coming week - a guest essay. Happiness/ R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 486 2008-10-19 01:01:35 2008-10-19 04:01:35 open open week-in-review-sex-lies-and-laughter publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224240776 _edit_last 2 description Another week of sex, lies, conflict, and a bit of laughter. also one political piece about the debate and couldn\'t resist adding my Paul Newman story. keywords sex, lies, laughter, love, Paul Newman, jail, Dubai, title Week in Review: Sex, Lies, and Laughter Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=487 Mon, 20 Oct 2008 04:01:21 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=487 The article as I wrote it is here and it appeared on World News Oline today.  At the end you will find links to the story about Madonna and Guy Ritchie who have officially announced they are seeking a divorce.   Marrying their Mrs. Robinson Rita Watson/  Providence Journal TINSELTOWN is dazzling with cougar relationships these days. Consider the trailblazers: Susan Sarandon, Demi Moore, Goldie Hawn, and Mary Tyler Moore and then came Geena Davis, Madonna, Halle Berry, Ivana Trump and Kim Cattrall. Defined as women in their 40s to 60s in relationships with younger men, cougars are a hot trend. New television shows tell a tale: Cougar Camp, Cougars NYC, and a project called Untitled Cougar similar to The Bachelor. Even the medical literature is reporting on cougar love. Considering current statistics that show women outliving men by an average of nearly six years, these relationships might even out the nursing home population, now dominated by females. What is happening? Men dating cougars say: "They make time for us. They are no longer clawing up the corporate ladder or taking care of children. Also post-menopausal women are passionate and sexy." In terms of "making time for us," M. Gary Newman, rabbi and father of five, is author of The Truth About Cheating: Why Men Stray and What You Can Do To Prevent It. He points out a shocking statistic - one in three men cheat because they do not feel appreciated. On the flip side, cougars say: "Younger men appreciate us more than men our own age, who are either in a mid-life crisis or panicking about closing in on 60. They want younger women to validate their virility - even if they need a little blue pill." It does not take expert opinion to tell us that feminism strained marriages, however, psychologists point out that the "me first or career first" attitude still resonates with younger women. In the United Kingdom cougar marriages are reported to have soared in 25 years. British web sites devoted exclusively to cougars range from racy to the elegant-looking www.toyboyclub.com strictly for members. Recently the Times of London Online said: "The dating and mating game is undergoing a genderquake. More and more professional young men are marrying their Mrs. Robinson. But are they looking for a wife or a mother?" Susan Shapiro Barash, a gender expert and author who teaches at Marymount Manhattan College, in New York says, "The relationship is a meeting of the minds - soul mates. This is a very bold step for these couples because they are defining themselves differently than the traditional family." In the United States not all cougar news is positive. Sociology Quarterly reports on new research from the University of South Florida that says the trend is challenging traditional family and sex roles. And the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy reports that despite the increase in May/December marriages, older women are "looked down upon." But Barash points out: "It is empowering for women who marry younger men. This defies the norm in a prescribed role. With older and richer men marrying younger women there was always tacit approval of the trophy wife; whereas women do not view the younger men in their lives as arm candy." In terms of longevity, married couples outlive singles. A new study released by Australia's Ministry of Aging says that life expectancy among married couples is double that of singles after age 70. (Next to Andorra, in the eastern Pyrenees Mountains, Australia is second in life expectancy while the U.S. ranks about 40th.) Could it be that cougar marriages are the answer to a long life without the loneliness and depression that elderly singles often face? Joseph Sirven, M.D., a geriatric specialist and associate professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz., is not convinced. Dr. Sirven said, "From a health standpoint, there is a certain logic that a younger man and older woman could both gain benefits from such a relationship based on longevity statistics. However, that is predicated upon a relationship being a happy one." The key point that Dr. Sirven makes centers on love. "Fundamentally, a strong relationship built on love and respect will provide happiness to both participants regardless of their age. If a couple is incompatible, age does not matter and negative health consequences will outweigh any gains from trying to pair a younger man with an older woman." While a Yale public-health graduate student, I presented a paper on the benefits of marriage between older women and younger men. The men blanched. The women applauded. The professor sent me back to the books to do some serious research. He was not amused. Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger ( www.ritawatson.com) syndicated by Newstex  (Reprinted in its entirely from article published on 01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, October 5, 2008/Providence Journal) The article appeared today in World News Online. Mrs. Robinson Madonna turns into cold cougar  and Madonna and A-Rod Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 487 2008-10-20 01:01:21 2008-10-20 04:01:21 open open cougar-love-and-longevity publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 keywords Cougar love, longevity, older women, younger men, Hollywood, Tinseltown, medical research _edit_lock 1226158784 description When I wrote about Cougar love and longevity, \"Marrying their Mrs. Robinson\" I wondered about Madonna in the list of trailblazing women marrying younger men. title Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna Too Much Cheating, We Need Happily Ever After http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=489 Tue, 21 Oct 2008 04:11:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=489 I write often about men and women who cheat and why it is important to value marriage.  But last month when I wrote about this - just before another scandal rocked the House of Representatives in Florida - I added another expert to the mix of those with sensible research and opinions.  M. Gary Newman is a marriage counselor and author of a new book called, "The Truth About Cheating." Gary Newman’s Book at Amazon.com  Dr. Newman is a psychotherapist and rabbi who is married and has five children.  He has also written about emotional infidelity. One of the surprise findings in his book is that men do not always cheat because of sex or lack thereof. Thanks to a reader who sent me this link today, here is more information about a very disturbing trend. Why Men Cheat - Redbook feature was highlighted on Yahoo's Dating 101. Related articles in the post include: Diary of an Affair  and 8 Things No One Tells You About Marriage  The Shocker: But for me, the real shocker came in learning about the number of men who cheat - "One in 2.7 men will have affairs!"   Dr. Newman not only talks about why men cheat but also factors in their wives, not in a blaming sort of way, but as a way to empower women. Oprah interview Happily Married:  The news about marriage is not all gloomy. Another author, whom I write about often, is Dr. Scott Haltzman.   His books are aimed at empowering women and men to keep their marriages strong and loving.  Secrets of Happily Married Men and Secrets of Happily Married Women Mayo Clinic Advice on Healing after an Affair: In truth, we do have a choice.  Oftentimes it is the forgiveness factor.  But the Mayo Clinic tells us, "Infidelity causes intense emotional pain — anger, disbelief, fear, guilt, shame. But an affair doesn't have to mean the end of your marriage."  To learn more about how a marriage can be rebuilt after an affair, go to Mayo Clinic Infidelity Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 489 2008-10-21 01:11:36 2008-10-21 04:11:36 open open cheating-let-it-end-so-we-can-move-to-happily-married publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224811858 _edit_last 2 keywords cheating, David Duchovny, marriage, M.Gary Newman, Oprah, Redbook, Secrets, Mayo Clinic, Infidelity, description Now that David Duchovny\'s second secret is out, the identity of his alleged mistress, it seems appropriate to revisit \"The Truth About Why Men Cheat.\" title Too Much Cheating, We Need Happily Ever After First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=492 Wed, 22 Oct 2008 04:01:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=492 But we are a love addicted society.  We need to feel as if we are walking on air.  We want to see rainbows and hear the music of the spheres.  And then when we marry for love, we can prepare to divorce within 7 years, the lifespan of the average marriage today. Want a better way?  Reva Seth thinks she has found it.  According to Helen Weathers writing for the UK's Daily Mail Online: "Now, Reva is sharing the secret of her success in her new book, First Comes Marriage, which takes an unashamedly positive look at the principles behind the Asian tradition of marriages, which she believes can be adapted by Western women to protect themselves against the pitfalls of modern romance and the misery of divorce." It seems that Reva had only seven dates with the man whom she married, but she believes "a shared sense of cultural heritage and a similar set of goals in life" are key to a lasting relationship. The article notes the importance of " finding someone who will be a good friend and partner both emotionally and spiritually - regardless of looks or wealth." Weathers says that "In researching her book, Reva interviewed more than 300 Asian women in Europe and North America who were happy in their marriages."  Read the full article at  Forget love and attraction  Her book is at Amazon.com First Comes Marriage: Modern Relationship Advice from the Wisdom of Arranged Marriages Love or money: The 2008 Valentine's Day "Love and Money" survey of 1,049 people by Money Management International (MMI) found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Men opted for a woman's looks. Looks over values: Men who chose looks over values often find themselves paying a high price - as we saw with Sir Paul McCartney.  But in particular older men, who need a younger woman to validate their sense of self and to stave off aging --  will overlook values and settle for infatuation to fill their needs. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 492 2008-10-22 01:01:30 2008-10-22 04:01:30 open open first-comes-marriage-then-comes-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224643987 _edit_last 2 title First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love keywords Values, arranged marriage, love, attraction, money description The new book is controversial, choose a partner according to a checklist, then fall in love. It is based on a modern concept of arranged marriage. 556 lavender.ej@gmail.com 2008-10-22 13:46:18 2008-10-22 16:46:18 1 0 0 Heart, Home, Renovation, and Divorce http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=494 Thu, 23 Oct 2008 04:01:32 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=494 The ABC of relationships and renovating: does it work?  Alex May is an author and editor of Renovation Nation for the Sydney Morning Herald.  SMH  She offers tips and guidance  "and general guff about homes and how we live."  She apparently is aware of the stress and strain of renovating and how often a renovation project can lead a couple into divorce court. Planning Your Perfect Home Renovation      I think that understanding how we live and how we wish to live and defining our expectations of house and home is key to a relationship.  So often divorce comes about because two people really do not share the same values. My children's first excuse for an apartment:  When I observed my children search for their first Boston apartment several years ago, I began wondering if "love" should be turned over to social architects who understand the dynamic interplay between individuals and the space they call home.  The two had met in law school and as I watched them search for their first apartment, they could have been a vignette from House as Mirror of Self  by Berkeley architect Clare Cooper Marcus.  She believes that your home and how you live is a reflection of your personality or your particular sense of self.  (Always check out how a man lives before you marry him!)  House As Mirror of Self The young couple wanted to live Beacon Hill.  When they asked me to look at just one more "closet" with them, the Realtor led us to a brownstone with a peeling red painted door that opened into the hallway from hell. They danced up the uneven circular staircase into the apartment that they wanted to call "home."  I stayed behind hoping that they might fly down immediately.  Instead I heard words such as: "Wow, it's great" and "Take a look at this!"  Clearly this was my cue to venture up and make at least two positive statements.  I tried not to blanch when I walked in. I remember saying: "Oh, look, windows," and "Oh, wood plank floors."  As they "oohed" and "aahed" their way through cramped quarters, I scowled at the Realtor, "Let's talk about the mice who have made this place their home." Words moved in: Oblivious to my concern, they began discovering nooks, crannies, moldings, and charm.  Their words moved in a chair here, a couch there.  They visualized books, desks and window boxes in a tiny space to call home.  And immediately I realized that they had a profound sense as to the core of security in our daily lives - where we rest our heads at night and greet the day each morning. Rebuilding and healing: After an unexpected divorce, former House and Garden editor, Dominique Browning, let her house fall apart, even the ceilings collapsed.  Reclaiming her home, rebuilding, refurbishing, restoring became her healing. She documented the journey in her book Around the House and in The Garden: A Memoir of Heartbreak, Healing, and Home Improvement. Around the House and in the Garden Renovation Nation:  Alex May tells us: "There's no doubt that renovating places a huge strain on even the strongest partnership. When you find yourself poring over colour charts for the 900th time that week, arguing whether to go for the Crescent or the Baroque or the Lancelot (who even knew that green could be called so many things?) and, worst of all, really, really caring about the tonal differences between the three, it can be an eye-opening experience.  Alex May website Think before you hammer: As such, in a difficult economy, before you start to renovate, make a list of priorities.  Find out what you might do to make your current space more livable. Take a page from two young people in their 600 square feet of space and be creative.  What it may mean is that you do a lot of stripping down and tossing out.  But if it saves you money and your marriage, it is well worth the price. Divorce it too expensive an option in today's economy. To read Alex May's advice go to: Renovation Nation Also, let's not forget House and Garden TV with their myriad of household tips.  HGTV.com PS: My children are still in Beacon Hill, but have graduated to a proper Beacon Hill brownstone which taught them the art of compromise - she kept her car and he sold his. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 494 2008-10-23 01:01:32 2008-10-23 04:01:32 open open heart-home-renovation-and-divorce publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1224733208 _edit_last 2 title Heart, Home, Renovation, and Divorce description With the crash on Wall Street and a housing market slump, many couples are turning to home renovation. Warning: this can be hazardous to your marriage. keywords divorce, remodel, renovate, values, home, personality Sex Becomes Better with Age http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=495 Fri, 24 Oct 2008 04:01:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=495 In a Today Show interview this week Dr. Berman said, "Despite what the media and society tell us, sexuality can be a part of your adult life well into your 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond! As long as the body is able and the mind is willing, the golden years can truly be platinum when it comes to your sex life." Dr. Berman does point out some of the pitfalls that come with the aging process - loss of libido is a problem sometimes for both men and women.  In an earlier column I said: "The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. "Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED - erectile dysfunction. The pharmaceutical companies still applaud him, as do content men and women. "However, one 50ish friend complained: 'We can't just be a good companion on the arm of a rich, old gent anymore. Now they pop their pills and want us to perform.' Another younger woman sees Viagra and Cialis as an advantage for trophy wives. "Nonetheless, there is research taking place to help women.  Women taking synthetic hormones say they feel more passionate, however, it may simply be relief from their menopausal symptoms. Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause recently reported that it is the male hormone delivered via a testosterone patch that appears to increase desire and arousal in women." * At the RISD Museum:  Today as we walked though the newly appointed Rhode Island School of Design's Chace Center museum, I talked with budding fashion designer, Jobiss. She pointed out the gowns of the Victorian era with their flowing skirt designs, and explained to me how classic design influenced contemporary wedding gowns.  "Always a long flowing skirt.  It is the necklines and sleeves that differ," she said. Linda, a painter and printmaker, joined our conversation as I talked with Jobiss about gowns for older women about to be married. And Linda asked, “Are older women getting married?  Older men want younger women.”  I was quick to remind her that many of the younger men were looking for Cougars. Cougar Love and Longevity aka Marrying Their Mrs. Robinson. (see link to World News) In Praise of Older Women: While I do know a number of insecure men hitting 60 looking for youth, I continue to remind women of the piece that was widely circulated on the Internet by "Suddenly Senior" columnist Frank Kaiser. "Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart! Her libido is stronger. Her appreciation of experienced lovemaking is honed and reciprocal. And she's lived long enough to know how to please a man in ways her daughter could never dream of." ** So in the words of Dr. Berman: "As long as the body is able and the mind is willing, the golden years can truly be platinum when it comes to your sex life."    Here is a link to the interview. Sex After 50 on Today Show *excerpted from Providence JournalSex and Smiling Seniors **In Praise of Older Women is often attributed to Andy Rooney, the 60 Minutes commentator, but it is an embellished version of a piece by the "Suddenly Senior" columnist Frank Kaiser. Suddenly Senior. Thank you, Frank.  But forgive me if I say, I somehow liked thinking of Andy Rooney -- in his cantankerous way --defending women presumably over 40. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 495 2008-10-24 01:01:58 2008-10-24 04:01:58 open open sex-gets-better-with-age publish 0 0 post keywords sex, RISD, Chace Center, Andy Rooney, Suddenly Senior, cougars, _edit_lock 1252249127 _edit_last 2 description At any age, sex is good. And according to Dr. Laura Berman, \"there is no expiration date on sexuality.\" title Sex Get\'s Better with Age Hot Coffee Warms Hearts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=498 Sat, 25 Oct 2008 04:01:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=498 Can it be that a hot "cuppa" reminds us of those childhood days when we snuggled into our mother's arms or the arms of someone who loved us? Whatever the reason, researchers are telling us that "simply clutching a warm cup of coffee can bring on a flood of warm feelings."  The research came out of the University of  Colorado at Boulder and Yale University. A cuppa: Therefore, the next time you want to talk with someone you love and wish to convey some positive feelings, serve a warm cup of tea, coffee, or even chicken soup. Read the story for yourself - from Reuters UK - it is fascinating. A Warm Cup Gratitude and Forgiveness:  Another method of generating warm feelings is through forgiveness and gratitude.  Our pediatrician's wife once told us the story of a person who really created difficulty for her.  She would actually cross the street when she saw the woman approaching. Then one day, she sat down, wrote a simple forgiveness prayer, and then began wishing the woman blessings -- ten to be exact. The next time she saw her nemesis approach, she greeted her.  "It amazed me," said Ellie. "Somehow I  just couldn't muster up that old anger and resentment again." Warm coffee, sprinkled with blessings -- serve it up! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 498 2008-10-25 01:01:56 2008-10-25 04:01:56 open open hot-coffee-warms-hearts publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1224887423 title Hot Coffee Warms Hearts description Can it be that a hot \"cuppa\" reminds of those childhood days when we snuggled into our mother\'s arms or the arms of someone who loved us? keywords love, warm, forgiveness 580 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-10-27 21:59:49 2008-10-28 00:59:49 1 0 0 Love of Art, Home, Marriage, Sex, Cheating, Cougars and Coffee http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=499 Sun, 26 Oct 2008 04:51:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=499 Week in Review, I must add two love bits.  The Guggenheim in Manhattan is offering the ultimate for art lovers -- to sleep perchance to dream within the world of creativity.  No hotel can rival this one. The rooms are expensive and week-ends are already sold out.  But you may want to get to the museum just for visit and settle for another place to rest your head.  I'm certain for other hotels you will find what you are looking for on www.Priceline.comwww.expedia.com, or  www.travelocity.com.  But for a night at the Guggheim's "Revolving Hotel Room" read this from Reuters: The Guggenheim "Hotel" Moment  And for those still looking for love -- so is this 99  year old virgin.  Looking for Love? The Week in Review:  From this week in stories, here is a wrap up that includes Cougars,  Cheating, Modern Arranged Marriage, the Meaning of Home and Renovation Hazards, Sex, and a Warm Cup of...  A link to each story follows. Hot Coffee Warms Hearts Sex Becomes Better with Age Heart, Home, Renovation, and Divorce First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love Too Much Cheating, We Need Happily Ever After Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna  (with a link to "Marrying their Mrs. Robinson" my Providence Journal column featured on World News.) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 499 2008-10-26 01:51:35 2008-10-26 04:51:35 open open week-in-review-is-love-bits-cheating-marriage-and-coffee publish 0 0 post keywords priceline.com, travelocity, expedia, Guggenheim, marriage, cheating, love, divorce, home renovation, RISD museum description Stories from the night at the Guggenheim to cheating, love, marriage, coffee, and even priceline.com. title Love Bits in Home, Marriage, Sex, Cheating, Cougars and Coffee _edit_lock 1225073686 _edit_last 2 579 theb@ix.netcom.com 2008-10-27 21:58:09 2008-10-28 00:58:09 1 0 0 How Divorce Hurts Families and Taxpayers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=500 Mon, 27 Oct 2008 04:01:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=500 We reported on this in April but in light of today's economy, it bears repeating.  It also is a sobering look how messy divorce really is and it provides solid reasons for mediation, compromise, and working together. "In first-ever research, a new report quantifies a minimum $112 billion annual taxpayer cost from high rates of divorce and unmarried childbearing. It identifies national, state and local costs which account for more than $1 trillion in the last decade. This landmark scholarly study, entitled "The Taxpayer Costs of Divorce and Unwed Childbearing: First-Ever Estimates for the Nation and All 50 States," was released at the National Press Club by four renown policy and research groups-Institute for American Values, Georgia Family Council, Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, and Families Northwest. With this startling news, perhaps more attention will be paid to strengthening marriages. " They are suggesting that states do more to help strengthen and promote the concept of marriage as we have said in many of our posts.  New Report     Perhaps it is time to rethink the value of togetherness and show children that two people can give to each other unselfishly for the sake of unity and love.  Marriage Education   We like the concept proposed by Michelle Weiner-Davis, best selling author and marriage therapist.  She believes in saving marriages.  Divorce Busting It is important to watch our words, which often become irreconcilable differences. Perhaps if more couples watched their words, or listened to the tone of their voices - a greater respect for each other might develop into supportive words, forgiving words, or no words at all.  I am not talking about the silent treatment, but rather the magic in a silent smile, a loving look into another’s eyes, a gentle touch.  A word about touch, it was reported in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine that a warm touch lowers stress and blood pressure. Here is a report from USA Today:  Healing Touch. During this time of economic stress, people are fighting.  But some couples are taking an innovative approach and using frequent flyer miles to take a night off and escape to a local hotel.  It might be a good way to reconcile your differences.  No frequent flyer miles?  Then call Denny Crane at Boston Legal and tell him that you want to make a deal. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]> 500 2008-10-27 01:01:44 2008-10-27 04:01:44 open open how-divorce-hurts-families-and-taxpayers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255553823 _edit_last 2 title How Divorce Hurts Families and Taxpayers description Divorce is rarely a win-win. Not only does it hurt adults and children, but surprisingly --we learned that divorce hurts taxpayers as well. keywords divorce, economics, 112 billion, unwed mothers, children, families Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=502 Tue, 28 Oct 2008 04:19:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=502 Usually there are games that are played before any person cheats. These often include the notion of who is right and who is wrong.  There seems to be a few variations of the game, but essentially one can expect:
    •  The silent treatment because one is right, the other is wrong.
    •  One party may withhold sex, because one is right, another is wrong.
    •  One person may take a hard line on an issue and it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong – there is a stalemate -- a line in the sand is drawn.  "If you loved me you would ...."  or "If you don't... then..."
    A real problem is communication and one of the roadblocks to meaningful communication today is the Internet.  How lovely it seems to have "an online affair" and delude yourself into thinking, "But I am not cheating." Cyber-sex -- Is it cheating?   The BBC did a piece on Cyber-affairs that is worth reading.  I did run into a couple at the Cigar Bar who talked about cyber-porn -- and both agreed, it is bad first step to marital discord.  The BBC site notes: "Intimate and meaningful, friendships can develop easily on the internet. This can pose a real threat to committed relationships. Relationship psychotherapist Paula Hall looks at the phenomenon of cyber affairs."  The Cyber-Affair Threat Infidelity is harmful:  Infidelity never settles an argument.  In fact, cheating always delays the resolution.  Drawing a line in the sand creates a tension in which one may win the battle but lose the war. Or win a point, and lose out on love. But what happens when tension builds up is that one person seeks solace in the arms of another.  Even if there is no physical infidelity, emotionally one can detach from one’s spouse and bond with another person.  When this happens, the big questions is this: “Should I fess up to cheating?” Websites one relationships, post two simple views.  “Yes, you should tell.”  Or “No, keep your mouth shut.” If you tell: This is a tough one because some spouses cannot handle indiscretion.  Cheating does not signal an end to marriage or a relationship, but it will most certainly add a new stress and stain.  Researchers tell us that it can often take up to two years before a marriage in which one partner cheated is made right. Distrust, betrayal, anger often consumes the partnership.  Mending a Marriage after Infidelity Takes Forgiveness Forgiveness:  When two people reach a stalemate, for the sake of the marriage or the relationship there is only one solution — negotiating a settlement by working through the problem instead of pretending it will go away.  Talk about problems the minute they occur. Anger and laughter:  My grandmother always said, “Never let the sun set on your anger.” Find something to laugh about even in a difficult situation.  It is so difficult to laugh when you are angry.  But finding a way to use a sense of humor to help you through difficult times will be worth the effort and may save your marriage. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    502 2008-10-28 01:19:08 2008-10-28 04:19:08 open open cheating-cyber-sex-and-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1255553812 title Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets keywords cyber sex, cyber affaris, cheating, forgiveness, fessing up, the truth, secret, lie description Too often, when a relationship is in trouble, one party is unfaithful. Often about sex or money, so one person turns to a lover or has a cyber-affair. 585 Lasvegaspi@aol.com http://www.emailrevealer.com 2008-10-29 11:24:32 2008-10-29 14:24:32 1 0 0
    Cheating Spouses, Snooping Spouses, Blaming Professors http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=505 Wed, 29 Oct 2008 04:40:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=505 Before writing my June column  Married but Cheating  (Sunday June 1, 2008)  I asked Dr. Ruth about infidelity as faculty and fellows lined up for Commencent at Yale.  My simple question, “Why do men cheat?” came back with a firm — “It’s not just the men!”   The news reports and the articles bear out her prediction — more younger people are cheating and so are older men — those going through their 60s life crisis as well as women over 60.  The New York Times reported Monday about the New Infidelity and ironically, although I missed seeing the article, I talked about whether or not you should fess up in my column  yesterday.  There are links to blog posts from earlier this year.   Should you or shouldn’t tell?  That is the question. Reporting in the New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope pointed out, “ But detailed analysis of the data from 1991 to 2006, to be presented next month by Dr. Atkins at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies conference in Orlando, show some surprising shifts. University of Washington researchers have found that the lifetime rate of infidelity for men over 60 increased to 28 percent in 2006, up from 20 percent in 1991. For women over 60, the increase is more striking: to 15 percent, up from 5 percent in 1991. Love, Sex and the Changing Landscape of Infidelity We also learn that cheating is up in younger people as well. ”About 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women under 35 say they have ever been unfaithful, up from about 15 and 12 percent respectively.” Snooping on Spouses: Now if you are really concerned about an unfaithful spouse there is technology out there to help you pry into their cell phone life. It is software that is actually made to allow you into someone’s private life.  There was a time when this was called invasion of privacy!  Snooping on Cheating Spouses   Professors to blame? Just why cheating among younger women is up has been debated.  But some wonder if it has to do with a basic moral lapse on campus and too many male professors deluding themselves into believing it is all right to get involved with students.  In talking to more Yale folks I was directed to this essay, “Love on Campus”  by William Deresiewicz. In critiquing the many movies in which he notes professors fall in love with students, he says: ”In the figure of the movie professor, Americans can vicariously enjoy the thought of close proximity to all that firm young flesh while simultaneously condemning the desire to enjoy it - the old Puritan dodge.”  Love on Campus Ironically people claim infidelity is morally wrong, yet it is still on the rise. For more on cheating, view yesterday's post Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets It isn’t always the men who seduce, “Here’s to you Mrs. Robinson.”  The You Tube musical tribute is right here!   Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 505 2008-10-29 01:40:49 2008-10-29 04:40:49 open open cheating-spouses-snooping-spouses-blaming-professors publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255553806 _edit_last 2 keywords cheating, infidelity, Mrs. Robinson, professors, sex, description Cheat, “but don’t tell” seems to be a new theme. And there seems to be a lot of cheating going around in both men and women as Dr. Ruth told me last May. title Cheating Spouses, Snooping Spouses, Blaming Professors Red Hot and Sexy Tips to Keep Him from Cheating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=506 Thu, 30 Oct 2008 04:01:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=506 Wear Red to Boost Sex Appeal - the latest research, yes, someone received money to do research to discover that red means sex appeal.  The article said that not only did men find red to be appealing, but that "Men also were more likely to say they wanted to have sex with a woman and that they would be willing to spend more on a date if she were in red, according to the report in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology."  Read the piece to find out why. This is from CNN Health News. CNN News, Sex appeal When Is Not-So-Sexy ... Oh-So-Sexy? While we are on the subject of hot, you will want to see what men consider to be hot, particularly when they are smitten by a women.  This Redbook piece says, ""When a man is in love, what he finds really attractive is the feeling that he's seeing you for who you truly are," explains REDBOOK Love Network expert Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of The Secrets of Happily Married Women. "To a guy, the makeup, the sexy outfit, it's all a mask. He wants the woman behind the mask. Openness, vulnerability, an air of contentment - those things are what really turns him on." Here is what seven women feel. Redbook Sex and Love What's the sexiest part of a woman's body?  You will want to see what these guys think and why as told to Glamour magazine.  The rule was "No, you cannot talk about breasts or butts" and so the results will surprise you. Glamour Love and Sex How to Keep Him from Cheating:  Since this blog is about relationships, here is some advice to keep your relationship strong while he is away at the office.  But first I would like to say that I have interviewed Dr. Haltzman and his books also present helpful hints on how to keep love alive in your marriage.  Here is a feature from Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan Love and Sex Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 506 2008-10-30 01:01:49 2008-10-30 04:01:49 open open red-hot-and-sexy-tips-to-keep-him-from-cheating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233929403 _edit_last 2 title Red Hot and Sexy Tips to Keep Him from Cheating keywords Glamour, Cosmo, Redbook, Hot, Sexy, Red, Cheating, Tips description The news today tells us that Red is a hot color that attracts men. Here are some other thoughts from women\'s magazines that you should find interesting. Cheating, Diamonds, Furs, and Forgiveness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=507 Fri, 31 Oct 2008 04:36:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=507 As a society we seem to have lost our vision of marriage as commitment.  In a new book by Susan Squire, she presents a different view of marriage called, "I Don't:  A Contrarian History of Marriage."  She points out that the institution of marriage is essentially rooted in various beliefs vascillating from courtly love to Christian sanctity from procreation to deception.  I Don't: A Contrarian History of Marriage It's the deception part that gets us into trouble because it turns into infidelity.  Since we are no longer a society of wives and concubines our aspirations to perfecting the sacredness of marriage fall short. As a society our dream of happily ever after has been evolving into happily after the hefty divorce settlement or happily after each marriage or until one of us is caught cheating.  The guilt gift: In certain Boston circles there is a high-priced jeweler, let's day in the Newbury Street neighborhood.  Whenever someone spots a neighbor's husband leaving the tiny but elegant establishment, the whispers start.  "He's picking her out diamonds to deflect her suspicions about his new mistress."     Diamonds have a certain mystery about them and  A museum history  Tiffany diamond statement jewelry does just that -- makes a statement.  Tiffany diamonds As the gossip goes -- a diamond for his wife and a fur for his mistress. Why do men cheat in the first place?  There are a variety of reasons and I will direct you to other posts I have written. What is important, however, in preserving a marriage is the forgiveness factor. Why Do Men Cheat on their Wives? Mending and Forgiving:  The secret to overcoming the sting of infidelity is forgiveness.  In Joseph Campbell's  The Power of Myth he talked about the essence of marriage with journalist Bill Moyers some years ago.  He called "loyalty" the essence of marriage - "not cheating, not defecting - through whatever trials or suffering, you remain true."   Bill Moyers said:  "In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive.  It is an ongoing sacrament - love and forgiveness."  Power of Myth The Mayo Clinic offers advice on what to do about infidelity and how to mend a marriage after an affair. Mayo Clinic Infidelity Advice WebMD also offers advice on repairing marriages.  Marriages do survive infidelity, but it takes courage to forgive someone who violates the marriage vows. Overcoming Infidelity  Marriage, the relationship: Professor Campbell added: "The real life of a marriage or a true love affair is in the relationship.... Marriage is the symbolic recognition of our identity  - two aspects of the same being." If one thinks about two aspects of the same being, it is a way of thinking about your positive qualities as well as your negative traits.   If marriage is two aspects of the same being then the person who brings out the best in you and you in them, is the start of lifelong love and "happily ever after. Practice forgiving. It is a lot simplier than you might think.
    • Write down the one thing that is bothering you about your spouse or lover.
    • Ask yourself what role you are playing in the problem.
    • Then write ten positive qualities of your partner. A friend who long practiced Religious Science says it takes ten positives to cancel out one negative.
    • Begin to see yourself interacting with the positive person with whom you fell in love.
     A Serenity Journal has a simple section on how to achieve forgiveness. A Serenity Journal - www.Amazon.com link. Take a chance and embrace change, a change in thinking from anger to forgiveness. It will do wonders for your heart and may save your marriage. (For statistics, see Relationship columns) As for the diamonds -- Marilyn says it best. Here is Marilyn Monroe singing: Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    507 2008-10-31 01:36:45 2008-10-31 04:36:45 open open cheating-diamonds-furs-and-forgiveness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246943701 _edit_last 2 description Marriages can be saved after infidelity - while it always takes forgiveness, for some women it means diamonds and furs. keywords diamonds, furs, forgiveness, cheating, infidelity, Joseph Campbell, marriage, deception title Cheating, Diamonds, Furs, and Forgiveness
    A Look at Lip-Sync Morality http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=503 Sat, 01 Nov 2008 04:20:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=503 In the midst of Sarah Palin panic about Roe v. Wade, I did some thinking about my own views and I decided we need a national plan for children - all children.  While this post is not about love and sex in the way I usually write about it,  I do hope you will indulge me.  In many ways, it is about our relationship to the next generation -- our children.  And in a real way, it is about the relationship of a man and woman to a child whom they conceived and the choices they must make. The article talks about legislation.  The one person who really helped me remain committed was Brian McGrory, then the Washington correspondent for the New Haven Register, now Deputy Managing Editor for the Boston Globe.  When Phyllis Schafley was passing out leaflets warning about our programs, Brian alerted us.  We quickly learned we would have an uphill battle.  But thanks to the press -- children won. Safety standards for day care passed as did a continuum of care model for chemically dependent mothers and therapeutic care for their children. This article is adapted from a piece that I wrote for the New Haven Register on Tuesday, October 21, 2008.  At the end you will find individual links to my Relationship Columns for the week. A Broader Approach Needed on Protection of Life by Rita Watson Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:06 AM EDT WITH abortions numbering 850,000 a year, lip-sync moralists are jockeying for the rights to champion the unborn in this election year. I am wondering: Is each person who believes in the right to life willing to support a child - from birth to age 18 - for every mother who "chooses life," as religious groups advocate, rather than terminating her pregnancy? Pregnant and waddling like an overstuffed duck, I remember leaving church on "Respect Life Sunday" just after raising my right hand to promise I would oppose abortion. Why? My eyes scanned the page and notably absent were the words "I also oppose war and capital punishment." Who are the women making the abortion choice? According to the Centers for Disease Control, of the more than 850,000 legal abortions in a year, 82 percent of the women were unmarried. The breakdown of ages: 25 through 29, about 250,000 abortions per year; 16-19, approximately 126,000; those under 15, fewer than 5,000. New York City had the nation's highest abortion rate, with 87,000 pregnancy terminations in a state that had 125,000 total. Second is Texas, with 79,000. Third is Illinois with over 42,000, followed by Pennsylvania, 37,000, and Georgia, 34,000. The states with numbers hovering at 25,000 include Massachusetts, Michigan, Virginia and Washington, with the remainder, including Connecticut, reporting fewer than 11,000 abortions. There were no figures for Alaska, California and New Hampshire. These most recent comprehensive figures are from 2002 and were reported by CDC in 2005. The number of women seeking legal abortions is not adjusted by percentage in proportion to state populations, and figures do not include privately arranged abortions by physicians who do not necessarily report. But what does it matter? Numbers represent lives cut short. States should have been designing legislative safety nets and family-focused alternatives long before the Sarah Palin panic. Perhaps, it is time to focus energies on a new approach and reinvent the U.S. Children's Bureau of 1912 and update it to be an all inclusive educational, legal and medical agency for both sides of the reproduction issue, designed to help states help women. Abortion is just one part of a larger problem that often affects families trapped in poverty, illiteracy and overpopulation. At Yale University during the 1980s at the psychology department we spearheaded legislation on infant care leave, national child care standards and 21st century schools.  Later at the psychiatry department we drafted a continuum of care model for pregnant substance abusers as an alternative to jail. The landmark bill was promoted nationally by Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, D-Conn., in an effort to put children and families first. While I cannot raise my hand to oppose abortion without opposing war and capital punishment, I can point a finger at both political parties and ask: "Why is there no platform to support a range of choices for women and a commitment to protect infants and children from conception through their school years?" Let's abandon No Child Left Behind - which teaches children to take tests instead of to think - and let's start with the basics. No Child Left in Poverty. No Child to Bed Hungry. No Child in a Homeless Shelter.  And please, No Child Neglected and Abused. Is it more important to spend millions of dollars on ads to elect a president and bail out Wall Street than to make a nonpartisan commitment to our children - in utero and in life? If so, the words of Mercutio in "Romeo and Juliet" may one day come to haunt us: "A plague on both of your houses." (I wish to thank Kathy Collins for her astute editing and for taming my tirade.) Rita Watson is an associate fellow at Yale University's Ezra Stiles College. For those of you wondering what happened to the love, sex, and relationships, go to the  Week in Review  OR simply click on these links. Hot Coffee Warms Hearts ; Sex Becomes Better with Age ; Heart, Home, Renovation, and Divorce ; First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love ; Too Much Cheating, We Need Happily Ever After ; and Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 503 2008-11-01 01:20:00 2008-11-01 04:20:00 open open a-look-at-lip-sync-morality publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255553831 _edit_last 2 title A Look at Lip-Sync Morality keywords abortion, choice, statistics, Sarah Palin, life, description Abortions number 850,000 a year and lip-sync moralists are jockeying for the rights to champion the unborn. We need understanding, choices, and alternatives. Casablanca, from Cheating to Forgiving, a Week in Review http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=509 Sun, 02 Nov 2008 04:20:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=509 Since this has been a week about cheating, for those of you who have forgotten how good love can be -- and the power of forgiveness -- a scene and music from Casablanca.  Then onto the list of links for the week. : Cheating, Diamonds, Furs, and Forgiveness Red Hot and Sexy Tips to Keep Him from Cheating Cheating Spouses, Snooping Spouses, Blaming Professors Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets How Divorce Hurts Families and Taxpayers A Look at Lip-Sync Morality (from my New Haven Register piece: "A Broader Approach Needed on Protection of Life" which I wrote after a Sarah Palin Panic) See you Monday for love and laughter. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 509 2008-11-02 01:20:50 2008-11-02 04:20:50 open open casablanca-from-cheating-to-forgiving-a-week-in-review publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1225731345 _edit_last 2 description Since this has been a week about cheating, for those of you who have forgotten how good love can be -- a scene and music from Casablanca. title Casablanca, from Cheating to Forgiving, a Week in Review Laughter as the Best Medicine, Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=510 Mon, 03 Nov 2008 04:01:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=510 Research findings in the medical literature indicate that laughter has healing properties.  As we approach the finish of a campaign that has strained political and social relationships, it is time for a good laugh. Those of you living in two political persuasion households -- that is a red and blue couple -- should take note of this study. Click on the video and consider spending the night laughing and loving. Laughter as medicine    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 510 2008-11-03 01:01:42 2008-11-03 04:01:42 open open laughter-as-the-best-medicine publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1226201650 description Laughter as medicine is not a new thought. But the surprising growth of Laughter Clubs around the world is promising to improve health and relationships as well. title Laughter as the Best Medicine Love and Laughter with News Anchor in Hysterics http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=511 Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:16:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=511 Now, just to get you in the mood -- have a laugh and then read how laughter helps you attract love. According to The Times of India, "There's no universal formula while wooing someone.  But ‘laughter,'  it seems, is one of the ‘most attractive' traits in the opposite sex. . . A recent survey by Vanderbilt University reports, "If you are trying to favourably impress a member of the opposite sex, how you laugh could play an important role in whether you are successful."   In Love With Laughter And from Yahoo, here is the lead quote on this story, "A guy who can make me laugh can get into my pants." Dating and laughter From Science and the Spirit, Laughing Ourselves to Life, says: "We can't live without it.  We have no idea how or when we invented it.  And we can't fake it-especially when tears of joy are running down our faces. Laughter is wonderfully human - it heals, bonds, and even sometimes breaks us." Laughter as medicine Then there is the book on Belly Laughing and Relationships.  I didn't read this book, but I can tell you from just one of the chapter heads that I would love it  "Dance with them what brung you"  is a line I heard spoken by the late Molly Ivins, a political columnist  -- as she was talking about the Bush years.  And I can still hear her throaty laughter.  Enda Junkins, specializes in Laughter Therapy, and her book is called Belly Laughter in Relationships: Something Else Positive Below the Belt.  Her website says the book "explores all the serious aspects of relationships from a lighter point of view and shows how couples that laugh together develop vital, life-long friendships in which they never fall out of love." Belly-Laughter What we love so much about laughter is that it is contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 511 2008-11-04 01:16:43 2008-11-04 04:16:43 open open love-laughter-and-laughing-through-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226200396 _edit_last 2 title Love and Laughter with News Anchor in Hysterics description It is Election Day in the United States and it is time we all vote, then relax, and have a good laugh just to keep your spirits high - and help you attract love. Love with the Laughter of Leo Buscaglia http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=512 Wed, 05 Nov 2008 04:01:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=512 If you are waiting for the one and only -- listen to Leo!  But first take a chance on finding happiness by:
    • Letting go of worn out friendships and relationships. 
    • Breaking away from old patterns that hinder your happiness such falling in love with the unavailable.
    • Laughing at yourself and accepting who you are.
    • Forgetting the notion of "the one and only."
    What will love sound like?   Not a crackling fire.  An old saying goes something like this:  Starts hot, burns out fast.  Starts slow, lasts long.  Here is hoping that love sounds like laughter.  And if you are not certain about laughter, read yesterday's blog post.  Here is Leo Buscaglia’s humorous and thought-provoking take on those who are looking for the perfect love.    Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    512 2008-11-05 01:01:46 2008-11-05 04:01:46 open open love-with-the-laughter-of-leo-buscaglia publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228711015 title Love with the Laughter of Leo Buscaglia _edit_last 2 description It is the day after election day and I wrote this on Monday because I\'m. But love is always in the air if we just remember to take time to listen for love.
    Love, Just Love and Beetles Video Link http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=513 Thu, 06 Nov 2008 04:01:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=513
  • Speak words of love and speak lovingly.
  • Give praise and good wishes generously.
  • Think about what the person will feel like when he or she is close to you.
  • Hear a conversation in your head as to what you will talk about.
  • Answer the question, “What will my day look like if I start it and end it with the love of my life."
  • Most of all, be open to laughter. And I would like to add, make time for one another that doesn’t consist of doing, but being and enjoying and relaxing and loving. Keep in mind that we are talking life long love, not a momentary fling or thrill that starts out hot and fiery but burns out fast when you discover why “love is blind.” This is about the true, stable companionship of joys and sorrows, good times and bad, agreements and disagreements — but always you can say, “I am here.”  The question of love has been asked for centuries.  One can search for love, or one can wait for love.   But for certain one must prepare the heart to give and receive love.   The more love we give to others, the more likely love will come to us. The choice is ours. Because this is a week of love and laughter, I can't resist this one from The Beetles: Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    513 2008-11-06 01:01:33 2008-11-06 04:01:33 closed closed love-just-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226200555 _edit_last 2 title Love, Just Love and Beetles Video Link description If you wish to bring love into your life, here are some ideas that will help you attract what you desire.
    Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Take Time for Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=514 Fri, 07 Nov 2008 04:01:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=514 Rita Watson: Money woes make for grumpy couples 01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, November 2, 2008 / The Providence Journal and as featured on World News and France Observer.  Rita_Watson_Money_woes_World News Network RESULTS OF A MONEY Management International survey seem poignantly right for 73 percent of women who put financial savvy before looks or love in choosing a marriage partner. With the economy spiraling downward will each woman stand by her man? Therapists are seeing more depression among couples today. Money is poised to ease out sex as the top reason for divorce. When financial instability escalates so too does anxiety, which triggers depression. "While many things can interfere with sleep, stress and anxiety are very common, especially during an economic downturn," according to neurologist Carl W. Bazil, M.D. "Ruminating about financial and personal problems, particularly as people quiet down and try to get to sleep, can interfere with relaxation and sleep onset. After poor sleep, people tend to be more irritable, which can lead to further anxiety and continued difficulty with sleep," he said. Sleep is so important that even losing an hour or two a night can interfere with a person's thinking and judgment. With interrupted sleep what eventually happens is "an involuntary pattern of poor relaxation and sleep interference with associated depression and poor functioning levels," added Dr. Bazil, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. The National Center for Health Statistics reported in September that depression now affects one person in 20. How does today's economy exacerbate depression? William Hurt Sledge, M.D., medical director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital, explained: "As couples or people who mean something to each other get stressed with this uncertain economy, they become preoccupied inwardly because of the threat to the self. In the process, they become relatively inaccessible, irritable and unable to be as generous and generative. In other words, they get really grumpy." We all know the arguments that ensue at breakfast based on the "You spilled the milk" scenario. The shouting match is never about the milk. He added, "Resentments get magnified, regrets become manifest, old wounds are reopened for review and inspection, and recriminations are laid out, After all, it is only money. But if the money signifies perhaps lifetime achievement, comfort, success - then the sense of self takes a serious hit." We cannot fix Wall Street, but we can ward off depression and insomnia. "This cycle can be broken by medication, which can help with relaxation at bedtime, or by behavioral techniques, such as meditation, which help with relaxation," said Dr. Bazil. "Many people need both. But the longer sleeplessness continues, the more difficult it can become to restore good sleep patterns. Early intervention is preferable." Another mood booster is just a good hug. A report in October's Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine notes that caring touch and massage can lower stress hormones. What about sex? About five years ago, a paper called "Money, Sex and Happiness: An Empirical Study" was presented to the National Bureau on Economic Research. From a data sample of 16,000 adult Americans, researchers found that "sexual activity enters strongly positively in happiness equations." Essentially, sex made the respondents feel better. Dr. Sledge pointed out, "Some people reach out to each other and actually become more generative and generous, bringing a sense that whatever awful things happen, they will endure with the good that they have." For those battling over money issues big or small, you might try to scale back, speak kindly to each other, and find time for loving. To forget money worries some couples are using frequent-flyer miles at nearby hotels just to escape overnight. If affordable places adapted the innovation of one Atlantic City hotel, they might be hanging up "No Vacancy" signs. At this ultra-luxury hotel, guest rooms have passion boxes filled with sexy goodies. If you decide to splurge on one last vacation at this resort, keep in mind that once you remove the passion kit from the shelf, you have just 60 seconds to peek inside. A minute longer and $18 will be charged to your room. However, if it takes your mind off the market and gives you the opportunity to reinvest in each other, then it could be priceless.                                                                             -30- When life gets messy -- as it can with financial woes -- take the time to laugh and read the words of Rabbi Irwin Kula in his book called Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life.   In the book Rabbi Kula explores the great yearings in our lives: Truth, Meaning, The Way, Love, Create, Happiness, and Trancendence. Reading about love in these times of stress will uplift you and help you to find some meaning in the chaos of financial stress.  Perhaps it will lead to a less complicated life which gives you more time for laughter and love. Here is a link to Amazon.com Yearnings. COMMENTS CAN BE ADDED ON SUNDAY'S WEEK IN REVIEW -- MANY THANKS/ R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]> 514 2008-11-07 01:01:20 2008-11-07 04:01:20 closed closed money-woes-make-for-grumpy-couples-take-time-for-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229618474 _edit_last 2 title Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Take Time for Love description Women who choose financial savvy over looks and love for a husband may be having second thoughts. With the economy crashing, will each woman stand by her man? Love Bits: Sex, Fun, Red and Happy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=516 Sat, 08 Nov 2008 03:00:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=516 SEX: To overcome bedroom blues, just try doing it.  Sometimes even if we don't feel hungry, once we start eating, our appetite returns --so says our favorite sex therapist. Dr. Ruth and Sexual Recession   FUN:  These suggestions, 70 in all, might seem laughable to some of you.  But, that is the point of this week.  Think of ways to bring a bit of fun back into your life even as money appears to dwindle. Seventy Ways to Have Fun Together RED: I reported on this earlier this week, but it seems to be making the Internet rounds.  Pehaps it is telling us to "perk up."  Lady in red drives the men crazy, study finds HAPPINESS:  The BBC has run a series on happiness. Take a look at these stories and perhaps they will stimulate some happy thoughts. Happiness Project  and even a Laughter Workshop LAUGHTER:  And if you don't believe that laughter is contagious, just click on my favorite weather reporter.    COMMENTS:  Would love to hear from you.  Tomorrow is our Week in Review and there is a full comment section for each post from Monday to Saturday.  I will look forward to hearing from you. Happiness/ R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 516 2008-11-08 00:00:45 2008-11-08 03:00:45 closed open love-bits-sex-fun-red-and-happy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226200630 _edit_last 2 keywords Dr. Ruth, BBC, Sex, Fun, Red and Happy, Video Laugh description With economic worries couples tend to be more stressed. So as Dr. Ruth tells us, we can even go through a sexual recession. Here are ways to spice up life. title Love Bits: Sex, Fun, Red and Happy Fight the Blues Week: Love, Laugh Videos, Sex, and Comments http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=520 Sun, 09 Nov 2008 04:27:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=520 from BBC News Last week, Alice and Jane of Redbook magazine weighed in and asked "How do you feel about ladies night out?" from Shine at Yahoo Frankly, I know of many women who feel it is almost a mental health must.  That reminds me, haven't had a ladies cigar and champagne night out for a while. The Round-up: Here are links to the round-up of stories for the week.   Comments at the end are welcome.  We present some comments that came this week to earlier stories. Laughter as the Best Medicine, Video Love and Laughter with News Anchor in Hysterics Love with the Laughter of Leo Buscaglia Love, Just Love and Beetles Video Link Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Take Time for Love Love Bits: Sex, Fun, Red and Happy RECENT COMMENTS: from Joe J: save  Tuesday, November 11th at 10 pm Joe J says, "ET Melissa Francis examines the world of high-end prostitution in the CNBC Original "Dirty Money: The Business of High-End Prostitution". In every city in America sex is for sale and much of it operates in plain view. But, there's one corner of the trade protected like none other... the business of high-end prostitution where clients can spend hundred of thousands of dollars each year. It's a secret world with rules and practices that will change everything you think you know about the buying and selling of sex. Join Melissa as she ventures into this secret world. For web extras visit http://dirtymoney.cnbc.com. From Another Sex Scandal Rocks the Florida House 2008/11/03 at 1:01 PM from Inna In the article a huge thank you all for the cause, a lot of people are using From Condom Ring Tones: A Musical Reminder, 2008/11/05 at 8:45 PM from Internet Affair Investigator I'm a private investigator and I specialize in mostly Internet investigations, catching people cheating on dating sites and escort service web sites. I'm going to check out your books and write a review on my blogs. From Cheating, Cyber-sex, and Secrets, 2008/10/29 at 11:24 AM from The B I had three cups this morning and other than keeping me awake, it seems to have raised my level of context. If I sat down at your nauna's dining room table and she served me a warming bowl of pasta fagole I might associate the dish with fond memories of her the rest of my life. But would I feel any different if she served me a slice of panna cotta sans the demitasse? When you meet friends or colleagues after work, do you usually go out for a cup of cafe? And in the middle of summer, if you end up at the local espresso parlor do you order yours on the rocks or steamier than the outdoor climes? And when your researcher speaks of ‘western culture', is he speaking specifically about the environs of a section of New Haven or has he forgotten that sweet tea over ice has long been a staple in the American South? Can you ever have an excess of physical warmth? You can see what too much coffee has done to me here. And I'm sure your nauna would advise you against that second bowl of soup before going out on a date. One's Maxwell House moment is another's Maalox ordeal. Warmth and generosity come from the heart. Contrary to the research findings, your doctor's spouse did not conjure up forgiveness out of a mocha frappuccino.. From Hot Coffee Warms Hearts, 2008/10/27 at 9:59 PM YOUR COMMENTS? Please feel free to add your comments - and in the words of another writer: "It's my blog and I get to choose whose comments appear and which to edit down."  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 520 2008-11-09 01:27:35 2008-11-09 04:27:35 open open fight-the-blues-week-love-laugh-videos-sex-and-comments publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226244391 _edit_last 2 keywords high-end prostitution, love, laughter, ladies night out, Beetles, videos, money, sex, Dr. Ruth description \"Girls Night Out\" is for laughing ladies. We believe in laughter, love and sex. Ask Dr. Ruth about the sexual recession and start loving. title Fight the Blues with Love, Sex, Laugh Videos, and Comments A Week of Love, Laughter, Videos, and Comments Love Deal-breakers and Word Power http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=521 Mon, 10 Nov 2008 04:00:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=521 I so often hear from men and women looking for love, but once they find it something goes wrong.  Words become swords instead of roses.  Here is an updated column that looks at creative loving,  deal-breakers, and word power. When Sex and Gratitude Trumps the King  IF ALOVEMATCH.COM merged with aNewCar.com would relationships have a longer shelf life? With fall in the air, more invitations to join a Man-of-the-Month club arrive at my door than enhancement ads that clutter up the nation’s e-mail. Whatever happened to serendipity or friends introducing friends? Friends are either helping the divorce rate hover at 50 percent or e-mailing let’s-get-together-times without getting together. I remember when friends dropped by spontaneously to share a glass of wine, laughter and exchange stories about creative ways to thwart a blow up. We are still amused when thinking about the chess widow. Surprising sex: “Once he gets started, I’m invisible. The other night, I surprised him. I slipped into the den wearing nothing more than a trench coat and whispered into his ear. Then I smiled sweetly at his puzzled partner and said, ‘Sex trumps the King.’  By morning my husband was grinning gratefully.” Her humor contradicts a new Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine report suggesting that wives, though not necessarily husbands, should “speak out” during marital disputes or risk a heart attack. Perhaps the quiet men are rewarded with a protective benefit, sex twice a week. A 10-year South Wales comparison study reported 50 percent lower mortality risk in men with “high orgasmic frequency.” Online sex: This may be good news for online daters. Of 40 million Americans going to match services, 30 percent of women engage in sex on a first date, according to the recent Sexuality Research and Social Policy report. I know of five couples who married their online match. But for another twosome, serendipity intervened. “When I met my wife, we were Baby Boomers at an Ivy League graduate program. She was using one of those high-end dating services. I didn’t fit her stuffy doc profile. I kept telling her, ‘I’m younger than you are and more fun than these older guys.’ So I kept asking her out until she married me.” The experience of this couple, who are complementary opposites, underscores the “perception versus reality” problem. We seldom see ourselves as others see us. Perhaps online daters and even committed couples, who wish to enhance each others virtues, might try the profile exchange. If you write a short profile of yourself and add five positive qualities and five negative traits, then ask a friend to write an honest profile as he or she sees you, would your “perceived-self” recognize your “real-self”? Sometimes misperception stands in the way of a love match and relationships keep ending sadly. Yale’s Robert J. Sternberg, Ph.D., suggests rewriting your love story and finding someone with a comparable dream.  A serious love scenario, in which “lifelong” is a priority, will foster youthful, healthy aging.  Potential partner specs: It is as important to think about desirable attributes in a potential partner as it is to gather specifics regarding a new car: style, acceleration, performance, horsepower, safety and dependability. The deal-breakers in relationships: Couples who once did share the story of devoted lovers and friends often hit rocky places. Nagging, thoughtlessness, unkind words, and passive-aggressiveness become tripping points. An exercise in gratitude is a simple solution. Thinking of the endearing qualities that your partner possesses, even if these seem to be hiding, and expressing gratitude for them, will spark a change in your attitude and your partner’s reactions. Skeptical of word power? Sound-bites change voter opinion -- this past week, "CHANGE" helped bring us a new president. Sound-bites influence juries. Remember the glove? “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” Showing gratitude instead of criticizing:  Whisper a “thank you,” each morning for your spouse or lover and replay in your head his or her positive qualities.  Instead of saying, "You never listen to me or do what you are supposed to do" or the deal-breaker, "How many times have I told you," why not compliment instead?  Just silent appreciation based on the principle of subliminal word thought, can create renewed respect, and peacefulness.   When it comes to intimacy, passion and joy as lifelong goals, these require sprucing up day by day.  A kind word goes a long way. Updated and adapted from Providence Journal article of November 2007  -- Here is the link to Robert Sternberg's work.  Write Your Own Love Story of Romance and Spicy Sex Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 521 2008-11-10 01:00:22 2008-11-10 04:00:22 open open love-deal-breakers-and-word-power publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1226810353 title Love Deal-breakers and Word Power description I so often hear from men and women looking for love, but once they find it something goes wrong. Words become swords instead of roses. We need creative loving. keywords Love, sex, laughter, gratitude, unkind words, nagging, deal breaker Sniping at Each Other, A Love Deal Breaker http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=523 Tue, 11 Nov 2008 06:06:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=523 Cars, Sex, and The Passive Agressive Lane How I became a relationships writer is a bit of serendipity, although my secret fantasy was to become the Sex in the City for Men Only columnist.  Why? I am the mother of sons, spent years at The Times as one of the guys plus another 10 years in psychology and psychiatry at Yale.  And I realized that I can write about the subject because growing up in a working world of men, we talked often about relationships, generally after I made an analogy between cars and sex - without blushing. This problem: The next day, I would receive a phone call inviting me to lunch. We would begin with complaints about editors and deadlines. Then across the table I would see a slight turn of the head, clenched jaw, and hunched shoulders. He might even loosen his tie. Finally a lowered voice would say, "We are having this problem." Somehow, we could talk freely until we came too close to the real issue - sexual needs versus understanding. Then it was back to wishing for the luxury that eluded us in Manhattan, owning a car. What changed? Cars are a safe subject and car writers get right down to the details. Whether or not a man plans to buy a new car is irrelevant. The articles cover specifics. A man knows that what he reads, sees, test drives, and eventually buys is what he gets. When something goes wrong, he has the repair manual and a maintenance schedule. Relationships are not that clear-cut. Men so often say, "After we were married, something changed, mostly our sex life." Do women change their spots? I would like to believe that as women we are not leopards changing our spots. Yet even Boston Legal featured Denny Crane learning that his fifth wife was planning on retiring him to Hawaii minutes after saying, "I do." It would be ideal if the sexes could talk about expectations and perceptions. But it doesn't happen that way. When a man comes home from work, a woman may ask with sincerity, "How was your day?" But he doesn't want to talk about it. Many women in offices are disillusioned with the workforce. Yet, they bring the office home with them and want to talk about conflicts, confrontations, and demands. Chances are he doesn't want to hear about it, at least not immediately. The sniping begins: Then the accusation comes at him: "You never talk to me." As we shift into a 24/7 Blackberry, laptop and two-paycheck society, there are too many couples on overdrive moving into the passive-aggressive or snipe-at-each-other lane. When a car shows signs of stress, or needs a tune-up, men handle it immediately. There is a problem and men fix it. In a relationship, who is responsible for the tune up? Perhaps women should take the lead. Although men today are more involved in parenting and family than our fathers were, women have that sixth sense. Research at Yale indicates that women have so keen an intuition that they sense a relationship problem at its inception. Skills instead of sniping: If men and women could develop their intuitive skills and interpret the silences, downcast eyes, uncomfortable moments and body language, perhaps more relationships could be saved. Or should women be using their gift to cultivate non-judgmental spaces within the home? In an atmosphere with no hidden agendas, just simple clarity, both parties would benefit. When home is a sanctuary, men might find saying, "Can we talk?" is as easy as test driving a car. Adapted from Providence Journal article. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 523 2008-11-11 03:06:02 2008-11-11 06:06:02 open open sniping-at-each-other-a-love-deal-breaker publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226383562 _edit_last 2 description Why is it that words are so often used as swords instead of roses? title Sniping at Each Other, A Love Deal Breaker Red Flags, Children, and Unkind Words: Love's Deal Breakers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=524 Wed, 12 Nov 2008 04:21:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=524 For me, I firmly believe that when you think you are being deceived, duped, or cast into what you feel is an unnecessary conflict, you are probably right. Red flags are little notes from your intuition that help you take your hunches seriously.  If you are in a relationship and think you are deceiving yourself about your love, you are probably right. As I looked at statistics about love and divorce, I found that inching up towards the big deal breakers, which are lack of sex and money, are kids and unkind words.  Dr. Sherman has a lot to say about unkind words such as, "How many times have I told you?" Or "You never listen to me."  So for today, let's look at conflicts that couples - both dating and married - have with children. Dads and girlfriends: I am often asked these days "How do we deal with children conflicts?"  Usually these are from 40ish men with shared custody who get into conflicts with girlfriends who want more time with them and complain or disagree about their permissiveness. One young father, with elementary school-age sons, finds himself in conflict with a woman who wants more of his time. Custodial fathers often face tough situations.  He tells me he knows he should leave her, but he rationalizes - "She is good to the kids." Dr. Sherman said, "I'd be wary about girlfriends who don't understand the need to spend time with the children and complain about not having more time with them.  This is foretelling of things to come.  I think a man who is committed to spending time with his kids has his priorities straight." Permissiveness:  Then there is the issue of permissiveness.  Girlfriends often complain as do wives of their "Disneyland Dad." Dr. Sherman tells us, "I do think many men are afraid to set boundaries for fear that they might be disliked by their kids.  Of course, they may also be uncertain about how to set boundaries.  In the best of all worlds, the guy and his 'x' have a good enough relationship that they work together around the kids and can discuss boundaries. " "One's girlfriend should respect what they set up.  If the divorced couple do not get along and the girlfriend is truly a concerned one, she may be appropriate to speak to." Hunches and unkind words: But go back to your hunches.  If you are hanging onto a relationship out of fear, that isn't healthy.  Pretty soon you will be finding yourselves in a situation in which words fly, tempers flare, and everyone loses. This can be a real deal-breaker unless you sit and talk rationally and work on a plan that is beneficial to children, parents, and lovers. Dr. Karen Sherman, a licensed psychologist in New York, has been in private practice for over 20 years. Her focus is relationships/marriage and helping people achieve their greatest potential. Karen is the author of "Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life" which enables people to let go of conditioned responses and empower them to make their own choices.  Here is the Amazon.com link: Mindfulness and the Art of Choice  She also co-authored Marriage Magic: Find it, Keep it, Make it Last     Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 524 2008-11-12 01:21:37 2008-11-12 04:21:37 open open red-flags-children-and-unkind-words-loves-deal-breakers publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1226463843 title Red Flags, Children, and Unkind Words: Love\'s Deal Breakers keywords deal breakers, conflict, children, unkind words description Perceptive power - you know you possess it. And you know those moments when you \"just knew\" that you might be in a deal breaker situation. Here\'s advice. Text Messaging Can Mean Love, Danger, or a Deal Breaker http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=528 Thu, 13 Nov 2008 04:35:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=528 The art of a text message can warm a heart and ease tension.  But it can also create danger, become a boundary violation, or turn into a cell phone smashing. The good news: It's a new way to flirt If you are in a stressful traveling situation, it helps to send a fun or sexy message to someone who wishes he or she could see you more often. The way we flirt is changing according to this Chicago Tribune article.  It says that  "the immediacy of text-messaging makes it the preferred medium among information-barraged teens and twentysomethings-it's the contemporary, wireless equivalent of passing notes in class." Well, in fact it is happening with couples and people of all ages.  Can you fill in the words IWU? IWUWM?  IWtoHY. It is reminiscent of the days back when when Aristotle Onassis sent gold bracelets to his sweethears JILY or MILY. By the by, the reporter noted that "between December 2005 and December 2007, the number of text messages sent and received in the United States increased almost fivefold, from 9.8 billion text messages a month to 48.1 billion, according to The Wireless Association."  How much love is wireless?  Wireless Love The bad news:  It can be dangerous to couples Sometimes two people know a relationship is rocky but coast along until an irritant pushes them over the edge. For one couple, the cell phone was their demise. "Whenever it rang, my wife would become furious if I didn't tell her who was calling, " said one young husband. "Then at a party one night, it rang. Well it didn't ring, it indicated a little text message." I started to put it right back in my pocket.  But before I could hide the evidence, she grabbed it and stepped on it."   This story did not end happily.  And U can tell you many variations all with the same theme from a phone call to a text message.  On woman I know took the phone from her husband, opened a window and sent it sailing across the street. Bad news: Missouri teacher crossing the line The most disturbing text message story we heard in a long time came from Missouri.  The Lamar County School Board in Missouri recently implemented a policy forbidding teachers and students from having any text-message conversations or social-networking friendships.  It seems that parents thought their child was spending time with a teacher who was helping the child overcome shyness.  Education lawyer Jim Keith apparently urged the parents to check the child's phone bill.  They found 4,200 text messages between the teacher and student.  From CNN.com, here is the story: Cnn.com  Bad News: Danger to Others A recent report by Jennifer Steinhauer and Laura  M. Holson for the New York Times noted, " Though there are no official casualty statistics, there is much anecdotal evidence that the number of fatal accidents stemming from texting while driving, crossing the street or engaging in other activities is on the rise." They reported statistics even higher than previously noted, "In June, 75 billion text messages were sent in the United States, compared with 7.2 billion in June 2005, according to CTIA - the Wireless Association, the leading industry trade group." Lawmakers in many states are seeking to ban cell phone use by drivers. Another interesting text messaging note -- it appears to lower one's IQ by 10 points!  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 528 2008-11-13 01:35:49 2008-11-13 04:35:49 open open text-messaging-can-mean-love-danger-or-a-deal-breaker publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226810755 _edit_last 2 title Text Messaging, Can be Love, Danger, or a Deal Breaker description The art of a text message can warm a heart, can ease tension, can create danger, and can turn into a cell phone smashing. keywords text messaging, love, danger, cell phone, Husband Snatchers aka the Male Poachers http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=529 Fri, 14 Nov 2008 04:03:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=529 In a piece by Jessie Knadler for Women's Health in the November issue, we learn that 62 percent of women interviewed say they would rather be the mistress than the spurned wife.  She also tells us why there is no longer a Scarlet Letter which brands women who cheat and why "Angelina Jolie, [is] now seen by many as a saint, not as a home wrecker, and France's first lady, Carla Bruni, hailed as the new Jackie Onassis. Such labels would have been unthinkable a generation ago. " Knadler points out that "some experts believe our views of marriage are changing. . . And a number of studies have shown that about half of all married men and women have cheated." Here is the bad news for mistresses who have expectations --  "a survey of 4,126 male business executives found that only 3 percent married their mistress."  Women's Health Why people cheat:  The book that is becoming the "go to" source for understanding infidelity is called: When Good People Have Affairs: Inside the Hearts & Minds of People in Two Relationships by Mira Kirshenbaum. In her work,  When Good People Have Affairs,  she identifies 17 different types of affairs.  This book is being called a lifeline for two people caught between two loves. On the other hand, Rhoda Fine, PhD, a clinical sexologist and diplomate of The American Academy of Clinical Sexologists says, “There are a variety of reasons why people cheat, and it’s not always about the sex. People cheat because they’re selfish, immature or narcissistic. Or they’re excitement junkies and attracted to the drama. They put their needs ahead of others and rarely blame themselves why they cheated in the first place.” To find out more go to my earlier piece called Why Men Cheat Forgiveness:  Cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship — it may be the wake up call.  The research shows that a partner who cheats often needs companionship more than sex. At the risk of sounding like a preacher, I am back to the conversation between Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers: In Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth he talked about the essence of marriage with journalist Bill Moyers some years ago.  He called ”loyalty” the essence of marriage — “not cheating, not defecting — through whatever trials or suffering, you remain true.”   Bill Moyers said:  “In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive.  It is an ongoing sacrament — love and forgiveness.” Mending a Marriage after Infidelity Takes Forgiveness Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 529 2008-11-14 01:03:50 2008-11-14 04:03:50 open open husband-snatchers-aka-male-pouchers publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1233889706 description Here are some shocking statistics about women who go after another women\'s husband. title Husband Snatchers AKA Male Pouchers keywords cheating, mistresses, forgiveness, why men cheat, why women cheat LoveBits: Your Body, Sex Tips 1894 and 2008, and The Pastor http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=530 Sat, 15 Nov 2008 05:12:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=530 Body image: Women have an imagine of their bodies or looks, but oftentimes, it is the image that we wish to portray to other women. What we think is important, may not be what a man thinks is important.  And here are the thoughts of men.  What Men Really Think of Your Body Victorian and Today's Tips for Wives: For a humorous look at sex then and now, you will want to read the following to see how Victorian women discouraged sex and how 20th century women go for the gold.  Then and Now Tips The Pastor is Preaching Sex: A pastor with four children is preaching seven days of sex. In his interview with CNN,  he explains how the distractions of daily life interfer with a couple's intimate life, as such, he is calling for seven days of sex.  A bit of a heated exchange takes place with the reporter who is suggesting intimacy workshops first and questioning what she sees as somewhat of a sex mandate. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 530 2008-11-15 02:12:07 2008-11-15 05:12:07 open open lovebits-your-body-sex-tips-1894-and-2008-and-the-pastor publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226726041 _edit_last 2 description As I have said, perception is reality. What are your perceptions of your body and your role with regard to intimacy? See why pastor urging seven sex days title Love Bits: Your Body, Sex Tips 1894 and 2008, and The Pastor Deal Breakers and Your Health http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=535 Sun, 16 Nov 2008 05:18:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=535 As a reminder for those who are feeling low, there are alternate ways to feel better than simply popping a pill prescribed by your family doctor.  I'll report on a study that showed that exercise worked almost as well as mood enhancing medication. Today we are seeing more people experiencing sleeplessness and stress - which also are depression triggers.  Here where Ambian and Lunesta and Tylenol PM might be your first reach.  But before you do so, read this article which talks about a major problem that follows sleeplessness -the ability to focus. Here is a link to a story in Real Simple magazine, which was also featured this week on CNN regarding attention span and focusing.  Tune up that Brain Starting Monday, Rita Watson: Relationships will expand into your relationship with your health, your physicians, your work, and your creative imagination.  But first, here is the Week in Review Round-up: Remember starting Monday -- your health, your relationships, your work, and your creative imagination. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 535 2008-11-16 02:18:37 2008-11-16 05:18:37 open open deal-breakers-and-your-health publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226979085 _edit_last 2 title Deal Breakers and Your Health Love and Friendship from London to Lebanon http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=536 Mon, 17 Nov 2008 04:27:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=536 What a glorious Sunday for me with friends from London and their circle of friends whom I've come to know through the years.  Then on Saturday I will meet with new friends through an invitation from the Consul General of Lebanon to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the National Day of Lebanon at the Embassy in New York. But as we sipped champagne on Sunday celebrating a birthday and a bride, I looked around the room at faces of those whom I haven't seen in several years and we all picked up where we left off. And I came to understand the value of my own friends - those who know me better than I know myself.  In talking with one of the women we realized that we didn't get out more often because we said, almost simultaneously, "social recluses."  We both love people and parties, but rather stay at home and have people come to us.  Nonetheless we all traveled from various places to join the Londoners in Boston. And I reveled more than ever in the friendships criss crossing from across the miles.  I realized how wonderfully protective friendships are. Friends help you to stay balanced, will help you laugh at yourself, and understand the forgiveness factor. Too often when a friendship, relationship, or marriage becomes rocky - for whatever the reasons - people ignore the problem, take their differences to the public arena, find solace in an affair, or simply leave.  How sad.  As Wilma Askinas, author of "A Splice of Life" once said, "A friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view." If you don't have immediate access to a person whom you can really call  "friend," then make cultivating a friendship your priority.  When times are tough, when spouses hit rocky places, a friend is a priceless jewel. Maureen Dowd wrote a column for The New York Times in July talking about an ideal husband.  She quoted  "Father Pat Connor, a 79-year-old Catholic priest born in Australia and based in Bordentown, N.J., [who] has spent his celibate life - including nine years as a missionary in India - mulling connubial bliss. "Never marry a man who has no friends," he starts. "This usually means that he will be incapable of the intimacy that marriage demands..." Marcel Proust has said, "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 536 2008-11-17 01:27:36 2008-11-17 04:27:36 open open love-and-friendship-from-london-to-lebanon publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226896056 _edit_last 2 description Anaïs Nin says: \"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born title Love and Friendship from London to Lebanon keywords friendship, London, Lebanon, friends, friendship Health, Hostility, and Happiness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=538 Tue, 18 Nov 2008 05:10:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=538 According to two researchers we reach our minimum in mid-life.  Hmm, but what about the maximum?  It seems that in terms of unhappiness, we take a big dip between the ages of 36 and 52.   So this should be good news for young people. The questions of happiness and life stages were studied by David G. Blanchflower Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, USA and  Andrew J. Oswald, Warwick University, Coventry, UK.  Their answers were presented recently in the Journal of Social Science and Medicine.  They found that "psychological well-being is U-shaped through life; that is happiness reaches its minimum -- on both sides of the Atlantic and for both males and females -- in middle age. "    They collected data on 500,000 randomly sampled Americans and West Europeans.  Life satisfaction Happiness:  While the research indicates unhappiness in mid-life, it doesn't have to be that way.  Dr. Happiness believes that happiness is always within our reach as reported in this New York Times article.  Dr. Happiness Essentially we all have a choice between happiness over hostility.  When challenged with a situation that makes your blood boil, think of the wise advice from Redford Williams, M.D., of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who uncovered the link between heart disease and the hostility and anger of Type A behavior. Hostility:  When you find yourself in a situation that triggers hostility and anger, Dr. Williams suggests that you ask yourself if:
    • The situation is important enough to be worth continuing your attention
    • Your reaction is appropriate to the situation, and
    • You can change the situation.
    Most times, he notes, the answer to all three questions will be, "NO."  So find alternative responses, and back off. Brushing off anger is not only beneficial to your heart and health, but also your relationships. Laugh it off:  Here is another method, find a way to laugh it off.  You know that your mood is better after you've had a good laugh, but did you know that your health may improve, too? Studies reported by Lee Berk, M.D., a neurologist at Loma Linda University in California, and his team, as well as other researchers, show that laughter prompts changes in the body that may help the immune and endocrine systems to function better. Laughter increases the number and activity of cells that help us fight disease and decreases stress-related hormones.  And a laughter bonus is that it's contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too. Provine suggests that laughter does something special to our brains to trigger the laugh sounds in us. If you don't believe that laughter is contagious, watch a sitcom and listen to the laugh track. Or just click on this link...     Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]>
    538 2008-11-18 02:10:00 2008-11-18 05:10:00 open open health-hostility-and-happiness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1226985118 _edit_last 2 keywords health, happiness, hostility, researchers, laughter, video description When are we the most happy in life? It sure is not mid-life. title Health, Hostility, and Happiness
    More Women Stressing Over Economy, Mothers Affected and a Marriage Note http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=539 Wed, 19 Nov 2008 04:01:21 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=539 But before even going to the survery article link, consider a syndrome that one of my colleagues talked about, "The Executive Home Decision-Maker."  Many educated women today married, worked, and then when they had children, they decided to be stay-at-home moms.  This would be ideal in any culture.  A smart woman, a college graduate, perhaps even with advanced degrees raising a child rather than bringing the baby to day care -- as is the case with so many women in this country. A child care advocate:  Please don't misunderstand me -- I was one of those women who lobbied for child care while working in the Psychology Department at Yale.  We worked for standards so that in every state in the nation, a mother could be assured a level of care for her child that was safe and secure. Today we have a mother who was bringing in a salary.  Gives up that job.  And devotes herself to her family.  Laudable. Then the economy comes crashing down.  I hear from women everywhere -- those with children and those with no children -- that their husbands are spending more and more time at the office.  Meetings go later and later.  In sales -- a young man on the train confirmed the fears of low-men-on-the totem pole.  He said, "We are all feeling the pressure. We are given more territory.  Which can mean better sales.  But in reality, it means more work for perhaps fewer sales."  Where does this leave a wife and/or a mother?  At home not just worrying, but adding an additional job to her already overloaded schedule.   In the 90s reports from The Work and Family Institute by Ellen Galinsky and Dana Friedman indicated that women still did the majority of work in the home.  But the good news is that just last year a report from the Pew Foundation found that couples believed in sharing chores.  The crashing down: However, since the economy took a nose dive many men are too depressed to take on the added responsbility at home.  And instead of participating in the upkeep of a house, they reach for a drink, a TV remote, or a magazine.  Or as one young mother said, "I get a lot of passive aggressive behavior and only just realized how depressed he really is.  He didn't wan't to worry me because we just got a new house.  But things are not looking good at his office and I didn't learn about it until I heard about the problems at school."  Modern Marriage Even couples who are married but in long-distance relationships because of their jobs -- are feeling the tensions as well -- especially with husbands bringing in the larger paycheck. So what is the solution?  According to this article today in Reuters by Terri Coles, "The first key to reducing stress is recognizing its symptoms, which include irritability, sadness, changes in sleep patterns, weight gain or loss, difficulty concentrating and restlessness." The article suggests that people rely on their coping strategies, and "...to stick to your existing schedule for social activities and taking some time during the day to focus on yourself." Stressed Out Women I tried doing this myself today.  I made a schedule as always, and realized that I was way overscheduled.  There is no such thing as getting six things done in one day, which probably accounts for my inability to get to sleep before 2 AM.  And so here goes, I am writing this at 1:24 in the afternoon.  I still have two appointments, mail to sort, bills to pay, my car registration to renew, thank you notes to write, magazines to toss, and two piles of "where did this come from?" to go through.  Already, just thinking about it, I am dizzy.  And unlike many young women today -- who have similar activities, I do not have babies wanting my attention -- attention that I would like to give to them because I made the choice to stay at home, and be their mother. MARRIAGE NOTE: A few weeks ago, on October 22,  I wrote about a new book called First Comes Marriage.  Here is a link to the piece on AOL which appeared yesterday. http://www.lemondrop.com/2008/11/17/planning-for-prince-charming/ And here is a link to the story on this blog.First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 539 2008-11-19 01:01:21 2008-11-19 04:01:21 open open more-women-stressing-over-economy-mothers-affected publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1227063984 title More Women Stressing Over Economy, Mothers Affected description A recent survey shows that women are feeling the effects of the economy more so than men. keywords stress, finance, husbands, wives, paycheck, tension Paris Fights Forced Marriages as Arranged Love Headlines http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=541 Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:01:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=541 Since the book "First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love" made its debut, many single friends have been wondering about the concept and thinking about the possibilities.  When two people share the same values, I thought to myself, of course, love is possible. First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love One colleague of mine defined it this way, "Sometimes you need to rub two sticks together to make a fire."  And that made perfect sense.  I have always enjoyed heart-throb love and yet when I talk with friends who have sustained long-term relationships and marriages, I see that it love comes in waves. "There needs to be chemistry," said the business executive. "If the chemistry is not there, and there is only just a little spark, it never works out.  Believe me, I know.  I have seen this often in my country." And I tended to believe him because as our talk continued, I was reminded of a trip  to The Hague in the Nineties.  We were visiting a friend doing research on Turkish families in Amsterdam.  At the time, many fathers were arranging marriages for their daughters.  The men had been involved in the merchant trade and spent many years at sea.  As their health failed, they wanted their daughters married and made arrangements to do so by having them taken out of school and given to a promised suitor. While these were called "arranged marriages" and the government turned its head on the practice, in reality they were forced marriages. My American friend had learned the language and become a trusted member of a group of women trying to protect their daughters from a practice that seemed almost barbaric to me.  So I was particularly surprised to have had a conversation on Sunday, only to read in the news today a piece by Estelle Shirbon regarding forced marriages in Paris.  Reporting for Reuters she noted: "The Paris City Hall launched a manual on forced marriages on Wednesday to help officials spot and prevent cases of young women being coerced into matrimony."  It seems that "An estimated 70,000 teenage girls living in France are victims or potential victims of forced marriages, many of them from immigrant families, according to a government study." Are we surprised that one sign is a room with 60 - 80 men on one side of the room and a young bride standing alone on the other? Paris Fights Forced Marriages But their credit, in addition to spotting the forced marriage, they are also training officials on how to counsel and even annul such marriages if necessary.  Several years ago the law upped the age of marriage from 15 to 18.  No to Forced Marriages It seems shocking to us that such practices continue -- as such, awareness and the legal system seem to be making inroads in protecting the rights of young women.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 541 2008-11-20 01:01:46 2008-11-20 04:01:46 open open paris-fights-forced-marriages publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227148095 _edit_last 2 keywords marriage, forced, arranged, annul, Paris, recognize description An estimated 70,000 teenage girls living in France are victims or potential victims of forced marriages, many of them from immigrant families. title Paris Fights Forced Marriage as Arranged Love Headlines What is the Future of Marriage? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=544 Fri, 21 Nov 2008 04:01:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=544 First off, of course, I am opposed to forced marriages.  Oftentimes these are between young children and older men -- and our society has rules for protecting children from being forced into unions that can be harmful to their physical or emotional well-being.   As for arranged marriages, I do think that marriages based on values probably have just as much chance for success as marriages based on love -- which seem to last about 7 years according to most statistical reports.  We often heard jokes about the 7-year-itch.  But in today's society,  it seems that instead of "itching" we simply scratch our signature onto a divorce decree. An arranged marriage, or a marriaged based on mutual respect and attraction offers the possibility for life long love.  As Leo Buscaglia, author of LOVE, said in talking about his parents -- an arranged Italian marriage -- they grew in love.  Whereas in our society today, we wait for  "The one and only."   And for those waiting, the wait could go on for years.  What I wonder most often is whether or not the words, “for better or worse, until death do us part” will become obsolete? With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - there is cause for concern. Some research indicates that monogamy is simply not part of our make-up. Couples have been choosing alternative arrangements for years - look at Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt (and his mistresses), Nelson Rockefeller and his mistresses, and the open relationship between John Lennon and Yoko Ono. In the 1800s, the married Amherst College treasurer, Austin Dickinson, spent 13 years involved with a young professor’s wife, Mabel Loomis Todd.  His sister, Poet Emily Dickinson helped her brother and Mabel sustain the affair. Yes, I worry about the future of marriage.  However, as an incurable romantic, I am ever hopeful. Nonetheless, I paused at  a New Yorker cartoon several months ago by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal “just married” attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: “It didn’t have to end like this.” If you are wondering if marriage is in your mate's genes, take a look at this piece. The Marriage Gene Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 544 2008-11-21 01:01:52 2008-11-21 04:01:52 open open what-is-the-future-of-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227240868 _edit_last 2 description And I wonder -- with the rise in infidelity and living together instead of walking down the aisle -- does marriage have a future? keywords marriage, forced, arranged, annul, Paris, recognize, future, arranged title What is the future of marriage? Words, Well-being, and Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=546 Sat, 22 Nov 2008 04:01:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=546 James Tighe tells us in this piece for BBC Relationships that "Someone once said the secret of happiness is having someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to. There's probably some truth in this, although it doesn't mean you have to have an adoring spouse or partner, a high-powered job and a world cruise coming up to enjoy life." Here are his thoughts on enjoying one's relationships. Well Being When you are in a difficult situation it is always helpful to confront without being confrontational  -- use humor if it will help.  Then try the TACT® Strategies.
    • Take a minute - to define the problem
    • Assess the situation at hand - and how you would like to see it resolved
    • Consider the alternatives - not just your own but your partner's as well
    • Take a stand and follow through - you have to agree on a win-win situation  and maybe it is won't work in the long run, but you need to start someplace
    Now let's get back to the saying, "Be kind to everyone whom you meet."  Here is the saying that originated with a philosopher who lived sometime in the 400 BC era!
    • Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
    • Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
    • Leave the rest to God.
    • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .
    • Life is about learning to dance in the rain.
    What has this to do with relationships?  Everything.  As such, here is a piece I wrote sometime ago and it is still one of my favorites:  Words that harm, words that heal Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    546 2008-11-22 01:01:11 2008-11-22 04:01:11 open open words-well-being-and-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227240766 _edit_last 2 title Words, Well-being, and Love keywords love, well being, kindness. support, BBC description Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
    Money management, marriage, sex and secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=548 Sun, 23 Nov 2008 04:08:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=548 MONEY DOESN'T CARE who owns it," was a favorite saying of our Aunti Mame. She lived lavishly even during what she called "modest times." Once we left the nest, we realized that Aunti was right. Money does not assure good taste or good manners. It does, however, provide comfort and sometimes freedom from stress. Nonetheless even in cushy two-income households money and sex (or lack thereof) are the top reasons for divorce. It seems that more sex buys more happiness than money can buy. However, the 2008 "Love and Money" survey of 1,049 people found that over 73 percent of women viewed financial know-how as a more important factor in choosing a potential partner than attractiveness. Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit credit counseling agency in the United States, conducted the survey. "The problem is that most couples don't talk about money," says Brooks P. Bartlett Sr., managing director of Lighthouse Financial Group, a division of Metlife. "We spoke with one couple during a rather sad divorce and the woman said to us, ‘Look around. Do you see all of this beauty? We can't afford any of it. We are broke. I just learned about this and my husband is in denial!' Bartlett added, "Couples need to have a plan for their money." Suze Orman, author of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, is trying to help women and men cope with mounting debt and develop a relationship with and respect for their money. Then there is the Women's Institute for Financial Education (WIFE.org), which offers sound advice as well as a tongue-in-cheek guide to translating what "he says" and "she says." One young husband said, "Whenever we have an argument over money, my wife goes on a spending spree. Then even when I get over my anger and I try to talk with her rationally, I go from hearing ‘no make-up sex for you' to the silent treatment." What happens in this type of situation? Each will go to bed angry. Husband and wife won't sleep. And the next day neither will have a clear enough head to talk about the issue. Carl W. Brazil, M.D., Ph.D, a neurologist at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University, says that even losing an hour or two of sleep a night can compromise how a person processes information or uses information to make judgments. When two people marry, and they have their own money-management or-mismanagement styles, they might guard money or debt as if they were holding onto a secret significant other. Experts agree that making a list of what comes in and what goes out, and having a dialogue instead of tossing accusations at each other about spending habits are important for a sound financial foundation. Financial literacy is becoming a new slogan in our economy. The Business Council and the Conference Board Survey of Chief Executives released in February found that more than 85 percent of members see conditions in the U.S. economy as having deteriorated during the past six months, "and 77 percent expect that conditions will worsen in the next six months." The Federal Reserve reported consumer debt topping $2.5 trillion in December, exclusive of mortgages. It is not surprising that the Associated Press said last week that people are saving less and borrowing more from their retirement accounts. Families are understandably worried. Bruce R. Hrovat, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Citizens Financial Group, has this advice: "Save consistently. Be consistent. Just save what you can and keep on saving. It's the time value of money. Eventually it will add up." This article is from column, Money, Marriage, Sex, and Secrets, for The Providence Journal Sunday, March 2, 2008 News of massive layoffs has many families hitting their own depression.   What is MOST IMPORTANT -- kind words not blame, anger, or accusations.  If husband or wife loses a job, they feel badly enough without the other spouse going into a panic.  Difficult and scary.  But it is a time to pull together lovingly. CNN money Copyright 2008 Rita Watson     ]]> 548 2008-11-23 01:08:34 2008-11-23 04:08:34 open open money-management-marriage-sex-and-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234233287 _edit_last 2 title Money management, marriage, sex and secrets TV Creates Unhappiness and Identifying Depression http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=549 Mon, 24 Nov 2008 04:01:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=549 In our society we value happiness.  We want to find happiness and be happy.  But those who watch up to 25 hours a week are reported to be unhappy. Too much TV However, if you think your unhappiness is bordering on depression, here is information from the Mayo Clinic on symptons and treatment. Depression In our elusive search for happiness, I am reminded of the story in a book called Around the Year with Emmet Fox. A  king was searching for the happiest man in the kingdom because he was convinced if he could wear the man's under shirt, the happiness would "rub off" onto him. At last the King's soldiers found the happiness man in the entire-- but the man didn't even own an undershirt. His happiness came from within.  Around-Year-Emmet-Fox-Readings from Amazon.com. Another book to promote harmony and ward off unhappiness is called: A Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 549 2008-11-24 01:01:09 2008-11-24 04:01:09 open open tv-creates-unhappiness-and-identifying-depression publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227513519 _edit_last 2 title TV Creates Unhappiness and Identifying Depression 672 pcotter@projo.com http://fitnessblog.projo.com/ 2008-12-02 11:59:23 2008-12-02 14:59:23 1 0 0 Marriage Loving Marathon, Intimacy, and Kind Words http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=550 Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:01:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=550 While the minister and his wife did not achieve the goal of seven days -- what they did learn was the value of intimacy.   And in reality that was the goal -- to encourage husbands and wives to reunite in a way that put their marriage first.  It is the pastor's belief that a couple's intimate life is a barometer for the marriage and how the family is doing.  CNN Video Intimacy: This BBC piece about intimacy tells us, "It's all too easy to take our relationships for granted and let moments of intimacy between you and your partner fall by the wayside. This exercise, from relationship psychotherapist Paula Hall, can help you bring back the fun and romance." BBC Intimacy. Kind words: Since this is Thanksgiving week in the United States, I will again repeat a post from the other day, "Be kind to everyone whom you meet, because we all carry a heavy burden."   To encourage intimacy, try kind words.  Sometimes that means turning the other cheek, or speaking a word of praise even if you want to scream and shout.  The power of forgiveness is expansive and gratitude reaps rewards. As for 365 nights of passion, here is what I wrote back in June: WebMD now has the story of 365 nights of sex.  There have been at least three books about this, and we covered them all.  It seems that the concept of 365 days of love-making has caught on.  Couples in Charlotte  and Boulder are keeping loving alive and recording their experiences.    So if you are ready to rekindle love in your marriage and want to extend intimacy beyond the seven days,  here is an option:  CBS news from WebMD TO READ THE NEWEST BOOK BY ALISON TYLER: NEVER HAVE THE SAME SEX TWICE Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 550 2008-11-25 03:01:07 2008-11-25 06:01:07 closed closed marriage-loving-marathan-intimacy-and-kind-words publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235404512 _edit_last 2 keywords The minister, sex, seven days, intimacy description Seven days of sex and intimacy title Marriage Loving Marathan, Intimacy, and Kind Words Acts of Kindness, Words of Kindness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=553 Wed, 26 Nov 2008 04:27:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=553 After reading Froma Harrop's column today on giving thanks and expressing gratitude, I begin searching for stories about kindness.   First I came across this from FOX NEWS, " An Indiana Pizza Hut waitress with dreams of college received a much-needed boost in arriving at that goal: a $10,000 tip." She was given the money by a family who appreciated how well she treated them.  It seems that one day they informed her of their plans to move away.  "Osborne asked them to come say goodbye to her before they left town."  To the young lady's surprise, they returned with a check to help her with her college tuition. FOX News I then made a visit to the Acts of Kindness website and found two quotes to live by. from author Henry James:  Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. from Winston Churchill:  We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. To read more about Random Acts of Kindness Acts of Kindness Intimacy and kind words: Since this is Thanksgiving week in the United States, I will again repeat a post from the other day, “Be kind to everyone whom you meet. . . " To encourage intimacy, try kind words.  Sometimes that means turning the other cheek, or speaking a word of praise even if you are angry.  The power of forgiveness is expansive and gratitude reaps rewards. Now let’s get back to the saying, "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."   They come from a philosopher in 400 BC -- attributed to Plato although I heard recently that was a mistaken attribution.  Nonetheless the words continue:
    • Live simply.
    • Love generously.
    • Care deeply.
    • Speak kindly.
    • Leave the rest to God.
    • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .
    • Life is about learning to dance in the rain.
    Here is a piece I wrote sometime ago and it is still one of my favorites:  Words that harm, words that heal   and here is Froma's column: Creators Syndicate Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    553 2008-11-26 01:27:54 2008-11-26 04:27:54 closed closed acts-of-kindness-words-of-kindness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1227876190 _edit_last 2 title Acts of Kindness, Words of Kindness description A waitress at Pizza Hut is going to college because of her kindess to others and the kindness of those who appreciated her. keywords kind words, kind words, kind words
    The Power of Gratitude http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=554 Thu, 27 Nov 2008 03:54:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=554 Word power is based on research regarding "priming" in which a word is introduced into a set of instructions.  The one word introduced often influenced the outcome of a decision.  We have seen how words affect decisions in advertising, the law, and politics.    Now just imagine how a simple word of gratitude can set the stage for a more positive day. Think of a garden.  When a seed is planted -- if it is watered and the earth around it is tended and cared for, the seed will blossom.  If the seed is the word "thank you, it will plant a positive message within your mind. Each person has within themselves the power to transform their day.  If you start each day with an uplifting thought -- and then make a gratitude list of seven "thank-yous, " you can plant images of gratitude that will stay with you throughout the day without you even realizing it. Researchers tells us essentially that if expect  doom, you will find doom. But enough gratitude  -- even for a negative situation -- will turn the situation into something quite wonderful.  The secret is blessing instead of cursing. I have a friend with a mischievous husband.   He got into a property line dispute with a neighbor that landed them in court.  His wife, who taught me that it takes 10 positive statements to cancel out just ONE negative thought, never panicked. Here is her secret.  Instead of saying to her husband, "Why do you ALWAYS have to get into arguments with neighbors?"    She began writing out his positive qualities. Now she didn't really "see" those qualities because she was angry.  But nonetheless, she spent an entire week ignoring the lawsuit and focusing on the positive qualities of her neighbors and her husband. 
    • Thank you for his smile.
    • Thank you for his sense of humor.
    • Thank you for how hard he works. (THAT was a challenge for her because she secretly resented the number of times they had to move because he was not the model employee.)  But she believed that he did work hard. And she had to admit that he had been at the last job a record 7 years.
    Her list went on as she listed 7 to 10 "thank yous." The day before they were to appear in court she went to a school board meeting and she was introduced to an attorney whom she realized represented their neighbors.  Without saying a word about the lawsuit, she simply continued a conversation. They talked for half and hour before he realized that he was going to be facing her in court the next day because of her husband. Later that evening he called his clients and suggested a meeting between the two families and the two attorneys the following morning before the case was heard. They all met. And the lawsuit simply resolved itself -- no insults, no name calling,  no accusations, and no fines. Coincidence?  Perhaps.  But give it a try.  And you might find it helps to keep the CATS at bay.  Criticism, Anger, Temper tantrums, and Sarcasm.  CATS are devastating for relationships. Try the power of a kind word and a bit of gratitude. It's an experiement you can do quietly and tell no one. Yet, others will notice -- they will see in face, and hear it in your voice.   For more about the power of "thank you"  A Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude Happy Thanksgiving/ R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    554 2008-11-27 00:54:36 2008-11-27 03:54:36 closed closed the-power-of-gratitude publish 0 0 post title The Power of Gratitude _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1227839199
    Time Together and Long Distance Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=555 Fri, 28 Nov 2008 03:47:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=555 Long distance stress -- within the same household -- can happen for several reasons.  Working couples.  Different shifts.  Children.   Couples who do not spend enough designed time with each other don't get to read the silences, the unspoken words, the facial expressions -- that are vital to a relationship. Sometimes married couples, or those who are dating put their social calendar ahead of their emotional calendar. Sometimes couples are living in a long distance relationship either forced to do so because of military obligations, or a job. For couples, I am going to wonder on paper: Is working more important than making time to visit each other at least a half hour each night, making the relationship a priority? I think we have learned from day to day stress, that it is important to make time every night or day to have meaningful contact -- not just a phone call a day that says with an annoyed voice:  "When are you coming home -- I'm exhausted with these kids and my work? "   But rather, "When are you coming home, I miss you." Have you learned to read the expressions on the face of someone who cares about you? Learn what it means when someone is biting their lower lip. Understand the downcast eyes. The slump of the shoulders. If they are hurt or in pain, have you figured out a way to snuggle into their heart? Can you “hear” in an email, a phone conversation, or face to face where someone you love is hurting? Ask. Don’t play games. Life is too short. Most of all – make a date whenever you can to be alone. I know of long distance couples who go to a bar on Friday nights – each one alone – and have “Cocktail” hour – even managing to crisscross time zones.  Here is what Jan Denise has to say about "Long and Short Distances." Naked Relationships Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 555 2008-11-28 00:47:43 2008-11-28 03:47:43 closed closed time-together-and-long-distance-love publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1227844063 title Time Together and Long Distance Love description Time together is vital which is why long distance relationships are stressful. BUT even couples in the same house can suffer from long distance stress. keywords long distance, time, stress, love, silent signals A Relationship to Santa, to Our Flag, and to Kindness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=556 Sat, 29 Nov 2008 04:39:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=556 Here is a video from Reuters about a laughing Santa school  -- and an ironworker's reverence for the American flag.  From the Santa ritual to the flag ritual, people are giving. The young people learning to play Santa will give laughter and joy.  The Santas The ironworker setting up the flag will give us a moment to remember patriotism.  Ironworkers' Ritual Sunday will be a review of some of the top stories of the past few weeks.  And a reminder that beginning next week, we will be featuring Women's Voices -- a new series. Kindness -- how you committed a random act of kindness today? Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 556 2008-11-29 01:39:30 2008-11-29 04:39:30 closed closed a-relationship-to-santa-to-our-flag-and-to-kindness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228357155 _edit_last 2 title A Relationship to Santa, to Our Flag, and to Kindness Highlights: Women's Voices, Men's Needs, Money and Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=559 Mon, 01 Dec 2008 04:48:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=559 www.christinagombar.com  will be our featured guest writing about money and friendship. Watch also for some of the surprising answers from men as to what it is they need in a relationship. Here are links to stories that you may have missed: Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, Take Time for Love  (Reaching out to each other) Dr. William Sledge, Yale acting chief of Psychiatry noted that couples either fall into the trap of anger, resentments, regrets, and recriminations or “Some people reach out to each other and actually become more generative and generous, bringing a sense that whatever awful things happen, they will endure with the good that they have.” Love and Friendship from London to Lebanon  Of friendships, Anaïs Nin says: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” Time Together and Long Distance Love Time together is vital which is why long distance relationships are stressful. BUT even couples who live in the same house can suffer long distance stress. Acts of Kindness, Words of Kindness Be kinder than usual to everyone you meet, everyone carries a heavy burden. A Pizza Hut waitress is going to college because of her kindness to others. Marriage Loving Marathon, Intimacy, and Kind Words Remember the books about 365 days of loving? Well it seems that a minister asked married couples to spend every night for seven nights loving. Here is the CNN story follow-up story. More Women Stressing Over Economy, Mothers Affected and a Marriage Note Whether it is because women are often primary caretakers, or more readily admit their feelings, or are simply more aware, a recent survey shows that women are feeling the effects of the economy more so than men. TV Creates Unhappiness and Identifying Depression The results of a new study are in. Watching too much television creates unhappiness. Happy Reading! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 559 2008-12-01 01:48:07 2008-12-01 04:48:07 open open highlights-money-marriage-womens-voices-mens-needs publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228191316 _edit_last 2 What Men Want: Hot Cougars and the Girl Next Door http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=560 Tue, 02 Dec 2008 18:34:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=560 The Today Show for a new clip about younger men and older women and return to one from several years ago.  You all know my thinking on the topic.  Yay, older women, younger men. Men dating or marrying older women say: “Cougars are nuturing.  They are sexy. Cougars trade on their strengths instead of weaknesses. Cougars know that in pleasing us, we will please them.” Men also tell us that “Cougars don’t bad-mouth former husbands and lovers or spill out a sad history of mistreatment. These women are savvy and fun to be with.” To see more about Cougars in the News here is the Real Cougar Lifestyles link from the examiner.com featuring Linda Franklin. Real-Cougar-Lifestyle.  Want to be a Cougar?  This book, now in paperbook, can help. Cougar: A Guide For Older Women Dating Younger Men by Valerie Gibson. And here is a clip from The Today show of two years ago:  Do men what hot mammas or the girl next door? What do men want?  How real is all of this?  Tell you what, I will stop by my favorite Providence pub tonight and get back to you with answers. For the answer to what men want -- short and simple:  They want to be appreciated, respected, and praised.  Hmm.  I think women want the same.  For both sexes -- criticism is definitely a deal breaker. REMINDER! Money and Friendship: Tomorrow a special piece on money and friendship by prize-winning Rhode Island author Christina Gombar -- www. christinagombar.com  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 560 2008-12-02 15:34:14 2008-12-02 18:34:14 open open what-men-want-hot-cougars-and-the-girl-next-door publish 0 0 post keywords Cougars, men, dating, TODAY Show feature, _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1228242873 description Do men want hot mammas, the girl next door, or Cougars, that is, an older woman dating a younger man? title What Men Want: Hot Cougars and the Girl Next Door Expiration Dates, a Story of Friendship and Money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=561 Wed, 03 Dec 2008 03:45:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=561

    Welcome to Women's Voices -- a special post that will appear from time to time.  Christina Gombar, prize-winning author, is the inspiration. When I read "Expiration Dates" I was struck by its immediacy in a world in which the economy is creating havoc with singles, with couples, with families, with relationships.  The blessing and pain of friendship is both joy and vulnerability.  When our friends laugh, we laugh.  When they cry, we cry.  Sometimes a friend is a mirror of ourselves.  And sometimes friendships ebb and flow, like the tides.  Christina's story is a poignant reminder that in a perfect world friendships reflect a quote often attributed to Aristotle: "A true friend is one soul in two bodies."  But ours is not a perfect world, is it? /RW

    Expiration Dates: A Short Story of Friendship and Money By Christina Gombar 

    Part One:  The Wedding

    When my best friend Julie told me she was splitting with her husband, it didn’t come as a complete surprise.  She’d sounded uncharacteristically tense when we talked on the phone over the past few months. We hadn’t had an in-person heart to heart since the winter before, when on her 41st birthday, she talked in desperate tones about facing the future with her husband, Dave. 

    Since then she had stopped complaining about her husband, hardly mentioned him at all. Our telephone conversations skittered over the surface of things – updates of her hectic job and crowded commuting days, contrasting with self-deprecating anecdotes drawn from my less eventful life – which went from a corporate whirlwind to a first-time suburban housewife – thanks to a relapse of a chronic illness about which I am often in denial. Nonetheless, courtesy of my company’s short-term disability insurance, I felt a mixture of childlike glee and adult guilt at my first laid back summer in decades.

    With the anticipation of a child going on a favorite play date, I awaited seeing Julie in person for the first time in months.  When I flung open the door to embrace her, I standing before me was a woman with a pinched, tormented face.  Her emaciated frame said it all before she delivered her news. It was painful to see her lovely, happy-go-lucky self suppressed; I was glad she was exiting a torturous situation.

    She told me of her plans to divorce just before we sat down to watch a dance recital held in the Riverside Cathedral, whose majestic grey stone silhouette dominates the western shore of the upper west side of Manhattan. Four springs before, Julie and Dave were married just a few blocks east, in another great Cathedral, on a small budget but in great peripheral splendor, in one of the chapels of St. John the Divine. 

    Four years before, I had shopped with Julie at Laura Ashley for her wedding dress, observed her arrange the entire event elegantly but cheaply -- negotiating with chaplains and cajoling florists and caterers to offer their services as wedding gifts. I’d seen her research, book, and single-handedly pay for the honeymoon.  

    The misty weather that day suited a ceremony in the dark cathedral. Outside, the spring foliage was bright green and new, the trees just bursting into flower.  She’d instructed the minister that Children and the Will of God be mentioned during the service. To honor her husband’s Scottish heritage, bagpipers played Amazing Grace at the exit, and the sounds moistened our eyes. As if on cue, one of the peacocks that prance around the rectory burst into plumage: a good omen. 

    But four years later, as I look back, I see it was a false omen.

    At the reception, as dry ice clouded the stage, eastern flutes piped over the soundtrack, and the dance performance began. The dance’s theme centered on the ancient Greek legend of the Minotaur -- the half-human, half-bull god who, the program notes explained, “represents the collective dark roots of humanity that have been denied, repressed and locked away.” 

    It was a bit too obvious an analogy to the realities of marriage Julie and I both knew too well -- realities white-washed by images of happily ever after, Baby Gap and Range Rovers. We both knew what it was like to feel, within the framework of marriage, like the Minotaur, his dual nature a shame to be hidden by the ruling gods.

    Julie and I didn’t have to talk much about the problems that killed her marriage, or the ones mine barely survived. We’d dissected them endlessly over the course of our eight year friendship, analyzing the challenge of asserting our feminist selves within the framework of marriage, deconstructing each power struggle in detail, all the while looking forward to the happy resolution when career, husband, home and child fell into place.

    After the performance I drove us up to the suburbs where we now lived, and bought my friend dinner. The end of a marriage called for a solemn observance of its own. (End of Part One)

    Copyright 2008 Christina Gombar  www.christinagombar.com 

    from Christina: My work is internationally anthologized alongside Toni Morrison, Naomi Klein, Barbara Kingsolver and Arundhati Roy. My commentary on women's issues has appeared in The London Review of Books, The New York Times, Working Woman, Scholastic and The Providence Journal. I've authored a book, Great Women Writers, 1900-1950, and been a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow. My creative work has won numerous awards, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I hold an M.A. in Creative Writing and English from the City University of New York. I live in Saunderstown, RI with my husband, Peter Leviten. Expiration Dates, a Story of Friendship and Money in Three Parts
    • Wednesday is Part One: The Wedding
    • Thursday is Part Two: The Faded Green Dress
    • Friday is Part Three: Faded Memory

    Blog post Rita Watson, 2008

    561 2008-12-03 00:45:26 2008-12-03 03:45:26 open open expiration-dates-a-story-of-friendship-and-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228535276 _edit_last 2 keywords friendship, money, Christina Gombar, divorce, endings description Welcome to Women\'s Voices a special section that appears from time to time. Christina Gombar, prize-winning author, is the inspiration. title Expiration Dates, a Story of Friendship and Money 677 marguaritawatson@yahoo.com http:// 2008-12-03 19:59:04 2008-12-03 22:59:04 1 0 20 678 loisardito@avenue3re.com 2008-12-03 20:51:46 2008-12-03 23:51:46 1 0 0 679 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-03 21:40:25 2008-12-04 00:40:25 1 0 0 675 amysuenathan@gmail.com http://amysuenathan.com 2008-12-03 16:25:15 2008-12-03 19:25:15 1 0 0 682 Becky@thatchermurcia.com http://www.thatchermurcia.com 2008-12-04 10:05:53 2008-12-04 13:05:53 1 0 0
    Expiration Dates: Money, Memories and Friendship http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=562 Thu, 04 Dec 2008 05:20:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=562 The economic forcast is bleak.  Families and friendships are strained.  For the full picture from Wall Street to Your Street -- here is a link to Retuers coverage. BUT PLEASE, read Part Two of Expiration Dates to appreciate the full impact of money and friendship.  Credit crisis When you look at Christina Gombar's website you will notice a Wall Street sign -- it was there that she says she was fired for wearing a pink dress. The sad aspect of this story is looking at Julie from the outside.  Today's National Center for Health Statistics says that one in 20 people in the United States are depressed during any given two week period.  Friendships keep us whole.  And in this story from BBC you will see that friends help us live longer. Friendships  Julie in this story had a friend who was a jewel.  Expiration Dates: A Story of Friendship and Money Part Two: The Faded Green Dress  “You know,” I confessed over our Cobb salads, “when I was cleaning out my closet, I thought of throwing out the dress I wore to your wedding.”  It was a cheap, pale green catalogue dress from my days as a freelancer, when I watched every penny while saving the down-payment that finally liberated us from our suffocating New York apartment. “That was the only time I wore it,” I said. “I was only holding onto it for sentimental reasons. I guess it’s O.K. to throw it out now.”  She agreed. There was another reason I wanted to toss faded green dress -- it signified bad times and I was ready to embrace a new future. I was enviably thin in those pictures at Julie’s wedding. I smiled, but my eyes belied deep distress.  If anyone had asked me then if I thought my marriage would make it, I couldn’t have answered.  At the time Julie married, I had just found my husband out in a betrayal. He’d run up debts that nearly canceled out all the money I’d been scrupulously saving and investing for house, baby, and our future.  His betrayal of trust wiped out years of dreams. Somehow, putting that pale green dress in the bag for Good Will, gave me a new sense of purpose. I wanted to believe that I could put an end to the hurt that I experienced during those four years between Julie’s wedding and her divorce dinner.  I watched her eyes and wondered if people would see pain in my own if I chose to end my marriage rather than stick it out?   My husband and I managed to get out of debt and heal the emotional wounds, but overwhelmed by the strain of working full time while battling my illness, I lost my health and any hopes for a normal life.    Perhaps learning from my example, Julie chose another route, refusing to take a financial hit for a man. Since she and Dave had moved in together six years before, she’d switched jobs several times, doubling her salary to afford the modest home they’d purchased in their third year of marriage.  Dave, on the other hand, was in the same job, earning the same money, so they could barely afford their new mortgage payments. Despite her constant encouragements, which degenerated into nagfests, Dave did not jump-start his career, see a therapist, get tested for a range of physical maladies, lift a finger around the house bought with only Julie’s money, learn to balance the checkbook, shop or cook, or get a car so Julie wouldn’t have to drive him everywhere, as if he were the teenage son she never had. Julie tired of screaming. As she explained over our salads, she was basically a happy, peaceful, loving person. Under the current circumstances, she could no longer act kindly towards her husband. “I just see myself as an embittered old hag at 50. I want to get out while I’m still young enough to meet someone else.”  But I was worried about how she would manage. Under my fiscal guidelines, she and Dave could barely afford to run a house together. She claimed she could do it on her own, for at least a month or so. Then she’d get a roommate.  Two weeks after our divorce dinner, Dave was still in the house. He couldn’t find a place he could afford. Julie dropped hints; I offered a loan to hasten his departure. I’d lent her money before, for her down payment, and she’d paid it back in full and in a timely fashion.      “All relationships have expiration dates,” she announced philosophically at our next lunch. “You’re getting a roommate soon, right?” I said, handing her the check. But month after month went by, and no roommate, and no loan repayment. I knew she needed time on her own, without the additional stress of sharing her home with a stranger. But I couldn’t help noticing she had money for new clothes to cheer herself up, for entertaining her young co-workers from the city, for buying wedding gifts for people she hardly knew. (End of Part Two) Copyright 2008 Christina Gombar  www.christinagombar.com  from Christina: My work is internationally anthologized alongside Toni Morrison, Naomi Klein, Barbara Kingsolver and Arundhati Roy. My commentary on women’s issues has appeared in The London Review of Books, The New York Times, Working Woman, Scholastic and The Providence Journal. I’ve authored a book, Great Women Writers, 1900-1950, and been a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow. My creative work has won numerous awards, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I hold an M.A. in Creative Writing and English from the City University of New York. I live in Saunderstown, RI with my husband, Peter Leviten. Expiration Dates, a Story of Friendship and Money in Three Parts
    • Wednesday is Part One: The Wedding
    • Thursday is Part Two: The Faded Green Dress
    • Friday is Part Three: Faded Memory

    Blog post Rita Watson, 2008

    562 2008-12-04 02:20:49 2008-12-04 05:20:49 open open expiration-dates-money-memories-and-friendship publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1228535410 title Expiration Dates: Money, Memories and Friendship description Within today\'s world, the economic crisis is stressing single people, couples, and families. keywords Expiration Dates, Money, Memories, Friendship, Marriage, Divorce 686 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-04 20:03:42 2008-12-04 23:03:42 1 0 0
    Expiration Dates: Money, Friendship, and Infidelity http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=563 Fri, 05 Dec 2008 04:01:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=563 The most dramatic way to stop divorce is with a change of attitude.   For couples with failing marriages, perhaps ask yourself if you are willing to suffer through the emotional and financial strain of separation. I know it may be hard to hear this especially after I had a long talk with a mother last night who was watching her son and daughter-in-law go through such pain and sadness with their 10 year old.  But think about this.  Are you willing to accept this challenge? Save that Marriage  And if our own marriage cannot be saved, don't we owe it to our sisters to have enough integrity to stay out of their marriage?  We keep hearing and reading about infidelity -- the truth is that husbands cheat and wives cheat.  But somewhere along the line, we need to look at ourselves in the mirror and put our heads on a pillow.  Husband Snatchers aka the Male Poachers .    Christina's story takes an unexpected turn.  Money, integrity, and divorce tests friendship. / RW Part Three: Expiration Dates: The Faded Memory My best friend Julie was now divorced.  We had our ceremonial dinner together.  I gave away the green dress that I wore to her wedding.  I loaned her the money to start life anew. Julie grew more angry and distressed at the strain of the mortgage, taxes, and unanticipated household repairs. I dropped hints: “You could rent out your house and get a nice one bedroom and pocket the change," I said. "You could refinance. You could use a roommate service and screen candidates.  You could place an ad."  Julie vetoed all suggestions.  She was not going to move, and she was not going to get someone in off the street. Candidates referred through friends proved unacceptable: “I don’t want someone else’s – stuff – all over my house,” she spat.          Every time I talked to Julie things were worse. She descended into panicked thinking.  Instead of paying $75 to have someone look at her broken dryer, she hauled wet clothes to a Laundromat for months. Why didn’t she get her new boyfriend (a handyman) to look at the malfunctioning appliance?  She didn’t want to be “dependent.”  My husband invited her to my 40th birthday luncheon. I should have told him not to, because it was held at a gaudy, overpriced restaurant, attended by prosperous people whose ostentatious materialism, I knew, she would loathe. My best Wall Street-era girlfriend boasted of having just bought two mink coats. Noting the acid downward curve of Julie’s mouth, I thought, I ought to have told her not to come.  She hated these people, and she was starting to hate me, with my marital compromises, stay-at-home life, my new blond highlights.   About six months after Julie sent Dave away, she began to talk about her neighbor’s husband. “Don’t waste your time,” I told her, “flirting with married men.” This wasn’t what I expected when I handed her a check to help speed up her divorce. More than half a year passed without a dollar repaid. My husband and I had money stresses of our own by then, and I had to come out and ask for my loan back. Julie had just spent a weekend with millionaire friends.  As I’d been talking about our own unexpectedly huge tax bill, I assumed she’d got the hint and arranged her visit to relieve me. I was wrong.  Julie was livid.  “Look,” I said in my defense. “You’ve had a boyfriend for six months. Why can’t you ask him for a loan, or to move in and help with the bills?” Julie hung up on me, furious.  Within a month, I got a check for the full amount of my loan in the mail. We had no contact for a year. I finally called and learned that her handyman boyfriend was long gone, and her ex-neighbor’s husband was living with her, and that he, too was divorcing. Sounding upbeat, but hardened, Julie dismissed my good wishes for her new relationship; she had no interest in marrying this man. He paid his share and did things around the house. His ex was awful, took the kids back to Maine.  She would make use of him till the expiration date ran out. Hanging up, I thought back to Julie’s wedding -- the white dress, the lilies, the dark cathedral, the hopeful, holy words, the peacock bursting into full plume. I thought of the dance performance the night she announced her divorce. I suppose I often see myself in marriage, indeed, in any relationship, as the Minotaur – stumbling along, half an awkward hybrid body, struggling to reconcile the ugly with the sublime. I easily forgave Julie her bad temper and outbursts at the time of her divorce, but could not forgive the home wrecking, nor could she forgive my judging her dark side. Naively, I’d thought our friendship would outlast our marriages; I thought it would flourish forever. But like the peacock’s fan, its glory was short-lived. I thought of her declaration: “All relationships have expiration dates.” Ours, apparently, had run out. 

    Copyright 2008 Christina Gombar  www.christinagombar.com 

    from Christina: My work is internationally anthologized alongside Toni Morrison, Naomi Klein, Barbara Kingsolver and Arundhati Roy. My commentary on women’s issues has appeared in The London Review of Books, The New York Times, Working Woman, Scholastic and The Providence Journal. I’ve authored a book, Great Women Writers, 1900-1950, and been a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow. My creative work has won numerous awards, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I hold an M.A. in Creative Writing and English from the City University of New York. I live in Saunderstown, RI with my husband, Peter Leviten. Expiration Dates, a Story of Friendship and Money was presented in Three Parts
    • Wednesday - Part One: The Wedding
    • Thursday - Part Two: The Faded Green Dress
    • Friday - Part Three: Faded Memory

    Blog post Copyright Rita Watson, 2008

    563 2008-12-05 01:01:52 2008-12-05 04:01:52 open open expiration-dates-money-friendship-and-infidelity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228535490 _edit_last 2 699 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-05 21:01:13 2008-12-06 00:01:13 1 0 0
    from TPM to Gay Agenda to Decisions http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=564 Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:19:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=564 First off, I was surprised and pleased to see this blog on Lexis-Nexis. Then I was reminded again in two posts that I wrote  - of the need for commitment and forgiveness -- that appeared in the following two sites: Rabbi Shmuley.com -- from Talking Points Memo Talkin Points Memo.com and Gay Agenda.com. And I am adding a link to a post I wrote some time ago because the immigration issue which is so often in the news today.  Gay Couples: for Binationals, Legal Limbo or Long Distance The blogger site reminded me that I often write about decision-making. Here are some links -- use this to see which stories you wish to read and then put in key words since they all link back to the blog rather than specific posts.  However, beginning next week I will be writing more about decision-making and coping skills in this stressful time.  Decision skills  You might also want to take a look at the Providence Journal tomorrow morning, the editorial pages.  I have a column about Happiness, pills, and coping skills. And since I am linking today -- here my Serenity-Journal at Amazon.com. I heard an incredible lecture on Thursday about the Billion Dollar Bailout.  The picture wasn't pretty -- and his message was surprising "Tough Love."  Will report on this on this on Sunday. Also on Sunday, watch for the entire story called Expiration Dates by Christina Gombar which ran over the past three days. Happy Week-end. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 564 2008-12-06 02:19:02 2008-12-06 05:19:02 open open from-rabbi-shumuley-to-gay-agenda-to-decisions publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1228573459 Expiration Dates: A Story of Friendship and Money (Parts 1 -3) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=565 Sun, 07 Dec 2008 05:29:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=565 The Billion Dollar Bailouts: International Recovery or Global Boondoggles?  and his tough love talk reminded me of our story: Expiration Dates.  The talk was given by Richard M. Ebeling, PhD, of the American Economic Institute for Research  (The Real Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Triumph of Capitalism over Collectivism ) and the Visiting Professor of Economics at Trinity College.  What struck me was his many references to "Tough Love." Sometimes people need to lose it all before they appreciate what they have.  Sometimes parents need to be tough with children to show them their love.  Dr. Ebeling pointed out that cannot keep bailing out a child if one wishes to teach the child responsibility. In our story -- presented here in its entirety -- when Julie was confronted regarding the money she borrowed, she took a less than responsible route in terms of attitude and appreciation.  Perhaps the moral of the story is something we learned from Shakespeare's Hamlet, so many centuries ago when Polonius said: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." But what is striking in this story is the tragedy of divorce.  It seems that in her shock and frenzy, Julie lost her sense of self.  However, maybe in the divorce, her real self emerged.  Let's hope not./  RW Expiration Dates: A Short Story of Friendship and Money By Christina Gombar 

    The Wedding

    When my best friend Julie told me she was splitting with her husband, it didn’t come as a complete surprise.  She’d sounded uncharacteristically tense when we talked on the phone over the past few months. We hadn’t had an in-person heart to heart since the winter before, when on her 41st birthday, she talked in desperate tones about facing the future with her husband, Dave. 

    Since then she had stopped complaining about her husband, hardly mentioned him at all. Our telephone conversations skittered over the surface of things – updates of her hectic job and crowded commuting days, contrasting with self-deprecating anecdotes drawn from my less eventful life – which went from a corporate whirlwind to a first-time suburban housewife – thanks to a relapse of a chronic illness about which I am often in denial. Nonetheless, courtesy of my company’s short-term disability insurance, I felt a mixture of childlike glee and adult guilt at my first laid back summer in decades.

    With the anticipation of a child going on a favorite play date, I awaited seeing Julie in person for the first time in months.  When I flung open the door to embrace her, I standing before me was a woman with a pinched, tormented face.  Her emaciated frame said it all before she delivered her news. It was painful to see her lovely, happy-go-lucky self suppressed; I was glad she was exiting a torturous situation.

    She told me of her plans to divorce just before we sat down to watch a dance recital held in the Riverside Cathedral, whose majestic grey stone silhouette dominates the western shore of the upper west side of Manhattan. Four springs before, Julie and Dave were married just a few blocks east, in another great Cathedral, on a small budget but in great peripheral splendor, in one of the chapels of St. John the Divine. 

    Four years before, I had shopped with Julie at Laura Ashley for her wedding dress, observed her arrange the entire event elegantly but cheaply -- negotiating with chaplains and cajoling florists and caterers to offer their services as wedding gifts. I’d seen her research, book, and single-handedly pay for the honeymoon.  

    The misty weather that day suited a ceremony in the dark cathedral. Outside, the spring foliage was bright green and new, the trees just bursting into flower.  She’d instructed the minister that Children and the Will of God be mentioned during the service. To honor her husband’s Scottish heritage, bagpipers played Amazing Grace at the exit, and the sounds moistened our eyes. As if on cue, one of the peacocks that prance around the rectory burst into plumage: a good omen. 

    But four years later, as I look back, I see it was a false omen.

    At the reception, as dry ice clouded the stage, eastern flutes piped over the soundtrack, and the dance performance began. The dance’s theme centered on the ancient Greek legend of the Minotaur -- the half-human, half-bull god who, the program notes explained, “represents the collective dark roots of humanity that have been denied, repressed and locked away.” 

    It was a bit too obvious an analogy to the realities of marriage Julie and I both knew too well -- realities white-washed by images of happily ever after, Baby Gap and Range Rovers. We both knew what it was like to feel, within the framework of marriage, like the Minotaur, his dual nature a shame to be hidden by the ruling gods.

    Julie and I didn’t have to talk much about the problems that killed her marriage, or the ones mine barely survived. We’d dissected them endlessly over the course of our eight year friendship, analyzing the challenge of asserting our feminist selves within the framework of marriage, deconstructing each power struggle in detail, all the while looking forward to the happy resolution when career, husband, home and child fell into place.

    After the performance I drove us up to the suburbs where we now lived, and bought my friend dinner. The end of a marriage called for a solemn observance of its own. (End of Part One)

    The Faded Green Dress

     “You know,” I confessed over our Cobb salads, “when I was cleaning out my closet, I thought of throwing out the dress I wore to your wedding.”  It was a cheap, pale green catalogue dress from my days as a freelancer, when I watched every penny while saving the down-payment that finally liberated us from our suffocating New York apartment. “That was the only time I wore it,” I said. “I was only holding onto it for sentimental reasons. I guess it’s O.K. to throw it out now.”  She agreed. There was another reason I wanted to toss faded green dress -- it signified bad times and I was ready to embrace a new future. I was enviably thin in those pictures at Julie’s wedding. I smiled, but my eyes belied deep distress.  If anyone had asked me then if I thought my marriage would make it, I couldn’t have answered.  At the time Julie married, I had just found my husband out in a betrayal. He’d run up debts that nearly canceled out all the money I’d been scrupulously saving and investing for house, baby, and our future.  His betrayal of trust wiped out years of dreams. Somehow, putting that pale green dress in the bag for Good Will, gave me a new sense of purpose. I wanted to believe that I could put an end to the hurt that I experienced during those four years between Julie’s wedding and her divorce dinner.  I watched her eyes and wondered if people would see pain in my own if I chose to end my marriage rather than stick it out?   My husband and I managed to get out of debt and heal the emotional wounds, but overwhelmed by the strain of working full time while battling my illness, I lost my health and any hopes for a normal life.    Perhaps learning from my example, Julie chose another route, refusing to take a financial hit for a man. Since she and Dave had moved in together six years before, she’d switched jobs several times, doubling her salary to afford the modest home they’d purchased in their third year of marriage.  Dave, on the other hand, was in the same job, earning the same money, so they could barely afford their new mortgage payments. Despite her constant encouragements, which degenerated into nagfests, Dave did not jump-start his career, see a therapist, get tested for a range of physical maladies, lift a finger around the house bought with only Julie’s money, learn to balance the checkbook, shop or cook, or get a car so Julie wouldn’t have to drive him everywhere, as if he were the teenage son she never had. Julie tired of screaming. As she explained over our salads, she was basically a happy, peaceful, loving person. Under the current circumstances, she could no longer act kindly towards her husband. “I just see myself as an embittered old hag at 50. I want to get out while I’m still young enough to meet someone else.”  But I was worried about how she would manage. Under my fiscal guidelines, she and Dave could barely afford to run a house together. She claimed she could do it on her own, for at least a month or so. Then she’d get a roommate.  Two weeks after our divorce dinner, Dave was still in the house. He couldn’t find a place he could afford. Julie dropped hints; I offered a loan to hasten his departure. I’d lent her money before, for her down payment, and she’d paid it back in full and in a timely fashion.      “All relationships have expiration dates,” she announced philosophically at our next lunch. “You’re getting a roommate soon, right?” I said, handing her the check. But month after month went by, and no roommate, and no loan repayment. I knew she needed time on her own, without the additional stress of sharing her home with a stranger. But I couldn’t help noticing she had money for new clothes to cheer herself up, for entertaining her young co-workers from the city, for buying wedding gifts for people she hardly knew. The Faded Memory Julie grew more angry and distressed at the strain of the mortgage, taxes, and unanticipated household repairs. I dropped hints: “You could rent out your house and get a nice one bedroom and pocket the change," I said. "You could refinance. You could use a roommate service and screen candidates.  You could place an ad."  Julie vetoed all suggestions.  She was not going to move, and she was not going to get someone in off the street. Candidates referred through friends proved unacceptable: “I don’t want someone else’s – stuff – all over my house,” she spat.          Every time I talked to Julie things were worse. She descended into panicked thinking.  Instead of paying $75 to have someone look at her broken dryer, she hauled wet clothes to a Laundromat for months. Why didn’t she get her new boyfriend (a handyman) to look at the malfunctioning appliance?  She didn’t want to be “dependent.”  My husband invited her to my 40th birthday luncheon. I should have told him not to, because it was held at a gaudy, overpriced restaurant, attended by prosperous people whose ostentatious materialism, I knew, she would loathe. My best Wall Street-era girlfriend boasted of having just bought two mink coats. Noting the acid downward curve of Julie’s mouth, I thought, I ought to have told her not to come.  She hated these people, and she was starting to hate me, with my marital compromises, stay-at-home life, my new blond highlights.   About six months after Julie sent Dave away, she began to talk about her neighbor’s husband. “Don’t waste your time,” I told her, “flirting with married men.” This wasn’t what I expected when I handed her a check to help speed up her divorce. More than half a year passed without a dollar repaid. My husband and I had money stresses of our own by then, and I had to come out and ask for my loan back. Julie had just spent a weekend with millionaire friends.  As I’d been talking about our own unexpectedly huge tax bill, I assumed she’d got the hint and arranged her visit to relieve me. I was wrong.  Julie was livid.  “Look,” I said in my defense. “You’ve had a boyfriend for six months. Why can’t you ask him for a loan, or to move in and help with the bills?” Julie hung up on me, furious.  Within a month, I got a check for the full amount of my loan in the mail. We had no contact for a year. I finally called and learned that her handyman boyfriend was long gone, and her ex-neighbor’s husband was living with her, and that he, too was divorcing. Sounding upbeat, but hardened, Julie dismissed my good wishes for her new relationship; she had no interest in marrying this man. He paid his share and did things around the house. His ex was awful, took the kids back to Maine.  She would make use of him till the expiration date ran out. Hanging up, I thought back to Julie’s wedding -- the white dress, the lilies, the dark cathedral, the hopeful, holy words, the peacock bursting into full plume. I thought of the dance performance the night she announced her divorce. I suppose I often see myself in marriage, indeed, in any relationship, as the Minotaur – stumbling along, half an awkward hybrid body, struggling to reconcile the ugly with the sublime. I easily forgave Julie her bad temper and outbursts at the time of her divorce, but could not forgive the home wrecking, nor could she forgive my judging her dark side. Naively, I’d thought our friendship would outlast our marriages; I thought it would flourish forever. But like the peacock’s fan, its glory was short-lived. I thought of her declaration: “All relationships have expiration dates.” Ours, apparently, had run out. 

    Copyright 2008 Christina Gombar  www.christinagombar.com 

    from Christina: My work is internationally anthologized alongside Toni Morrison, Naomi Klein, Barbara Kingsolver and Arundhati Roy. My commentary on women’s issues has appeared in The London Review of Books, The New York Times, Working Woman, Scholastic and The Providence Journal. I’ve authored a book, Great Women Writers, 1900-1950, and been a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow. My creative work has won numerous awards, and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I hold an M.A. in Creative Writing and English from the City University of New York. I live in Saunderstown, RI with my husband, Peter Leviten.

    Blog post Copyright Rita Watson, 2008

    565 2008-12-07 02:29:25 2008-12-07 05:29:25 open open expiration-dates-a-story-of-friendship-and-money-parts-1-3 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228538236 _edit_last 2 711 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-07 21:35:10 2008-12-08 00:35:10 1 0 0
    Catching Happiness and Grandparents Love Secrets http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=570 Mon, 08 Dec 2008 04:32:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=570 This week I will be posting my Providence Journal article from today that also is featured on the World News Network -- called Seeking Happiness:  You need non-pill coping skills too! And in this season of Holiday struggles here is some good news from CNN -- Happiness is contagious in the social network.  The article has the following highlights.
    • Happiness spreads more reliably than unhappiness in a network
    • You are 15 percent more likely to be happy if your direct connection is happy
    • People who smile on Facebook are generally friends with other smilers
    Here is the full story. Catching Happiness To be happy as couples -- take a page from the  AARP -- yes a site for seniors that is offering some wisdom for today's lovers and retirees. Happy Spouses If you are looking for love -- take a chance on finding happiness by:
    • Letting go of worn out friendships and relationships. 
    • Breaking away from old patterns that hinder your happiness such falling in love with the unavailable.
    • Laughing at yourself and accepting who you are.
    • Forgetting the notion of "the one and only."
    • Rethink your ideas and find someone whom you can respect. 
    • Re-read the blog post -- First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love
    What will love sound like?   Not a crackling fire.  An old saying goes something like this:  Starts hot, burns out fast.  Starts slow, lasts long.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    570 2008-12-08 01:32:12 2008-12-08 04:32:12 open open catching-happiness-and-grandparents-love-secrets publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228710740 title Catching Happiness and Grandparents Love Secrets description My great-grandmother had a young lover when she died at 104. The hot blogs are abuzz with grandparents love stories and new about \"happiness contagion.\" _edit_last 2
    Expiration Date Comments and Divorce Rate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=572 Tue, 09 Dec 2008 05:53:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=572 An Opinionated Reader's email I loved Christina's story. It hit close to home in a way.  When I was much younger, I lent my girlfriend $5,000 to help her with a down payment on a condo.  I never saw that money again and it ruined the friendship for me.  I should have followed the advice of my parents and Shakespeare’s Polonius about being neither a borrower nor a lender.  But, I decided on a corollary after that experience--"Be a Giver."  If I had given the money as a gift, we might still be friends.  The price of our friendship was a measly $5,000. She later added: Today, however, that seems like a lot of money.  When I loaned the money I was working and earning a big salary. Other reader comments: Amy Nathan on December 3rd, 2008 at 4:25 pm #    We begin different chapters of our lives with such fervor, belief and hope. We often come to the end of those chapters resigned, sometimes beaten. But we are always wiser. I look forward to more. marguarita on December 3rd, 2008 at 7:59 pm #   I read this with some sadness. “She stopped talking about her husband.” For all those wishing for a second marriage, there is something bittersweet about the words. I like the idea of Women’s Voices and a short story! Lois on December 3rd, 2008 at 8:51 pm #    Interesting to read this perspective on this site. I love the idea of Women’s Voices, it gives us a “face” to put to some of Rita’s comments regarding today’s relationships. Really nice, the two really compliment each other in my opinion. Milli on December 3rd, 2008 at 9:40 pm #   Yes! To Christina Gombar. And to Rita, for introducing her to us. I was deeply drawn into and moved by this “chapter” and look forward to what I hope will, ultimately, be the resolve, in Faded Memory. -- on December 4th, 2008 at 8:03 pm #  Yikes! This is sad. People do weird things, while in the throughs of grief. I’m hoping Julie snaps out of it. -- on December 5th, 2008 at 9:01 pm #  Wow! In the words of Joan Baez: we both know what memories can bring…they bring Diamonds and Rust. -- on December 7th, 2008 at 9:35 pm #  To tell you the truth; I haven’t given up on Julie. And I hope Christina hasn’t either. True. SOME relationships have “Expiration Dates.” But those worth their salt, as it were, will keep surprising you! I think it has something to do with becoming grownups! Becky on December 4th, 2008 at 10:05 am #   This was beautiful, as usual with your work Christina. It reminds me that sometimes people are so relieved to get a divorce that they forget what a tragedy it is. A friend is getting a divorce and every time I go to the family’s old house, where our sons spent so many happy hours playing, I feel as though some kind of funeral service is in order. Just what is the current marriage and divorce rate?
    •  Number of marriages: 2,230,000
    •  Marriage rate: 7.5 per 1,000 total population
    •  Divorce rate: 3.6 per 1,000 population (46 reporting States and D.C.)
    What I wonder most often is whether or not the words, “for better or worse, until death do us part” will become obsolete? With recent statistics from 13 countries showing that marriage is down while living together is up - and monogamy being challenged by polyamory - there is cause for concern. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    572 2008-12-09 02:53:36 2008-12-09 05:53:36 open open expiration-date-comments-and-divorce-rate publish 0 0 post title Expiration Date Comments and Divorce Rates _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1228794880 description Her words prompted me to post all of the comments from \"Expiration Dates\" and add a word or two about divorce statistics and the future of marriage.
    Call in Gay Day, Immigration Separation, Alan Weds Denny http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=574 Wed, 10 Dec 2008 04:01:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=574 Marriage and Immigration: Two issues affect gay couples – marriage and immigration. Regarding today's protest and marriage, a CBS report said, “ Join The Impact, the online community that launched protests last month over the passage of gay marriage bans in California, Florida and Arizona, has urged people to withdraw $80 from their bank accounts Wednesday to demonstrate gays' spending power, and to devote the time they might otherwise spend watching TV or surfing the Internet to volunteer work. . . The two websites supporting this protest include:  Day Without a Gay   and also  Join the Impact The CBS article pointed out that “Witeck-Combs Communications, a public relations firm in Washington that specializes in the gay and lesbian market, published a study this year that estimated that gay and lesbian consumers spend $700 billion annually."  CBS NEWS The immigration problem: I have written about this problem before – how Immigration Divides Families – both gay and straight. This piece in the Denver Post talks of the painful choices gay couples face. Denver Post  The Latino community in Georgia: In March of 2006 in Atlanta,  “Immigrant communities encouraged a work stoppage to protest a bill passed by the Georgia House yesterday that allows sweeping changes to the state's immigration policies. Some estimate that as many as 800,000 would take part in the protest. The bill, which must still be approved by the state Senate before going to Governor Perdue, would deny state services to adults living in the U.S. illegally and impose a five percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegals.   Galeo As it happens Gov. Sonny Perdue signed the much-debated bill targeting illegal immigrants and their employers, less than three weeks after the GOP-controlled Georgia General Assembly sent the measure to his desk. Washington.bizjournals Here is a link to an earlier column that I wrote: Gay Couples: for Binationals, Legal Limbo or Long Distance What happens when bi-national gay couples find that a US visa runs out on their partners?  What’s happening with immigration?  Some couples simply leave the US and take up residency in the country of their partner.  But for those without a firm financial backing, when a VISA runs out it can mean a painful separation. According to Mary Milliken in a story yesterday for Reuters.com, ” Gay rights activists estimate that 40,000 binational gay and lesbian couples in the United States are caught in the same legal limbo. A solution, they say, is years away.”  To read more, please go to the above link. Boston Legal -- Alan Shore and Denny Crane WERE MARRIED!  Okay, most of you know that I do not own a TV and so I either see this show in the Lounge here where I live or on re-runs from ABC.com video gallery. Tonight I caught the last two episodes -- and yes, Alan Shore and Denny Crane were married in a joint ceremony with Shirley and Carl. And since this blog of mine is in desparate need of technical help, I cannot even play -- Goin' to the Chapel.  So  just try to hear the music, hum the words, clap your hands, and sway to the music. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 574 2008-12-10 01:01:54 2008-12-10 04:01:54 open open day-without-a-gay-and-immigration-separation publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1228882860 _edit_last 2 title Day Without a Gay and Immigration Separation 726 do.56@hotmail.com 2008-12-10 19:44:36 2008-12-10 22:44:36 1 0 0 725 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-10 18:36:30 2008-12-10 21:36:30 1 0 0 Boston Legal, The Last Laugh, and Negotiating Skills http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=575 Thu, 11 Dec 2008 04:05:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=575 Boston Legal, read the article, but skip the link. For me, I will truly miss Alan and Denny smoking their cigars and drinking their scotch on the balcony of old Boston neighborhood. People often look at me and say, "What's wrong with you that you don't have a television?"  And "Why Boston Legal?"   I think that I share the thoughts of many folks addicted to a show that is witty, wild, and about the law.  Fascination for negotiating skills and the art of persuasion. Ever since I can remember I had a crush on Perry Mason -- doesn't speak well for my choice in men, does it?  But as a little girl I think I read every Earle Stanley Gardner mystery.  So I like surprise endings.  And even though you always knew that Mason, Matlock, and the Boston Legal team would prevail, it was the cleverness that captivated you. Right now I will have to switch my allegience to Eli Stone -- which mixes my love of fantasy and the world of the Divine -- with the law. About the law -- I often read of professors who had students argue a case from both sides of the aisle.  And one of the interesting.  This is a fundamental component of coping skills or negotiating skills. In my column this past Sunday, I wrote the following: Coping skills help one to see the world from another person’s perspective. I learned about coping skills while writing Sisterhood Betrayed and talked with developmental psychologist Dr. Myrna B. Shure, author of Thinking Parent, Thinking Child: How to Turn Your Most Challenging Everyday Problems into Solutions. Her programs for children had a surprising beneficial effect on mothers who translated parenting skills into workplace skills. Dr. Shure focuses on listening and learning rather than judging and reprimanding. For example, mothers who saw their child hitting another were quick to assume an accusing voice when they asked, “What are you doing?” She suggests kindly asking “Why are you feeling so bad?” As money worries and holiday stress collide, adults might take a page from her book. For more about Alan and Denny and the Boston Legal finale: Boston Legal Finale Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 575 2008-12-11 01:05:37 2008-12-11 04:05:37 open open boston-legal-the-last-laugh-and-negotiating-skills publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 title Boston Legal, The Last Laugh, and Negotiating Skills _edit_lock 1228946979 description If you haven\'t seen the Finale of Boston Legal, then skip this! Or page down to coping skills. keywords Boston LEgal, Alan Shore, Denny Crane, coping skills, negotiating skills, Perry Mason, Matlock, Earle Stanley Gardner Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=578 Fri, 12 Dec 2008 04:55:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=578 Rita Watson: You need non-pill coping skills, too 01:00 AM EST on Sunday, December 7, 2008 TENSION DURING these tumultuous times and the expectation of holiday happiness have many people visiting family physicians and searching the Internet for mood-elevating medications. “Happiness is a priceless commodity,” says Dr. Richard Barker, director general of the Pharmaceutical Association of Great Britain. “It cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or prescribed for that matter.” Nonetheless, pharmaceutical companies spend over $4 billion a year on television ads, which the Annals of Family Medicine said two years ago should be banned. Direct-to-consumer advertising has an emotional appeal. The ads seem to imply that drugs can cure everything from depression, social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders to restless-leg syndrome. Their message: “We can be happier.” Last week at a conference in London, a Roche pharmaceutical leader called TV advertising “a big mistake.” Recently Boston Legal featured Denny Crane suing the pharmaceutical industry because of advertising policies that he claimed precipitated his overuse of medications. Dr. Barker points out, “While prescription drugs cannot bestow happiness they do have a place in the treatment of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and bipolar disorders.” Currently the optimal treatment for depression is considered to be combination prescription medication and talk therapy. “Talk therapy!” scowled one indignant husband. “You mean where I pay someone so I can squirm while my wife does all the talking and complaining about me? Not on your life. I would rather go out drinking with my buddies.” While women are more amenable to seeking treatment than men, this may change if the economy continues to falter. Today’s financial crisis affects 84 percent of women and 75 percent of men, according to a new American Psychological Association report. The bleak financial picture comes during a season when depression rates traditionally escalate. Dr. James M. Ellison, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, says, “While many seek pharmacologic remedies for holiday-related distress, pills designed for bona fide depressive disorders are unlikely to diminish pain that owes its presence to unrealistic expectations or the burden of interpersonal holiday stresses.” Nonetheless, many pills will be popped and drinks poured over the holidays to provide a temporary happiness mask. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2007, reported an increase “in nonmedical use of prescription pain relievers” by those over age 12 and under 25. This September the National Center for Health Statistics said that in any two-week period, one in 20 Americans is depressed. However, fewer than 30 percent see a mental-health professional. So often those who are looking for a pill to take the edge off have retreated into their own little world rather than talk with their spouse or friends. Rabbi Irwin Kula, in Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life, tells us, “The more we allow ourselves to unfold, the less likely we are to unravel.” Therapists remind us that in times of extreme stress people can fall into the anger trap of accusations and recriminations or choose to become generous and supportive of each other. Perhaps coping skills are the answer. Coping skills help one to see the world from another person’s perspective. I learned about coping skills while writing Sisterhood Betrayed and talked with developmental psychologist Dr. Myrna B. Shure, author of Thinking Parent, Thinking Child: How to Turn Your Most Challenging Everyday Problems into Solutions. Her programs for children had a surprising beneficial effect on mothers who translated parenting skills into workplace skills. Dr. Shure focuses on listening and learning rather than judging and reprimanding. For example, mothers who saw their child hitting another were quick to assume an accusing voice when they asked, “What are you doing?” She suggests kindly asking “Why are you feeling so bad?” As money worries and holiday stress collide, adults might take a page from her book. For the holidays, Dr. Ellison emphasized that “recognizing and modifying unrealistic expectations, remembering to care adequately for one’s self, and focusing on the positive aspects of the holidays may help us toward the elusive inner happiness we seek — more so than medications.” What is key here is focusing on the positive, which for many people might mean renewing a commitment to communication, kindness and intimacy. With that thought in mind, a minister in Grapevine, Texas, posed a challenge to the married couples in his congregation — lovemaking for seven nights in a row. Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and daily blogger ( www.ritawatson.com) .]]> 578 2008-12-12 01:55:04 2008-12-12 04:55:04 open open seeking-happiness-with-pills-and-coping-skills publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229052024 _edit_last 2 title Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills description We are supposed to be smiling. But the economy is in a shambles and people are stressed even beyond the limits of the seasonal turmoil. keywords pill popping, happiness, stress, coping skills Winter Romance Ideas and Technie Hints http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=579 Sat, 13 Dec 2008 05:07:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=579 The following thoughts are from Redbook and they focus on winter romance.  It is always glorious to meet someone during the holidays.  But don't ignore the man you are with.  And if you are with someone and he isn't Patrick Dempsey or someother dreamer, keep in mind the words of one of my dearest friends:  "Sometimes you need to rub two sticks together before there is a spark."  Winter Romance Ideas Techie Hints: I am not much of a Hints from Heloise person — but these household tips are worth repeating.  What do they have to do with relationships or decisions? When you’ve dropped your husband or lover’s cell phone into a puddle, sink, or toilet — its a help to know how to dry it out without damaging it with a hair dryer.  And a quick dry out decision is a relationship saver!  And I love the idea of putting an alarm inside of a wine glass to really reverberate if you are foolish enough to agree to drive to the airport in the middle of the night.  Lots of technie hints with this link. Technie Household Hints Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 579 2008-12-13 02:07:39 2008-12-13 05:07:39 open open winter-romance-ideas-and-technie-hints publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229051666 _edit_last 2 title Winter Romance Ideas and Technie Hints description Here are some hot ideas for cold winter days and nights. AND a few hot techie tips as well. Princess Cafe, Tiara Included http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=580 Sun, 14 Dec 2008 05:18:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=580 Princess Cafe Later today watch for the week-end wrap-up. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 580 2008-12-14 02:18:26 2008-12-14 05:18:26 open open princess-cafe-tiara-included publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229051923 _edit_last 2 Reviewing Happy Pills, Boston Legal's Gay Marriage, Grandparents http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=582 Mon, 15 Dec 2008 03:12:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=582 Boston Legal gave us an interesting perspective on coping with Alzheimer's.  And "Calling in Gay" was a creative way of coping with frustration. Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills -- This is the happiness season.  We are supposed to be smiling.  But the economy is in a shambles and people are stressed even beyond the limits of the seasonal turmoil.  Here is an article from my Sunday column that also appeared on World News Network online and France Observer. Read the rest of this entry » Boston Legal, The Last Laugh, and Negotiating Skills  -- If you haven’t seen the Finale of Boston Legal, read the article, but skip the link. For me, I will truly miss Alan and Denny smoking their cigars and drinking their scotch on the balcony of old Boston neighborhood Read the rest of this entry » Call in Gay Day, Immigration Separation, Alan Weds Denny  --  The News today focuses on quests and protests.  In California, December 10th is being declared “A Day Without a Gay” patterned after a Latino movement protesting a proposed tough immigration bill that was signed into law in Georgia.  Read the rest of this entry » Catching Happiness and Grandparents Love Secrets -- My great-grandmother had a young lover when she died at 104.  She loved life and French silk nightgowns. Today, hot blogs are abuzz with grandparents love stories and “happiness contagion.”  Read the rest of this entry » Expiration Date Comments and Divorce Rate --Received an email from a woman who called herself, “A Reader with Opinions aka Opinionated Reader.” Her words prompted me to post all of the comments from “Expiration Dates” and add a word or two about divorce statistics and the future of marriage.  Read the rest of this entry » Winter Romance Ideas and Technie Hints  -- Here are some hot ideas for cold winter days and nights.  AND a few hot techie tips as well. Read the rest of this entry » Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 582 2008-12-15 00:12:58 2008-12-15 03:12:58 open open reviewing-happy-pills-boston-legals-gay-marriage-grandparents publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229307264 _edit_last 2 title Reviewing Happiness Pills, Boston Legal\'s Gay Marriage, Grandparents keywords Gay Day, Happiness, Boston Legal, Denny Crane, Alan Shore description Coping skills are so important a part of our lives. Boston Legal gay marriage helped them cope with Alzheimer\'s. And Gay Day coped with frustration. Automatic Renewal Fees, Mattress Scams, and Good Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=583 Tue, 16 Dec 2008 04:10:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=583   It's about cutting down on stress by cancelling automatic renewing fees -- in writing -- and admitting that you probably are not sleeping because of the mattress scams.   The only way to get really SLEEPY is to become exhausted with the run around. First automatic renewal fees e-cards and credit reports: I am not naming names here but a certain e-card that started out free at one point began charging.  So I paid.  Then the fees got higher.  I paid again.  But then I stopped using the service. I called to cancel.  But it was too late they said because it had already charged to my account.  That was last year. Okay, then I will use it this year, but cancel for next year.  Was I clear?  Apparently not.  Because I didn't cancel in writing and it just showed up again on my credit card statement. So I called.  But the number doesn't give you a human voice.  So I went through the list of options.  I wanted to cancel.  Ok, yes, I received my official cancellation date of November 2009 -- one year away.  "No, no, no," I am screaming to the electronic voice.  "I want a refund." "Thank you, and good-by, we appreciate your service."    Okay, instead of going to bed, it was very late, I sent the company an email.  And guess what?  You can't cancel online.  You can only cancel on the voice mail.   How is my mood right now?  So I called the credit card company and disputed the charge.  They said they would try to resolve it.  If not, I will happily post my email and password for everyone to send out free greeting cards on my account. WAIT, I'm not finished -- onto the credit report charge.  Then there was a second charge that helped with my credit reports.  I have a good report, thank you very much. "May I cancel and have a credit please?" >> "We can't cancel until we can find you in our system." "How can I help?" >>"Give us your Registration code number." "But I never remember registering." >>"Well, you must have a number because I see we billed you." Okay, two really good friends were here visiting today before leaving for Florida for the rest of the winter.  So I was happy.  But I think of all the women out there dealing with these situations.  Just how happy are you going to be tonight, when your husband or lover comes home and says, "So tell me dear, how was your day?"  Automatic billing was the culprit.  I am informed that the charge for my good credit goes back to 2002.  Why didn't I notice?  I have had an accounting service manage my bills.  But nonetheless, even if they didn't question -- where was my credit report going all these years that I haven't seen one? So I sent the company an email asking for a copy of my credit report, and a refund, and a cancellation.  You have to be really clear, I've learned.  This time, I received a customer number and an email telling me that someone would be contacting me regarding my case. Now for a good night's sleep -- forget it.  Within six months of buying a mattress and box spring for about $1,000 -- it began to sag.  I could roll a tennis ball to the center.  No SLEEPY time for me. I called and they gave me the run around.  Finally I sent in pictures.  They sent a man to measure.  He said IT DIDN'T SAG ENOUGH.  But he was perplexed by the sound of springs in the center and the way the mattress bounced.  Nonetheless, after taking out his piece of string -- my mattress didn't sag enough. My case was rejected.  A year has passed maybe more.  I stuffed pillows,  I put a board, I tried buying those foam tops.  Nothing worked.  But I felt defeated. And I gave up.  But then a saw that truck pull up with a mattress for another person scammed and I decided to take action. They said I should try rotating my mattress and flipping it over.  But what a minute, what about the extra money I paid for the tufted topping that is only on ONE side? Okay, I flipped it to the hard as a board side.  Bought myself new foam.  And my back is still sore as can be. Will it matter if I call again?  Maybe if I get SLEEPY enough -- are you getting the picture here?  If not, do yourself a favor and read this before you buy.  http://www.mattressscam.com/    And take note of the mattress ads.  If you can trust just one of them, please get back to me. Although just writing this post has spurred me on. I am now angry enough to call again, and try again, or maybe take my own advice and send a letter.  YES, a letter to the company president.  Yes, why not?  A funny aside, if I can bring myself to laugh.  I know that I heard this from a friend who may have read this in Reader's Digest.  Two neighbors meet.  "Hi, I'm Fred, I live in the red house across the way.  I'm in advertising." The other man says, "Hi, John.  Live in the brown house on the corner.  I'm a mattress salesman." The ad man, slapped John's back and said, "My good man, you don't sell mattresses.  You sell sweet dreams and good sex." Tell that to the mattress scammers! ! ! But that joke must be years old -- who gets a good mattress anymore?  OK, my kids have one -- a fancy foam mattress and I am just thinking that maybe I should write to the company and ask, "Why is it that you cannot put sheets on the bed that stay in place? They have a platform bed and the mattress sits inside.  But you need two men and a derek to lift that mattress to make the bed.... so is this another scam?  Do they need specially tailored sheets?? I have a lot of letters to write, don't I?  And I haven't even thought yet about holiday cards.  But I can promise this -- no one will be getting an electronic card from me this year. And believe me, Pollyana here is the first to admit she likes a cheerful blog post.  So if you  need a lift, go to Amy Sue Nathan and read her Accidental Luxuries post http://amysuenathan.com/?p=885 Copyright 2008 Rita Watson          ]]> 583 2008-12-16 01:10:28 2008-12-16 04:10:28 open open automatic-renewing-fees-mattress-scams-and-good-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229584019 _edit_last 2 description Save money and cut stress by cancelling automatic renewing fees in writing and admitting that you probably are not sleeping because of the mattress scams. title Automatic Renewing Fees, Mattress Scams, and Good Sex keywords mattress, scam, automatic fees, scam, sweet dreams, good sex, e-cards, 761 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2008-12-16 16:55:26 2008-12-16 19:55:26 1 0 0 Nude Protest in Paris and Chosing the Internet over Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=585 Wed, 17 Dec 2008 03:28:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=585 First, freezing models: On Monday nude models bared the elements to protest their low pay and the fact that a new mandate would prevent them from receiving tips.  The story about the artists' models was reported by James Mackenzie PARIS (Reuters). Paris models Next story:  The Internet tops sex! A new survey finds that both men and women would be willing to give up sex rather than forgoe access to the Internet.  Perhaps this is not surprising since five years ago cyber-sex was such a lure that clinicians were finding that it was becoming a top reason for couples seeking therapy. In the new study, commissioned by Intel,  and reported by Dawn Kawamoto, more than 2,000 adults were queried and most would chose the Internet over sex and even the Internet over television. The piece also noted,  "Of course when it comes to TV, perhaps size matters, at least according to a different survey earlier this year of Britons conducted by electronics retailer Comet. Almost half of the men polled said they would give up sex for six months in return for a 50-inch plasma TV, according to Reuters." Internet sex survey Regarding cyber sex, the study was from a University of Florida researcher and reported on the BBC which noted, "We are hearing from therapists around the country reporting online sexual activity to be a major cause of marital problems," said Al Cooper, author of the book, "Sex And The Internet: A Guidebook For Clinicians."    Cyber sex Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 585 2008-12-17 00:28:41 2008-12-17 03:28:41 open open nude-protest-in-paris-and-chosing-the-internet-over-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229463200 _edit_last 2 keywords nude, Paris, models, sex, cybersex, Internet sex, TV and sex title Bare Protest in Paris and Chosing the Internet over Sex description Nude models in Paris are unwilling to give up tips. And in the US, men and women are unwilling to give up Internet access, even if it means they forgoe sex. Madoff Money Scandal and Divorce News from Page Six http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=586 Thu, 18 Dec 2008 04:01:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=586 Page Six has the story.   Betrayal of trust: The Madoff scandal is devastating for so many people – it was a greedy and insensitive betrayal of trust that is affecting companies, charitable foundations, and families.   A story today in Reuters, reported by Grant McCool and John Poirier noted that “A federal judge ordered Madoff, 70, confined to his $7 million Manhattan apartment and told Madoff's wife, Ruth, to surrender her U.S. passport by noon on Thursday as part of modified bail conditions.”  Madoff, the former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Market, is accused of running a "Ponzi" or "pyramid" scheme.  Reuters on Madoff  At the end of this posting, take a look at the list of organizations affected. Divorce at 740 Park Avenue: While there is no apparent connection between the Madoff scandal and the recent divorce news of the uber-rich Henry and Nancy Silverman, Robert and Blaine Trump, and now George David and Countess Marie David – we know that money can strain the best of relationships. Here is my column with interviews from William H. Sledge, MD, Yale Psychiatry and Carl W. Bazil, MD, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples  And as for Page Six gossip from the New York Post, here is the link Splitsville As reported by Reuters, the following were affected by the Madoff scandal: FAIRFIELD GREENWICH GROUP /  BANCO SANTANDER SA /  TREMONT HOLDINGS INC / ASCOT PARTNERS LLC /ACCESS INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS /FORTIS NV / HSBC HOLDINGS PLC / BENBASSAT & CIE / UNION BANCAIRE PRIVEE / NATIXIS SA / ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP PLC / BNP PARIBAS SA / SWISS LIFE / REICHMUTH & CO / BBVA / MAN GROUP PLC / DEXIA SA / NOMURA HOLDINGS / MAXAM CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC / EIM GROUP / AOZORA BANK LTD / CREDIT INDUSTRIEL ET COMMERCIAL SA / UNICREDIT SPA / UBI BANCA / NORDEA BANK AB / BENEDICT HENTSCH / THE TOWN OF FAIRFIELD, CONN. EMPLOYEES PENSION FUND / BALOISE / AUSTIN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT / BANK MEDICI / KINGATE GLOBAL FUND LTD / UBS AG / BRAMDEAN ALTERNATIVES LTD / BOSTON PROPERTIES INC / CHAIS FAMILY FOUNDATION  (Reporting by Reuters bureaus, compiled by Lisa Jucca, Muralikumar Anantharaman and Steve Slater; editing by Jeffrey Benkoe and Simon Jessop) Reuters FACTBOX As Dr. Sledge pointed out,  during times of economic stress, “Resentments get magnified, regrets become manifest, old wounds are reopened for review and inspection, and recriminations are laid out, After all, it is only money. But if the money signifies perhaps lifetime achievement, comfort, success - then the sense of self takes a serious hit.”  (More love and money news at www.ritawatson.com) When life gets messy — as it can with financial stress — the words of Rabbi Irwin Kula in his book called Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life can be comforting. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 586 2008-12-18 01:01:36 2008-12-18 04:01:36 open open madoff-money-scandal-and-divorce-news-from-page-six publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229618637 _edit_last 2 title Madoff Money Scandal and Divorce News from Page Six keywords Madoff, United Technologies, Page Six, 740 Park Ave, divorce court description Money and marital troubles go hand in hand. Bernard Madoff is put under house arrest at his $7 million apt. United Technologies head may be in divorce court. Loving Words Instead of Fighting Words, Argue Fairly http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=587 Sat, 20 Dec 2008 04:32:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=587 To encourage intimacy, try kind words.  Sometimes that means turning the other cheek, or speaking a word of praise even if you are angry.  The power of forgiveness is expansive and gratitude reaps rewards. The saying, “Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle”   comes from a philosopher in 400 BC — attributed to Plato although I heard recently that was a mistaken attribution.  Nonetheless the words continue:
    • Live simply.
    • Love generously.
    • Care deeply.
    • Speak kindly.
    • Leave the rest to God.
    • Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .
    • Life is about learning to dance in the rain.
    Arguments:  During times of holiday stress, arguments happen usually because two people have two different needs, wants, or opinions.  Instead of negotiating, talking, or compromising - prior to a full blown argument there will be little “digs” and then a bit of sarcasm, door slamming, and then the explosion. I cannot say it often enough the words, “How many times have I told you?”  or its partner in crime, “Why do I have to keep repeating myself?” -- do not work!  How to argue fairly:  Here is some advice on how to resolve conflicts. If you seem to be in the relationship hell of hidden agendas or serious conflicts most of the time,  here are some rules from Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s “Oprah & Friends” XM Radio Show: Argue Fairly  Negotiating Session:  Here is a suggestion on how couples can learn to talk to each other from Dr. Paula Hall for the BBC: 
    • Each partner gets 30 minutes to talk.  (Or 20 minutes if one feels time pressured)
    • The other partner gives undivided attention
    • After the hour is up, both walk away and do something else
    • Do not analyze the conversation
    • Agree not to talk about it for at least 48 hours
     If you find the exercise useful, set a regular date taking it in turns as to whom will talk first. Communications Laugh away the anger:  While the root of a conflict is never a laughing matter, it is really important for two people to get over the anger that generated the conflict in the first place.  It is helpful if each of you remembers something about the other person that generates laughter — even silliness.  I know of one gentlemen who, after an argument with his wife,  will appear at the bedroom door with a Groucho Marx mask - or whatever he can find from his bag of tricks — knock on the door and say, “Special delivery! — I hear you are hoping mad at your hubby so how about some hot sex with me?”   It’s enough to get them both laughing again.  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]>
    587 2008-12-20 01:32:25 2008-12-20 04:32:25 open open loving-words-instead-of-fighting-words-argue-fairly publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229973456 _edit_last 2 keywords kindness, anger, communication, laughter, Rabbi Boteach, forgiveness description To encourage intimacy, try kind words. Sometimes that means turning the other cheek, or speaking a word of praise even if you are angry. title Loving Words Instead of Fighting Words, Argue Fairly
    Bernard Madoff, Money, Marriage, and Cheating Spouses http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=589 Mon, 22 Dec 2008 19:17:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=589 Why are we so furious about the Bernard Madoff scandal?  Because he was a former head of NASDAQ and he betrayed the people's trust.  The sheer magnitude and extensiveness of the apparent fraud offends our sensibilities.  Despite books and movies, we learned very little from the fall of Salomon Brothers, Liars Poker or from the Enron travesty, Smartest Guys in the Room.   Can it be that we just turn and look the other way if we benefit from the deception in some way? Perhaps with love and money, the answer is "Yes." Mistresses and adultery: In a piece by Jessie Knadler for Women’s Health in the November issue, we learn that 62 percent of women interviewed say they would rather be the mistress than the spurned wife.  She also tells us why there is no longer a Scarlet Letter which brands women who cheat and why “Angelina Jolie, [is] now seen by many as a saint, not as a home wrecker, and France’s first lady, Carla Bruni, hailed as the new Jackie Onassis. Such labels would have been unthinkable a generation ago. ” Knadler points out that “some experts believe our views of marriage are changing. . . And a number of studies have shown that about half of all married men and women have cheated.” I explored the topic in Husband Snatchers aka the Male Poachers With every wave of political sex scandals, I search out research on deception in marriage -- and the picture gets uglier each time.  For some reason or another, the message that cheating is lying is deception is betrayal is lost of those in love and in money. Deception and Madoff: Mark Patimkin at the Providence Journal had a interesting take on Madoff -- he has no sympathy for the big losers who were also colluders. In his Sunday column, he said, " We are supposed to feel sorry for the people wiped out in the Bernard Madoff scandal. I do feel for some — like the old folks in Florida who lost their nest eggs and the charities who had their endowments wiped out. I will tell you who I don’t feel sorry for: Those who, in terms of dollars, are the most catastrophic victims. I’m talking about the private investment funds that lost billions."   Mark Patinkin CNN just ran a piece from FORTUNE regarding the six most asked questions about Madoff Six_madoff_questions.  But the most interesting question not asked nearly enough -- is why so many people refused to acknowledge that something was wrong.  It all seemed to be too good to be true, and indeed it was built on lies.   Slate Magazine reports on "Why the Madoff scam is bigger than you think"  The Big Money Last March for one of my own Projo columns I reported, "Financial literacy is becoming a new slogan in our economy." The Business Council and the Conference Board Survey of Chief Executives released in February found that more than 85 percent of members see conditions in the U.S. economy as having deteriorated during the past six months, “and 77 percent expect that conditions will worsen in the next six months.”Money, Marriage, Sex and Secrets  Sunday, March 2, 2008 And yet, I wonder how many people took time to rethink their spending habits or take a second look at their portfolios? For the rapidly approaching New Year, I am going to encourage that we look back at history, rethink trust, and rethink honesty both in money and in marriage.  Maybe the New  Year will mean that people will decide to be thankful for what they have and work together to build a more realistic future. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 589 2008-12-22 16:17:08 2008-12-22 19:17:08 open open bernard-madoff-money-marriage-and-cheating-spouses publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1229974649 _edit_last 2 keywords money, marriage, NASDAQ, cheating, adultery, scam, scandal, title Bernard Madoff, Money, Marriage, and Cheating Spouses Pudgy Heart Risk, Fine Wine, and Sexercise http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=591 Tue, 23 Dec 2008 18:27:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=591 A little bit pudgy can be deadly -- In a new article by Will Dunham from WASHINGTON (Reuters) he tells us that a new study published on Monday, " calculated the heart hazards of being pudgy but not obese."  We all know that obseity is a dangerous risk factor because it taxes the heart making it difficult to pump enough blood throughout the body.  But this article tells us that  "researchers who tracked the health of 21,094 U.S. male doctors for two decades found that even those who were only modestly overweight had a higher risk -- and it grew along with the amount of extra weight. " It seems that Dr. Satish Kenchaiah at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital also studied  the effects of physical activity with regard to the heart failure risk.  And once again the researchers confirmed that "The lean and active group had the lowest risk and the obese and inactive group had the highest risk." Heart Risk Now we have heard that one to two glasses of wine per day is beneficial.  And a group in Bulgaria is about to join in the fine wine business. Fine wines -- Here's to your health:  Tsvetelia Ilieva reporting from RESTOVITSA, Bulgaria (Reuters) - tells us that despite Bulgaria's sagging economy, "the Todoroff winery has a strategy."  The report says,  "We expect a collapse which we will try to overcome with high-quality wine," says its manager Kiril Izmirov. Bulgaria currently accounts for approximately 0.6 percent of world production since their wines are not distinctively known for quality.  But they are banking of  " a mix of Thracian mystery and top-quality grapes from one of the world's oldest winemaking regions" to change their image.  Ilieva quotes Alexander Kanev, executive director of Bessa Valley as saying: "The boutique wineries are the future."   The group is funded by German Count Stephan von Neipperg, who also owns six wine cellars in Bordeaux.  Quality Bulgarian Wines Exercise and sexercise: Couples who have been avoiding sex, should reconsider the benefits.  There are 20 million sexless marriages in the US.  Perhaps a bit of fine wine can set the mood for some good nightly exercise.   Why?  It eases stress, boosts your heart health, fights aging, and strengthens the immune system.   In fact, even just once a week sex is beneficial.  And if you want to see some provocative ways to enhance your health, here are yoga moves to improve sex. High on Happiness, Yoga for Partners But for those who prefer actual exercise, but are not likely to get to a gym, here is some good news.  You don’t have to walk miles and miles each day.  Just 30 minutes three times a week is said to benefit you mind and body. Walk away to health   The secret to a healthy life is to get moving! Copyright 2008 Rita Watson  ]]> 591 2008-12-23 15:27:11 2008-12-23 18:27:11 open open pudgy-heart-risk-fine-wine-and-sexercise publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230057744 _edit_last 2 title Pudgy Heart Risk, Fine Wine, and Sexercise description Now a new study puts even us \"pleasingly plump\" ones at heart risk. But we can watch our diets, drink fine wine, exercise or sexercise. Consider options. keywords sex, health, heart attack, Brigham and Women\'s, Bulgaria, wines, boutique Christmas, Hanukkah, Kindness, and Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=593 Thu, 25 Dec 2008 05:31:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=593 The Festival of Lights began at sundown this past Sunday.  And this evening in Christian churches throughout the nation members held candles and sang to commemorate the birth of a child in a manager.  A group of us attended the First Baptist Church of Providence, RI this evening to sing, light candles, and to hear the words of our neighbor Rev. Dan Ivins.  He had an interesting perspective on Christmas.   He told a story of a man who took his teen-age wife with him to Bethlehem to protect her from the gossip of those wondering about the young woman with child.     While many have looked at the inn-keeper as a man who would not open his doors to the young couple, he told of a man who gave a gift to Joseph and Mary, the privacy of birth -- a birth celebrated in song and in liturgy even today as “the newborn king.” The full text will be posted at: First Baptist Church     According to About.com, “The festival of Hanukkah (also spelled Chanukah) was established to commemorate the Jewish Maccabees' military victory over the Greek-Syrians and the rededication of the Second Temple, which had been desecrated by the Greek-Syrians, to the worship of God. Thus, Hanukkah is a celebration of Jewish national survival and religious freedom." Judaism   To feel a part of the two holidays, here are two special programs from National Public Radio www.NPR.org with links so that you might listen to each, A Hanukkah Lights Celebration and a Jazz Piano Christmas Celebration.   From their website: NPR.org, December 3, 2008  "An NPR holiday tradition for nearly two decades, Hanukkah Lights presents brand new fiction to celebrate and illuminate the holiday season — moving tales of discovery and reconciliation, the persistence of hope and the promise of undimmed light — read by Susan Stamberg and Murray Horwitz."   Festival of Lights Also from their website: "NPR.org, December 12, 2008 - This year, there's a Latin tinge to NPR's holiday music tradition. The 19th annual A Jazz Piano Christmas features three of the most respected names in Latin jazz: pianists Arturo O'Farrill, Eliane Elias and Rebeca Mauleon. An up-and-coming piano talent joins the celebration, too: Angel Echevarria, 19, grew up listening to salsa music in New York City. " A Jazz Piano Christmas  If one thinks about the two holidays, they are really celebrations of gratitude, at least in my world.  And so I re-read on of my postings on kindness and found two quotes to live by: from author Henry James: "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." from Winston Churchill:  "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." At both Hanukkah and Christmas there is an exchange of gifts, but the greatest gifts we can give to one another are gratitude, forgiveness, and love. Happy Holidays / R Copyright 2008 Rita Watson    ]]> 593 2008-12-25 02:31:04 2008-12-25 05:31:04 open open christmas-hanukkah-kindness-and-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230183065 _edit_last 2 keywords Hanukkah, Christmas, NPR, Kindness description This year Christmas and Hanukkah seem to be entwined. This is a time when individuals reestablish within their hearts and with family and friends their relationship to tradition and belief. title Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kindness Returning and Re-Gifting, Relationship Etiquette http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=595 Fri, 26 Dec 2008 04:03:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=595  Purchasing gifts can stressful. I am someone who obsesses over the perfect gift.  I love it when there is a special museum exhibit and I can buy gifts to save for special occasions.  One of the most unique set of gifts I ever gave were designed and made by my friend Susan Schachter of The Artful Jewel.  Because I believe most people put thought into a gift – I almost  never return a gift. Returning Gifts:  As such, I will not be part of the statistic of “one in three” shoppers taking gifts back to the stores today. However, Tatiana Morales in a piece for CBS tells us, “Surprisingly, more men than women plan to haul their gifts back to the store. And the younger the shopper the more likely it is that he or she will return holiday gifts: 42 percent of 18-34 year olds will return gifts, 39 percent of shoppers age 35-44, and 33 percent of shoppers 45 or older.”   Here is a link to options for returning gifts from AOL’s Regina Lewis, consumer advisor with good advice regarding deadlines and receipts.  CBS Gift Returns Re-Gifting:  In the relationship section of Canadian Living, Natalie Bahadur presents 8 simple rules for re-gifting.  She says, “We spoke with Louise Fox, director of Protocol Solutions and The Etiquette Ladies, to school us in the ways of re-gifting. “According to Fox, re-gifting was once considered rude and unacceptable under just about any circumstance. Is it an acceptable practice today? ‘Not entirely’, she says. ‘As with most other areas of etiquette, it can depend on the situation.’” The article presents rules of etiquette for proper re-gifting such as: Item must be brand-new, should not have been hanging around your closet for years, and should never be something hand made especially for you unless it is a family heirloom to be handed down to another member of the family. Re-Gifting Rules After Christmas Sales: Good news for shoppers the day after Christmas is bad news for retailers – In an article for the Associated Press by Anne D’Innocenzio and Ashley M Heher called,  Stores pull all-nighters, trying to save season they reported on the sales drop but noted, “Dan de Grandpre, editor-in-chief of www.dealnews.com, which tracks discounts both online and at regular stores, said he is still seeing stores inundated with merchandise. That means that shoppers will have a lot of choices among the piles of deeply discounted items after Christmas.” Sales   If you missed yesterday's post, here is the link:Christmas, Hanukkah, Kindness, and Love  Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 595 2008-12-26 01:03:39 2008-12-26 04:03:39 open open returning-and-re-gifting-relationship-etiquette publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230266002 _edit_last 2 keywords gifts, returns, re-gift, store sales,anadian Living, CBS, AOL description I will not be part of the statistic of “one in three” shoppers taking gifts back to the stores today. title Returning and Re-Gifting, Relationship Etiquette Fluttering Lashes, Flirting, and the Color Red http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=596 Sun, 28 Dec 2008 04:59:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=596 Fluttering Eye Lashes:  Reuters just reported that a new eyelash thickening drug called Latisse has been approved by the the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The report noted that “Allergan Inc, maker of Botox, said on Friday that Latisse is designed to treat a condition known as hypotrichosis of the eyelashes, in which a person has does not have enough eyelashes.” Will all those of us who wish we had longer lashes find this an answer to prayer? Yes and no.  It seems that there are a few side effects, but perhaps it will be worth taking the chance on beauty.  Eye Lashes Flirting and Body Language:  Dr. Tracy Cox for BBC has a full relationship section on flirting.  I will give you a highlight of her secrets to determine that someone is flirting with you.  But you really want to read this full link to understand the why and how of seduction with mirroring, the eyebrow flash, pointing, blinking, and learning the golden rule of body language. Flirting The Color Red: We know that red is a power color. Women often wear red jackets to a business meeting to accentuate their position within an organization or the position of power that they wish to evoke.  Wearing red is even said to raise one's body temperature. Red is also seductive. CNN noted that “Men also were more likely to say they wanted to have sex with a woman and that they would be willing to spend more on a date if she were in red, according to the report in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.  According to the study author Andrew Elliot, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester: ”We think that red, due to the association with hearts and Valentine's Day and lingerie and things like that, takes on a sexy meaning," says Elliot. "There's also a possibility -- a rather provocative possibility -- that there's a deeply embedded sort of tendency for heterosexual men to see red as an attraction cue because that's what happens in the wild." CNN and Red Additionally the color red is said to stimulate heartbeats and one's appetite. Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 596 2008-12-28 01:59:42 2008-12-28 04:59:42 open open fluttering-lashes-flirting-and-the-color-red publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230526817 _edit_last 2 title Fluttering Lashes, Flirting, and the Color Red Seven Days to Your Heart's Desire http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=601 Wed, 31 Dec 2008 01:41:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=601 It might be a career change, a relationship change (for better or worse), a goal, a secret desire.  Whenever you begin saying, “I wish…” it is time for the dream.  But first, if you are single and dreading being alone, here are some hints for New Year's Eve. Shine Day One: Dream Your Dreams
    • Let your mind wander as you dream impossible dreams
    • Spend at least five minutes several times today just day-dreaming.
    • Write down the whispering of your soul.
    • Write down the most outrageous dream you can imagine for yourself.
    • What is the one dream that keeps recurring even though it may be in different forms?  Write it down.
    • Think of a dream that your heart of hearts is telling you about.
    • At the end of the day write down the one dream that dominates your thinking.  This is your heart’s desire. 
    Now celebrate even if you are alone on  New Year's Eve.  Buy yourself some fabulous champagne. My favorite is Veuve Clicquot.  Read about this widow and how she became a legend.  Her story, Times Book Review  Her champagne. Veuve Clicquot -- Be certain to click on USA for the English translation. Adapted from A Serenity Journal and The Art of Decision Making

    © copyright  2008 Watson

    601 2008-12-30 22:41:58 2008-12-31 01:41:58 open open seven-days-to-your-hearts-desire publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230954205 _edit_last 2 description Now is the time to make a decision to follow your heart and make a secret dream come true. title Seven Days to a Dream Come True
    Your Heart's Desire, Day Two, Focus http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=606 Fri, 02 Jan 2009 03:49:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=606 Seven Day's to A Successful Dream: Your Heart's Desire, you dreamed the dreams. Now is time to focus on your goal, your heart’s desire. For an day (or week if you do this in weekly steps), you will want to think, act and talk to yourself about the dream. >> Always be certain in your heart that the dream, the goal you wish to accomplish, is coming true. >> Tell no one at all about this dream. Don’t be concerned about how it will happen. >> Keep the dream locked quietly in your heart. It is too early to share your thoughts. >> Feel the dream and experience how the dream makes you feel. This is beyond, “What if” this is the time to say, “I am loving this new job.” Or, “Yes, this is my perfect partner.” >> If you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can achieve it. Think of this exercise as guided imagery. copyright 2008 ritawatson]]> 606 2009-01-02 00:49:41 2009-01-02 03:49:41 open open your-hearts-desire-day-two-focus publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1230954744 _edit_last 2 keywords goal, desire, heart, seven days, description In the first day of Seven Day\'s to A Successful Dream: Your Heart\'s Desire, you dreamed the dreams. Now is time to focus on your goal, your heart’s desire. title Your Heart\'s Desire, Day Two, Focus Champagne Bubbles, Breasts, and New Year Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=608 Sun, 04 Jan 2009 04:03:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=608 The champagne glass itself is said to be modeled from the breast of Marie Antoinette. While today we seem to prefer tall fluted champagne glasses, the traditional ones are open and shaped more like, well, a breast – Marie Antoinette’s. In fact the glasses were said to be porcelain milk bowls which are at the Musée National de Céramique de Sèvres in Paris. The Smartset.com Champagne: I like anything that sparkles, but my favorite champagne is Veuve Clicquot – which in the days of high living was served generously in first class to Paris. But in addition to taste, I loved the story told to us by one of the stewardesses. Read about this remarkable widow and how she held onto her vineyards and became a legend.  At the Rhode Island School of Design:  In thinking about the museum collections for Marie Antoinette and crystal champagne glasses, I was reminded of the exquisite glass collection at RISD’s new Chace Center. http://www.risdmuseum.org/ . From the futuristic glassworks of Dale Chihuly to Beth Lipman’s After Your Gone crystal still-life imagery – this is a place to trigger imaginative ideas for the New Year.     Love and Lovers 2009: As an incurable romantic, I am presenting in  "Love and Lovers"  just my simple formula for the New Year. It is aimed at helping to rekindle love or strengthen a relationship. Upon awakening each morning make a promise to yourself that you will:
    • Laugh often,
    • Express gratitude,
    • Embrace forgiveness, and
    • Wish blessings.
    Whether you are married or single, Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist and assistant professor at Brown University, shares what may seem like controversial ideas in his two books: Secrets of Happily Married Women and Secrets of Happily Married Men. Hormones, spring fever and sex  In depicting love and forgiveness, he presents us with a blueprint for joy. Providence Love and Marriage Examiner  -- ce'est moi! The above were adapted from postings I wrote yesterday -- and there you can leave comments!  So sign in. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    608 2009-01-04 01:03:25 2009-01-04 04:03:25 closed open champagne-bubbles-breasts-and-new-year-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231091237 _edit_last 2 title Champagne Bubbles, Breasts, and New Year Love
    True Love in Year of the Cougar, Love 2009 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=610 Mon, 05 Jan 2009 07:14:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=610 According to The Sunday Times today, "Scientists discover true love."   And in this Year of the Cougar, the news is encouraging.   John Harlow and Brendan Montague reported that, " Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love. "The findings overturn the conventional view that love and sexual desire peak at the start of a relationship and then decline as the years pass."  Times online
    The Year of the Cougar and Love 2009:
    This has been the year of the Cougar and I am in the cheering section. As an incurable romantic I believe in love, marriage, and relationships. But this year we are being challenged to put aside traditional thinking. The image of the wedding cake topper bride and groom is being replaced. Younger men are meeting and marrying older women. Gay couples are forming life-long marital unions. And reports from 13 countries say that living together is up and marriage is down, but the couples are making a commitment nonetheless. 
    With change in the air, we have a New Year opportunity to celebrate relationships from new perspectives, bring more joy into the lives of those we love, and be more open to forgiveness.  
    Cougar relationships, gender expert: In talking about Cougar relationships, Susan Shapiro Barash, a gender expert and author who teaches at Marymount Manhattan College, in New York says, “The relationship is a meeting of the minds — soul mates. This is a very bold step for these couples because they are defining themselves differently than the traditional family.”
    She adds: “It is empowering for women who marry younger men. This defies the norm in a prescribed role. With older and richer men marrying younger women there was always tacit approval of the trophy wife; whereas women do not view the younger men in their lives as arm candy.” Here is her latest book Little-White-Lies   Little White Lies, Deep Dark Secrets: The Truth About Why Women Lie
    Gay marriage: One of the most dramatic changes in Relationships 2008 came about as we witnessed the marriage of gay couples where restrictive laws were lifted. Many people are overjoyed, but others are happy with the status quo. Attorney Donna McCormick, herself in an 18 year relationship, said she is thrilled that gays who wish to marry can now do so in Massachusetts. But she still sees marriage as a heterosexual institution that holds no appeal for her. 
    She also wryly adds, “Many lesbians are in the category of ‘who needs it’ whereas it is the gay men who are more inclined to gay marriage.’" Nonetheless as with any other right, it provides one with options and choices as does living together instead of getting married. 
    The future of marriage: I worry about the future of marriage, but am still amused with a New Yorker cartoon several months ago by Michael Crawford. A middle-aged couple in the formal “just married” attire of tux and tulle are sitting in the back of a limousine. The caption reads: “It didn’t have to end like this.”In an era in which infidelity is skyrocketing, one does need to rethink love, marriage and forgiveness. 
    Rabbi M. Gary Newman in his best selling book The Truth About Cheating, talked about cheating on the Oprah Winfrey Show Oprah.com/ interview He tells us that one in three men are cheating on their wives, but it is not necessarily for sex, but rather for companionship and acceptance; in other words, they cheat out of loneliness and not enough attention at home.
    For loves past, present, and future the words of a life-coach friend and mother resonate: “You attract what you project.” A Serenity Journal
    Commiting to love: Think of your partner as loving and magnanimous and you will treat the person with love and respect. With this New Year, regardless of the type of relationship you are in, look to 2009 as a year of opportunity and love. Instead of fretting about financial issues – believe you will find your treasure.  Ignore hidden agendas, and talk openly and honestly to each other with calm and kindness.  Then make an investment  – in each other -- and if you are single -- invest in yourself --  commit to the joy of love, the humility of forgiveness.  ( from Providence Love and Marriage Examiner)
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
    610 2009-01-05 04:14:39 2009-01-05 07:14:39 open open true-love-in-year-of-the-cougar-love-2009 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231139679 _edit_last 2 description According to The Sunday Times today, \"Scientists discover true love.\" And in this Year of the Cougar, the news is encouraging. title True love in the year of the Cougar 2009
    At last, here's how to train your husband http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=612 Wed, 07 Jan 2009 05:14:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=612 from my Providence Journal column, editorial page, Sunday, January 3, 2008 We live in a make-over world. New reports tell us that men seeking Botox treatment may soon outnumber the women. However, for women, the makeover goes beyond faces, clothes or redecorating. The new “change” chant is accompanied by finger-pointing at their men. This is not about trading them for younger, thinner, smarter, richer, but rather accepting the words of psychologist Helen Fisher, who, in a Today Show interview, said, “If you can train a pigeon, you can train a man.” As we enter the New Year, the makeover mantra continues. Single women still believe they can turn confirmed bachelors into marriage material. And while married women hum “Stand by your man,” there is a caveat. The men must learn money-management skills, help with housework or children, and spend less time surfing the sports channels. Patrick Tracey, author of Stalking Irish Madness: Searching for the Roots of My Family’s Schizophrenia ( www.stalkingirishmadness.com), tells us, “While men can and do change, we tend not to do it with a gun to our heads. The best a woman can do is to give up on us and go find a guy who’s already made his changes.” Schizophrenia, a chronic and severe brain disorder, is characterized by hallucinations and delusions that can trigger fears, immobilization or agitation. Because of his concern about the family schizophrenia, Tracey decided against having children. “Yet for a while there, all I was meeting were women in their late 30s or early 40s who were running out of eggs any day now,” he said. “I tried to tell them that I was not daddy material given my questionable gene bank, and drinking problem, but for the most part they did not want to hear it.” With his drinking, he said, “Every girlfriend nagged me silly and invariably I’d move on — not from the drink, but from them. I became something of a serial monogamist. It wasn’t until I was all alone that I decided to make the change myself. "I quit drinking seven years ago and know in my core that it never would have happened with someone bugging me about it or waiting around for me to do it for them. It doesn’t work that way. As selfish as it may sound to some, we have to make the change for ourselves.” Women who want to make over their man often have unrealistic expectations, according to a Journal of Personality and Social Psychology article several years ago. Their frustration leads to nagging, sharp voices and criticism. There is a better way. Husband-training, basic behavior modification used by animal trainers on killer whales and baboons, is advocated by Amy Sutherland in her book, What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage: Lessons from Animals and Their Trainers.  Author Christina Gombar (www.christinagombar.com) worked on Wall Street and remembers the last couple of market crashes. She says, “Take the money issues so many people are facing today. As I get older, I realize to what extent I absorbed my mother’s Depression-era sense of deprivation. I used to be critical of my husband, who frets if our house is not bursting with good food and wine eaten in great quantity — as did my mother. I could eat yogurt and eggs for a week. Want an example of how rewarding positive behavior works while nagging would be a waste of time? Look at the sea lions that are balancing balls on their noses. Positive behavior is rewarded while negative behavior is ignored. "Now I realize that when a person works hard they need to indulge in one area of their lives. Peter suffers if he can’t have a nice light fixture or shirt, whereas I’m thrilled if I can get things cheap or free. I enjoy a meal out more if it’s a good deal.” She says  “People with opposite money styles, who are willing to accept each other, can wind up learning from each other, adjust their extremes, and eventually work out their differences in a complementary way.” But she acknowledges that marital compromise is difficult. With and without expectations of change — folks continue to marry and divorce. Paul Sapir, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown, says he is often reminded of words heard early in his career: “Remember, once you get married it doesn’t go home.” At last, here's how to train your husband by Rita Watson appeared in my Providence Journal column, editorial page, Sunday, January 3, 2008 My Projo article -- World News and The New York Daily News World News Network New York Daily News, The Today Show  -- mid-way down the page. Rita Watson ( www.ritawatson.com ) is a monthly contributor and syndicated daily blogger. Copoyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]> 612 2009-01-07 02:14:26 2009-01-07 05:14:26 open open at-last-heres-how-to-train-your-husband publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231785003 _edit_last 2 title At last, here\'s how to train your husband description We live in a make-over world. Madoff, Money, Love on the Marriage-Go-Round http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=615 Thu, 08 Jan 2009 15:52:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=615 In a update on Madoff, NEW YORK (Reuters) reported today: " Accused swindler Bernard Madoff should be jailed for violating a court order by mailing $1 million worth of diamonds, watches and other jewelry to friends and family, U.S. prosecutors told a court on Wednesday. Prosecutors said Madoff had become a flight risk and should be jailed immediately. Reuters.com Each day we hear of more stories of people whose lives are being affected by the economy.  The Bernard Madoff scheme appears to have left charities and pension funds struggling or closing their doors. As the economy continues its downward spiral turn let’s hope that in choosing a husband you did not put money before looks or values as we learned can be the case from the 2008 Valentine's Day Love and Money Survey.   Each day there is more disheartening news about joblessness, retail sales, and a major drop in housing prices. How will the news affect your stress level and marriage?   Resentments: William Hurt Sledge, MD, medical director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital, said, “Couples or people who mean something to each other get stressed with this uncertain economy. . . Resentments get magnified, regrets become manifest, old wounds are reopened for review and inspection, and recriminations are laid out.” But it doesn’t have to be that way. Prize-winning Rhode Island author Christina Gombar who lives in Saunderstown with her husband Peter Leviten, talked with me last week about her days on Wall Street. www.christinagombar.com). Depression-era mentality: She remembers the last couple of market crashes and says she adapted her mother’s Depression-era mentality. “I used to be critical of my husband, who frets if our house is not bursting with good food and wine eaten in great quantity — as did my mother. I could eat yogurt and eggs for a week. Now I realize that when a person works hard they need to indulge in one area of their lives.” She added “People with opposite money styles willing to accept each other can wind up learning from each other, adjust their extremes, and eventually work out their differences in a complementary way.” But she acknowledges that marital compromise is difficult. Generosity: Dr. Sledge pointed out, however, that with these tough economic times, some people have giving hearts. “Some people reach out to each other and actually become more generative and generous, bringing a sense that whatever awful things happen, they will endure with the good that they have.” Money Woes For those battling over money issues big or small, you might try to scale back, speak kindly to each other, and find time for loving. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 615 2009-01-08 12:52:01 2009-01-08 15:52:01 open open madoff-money-love-on-the-marriage-go-round publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231383170 _edit_last 2 description As the prosecutors try to jail Bernard Madoff couples everywhere are feeling the effects of the financial crisis. title Madoff, Money, Love and the Marriage-Go-Round Why His Wedding Band is a Chick Magnet http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=617 Sat, 10 Jan 2009 02:29:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=617 It seems there is a new trend in town. Remember the guys at the bar who slip off their wedding rooms to flirt?  Well now, the wedding rings are called chick magnets.  They attract girls who just want to have fun. Several years ago Dr. Gail Saltz, Today Show.com contributor, wrote a piece called “More reasons that women feel safe with married men.”  She said, “This week, I heard from many male readers who agreed that their wedding rings function as chick magnets." MSNBC  Her website is www.drgailsaltz.com. So while science defines chick magnets as a facial features look Why men’s wedding rings are chick magnets MARRIED MEN PLAYING GAMES -- when I hear the gossip my antennae inevitably catch the drift.  Knowing that my hair salon is by far the best source of info, I have no problem eaves-dropping on a conversation, handing out my card and saying, “Tell me.  It will be our little secret – just between you, me, and the world.” Weddings rings as chick magnets: It seems there is a new trend in town. Remember the guys at the bar who slip off their wedding rooms to flirt?  Well now, the wedding rings are called chick magnets.  They attract girls who just want to have fun. Several years ago Dr. Gail Saltz, Today Show.com contributor wrote a piece called “More reasons that women feel safe with married men.”  She said, “This week, I heard from many male readers who agreed that their wedding rings function as a “chick magnets   http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20284769/  Her website is www.drgailsaltz.com. So while science defines chick magnets as a facial features look Live Science   -- today it is the wedding ring. And the married men and single women appear to playing the magnetic game.  Now when it comes to married men and women playing around, the Pricilla Prude in me surfaces. As such, you will not be surprised that I wrote about “Male poachers aka husband snatchers" a few months ago. Husband snatchers   The gay bar ruse: Some guys still do take off their rings. In fact one of my gay sources tells me that if a man slips off his wedding ring and is dating “the other women,” he will often be taking her to gay bars so he doesn’t run into her single girlfriends.  I am actually a hard liner on cheating because I think cheating is adultery is infidelity – and “what goes around comes around.” It’s known as the good law of karma. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 617 2009-01-09 23:29:44 2009-01-10 02:29:44 open open why-his-wedding-band-is-a-chick-magnet publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231554584 _edit_last 2 title Why His Wedding Band is a Chick Magnet description MARRIED MEN PLAYING GAMES -- when I hear the gossip my antennae inevitably catch the drift. 818 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-01-12 20:49:42 2009-01-12 23:49:42 1 0 0 Geeks Flirt and a Nine-Year-Old Talks Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=619 Sun, 11 Jan 2009 03:01:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=619 A BERLIN (Reuters) report says, "Even the most quirky of computer nerds can learn to flirt with finesse thanks to a new 'flirting course' being offered to budding IT engineers at Potsdam University south of Berlin." The goal is to teach master's degree students "how to write flirtatious text messages and emails, impress people at parties and cope with rejection." It appears that "Students also learn body language, public-speaking, stress management and presentation skills." Sounds like an interesting way to get a solid footing in the world of love and lies!  Flirting geeks   The Fourth Grader's Book of Love:  What started out as a $3 pamphlet in which a fourth grader gave advice on dating girls to fellow students has hit the bookshelves. In a New York Post interview with young Alec Greven of Castle Rock, Colo, the newspaper offered some tips from his dating primer as well as a video. The article tells us that "Officials at the Soaring Hawk Elementary School said he wrote the book - which was the runaway bestseller at its book fair - for kids, but believe anyone can find inspiration in it."  NYPost interview   For the book, Amazon.com/How to Talk to Girls Copyright 2008 Rita Watson]]> 619 2009-01-11 00:01:26 2009-01-11 03:01:26 open open geeks-flirt-and-a-nine-year-old-talks-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231868450 _edit_last 2 description Love and flirting are in the news from two unlikely sources, geeks and a nine-year-old. title Geeks Flirt and a Nine-Year-Old Talks Love Interview with author, Stalking Irish Madness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=622 Tue, 13 Jan 2009 03:22:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=622 Nonetheless, today his family memoir has been called by Slate online magazine "One of the Best of 2008." Prize-winning author Christina Gombar (www.christinagombar.com) of  Saunderstown, RI, in a review for Bookslut  said of Tracey's work: "A sometimes rollicking, always absorbing road story: Jack Kerouac Meets Frank McCourt." He says,  "You can never truly understand your pain, until you forgive it.  I think most of us have always had it the other way around and, in fact, have had it backwards"I think most of us believe that if only we can figure it all out and grasp every facet of, say, a broken relationship or an unfair loss, then we will we find peace with it, come to terms with it.  "But maybe the truth is that we can never fully understand until we forgive. We can't hold out and decide to forgive it until we've got it all figured out. It doesn't seem to work that way. I learned the counter-intuitive lesson the hard way and it took a half a lifetime to get it." Women who don't get it:  Tracey had talked with me about broken relationships and women who simply did not want to accept that he was both a confirmed bachelor and in his words, "not daddy material." He was concerned especially about the family history of schizophrenia, and how it might affect children if he were to have them.  He also says he had a drinking problem that he was able to overcome seven years ago. But it was in searching the roots of his family illness that he learned acceptance and forgiveness. Confronting the family illness:  "With the schizophrenia in my family (my two sisters, an uncle, a grandmother and its roots in Ireland), I went to Ireland to try to understand on an intellectual level this illness that is idiopathic, having no known cause or cure." Schizophrenia, a chronic and severe biological disorder of the brain, is characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations that can induce delusions, fear, immobilization, and  agitation. A book that saved his life "I truly felt that if I didn't figure this thing out once and for all, then I'd probably take up my old life again. But it didn't turn out that way. I got through Ireland without a drink and wound up writing a book that reveals the utter necessity of forgiveness for the deep sense of loss, for myself for the survivor guilt that can torment you, for the drinking that was a form of self laceration, for Ireland and the English who set in motion that famine conditions that fanned the flames of Irish madness, and for schizophrenia itself for taking two of my beautiful sisters away with the fairies.  "In that sense the book is a very public display of a man talking out his demons as he tools through Ireland in a camper van asking questions of doctors and folklorists and ordinary people who have the illness coursing through their bloodlines as it does in ours. But as I muse on it, it's the forgiveness that  reveals itself slowly through the narrative. That's the way it feels to me, anyway, in re-reading my book." Forgiveness, great and small:  "Not to put too fine a point on it, but this forgiveness stuff has been a great lesson in life that I am able to apply to all troubles, great and small. This notion that you can't understand something until you forgive it is a radical one, to be sure, because it also suggests that complexity may be a smokescreen. The intellectuals can't have that!   "I think a strong case can be made that forgiveness is the daily way out of over-thinking our problems. Don't you often feel that over-thinking can be a bit like overeating? It can just weigh us down. So even though it's this great abstract notion, forgiveness lightens the load in a very practical sense of putting resentments to bed."   Patrick now lives in on the North Shore of Boston, where he landed rather randomly. "But it's a nice little gem, right on the water and right next door to Kelly's Roast Beef!" he said.  www.stalkingirishmadness.com © 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 622 2009-01-13 00:22:37 2009-01-13 03:22:37 open open interview-with-author-stalking-irish-madness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1231824664 _edit_last 2 title Interview with author, Stalking Irish Madness description FROM THE FASHIONABLE EAST SIDE TO IRELAND\'S TREES OF LUNATICS, PATRICK TRACEY says he traveled a twisted road these past 25 years. 1061 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=701 2009-03-17 11:52:45 2009-03-17 14:52:45 0 pingback 0 0 Joy of Sex and Sudden Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=623 Fri, 16 Jan 2009 05:23:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=623 The New Joy of Sex and Frenzy, 60 stories of sudden sex, have one obvious common denominator – pleasure. The New Joy of Sex hit bookstores this week and unlike the first version written by a man for men, this one was updated by British sexologist Susan Quilliam.  It  is written for women and couples. In a Today Show interview, the author said that in this economic climate, “We are going to be staying home more and making love more.” MSNBC I love learning about couples who are also best friends and lovers.  But I also love hearing of single folks who love finding love serendipitously. Quilliam is also an advocate for open discussion about sex.  She believes that in families where sex is openly discussed, children grow up with a healthier perspective. The interview prompted several contemporaries of Today Show host Meredith Viera to call and share stories of their teen years and sex in Providence. It seems that instead of learning about sex from parents, teachers, or the Internet, teen age boys learned from teenage girls in Dexter Field.  “We had a place we called The Cave,” says my source. “The field was midway between an all girls school and our all boys school.  Together we learned about drinking and shagging,” he said. Then and now it seems that the average age for first sexual experience is 15.  This age is the estimate from a mandated Congressional evaluation by Mathematica Policy Research Inc.  The firm was charged with evaluating abstinence education programs and found that they had little impact on teen sexual practice.  With both sex education and abstinence education, the age of first sexual experience is just under 15 – just about the age when young men are basically walking hormones. To read Frenzy: 60 stories of sudden sex one would think that we were all walking hormones. The book is a series of chance encounters and risky moments both titillating and overtimes forbidden. Edited by Alison Tyler, who is considered hot stuff in the erotica movement, the book has one traveling from eye contact to body contact is the most provocative ways. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 623 2009-01-16 02:23:00 2009-01-16 05:23:00 open open joy-of-sex-and-sudden-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1232083522 _edit_last 2 Clueless Men and the ABC's of Dating for Him and Her http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=625 Sun, 18 Jan 2009 04:21:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=625 For the MEN:  From CNN.com living here is a piece called: She is Just Not that Into You — or IS SHE? “ Case in point: If a woman is giving ‘I’m interested’ signals — touching a man on the arm, for example, or maintaining eye contact and smiling while talking — but then talks about how she’s not really interested in dating, the man’s going to believe her words, Stafford says, not her action.”  She’s Just Not Into You However, women tell me that older men dating younger women simply hear what they want to hear. RULES FOR MEN -- the A B C's of dating Cougars or other adult women. ASK, ASSESS and Don't ASSUME: Ask her about her relationship status -- even if she is warm and cuddly it may be that she is struggling with a long term relationship OR that she wants to be more into a relationship with you, but the chemistry turns out not to be there, but you could be friends -- without the benefit of sex. BELIEVE HER when she says, "Not now" or "I need time."  Or simply, "Stop."  Remember it is only from an old joke that we hear, "Stop. Don't.  Stop. Don't.  Don't Stop."  If she says "NO," she means it. CARESSES may be nothing more than a good feeling that you both need, and over time they may develop into something more.  One friend suggests that long term relationships sometimes. take a long time to develop.  Sometimes you need to rub two sticks together to make a fire.  And wining and dining at lovely places is a help.  It gives two people time to get to know each other.  Chinese food in bed during horizontal dating doesn't count. RULES FOR WOMEN: APPRECIATION, show it,  say it, and mean it -- it goes a long way. BE REALISTIC -- If he isn't asking you out on the week-ends  --move on!  Take a look at the book -- He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys (The Newly Expanded Edition) by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo, and Lauren Monchik COMPLIMENT and don't CRITICIZE either verbally or in emails, especially long emails. A word about emails and text messages -- short, simple, sweet and to the point.  Say what you mean.  Never, never, in an email say -- "You were hurtful to me." or "I am disappointed in you." or " You made me feel sad."   No need to explain that one now is there? And how many dates before sex and passion?  Tune in later! Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 625 2009-01-18 01:21:06 2009-01-18 04:21:06 open open clueless-men-and-the-abcs-of-dating-for-him-and-her publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1232302858 _edit_last 2 title Clueless Men and the ABC\'s of Dating for Him and Her 870 http://quickinsider.com/wordpress/?p=4 2009-02-20 23:38:31 2009-02-21 02:38:31 0 pingback 0 0 Cheating in Love and Money: Edith Piaf and Bernard Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=627 Tue, 20 Jan 2009 04:01:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=627 Telegraph.uk   Previously Reuters reported that “the whole letter is passion and desperation," said Greek art collector and auctioneer Petros Vergos. It isn’t expected to bring in very much money, but for Piaf devotees it will be a bit of cherished history, and somewhat of a sad commentary of what happens when people in relationships stray. Reuters  For the story of her life, go to: Marie Claire And now for the schemer: It it still amazes me that Bernard Madoff could have perpetrated such a giant Ponzi scheme that left so many people flat broke. Some writers have warned that when something is too good to be true, it probably is.  But in the case of Madoff, it was reported today that his firm may never once had even made a transaction.   Why did the SEC ignore the warning?  What is even more disturbing however, is that “About 10 years ago, Harry Markopolos, then chief investment officer at Rampart Investment Management Co  Rampart in Boston, asked risk management consultant Daniel diBartolomeo to run Madoff's numbers after Markopolos tried to emulate Madoff's strategy. "DiBartolomeo ran regression analyses and various calculations, but failed to reconcile them. For a decade, Markopolos raised the issue with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which has come under fire in Congress in recent weeks for failing to act on Markopolos's warnings.” Madoff Thumbs up to Markopolos and thumbs down to the SEC!  While I often take a hard line on relationship cheating there is at least passion involved which oftentimes negates reason. But with Bernard Madoff, most of us simply see greed, greed, and more greed. Copyright 2009 Watson]]> 627 2009-01-20 01:01:52 2009-01-20 04:01:52 open open cheating-in-love-and-money-edith-piaf-and-bernard-madoff publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1232424904 _edit_last 2 keywords cheating, love, infidelity, money, Madoff title Cheating in Love and Money: Edith Piaf and Bernard Madoff What kind of man should you marry? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=628 Fri, 23 Jan 2009 05:20:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=628 Men with qualities that we should look for in a marriage partner include integrity, adventure, commitment, friendship, honesty, selflessness, and loving – and to all of these add a sense of humor. Integrity -- President Barack Obama and his partnership with Michelle is being cited by columnists as ideal role models to which we should aspire. Adventuresome and KindRichard Bronson, he gave two students a lift on his private plane because they wanted to see the Inaguaration.  But read his bio and see how socially conscious the man really is.  Reuters Committed – Paul Newman with Joanne Woodward, a fairy tale marriage. We met at a Yale Commencement.  I exchanged some pleasantries with the gentleman next to me as I was shielding my eyes from the sun. And that’s when it happened. In the middle of a morning of blue sky and sunshine, the stars came out and twinkled blue.  “Oh, I seem to know you,” I uttered.  “I’m Paul,” he said, extending his hand.  Paul Newman Friendly and respectful – Tim Russert, even his rivals loved him. Whenever Tim Russert conducted an interview, it was done with integrity.  Regardless of his own opinions, he conveyed respect.  Tim Russert Honesty: Harry Markopolos, the Madoff Whistleblower  Here is a story about him in the Wall Street Journal online. He is a humble who pursued honesty for 10 years.  If only the  Securities and Exchange Commission had listened. " The documents indicate the agency had Mr. Madoff in its sights amid multiple violations that, if pursued, could have blown open his alleged multibillion-dollar scam. Instead, his firm registered as an investment adviser, at the agency's request, and the public got no word of the violations." wsj.com/ Selfless and loving  – Professor Randy Pausch, a  Brown graduate who went on to teach entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon.  He inspired students to design, create, soar within the world of virtual reality. Dr. Pausch gave the last lecture on September 20, 2007 knowing that at 46, he would not be able to survive pancreatic cancer.  Listen to the lecture once again.  He talks about love, and life, and family. He speaks of his wife with absolute devotion. Randy Pausch The secret to life long love?  When couples who have been together for half a century are asked the secret to life long love, their answers are often the same.  Speak kind words.  Laugh often. Forgive always.  See the glass as half full instead of half empty.  These are society's magnets -- they attract joy. Copyright 2009  Rita Watson]]> 628 2009-01-23 02:20:43 2009-01-23 05:20:43 open open what-kind-of-man-should-you-marry publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234019294 _edit_last 2 title What kind of man should you marry? No Sex for You, 20 Million Sexless and Counting! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=630 Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:08:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=630 To cure boredom, therapists, books and Web sites seem to agree that couples need to be adventuresome, spontaneous, and push the boundaries of love-making. The best aphrodisiac? Loving words instead of criticism by day enhance creative play at night. To spice things up in the bedroom, here is some advice from Scott Haltzman, MD, who wrote The Secrets of Happily Married Men and just published The Secrets of Happily Married WomenSpice up your sex life Sexercise: Couples who have been avoiding sex, should reconsider the benefits.  According to some new students, Sex could be better for your health than diet and exercise.  Sex over exercise  Why?  It eases stress, boosts your heart health, fights aging, and strengthens the immune system.   In fact, even just once a week sex is beneficial.  Why?  It eases stress, boosts your heart health, fights aging, and strengthens the immune system.   However, across the nation are telling me of a  disturbing trend – young couples having intimacy issues. Fighting.  Slammed doors.  No sex. "No make up sex!" Women, whether with jobs outside of the home or not, are growing more and more critical at a time when many of overly stressed over the economy. When an argument ensures, men hear the refrain all too often: "No make up sex for you!"  I say it over and over again -- I have a simple answer to the “No make up sex” syndrome – “If you don’t like make up sex, then don’t fight, just make love.”  But my answer is not a solution. It seems that younger women are becoming withholders.  In sexual politics, there are no winners.  Learn the art of kissing and making up.  It doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong.  What matters is that you are both losing sleep, peace of mind, and maybe your marriage as well.   Happiness/ RitaE      For more links about make-up sex and fighting rules, go to  Providence Love and Marriage Examiner   If you missed, "The Men We Should Marry" take a look and let me know who I should be adding to the list other than Patrick Dempsey.  Also, watch for my article next week, "Men We Should Learn to Avoid" Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 630 2009-01-25 19:08:04 2009-01-25 22:08:04 closed open no-sex-for-you-20-million-sexless-and-counting publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252250469 _edit_last 2 title No Sex for You, 20 Million Sexless and Counting description I say it over and over again -- I have a simple answer to the “No make up sex” syndrome – “If you don’t like make up sex, then don’t fight, just make love.” Friends, Genes, and Happiness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=631 Tue, 27 Jan 2009 05:08:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=631   A new study from Harvard reported by Maggie Fox on Monday through Reuters tells us that our ability to attract friends may be in our genes.  The article notes that interconnection with friends helped reseasrchers understand the role of genes in friendship.  The genes play such a precise role that the researchers found that “there appears to be a genetic tendency to introduce your friends to each other.”  Genes Friendship and Happiness: Friends play a role in just how happy and well balanced we become.  Additionally happiness is contagious in the social network.  The article presented here tells us that   • Happiness spreads more reliably than unhappiness in a network • You are 15 percent more likely to be happy if your direct connection is happy • People who smile on Facebook are generally friends with other smilers Here is the full story. Here is the full story. Catching Happiness To be happy as couples — take a page from the  AARP — yes a site for seniors that is offering some wisdom for today’s lovers and retirees. Happy Spouses • Let go of worn out friendships and relationships.  • Break away from old patterns that hinder your happiness such as falling in love with the unavailable. • Laugh at yourself and accept who you are. Of friendships, Anaïs Nin says: “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”  Friendship is important between two people in love.  Here is a link to "Do Not Marry that Man." Providence Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 631 2009-01-27 02:08:42 2009-01-27 05:08:42 closed open friends-genes-and-happiness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233032987 _edit_last 2 title Friends, Genes, and Happiness A Good Man Gives a Good Night's Sleep http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=632 Thu, 29 Jan 2009 06:00:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=632 Reuters reported on Wednesday that "Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have found that women who are happy with their husbands or partners have less trouble sleeping than their single, unattached counterparts." Reuters “While many things can interfere with sleep, stress and anxiety are very common, especially during an economic downturn,” according to neurologist Carl W. Bazil, M.D. “Ruminating about financial and personal problems, particularly as people quiet down and try to get to sleep, can interfere with relaxation and sleep onset. After poor sleep, people tend to be more irritable, which can lead to further anxiety and continued difficulty with sleep,” he said. Sleep is so important that even losing an hour or two a night can interfere with a person’s thinking and judgment. With interrupted sleep what eventually happens is “an involuntary pattern of poor relaxation and sleep interference with associated depression and poor functioning levels,” added Dr. Bazil, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. What if you are not married?  Many people are looking for love on-line.  But here is a controversial thought -- the almost arranged marriage.  First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 632 2009-01-29 03:00:02 2009-01-29 06:00:02 open open a-good-man-gives-a-good-nights-sleep publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233208927 _edit_last 2 title A Good Man Gives a Good Night\'s Sleep Get Healthy in 7 Minutes, Reduce Money Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=634 Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:48:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=634 A report in Reuters from a British medical Journal says researchers “showed that just seven minutes of exercise each week helped a group of 16 men in their early twenties control their insulin. The volunteers, who were relatively out of shape but otherwise healthy, rode an exercise bike four times daily in 30 second spurts two days a week.” REUTERS.COM South Beach Diet – when we all went on this diet, proponents said that it helped control our insulin which in turn helped with weight loss. SOUTH BEACH For a short review of a host of diets including South Beach, Atkins (which has since been updated) and Pritikin go to EDinformatics.com Consumer spending: Consumers's moods improved just a bit according to the January report The Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers said its final index reading of confidence for January rose to 61.2 from December's 60.1.   This isn't necessarily overjoyous.  However, every bit of hope helps in this money-stressed economy. CONSUMERS Exercise and Stress -- During times of stress, exercise has been shown to improve one’s mental health sometimes as effectively as one might get from an antidepressant. Exercise and Smile Today Copyright 2009 Rita Watson   / To read all my posts from The Examiner.com, go to Providence Love and Marriage Examiner ]]> 634 2009-01-30 12:48:59 2009-01-30 15:48:59 open open get-healthy-in-7-minutes-reduce-money-stress publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233331159 _edit_last 2 title Get Healthy in 7 Minutes, Reduce Money Stress description Very young men are developing diabetes and women of all ages distraught about their weight. Overweight creates stress, anxiety, and cuts down on love-making. keywords Exercise, Diet, South Beach, Consumer Index, Pritikin, Atkins, Caregivers and Stress Check http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=636 Sun, 01 Feb 2009 17:08:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=636 As most of you are aware, for several years now I have been writing about Relationships for the Providence Journal on the first Sunday of each month.  My column appears on the Op-Ed page.  This month, I wrote about family relationships with regard to caregivers. Rita Watson, Privacy Paranoia: Dementia and Seizures  (All columns for the Providence Journal are listed under Relationship Columns on this site.) Here are links and more resources that might be helpful to you. SEIZURES: Young people with seizures: Seizures and teens      Full information about post-traumatic epilepsy and seizures Our soldiers Not all seizures are epileptic, some are called Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures PNES brochure DEMENTIA With regard to Alzheimer’s and dementia -- Here is a stress checklist: Stress check Living with Alzheimer's  -- An overview   A video from WebMD --  you may have to tolerate the commercial, but once you get past it, there is useful information. Caregiving insights This week, I will reprint the full article with additional links including a link to a discussion on seizures and driving by Kimford Meador, MD, and Attorney Michael Clark quoted in the Projo.com article. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 636 2009-02-01 14:08:29 2009-02-01 17:08:29 closed open caregivers-and-family-stress-test publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233523732 _edit_last 2 title Caregivers and Family Stress Test description The problems with parenting parents with dementia and Alzheimer\'s are similar to parenting adult children with seizure disorders. keywords stress, seizures, dementia, Alzheimer\'s, veterans, A Childless Writer and Octuplets in the News http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=638 Tue, 03 Feb 2009 03:59:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=638 Unlike artificial insemination, IVF is closer to “test tube” babies.  With IVF an embryo is grown outside of the uterus within a laboratory where sperm and eggs are combined.  Once a viable embryo is formed, they are then implanted in the uterus. WebMD But for childless couples, IVF is not the only option as women today turn to surrogate mothers as well as adoption. Given the extraordinary case of the California woman who gave birth to eight babies this week, IVF is in the news again.  Many are beginning to question the ethics of the procedure given the fact that the woman is a single mother who already has six other babies that were born though this same procedure.  ABC News reported "Octuplet Birth to Single Mom of Six Sparks Debate." ABC News Apparently she was able to use eggs that were still frozen. A CHILDLESS WRITER GIVES AN INTERVIEW For many married women, the inability to have children triggers extreme anxiety and depression.  But there are women today who are childless by choice or circumstance.  Myths about childless women abound.  But thanks to an interview given by Christina Gombar to Beyond Blue’s Therese J. Borchard – the myths are exposed. Christina’s message is simple and reassuring, “…society, and the media especially, needs to start getting the message across that adults without children are O.K. just as they are.”   Author of "Great Women Writers," Christina has been the recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow. www.ChristinaGombar.com The interview is her reflection on being childless and it is also a rich resource for other women looking to share their experiences online. She makes a compelling point for all women who are saddened by the fact that they do not have children. She says: “As I blogged on the New York Times, when celebrities are showcased having babies in their forties, then fifties, society gradually sees this as normal. Mainstream consumer magazines run articles about freezing your eggs in your twenties, so you can have a baby at 45, instead of talking about retuning society and the economic system to make it easier for young women to have children at biologically natural ages. “The solution really, is not to come up with newer and more advanced fertility treatments or yet more third-world adoption options. But to make the world safe and welcoming for people who wind up without children, often for very good reasons.” “Many childless people feel bereaved -- it is a situation that deserves respect, not pity or gloating.” To read the full interview please go to:Beyond Blue World News Network: In some marriages, couples are childless Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 638 2009-02-03 00:59:04 2009-02-03 03:59:04 open open a-childless-writer-and-octuplets-in-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1233675436 title A Childless Writer and Octuplets in the News description When couples are unable to conceive some 5 percent turn to in vitro fertilization IVF, a costly procedure. One childless writer gives an interview. keywords IVF, octuplets, Christina Gombar, Beyond Blue, ethics, childless One More Madoff Question as Heads Roll http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=640 Wed, 04 Feb 2009 05:02:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=640 At last, he is getting his chance to tell Congress about “his unsuccessful attempts in the past to get U.S. securities regulators to thoroughly investigate Madoff.” Harry Markopolos became suspicious of the Madoff success some 10 years ago when he was unable to replicate the model for success. Markopolos testifies There is perhaps only one tiny bright note in this unethical mess, Reuters is reporting that there is an attempt being made to locate assests abroad that can be returned to investors.  To assist in the hunt it appears that a British law firm  might be retained to help the trustee who is overseeing liquidation of the Bernard Madoff firm. The report noted, “Separately, Judge Lifland is to hold a hearing Wednesday on other matters related to the Madoff firm liquidation. On the agenda is an agreement by Bank of New York Mellon Corp (BK.N) and JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) to transfer about $535 million found in Madoff accounts to the trustee. Returning assets It seems the Madoff story will be in the news for some time.  Right now in Massachusetts  the hedge fund that put money for the state pension fund in Massachusetts has been fired. Hedge fund fired Drug Dealers and Bernard Madoff When the cars of drug dealers are confiscated, they are sold a public auction.  I wonder if there is any precedent whereby one can force a sale of Madoff’s mansion and its valuable contents and return to the money to investors?  Or perhaps Bernard Madoff’s family might convince him to make one ethical gesture and offer to put the mansion up for sale and distribute funds accordingly.  It will be only a very small token given the millions that were lost by those who trusted him. Am not so certain as to why I appear to be obsessed with this case.  Except that in the world of relationships, one of the most important ones we will ever cultivate is with our money. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 640 2009-02-04 02:02:52 2009-02-04 05:02:52 open open one-more-madoff-question-as-heads-roll publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233713801 _edit_last 2 title One More Madoff Question as Heads Roll keywords Madoff, Markopolos, family, swindler, cheating, Congress, testify description One Madoff question daunts me. Madoff cheated his friends, his collegues, his family. How is it that only one man, Harry Markopolos, saw through the swindler? Elizabeth Edwards, Adultery, and Forgiveness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=639 Thu, 05 Feb 2009 05:02:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=639 CNN tells us that “In Resilience, scheduled for a May release, Edwards will discuss how she's dealt with difficult moments in her life — like her husband’s affair said the publisher.”  Mrs. Edwards has been steadfast in refusing to discuss the matter publicly.  CNN.com/ When the story first broke I wrote an editorial for the Providence Journal, which is excerpted here.  It generated lots of angry emails on Talking Points Memo.  But I do in fact believe that when two people love each other, forgiveness is possible, as you will note in the links to Mayo Clinic and WebMD. Here is an excerpt with the full link and at the end. Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment Despite the parade of infidelity scandals among politicians -- the outrage and finger-pointing with the John Edwards story is searing. Why? Because in most of the other scandals, there was always a question: Did the wives know? Was there a silent arrangement? John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. Perhaps it is the loss of an image that really angers us most today. John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on.” The Rabbi says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to the convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first.” As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment    It is possible to mend a marriage after an affair.  The following link will direct you both to the Mayo Clinic’s advice on infidelity and forgiveness, as well as WebMD’s advice on repairing marriage after one spouse has cheated. Mending a Marriage after Infidelity Takes Forgiveness   Copyright 2009 Rita Watson   WATCH FOR MORE ON MADOFF THIS WEEK-END .  For now READ Retrosexual Romance  -- high cheating potential through retrosexual romance, a new social networking phenomonem.]]> 639 2009-02-05 02:02:44 2009-02-05 05:02:44 open open elizabeth-edwards-adultery-and-forgiveness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233887731 _edit_last 2 title Elizabeth Edwards, Adultery, and Forgiveness description When we learned that John Edwards was cheating on Elizabeth, we were all aghast. She said very little, but is now breaking her silence through a book in the works. keywords cheating, forgiveness, Elizabeth Edwards, adultery, John Edwards, Mayo Clinic, infidelity Madoff Bilks Billions and Wall Street Gets a Cap http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=644 Fri, 06 Feb 2009 13:49:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=644 Isn't there some way to sell off all of his assets and return the money to those whom he cheated?  I mean we confiscate and sell drug dealers cars.  According to this CNN report: "He faces one charge of securities fraud in connection with an international scheme that has cost some investors their life savings. Madoff estimated that investors lost $50 billion, according to the criminal complaint against him."   Madoff victims The list of those cheated is extensive.  And today Reuters reported, "Among the financial institutions on the customer list are UBS AG, Bank of America Corp, BNP Paribas and Citigroup Inc."    Reuters.com There has long been suspicions that Madoff did not act alone.  Some reports today are saying that after Harry Markopolos testimony the other shoe will drop and he may reveal others who were involved.  Not sure if he will name names or if he will just point out how the SEC turned their nose at his findings some ten years ago. The Wall Street Pay Cap In other news, here is a commentary about the Wall Street.  She thinks Wall Street got what it deserved and reminds us of the 1979 Chrysler bailout.  It seems that with a $1.5 billion "Lee Iacocca established instant confidence and credibility by taking $1 a year and escalated stock options."   CNN.com  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  -- to read about Retrosexual Romance go to my column at Providence Love and Marriage Examiner]]> 644 2009-02-06 10:49:18 2009-02-06 13:49:18 open open madoff-bilks-billions-and-wall-street-gets-a-cap publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1233928158 _edit_last 2 keywords relationship, billions, client list, jail, Madoff, Wall Street, Lee Iococa description A man bilks his clients of $50 BILLION and he only faces a $5 million fine and 20 years in jail. title Madoff Bilks Billions and Wall Street Gets a Cap Make Valentine's Day, Children's Day http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=647 Mon, 09 Feb 2009 05:07:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=647 I am incurable romantic. As a teenager my aunt taught us to think "Love." She had us wear silk nightgowns, a strand of pearls, and a splash of Joy perfume to bed each night because, we were told, "You never know whom you will meet in your dreams." When I grew up I wanted to become a Valentine's Day maven strewing hearts and flowers in the streets. But now, I would like Valentine's Day to become Children's Day. What changed? I became a grandmother. As the Valentine Fairy Godmother, I will declare a day to rewrite the book of love and forgiveness, create a memory, and give the day back to young people, who are so much a part of the romantic tradition. We live in a love-addicted society. Every day on every television channel, a movie, a talk show, a soap opera reinforces the myth - without love, without a relationship, you are not whole. And so on Valentine's Day women wait for the hearts, the flowers, and little signs of affection. The word is, "If he loved me he would...." He would what? Overpay for flowers? Send a box of calories? Those chocolates - we might just as well apply them directly to our bodies! What does the Valentine's Day frenzy really mean? It means that on at least one day we want to feel loved. And for that we look to a Hallmark holiday card. Most of us forget that the way to be loved is to give love to those around us. Follow the advice of the man who wrote a book titled Love, Leo Buscaglia, who always reminded us to take a chance and tell people we love them - children, parents, friends. Give yourself the gift of love and forgive someone who has hurt you instead of remaining wounded. Build a room in your heart for that person and follow a Tibetan model - send wishes for a good life. It will free you and the person you send the message to, and open the door to happiness and your next adventure. Redford B. Williams, M.D., and a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University, tells us, "Eschew anger." It will do a world of good for your heart. Find ways to show a no-strings-attached love to family, to friends, even to strangers. Look at the world through the eyes of a child before that child learns anger or hate. For those looking at Valentine's Day with the same anxiety as "Will I have a date on New Year's Eve?" take heart, take control. Turn this day into children's day. Invite your friends for a champagne, strawberries and checkbook party. Collectively think of a children's group that you might support either locally or nationally. Invite your florists to donate 10 percent from the Valentine's sales; many will be pleased to do so. The tradition of Valentine's Day cards and gifts dates back to the 1500's, when young people in France and England gathered around a box in the village square to draw the name of their sweethearts for the year. Remember those lace doily Valentine's Day boxes we had in grade school? At the end of the day we all tallied up the number of cards we had received. Let this be a day when children's organizations can tally up checks. From groups that help children and families with disorders such as epilepsy to those supporting homeless children - there is a need. From organizations dedicated to improving children's health to those fostering children's creativity - a Valentine's Day check will be a welcome surprise. Be an innovator. Work with your office to support a children's arts program at a Rhode Island school, or a library such as the Providence Athenaeum. Help underwrite more children's programming at PBS. If you cannot write a check, give time. Teach a child to read. Lobby to stop child abuse. There is a benefit to thinking of Valentine's Day as Children's Day. The wonderful world of children is limitless. Children see no obstacles. Their wishes are dreams that they believe will come true. Psychoanalyst Selma H. Fraiberg called growing-up time for children The Magic Years. We can help make the magic. What I miss about being a child is my belief in Santa Claus. As the Valentine Fairy Godmother, I will sprinkle Santa dust in the air so that each of us can think about loving, forgiving, and giving in a new way -- unconditionally. (Reprinted in its entirety from the Providence Journal.  For link to see the beautiful sketch, go to Relationship Columns.)  February 13 is MISTRESS DAY -- Keep Him from Cheating on Mistress Day to read go to:   Providence Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2008 Rita Watson   ]]> 647 2009-02-09 02:07:43 2009-02-09 05:07:43 open open make-valentines-day-childrens-day publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234156063 _edit_last 2 keywords Valentines Mistresses description And then there is Mistress Day on February 13 title Make Valentine\'s Day, Children\'s Day For Love and Money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=649 Tue, 10 Feb 2009 22:09:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=649 WIFE.org (The Women's Institute for Financial Education) is a non-profit source dedicated to providing financial education to women their motto, " If you believe it, you can achieve it." They believe that "Money grows in groups. Amazing things happen" and have formed The Money Club.  The group's founders note, "Love and Money can sometimes seem like opposing forces driving you apart, not complementary forces for joy. For a partnership to succeed, both partners must work together financially and emotionally rather than compete against each other. In celebration of the month of love, WIFE.org offers suggestions for improving the relationship between you, your sweetie-and, of course, your money.  WIFE.org And here is the Five Minute Guide to Love and Money from MSN.com Wait till you read what they have to say about financial infidelity.  The article notes "A recent study by GMAC, the finance company, found that in one-third of the 2,800 households surveyed, spouses admit hiding at least one purchase from their partner. The most common secrets? Clothes, hobby-related items and gambling. Money Central By learning to talk honestly about money, your relationship can survive.  Here is a piece I did last year -- even before the economic crisis took over our lives.  Money management, marriage, sex and secrets Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 649 2009-02-10 19:09:53 2009-02-10 22:09:53 open open for-love-and-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234374944 _edit_last 2 keywords Love, money, financial infidelity description In this month of love, there are a lot of tough financial decisions that people are making. Here is information from two groups and I\'ll present another later in the week. title For Love and Money Money, Mistress Day, and Scandals http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=650 Fri, 13 Feb 2009 04:29:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=650 The term first seemed to surface with AshleyMadison.com -- the service for those who have lost respect for marriage.  We learned that it was there that Eliot Spitzer met his untimely political death and this is where we read about Mistress Day. NY Daily News In the world of high priced "escorts" the word in Washington is that Republicans pay more for prostitutes than do the Democrates.  Nonetheless, whether Republican or Democrat there seems to be a lot of men whom  we send to Washington to lead us and instead they are being led by their raging hormones. In terms of scandals among Democrats and Republicans – they don’t quite seem equal. Remember Vittner? This link bears a second look at the man who allegedly paid for sex, the man who called for Clinton’s impeachment. Here he is returning to the Senate to applause: Republicans Celebrate Hypocrisy If you and your lover are out tonight, keep in mind that it will take lots of hush money for bartenders, waitresses, waiters, and of course, the maite d'. Sex in the Senate, Sex in the States, Sex Scandals Abound What took place after the impeachment hearings of Bill Clinton brought a lot more scandals to light, mostly on the Republican side of the aisle. “Payback time,” said Hustler’s Larry Flynt, “and payback is a bitch.” Flynt went on a Hypocrite Hunt.  Payback According to the Salem-News, “Republican Sex Scandals Dwarf Those of Democrats.” Republican scandals What does it all mean? People seem to forget that infidelity is adultury is cheating!  Yet in the political world a woman stands by her man. Perhaps all these political wives are thinking, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.”  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 650 2009-02-13 01:29:27 2009-02-13 04:29:27 open open money-mistress-day-and-scandals publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234584649 _edit_last 2 title Money, Mistress Day, and Scandals description Today is Mistress Day, the day when a lot of money is said to be spent on one\'s mistress as a compensation for the fact that tomorrow, February 14th is Valentine\'s Day for couples, lovers, husbands and wives. 849 jord.quaglia@sbcglobal.net 2009-02-13 10:57:17 2009-02-13 13:57:17 1 0 0 850 jord.quaglia@sbcglobal.net 2009-02-13 11:09:45 2009-02-13 14:09:45 0 0 0 1169 worshipthegoldengoddess@gmail.com http://www.money-mistress.org 2009-04-06 17:36:10 2009-04-06 20:36:10 0 0 0 Listening for Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=651 Sat, 14 Feb 2009 05:32:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=651 Yes, You Can Hear Love in Your Heart For more articles on Love and Marriage, please read my columns at Providence Love and Marriage Examiner Wishing you a glorious day, a glorious week. Happiness/ Rita Copyright 2009 Rita Watson   Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 651 2009-02-14 02:32:07 2009-02-14 05:32:07 open open listening-for-love-2 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234624066 _edit_last 2 title Listening for Love description Today is Valentine\'s Day. And what better way to celebrate than to find love in our hearts, the love of laughter, of joy, of forgiveness. Cougar Love, Comedy Central, and Wrinkle Creams http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=655 Mon, 16 Feb 2009 17:08:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=655 Cougar Speed Dating    And I promise another story about Wall Street love!  Watch for it! How hot is the trend?   According to AARP Magazine, "A whopping 34 percent of women over 40 are dating younger men, according to a 2003 survey. The same poll, which surveyed 3,500 single people (both women and men) aged 40 to 69 year old found that 56 percent are currently separated or divorced from a spouse, 31 percent have never been married, and seven in 10 (74 percent) of formerly married singles in their 50s have been single for five years or more. " AARP and Cougars Wrinkle cream and beautiful skin advice: Now with younger men actually looking for older women, wrinkle creams here we come! I frankly think it is a good idea to keep yourself looking young and healthy just to feel good about yourself - although I confess to loving those cougars.  Here is advice from Mayo Clinic about wrinkle creams and injections.  I do want to point out once again, the obvious - for beautiful skin, stay out of the sun, or wear a generous amount of sun block and a hat, don't smoke, watch your alcohol consumption, and get a good eight hours a night sleep.  It is quite amazing what simple common sense can do for your health and beauty. Mayo Clinic and Wrinkle Creams To read more about Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna, go to Cougar Love and Longevity, but not for Madonna     For those of you who really like a good laugh, and are able to laugh at yourselves,  here is a Cougar spoof from Comedy Central and the Daily Show. Cougars on the Daily Show For more love news, read my column at Providence Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 655 2009-02-16 14:08:20 2009-02-16 17:08:20 open open cougar-love-comedy-central-and-wrinkle-creams publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234818314 _edit_last 2 description It\'s becoming a wild world out there. Cougar love seems to be sweeping the nation. Is it any wonder that some of the top searches these days point to wrinkle creams? title Cougar Love, Comedy Central, and Wrinkle Creams keywords Cougar, AARP, wrinkle creams, Mayo Clinic, speed dating, boy toys Wall Streeters Looking for Pricey Love Matches http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=653 Wed, 18 Feb 2009 03:01:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=653 According to Reuters, private matchmaking businesses appear to be booming with men writing checks from between $25,000 to $50,000 to find the right woman.  Some of the top matchmakers in the nation say that business is better than ever. Samantha Daniels runs an elite service called  Samantha's Table Samantha is finding what many therapists are saying is happening as well -- clients are focusing on relatinships rather than businesses that are either "on hold" or "going south." Another upscale matchmaker is also reporting success; here is her link. Janis Spindel Matchmaker  She has been featured in Fortune magazine. And here is an interview with Amy Anderson of the high end Interview Linx Dating founder or direct to her site Linx Dating Wall Street men are looking for nurturing women and stability.  And interestingly enough we hear from Reuters and other circles quoting high profile divorce lawyer Raoul Felder that for the moment, "there is a lull because financial uncertainty makes couples think twice about embarking on a potentially costly divorce."   Reuters looking for love Here are other articles that you might enjoy with regard to dating and Cougars. Gratitude and sex ‘trumps the king’ WORLD NEWS NETWORK, Rita Watson: Marrying their Mrs Robinson Cougar speed dating and wrinkle creams Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 653 2009-02-18 00:01:04 2009-02-18 03:01:04 closed open wall-streeters-looking-for-pricey-love-matches publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1234924004 _edit_last 2 title Wall Streeters Looking for Pricey Love Matches keywords Wall Street, match making, Samantha\'s Table, Raoul Felder, high price description Wall Street is looking for love. And those married, but disgruntled, are looking for ways to work out their differences rather than risk a pricey divorce. Sexual Safety Journalism Award and Bristol Palin http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=659 Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:24:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=659 Before I sound off about my stand on abstinence campaigns and links to Bristol Palin's interview, here is why I am printing this. We need awareness and we need people to stop talking about protection and doing something about it.  As such, here is press release about an award from Trojan® brand condoms and the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC) which I decided to print for two reasons:
    • Reports last week from the Montreal Conference on Infectious Diseases, which is slated for my article on March 1st for the Providence Journal.
    • And secondly because this is important for our sexual well being AND there is still time to apply -- the deadline in MARCH 1st.
    PRESS RELEASE AND HOW TO APPLY: Princeton, NJ • December 2, 2008 - The makers of Trojan® brand condoms and the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC) are now accepting entries for the second annual Trojan Evolve Student Journalism Award. The award recognizes college journalists who demonstrate outstanding sexual health reporting in their college print, radio, television or online media outlet, including journalistic blogs, and will be judged by a prestigious panel of experts, including former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders and GOOD Magazine Editor-in-Chief Zach Frechette.  PRESS RELEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS, TELL THEIR CHILDREN, ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO APPLY. Most of you all know my stand on abstinence campaigns -- they simply do not work.  Here is a piece I wrote last year on the topic. Packaging Sex and Abstinence Just the other day, Bristol Palin acknowledged that "Abstinence is unrealistic." from AOL news   And here is a link to Greta Van Sustern's exclusive interview. FOX News MORE OF MY ARTICLES ON THE EXAMINER.COM  Speed dating rules, dates, and texting  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    659 2009-02-19 14:24:27 2009-02-19 17:24:27 open open sexual-safety-journalism-award-deadline-and-bristol-palin publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235165870 _edit_last 2 title Sexual Safety Journalism Award Deadline and Bristol Palin description As such, here is press release about an award from Trojan® brand condoms and the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC) which I decided to print. keywords Bristol Palin, Trojan® brand condoms, National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC)
    Dude Diamonds, Money Schemes, and More on Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=661 Fri, 20 Feb 2009 16:39:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=661 Diamonds for him: A heated exchange took place yesterday between Mike and Juliet over whether or not women should buy men engagement rings.  Does this mean that women will now be saving up three months of their salary to place diamonds on a guy's hand?  Not likely to happen in this economy, although women asking men to marry them is a trend on the rise. Men's Engagement Rings Investment fraud: A sad trend seems to still be with us -- investment fraud.  According to a CNN News report, "Federal agents have located financier Robert Allen Stanford and served him with papers accusing him and three of his companies of orchestrating a $9.2 billion investment fraud scheme, the FBI said Thursday."  He is head of the Stanford International Bank.  Also named were SIB's chief financial officer; chief investment officer of Stanford Financial Group; and investment adviser Stanford Capital Management.  Money.CNN   And, according to Business Week, Stanford has been under investigation for years. Business Week Madoff and Markopolous: It looks as if there is a $9 billion fraud taking place, which pales next to Madoff's $50 billion ponzi scheme that literally wiped out some charitable organizations.   Over and over I commend the courage of Harry Markopolous for blowing the whistle.  Here is video of him: Markopolos Video I still think there should be a way to sell off the contents of the Madoff penthouse and pay back all those whom he cheated. CONDOM AWARD COUNTDOWN ON ANOTHER NOTE -- THE DEADLINE FOR STUDENT JOURNALISTS TO APPLY FOR THE SEXUAL HEALTH AWARD IS MARCH 1st.  PLEASE SEE YESTERDAY'S POSTING. Sexual Safety Journalism Award and Bristol Palin  It has all the information you need to apply for the award from Trojan® brand condoms and the National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC). Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 661 2009-02-20 13:39:18 2009-02-20 16:39:18 open open dude-diamonds-money-schemes-and-more-on-madoff publish 0 0 post description About men\'s engagement rings, another investment fraud, and the Madoff Whistleblower. keywords Richard Stanford, Antigua bank, scandal, Bernard Madoff, Harry Markopolous, Diamonds for dudes _edit_lock 1235156386 _edit_last 2 title Dude Diamonds, Money Schemes, and More on Madoff Dementia, Driving and Seizures Create Caregiver Stress http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=664 Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:52:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=664 Providence Journal that was called Privacy Paranoia: Dementia and Seizures.  Here it is slightly expanded and, at the end, there is a direct link to interviews with both Dr. Kimford Meador and Attorney Michael Clark on the driving issue with regard to seizures. Dementia, Driving and Seizures Create Caregiver Stress by Rita Watson, adapted from Providence Journal AFTER PASSING love notes to a woman in eldercare, the 88-year-old with Alzheimer's was sent home for the day. The object of his momentary affection noticed that he was wearing a wedding band and she was upset by his insincerity. It was just as well. Despite his need for socialization, his wife felt that two mornings a week of eldercare was akin to "putting papa away." The problems with parenting parents with dementia are similar to parenting adult children with seizure disorders. Decisions about health, safety and freedom often collide. The National Institutes for Mental Health report that the most common form of dementia, Alzheimer's, affects an estimated 4.5 million persons in the United States, with early onset of symptoms at about age 65. The Epilepsy Foundation says 3 million people in the U.S. are affected by seizures. These statistics may increase because soldiers returning from recent wars were exposed to repetitive head injuries; as such, they are at risk for traumatic brain injury and seizures. With both dementia and epilepsy, caregivers face a challenge. Kimford Meador, MD, a neurologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, says, "Given HIPPA regulations concerning privacy, caregivers often want more information than we are allowed to give. "With dementia patients, we have to be careful not to be manipulated by their adult children with regard to family finance issues. And with adult children who have epilepsy or seizures, we may face conflicts on the driving issue." Driving and living alone are cherished forms of independence. With parents who have dementia, it becomes a tough-love decision for children when it is time to take away the car keys, bring in home companions, or look for safer housing. Sometimes even families who want to care for their parents become victims of burnout and are often exasperated by care demands and answering the same questions over and over again by those whose minds are slipping away. "Abuse of People with Dementia by Family Carers: Representative Cross-Sectional Survey" was released last month by the Department of Mental Health Sciences at University College, in London. The researchers found that two-thirds of 220 surveyed admitted to abusive behavior in the form of screaming at and insulting those under their care. They concluded "that any policy for safeguarding vulnerable adults must consider strategies directed towards families who provide most care for older people, rather than exclusively concentrating on formal carers." Daniel Z. Press, M.D., a neurologist at the Division of Behavioral Neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, in Boston, says, "With Alzheimer's I always tell children or spouses to separate the person from the disease. When they get angry, they should get angry at the disease that is taking away someone they love. But to continue giving good care, they need a rest to recharge their batteries. Bringing in qualified outside caregivers can help. But sometimes a group eldercare program is a safer alternative." When adult children look to family physicians for support with issues that parents perceive as impinging on their freedom, they are often frustrated. Driving is a poignant issue. Physicians may tell children that a parent should no longer drive, but with parents, they hedge, "It's probably okay to drive if you stay in the neighborhood." I wonder if they would give this same answer if they lived in the neighborhood with their own young children? The law is more definitive in most states with regard to driving and seizures than for cognitive impairment.. If you have active seizures you cannot drive.  Each state has its own requirements as to how long one has to be seizure free before they can drive. Sometimes parents are in emotional turmoil because they suspect that their children are not reporting all their seizures or are not medication-compliant, but are still driving. There may even be concern that the patient suspends medication when attending parties with alcohol and cocaine.  Parents can inform their child's physician about the alleged risky behavior, but the physician cannot discuss the adult child's medical case with them unless the young adult gives permission to share information, which rarely happens. Dr. Meador says, "This is where we use common sense in balancing privacy and information. The physician can share the information with the adult child and discuss the importance of compliance. If parents fail to alter the adult child's behavior through discussion , they also have the option to report their children anonymously to the Department of Transportation. Poor medication control can have dramatic consequences.  If the young adult loses control of a car while off medication, he or she runs the risk of wrecking the car, losing insurance, and more tragically, injuring themselves or another person, or even facing a manslaughter charge." Attorney Michael E. Clark, a partner at Hamel Bowers & Clark LLP, in Houston, is a member of the governing council for the American Bar Association's health-law unit. He said that in the case of driving, "Even physicians can be held liable if they know that they have a patient with seizures who gets behind the wheel." When is it appropriate for a parent to ask an adult child for medical or legal power of attorney? Clark said, "Parents are in a better position than most others to know or suspect that a medical power of attorney is needed - not only to protect their child, but to prevent him or her from harming others." Physician Reporting of Patients When Seizures May Affect Driving from Epilepsy.com/ Professionals Rita Watson: World News Network: Privacy Paranoia: Dementia and Seizures Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 664 2009-02-22 00:52:39 2009-02-22 03:52:39 open open dementia-driving-and-seizures-create-caregiver-stress publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235620143 _edit_last 2 title Dementia, Driving and Seizures Create Caregiver Stress description Interviews with Attorney Michael Clark, Houston, TX and Kimford Meador, MD, Emory keywords caregivers, stress, dementia, seizures, driving, parents 887 bobtell@mac.com http://bobtell.com 2009-02-25 22:20:19 2009-02-26 01:20:19 1 0 0 Why French Women Never Sleep Alone and Love Lies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=665 Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:48:55 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=665 "French Women Don't Sleep Alone."  We are setting the record straight with thoughts from the young women who brought us, From Paris with Love and Lies, reposted here.  In an interview with Cape Cod Today, Maspee author says: "After writing this book, I have come to believe it is possible for any American girl or woman to rediscover her own French self - that version of herself that is elegant and discreet, sexy, mysterious, intriguing, charismatic, and charming."    -Jamie Cat Callan (See link at end of posting). So we asked an American in Paris, Aimee Charest, her opinion.  She said: " From what I can see, the book seems to make several good observations.  Notably that French woman are so attractive because they are outwardly confident and secure." And we should listen to this one from Aimee, "They don't fidget or adjust their clothes 99 times in public.  They know how present themselves extremely well, which of course is very attractive to men.   "However, even if they seem not to care about their appearance, you can be sure that an awful thought of time is put into exactly what they wear, and how they fix their hair, and clothes." From Paris: With Love and Lies Here are Aimee's comments from an earlier column.  An American living in Paris, Aimee was a bright star fashion plate intern from Boston University -- working at a Paris magazine when we met.  Lying for love?  This just in from Paris, "A resounding OUI for ladies who lie for relationships -guilty as charged." You all well know that I am a firm believer that all relationships should be based on truth.  But perhaps truth varies depending upon the generation, the country, the culture, and the honesty in admitting that you may be painting in shades of gray. An American in Paris: Lying to Ourselves Aimee Charest is a beautiful and talented twenty-ish American in Paris.  She has been living and working there since January.  She believes that everyone is afraid of being alone or being rejected. Aimee says, "I think the real problem is that we lie to ourselves too much.  As cliché as it may sound, the person we really need to be happy with is ourselves... and taking that one step further, the person we really need to be honest with ourselves. Aimee in Paris She reminds us that we each need to ask ourselves: "What do I want?  How do I feel? and  Why?  "Because at the end of the day, we all find ourselves alone with ourselves, our thoughts and our desires - whether we are single for years, or happily married." Carefully Nurtured Love Relationships Aimee added, "Being in France, it seems that woman/man relationships are more carefully nurtured.  There isn't a feeling that you can date more than one person at a time; it's more like if you don't like that person anymore, it's over, C'est la fin.  "The French don't understand the whole ‘testing' people out; they can be more honest with their feelings (if it's about sex it's about sex).  Sure it's easy to kid yourself that this dreamy French guy is the real deal, but the refreshingly honest thing is that you learn quickly that it's probably not... and that's okay!   "Sometimes I get the feeling that in the US we are searching for that special person to marry and begin our lives, instead of maybe living our lives for the right now.  "As a 20-something living in Paris (don't think for one minute I don't realize how lucky I am), perhaps it's too easy for me to say that my current thought on relationships would be to have a life filled with lovers, affairs of the heart. " The Marriage Problem, Love Lies, and Happiness "Hearing so many disaster stories about marriage has made me wary and quite skeptical - and I grew up with the most loving wonderful parents, who are still together after 26 odd years. And I am also saying this as a hopeless (albeit independent) romantic. "I just wonder how possible this is anymore; especially if you lack honesty.  I have realized that I never want to be in a relationship that isn't honest - not to say that you have to share every little thing with your partner, because I don't think that's healthy.  But I believe you should be on the same page as the person you are with (family, values, marriage or not, hopes, money, etc.) "Last thought is that judging people for the fact that they are not honest with themselves or their partners is just plain wrong.  It only serves to make you feel better and who knows - they could be extremely happy and fulfilled. "So I don't think honesty necessarily brings happiness to everyone even if it is a big factor for me.  Who knows?  The more I live, the less I know, and that's just fine with me."    Aimee, we love your fresh perspective./ R  Link to interview with Jamie Cat Callan Cape Cod Today Copyright 2009  Rita Watson]]> 665 2009-02-24 12:48:55 2009-02-24 15:48:55 open open why-french-women-never-sleep-alone-and-love-lies publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235492621 _edit_last 2 title Why French Women Never Sleep Alone and Love Lies description Book and interview, Sex and Love keywords Paris, Lovelies, Lying, Marriage, Book and interview, Sex and Love Bank of America Heiress Calls Bankers Idiots, Bank Failures Listed http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=666 Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:06:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=666 Heiress Virginia Hammerness, whose money was inherited from the A.P. Giannin family fortune, blasted Bank of America leaders during an interview with CBS 5 in San Francisco.  It was her grandfather who helped start the bank which was first called the Bank of Italy Bank of Italy in San Francisco's North Beach.  He was inspired to found the bank because it was difficult for immigrants to get loans. Reporting on the story Hank Plante says, "A.P. Giannini gave away millions, but died with an estate of only $500,000. He turned down a $1.7 million dollar bonus that the bank wanted to give him, saying they should use it to help their customers instead. and a significant stockholder in the bank he launched." To read the full interview and also see the video, here is the link. Heiress Blasts Bankers MEN ALSO MAKE LOVE MISTAKES:  Mistakes-that-clueless-men-make-with-women Bank Of America Stock Quote, Company News What is sad here is that I felt I should add a reference page to the list of bank failures. Bank Failures Reported  It is noted "The list of Bank Failures and Assistance Transactions is updated through February 20, 2009. Please address questions on this subject to the Customer Service Hotline (telephone: 888-206-4662)." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 666 2009-02-25 00:06:25 2009-02-25 03:06:25 open open bank-of-america-heiress-scolds-idiot-bankers-bank-failures-list publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1235588853 title Bank of America Heiress Scolds Idiot Bankers, Bank Failures List keywords Banik, money, heiress, idiots, irresponsible description The granddaughter of the man who founded Bank of America called the bank\'s current condition \"totally repulsive\" and blasted the management for being \"idiots.\" New $550 Million Swindle and Help for the Rest of Us http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=667 Thu, 26 Feb 2009 03:37:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=667 According to Reuters last night two managing general partners of broker-dealer WG Trading Co with main offices in Greenwich, Connecticut have been arrested and changed with perpetrating a 10 year swindle. Didn't we just report on the Bank of America heiress calling bank managers "idiots" in yesterday's story?  And now, with all of us stinging from Bernard Madoff, here comes a mini-Madoff. The Reuters report said that Paul Greenwood, 61, and Stephen Walsh, 64, were charged by U.S. prosecutors with conspiracy, securities fraud and wire fraud. "The SEC said that as recently as February 6, Greenwood and Walsh had received a $21 million investment from the University of Pittsburgh, which had been a client of Westridge since 2002 and has about $65 million invested with the money managers."  Additionally the team oversaw investments for Carnegie Mellon. MY THOUGHTS:  This is what really annoys me - these men own multi-million dollar homes, cars, and have other expensive collections.  Neither is under house arrest.  Both have made bail.  And both are simply free to come and go as they please living in the style to which they have becoming accustomed -on other people's money.  I say sell off everything and help pay back the investors. Then what about putting them to work to make real money to pay off our national debt?.  Maybe let them join forces with Madoff to find LEGITAMENT ways to help our economy - from prison, of course. Reuters on $550 swindle HELP FOR THE REST OF US For every day folks struggling with money here are Thirty Steps to Financial Wellness  Financial literacy from Money Management International -- MMI  MMI offers a broad range of help from budgeting to credit issues either directly with a counselor in person (within select markets), by telephone or online. IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED: If you are feeling depressed by all of this, here is some advice for top leaders in the mental health world. Money Woes Make for Grumpy Couples, NOTE:  Some of you may want to read the comment -- another resource.   Go to:  Dementia, Driving and Seizures Create Caregiver Stress Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 667 2009-02-26 00:37:44 2009-02-26 03:37:44 open open new-550-million-swindle-and-help-for-the-rest-of-us publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1235620361 Face Down Fears About Money and Get Some Sleep http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=669 Fri, 27 Feb 2009 03:58:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=669 Yesterday I posted links to Money Management International and Money Woes Make Couples Grumpy with two leading physicians.  Here today I am presenting a link and excerpts from Linda Stern a freelance writer whose opinions are posted on Reuters.  And I am reposting some sections of my column on money woes.

    We know that the American Psychological Association says that more than 80 percent of Americans are suffering money stress -- and during times of stress we see an increase in voilence within homes, within cities.  Linda Sterns suggests you:

    -- Define yourself broadly. Don't make the mistake of identifying too closely with your bank account balance. 

    -- Face the situation squarely. Don't hide from your money troubles, identify them.

    -- Get busy. Take action to attack whatever is troubling you. If it's job woes, spend time updating your resume and reaching out to all of your contacts. If it's your budget, look for areas to trim.

    -- Don't sublimate. If you're feeling angry (and, according to the experts, pretty much everyone is), don't take it out on the people you care about.

    -- Avoid downer people. You know who they are.

    -- Fight anxiety directly, through activities like exercise, listening to music, meditation or hobbies.

    -- Have free and cheap fun

     -- Get help and more help

    -- Walk away from the computer and CNBC Here is her column:  Money Woes Can Make You Sick at  Reuters opinion

    Rita_Watson_Money_woes_World News Network  EXCERPTS -- WHY WE NEED TO SLEEP

    Therapists are seeing more depression among couples today. Money is poised to ease out sex as the top reason for divorce. When financial instability escalates so too does anxiety, which triggers depression. "While many things can interfere with sleep, stress and anxiety are very common, especially during an economic downturn," according to neurologist Carl W. Bazil, M.D. "Ruminating about financial and personal problems, particularly as people quiet down and try to get to sleep, can interfere with relaxation and sleep onset. After poor sleep, people tend to be more irritable, which can lead to further anxiety and continued difficulty with sleep," he said. Sleep is so important that even losing an hour or two a night can interfere with a person's thinking and judgment. With interrupted sleep what eventually happens is "an involuntary pattern of poor relaxation and sleep interference with associated depression and poor functioning levels," added Dr. Bazil, an associate professor of clinical neurology at Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons. We cannot fix the economy, but we can ward off depression and insomnia. "This cycle can be broken by medication, which can help with relaxation at bedtime, or by behavioral techniques, such as meditation, which help with relaxation," said Dr. Bazil. "Many people need both. But the longer sleeplessness continues, the more difficult it can become to restore good sleep patterns. Early intervention is preferable." Speaking of sleep and needing to lighten up a bit, have you read? French-Women-Never-Sleep-Alone Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]>
    669 2009-02-27 00:58:47 2009-02-27 03:58:47 open open face-down-fears-about-money-get-some-sleep-and-an-escape publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235884391 _edit_last 2 title Face Down Fears About Money, Get Some Sleep description We cannot fix Wall Street, but we can take positive steps to keep a healthy outlook despite these times of economic uncertainty.
    champagne http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=670 Sun, 01 Mar 2009 03:17:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/champagne.doc 670 2009-03-01 00:17:53 2009-03-01 03:17:53 open open champagne inherit -1235877220 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/champagne.doc _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/champagne.doc _wp_attachment_metadata a:0:{} Can a little wine mean a lot more loving? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=672 Sun, 01 Mar 2009 05:12:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=672 The story surfaced at the end of January and was brought to my attention by a reader, Jordano Quaglia.  According to an article by Clair Weaver in the The Sunday Telegraph on January 25, 2009  this news "gives the phrase  'a stiff drink' a whole new meaning: Australian researchers have made the surprise discovery that alcohol improves, rather than damages, men's performance in the bedroom.  They hope the finding, which flies in the face of conventional belief, will reassure men who worry about the affects of drinking on their sex lives."  News.com.au The research was presented in "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" on January 8, 2009 and the abstract noted: "Alcohol consumption is a contentious social topic and is often assumed to have deleterious effects on sexual performance. There is a lack of consensus on whether alcohol consumption may in fact be beneficial to erectile function." (Full credit at the end of this article) It was this comment from Jordano that spurred me on to look up the facts: "I would like to bring to the plate the recent research posting which was performed in Australia, that, suddenly, brought me to enjoy drinking noticeably more. "I have to confess that I did not have the desire to drink anything more than a glass of wine with a meal and that was all. Now I look for more quantity (quality helps even more), despite resisting consuming beer, which it is OK, but not my thing. "The interesting thing that when I realized in my explorations of sexually-enhancing products for mine and my wife’s pleasure --  I feel the same burning warm and results with the intake of more alcohol.  The research i refer to came up in January at the news and I found it again today at http://www.justaguything.com/tag/drinking/ "I think that  as a controlled tool it may give the boost that many people need for many things, however it works well for me in the privacy of the bedroom. My suggestion: avoid it only if you feel that you may abuse the people around you, when you can’t manage drinking and aim for pleasantries and a happy SanVal’s Day and other nice dates." THANK YOU,  Jordano, and I am sure our readers thank you as well. Alcohol Consumption and Male Erectile Dysfunction: An Unfounded Reputation for Risk?
    Kew-Kim Chew, MBBS, FRCPEdin, FRCPGlasg,* Alexandra Bremner, BSc(Hons), GradDipAppStats, PhD, Bronwyn Stuckey, MBBS, FRACP,*‡§ Carolyn Earle, BSc, PGradDipHlthSci,* and Konrad Jamrozik, MBBS, D Phil
      *Keogh Institute for Medical Research, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia;   School of Population Health, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia;   School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia;   § Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia;   School of Population Health and Clinical Practice, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
    Correspondence to  Kew-Kim Chew, MBBS, FRCPEdin, FRCPGlasg, Keogh Institute for Medical Research, "A" Block, Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia 6009. Tel: (618) 9346-2008; Fax: (618) 9346-3003; E-mail: kewkimchew@hotmail.com
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    672 2009-03-01 02:12:25 2009-03-01 05:12:25 open open can-a-little-wine-mean-a-lot-more-loving publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1235884347 _edit_last 2 description It seems that alcohol can help men\'s performance in the bedroom. Now that is a surprise finding! title Can a little wine mean a lot more loving? keywords Sex, drinking, performance 956 jord.quaglia@sbcglobal.net 2009-03-01 13:27:52 2009-03-01 16:27:52 1 0 0
    Friends with Benefits, the Quiz, Rules, and Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=673 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 05:39:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=673 THE RULES -- It appears that the goal of friends with benefits is really having a sex-buddy, no demands, no commitments.  What fun is that you might ask.  For some it is quite a lot of fun, without a goal. Here are the Rules for a FWB Relationship: THE RULES The QUIZ: There is an old French saying, “Treasures are not always friends, but friends are always a treasure.”  And so I have been pondering friendship and its extension into the family of sex. The term “friends with benefits” became synonymous with sex on Boston Legal.  What started out as a kissing exercise went from desk to floor to bed –though not all in the same show. Someplace other than between the sheets, the two discovered a new type of relationship — friends with the benefits of sex. While it is traditionally associated with two people who enjoy each other’s company but do not wish to make the commitment, in fact, some FWB relationships take a romantic turn and, as with Boston Legal, end up married with children. The New York Times carried a story called, Friends with Benefits, and Stress, too  based on research that appeared in the Archives of Sexual Behavior called “Negotiating a Friends with Benefits Relationship.” Abstract Are you reluctant to enter a friends with benefits situation because you really want to save yourself for the right person? Good. You should. But as one passes let’s say the age of 40 you might be using this as a excuse to avoid a committed relationship.  A quick Frineds with Benefits quiz Do you feel that you are one of those who are not good at relationships? If you answered  “Yes,” then this is a good excuse. You won’t even need to bother trying.  Then if you disappoint, you can  shrug your shoulders and say, “See, I warned you.  Did my part.  Sorry if I broke your heart.” If you are in a friends with benefits situation ask yourself these questions:
    • Am I doing this because commitment is too difficult?
    • Is this my excuse to avoid commitment?
    • Do I traditionally tell myself and others that I am not good at relationships – thereby absolving myself of the responsibility for trying?
    • Have I been so hurt by others that I am really afraid to be hurt again?
    • Do I really like this person and sometimes fing myself caught up with feeling loved?
    If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and the friend with whom you are sharing the benefits is really a friend – than it is time for a friendship talk – truth with no consequences. THE SEX:  In my world, sex is best when two people are deeply in love and want to share the intimacy.  For others, sex is an experiment, a stress release, the extension of friendship.  The problem with a FWB relationship in which sex is the basis -- eventually the sex becomes just sex and remaining friends becomes difficult. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    673 2009-03-02 02:39:00 2009-03-02 05:39:00 open open friends-with-benefits-the-quiz-rules-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1235972510 title Friends with Benefits, the Quiz, Rules, and Sex description The blog post yesterday about a little wine for men can be a sexual help and encouragement. In the friends with benefits world, many women confess that it all starts out after a glass or two of wine, 1597 http://maydecembersecrets.com/rons-posts/how-old-do-our-friends-have-to-be/ 2009-06-06 00:04:07 2009-06-06 03:04:07 0 pingback 0 0 1168 http://maydecembersecrets.com/boundaries/why-does-anyone-care/ 2009-04-06 15:16:10 2009-04-06 18:16:10 0 pingback 0 0
    Condoms Should Be Sweeping the Country http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=674 Tue, 03 Mar 2009 05:35:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=674 As such the article this week is called "Condomania' Can Deter Infectious Love."  Because it just appeared, I will just post the first few paragraphs and then link to the newspaper. Rita Watson: ‘Condomania’ can deter infectious love  01:00 AM EST on Sunday, March 1, 2009 ON THE BASIS OF NEW infectious disease reports, “condomania” should be sweeping America. The dark side of loving is contagiously surfacing. When we talked last May, Dr. Ruth Westheimer emphatically reminded me of her concerns about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS. “Just watch. The numbers are going to start going up again,” she said. She was right on the mark. While the statistics look grim, two advertising campaigns are creatively promoting safe sex: Condom a Cappella Chorus cell phone ringtones and the “Men are pigs and must evolve” campaign. Despite the humorous approach, STDs and teen pregnancies are no laughing matter. "Condomania" can deter infectious love (The Providence Journal.) The article also appeared on the World News Network World News Network, Condomania Comments on this blog are closed, but feel free to leave a comment at the newspaper. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 674 2009-03-03 02:35:43 2009-03-03 05:35:43 closed open condoms-should-be-sweeping-the-country publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1238190328 title Condoms Should Be Sweeping the Country description ON THE BASIS OF NEW infectious disease reports, “condomania” should be sweeping America. The dark side of loving is contagiously surfacing. keywords Dr. Ruth, sex, condoms, Bristol Paliln Wall Street Free Fall Hits Lawyers, Slams Politician http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=675 Wed, 04 Mar 2009 03:01:32 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=675 February was not a kind month for the economy and many are looking to Spring for a rebirth, a resurgence in the stock market.  Even the law profession is being hit hard. We were saddened by the legal news of so many layoffs in mid-February. Many prestigious law firms were letting go of staff and attorneys.  It was reported by the ABA Journal, "After the DLA Piper news came word that Bryan Cave is eliminating 58 attorneys and 76 staff, that Holland & Knight is 'restructuring' and laying off approximately 70 lawyers and 173 staff, and, via ATL, that Faegre & Benson is cutting 29 attorneys and has offered a 'voluntary separation  package' to an unknown number of staff. ''  The journal also noted that "Goodwin Procter confirmed that it is laying off 38 associates and 36 staff." ABA  Journal, Bloody Thursday The news continues this week. Says Above the Law: "We are able to confirm  that Shearman & Sterling is laying off administrative staff today."  Is there and end in sight?  As for politicians hit -- we know for sure Chris Dodd is taking a hit these days for a few cushy deals.  According to Bob Whitcomb's blog for the Providence Journal:  "U.S. Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd knows where to get money -- from those his committee helps oversee.'" Read what Whitcomb has to say in light of new revelations that Dodd received money from "from the very dubious Stanford Financial Group."  New England News Here is more on that scandal and also HELP FOR YOURSELF.  New $550 Million Swindle and Help for the Rest of Us We need an emotional stimulus package otherwise we might have to all put our noses into the grass and search for Four Leaf Clover.  Is it any wonder that those on Wall Street are looking for love? Not too many of us are offering hugs.  Wall Streeters Looking for Pricey Love Matches Copyright 2009 Rita Watson   ]]> 675 2009-03-04 00:01:32 2009-03-04 03:01:32 open open wall-street-free-fall-hits-lawyers-slams-politician publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1236140428 title Wall Street Free Fall Hits Lawyers, Slams Politician description The only pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in this economic climate might appear after a St. Patrick\'s Day celebration of too much green beer. keywords DLA Piper, Bryan Cave, Holland & Knight, Faegre & Benson, Goodwin Proctor, lay-offs, lawyers, Chris Dodd, Banking, finance, scandal, Stanford Financial Group 996 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-03-04 17:14:56 2009-03-04 20:14:56 1 0 0 A Cigar Story, A Job Club, and the SEC is Sued http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=679 Thu, 05 Mar 2009 04:44:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=679 The Cigar Story:  It never quite occurred to me that men enjoy this ritual as they might fishing and hunting. “We talk, but maybe we sit here for 15 minutes before one of us says anything,” said a professor.  “Women can’t do that.  They need to be talking and interacting. Here we have a bond.” This quiet friendship reminded me of a recent column that I posted by Maureen Dowd that says, “Never marry a man without friends.  He doesn’t know how to be intimate.”   A gentleman married for 17 years appreciates the ritual.  “There is the choosing.  The unwrapping.  The cutting.  The lighting up.  The puffing.  The flavor — all cigars have a different flavor. It is a quiet ritual, but it brings us together.  I think women don’t understand camaraderie.  My wife and I do.” I often believed that for a man and woman to co-exist, it was important to have a room of one’s own — to write, to think, to be.  But after cigar night, I am rethinking the concept of separate but together for laughter, for passion, and moments of silent independence.  Another of my cigar stories: Girls Cigar Night Out: Sexy Guys and Friendship A Job Club:  This story by Carey Gillam for Reuters is a bit heartwarming. "Tom Skidmore has been out of work only since December. But when his former employer filed bankruptcy in January and his severance evaporated, Skidmore knew he didn't have much time. As the sole breadwinner for his family of five, he had to find work fast. So he joined a job club. "Part networking opportunity, part therapy group, jobs clubs are rapidly emerging as hot spots for job hunters in America. The clubs, which are springing up in large U.S. cities as well as small towns, act as places to share fears over depleted savings accounts, polish resumes, practice 30-second personal pitches and hone survival strategies."  Here is that story Job Clubs surge.   A Lawsuit:  I continue to be appalled by the swindlers of this world  This story by Anna Driver tells of investors fighting back to get their assets.  "Clients of Stanford Group Co sued the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Marshals Service and Stanford's court-appointed receiver on Wednesday, arguing the government had no right to freeze their assets. "  As I pointed out earlier, the Stanford group is comprised of the Greenwich, CT folk who made off with $550 million of their investors' money.  The freezing of assets has enraged and frustrated investors, including some who say they can't pay medical bills or mortgages or buy groceries.  Read on and cheer on those who ask for justice. SEC is sued Comments are closed here, but you may add them to the Cigar Masters story at the Examiner.comm which will appear in the late morning.  Love-and-Marriage-Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 679 2009-03-05 01:44:08 2009-03-05 04:44:08 closed open a-cigar-story-a-job-club-and-the-sec-is-sued publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236228430 _edit_last 2 title A Cigar Story, A Job Club, and an SEC Lawsuit description I liked the men who let me join them at the Cigar emporium. I like knowing there are Job Clubs popping up. And I like the fact that the SEC is being sued. keywords Cigar, job club, lawsuit, Stanford, swindle, Cigar Masters Marriage Tax Discourages Working Wives http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=681 Fri, 06 Mar 2009 03:26:03 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=681 Every once in a while I worry that marriage is becoming obselete.  Statistics show that the number of couples living together instead of being married is up in 13 countries around the world.  There are slightly fewer divorces, but there are also fewer marriages.  When you read this article about how married working women are penalized, you will understand my outrange. A short blog today.  A long article.  A lot of food for thought. And at this posting, there were 62 comments to ponder. Taxes-hit-working-wives Copyright 2000 Rita Watson]]> 681 2009-03-06 00:26:03 2009-03-06 03:26:03 open open the-marriage-tax-discourages-working-wives publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236472224 _edit_last 2 title The Marriage Tax Discourages Working Wives description If you are as concerned as I am about the rise in the number of couples living together rather than getting married, this story will make you angry. Jeremy Soares http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=682 Fri, 06 Mar 2009 18:06:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar.jpg 682 2009-03-06 15:06:06 2009-03-06 18:06:06 open open jeremycigar inherit 680 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:600;s:6:"height";i:800;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='72'";s:4:"file";s:69:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:23:"jeremycigar-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:23:"jeremycigar-225x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:225;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";d:2.79999999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:6:"iPhone";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:1233867224;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} jeremycigar1 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=683 Fri, 06 Mar 2009 18:06:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar1.jpg 683 2009-03-06 15:06:18 2009-03-06 18:06:18 open open jeremycigar1 inherit 680 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar1.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar1.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:600;s:6:"height";i:800;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='72'";s:4:"file";s:70:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/jeremycigar1.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:24:"jeremycigar1-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:24:"jeremycigar1-225x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:225;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";d:2.79999999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:6:"iPhone";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:1233867224;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Above the Law Smacks Madoff and Investors Get More Bad News http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=684 Sat, 07 Mar 2009 05:06:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=684 If it is possible to laugh at this Madoff scenario at all, this group can help you do it. Read what amounts to "take a ticket for a smack." Madoff_plea Investors then learned that their accounts, part of the giant Ponzi scheme, were totally unprotected. According to AP, these 800 folk shared an address though no one knew the other.  The address was home to a PO Box.  According to the report, " Now, they are discovering a painful common bond, shared with at least two previous groups of stung investors. For at least the third time in as many years, the company behind Denver P.O. Box 173859 has turned up as a go-between in a collapsed Ponzi scheme. "Their losses with Madoff, together with earlier cases, raise questions about Fiserv and the risks inherent in what are known as self-directed IRAs. These financial products are an increasingly popular way of letting people invest in real estate or small businesses and other less-traditional investments."  Read more of what RACHEL BECK and ADAM GELLER have to say. from the AP In one of my books I wrote 20 ways to find a financial advisor.  Remind me to post it this week. In the meantime -- remind yourself that something that looks too good to be true, often is! Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 684 2009-03-07 02:06:12 2009-03-07 05:06:12 open open above-the-law-smacks-madoff-and-investors-get-more-bad-news publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236402372 _edit_last 2 keywords money, Madoff, Above the Law, Investors description The day was bleak in terms of Bernard Madoff. Read what \"Above the Law\" had to say about him \"coping a plea.\" Next some 800 investors received more bad news. title Above the Law Smacks Madoff and Investors Get More Bad News Frozen Assets and Hot Sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=686 Mon, 09 Mar 2009 03:18:03 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=686   According to a Reuters report yesterday, the task of sifting through frozen assets of the infamous swindlers of the century, is not an easy one.  As the story noted: " While accused hedge fund swindler Arthur Nadel sits in a Manhattan jail, Burton Wiand is busy seizing control of his assets -- a 453-acre mountainside tract of land in North Carolina, several airplane hangars and a jumble of bank accounts. "Wiand, a Florida lawyer, is a court-appointed receiver, a job that has become increasingly in demand in blockbuster fraud cases ranging from the Bernard Madoff scandal to the case against Texas tycoon Allen Stanford. "Receivers must juggle their search for assets with the oversight of employees at the companies they take control of, while providing updates to the court and dealing with panicked investors who may have lost their life savings." From Madoff to Stanford Sometimes investors get really angry as I reported earlier last week,.  There is at least one group in the case of Madoff that is suring the  SEC to release their assets. From frozen assets to hot sex.  Yes there is a connection, I'm getting to it. Last year we read about the Christian movement of promoting "sizzling sex." Rev. Kerry Shook of the Woodlands Church outside Houston preached a sermon called, 'How to Make Your Marriage Sizzle' in an effort to strengthen marital relations.  Once taboo topics are being talked about openly.  Christians Promoting Hot Marital Sex To break another taboo of the uptight, Cleis Press has yet another book edited by Alison Tyler, Open for Business, Tales of Office Sex.  The postcard Kara sent me says the book is " an invitation to relish the trangressive thrills of sex where It is not supposed to happen." Office Sex What has the story of these swindlers got to do with sex?  Just think back to that old bumper sticker that read, "Bill screwed Monica, but George W screwed the country"  -- there's your connection. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 686 2009-03-09 00:18:03 2009-03-09 03:18:03 open open frozen-assets-and-hot-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236568683 _edit_last 2 title Frozen Assets and Hot Sex Breast Cancer Survivors and Husbands Who Help http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=687 Wed, 11 Mar 2009 00:31:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=687 Providence Journal article "At Last, Here's How to Train Your Husband," * from a breast cancer survivor.  Here are the stories: Job materials for those who help his wife:  Career fitness coach Malcolm Munro is about living life productively and harmoniously.  Malcolm has the most incredibly helpful books, videos, and tools imaginable.   And in asking us to help his wife, he is giving us a present. To learn more and see how you can help, please go to Malcom's site Career Fitness Coach . Look the very left, you will see Help Cure Breast Cancer! In very tiny letters there is a link Please Sponsor a Survivor!  DO IT and you will receive life skills tips from Malcolm that are invaluable. Next a friend called to tell me about a comment from a professor complaining about sexism - so I went back and read all of the comments.  This one struck me as one that should be shared. Written by the author of Boob, a Story of Sex, Cancer and Stupidity , here is what Karen de Balbian Vester had to say: I was encouraged by this quote: "psychologist Helen Fisher... in a Today Show interview, said, ‘If you can train a pigeon, you can train a man.' Having taken a dog obedience class wherein I learned it's the pet-owners who are most in need of the behavior modification, I feel well-equipped to implement the positive reinforcement techniques I learned there, especially since they dovetail nicely with the mental modification work I'm doing on myself, derived from Emmet Fox's Sermon on the Mount and Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive Thinking, both of which maintain that if you focus on the positive the negative is less likely to occur. And really, how important is all this minutia? As a breast cancer survivor, I learned from Lawrence LeShan's book, Cancer as a Turning Point, that one thing cancer survivors have in common is an inability to accept life on life's terms. My husband is a kind, intelligent, talented man who has earned the lion's share of the income since the birth of our daughter so if he wants to scar the kitchen counter by not using a cutting board, it's his prerogative. He does put the toilet seat down (something I'm always grateful for when I visit the home of a husband who doesn't), and he cooks dinner and cleans the windows on occasion. He always remembers my birthday and anniversary and he never criticizes me. Sadly, I've had to face my chauvinism and give up my expectation that every man should be able to do home and car repairs, but after twenty-four years of, on the whole, a happy, satisfying marriage, why am I focusing on the negative? What I've discovered is that I often nag and carp the most when something is off with me, most often caused by a spiritual imbalance. This is corroborated by the old co-dependent chestnut that if you point the finger at someone else, three fingers point back at you. To read more on this, visit my blog at http://mysite.verizon.net/kdebv On a day in which we saw another gloomy financial picture -- these stories of survival and love are like the sun shining in a clear blue sky. * At last, here’s how to train your husband Sunday, January 3, 2009  and  Rita Watson: World News. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 687 2009-03-10 21:31:14 2009-03-11 00:31:14 open open breast-cancer-survivors-and-husbands-who-help publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236741215 _edit_last 2 title Breast Cancer Survivors and Husbands Who Help description Right after receiving a note from a fellow blogger offering free job materials for those who help his wife. Above the Law NYU Musical Fun, Madoff to Plead Guilty http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=688 Thu, 12 Mar 2009 01:03:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=688 For this brief moment, set aside the gloominess of the news, sit back and enjoy the show. NYU LAW REVUE Now back to Madoff: In these days ahead with swindlers galore being defended in court sometimes attorneys get a bad name -- particiularly when a technicality is used to set someone free. Who can forget, "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit?"    But as my grandmother would comment, "Vengence is mine sayth the Lord."  And OJ  now sits in prison. Many are wondering if Madoff will indeed serve a day in prison or if he will use the courts to keep himself sitting pretty? And where is his WIFE in all of this?  Is she setting up a charitable foundation for all those who have lost millions? So many families are victims.  There are those who say,  "But those who lost had so much money to begin with, what does it matter?"  Let's not forget how many wealthy families created foundations aimed at helping others, building relationships in communities, and supporting hospitals." The Madoff mess is beyond my comprehension. If you can stomach more about the man, here goes: Madoff to plead guilty Copyright 2000 Rita Watson]]> 688 2009-03-11 22:03:46 2009-03-12 01:03:46 open open above-the-law-nyu-musical-fun-madoff-to-plead-guilty publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236819847 _edit_last 2 keywords Madoff, money, guilty, NYU, Review, Law description The Madoff story is no laughing matter; and NYU Musical Revue title Above the Law Musical Fun; Madoff to Plead Guilty 1023 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-03-12 13:51:56 2009-03-12 16:51:56 1 0 0 Bernard Goes to Jail, but Where is the Money, Mrs Madoff? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=691 Thu, 12 Mar 2009 17:38:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=691 "He has incentive to flee, he has the means to flee, and thus he presents the risk of flight," Judge Chin said. "Bail is revoked."  Here is today's New  York Times report: Madoff goes to jail But I want to know, how much of the money now rest in the hands of Ruth Madoff? Today from FORTUNE: "With Bernard Madoff pleading guilty to federal charges that will likely send him to prison for life, attention has turned toward his wife, Ruth. Or, more specifically, to two questions about her: What did she know of the fraud? And, will she keep the tens of millions of dollars worth of property and assets in her name?"  This article by Mitchell Zuckerman has a poignant ending: "It's an open question what Ruth Madoff knew of the deeds committed by her husband of nearly 50 years. But already, her actions contrast sharply with those of Rose Ponzi's, causing suspicions to abound." I guess people want to know about the $15.5 million Mrs. M withdrew from a brokerage partly owned by her husband's company. . . .  Mitchell concluded: "Rose Ponzi walked away from her husband's scheme broke but innocent. Given the pain Bernard Madoff caused by emulating Charles Ponzi, Ruth Madoff might want to consider following the example of Ponzi's wife. " Ruth's Fortune   By the by, Rose Ponzi was a romantic, devoted wife.  She believed in "stand by your man." Will we even know the Madoff truth?  Will money ever be returned to the victims?  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 691 2009-03-12 14:38:04 2009-03-12 17:38:04 open open bernard-goes-to-jail-but-where-is-the-money-mrs-madoff publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1236880378 _edit_last 2 keywords Madoff, jail, money, Mrs. Madoff, Ruth, swindle, Ponzi, guilty, milliona title Bernard Goes to Jail, but Where is the Money, Mrs Madoff? description And after pleading guilty, Bernard Madoff went off to jail. But wait. Where is the money? UK Sex, US Money: Erotica and Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=693 Fri, 13 Mar 2009 16:46:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=693 Despite reports that men have more sex partners than women --  by last count in the US the numbers were put at something like 30 to 8 -- in the UK it seems that those advanced young women have more sexual partners than men.  "Young women in Britain are more promiscuous than men, according to a survey that claims the average 21-year-old has had nine sexual partners compared with seven for men," says the Telegraph .co.uk  The article noted, "The poll of 2,000 by the magazine More also found that one in four young women has slept with more than 10 people, compared with one in five men who had done the same." One-night stand Capital: The article continues, this news "comes just a week after an academic study branded Britain one of the casual sex capitals of the Western world, with residents having more one-night stands and more liberal attitudes than those in Australia, France, the Netherlands, Italy and the US."  To find out more, UK SEX By the by, do US men really have more sex partners?  You may want to re-read Lies About Lovers and The Boston Legal Lie Now for Madoff:  If you can take it, here is the lastest on Madoff.  In a Reuters news article today it is reported that he said: " 'While I never promised a specific rate of return to any client, I felt compelled to satisfy my clients' expectations, at any cost,'" he said on Thursday, standing and reading his statement to the court in a steady voice." Madoff: Reuters  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 693 2009-03-13 13:46:42 2009-03-13 16:46:42 closed open uk-sex-us-money-erotica-and-madoff publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237048032 _edit_last 2 title UK Sex, US Money: Erotica and Madoff description News about our money and Madoff is so dismal that I found something a little provocative to maybe take your mind into a fantasy. keywords sex, UK, madoff, one-night stand, money Love and Money: Hire My Husband Please http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=695 Sat, 14 Mar 2009 17:27:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=695 The article says, "Robin Stearns, 28, watched her husband apply for jobs day in and day out. She watched him scour professional networking sites in an attempt to contact prospective employers. "Then an idea came to her: Why not make him stand out by starting a Web site devoted to helping him find a job?  She used her tax refund to buy a MacBook, which came with a Web site building feature. A few days later, myhusbandneedsajob.com was born.  Here is the full story: from CNN For more about supportive couples: Marriage Loving Marathon, Intimacy, and Kind Words Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 695 2009-03-14 14:27:33 2009-03-14 17:27:33 open open love-and-money-hire-my-husband-please publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237051749 _edit_last 2 title Love and Money: Hire My Husband Please Stop AIG Bonus Scandal Send Execs to Madoff's Cellblock http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=698 Mon, 16 Mar 2009 04:21:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=698 If the bailout is really taxpayer money in some convoluted way, then AIG should be HOUNDED by every person who has ever had an account with them -- or who has one currently.  But this is one you will love.  I have been trying to pull my money out even at the risk of losing even more than I have already lost with my 401K in the  AIG coffers. Here's the catch.  My broker left AIG.  And AIG WILL NOT turn over my money to me until I retain another broker who is somehow connected with AIG.  My money is their money.  And the bailout money is used to pay out $165 million in bonuses.  Let's start publishing names!  Shame on all of you. Here from Reuters: "WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc and a parade of European banks were the major beneficiaries of $93 billion in payments from AIG -- more than half of the U.S. taxpayer money spent to rescue the massive insurer."AIG Outrage But Robert Reich tells us the story of the real AIG scandal The Real Scandal in the Huffington Post. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 698 2009-03-16 01:21:33 2009-03-16 04:21:33 open open stop-aig-bonus-scandal-send-execs-to-madoffs-cellblock publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237177293 _edit_last 2 keywords AIG, Madoff, Robert Reich, taxpayers, scandal title Stop AIG Bonuses and Send Execs to Share a Cell with Madoff Feds Go After Madoff Assets and AIG Names Names http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=699 Mon, 16 Mar 2009 17:27:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=699 According to the CNN report, "'Many of the assets are held in the name of Madoff's wife, Ruth. That should not prevent the government from seizing them,' said former federal prosecutor Bradley Simon of Simon & Partners. "  CNN CRIME/ In another report by CNN,  we see that AIG released a list of "of 'counterparties' that benefited from the bailout [and it ] is topped by European banks Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank, which received $4.1 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively Wall Street firms Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch round out the top four, receiving $2.5 billion and $1.8 billion, respectively. According to the report, "In releasing the list, AIG said it 'recognizes the importance of upholding a high degree of transparency with respect to the use of public funds.'"  CNN AIG Money, families, relationships -- these are tough times.  But we do not need to sit passively and shake our heads in disgust.  Call your Congressperson.  Let Washington know. Text the President. Twitter Karl Rove if you must.  But speak out! Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 699 2009-03-16 14:27:36 2009-03-16 17:27:36 open open feds-go-after-madoff-assets-and-aig-names-names publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237224464 _edit_last 2 title Feds Go After Madoff Assets and AIG Names Names description Mrs. Madoff\'s money is at risk. Look at who received \"taxpayer\" money keywords Madoff, jail, money, AIG St. Patrick's Day Magic, Myths and Schizophrenia http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=701 Tue, 17 Mar 2009 14:52:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=701 He pointed out that the Patron Saint of Ireland was a missionary who was born into a Roman-Britain family who went to Ireland to work his miracles in a land of fairies and leprechauns. Then he asked, "If he was from Rome, doesn't that make him an Italian? And didn't he then bring with him a multiple culture that may have endowed him with multiple personalities?" Patrick Tracey took off his shoe and in a tossing gesture said, "Watch what you say about our Saint."  The moment was a fun one, which broke the tension of an otherwise serious evening to a standing room only audience at the Harvard Coop. Tracey was there to talk about tracing the roots of his family's schizophrenia.  People in the audience for the most part related touching stories of family members who struggled with hearing voices. Tracey, sounding more like a compassionate group leader than an author, offered kind and supportive words for all those who shared their stories.  So, while I didn't get to hear him read -- which I was hoping to do -- I had the opportunity to watch my friend Patrick bring comfort on the eve of St. Patrick's Day to an audience of strangers who melted into family. Stalking Irish Madness To read my interview with Patrick, winner of the nonfiction PENN Award, go to Interview with author, Stalking Irish Madness For more about St. Patrick, Fox News St. Patrick Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 701 2009-03-17 11:52:41 2009-03-17 14:52:41 closed open st-patricks-day-magic-myths-and-schizophrenia publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237305545 _edit_last 2 title St. Patrick\'s Day Magic, Myths and Schizophrenia description I was at a reading last evening for \"Stalking Irish Madnes: Tracing the Roots of My Family\'s Schizophrenia\" by Patrick Tracey. keywords Patrick, Schizophrenia, Saint, Magic, Fairies To AIG and Madoff: We Want the Money Back http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=702 Wed, 18 Mar 2009 03:33:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=702 According to Reuters, "Several lawmakers introduced tax bills likely to worry other businesses taking part in the government's many financial rescue programs.    "Democratic Representative Gary Peters' bill, for instance, would put a 60 percent tax on bonuses over $10,000 at any company in which the government has a 79 percent or greater equity stake. It now holds about 80 percent of AIG." Their goal is to recoup the money. Reuters AIG Even Chris Dodd is jumping in -- and reports of AIG stuffing his coffers are no secret. Fox Business Elsewhere with the Madoff's, Reuters reported: "U.S. prosecutors raised the pressure on jailed swindler Bernard Madoff's family on Tuesday, signaling their intent to ask for $31.5 million from loans to his sons and $2.6 million worth of his wife's jewelry."  Reuters Madoff It is time we send a message that sounds through-out the nation.  Taxpayers have had enough with greed and games.  Obama's economic report card is not a pretty one.  But we owe it to ourselves to maintain a healthy relationship to whatever money we have left.  And what does that  mean?  Budget.  My Aunt Virginia would be horrified to hear the word come from my mouth.  Decisions Affecting Your Relationship with Money Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 702 2009-03-18 00:33:37 2009-03-18 03:33:37 open open to-aig-and-madoff-we-want-the-money-back publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237350749 _edit_last 2 description Chris Dodd, AIG, Madoff, title To AIG and Madoff: We Want the Money Back Adult-only Toy Parties May Be Saving Marriages http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=703 Thu, 19 Mar 2009 04:08:55 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=703 In France the erotica industry is slowing down with the economy.   Some expressed surprise because as unemployment escalates and people are unable to afford socializing, it was expected that they would stay home and become more experimental in their love lives.  But sales were down at the national erotica trade show fair. Reuters Toys in France  Sandy Julien: Here in New England there seems to be growing excitement about educating partners and using erotica as a way to enhance couple’s relationships. “We save marriages one party at a time,” says Sandy Julien, called Athena’s Heavenly Goddess for this home novelty group. She joined the group to help her save money and it has become a full-time career, thriving business, and she is now a trainer whose mentoring group is called, “The Orgasmics!”  Sandy said, "Our product line includes bathing, spa, massage, and aromatherapy products, as well as adult novelties." But she stresses that their goal has a focus on education balanced with humor. "This allows us to empower and educate party guests regarding their anatomies and how to enhance their sexual experiences both alone and with a partner."  When she became a Goddess, she says she was shocked, "Women simply did not know how to tap in to the incredible pleasure that they are capable of enjoying! At one meeting 45-55 year old women confessed to me that they had never had an orgasm - alone or with a partner! This shocked and saddened me. I realized that as a Goddess, I am part of a grassroots organization whose mission is to educate and to take the shame out of talking about sex. "Women are constantly surprised at how matter-of-factly I can speak to a group about the importance of clitoral stimulation, how to find and stimulate both the male and female G-spots, how to silently communicate with a partner who is not pleasing them.  They see me as a  sexpert and tell me things they don't even tell their best girlfriends!"   For Lisa Hoopis, Athena's became a pathway that helped her become an educator.   What started out as a part-time job nearly 10 years ago has become a career. "I loved the products and thought it would be great to get out of the house and make money instead of spending money. I loved the idea of meeting new people and making new connections. What I didn't know then is that I would be changing my path in life and I would be empowering thousands of woman along the way.  I knew I could make a difference at my parties for women, but I wanted to take it even farther and start educating teens and young adults about sexual health and relationships.  "I want to increase social awareness around the importance of discussing and communicating about sexuality.  I realized after talking to women at my parties that they knew very little about the way their bodies worked and most  received very little sex education.  Sex is often seen as dirty and taboo and often the women would feel shame and embarrassment instead of pleasure.  I wanted to change that." As such, Lisa created a dream job for herself and found her way to Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island where she runs a variety of comprehensive sex education programs. "And now I am the director of the New England Institute of Human Sexuality, a non profit organization designed to help certify people interested in sex education. These two women reinforce something I have always believed -- "A man in bed is only as good as the woman who guides him and laughs with him." These Goddesses are helping women bring a new level of intimacy and happiness into their relationships. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson 
    703 2009-03-19 01:08:55 2009-03-19 04:08:55 open open adult-only-toy-parties-save-marriages publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237859021 _edit_last 2 1158 sem@ischopp.co.uk http://www.myadultsextoys.co.uk 2009-03-24 10:50:37 2009-03-24 13:50:37 Sex Shop for women in the UK]]> 1 0 0
    lisa http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=704 Thu, 19 Mar 2009 04:39:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa.jpg 704 2009-03-19 01:39:20 2009-03-19 04:39:20 open open lisa inherit 703 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:200;s:6:"height";i:150;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:23:"height='96' width='128'";s:4:"file";s:62:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:1:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:16:"lisa-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} untitled http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=705 Thu, 19 Mar 2009 04:43:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/untitled.bmp 705 2009-03-19 01:43:30 2009-03-19 04:43:30 open open untitled inherit 703 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/untitled.bmp _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/untitled.bmp _wp_attachment_metadata a:0:{} lisa1 http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=706 Thu, 19 Mar 2009 04:59:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa1.jpg 706 2009-03-19 01:59:34 2009-03-19 04:59:34 open open lisa1 inherit 703 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa1.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa1.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:200;s:6:"height";i:150;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:23:"height='96' width='128'";s:4:"file";s:63:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lisa1.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:1:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:17:"lisa1-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Comment on the Media and the AIG Mess http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=708 Thu, 19 Mar 2009 22:43:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=708 CNN politics section, with regard to the AIG mess,  there was a comment that tells us that professor and political adviser Drew Westen said, "Obama got it right, but his message was drowned out by the response of this economic team. " "But watching some of the president's chief economic advisers publicly throw up their hands in helplessness, suggesting the government could feed the monster but couldn't control it, was a reminder of what happens when presidential surrogates speak without proper media training, a unified message and a clear sense of why getting their message right on this really matters," Westen wrote in a commentary for CNN.com." MEDIA TRAINING?  HOW ABOUT LEARNING TO READ A CONTRACT?  LOOK INTO THE PROBLEM.  AND FIND A SOULTION!  And now a word from our President: In the above article he is quoted: "We didn't draft these contracts," he said. "We've got a lot on our plate. But it is appropriate when you're in charge to make sure stuff doesn't happen like this."  Indeed it is, Mr. President. Indeed it is! At least about an hour ago it was reported that The House voted to tax bonuses at 90 percent to recoup some of the giveaway money. Tomorrow's column: AIG caves, Dodd fesses up. We kiss away our money.  And for a touch of humor, the French sex toy industry sags. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 708 2009-03-19 19:43:09 2009-03-19 22:43:09 open open comment-on-the-media-and-the-aig-mess publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237859036 _edit_last 2 keywords Dodd, CNN title Comment on the Media and the AIG Mess 15_11_55-the-beach_web http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=709 Fri, 20 Mar 2009 05:01:25 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55-the-beach_web.jpg 709 2009-03-20 02:01:25 2009-03-20 05:01:25 open open 15_11_55-the-beach_web inherit 710 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55-the-beach_web.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55-the-beach_web.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:400;s:6:"height";i:600;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='64'";s:4:"file";s:80:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55-the-beach_web.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:34:"15_11_55-the-beach_web-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:34:"15_11_55-the-beach_web-200x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:200;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:0;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} 15_11_55_edit http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=712 Fri, 20 Mar 2009 05:13:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55_edit.jpg 712 2009-03-20 02:13:09 2009-03-20 05:13:09 open open 15_11_55_edit inherit 713 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55_edit.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55_edit.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:600;s:6:"height";i:900;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:22:"height='96' width='64'";s:4:"file";s:71:"/home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/15_11_55_edit.jpg";s:5:"sizes";a:2:{s:9:"thumbnail";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:25:"15_11_55_edit-150x150.jpg";s:5:"width";i:150;s:6:"height";i:150;}s:6:"medium";a:3:{s:4:"file";s:25:"15_11_55_edit-200x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:200;s:6:"height";i:300;}}s:10:"image_meta";a:10:{s:8:"aperture";i:0;s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";i:1237529449;s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";i:0;s:3:"iso";i:0;s:13:"shutter_speed";i:0;s:5:"title";s:0:"";}} Dodd fesses up. AIG caves. We kiss away money. Erotica sags. http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=707 Fri, 20 Mar 2009 05:23:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=707 This is a new economic world that we live in and wonder about.  We seem to go from day to day wondering how we can continue.  I can write stories about love and sex and erotica, but in truth, many people tell  me that the only smooches they have left inside seem to be a pucker-up as they kiss their money good-bye. We're angry.  The 401 K's were not a random stock market game.  We trusted people to look after that money.  We are not the group that "plays the market."  Many off us are watching earned dollars dissipate.  As such when the schemers of the world seem to be further insulting us, we become outraged. CNN REports: Is there some consultion when Senator's fess up?  When a failed institution agrees to give back money that was not theirs to begin with?  Where is the captain of the ship?  "Moving on" according to this CNN headline: Analysis: Obama's 'blame me' means 'move on' -- But the story is not just about President Obama.  It goes on to say, " Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, told CNN on Wednesday that he was partially responsible for adding the loophole after coming under pressure from the Treasury Department.  At the time, he said, the changes "seemed like innocent modifications."  Perhaps it is difficult to be objective to those who support your campaign. CNN POLITICS  French erotic toy sales sag: Money is tight in these United States,  but imagine the French -- even unable to afford their erotica to take their minds off their money.  According to Reuters this week:  At "Big Eropolis," an erotic fair that opened on Friday near Paris and bills itself as the biggest of its kind in the world, attendance was healthy but stall owners said customers were not spending as much as in previous years. "We are hit by the financial crisis. We are not in the car industry either, so we haven't seen a drop (in sales) of 50 percent, but the financial crisis has hit us," the fair's organiser Eric Heuninck said of the ndustry.  Reuters sex toy sales Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 707 2009-03-20 02:23:04 2009-03-20 05:23:04 open open dodd-fesses-up-aig-caves-we-kiss-away-money-erotica-sags publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237494242 _edit_last 2 title Dodd fesses up, AIG caves, and we all kiss our money goodbye description Money is tight in these United States, but imagine the French -- even unable to afford their erotica to take their minds off their money. 1113 psblogcomments@philstaudt.org http://blog.philstaudt.org 2009-03-20 04:35:48 2009-03-20 07:35:48 1 0 0 Job Coach Offers Tips in a Jobless World http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=715 Sat, 21 Mar 2009 04:50:24 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=715 After you read this CNN story Your health and economic stress read this letter from my friend Malcolm, a Job coach who believes that "The more people we get back to work in the country, the faster this economy will turn around."  So I am reprinting his email in its entirety, particularly given the news that more people are seeing therapists because of money than because of sex issues these days. And if you can't get to his event, take a look at what his website has to offer. Thanks, Malcolm / R Greetings:  I usually don't send a mass email like this but I wanted to leverage the power of my network to promote a very important event next Saturday, March 28, 2009 in Germantown, MD (my hometown). I'm doing my no-cost Job Hunt Boot Camp at Seneca Valley High School which is an important event for people who need help finding a job.  Now I know you may not live anywhere close to Germantown, but if you know someone anywhere in the DC/Metro area who is struggling to find work, please pass this email invitation along to them! The event is being held at Seneca Valley High School from 9AM to 12 PM.  In this 3 hours, you (or your friend who you send this to) will get everything needed to become more adept at finding a job in this tough economy.  Specifically, I'll be talking about how to:
    • Identify your own unique talents, natural abilities, and skill sets
    • Develop realistic but exciting career goals
    • Discover your stress levels and learn strategies to leverage them
    • Find the NUMBER ONE source of great jobs (hint: it's NOT Monster.com)
    • Craft a winning resume and cover letter
    • Identify key steps in preparing for a job interview
    • Answer the most important question an interviewer will ask
    • Effectively evaluate multiple job offers and negotiate a great salary
    • Maximize all the Web 2.0 technologies in your search including LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter
    To register or contact Malcolm:  http://www.jobhuntbootcamp.com  or coach@emailthecoach.com or www.careerfitnesscoach.com   Malcolm's motto is 'Helping people and organizations reach and perform at their full potential!' Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]>
    715 2009-03-21 01:50:24 2009-03-21 04:50:24 open open job-coach-offers-tips-in-a-jobless-world publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237597297 _edit_last 2 title Job Coach Offers Tips in a Jobless World
    The Feng Shui of Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=716 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 03:50:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=716 Strum und Drang of financial scandals, last night I went to the symphony and sometime this week I promise to tell you of the exquisite sounds.  However something occurred to me as I watched the conductor - he was responsible for directing the harmonious evening, but each musician contributed his or her sounds and melody as well.  And I began thinking about feng shui, a concept of decorating that creates movement and harmony, much like a symphony.  I do confess to having a decorating mania - I love arranging and rearranging so much that I remember once when we were going to a wedding my Ex shouted up to one of my sons, "Hey, could you hurry up with that shower.  We need to leave for the wedding in an hour and your mother needs to move the bathroom." My goal is always clarity and simplicity.  What has this to do with love?  In a calm home, a peaceful atmosphere, it is easier to achieve serenity and a meeting of the minds than in a home filled with clutter. And so today I was quite pleased to find this piece from the Feng Shui Society by Paul Darby, The Feng Shui Doctor.  Love, passion, romance, and marriage:  'I want love, passion, romance, and marriage...the whole damn thing!' Humphrey Bogart--Hollywood Movie Star. So, you've gone and named the day--but how can you ensure that the zing, he passion, the life stays in your now loving relationship. Don't be a Jack and era, be a tiger and stallion! In feng shui, the southern location--where the sun is at midday, symbolises a great social life and positive strong energy---lasting passion and enthusiasm! The southern sector in feng shui fires up the passionate energies of tenderness, romance---puts the spark back, keeps the flame alive. The south is symbolised by fire element, so, spice it up with bright lights, reds, yellows, purples--fiery colours. Use candles, cushions, rugs in those colours, add red galloping horses pictures/ornaments and nine peacock feathers in a bright red vase--for good luck and lasting success! In the southwest of your home, the romance and relationships sector--your ' cuddly lu..u..u..r.rve corner', especially the southwest of a bedroom; display pairs of rose quartz crystals, as well as a lovers' statue-such as Rodin's 'The Kiss', or something even more raunchy!   www.fengshuidoctor.co.uk So read on, and love on, but do keep this thought in mind.  In a place of quiet beauty, and harmony, you will drink in the atmosphere. Hopefully you can create a home free of "snipping and sniping." But should the angers rear their ugly little heads, remember this whether you are right or wrong,  it doesn't matter who says, "I'm sorry" -- just say it, and get on with the business of loving. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 716 2009-03-23 00:50:44 2009-03-23 03:50:44 closed closed the-feng-shui-of-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237780431 _edit_last 2 title The Feng Shui of Love Money puts events and face lifts on hold http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=718 Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:19:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=718 Reuters lifestyle You can also read my articles in the National Examiner Love and Marriage Examiner  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 718 2009-03-23 12:19:57 2009-03-23 15:19:57 open open money-puts-events-and-face-lifts-on-hold publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237858732 _edit_last 2 title Money puts events and face lifts on hold Dune sex to British beach sex, a popular thrill http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=719 Tue, 24 Mar 2009 04:41:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=719 But it was reported this week that at least in the dunes public sex is down.  The dunes have been a popular place for gay, straight , and bisexual couples.  However, P-town is traditionally seen as a community that caters to those with gay lifestyles. Regardless of sexual preference, according to the Cape Cod Times, Park Rangers issued "significantly fewer tickets to people for public sex acts last summer. The drop in tickets is due to a public education campaign waged by Seashore staff and a shortage of rangers, a park official said."  Cape cod online.com  Hmm, so maybe it's not really down, but there are not enough rangers to issue tickets. The story is this -- last year tourists were angry about sex on the beaches and so the number of citations are said to have tripled.  Nonetheless, the National Seashore is a federal preserve where public sex is prohibited. Boston Herald.com For those who like the thrill of sex in public, try the beaches in the UK.  Frankly it is always so chilly on UK beaches one has no choice but to hide under blankets to snuggle. This blogger offers 10 steps on beach sex. Ehow.com/how UK beaches Her last comment is quite important.  "Be respectful of police."  Really folks, when you are being presented with citations for challenging a rule, it's a good time to eat humble pie and apologize. My guy in Dubai tells me that the couple arrested for beach sex there, where it is most definitely against the law, the partners in "crime" mouthed off to the police.  Not a smart thing to do in a country in which it is even a crime to share living quarters if you are not married. When I think of beach sex, the incurable romantic side of me says, "Wonderful."  But frankly, I don't like all that sand blowing around.  My hair frizzes at the seashore.  And who knows what the water will do to my hair color.  As such, when I want a beach sex romance,  I replay the scene "From here to eternity."  It's in my blog with a story about love and cheating. Is it just a kiss?  For the full story on Dubai, Couple jailed in Dubai You can also read my articles in the National Examiner Love and Marriage Examiner  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 719 2009-03-24 01:41:05 2009-03-24 04:41:05 open open dune-sex-to-british-beach-sex-a-popular-thrill publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1237864679 _edit_last 2 title Dune sex to British beach sex, a popular thrill Rich and thin. And an AIG update http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=720 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 05:39:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=720 A report in Reuters noted that psychotherapist and judge of the series Pretty  Wicked,  found that "25 percent of those questioned would rather win the America's Next Top Model TV show than the Nobel Peace Prize." The piece continued, "As for that age-old dilemma of whether to marry for wealth or looks, half of the 18- to 24-year-olds questioned said they would marry an ugly man if he were a multimillionaire."  This is somewhat consistent in comparison to the Money Management International's Valentine Survey. My own thoughts?  Marry for love, respect, and laughter. The money can too easily dissipate.  Imagine if those who choose to marry for money had husbands caught up in the AIG mess! Pretty Wicked Reuters reported today that "Fifteen of 20 American International Group leading bonus recipients have agreed to give them back in full, said New York's top legal officer who is probing $165 million in executive pay at the troubled company bailed out by the U.S. government." It appears that New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo either read my mind or my blog - Name, Names! But as the article stated: "Cuomo has said he wanted to make public the names and details of bonus recipients, but he was assessing security and privacy of individuals following death threats against some employees." AIG Outrage As Shakespeare once told us, "Murder will out!" Read all my love and sex updates on National Relationships where I am the  Love and Marriage Examiner. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 720 2009-03-25 02:39:01 2009-03-25 05:39:01 closed closed rich-and-thin-and-an-aig-update publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1237959541 keywords Brains, rich, thin, fat, Pertty Wicked, AIG, Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, bonuses title Rich and thin. And an AIG update dubai-beach http://www.ritawatson.com/?attachment_id=722 Wed, 25 Mar 2009 06:28:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/dubai-beach.jpg 722 2009-03-25 03:28:12 2009-03-25 06:28:12 open open dubai-beach inherit 721 0 attachment http://www.ritawatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/dubai-beach.jpg _wp_attached_file /home/p242rppm/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/dubai-beach.jpg _wp_attachment_metadata a:6:{s:5:"width";i:388;s:6:"height";i:273;s:14:"hwstring_small";s:23:"height='90' 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What will this mean for your relationship if it happens to you? I know quite a number of married couples who have done quite well on long distance relationships - both parties were (are) professional couples, totally devoted to each other because they have no children. Stating up a relationship that is going to be long distance has a higher failure rate because the bond has not had time to establish itself What are the success factors?  Success factors include ease of travel, time together (every two to three weeks is best), and an approximately equal income helps in terms of independence. Most often marriage is what makes the long distance relationship a success - unless it is a second marriage and children are involved. It helps to be in the same country, but if not,  the same time zone helps to make communicating less stressful. Advice columns:  Most of the advice columns on LDRs - with regard to new couples - suggest an "end" time goal.  Six months for marriage.  But keep in mind that the LDR is artificial in itself - and that too many couples try it, move in together or wed - and then face the shock of routine or each other's real habits and needs within three - six months.  By then the thrill and the excitement are gone and day to day sets in. Yes, those are his dirty socks on your newly made bed! For independent women, it often only takes only a few weeks of being with someone on their turf living their daily business routine to determine if the relationship can go forward. Relationships under the best conditions are stressful. If your circumstances in this economy force you into an LDR, keep the passion going! What made me think of this column today?  My guy from Dubai is flying in! Reprinted from my Love and Marriage column, The Examiner.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 728 2009-03-26 01:53:06 2009-03-26 04:53:06 open open the-long-distance-love-challenge publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238216960 _edit_last 2 title The Long Distance Love Challenge AIG exec defends bonuses. Subpoenas issued and ignored. http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=729 Fri, 27 Mar 2009 03:01:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=729 I frankly believe  every person at every firm that has swindled the American public, whether through greed or incompetence -- or even guilt through association -- must be held accountable.  New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo issued subponeas  On Thursday, Cuomo did not comment on the subpoena, but he said in a statement according to Reuters that "CDS contracts were at the heart of AIG's meltdown. The question is whether the contracts are being wound down properly and efficiently or whether they have become a vehicle for funneling billions in taxpayers dollars to capitalize banks all over the world." Reuters, subpeonas As for the AIG executive who defended the bonuses, I'll watch my tongue.  Reuters reported, "An executive at American International Group Inc defended the insurer's controversial $165 million in bonuses, saying the recipients did not create the problems that led to a government bailout and several had resigned following threats." Reuters, exec But according to a report on the New England News Blog by Bob Whitcomb, in Connecticut some of the AIG execs are not complying. Cushy lifestyle.  Cushy jobs.  The gig is up as they say. Bob's Blog Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  NOTE, we are in the process of changing over to a new blog and please be patient.  Many thanks/ RitaE]]> 729 2009-03-27 00:01:15 2009-03-27 03:01:15 closed open aig-exec-defends-bonuses-supoenas-issued-and-ignored publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238193159 _edit_last 2 title AIG exec defends bonuses. Supoenas issued and ignored. Retrosexual lovers, a FACEBOOK fad http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=733 Sat, 28 Mar 2009 04:14:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=733 As I see it, for many women it is a way of reviving fish you had already tossed back to the sea. Or looking up an old lover who spurned you - and meeting him for a date looking sexy and hot.  In some ways, this new fad is threatening to become an elevated form of friends with benefits, sex benefits, that is. This is how it works. You hook up with an old flame from your past, most often just to meet and rehash old times. But oftentimes, those times were rolls in the hay or in the back seat of a car. And so the new times become hot times. Why the resurgence of old lovers and new encounters? Facebook makes it easier than ever to turn back the tide.   What makes the leap from "let's have lunch" to sex and passion is simple - familiarity. We go back to what we know. As Deidre Fulton says in "Meet the Retrosexuals," in the Providence Phoenix, "It's security. It's safety. It's brining back old feelings that make you feel young again." Shall we split the bill? There is an odd coincidence with the word "retrosexuals." Look it up on the Internet and some definitions say it is a return to the past world in which dates were serious dates. For example 10 years ago a man would never say to you after dinner, "Shall we split this?"  Today this happens often. By the by, unless you are just "pals" the answer to that question is always a polite, "No thank you." And you may quote me on that one. Or if you want to be uber-polite, you can say, "Maybe next time." However, I confess that the only time someone said to me, "Shall we split this," I agreed, and then split. He never got to see me again. If you are colleagues and there is no romantic interest, then yes, you split. If not, you don't.  Back to the past - oftentimes with retrosexuals it is back to high school or college friends. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Before you go back looking for a future, just make sure you understand the risks and benefits.  Here is the full article. Are you a retrosexual? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 733 2009-03-28 01:14:15 2009-03-28 04:14:15 open open retrosexual-lovers-a-facebook-fad publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238213655 _edit_last 2 title Retrosexual lovers, a FACEBOOK fad Caregivers and Laughter http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=734 Sun, 29 Mar 2009 15:17:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=734 Bob Tell's site has a wealth of information and resource links.  He knows what we all eventually learn --after you cry, you laugh, and experience the little joys that you can find.  A friend once complained that after visiting her mother, the woman would phone her and ask, "When are you coming to visit?"   "My mother doesn't even remember the little moments of laughter we shared today." To which one of our colleagues said, "But in the moment, she was happy."  And perhaps that is our responsibility:
    • Live in the moment
    • Give to those whose memory is slipping away
    • Be grateful for happiness you can give and receive
    A bit about Bob from his web pages. "For sixteen years, as his Mom's mental and physical health deteriorated, Bob Tell personally experienced the caregiver burnout that he writes about in "Dementia Diary, A Caregiver's Journal." During this period, he would have welcomed the kind of caregiver support he provides in this book, support that was unavailable from a male author until now."   Caregivers and Laughter  THANK YOU, BOB, FOR CONTACTING ME.  Watch for my column in next Sunday's Providence Jounal www.projo.com on the Contributor's page.  A happy memory from someone whose memory is challenged by Alzheimer's. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]>
    734 2009-03-29 12:17:33 2009-03-29 15:17:33 open open caregivers-and-laughter publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238340183 _edit_last 2 title Caregivers and Laughter 1604 http://chronicillnesssupport.wordpress.com/2009/07/02/effective-communication-in-a-hospital-setting/ 2009-07-02 16:54:13 2009-07-02 19:54:13 0 pingback 0 0
    Newlywed Cheating, a New Trend http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=736 Mon, 30 Mar 2009 04:20:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=736 Either the show was ahead of its time or this sad trend has been quietly perculating for some time now.  Women's Health Magazine did a recent feature Womens Health . As the article noted: "Part of the problem, says David Popenoe, Ph.D., founder and codirector of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University, is that we've become an anything-goes society, in which the indiscretions of politicians, sports figures, and pop celebrities are practically daily news." This is so sad that I find it difficult to even make a comment.   Read for yourself and take a look at this clip from the Early Show that reports 20% of men and 15% of women cheat within the first year of  marriage. Newlywed Cheating Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 736 2009-03-30 01:20:01 2009-03-30 04:20:01 closed closed newlywed-cheating-a-new-trend publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238386801 _edit_last 2 title Newlywed Cheating description 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women cheat during the first year of marriage. Why? When love is just around the corner, The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=738 Tue, 31 Mar 2009 04:09:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=738 For me, the story of love in Botswana captured my heart when Precious Ramotswe rather casually mentions that she married her mechanic in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency some years ago. And while I know this story is now a new HBO series, I encourage you to read the books and learn a little bit about loving. I somehow do not see that the nuances of the the book will be captured in film.  Despite all the stories, sometimes quite sad, this is what I found - a woman (although the author is a  man) who understands relationships. When you follow her travels through Botswana in her white van, you will become as delighted as I was to learn how she became a wife - in a very low key way. The novels were written by Alexander McCall Smith who weaves a tale of a woman who takes money left to her by her father, a cattle farmer, and following a disastrous marriage to a jazz musician, she sets up The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency in Gaborone. Her tiny white van brought her to meet and marry her love, "the finest mechanic in Botswana," In terms of looking for love Emily Brandon  wrote about the difference between young love and mature love in US News and World Report "The biggest difference is you have some experience. You already have a love story inside you. You're a lot freer. You've completed your adult tasks, which are to raise a family and establish yourself in the community...You are freer to define the kind of life you want to lead. That's a wonderful bonus for relationships. You put a premium not on scoring with someone, but on connecting with someone and being who you really are." Precious Ramotswe has one such love story and it embraces all the children and families who come into her world.  Read the books!   And when you see the cover, you will understand why I chose the AP photo of two women taking respite from the sun in Botswana. The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency And you will marvel at the author. (This piece of mine originally appeared in The Examiner.com.  While I almost never just reprint, I really like this piece and I loved the books.) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 738 2009-03-31 01:09:53 2009-03-31 04:09:53 open open when-love-is-just-around-the-corner-the-no-1-ladies-detective-agency publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238472593 _edit_last 2 keywords Precious, Botswana, Detective, HBO description And while I know this story is now a new HBO series, I encourage you to read the books and learn a little bit about loving. title When love is just around the corner, The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency Above the Law: Madoff, the UVA Libel Show v NYU Revue http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=741 Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:16:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=741 Now here again, Madoff is a headliner.  According to Reuters, "Massachusetts' securities regulators sued Fairfield Greenwich Group, a major 'feeder fund' for Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, accusing the hedge fund of lying to investors and not exercising enough diligence over investments that were worth billions of dollars." This is no laughing matter, but it does help when we can cut through the gloom of what is becoming a world wide financial mess, with or without Madoff. Reuters.com Back to Above the Law:  According to their April Fool's Day posting, "UVA students were a bit jealous that NYU's Law Revue got such prominent play here ..."  Here it is, the  UVA Libel Show Video To compare the above with the NYU Review, you be the Judge!  The night before Madoff was to plead guilty to a massive fraud, we decided to borrow a bit of humor from ATB.   Here was the preview of the NYU Law Revue, “Please Repeat the Question” set to music. For this brief moment, set aside the gloominess of the news, sit back and enjoy the show. NYU LAW REVUE Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 741 2009-04-02 01:16:33 2009-04-02 04:16:33 closed open above-the-law-madoff-the-uva-libel-show-v-nyu-revue publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1238646053 _edit_last 2 Men, women, laughter and love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=742 Sat, 04 Apr 2009 04:03:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=742 One of my favorite answers is from Bob Schmidt who says, "In his book Laughter written in 2000, Professor Robert Provine reports statistics that indicate that the fairer sex does laugh more frequently than their counterparts, and offers his theories as to why. "Through a study by the Maryland Professor, observations were made of more than 1200 subjects unaware of his surveillance. Women laugh more often according to Provine, but men cause more laughter as speakers." Helium Men want women who laugh at their jokes.  And women prefer men who make them laugh. Sounds like the perfect marriage. CNN reported this week that according to new research, women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. The research was presented this week at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England.   "Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat," said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail. Women, men, and laughter      In research released this past December, happiness is contagious.  In a social network, happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher likelihood of feeling happy too.   The lesson is that taking control of your own happiness can positively affect others, says James Fowler, co-author of the study and professor of political science at the University of California in San Diego."  Happiness.social.network   Laughter as medicine is not a new thought.  But the surprising growth of Laughter Clubs around the world is promising to improve health and relationships as well.     Research findings in the medical literature indicate that laughter has healing properties. Click on this You Tube video and  you will see why.  Take a look at this video and you will laugh until your sides hurt. The reporter cannot stop laughing   Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 742 2009-04-04 01:03:20 2009-04-04 04:03:20 closed closed men-women-laughter-and-love publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1238956418 title Men, women, laughter, and love More Infidelity: Should men and dogs come with papers? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=746 Tue, 07 Apr 2009 01:57:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=746 Let's face it with 2 out of 3 men cheating on their wives, according to Dr. Gary Newman, ladies your chances of falling in love with a man who is taken are pretty high. One of the dangers of online dating is that men will reinvent themselves to be exactly whom you wish.  Yes, I know that women cheat  as well - but that is tomorrow's topic.  For now, be assured that it is as difficult to find out about a man as it is a dog. The latest news is that some dog owners are having  tests  on dogs to determine the pedigree. As the story goes, "Veterinarians advise owners that what they see in their dog is not always what they've got." msnbc.msn The same might be said for men - what you see is not always what you get. Peel away the layers and you might find a man with wife and children. But let's get back to the papers.  In this day and age, when STDs are escalating among young women and women over 45 who are dating - you want papers that include a divorce decree to prove he is really free, and you want tests to show that he does not have a sexually transmitted disease.  The divorced man may break your heart, but the one with herpes or worse will leave you infected for life. How do you find a good man? I second the advice of Tinamarie Bernard, Modern Love Examiner, Love wholly, deeply, richly and on your own terms and you might be surprised by what you discover But here is another suggestion as well. Buy yourself a journal and write out the qualities that you wish to find in a love, and I believe that love will come to you.  Right now I still think we need commitment.  Too much cheating, we need happily ever after   (Reprinted from my column in www.Examiner.com  where I am the Love and Marriage Examiner  National Relationships)     Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  ]]> 746 2009-04-06 22:57:47 2009-04-07 01:57:47 open open more-infidelity-men-and-dogs-should-come-with-papers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239069984 _edit_last 2 title More Infidelity: Should Men and Dogs Come with Papers? 1194 Sheryl@LeashesandLovers.com http://LeashesandLovers.com 2009-04-07 12:44:30 2009-04-07 15:44:30 1 0 0 Frank Sinatra and our father, Vince Esposito, his sound consultant http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=748 Tue, 07 Apr 2009 23:00:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=748  Soon Dad will celebrate his 89th birthday. He will look at all of us and say, "Can you imagine all these old guys are gone, and I am still here?" He might even take out a wireless microphone that brought the stars to Vinco, his New Haven, Conn., company. In turn, the stars took him on their worldwide tours. And in the United States, Tony Bennett brought him to the Johnson White House. That year, first lady Lady Bird Johnson sent him an 18 by 24 inch Christmas card. Our father remembers the travels, the music and the stories. The photo albums are a reminder of glory days. When he turned 80, we designed a newspaper called The VINCO Times filled with photos and articles from his show-business time. Then we celebrated at the New Haven Lawn Club with several members of the Yale Precision Marching Band playing "Hail to the Chief" when he arrived, then filling the afternoon with Sinatra sounds. Dad recalls the days with Frank so well that it is difficult to grasp that his memory slips further away each day. But we are grateful for the good memories because there were times when he went through long dark periods.  When recent reports surfaced about the beta-blocker propranolol as possibly erasing traumatic memories, my family was one of many hopeful for a day when bad memories could simply be banished with a pill. That day does not appear to be imminent. While there is no drug to erase bad memories, for those with early dementia work is being done with reminiscence therapy, a popular psycho-social intervention. Some research suggests that when the elderly have an opportunity to discuss past events, with a focus on the positive, it helps to improve moods. Whenever our family is together Dad's mood elevates. At our annual Italian family Christmas, he remarks often, "Isn't this nice. Everybody gets along so well." He loves family gatherings with grandchildren visiting and great-grandchildren running to him saying, "Poppy, Poppy." They sit with him and play and wait for his paper airplanes to fly. Oftentimes Frank will be singing in the background and he will say to us, "Did I ever tell you about Frank?" One day in reminiscing about grandparent days, our children will tell their children about Nanny and Poppy and Frank Sinatra. They will look at pictures, listen to the music, and come to see what Poppy is holding onto for himself while at the same time sharing with his family - a treasure of memories. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson (Adapted from Sinatra, my father, and memories good and badSunday, April 5, 2009, Providence Journal)]]> 748 2009-04-07 20:00:00 2009-04-07 23:00:00 open open frank-sinatra-and-our-father-vince-esposito-his-sound-consultant publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239648768 _edit_last 2 title Frank Sinatra and our father, Vince Esposito, his sound consultant 1605 l.noyes@comcast.net 2009-07-03 15:28:09 2009-07-03 18:28:09 1 0 0 1614 stepaw@msn.com 2009-08-25 00:11:14 2009-08-25 03:11:14 0 0 0 1621 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=958 2009-09-17 20:28:25 2009-09-17 23:28:25 0 pingback 0 0 The Intimacy Quiz and Love Quizzes http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=751 Thu, 09 Apr 2009 17:01:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=751 But do we spend more time talking about love and passion than we do enjoying intimacy?  And if so, why? British sites tell us that young people today are too stressed out and working too many hours to appreciate the value of a good relationship. Great-grandma was ahead of her time. When she came to America to celebrate her 90th birthday and visit her 12 children, the party invitation read: "No presents, just negligees made of French silk." As she opened gifts she fingered the fabric and smiled, "Grazia." When she died at 104, her young lover was 80. It was then that we learned of her amorous ways. The universities of Chicago and Toronto studied 3,005 men and women between ages 57 to 85, and reported that two-thirds of those in their 70s are having sex at least twice a month. Some continue into their 80s. An interesting finding is that while both genders admit to sexual issues, men tend to talk to their doctors about them while women tend not to. The explanation is simple. Men have an advocate in Bob Dole. War hero and retired Republican senator from Kansas, he took to the airwaves nearly 10 years ago and helped spawn an industry talking about ED - erectile dysfunction. Why do people have sex anyway? Psychologists at the University of Texas, Austin, asked 2,000 people and compiled a list of 237 reasons. For both men and women the top three reasons stated: attraction to the person; physical pleasure; and because "it feels good." Wondering about sex and relationships?  Take this quiz.  The Intimacy Quiz For more quizzes, read this site or click the blue link to your right that says, "examiner.com" Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 751 2009-04-09 14:01:06 2009-04-09 17:01:06 closed open the-intimacy-quiz-and-love-quizzes publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239296629 _edit_last 2 keywords Quiz, SEX, intimacy, love, The Examiner description As I was writing a piece for The Examiner, on meeting and marrying the love of your life, I came across some new quizzes title The Intimacy Quiz and Love Quizzes Madoff, Feeder Funds, and the Whistleblower http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=752 Thu, 09 Apr 2009 18:57:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=752 " Investors who lost money ... by investing via feeder funds are likely to demand a fees refund, but locating what may total hundreds of millions of dollars in fees may be a complex matter, a lawyer for some of the investors said on Thursday." Reuters Harry Markopolos:  Here is a story about him in the Wall Street Journal online. He is a humble who pursued honesty for 10 years.  If only the  Securities and Exchange Commission had listened. ” The documents indicate the agency had Mr. Madoff in its sights amid multiple violations that, if pursued, could have blown open his alleged multibillion-dollar scam. Instead, his firm registered as an investment adviser, at the agency’s request, and the public got no word of the violations.”  WSJ.com/ A good day to be grateful for honesty and integrity. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 752 2009-04-09 15:57:35 2009-04-09 18:57:35 open open madoff-feeder-funds-and-the-whistleblower publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1239303455 title Madoff, Feeder Funds, and the Whistleblower keywords Madoff, Feeder Funds, and the Whistleblower Save that Marriage or Divorce Texting http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=753 Mon, 13 Apr 2009 03:30:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=753 In the case of the Saudi couple, the wife seemed to have little recourse.  In the Bruce Springsteen case, he is being accused of infidelity in a divorce case.  Are you feeling that your marriage is about to crash?  Are you really still in love but feeling depressed about your relationship? How about asking yourself a few questions?  How well do you listen? And what is your tone of voice? Listening and the tone of one's voice are good measures as to the direction of your relationship.  Look inside yourself: It may sound simplistic but no matter where you are in your marriage or relationship, if you love the guy you are with but wish he was the way he was when you married him -- then it is time for a little look inside yourself. 
    • Are you the person he married? 
    • Are you the one who often sent love notes? 
    • When he wanted fun and spontaneous sex, were you right there and ready to go? 
    What has happened? And now don't blame him!  This is not about blame, this is about finding a way to fix a problem and you might just have the solution right in the palm of your hand.  Listen to your words and the tone of your voice. Men have fragile egos and just one or two words of criticism can set them back years -- honest!  There is a way of talking to him and never, repeat NEVER , should it involve saying, "How many times have I told you?" This is your visualization challenge.  Think about the man you married and what you loved most about him.  Think about the way you treated him when he was that person.  Now see him as you wish him to be.  Choose the man you wish to share a bed with each night -- the qualities of the person with whom you first fell in love.  Make a decision to put some time and effort into changing the relationship to one of love and harmony. Take a look at this site -- Divorce Busting and give some thought to Michelle Weiner-Davis's book about sex starved wives.  You may find that you can revive the fire, fan the flames, and enjoy some sizzling sex and loving companionship. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson  - Visit me on the Examiner by clicking the link to the right.]]>
    753 2009-04-13 00:30:12 2009-04-13 03:30:12 open open save-that-marriage-or-divorce-texting publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 keywords Springsteen, Saudi text, divorce, adultery _edit_lock 1239593412 title Save that Marriage or Divorce Texting
    Above the Law, An Easter "Peeps" Show http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=754 Mon, 13 Apr 2009 15:04:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=754 Peeps Show -- Enjoy!]]> 754 2009-04-13 12:04:00 2009-04-13 15:04:00 closed open above-the-law-an-easter-peeps-show publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239637519 _edit_last 2 keywords Peeps, Above the Law, Supreme Court title Above the Law, An Easter \"Peeps\" Show Doing the Math, Madoff and the Global Meltdown http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=755 Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:47:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=755 In Madoff's case the numbers never did add up.  Those who were receiving money while the market was sinking seemed content and did not question.  Harry Markopolos, the whistleblower, kept pointing out the folly but no one at the Securities and Exchange Commission wanted to listen. In an another story, Hernando de Soto writing an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times points out, "As a Peruvian educated by  British and American teachers, I learned never to embark on a major task ‘without first doing the math.'  With the global economy meltdown and the massive Madoff swindle, it seems that no one took the time to review the numbers.  Here is a link to Global Meltdown Rule No. 1: Do the math.  We should all memorize his words, "You cannot manage what you have not previously measured."  L A Times Opinion The story of Bernard Madoff's liquidator trying to find the assets has a similar ring. TIMES online UK Whether you are involved in academia, corporations, foundations, volunteer organizations -- or even a relationship -- repeat the words often, "You cannot manage what you have not previously measured." As new season begins after Easter and Passover, one might apply the words to one's life. Related stories: Madoff, Feeder Funds, and the Whistleblower  What kind of man should you marry? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 755 2009-04-13 13:47:09 2009-04-13 16:47:09 open open doing-the-math-madoff-and-the-global-meltdown publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1239760753 _edit_last 2 keywords La Times, Times online, UK, Madoff, global title Doing the Math, Madoff and the Global Meltdown A British Sensation Takes Our Cynical Breath Away and Stuns the American Idol Judge http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=756 Tue, 14 Apr 2009 23:37:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=756
    Susan Boyle Sings on Britain's Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 @ Yahoo! Video
    PLEASE DO READ MORE ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE.  According to the Telegraph.co.uk/l Miss Boyle, who admits she has never been kissed, astonished the judges at the auditions for ITV1 show with her rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables. The clip of her audition has been viewed 2,485,245 times in 72 hours."  This woman wowed the judges and the audience. (Today at the Examiner is a story about Cougars and an arm candy sugar high.  But I do point out that Ms. Boyle should choose any man she likes!) Copyright 2008 Rita Watson ]]>
    756 2009-04-14 20:37:37 2009-04-14 23:37:37 open open a-british-sensation-takes-our-cynical-breath-away-and-stuns-the-american-idol-judges publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1248283662 keywords Susan Boyle, Idol Judges, British sensation, You Tube title A British Sensation Takes Our Cynical Breath Away and Stun the American Idol Judges 1358 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-04-15 13:56:43 2009-04-15 16:56:43 1 0 0
    If you are unhappy with job and performance reviews, counter stress by restoring balance http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=757 Thu, 16 Apr 2009 03:03:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=757 According to Reuters this week, "Four out of five U.S. workers are dissatisfied with their job performance reviews and would like to see them better reflect their work."  They also found that "A third of those workers would like to see the reviews tied to compensation, and a fifth said they would like the reviews to be more fair, said the survey conducted for Taleo Corp., a provider of talent management solutions." The nationwide telephone survey was conducted among 881 employee in mid-March of this year. Reuters.com, Taleo survey Last August a Gallup poll found that among 557 working adults surveryed only about 48 percent of workers were satisfied with their jobs.   Gallup poll Compare this to a report from The Conference Board in 2005 which found that "Americans are growing increasingly unhappy with their jobs . . .  The decline in job satisfaction is widespread among workers of all ages and across all income brackets." They found in a survey of 5,000 workers that "half of all Americans today say they are satisfied with their jobs, down from nearly 60 percent in 1995." The Conference Board What does all this mean for workers and their family life?  Stress!  Stress is a predictor of illness and tense family and personal relationships. This article from Mayo Clinic is a good look at the problems of work stress, how it impacts family, and what you can do to restory harmony.  Mayo Clinic Work Life Balance Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 757 2009-04-16 00:03:10 2009-04-16 03:03:10 open open if-you-are-unhappy-with-job-and-performance-reviews-restore-balance-to-beat-stress publish 0 0 post title If you are unhappy with job and performance reviews, restore balance to beat stress _edit_lock 1239851532 _edit_last 2 keywords Taleo, performance, reviews, satisfaction, jobs, Gallup description Taleo finds that close to 80 percent are dissatisfied with job performance reviews. Gallup says 50 percent satisfied with job. 1409 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-04-17 11:35:09 2009-04-17 14:35:09 1 0 0 When Hope is the Only Strategy: the Susan Boyle Fansite http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=758 Fri, 17 Apr 2009 03:58:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=758   To see more videos and learn about Susan Boyle, She said she had the courage to perform from her mother, whom she recently lost after caring for her for many years. Fansite from CBS)  Susan Boyle says her out-of-nowhere success is "breathtaking, unbelievable, awesome!"  In an interview on The Early Show Thursday, Boyle admitted it "hasn't really sunk in yet." And little did she know that the broadcast would put her in touch with Tony Award winner and Broadway legend Patti LuPone, who first did the hit that made Boyle famous, overnight.  CBS News Was her first release, "Cry Me a River" as reported in the Daily Telegraph?  Here it is?  What do you think? Daily Record.co.uk Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 758 2009-04-17 00:58:44 2009-04-17 03:58:44 open open hope-was-her-strategy-the-susan-boyle-fansite publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1240019658 keywords CBS, Susan, Scotland, Patti LaPonne title Hope was her Strategy, the Susan Boyle Fansite 1412 glbdrummond@msn.com http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-04-17 15:59:58 2009-04-17 18:59:58 1 0 0 Susan Boyle Sings "Cry Me a River" http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=759 Sat, 18 Apr 2009 01:53:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=759 Dear Readers: Apologies, yesterday's link did not work.  Here is a link to the story reportedly calling this her first release of which only 1,000 copies were made.  What do you think? Daily Record.co.uk For more on Susan Boyle, click on The Examiner button to your right.  And Thank you, Susan.  You lifted our spirits from the economic doldrums. / Rita Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 759 2009-04-17 22:53:18 2009-04-18 01:53:18 open open susan-boyle-sings-cry-me-a-river publish 0 0 post keywords Susan Boyl, \"Cry Me a River,\" first recording title Susan Boyle Sings \"Cry Me a River\" _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1240500449 1427 IQuackAFLAC@wbcable.net http://RitaWatson 2009-04-18 14:13:50 2009-04-18 17:13:50 1 0 0 1603 alibaba11@sympatico.ca http://www.ritawatson.com 2009-06-20 14:51:15 2009-06-20 17:51:15 1 0 0 The Loving Susan Boyle Fan Page News http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=760 Sun, 19 Apr 2009 04:18:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=760 Loving Susan Fan Page on my Love and Marriage Examiner site at the examiner.com  (see blue link to the right). I have posted some of the top stories and links ranging from the British Susan Boyle FanSite to Piers Morgan's blog from Britain's Got Talent. There is also a sampling of international press stories from Britain to New Zealand. And watch for a piece from France - commenting on the Susan Boyle "makeover" talk. From the woman who taught us how to listen to love, "I Dreamed a Dream." Happiness/ R   Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 760 2009-04-19 01:18:09 2009-04-19 04:18:09 open open the-loving-susan-boyle-fan-page-news publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1240114808 title The Loving Susan Boyle Fan Page News Loving Susan Boyle Fan Page: an update before going to love and money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=761 Mon, 20 Apr 2009 17:24:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=761 Before returning to love and money, have a look at some of my pieces on The Examiner.com and the list of credible news items these past few days.
  • She took our breath away and our cynicism
  • Finding the love of your life, Susan Boyle singing sensation
  • Susan Boyle is a gift, even Cry Me a River is uplifting
  • For up to the minute NEWS LINKS please go to Loving Susan: roses not rain on Susan Boyle Fan Page Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    761 2009-04-20 14:24:44 2009-04-20 17:24:44 closed open loving-susan-boyle-fan-page-an-update-before-going-to-love-and-money publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1240500438 title Loving Susan Boyle Fan Page Update: before love and money
    Why they blame Obama for the stock market drop, and preventing recession depression http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=764 Wed, 22 Apr 2009 03:45:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=764 In his article today for The Atlantic, Derek Thompson wrote a piece called, WSJ Blames Obama for Stock Market Fall - Again" He points out that "The WSJers are miffed that the Obama administration might ask banks to convert its preferred shares into common equity. What does that do? Not a whole lot - the authors likened it to re-arranging desk chairs - besides add the illusion of bank capital. : He concludes that "the markets didn't need Obama's push -- they were doing not-so-fine on their own." wsj_Blaming Obama In this stock market world of diminishing returns on investment and layoffs it is important to keep yourself from falling into the trap of depression recession. Sometimes we just have to accept things as they are.   The TIME magazine cover story this week is the new frugality. If you have suffered a stock market loss, just look around you.  Who hasn't? As a single person, you can adapt a new lifestyle more easily than couples.  But here is some advice for couples that might keep stress away. Love, money and marriage - MSN Money Happiness/ R Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 764 2009-04-22 00:45:57 2009-04-22 03:45:57 closed open why-they-blame-obama-for-the-stock-market-drop-and-preventing-recession-depression publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240500415 _edit_last 2 title Why they blame Obama for the stock market drop, and how to prevent recession depression Take Your Daughter (or Son) to Work Today http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=765 Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:22:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=765 Take Our Daughters to Work. The program was designed to show girls that women also were in the workplace.  It was an opportunity to show that little girls did not have to grow up to be housewives, but rather they too could choose a career. According to an article in The Examiner.com, "When mothers bring their daughters, they are role modeling that women can work outside the home.  When fathers bring their daughters, they are telling the girls that both men and women support them reaching for whatever career goals they have." Here is the History of Take Your Daughter to Work Day Examiner.com by the Seattle Eastside Parenting Examiners Another story you might enjoy is from the Star Ledger April 23rd is take your children to work day If you do not have a child who will be in your workplace today -- please make those who bring their children to work feel special.  As a long- time children and family advocate from my days at Yale,  please make the children feel welcome.  I know that in larger workplaces the day is filled with special activities.  But sometimes it is good just to have children shadow you to see what you do. When I was with the New York Times one of my children was quite impressed that I had my name in the newspaper.  On "Show and Tell" Day, he took in an article with my name and a picture that he drew of me.  He pictured me as a green figure hunched over what may have been a typewriter and said: "My mommy types all day for a newspaper.  She is a typist.  And to prove it, I brought in the paper that she types.  Here is her name in bold letters." This is the same child who I did bring to The Times with me in his infant carrier and would slip him under my desk,  (Thank you, Jeremy.  I still remember the call from your teacher who shared this story with me.) Happiness/ R You can read my piece today and leave a comment on this story at  Recession Love, Sleep, and Sex Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 765 2009-04-23 12:22:10 2009-04-23 15:22:10 closed open take-your-daughter-or-son-to-work-today publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1240541466 title Take Your Daughter (or Son) to Work Today Ex-Teacher Sentenced for Crossing the Line http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=766 Fri, 24 Apr 2009 02:13:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=766 Here is the breaking news story this evening from the Associated Press "A former Nebraska teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student was sentenced Thursday to eight to 10 years in prison." Buffalo New Here is an earlier piece that I posted on August 14, 2008 What happens when students and teachers become too friendly with one another? In college we all knew the professors who ”hit on” their students.  And we all knew the women who would make a deal as to which one would be the first to seduce a certain professor. College was hot-bed of sexual activity between professors and students.    But today the social networking technology of  Facebook and MySpace is creating a new world of student-teacher seductions and it is hitting the high schools. According to an article by Mallory Simon yesterday and posted on CNN.com, the rising number of inappropriate relationships between student and teachers in Missouri is resulting in a “crackdown of social networking sites.” Simon tells us that “Jim Keith, an education lawyer who represents several school boards in Missouri, has been giving talks to teachers in which he explains that most of the inappropriate student-teacher relationships start out on a friendship level… ‘As an educator, there is a line of demarcation between you and your student,’ Keith said. ‘It’s a line that you cannot come close to, let alone step over. You’ve got to establish it from Day One…’”  Student-Teachers CNN.com Well said, Mr. Keith! Now, since this a blog about Love and Money, may  I propose huge fines on teachers or professors caught crossing the line?  Perhaps hitting them in their pocketbook with help that keep their hands to themselves. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 766 2009-04-23 23:13:10 2009-04-24 02:13:10 closed open ex-teacher-sentenced-for-crossing-the-line publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240581034 _edit_last 2 Heidi Fleiss Goes Green; Puts Her Money on Renewable Energy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=767 Fri, 24 Apr 2009 02:49:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=767 Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Remember Heidi Fleiss?  She was the famous Hollywood Madam who was looking to set up all-male brothels for women?  Her plan was to open a Nye County brothel catering to women, called Heidi's Stud Farm. This would have been a first its kind in Nevada, where bordellos in most rural areas are legal. Heidi ran into regulatory issues and roadblocks, and now the economy also turned on her. The unstoppable Madam now has another plan.  The Huffington Post is reporting that Heidi still has her eyes on the money,  but now she is focusing on "green." Heidi thinks an alternative energy project is "perfect for Nevada." "That's where the money is," she said. "That's the wave of the future." Let's see if this one-time madam is destined to become a trend setter. Fleiss goes green Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 767 2009-04-23 23:49:10 2009-04-24 02:49:10 closed open heidi-fleiss-goes-green-puts-her-money-on-renewable-energy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240581017 _edit_last 2 title Heidi Fleiss Goes Green; Puts Her Money on Renewable Energy Applauding Susan Boyle and Silda Spitzer http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=768 Sat, 25 Apr 2009 04:01:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=768 Susan Boyle exclusive video of her singing at age 25 and first makeover interview. Except for a few crabby critics, we want to see her succeed. She has become the world's darling. She is our rainbow in a recession, an angel to lift our spirits. And yet, within a week of our cheering, we have already seen our share of the bubble bursters. When I asked William H. Sledge, MD,  interim chair of psychiatry at Yale his thoughts on Susan, he said that he was inclined to think "that what you are seeing in the outpouring of attention is the surprise, excitement, and thrill when our expectations are greatly exceeded. "All aided and abetted by the contrast between her and the judges who have used the occasion to reveal their humanity as well which apparently they sometimes successfully suppress.  "And you combine her expectation smashing quality with her cheekiness and you get the feeling that this iconoclastic 47 year old is comfortable being who she is..." More importantly for those who embrace her, we are comfortable with Susan. Now in this same week, Silda Spitzer is back in the news, and once again, probably not by choice. Silda is married to former Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York. And one year ago she saw the family devastation surrounding the high-priced escort with whom her husband was involved. This week the Newsweek cover story highlights the former governor who is reported to have lost everything. But not really, he has what is most important --  his health, his family, and his marriage. Silda Spitzer is one political wife among many who has held her family together and showed us how to "stand by your man." More importantly she survived the critics and the unkind words and stands as a model to all of us reinforcing the meaning of  "for better or worse."  For more on Susan Boyle go to the Examiner Loving Susan Boyle Fan Page: listening for love in her two songs To read about Silda Spitzer, please go to The Cards called Adultery, Blame, Call Girl, Gay, Gender, Race, and Abuse]]> 768 2009-04-25 01:01:28 2009-04-25 04:01:28 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1240713860 _edit_last 2 title Applauding Susan Boyle and Silda Spitzer When Pigs Fly, the Banned on TV Condom Ad http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=770 Sun, 26 Apr 2009 02:21:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=770 Roger Manny Photo Since April is STD month, I thought it would be a good time to post the clever and banned video about men and pigs and condoms. The innovative “Men are Pigs and Must Evolve ” campaign by the Kaplan Thaler Group for Trojan brand condoms portrays a pig sitting at a bar “hitting on” a blonde young woman -- until he is transformed by a condom. The group has taken its safe-sex message to colleges with everything from pig-snout decals at the bottom of beer glasses to comedy and musical events. This video is funny, clever, and was banned by Fox and CBS. Watch it here
    With STDs, there is no discrimination by age or profession. The January report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that nearly 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, with rates increasing in women and the 15- to 24-year-olds.  As such this is an important campaign. Get tested!
    Sex: from condomania to condemnation
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
    770 2009-04-25 23:21:28 2009-04-26 02:21:28 closed open when-pigs-fly-the-banned-on-tv-condom-commercial publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1241028944 _edit_last 2 title When Pigs Fly, the Banned on TV Condom Commercial
    Not love or money, your health -- swine flu http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=771 Tue, 28 Apr 2009 02:43:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=771 ]]> 771 2009-04-27 23:43:05 2009-04-28 02:43:05 closed open not-love-or-money-but-it-is-your-health-swine-flu publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1241049116 _edit_last 2 Lovers spanking skirts from Pakistan to USA http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=773 Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:46:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=773 This is a million dollar business.  The best kept secret in Pakistan. While most couples enjoy an intimate evening with sexy negligee, how would you react if your husband or lover came home with a spanking skirt?  Leather front with an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or be appalled? On the flip side, might you purchase one, with a thin riding crop perhaps and surprise him?! What would you do if your husband or lover came home with a sexy negligee for you? Most probably you would enjoy it. What about a spanking skirt -- those skirts with leather fronts and an open buckled back to reveal your tender backside?  Would you jump right into it for some sudden titillating passion?  Or would you be appalled? In an era in which we have seen marriages crumble in the wake of scandalous trysts with women from escort services, perhaps a man who brings home a spanking skirt is merely trying to set up a dialogue - one that says, "We need more excitement in our marriage." Take it as a cue and not an insult. The industry is growing. It seems that there is an increasing demand for erotica which appears to be fueled by the Internet. Right now in Pakistan, according to a New York Times report this week, "Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business," a little company in Karachi has a $1 million industry catering to the fetish and bondage products for the United States and Europe. They sell primarily online and through eBay. According to the founders, their market research tells them that "70 percent of their customers were middle-to upper-class Americans and a majority of them Democrats. The Netherlands and Germany account for the bulk of their European sales." New York Times Keep in mind that costumes and toys sometimes give a couple a few moments of fun - that may turn around the problems faced in 20 million sexless marriages. When I questioned the notion that this could be demeaning to women, one of my colleagues pointed out that when a woman dons a spanking skirt, the pleasurable pain is something she most likely enjoys, if it stays on a fun and sensual level. According to the Guardian.co.uk, exotic and erotic lingerie sales are on the rise, despite the recession. Guardian.co.uk For comments please go to the Blue EXaminer button to the right and leave a comment on the companion column.  SUDDEN PASSION: SPANKING PANTS Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 773 2009-04-29 12:46:58 2009-04-29 15:46:58 closed open one-million-from-lovers-spanking-skirts-pakistan-to-the-usa publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241028914 Resilience: a tell all book by Elizabeth Edwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=775 Fri, 01 May 2009 04:01:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=775 She reveals that John should not have run for president.  Her book is called, Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts in Facing Life's Adversities The forgiveness factor: But I do want to point out something important that I will say repeatedly, cheating may not necessarily be the end of a relationship. Elizabeth Edwards has written a book called Resilience. It is an inspirational book in which she shows us the power of forgiveness. New York Daily News HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM A PIECE THAT IS ON THIS BLOG:  Cheating, Chemotherapy, and Commitment / posted on August 13, 2008 The cheating privileges given by Samantha, Sex in the City, to her young lover while she was undergoing chemotherapy underscores the devastating effects of treatment. Although I wrote about it for my monthly Op-ed column for the Providence Journal, “Of DNA and Desire” I had no idea that the John and Elizabeth Edwards story would surface. Today the issue of infidelity is all the more poignant in the face of reality. Commitment: John and Elizabeth seemed to portray a perfect marriage. Their family survived the tragedy of their teenage son’s death with an admirable sense of faith and love. Even though he wasn’t our presidential pick, we appreciated the family man. Cheating and truth: But John and Elizabeth were models. And we needed an icon. Are we really appalled at what he did to Elizabeth or what he did to us? What happens behind closed doors is a matter between husband and wife. But when one is a public figure running for president then it seems all bets are off. Today the media is questioning their inability to do the digging to get at the truth. But what is the truth? And what is the message? I like what Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in The Jerusalem Post a few days ago: “Why Men Like John Edwards Cheat.” He pointed out that Elizabeth believed John should continue pursuing his presidential dream despite her metastatic breast cancer. It was an example for their children to know that despite difficult battles, life goes on. Commitment to children: The Rabbi says, “But perhaps an even more important lesson to convey to our children is that what will truly make them special in life is not becoming president but being committed and loving family members who always put each other first. As we sit and wonder and judge – I am reminded of an often-quoted phrase from my grandmother, straight from the Bible, “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” (You may leave comments on The Examiner story about John and Elizabeth Edwards.  See blue link to the right.) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 775 2009-05-01 01:01:14 2009-05-01 04:01:14 closed open elizabeth-edwards-talks-about-johns-affair publish 0 0 post title Resilience: a tell all book by Elizabeth Edwards _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241150639 John Edwards: Love Money and Campaign Finance http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=781 Mon, 04 May 2009 15:55:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=781 Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Was campaign finance money used for payments to John Edwards's mistress? According to an AP story on CBS, "His once-prominent political career is buried and the turmoil of his marriage is playing out in public. Now, John Edwards is facing a federal inquiry. " CBS News From the Charlotte Observer, "The investigation is being conducted by the office of U.S. Attorney George Holding, and a federal grand jury could consider evidence. Holding, a Republican based in Raleigh, declined to comment on Edwards. Holding has helped prosecute several prominent Democrats." News Observer For more links - click the Blue button to your right and it will take you to my pages: Love and Marriage Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 781 2009-05-04 12:55:49 2009-05-04 15:55:49 closed open john-edwards-love-money-and-campaign-finance publish 0 0 post title John Edwards: Love Money and Campaign Finance _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1241454791 For the love of Green, Reuters jumps in (updated) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=779 Mon, 04 May 2009 18:19:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=779 Green Building Council. He also sent  recent news about solar energy --  German Solar PV Manufacturer Stakes a Claim in the U.S. Roger Manny is Program Director with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., Global Buildings North America. His solar energy link reminded me of Evan Schwartz, with whom I worked on a project.  Evan wrote Saved by the Sun, a PBS special.  Use the sun to cool down our planet - Opinion - USATODAY.com From Reuters:

    Sen. Reid optimistic on climate bill progress

    They are featuring five green businesses to watch, environmental videos, and also "cracking the mystery of green jobs. Here are some of the other stories for those who are loving green. U.S. bill to create clean energy investment agency Chinese company to finance $300 million in U.S. wind farms Critics say UK carbon scheme snubs renewable energy U.S. coal power plants scuttled, Sierra Club cheers U.S. lawmakers discuss more government power over grid Oil punt makes big bucks but coastlines at risk Traditionally we have talked of green as money, now it is the environment.  But here is another bit of green -- the heart chakra (one of the described energy centers in Indian medicine) is said to radiate green. It seems that green is the color of love and it is becoming the color to love. Watch for more environmental news "Loving Green" including an update on:
    • Cape Wind project headed by Jim Gordon
    • Solar energy as depicted by Evan Schwartz for PBS
    • Climate change as discussed by Professor Adil Najam.  One of the climate change scientists who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore, he recently spoke with us about political unrest in Pakistan.
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    779 2009-05-04 15:19:07 2009-05-04 18:19:07 closed open for-the-love-of-green-reuters-jumps-in publish 0 0 post title For the love of going Green, Reuters jumps in Uupdated) _edit_lock 1241467385 _edit_last 2
    Hot love: the sun and solar http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=785 Tue, 05 May 2009 13:41:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=785 Reuters.com, China Germany has already created a hot market in solar and it is time for the United States to revisit the concept.  German Solar PV Manufacturer Stakes a Claim in the U.S. Here are thoughts from Evan Schwartz who wrote Saved by the Sun, a PBS special.  Use the sun to cool down our planet - Opinion - USATODAY.com Meanwhile in the US - the climate control debate is heating up in Washington! Climate change Today the color of green is looking more like red heat! Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 785 2009-05-05 10:41:53 2009-05-05 13:41:53 closed open hot-love-the-sun-and-solar publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1241531032 _edit_last 2 keywords green, love, money, solar, climate change. China, Germany title Hot love: the sun and solar Is she still in love with John Edwards? Oprah wants to know http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=787 Thu, 07 May 2009 02:27:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=787 To leave a comment or read more -- please go to Oprah asks Elizabeth Edwards: Are you still in love with him? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 787 2009-05-06 23:27:11 2009-05-07 02:27:11 closed open are-you-still-in-love-with-him-oprah-wants-to-know publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1241760656 _edit_last 2 title Are you still in love with him? Oprah wants to know Surviving this financial free-fall http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=788 Fri, 08 May 2009 05:43:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=788 The world has gone topsy-turvy.  The economic news is sending clouds into our lives that we were not  expecting would turn us on our heads searching for ways to save money. (Roger Manny Photo) To escape, some of us read Page Six gossip, which has a way of taking our minds away from immediate challenges and roadblocks. That is one reason we love Susan Boyle - she is a rainbow in a recession. We heard from Terry Kennan that  we are in for an economic free-fall. What does this mean?  Frugality: shoppers are "opting to save now and buy later when prices are lower."NY Post consumer prices First , we can take steps individually. Suze Orman, author of The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, is trying to help women and men cope with mounting debt and develop a relationship with and respect for their money. And WIFE.org is another group helping women;  Women's Institute for Financial Education Advice for couples Don't commit financial infidelity. Talk to each other about money issues.
    • Be honest, even if it means giving up the secret of your shoebox under the dresser.
    • Make a reasonable budget.
    • Work together to plan during this economic downturn.
    • Don't be a financial cheater.
    788 2009-05-08 02:43:01 2009-05-08 05:43:01 closed open surviving-this-financial-free-fall publish 0 0 post title Surviving the financial free-fall _edit_lock 1243570743 _edit_last 2
    Long distance love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=790 Sun, 10 May 2009 14:01:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=790 Love is a challenge for long distance lovers.  And there is a "his" and "hers" side to long distance relationships. Whether or not they last depends upon time and commitment. In this tanking economy, many couples are going to find themselves seeking jobs wherever they can be found. What will this mean for your relationship if it happens to you? I know quite a number of married couples who have done quite well on long distance relationships - both parties were (are) professional couples, totally devoted to each other because they have no children. Stating up a relationship that is going to be long distance has a higher failure rate because the bond has not had time to establish itself. What are the success factors? Success factors include ease of travel, time together (every two to three weeks is best), and an approximately equal income helps in terms of independence. Most often marriage is what makes the long distance relationship a success - unless it is a second marriage and children are involved. It helps to be in the same country, but if not,  the same time zone helps to make communicating less stressful. Avice columns: Most of the advice columns on LDRs - with regard to new couples - suggest an "end" time goal.  Six months for marriage.  But keep in mind that the LDR is artificial in itself - and that too many couples try it, move in together or wed - and then face the shock of routine or each other's real habits and needs within three - six months.  By then the thrill and the excitement are gone and day to day sets in. Yes, those are his dirty socks on your newly made bed! For independent women, it often only takes only a few weeks of being with someone on their turf living their daily business routine to determine if the relationship can go forward. Relationships under the best conditions are stressful. If your circumstances in this economy force you into an LDR, keep the passion going! Advice from the men: Ask Men Advice from the women: from the Women Fabulous photo from Travelhouseuk.wordpress.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson www.ritawatson.com]]> 790 2009-05-10 11:01:28 2009-05-10 14:01:28 closed open love-distance-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1242003573 _edit_last 2 Madoff's Secretary Tells All; the Vanity Fair Video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=791 Mon, 11 May 2009 00:54:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=791 Vanity Fair. Here is the video link: Vanity Fair, Madoff video And here is the story. You be the judge~  Madoffs Secretary Spills His Secrets As for me, I would like to see every stitch they own sold off and the investor's paid back starting with those who could least afford his deception. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 791 2009-05-10 21:54:22 2009-05-11 00:54:22 closed open madoffs-secretary-tells-all-the-vanity-fair-video publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1242015930 Eliot and Silda Spitzer: Back in the News http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=792 Tue, 12 May 2009 03:34:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=792 Quite surprisingly, he is more popular than Governor Paterson. One year ago we all gasped when it was reported that he had been caught with a high-priced prostitute at a Washington hotel.  We gasped because he was a rising star, the Eliot Ness of Wall Street. Some of us wondered -- was Gov. Eliot Spitzer set up?  Was this a way to turn a rising star into a falling star? Usually this kind of thing would have been handled at the state level. I was not cutting him slack at the time. I am often too outspoken about adultery - "for every time you cheat, you will be cheated!"  But the Bible can be a bit more tolerant that I am on the topic since it says: "Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone." Now one year later, the Governor is said to have lost everything politically.  But he has what is most important --  his health, his family, and his marriage.  As the Newsweek interview noted,  "One grotesque irony of political sex scandals is that in the beginning, when the pain and shock are greatest, husband and wife need each other more than ever, for each of them is under attack from the outside world." The story goes on: "When you're in the foxhole with somebody," Spitzer says, "and there are incoming mortars, that breeds a certain closeness because nobody else can appreciate what you're going through." Silda Spitzer, one woman among many, who knows how to "stand by her man." TAKE THE STAND BY YOUR MAN POLL -- CLICK THE BLUE BUTTON Copyright 2009 Rita Watson

    792 2009-05-12 00:34:58 2009-05-12 03:34:58 closed open eliot-and-silda-spitzer-back-in-the-news publish 0 0 post title Eliot and Silda Spitzer: Back in the News _edit_lock 1242099325 _edit_last 2
    AIG knew about bonuses but didn't tell! No love, no money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=793 Wed, 13 May 2009 03:17:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=793 American International Group chief executive Edward M. Liddy returns to Washington to face Congress today, new details are emerging about how long federal officials were aware of the company's recent bonus payments to its executives and how inflammatory the payments could be." The lead goes on to say that, "Documents show that senior officials at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York received details about the bonuses more than five months before the firestorm erupted and were deeply engaged with AIG as well as outside lawyers, auditors and public relations firms about the potential controversy. But the New York Fed did not raise the alarm with the Obama administration until the end of February."  Washington Post
    • Can someone tell me please how it happens that no one put their foot on the brakes?
    • Where were the written policies that put a check on the bonuses?
    In case you missed the story, AIG did hire a crisis manager last month. CBS News,  But the article said, "Insiders say even the most brilliantly choreographed public relations strategy won't make a dent in public perceptions of a company like AIG unless it reforms itself - and maybe not even then." Getting back to bonuses -- usually there are terms and conditions with so many "ifs" regarding corporate stability, that the bonuses get tied up for months.   So what fell through the cracks? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    793 2009-05-13 00:17:42 2009-05-13 03:17:42 closed open aig-knew-about-bonuses-but-didnt-tell-no-love-no-money publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1242280570 title AIG knew about bonuses but didn\'t tell! No love, no money
    With Real Estate Woes, Wynton Marsalis Cheers with Happy Birthday http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=794 Thu, 14 May 2009 05:54:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=794 Lawsuit of the day buyer The flurry of lawsuits has not materialized despite continued decline in residential property valules. Further, we learned that commercial real estate is taking a  bigger hit than expected. "It was the fourth consecutive quarter of declining values for properties including offices, warehouses, hotels and shopping centers, according to a new report by the MIT Center for Real Estate." Dallas News How does this story of real estate relate to the Happy Birthday video?  No relationship just a big stretch.  As I was struggling with wording for a conflict of interest issue this morning,  a Washington attorney-turned-author phoned.  And the words I needed rolled off his tongue:  "Facially conflict of interest aka nepotism." Today is his birthday.  Bob, here is Wynton Marsalis to play for you. Happy Birthday! / R Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 794 2009-05-14 02:54:51 2009-05-14 05:54:51 closed open with-real-estate-woes-wynton-marsalis-cheers-with-happy-birthday publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1242320142 MONEY, Fortune Magazine tells how Madoff pulled it off and LOVE, the Story of Ryan and Farrah http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=796 Fri, 15 May 2009 14:54:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=796 Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 On the money side: The following is a quote from Fortune: "The employees were transfixed. Standing on the mid-Manhattan trading floor of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities in late 2007, a half-dozen staffers stared up at the ceiling-mounted TV as CNBC aired a report on the mysterious Palm Beach death of a hedge fund manager who had been leading a double life. The police, it appeared, were even considering the possibility that he had been murdered. 'Bernie,' someone casually asked as Madoff happened to walk by, 'have you heard of this guy?' "Madoff glanced at the screen, blanched, and exploded."  And hitting that raw nerve and another trader witnessing the outburst, was perhaps the hint that helped launch an investigation into the true story of how Madoff pulled off such a swindle. How Bernie Madoff pulled off his massive swindle On the love side: If you want to see videos of Ryan O'Neal in Love Story, and Ryan O'Neal telling the world that he wants to marry his 30 year love, Farrah Fawcett, and her courageous cancer battle, click on the blue EXAMINER button to your right. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 796 2009-05-15 11:54:36 2009-05-15 14:54:36 closed open money-fortune-magazine-tells-how-madoff-pulled-it-off-love-the-story-of-ryan-and-farrah publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1242763420 _edit_last 2 title Fortune Magazine tells how Madoff pulled it off and LOVE, the Story of Ryan and Farrah keywords Fortune, Madoff,LOVE, f Ryan, Farrah, examiner.com description Fortune Magazine tells how Madoff pulled it off and LOVE, the Story of Ryan O\'Neal and Farrah Fawcett, examiner.com Making love and money, a very racy Bontrust commercial http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=797 Mon, 18 May 2009 05:11:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=797 And yes, if you can imagine origami money making love or having sex as the case here appears to be -- that would be pianist Clara Shuman for Germany and Abe Lincoln for the US -- then this is quite a surprising little ad titled: Bontrust: Increase in Currency (Money Love). And I do warn you -- the "love scene" between paper Abe and paper Clara is explicit! Some might call it obscene, but sometimes so is the marriage of money and love.   Here is the link, if you dare. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBDPkZakPU4 According to Yeomans "This spot appeared on May 7 and has already amassed more than 220,000 viewings and more than 140 comments from fans in at least five languages."  Big Money Many of us feel betrayed by the current economic situation in the US. And is Clara-Shuman-Lincoln with her three babies about to betray? To leave comments, click on the Examiner button and it will take you to Cheating: whether lovers or friends, a betrayal of trust. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 797 2009-05-18 02:11:12 2009-05-18 05:11:12 closed open making-love-and-money-a-very-racy-bontrust-commercial publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1242763808 _edit_last 2 description You tube, very provocative oragami sex between Abe Lincoln and Clara Shuman title Making love and money, a very racy Bontrust commercial Looking for love from Wall Street to Main Street http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=798 Tue, 19 May 2009 13:39:55 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=798 Rita Watson: Wall Street to Main Street: Looking for love
    01:00 AM EDT on Sunday, May 3, 2009
    EVEN WITH THE RECENT free-fall on Wall Street, pricey matchmaking and online love services appear to be booming. Despite the stock-market downturn some Wall Streeters are writing checks from $25,000 to $50,000 to find the right partner. However, Prof. Shoshana Grossbard, of the Department of Economics at San Diego State University, says, "Even if there are more Wall Street men looking for such women at the present time, one wonders if there is a matching increase in women's willingness to act as nurturing partners. "It is possible that women's willingness to provide a warm home to Wall Street men, and other men in need of comfort, is now higher as women are finding fewer job opportunities in labor markets. As such, the ‘wife track' may be relatively more attractive these days. It always takes two to tango." The recession has not hurt matchmaking, which is one of the most lucrative online content categories in many years. It is estimated that by 2011 it will be a $932 million industry, according to Jupiter Research. Why the appeal? Scott Haltzman, M.D., a psychiatrist at Brown University, said, "When looking for love, people seek a mysterious amalgam of qualities in another person. In part, we have preconceived notions of what we find attractive, based on our own cultures and families, and also influenced by the culture around us. There's quite a bit of trial and error when it comes to dating, and these services allow you to ‘figure out' with whom you are a good match without investing money in failed attempts at finding Mr. or Ms. Right. "Over the Web, you can develop intimacy with someone before you ever meet him or her. You can have deep conversations long into the night and not have to pay for so much as a cheeseburger." Dr. Haltzman is author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men: Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever, and The Secrets of Happily Married Women: How to Get More Out of Your Relationship by Doing Less. Although some reports say there is a trend towards matchmaking services that boast of success with long-term relationships, including marriage, Professor Grossbard says that marriage loses its allure during tough economic times, pointing out that in the early years of the Great Depression, the marriage rate dropped 20 percent. My skepticism about matchmaking and online dating concerns status - not financial but marital. With two out of three men cheating on their wives at one time or another, according to recent research, how does one really know if someone online is married or single? Several years ago I wrote that men and dogs should come with papers - the dogs to prove their pedigree and the men to prove they are really free. A barrage of criticism followed, citing my politically incorrect posturing. Nonetheless, online anonymity leaves room for deception in both sexes. However, in terms of divorce there is good news. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reported at the end of 2009 that 37 percent of its members say they typically see a decrease in divorce cases during national economic downturns. For cautious love seekers, there are some local services that do the screening for you, such as It's Just Lunch, in San Diego, and LunchDates, in Boston. Marty Sack, who heads LunchDates, tells me that his company spends close to an hour getting information from each client and even asks to see one's driver's license or birth certificate so that there is no lying about age. Although we now have a cougar trend - older women, younger men - he said, "These days men who are looking for a sound, long-term relationship want women to share lifestyles, activities, and have some independence." Nonetheless dating a stranger has its drawbacks. Those who have not taken seriously the condom-up message could end up receiving a "You've Got Mail" ring on their computer. Instead of an e-mail that says, "I love you dearly," it could turn out to be one of those anonymously generated electronic cards informing you that you have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease. That would be devastating. But for skeptics like me, there is another small, but nagging worry: What if you end up meeting one of the fish you had already thrown back into the sea? Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and a daily syndicated blogger at www.ritawatson.com.]]>
    798 2009-05-19 10:39:55 2009-05-19 13:39:55 closed open looking-for-love-from-wall-street-to-main-street publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1242740517
    A Comfort Food Business Fights Economic Woes as Above the Law Reports http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=799 Thu, 21 May 2009 01:19:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=799 The story from one of my favorite sources, Above the law, tells us about "Comfort Food for the Economy."  Comfort Food The young lawyer-turned- businessman is also spreading his good fortune by Twittering folks that there are jjobs@cupcakestop.com.  What propelled him?  Waiting in line for a cupcake that was basically tasteless.  And so that mobile cupcake service called Cupcake Stop was born -- or maybe baked. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 799 2009-05-20 22:19:42 2009-05-21 01:19:42 closed open a-comfort-food-business-fights-economic-woes publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1243987687 Cape Wind Gets Unanimous State Agency Approval Despite Kennedy Roadblocks http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=800 Thu, 21 May 2009 22:35:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=800 Cape Wind,  visionary Jim Gordon received long awaited news today. Even when the Kennedy clan mobilized their troops,  Jim persevered.  As I noted last September,  "How committed are we to alternative sources of energy?"  The answers depend upon the people with whom we speak.  Try putting a new source of energy on Cape Cod and watch the Kennedy response.  No money is spared to keep windmills from spoiling their view.  Apparently they have never been to Holland where windmills are sculptures in motion.  The Big Drill with Nancy and Sarah   Today's news is so exciting that those of you still wondering why I am interspersing love and money with GREEN news -- read this Cape Wind press release. State Agency Unanimous OK of Cape Wind Completes State and Local Permitting FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOSTON, MA, May 21, 2009 - Cape Wind completed its State and Local permitting process today with a unanimous vote of the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board to grant Cape Wind a ‘Certificate of Environmental Impact and Public Interest' that rolls up all State and Local permits and approvals into one ‘composite certificate'. Cape Wind President Jim Gordon welcomed the news: "Today's vote marks not just a successful conclusion to a seven-year state regulatory review of the Cape Wind project but the beginning of a new era of clean energy jobs and renewable power from the endless wind resources off our shore." Completion of the Federal Permitting process for Cape Wind is expected soon when U.S. Secretary Ken Salazar issues a Record of Decision on Cape Wind. The Minerals Management Service of the U.S. Department of Interior issued Cape Wind a favorable Final Environmental Impact Statement in January. Environmental impact energy facilities:The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board (Siting Board), was created by the Legislature to ensure the siting of needed and least environmental impact energy facilities and was granted the statutory authority to issue a comprehensive approval to an energy facility it has previously approved, where that facility has been denied a permit by any other state or local agency in the Commonwealth. The Siting Board exercised their statutory authority in their vote today which was necessitated by a procedural denial issued from the Cape Cod Commission in 2007. Documentation of 50,000 pages: In 2005, the Siting Board approved Cape Wind's electrical interconnection at the conclusion of a 32-month review of unprecedented length that included 2,900 pages of transcripts, 923 exhibits and 50,000 pages of documentary evidence. The Siting Board found that Cape Wind would meet an identified need for electricity and would provide a reliable energy supply for Massachusetts, with a minimum impact on the environment. The Siting Board's approval of Cape Wind's electrical interconnection was upheld by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Opinion polls: Two independent public opinion polls have found statewide support for Cape Wind to be 86%. The nation's first offshore windfarm: Cape Wind's proposal to build America's first offshore wind farm on Horseshoe Shoal would provide three-quarters of the electricity used on Cape Cod and the Islands from clean, renewable energy - reducing this region's need to import oil, coal and gas. Cape Wind will create new jobs, help stabilize electric costs, contribute to a healthier environment, increase energy independence and establish Massachusetts as a leader in offshore wind power. For more information visit www.capewind.org.
    CONTACT, Mark Rodgers 508-237-6312, Communications Director, Cape Wind Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    800 2009-05-21 19:35:39 2009-05-21 22:35:39 closed open cape-wind-gets-unanimous-state-agency-approval-despite-kennedy-roadblocks publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 description Major wind farm approval a defeat for the Kennedys _edit_lock 1243987647 title Cape Wind Gets Unanimous State Agency OK
    Smart Grid and Susan Boyle: Stunning Victories http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=801 Sat, 23 May 2009 14:01:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=801 GreenBusiness Susan Boyle favored to win Britain's Got Talent contest-- Fabulous back stage video!
    Susan Boyle took us all by storm some six weeks ago.  Where is she now?  She appeared on Oprah via satellite, turned down an offer for dinner at the White House, and now appears to be preparing for her next Britan's Got Talent performance.  And she is an odds-on-favorite to win.  For more stories, please click on the Blue Examiner button to the right. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
    801 2009-05-23 11:01:58 2009-05-23 14:01:58 closed open smart-grid-and-susan-boyle-stunning-victories publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243987443 _edit_last 2 title Smart Grid and Susan Boyle: Stunning Victories keywords Smart Grid, US Senate,Susan Boyle, Cape Wind
    Susan Boyle video: shining but with serious competition http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=804 Tue, 26 May 2009 13:35:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=804 "Shaun, a million times better than anything we have heard!" And Amanda says, "Susan Boyle has BIG competition." VIDEO LINK --> HERE IS SUSAN BOYLE'S SERIOUS COMPETITION -->   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7mqoDPVfFw Compare the two songs and ask yourself if Amanda Holden is right when she says that Susan Boyle may not have staying power. Amanda spills the beans on Susan Boyle FOR MORE ON SUSAN BOYLE -- Click the Blue EXAMINER link to your right. Happiness/ Rita E Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 804 2009-05-26 10:35:02 2009-05-26 13:35:02 closed open susan-boyle-video-shining-but-disappointing publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243987429 _edit_last 2 title Susan Boyle: shining but disappointing Hillary Clinton, Honorary Degree at Yale, and her Campus Love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=806 Wed, 27 May 2009 13:12:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=806 As I sat watching Hillary I wondered if she wondered: Who will help change the world?  Which couples are lovers?  Who will marry and divorce?  Which couples will stay married long enough to see their children graduate from college? Bill and Hillary in love: It was here that she and Bill met across the way at the Law School in 1970. Their courtship began and they were married five years later. The infidelity crisis: The marriage of Hillary and Bill was a political climb culminating in a presidency turned rocky because of his infidelity.  But Hillary always held her head high and their marriage together. During the presidential debates she brought up the subject of Bill and Monica in an-ever-so-cautious way. She said: “Everyone here knows I’ve lived through some crises and some challenging moments in my life.” Nonetheless Hillary and Bill seem to survive and move forward. President Richard Levin's words to Hillary Rodham Clinton: “Throughout your career, you have called the nation’s attention to things that matter: health care, education, and the rights of women and children. Through hard work, forceful advocacy, and an impressive grasp of the issues, you earned the respect of your colleagues in the Senate and the admiration of your constituents. "You bring to your new role as Secretary of State tenacity and toughness, principle and pragmatism."We have known of your brilliance from your days as a student in the Yale Law School; now we admire your bravery in confronting ancient enmities, and your boldness in seeking peace. With pride and joy we welcome you back for your second Yale degree:  Doctor of Laws.” Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 806 2009-05-27 10:12:51 2009-05-27 13:12:51 closed open hillary-clinton-honorary-degree-at-yale-and-her-campus-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243987511 description Hillary Clinton, Honorary Degree at Yale, and her Campus Love title Hillary Clinton, Honorary Degree at Yale, and her Campus Love _edit_last 2 keywords Hillary Clinton, Honorary, Degree, Yale, Campus, Love, Bill, Clinton, infidelity How Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor Saved Baseball http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=807 Thu, 28 May 2009 04:41:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=807 Many women face this issue and sometimes carry their bitchy words, sniping remarks, and silent treatment a bit too far. Essentially it all adds up to sexless nights. For a better way, read Kind words, loving words. With a bit of ingenuity, and some time on HGTV, they found a solution. First they moved their "Christmas and Thanksgiving" dining room to what had been a formal living room. Then they created a country kitchen with a comfortable couch and a 52 inch TV screen within easy view of the kitchen counter. Now he gets to watch his games. She cooks or works at her laptop on the counter. And they talk. She says, “Now I get to spend more time with my husband and less time being angry. I’m even learning more about the Yankees.” The woman who saved baseball: We learned recently that Sonia Sotomayor, the new Supreme Court nominee is an avid Yankee fan. Here is the Daily News Story that tells us how she is credited with saving the 1995 major league baseball season.  New York Daily News, Baseball "She issued an injunction on March 31, 1995, that effectively ended baseball's longest and most damaging work stoppage, a seven-month-old clash between players and owners that cost MLB the 1994 World Series and threatened the 1995 season and the long-term health of the sport.” A Yale Law School graduate Sonia Sotomayor sits on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan alongside Judge Guido Calabresi, former dean of the Yale Law. Also from Yale Law who surprised us this weekend, you may enjoy reading this story: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 807 2009-05-28 01:41:22 2009-05-28 04:41:22 closed open how-supreme-court-nominee-sonia-sotomayor-saved-baseball publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1243987404 Garter belts and "naughty nuns" -- a quick break from love and money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=809 Fri, 29 May 2009 16:50:36 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=809 “The Hanham Sunday Tour, an annual trip, was started in the 60s by players at the club, which competes in the Bristol Sunday League premier division. In previous years the men have dressed up as St Trinian's schoolgirls in Portugal and babies in Cyprus. They have never experienced any trouble before. . ." One of the men told the paper: "We have a couple of drinks, and then we parade around the street in costume for one night of the holiday," Underhill said. "It's an end of season celebration and tradition. We're laughing at ourselves, and the other people laugh at us too. It's harmless." Apparently the authorities were not amused. Naughty nuns arrested The Club's chairman is furious! Footballers-arrested Last year a fitness club ran a provocative ad with nuns that created cries of "blasphemy" in the New York archdiocese. WCBSTV.com And here is the photo from:Democratic Underground.com LOVING GREEN NEWS COMING UP Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 809 2009-05-29 13:50:36 2009-05-29 16:50:36 closed open silk-stockings-garter-belts-and-naughty-nuns publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1243987387 Loving environmental green and seeing red in Italian scandal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=810 Sat, 30 May 2009 02:15:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=810 Artic natural gas: First here is a link to the podcast on Science magazine that talks about the following article featured this week: Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Arctic.  The abstract notes: Among the greatest uncertainties in future energy supply and a subject of considerable environmental concern is the amount of oil and gas yet to be found in the Arctic. By using a probabilistic geology-based methodology, the United States Geological Survey has assessed the area north of the Arctic Circle and concluded that about 30% of the world’s undiscovered gas and 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil may be found there, mostly offshore under less than 500 meters of water. Undiscovered natural gas is three times more abundant than oil in the Arctic and is largely concentrated in Russia. Oil resources, although important to the interests of Arctic countries, are probably not sufficient to substantially shift the current geographic pattern of world oil production.  Science magazine Forest green gas emissions: In a Reuters piece, Deborah Zabarenko writes: "Counting the climate-warming carbon dioxide locked up in forests could offer a cheaper way to curb the greenhouse gas than by considering only emissions from industry and fossil fuels, according to a new study.... "the world's forests hold some 2 trillion tons of carbon. As long as the forests stand, that huge amount of greenhouse gas stays out of the atmosphere, but if some of these woodlands are cleared for farming -- including biofuel crops like ethanol -- they start releasing carbon into the air, where it can add to the problem of climate change." As such, the authors of the study point out that even "green fuels can have a carbon cost." Seeing red: Italians for years have smiled at the dalliances of their Prime Minister.  In a country where comares are a common part of society, the PM's wife is screaming "divorce."   What pushed his wife of 20 years over the edge? Rumors have surfaced of his involvement with an 18 year old whose birthday he apparently attended. His children are furious about the rumors and are blaming them on the opposition party.  But suddenly his luck and lust is turning. Reports are surfacing that even allies such as Tony Blair and his wife are distancing themselves. Silvio Berlusconi has long been know for love of women.  In fact reports say that he was dating his current wife, whom he met while she was a topless dancer,  while still married to the first Mrs. Berlusconi. For the full story go to the Examiner.com tomorrow morning.  Just click on the blue button to your right. Today's story is the Fr. Cutie scandal -- Catholic priest becomes Episcopal priest and will marry his love of two years. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 810 2009-05-29 23:15:10 2009-05-30 02:15:10 closed open loving-environmental-green-and-seeing-red-in-italian-scandal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243987368 _edit_last 2 keywords Green gas forest emissions, artic natural gas, Italian Prime minister scandal title Loving environmental green and seeing red in Italian scandal The Prime Minister: of men and their mistresses http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=811 Mon, 01 Jun 2009 06:26:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=811 Berlusconi insists that he is not involved romantically with the 18-year-old who declares that she is still a virgin. In European nations, when we hear of scandals in top government circles these are frequently related to politics.  Lovers quarrels may create a media frenzy, but in Italy wives often turn their heads when their powerful husbands are cavorting about with younger women. It is particularly ironic that in a Roman Catholic country – where the head of the Church sets the rules for Catholic marriages --  the Prime Minister, head of government, breaks the rules which Italians find amusing. Arranged marriages: For many older couples in Italy, marriages were arranged by two families and their teenagers married. As such, many older men say that they get to chose their mistresses because they did not get to choose their wives. However, for the sake of family, in a country in which divorce had not been legal, wives came to accept the “comare.”  For devotees of The Sopranos -- the Mafia mistresses were called: goomah, goomar, or gomatta With this little bit of Italian marriage history, it should be understandable as to why the Italians have shrugged over the dalliances of their Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The bishops: However, the Catholic bishops have now decried the PM's public life and also chastised his wife for publicly airing their marital troubles. Such is the nature of love and marriage in Italy. So why is Veronica Lario, 52, Berlusconi’s wife of 20 years and mother of his three children, seeking a divorce? For years he has been associated with a string of beautiful young women.  Indeed he raised eyebrows when he and Veronica began an affair while he was still married to first wife. When he met Veronica she was a topless dancer. Here are photos of his top ten women published in the Telegraph.co.uk What pushed Veronica over the edge were the suddenly surfacing rumors of his involvement with a young woman who just turned 18, and his apparent attendance at her birthday. His children defend him However the PM’s children are taking his side and crying “foul”.   According to a new piece in the New York Times in a series of separate and joint statements, Mr Berlusconi's five children said Dario Franceschini should be ashamed of himself for having dragged them into Italy's increasingly contentious campaign for European Parliament elections. "I would be thrilled for Franceschini's children if they had a father like mine," said Marina Berlusconi, his oldest child. New York Times on PM The explosive nature of the story today is being bandied by some as a political rather than moral.  However, right now it is being reported  that even some of his closest allies are distancing themselves. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 811 2009-06-01 03:26:51 2009-06-01 06:26:51 closed open the-prime-minister-of-men-and-their-mistresses publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1243987331 _edit_last 2 title The Prime Minister: of men and their mistresses keywords Italian, prime minister, 18 year old, party, paparrazi, virgin, wive, divorce, bishops Air France: When love is lost http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=812 Wed, 03 Jun 2009 00:00:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=812 A fiancée waits Later as I read about the lost Air France plane, I saw a photo of a young woman identified as waiting for her fiancée. I felt a sense of profound sadness for her. Shortly after we heard the words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy: "(I met with) a mother who lost her son, a fiancée who lost her future husband. I told them the truth," he said. He pointed out the difficulty in finding the plane because the zone where it is believed to have disappeared "is immense." AP News, Air France Love and marriage I could not stop thinking about the young woman at the airport waiting with expectation and joy for her fiancée. Will she be able to plunge ahead or will she have difficulty understanding and accepting how she went from thoughts of a wedding to thoughts of a funeral? We don’t know. Joseph Campbell’s words from The Power of Myth seemed so poignant. He said "the real life of a marriage or a true love affair is in the relationship…two aspects of the same being.” For all those who loose someone they love, they loose a part of themselves and grief often overwhelms. WebMD/depression Kind words If we spend our days always speaking kindly to those whom we love, we can get through life with few regrets and find a place in our heart that helps us to rebound. I often quote a philosopher who lived sometime in 400 BC: * Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. * Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. * Leave the rest to God. * Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. . . .Life is about learning to dance in the rain. Loving life to the fullest No matter what unexpected situation one may face when love is lost, it takes time for the reality of the situation to seep in. Grief is how our body and mind responds to loss. We see in the movies and we read in books how women cope when a marriage is called off, a lover or husbands cheats and betrays, a husband asks for a divorce, a life partner meets with tragedy. In each situation who is to say which woman has the heaviest heart or how long she will grieve?. Each person goes through the process in an individual way. The six myths about grief. Grief is how our body and mind responds to loss. Here is a WebMD link.http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-grief Here is a link to the six myths written after 9/ 11 but as the author said, applicable to unexpected tragedy: Don't Feel Bad, Replace Your Loss, Grieve Alone, Time Heals All Wounds,      Be Strong for Others, and Keep Busy -- http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-grief Each person goes through the process of grief in her own individual way.  As wives, mothers, lovers, girlfriends we have one responsibility really -- to stand by and offer our support, our love.  And then one day, in some unexpected way, they will step out into the sunshine ready to live again, ready to love again. As wives, mothers, lovers, girlfriends we have one responsibility really -- to stand by and just be there. And then one day, in some unexpected way, our friend or relative whose tears we shared will step out into the sunshine ready to live again, ready to love again. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 812 2009-06-02 21:00:50 2009-06-03 00:00:50 closed open air-france-when-love-is-lost publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1243987706 For Sonia Sotomayer, is it a woman vs men or just a party line battle? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=813 Wed, 03 Jun 2009 04:26:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=813 According to the New York Times today, "even as Democrats were disciplined in sticking to their main talking point — that Judge Sotomayor would put the rule of law above all else — Republicans began drawing battle lines for a long and potentially confrontational confirmation process that would focus on the extent to which the judge will let her personal background and experiences influence her opinions from the bench. "The Democratic majority in the Senate totals 59 of the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster, and seven Republican senators voted to confirm Judge Sotomayor to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in 1998. Given those numbers, the Republican strategy seems to be to play for time, creating an opportunity for something unexpected to threaten her nomination. “We don’t have enough Republicans to filibuster even if we wanted to, which I don’t think we do,” said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas and a member of the Judiciary Committee. The battle is over a remark she made suggesting that "a Latina judge like herself might have better judgment than a white male." Now it's your turn.  You be the judge! Keep in mind something rather interesting.  Those leading the charge against her are not elected officials but rather Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich. Am I off target here?  A blog about love or money?  I'm putting my money on loving the fact that a woman has been named as nominee to the Supreme Court with sterling credentials.  Am I prejudiced because she too is a Yalie?  In the words of Sarah Palin, "You betcha."   http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/03/us/politics/03judge.html?hp Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 813 2009-06-03 01:26:30 2009-06-03 04:26:30 closed open for-sonia-sotomayer-is-it-a-woman-vs-men-or-just-a-party-line-battle publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244003191 _edit_last 2 Keeping tabs on Bernard Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=815 Thu, 04 Jun 2009 05:51:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=815 Fairfield Greenwich Group and filed civil suit seeking $3.54 billion in funds  before Madoff was arrested for allegedly running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme on December. Madoff Madoff’s Secretary Tells All; the Vanity Fair Video The comments are pretty harsh at times, but here is the story lead:  “Bernie Madoff was a sexist, egomaniacal, short-tempered control freak—yet everybody loved him. That is according to his secretary of more than 20 years, Eleanor Squillari, who co-authored a 9,000-word article in the June issue of Vanity Fair. Here is the video link: Vanity [...] Doing the Math, Madoff and the Global Meltdown There were two interesting items this weekend.  One from the UK’s Times Online focused on Bernard Madoff’s liquidator.  The other was an opinion piece about the global meltdown.  Both pieces have a similar thread — simple arithmetic. Madoff, Feeder Funds, and the Whistleblower In the world of money losses, the mere mention of Bernard Madoff sets folks into a rage. Today Martin de Sa’Pinto reported from Zurich that Above the Law: Madoff, the UVA Libel Show v NYU Revue Somehow I missed April Fool’s Day, but here is some fun from Above the Law.  Ironically the last  time I posted a revue from ATL, Madoff filled the news. To AIG and Madoff: We Want the Money Back The news is simple: We want the money back both from AIG and the Madoff family.  Lawmakers are scrambling, and Chris Dodd is back pedaling. Feds Go After Madoff Assets and AIG Names Names In the world of “for better or worse” it appears that the Madoffs are facing the test.  The Feds are going after his assets according to a just released story. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 815 2009-06-04 02:51:47 2009-06-04 05:51:47 closed open keeping-tabs-on-bernard-madoff publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244094898 _edit_last 2 Should smart women marry for money? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=816 Sun, 07 Jun 2009 02:22:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=816 Here is a blog post by Daniela Drake, MD, with an MBA from Stanford University.  She, along with Elizabeth Ford, authored the book “Smart Girls Marry Money.”  Here is her piece in Reuters. Are women better off marrying for money? The premise is a bit convoluted, but here is the gist in the form of a question asked:  "So what will I say if my daughter asks me, 'How can I make sure my life is financially secure?'" "I would have to pause before I answer. I would have to consider that in all likelihood she won’t live to see true workplace equality. But her life matters now. So I will have my own Orwellian answer for her and offer it with a hefty dose of irony, 'Apply yourself at school and at work. And to cover all your bases, marry a man with money.'" From this incurable romantic here, I am suggesting you read on. Money, marriage, sex and secrets First Comes Marriage, Then Comes Love Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 816 2009-06-06 23:22:43 2009-06-07 02:22:43 closed open should-smart-women-marry-for-money publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1244347588 title Should smart women marry for money? My Love Affair with Green http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=817 Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:13:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=817 Interviews for the article as they appear in the story include:
    • Professor Adil Najam,  a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
    • Greg Chafee, an attorney with the international firm Morris, Manning, and Martin
    • James Gordon, chief executive of Cape Wind
    • Roger Manny, Jacobs Global Engineering
    • Bruce R. Hrovat, executive vice president, GTS, Citizens Financial
    It's a true love affair but I do note at the end.  Although green is the new color of love, I would still like to receive red roses on Valentine's Day -- GreenLegals.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    817 2009-06-08 02:13:51 2009-06-08 05:13:51 closed open my-love-affair-with-green publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244442989 _edit_last 2 title My Love Affair with Green
    Loving your money: Green Banking http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=819 Wed, 10 Jun 2009 17:27:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=819 GreenLegals just yesterday about the new green rewards card being issued by Wells Fargo.Then today I took a look at a new program from Citizens Bank  and the concept of green banking from Green Living Ideas. With Green$ense, from Citizens Bank, they say, "We'll pay you 10 cents every time you pay without paper - like when you use your debit card, pay a bill online, or have an automatic payment charged to your checking account or debit card. You can earn up to $120 a year! It's good for the environment and your bank account."  Greensense Green Living ideas gives a good description of the basics of green banking and the article is filled with seedlings and sprouts. "In its simplest form, your bank uses the money you deposit into checking and savings accounts, or certificates of deposit (CDs) by making loans to businesses and to individuals for personal purchases such as cars and homes. The bank earns revenue from the interest it collects on the loans, investments it makes, and on fees it earns through various other services." Green Living Ideas Call your bank today and find out what they are doing to help us all love green. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 819 2009-06-10 14:27:31 2009-06-10 17:27:31 closed open loving-your-money-green-banking publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244698357 _edit_last 2 title Loving your money: Green Banking description Excerpt from US News and World Report on www.greenlegals.com is about the new green rewards card by Wells Fargo and new program from Citizens Bank. keywords Citizens Bank, Wells Fargo, Green Living Committed in love just not marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=822 Sat, 13 Jun 2009 01:00:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=822 According to Time magazine, "More than 5 million unmarried couples cohabit in the U.S., nearly eight times the number in 1970, and a record-breaking 40% of babies born in 2007 had unmarried parents (that's up 25% from 2002). In a letter to the editor at Time magazine this week someone expressed a growing sentiment: "Even though it can be tricky at times, we are living in domestic-partnership bliss, and I hope in our lifetimes we and our gay friends will be able to check the MARRIED box on census forms.  TIME Last July I wrote a piece for the Providence Journal called, "New Rules for Open Marriage," and interviewed a young couple from Portland, Oregon. She said: "Marriage is a government and legal institution, and we have lost faith in both. Why do I need these institutions telling me that my relationship is official?" And he said: ""We are working on being good partners for each other, like other couples who are married or not, gay or straight, young and old. I also see living together as a sacred ritual where two people can publicly make a commitment to caring for each other . even if you are pagan anarchists."  Relationship columns The trend is making news. A new article in Rodale News says, "Sharing a home but not wedding vows is more popular than ever in the U.S. More unmarried couples than ever before are living together, and having children together. But like marriage, committed cohabitation comes with significant legal and relationship issues." Rodale.com/legal-rights What message do marriage alternatives give to young people? In the absence of role models, perhaps it is time for family-focused education that includes conflict resolution, financial management, sexual responsibility and child care. We might even consider courses that talk about intimacy and love as a choice rather than wild infatuation.  But primarily it might be time for all of us to begin looking more closely at choices -- the risks and benefits. However, despite my belief in marriage, here is a photo gallery of the happily committed but unmarried in Hollywood.  TIME photo gallery OTHER STORIES YOU MIGHT ENJOY READING from my Sudden Passion series to: Looking for love, the search goes on Paul Newman and me, and all who want to believe in a faithful husband Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 822 2009-06-12 22:00:05 2009-06-13 01:00:05 open open committed-in-love-just-not-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244857283 _edit_last 2 keywords narriage, divorce, gay rights, love description Whether because of escalating marital infidelity or what has been a 50 percent divorce rate, living together instead of marriage is on the rise in 13 countries. title Committed to love, just not not marriage Susan Boyle is back with an audience loving her http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=823 Sat, 13 Jun 2009 20:16:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=823 Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 823 2009-06-13 17:16:23 2009-06-13 20:16:23 open open susan-boyle-is-back-with-an-audience-loving-her publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1244924369 _edit_last 2 title Susan Boyle is back with an audience loving her description Here is a video of her singing with the Britain\'s Got Talent tour in Birmingham, UK. Flirting http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=824 Sun, 14 Jun 2009 01:35:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=824 Flirting: a sweet and sensual video
    June 12, 9:33 PM · Add a Comment
    .iconpanel a { text-decoration:none; color:#006699}; .iconpanel a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#006699}
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    Misha Barton, Flirting, How to flirt AP Photo/ Misha Barton
    Flirting is a body language movement that portrays many sensual words, without words.  I learned recently that men and women who look for partners on-line are well schooled in the art of flirting, dating and mating. I was at my favorite pub the other evening, invited by a young man whom I consider to be a drinking buddy. He is attractive, very sexy, but too young in spirit even by most Cougar standards. It was a windy evening and I had my hair piled high and held with a big barrette.  So as I sat next to him and he ordered me a South Beach Diet drink, I took the barrette from my hair and shook my head. ”Ah, ha,” he said, “So you really are interested in our being together. What you just did with your hair is blatant flirting.” I smiled sweetly and said, “Absolutely! And when your kids grow up and leave home, call me. We could become a really hot couple.” As we chatted in between calls from his children, I began to covet the olives next to him.  Not wishing to disturb his fourth phone call, I leaned across him and helped myself. He immediately touched my arm, ended the call, and said to me:  “Did you see what you just did?  You just moved into my space.  More flirting.”  Then with a twinkle, he added, “I hope that it was deliberate.” I answered, “Yes, it was. I’m starving and you are hogging all the olives.” The next day as we were talking about his “in depth” knowledge of flirting and body language, he confessed:  “I love on-line dating, as you know.  And if you are a member of certain on-line groups, you get some extra advice.” Well extra advice or not, I’m still not changing my opinion of on-line dating. I’m suspicious of the whole thing.  But I will also tell you I know of four couples who are now married to their on-line love. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
    824 2009-06-13 22:35:58 2009-06-14 01:35:58 closed open flirting draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1244943732
    Susan Boyle's CD sign-up link: dreams do come true http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=888 Tue, 16 Jun 2009 02:46:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=888 Amazon.com/New Release Susan-Boyle . How to focus on your dream -- Seven Step Plan It seems that SuBo always kept her dream alive.  Me, too. Visualization is so powerful that one day the real love of my life of some 20 years walked back into my life -- after a hiatus. Seven steps to your heart’s desire for love really works.  But you must take it seriously. Prepare for the dream exercise – your home – your office – your work – if you are in conflict, you may have to resolve it first. With this seven week exercise, you are challenged to let go, stop looking, and watch yourself meeting love through serendipity.
    • One/       Dream your love dreams
    • Two/       Focus on your heart's desire
    • Three/    Place yourself within the love dream setting
    • Four/      Introduce a cheer leader into your dream
    • Five/       Move out of your dream
    • Six/        Share the dream
    • Seven/   Commit to your dream
    Step One is next.  All of these are adapted from: Amazon.com, Rita Watson, A Serenity Journal May Susan's songs inspire you as you embark on your love journey. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    888 2009-06-15 23:46:14 2009-06-16 02:46:14 open open susan-boyles-cd-sign-up-link-dreams-do-come-true publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1245124890 _edit_last 2 keywords dream, Susan Boyle, CD description I believe in the power of visualization and making dreams come true. I believe that clear focus can make a love dream come true. Here is a link for her CD. title Susan Boyle\'s CD sign-up link: dreams do come true
    The love myth and the monster called "Alone" http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=889 Thu, 18 Jun 2009 03:12:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=889 As with the ups and downs of love, Susan Boyle is back and singing triumphantly -- update (Watch for the follow-up) Love and rejection: This piece, however, is a look at  love and rejection from stories told to me by two men, one engaged, and one with a wife of 5 years.  Each was living a love lie.  Even when the romance was ending, they tried to find moments to deceive themselves.  But they knew that they were in relationships that were in trouble.  Each said they felt as if a dark cloud was hovering over them. For Michael, it was the rush he felt when he saw the man who would become his wife’s lover. “I knew.  I had a hunch.”  For Jason the moment of truth came with a telephone call, “I knew from the way she answered that she was talking to another man.” Signs of Cheating Both Michael and Jason would eventually hear the women in their lives say to them, “I think we need to spend some time alone.” Alone and lonely: Alone — when a woman says, “I think we need a little time alone, away from each other,”  what does it mean?   She might just really need time alone with her friends.  Or she might be rethinking the relationship.  She might actually be toying with another man.  Or she may really sense that the commitment she is hoping for is simply not going to happen. Alone — he thinks, “She wants a night out with the girls.”  Or he may think that he has been demanding too much and therefore should back off. The problem that men too often have with “alone” is “lonely.”  Men traditionally have had their places of retreat — a boat, a workshop, a fishing trip.  But oftentimes, just the notion of being alone is threatening.  One young man recently went out with the women with whom he had just ended a relationship because he didn’t have a date for the week-end and couldn’t bear to be alone.   Oftentimes divorced fathers can fill in alone time with their children. Alone can mean a new beginning: Or it can mean an ending.  When a person in a relationship, says, "I  need to be alone,"  it is a time to rethink and honestly ask yourself, “Am I really happy in this relationship?  Or am I staying here because I don’t want to be alone?” If you search your heart, when one person is dissatisfied with a relationship, so is the other. Sex becomes routine and boring.  You start snipping at each other.  But you hang on because of the monster called Alone. Rekindle romance: What should you do?  Be proactive.  Honestly assess the relationship and your reasons for being in the relationship.  If it isn’t working, then take a chance on being alone and use the time to be good to yourself.  Or take the time to talk to your partner and say, "I really love you and would like our relationship to work. What shall we do?" Think about  Michael and Jason.  What could they have done differently?  Each could have confronted without being confrontational.   Each could have said, “Before I give you some alone time, let’s talk about what is happening between us.” For that matter, their wives or lovers could have done the same thing. If you want the relationship, then do something. Why didn’t either Michael or Jason do so?  Because each was afraid of rejection. And what did the women in their lives really want?  They wanted to be courted again! Rekindling romance Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 889 2009-06-18 00:12:05 2009-06-18 03:12:05 closed open the-love-myth-and-the-monster-called-alone publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1245554103 DNA and on-line dating http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=890 Sun, 21 Jun 2009 02:13:24 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=890 DNA and Desire HEART-FLUTTER romance may soon be replaced by DNA dating and brain-wave sex. With 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, maybe genetic profiling will improve the odds. Match making by chemistry is a novel strategy to entice those of us still skeptical about online dating. The services run from $199 to $2,000 and profess to find the perfect match. But what about romance and Cloud Nine? Despite science I hope that acquiring DNA samples from the inside of each other’s cheeks will not be replacing the goodnight kiss. The new chemistry dating concept was inspired in part by controversial research over the years ranging from women’s choices of men’s sweaty T-shirts to pheromones, the natural aphrodisiac and mating scent in humans and other mammals. Preference analysis revealed that women choose men whose genes are somewhat similar (yet different) to their own, theoretically making for happier marriages. Definitions for “happy marriage” uniquely differ, but we know that sex and money are deal breakers. Women often say, “If I ever get married again, it’s full disclosure with sex and finance cards on the table.” With the news that a Georgia grand jury awarded a jilted woman $150,000 last month, men might agree. After paying off $30,000 of her debts, the intended groom bailed. The sex issue is complicated because of the interplay of emotions, hormones and health. As such, great loving during the infatuation period does not guarantee a lifetime of passion. There are 20 million sexless marriages in the United States. Lust, attraction and attachment are regulated by brain circuits and natural compounds. Creating libido-enhancing medications for those with low sex drive has daunted chemists. Some researchers are pointing to the power of the mind. Sexual dysfunction affects about 45 percent of women and over 30 percent of men in the United States and yet there is no effective medication for women. The July Journal of Sexual Medicine reported on a Buddhist type of meditation called “mindfulness, the practice of relaxed wakefulness.” The reaction of a retired educator living in Hawaii was this: “Oh, great. Men get a little blue pill and all we get to do is breathe deeply or maybe chant ‘oom’ three times after a yoga workout. Thankfully, it sometimes works,” says Adele Wilson. Men often tell me that sex is the glue that holds marriages together. But women say it is more about devotion, family and simple acts of romance and forgiveness. On the brain-wave scale, love scores higher than sex, which may account for matrimonial desire despite the second-time-around divorce rate. (National statistics range between 50 and 60 percent for divorce after a second marriage within seven years. Some sources say the figure could be 70 percent within three years when stepchildren are involved.) With perhaps half of single daters mid-life and divorced, maybe DNA testing is the answer to lasting love. It could be very simple. At the end of the evening instead of puckering up, we take out our kits. Remove a Q-tip. Then passionately whisper: “Close your eyes. Open your mouth wide, and say, ‘aahh.’ ” (The full article is in the Relationship Columns. To read the TIME magazine article please go to:  Genetics and Love Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 890 2009-06-20 23:13:24 2009-06-21 02:13:24 closed open dna-and-on-line-dating publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1245554125 _edit_last 2 description TIME Magazine this week is featuring a story about DNA tests that can help predict couples that might be the perfect match. I wrote about this on these pages. title DNA and online dating Susan Boyle's love and kisses from Wembley http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=891 Mon, 22 Jun 2009 13:21:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=891 Listen to Susan's song and watch how her outreached arms and kisses invite the audience into her spell. Love comes in many languages from music to words to a gentle touch. With music, it is sometimes easier to persevere than in love.  As with love, music comes from the soul.  Love, however, can become a complicated mix of emotions through the reciprocal expectations of a partner. Whereas when one sings,  the music itself becomes love. While our audience may judge us, we answer to ourselves.  In a love relationship we oftentimes must practice unconditional love filled with forgiveness. Video and photo posted on YouTube and www.susanboyletalent.com Since this is about love and money, here is what they are saying about Susan Boyle's singing fees! News of the World.co.ukl Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 891 2009-06-22 10:21:13 2009-06-22 13:21:13 closed open susan-boyles-love-and-kisses-from-wembley publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1245898062 _edit_last 2 keywords The video title Susan Boyle\'s love and kisses from Wembley Love or scheme from Citigroup? More scheming from Madoff http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=894 Thu, 25 Jun 2009 02:38:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=894 Citigroup has decided to cut bonuses and to boost salaries.  At first I thought, "What a generous idea from business in an age in which the headline stories ring with foreclosures. " But a careful review points out that it is a way around a federal restriction on bonuses. I was hoping that the raise in salaries would trickle down to the security guards in bank lobbies, the tellers, and even those who sweep the floors at night. However, according to the article, "Citigroup's changes follow the Obama administration's naming this month of Kenneth Feinberg as a special master to oversee pay practices at the third-largest U.S. bank and six other companies that received 'exceptional' federal aid. "Feinberg's authority over compensation, though, extends only to the 100 highest-paid employees, not the rank-and-file. Citigroup employs close to 300,000 people worldwide." Reuters, Citigroup Mardoff's lawyers want some sympathy for the swinder of the century.  Might the judge reduce his sentence, they ask?  Frankly, I think it is greedy of that whole crew to ask for a sentence reduction.  It is akin to saying, "I know I took everything from most people, but now I want you to give me a reduced sentence in return." They cited a consultant who did an analysis of prison sentencing for white collar crime.  From the sound of all reports, if all the white collar schemers put a dollar sign next to the dollar amounts that they took from others, it still would not top the Madoff scheme. Washington Post, Madoff Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 894 2009-06-24 23:38:05 2009-06-25 02:38:05 closed open love-or-scheme-from-citigroup-more-scheming-for-markoff publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1245899410 title Love or scheme from Citigroup? More scheming from Madoff Now this is love, she is reading the Waxman-Markey bill. Did they? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=895 Sat, 27 Jun 2009 01:14:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=895 ]]> 895 2009-06-26 22:14:17 2009-06-27 01:14:17 closed open now-this-is-love-she-is-reading-the-waxman-markey-bill-did-they publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1246066334 Sweet revenge, Madoff is totally and utterly broke http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=896 Sun, 28 Jun 2009 04:10:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=896 But first Bernard Madoff -- he has been stripped of just about everything.  Even his wife has agreed to give up her claim to about $80 million says the Wall Street Journal. Bernie Madoff's wife Here is the reason that revenge is sweet.  "The findings, reported in today's issue of the journal Science, may partly explain a behavior known as altruistic punishment: Why do we reprimand people who have abused our trust or broken other social rules, even when we get no direct practical benefits in return? "A person who has been cheated is [left] in a bad situation—with bad feelings," said study co-author Ernst Fehr, director of the Institute for Empirical Research in Economics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. "The person would feel even worse if the cheater does not get her or his just punishment." National Geographic Truth to tell, I would feel better if Madoff were made to use his skills to earn money in prison, maybe as a secret consultant, and get back all the money to give to those he cheated. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 896 2009-06-28 01:10:47 2009-06-28 04:10:47 closed open sweet-revenge-madoff-is-totally-and-utterly-broke publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1246162317 title Sweet revenge, Madoff is totally and utterly broke Oh, what a tangled web we weave, Jenny Sanford http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=897 Mon, 29 Jun 2009 07:41:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=897 Jenny Sanford talks to the Associated Press about their marriage.  Unlike Elizabeth Edwards and Silda Spitzer, wife of New York's former governor,  Jenny is not standing by her husband's side.  She is, however, giving every indication that she believes in marriage and parenting. While I firmly believe that what happens behind closed doors is between two people -- when taxpayer dollars are involved the public has a right to be outraged while digging for the truth.  Nonetheless, I have immense sympathy and admiration for women such as Elizabeth and Silda and Jenny who want to keep their families together. We saw how painful it has been for Elizabeth Edwards who was forced to face up to her husband's mistress and a love-child. John Edwards is being investigated because of the than $100,000 paid for video production to the firm of the woman with whom he had an affair. Johns-indiscreet-love-affair " In April  Silda Spitzer was back in the news, and once again, probably not by choice. One year ago she saw the family devastation surrounding the high-priced escort with whom her husband was involved.Silda and Elizabeth are political wives among many who have shown us how to "stand by your man.”  More importantly they survived the critics and the unkind words while reinforcing the meaning of  “for better or worse.” This may or may not turn out to be the case with Jenny Sanford. As reported in my column in The Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 897 2009-06-29 04:41:33 2009-06-29 07:41:33 closed open oh-what-a-tangled-web-we-weave-jenny-sanford publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246730881 _edit_last 2 Lies in love, marriage and the Sanford scandal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=898 Wed, 01 Jul 2009 22:39:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=898 I was a good listener until he asked the question, "So what do you think?" Did he really want to know that she lying and manipulating him?  He seems to have a knack for finding women to marry and divorce.  Had I realized this about him earlier, I would have taken a ticket to stand in line at the altar and then divorce court. The truth is this -- he did not want to hear the truth.  He wanted me to say,  “It’s all right that she is telling you little white lies.”  Instead I said, “No, no, no. Lies are not good.” Then he said -- as do most men who ask my opinion --  that I am tough on their women.  Not true.  I am tough on women and men who tell outright lies. And I am particularly outraged when a man lies to a woman with the integrity of Jenny Sanford.  She had the courage to give her husband some latitude towards the goal of keeping their marriage intact. But in love and marriage, life and politics, lies happen. In the wake of the Mark Sanford  "out hiking" story, I remembered a book by jury consultant Jo-Ellan Dimitrius.  She has worked on over 600 trials – from OJ Simpson to the Enron scandal. She has written  “Reading People: How to Understand People and Predict Their Behavior — Anytime, Anyplace.”  It is a book about truth and lies. ABC NEWS What I find really fascinating about people who tell lies is how they  manage to lie and keep their stories straight?  In my world the truth is so much easier to remember. Another word  about lies: It is very easy to lie to ourselves.  As such it helps to have girlfriends who keep us honest or support us when we bear the brunt of a tangled web of lies. Here is a group supporting Jenny Sanford Palmetto_Family_Council: Stand_with_Jenny Campaign And here are two other stories that point to the value of  friends and facing ourselves honestly. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 898 2009-07-01 19:39:50 2009-07-01 22:39:50 closed open love-lies-and-the-sanford-scandal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246730824 _edit_last 2 description In the wake of the Sanford scandal I am trying to get a better handle of why we lie and how we can tell if someone is telling us the truth. title Love, lies, and the Sanford scandal Scandal's snare: the children of Jenny Sanford and Maria Belen Chapur http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=899 Fri, 03 Jul 2009 13:30:48 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=899 Reports say that Jenny Sanford is willing to forgive her husband. For the family that is good news. Her husband appears to be going through a mid-life crisis, or the state of temporary insanity that those who are infatuated and having affairs sometimes experience. The Governor says he has found his "soul-mate" in Argentina. The two had a connection.  Even if the connection between Mark and Maria went on every single day for a full six months it amounts to about 162 days for Maria stacked up against about 7,300 days spent with Jenny over 20 years. True, it is not about the numbers, it is about a betrayal of trust that Mark Sanford must rebuild with his family. And here is the real tragedy of scandal's snare -- Jenny and Mark's sons, reported to be school age, and Maria's sons, reported to be 15 and 19. What must the children be thinking? Younger children during times of separation and divorce often ask the heartbreaking question, "Mommy, do you still love daddy?"  And how do mothers generally respond?  "Of course I love him, because without him, I would not have you. But I do not love his behavior." For Maria, whose sons are older, I cannot imagine what they are feeling. I think of my own sons.  They are all right with me writing about love and marriage, but appalled about "those sex" articles. If my name happened to be splashed across the world linking me to another woman's husband, I think they would take me to a cloistered convent to spend the rest of my days on my knees. It may seem bleak right now for all of the young sons trapped in scandal. Maria and Jenny have each voiced concern about their children.  However, despite personal heartache, mothers go on giving their children a special kind of love.  I like the words from TinaMarie Bernard today:  "When the parents stumble, the children still need to be raised." from our Modern Love Examiner: Governor Sanford and family values: children still need to be raised when the parents stumble Links to some of my other stories about the Sanford scandal include: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson (Published earlier today in The Examiner)]]> 899 2009-07-03 10:30:48 2009-07-03 13:30:48 closed open scandals-snare-the-children-of-jenny-sanford-and-maria-belen-chapur publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1246730798 Free yourself to start anew: Happy Fouth of July http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=900 Sat, 04 Jul 2009 17:02:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=900 GreenLegals.com discovered it. Perhaps it will remind you to let go of of those beliefs that hinder you from finding your heart's desire: Worn out beliefs: Yes, you can be happy on a Saturday night without a lover.  Pour yourself a glass of champagne and read a book.  Boring?  Not if the book inspired you to your heart's desire.  Sometimes words inspire us. Your old lover: Toss the photos and it is is over, let it be over!  Free yourself of the sadness he caused you. An angry heart: Give yourself the gift of love and forgive someone who has hurt you instead of remaining wounded. Build a room in your heart for that person and follow a Tibetan model - send wishes for a good life. It will free you and the person who hurt you and open the door to happiness and your next adventure. A cluttered home: I do confess to having a decorating mania - I love arranging and rearranging so much that I remember once when we were going to a wedding my Ex shouted up to one of my sons, “Hey, could you hurry up with that shower.  We need to leave for the wedding in an hour and your mother needs to move the bathroom.” My goal is always clarity and simplicity.  What has this to do with love? In a calm home, a peaceful atmosphere, it is easier to achieve serenity and a meeting of the minds than in a home filled with clutter. Open your heart to find love: Most of us forget that the way to be loved is to give love to those around us. Follow the advice of the man who wrote a book titled Love, Leo Buscaglia, who always reminded us to take a chance and tell people we love them - children, parents, friends. Find ways to show a no-strings-attached love to family, to friends, even to strangers. Look at the world through the eyes of a child before that child learns anger or hate. Happy Fourth of July! Published also at Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson (www.ritawatson.com and  GreenLegals.com ]]> 900 2009-07-04 14:02:14 2009-07-04 17:02:14 closed open free-yourself-to-start-anew-happy-fouth-of-july publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246944858 _edit_last 2 Sarah Palin: wife, mother, Republican scapegoat? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=901 Sun, 05 Jul 2009 12:25:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=901

    I remember after her interview with the condescending Charlie Gibson I wrote a piece about how searches for Sarah Palin topped those of Gossip Girl. People wanted to know: “Who is this woman from Alaska?”

    The blogs were abuzz with the pros and cons of a candidate who seemed to have so little experience. Sarah Tops Searches

    She represented an oddity for Feminists, which is why Feminist writers were defending her as a woman even as they opposed her politics. However, for me — the best story of all came from Camilla Paglia in an article called “Fresh Blood for the Vampire.” You will love how her grandmother reacts to two men from the city. Paglia says:   "Perhaps Palin seemed perfectly normal to me because she resembles so many women I grew up around in the snow belt of upstate New York…  Here’s one episode. "My father and his visiting brother, a dapper barber by trade, were standing outside having a smoke when a great noise came from the nearby barn. A calf had escaped. "Our landlady yelled, 'Stop her!' as the calf came careening at full speed toward my father and uncle, who both instinctively stepped back as the calf galloped through the mud between them. "Irate, our landlady trudged past them to the upper pasture, cornered the calf, and carried that massive animal back to the barn in her arms. As she walked by my father and uncle, she exclaimed in amused disgust, 'Men!'” from Salon.com Let’s face it – Sarah and John didn’t have a chance, but she put up a good fight. In the world of love and marriage, it is difficult to bring in politics. Too many negotiations.  Too many compromises.  In some ways, she wanted to be a role model for marriage and family values.  But it seems she was swooped up too quickly into the limelight to define herself. As we sit back now in the wake of her resignation, we can only hope that she turns her focus to her husband, her children, and her baby,  who needs so much loving, so much care. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    901 2009-07-05 09:25:46 2009-07-05 12:25:46 closed open sarah-palin-wife-mother-republican-scapegoat publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1246941764 _edit_last 2
    Love and a Green Marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=902 Tue, 07 Jul 2009 04:41:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=902 One of the few people in Hollywood devoted to "green" is Ed Begley, Jr. His home is a living testament to his convictions.  Here is a look at life with Ed during a visit from West Wind actor Bradley Whitfrod on Living with Ed.  Take note of the chair, it will become one of our green features. 

    In addition to his popular television show "Living with Ed" he also participates in endeavors to further the mission of green as with the Solar Living Institute (SLI), which hosted a Green Career Conference at UCLA this month. Begley is a member of the Board of Advisors for the group along with Randy Hayes, President of the Rainforest Action Network. The purpose of the SLI is to promote sustainable living through inspirational environmental education. Solar Living Institute Keeps Its Eye on the Prize Copyright 2009 Rita Watson

    902 2009-07-07 01:41:45 2009-07-07 04:41:45 closed open love-and-a-green-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247102647 _edit_last 2 title Love and a Green Marriage keywords Ed Begley, Living, with, Ed
    Camelot takes a hit: the Jackie and Bobby Kennedy affair http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=904 Thu, 09 Jul 2009 01:19:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=904 While it was never a fairy tale, a new book about to hit the shelves this month apparently details the love affair between Jackie Kennedy and the president's younger brother, Bobby.  Such a document seems to tarnish the image of a family torn apart by glamor and tragedy. Rumors have always swirled around the relationship between Jackie and Bobby, much to the chagrin of Bobby's wife, Ethel.   But now,  The New York Post has all of the gossip about the two as depicted in an  upcoming saga. The sadness of the book is that we are given too much information about two people irrational in their grief -- and yet, if the allegations are true, infidelity is infidelity is infidelity. According to the New York Post report, "Jackie Kennedy had a four-year love affair with Bobby Kennedy that began not long after JFK's assassination and grew so intense that when RFK was gunned down, it was she -- not his wife -- who instructed doctors to pull the plug, an explosive new book claims." The article continues, "The married senator and father of 11 kids was the former first lady's one 'true love' -- and his wife, Ethel, along with the rest of the Kennedy clan, knew about their romance, according to Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story." New York Post The irony is that we wanted to believe in the ideal marriage of Jack and Jackie even while rumors of Jack and Marilyn Monroe surfaced.  But if one goes back to the Kennedy Library archives, the reference to Camelot was quite touchingly from Jackie Kennedy. The words from the song, "Don't let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot" Jackie Kennedy is said to have added the words, "There'll be great Presidents again - but they'll never be another Camelot again." While the book appears to cloud the glory of Camelot, in reality, "don't let it be forgot" that Camelot is the story of King Arthur and his loyal Sir Lancelot, who wooed away the King's wife, Guinevere. For more about the Kennedy's and Camelot Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 904 2009-07-08 22:19:12 2009-07-09 01:19:12 closed open camelot-takes-a-hit-the-jackie-and-bobby-kennedy-affair publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247102661 _edit_last 2 keywords new book, affaris title Camelot takes a hit: the Jackie and Bobby Kennedy affair Celebrating hypocrisy, condemning adultery: let Mark Sanford move on http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=906 Fri, 10 Jul 2009 05:55:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=906 For the Republicans in "Governor, step-down mode" may I remind you of Sen. David Vittner, the Louisiana Republican whose name appeared on the list of the so called Washington Madam several years ago. When he returned to the Senate, it appears that it was to a round of applause. According to the Times Herald Record: “When it comes to sex, political morality, it seems, means an unflinching standard for others of the opposite party but quite a squishy thing when applied to one's self. "Vittner is one of the most sanctimonious conservatives in Congress — and there are plenty of them. He campaigned on such notions as ‘Marriage Appreciation Week’ (what, only seven days a year to appreciate your spouse?), abstinence-only teaching for teens, criminalization of single-sex unions, and ‘the family values that the people of Louisiana hold dear.’" As for those calling for the resignation of Gov. Sanford, I am totally opposed to adultery, but some folks need to lighten up. Watch this adultery confession for starters.  (No, I don’t think adultery is a laughing matter.  However, those calling for Sanford’s resignation may be taking themselves too seriously.) And finally, in the words of my grandmother, who often found the appropriate quote from Scripture: “Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone.” Times Herald Recordonline.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 906 2009-07-10 02:55:09 2009-07-10 05:55:09 closed open celebrating-hypocrisy-condemning-adultery-let-mark-sanford-move-on publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247410891 Evian Skating Babies: the water or exercise, which does it for our body and love life? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=907 Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:02:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=907 “An added bonus," confided one friend who has become gym-addicted, "is an improved sex life." Her comment reminded me of a piece on ABC News in which Dr. Laura Berman did talk about the relationship between one's body image and one's sex life. To compound my bathing suit blues today someone sent this fun Evian ad of the skating babies. It begins by asking: "How does drinking Evian make you feel?"  I can tell you what I felt after seeing this -- depressed.  I want my energy back! Weight and sex:  The relationship between weight and sex is a serious issue.  An ABC News story reported, “Nearly 60 percent of women who regarded themselves as overweight said that they would not allow their partner to see them naked, a survey published in Slimming magazine, a British magazine, found. "More than 80 percent of the women surveyed claimed that their excess weight was also ruining their sex lives. “Laura Berman says that women who feel inhibited about sex because of their bodies should learn to develop healthier images of their bodies. 'Be sure not to use your weight as a defense against being sexual or involved with someone,' Laura Berman said. "'t comes down to healthy body image. It's also about body self acceptance, being comfortable with the way your body works and functions.' … 'Being nude and being comfortable in your nudeness is just as sexy,' Berman said. Plus, feather boas are a one-size-fits-all prop that is suitable for any woman.'"  ABC News weight and sex Weight-y issues: And if you are about to work on your body, keep this advice in mind from Kristen Houghten, Relationship Examiner, “Body improvement only works well when you do it for yourself, not because someone has told you to do it. If you are concerned about "jiggle," (which all normal women have a bit of), go to a gym and ask about a strength training class and Pilates. Both will give you stamina and help tighten your body. It will also empower you mentally knowing that you are in control of yourself and a strong healthy woman. Weight-y issues - Relationship Reality Queen Latifah photo: She is the image of a confident woman -- someone who appears to feel comfortable about herself as Dr. Berman suggests is a healthy way for all of us to feel. As for me, I had eight glasses of water, three cups of tea, walked for 45 minutes, and bought a magazine that said, "How to lose 19 pounds in a week." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 907 2009-07-12 12:02:57 2009-07-12 15:02:57 closed open evian-skating-babies-the-water-or-exercise-which-does-it-for-our-body-and-love-life publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1247941338 title Evian skating babies: for love life is it water or exercise? Dr. Regina Benjamin: risky teen sex crisis a challenge for new surgeon general http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=909 Mon, 13 Jul 2009 19:49:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=909 We are facing a time when the January report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that nearly 19 million new sexually transmitted infections occur each year, with rates increasing in women and the 15- to 24-year-olds. AIDS continues to escalate among younger people. Recently on the US News pages it was noted that “Teenagers tend to wildly overestimate the odds of dying young, and teenagers who think they'll be dead before age 35 are far more likely to abuse drugs, attempt suicide, get arrested, or contract HIV." Parenting/risky teens Dr. Benjamin was a recipient of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation award given basically for those with genius potential. It is a $100,000 a year for five years, with no strings attached. The winners are singled out for their creativity and their potential for making important future contributions. Perhaps with her talent and compassion, she will help us stem the teen sex crisis. Seattle Times Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 909 2009-07-13 16:49:10 2009-07-13 19:49:10 closed open dr-regina-benjamin-risky-teen-sex-crisis-a-challenge-for-new-surgeon-general publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247514937 _edit_last 2 Surrogate mothers: for love and money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=910 Wed, 15 Jul 2009 04:46:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=910 Surrogacy is especially popular California and it was reported last year that "surrogacy is a natural fit for military wives, with their solid support networks, premium medical care and strong dispositions. For some it's easy money; for others it's a way to help unlucky couples.Los Angeles Times. There was a cover story for Newsweek several years ago that noted: “Thousands of largely invisible American women have given birth to other people's babies. Many are married to men in the military.”    The article acknowledged that one of the reasons that military wives were attractive candidates had to do with their excellent health insurance coverage. While one woman revealed her family's disgust with surrogacy, she said,  ‘I'm OK with it because I know I am doing something good for somebody else. I am giving another couple what they could never have on their own—a family.’"   Newsweek BBC released a new film on Sunday about women who have carried more than one child, “Addicted to Surrogacy.”   These mothers, too, felt that they were performing a valuable service to married couples who were unable to have children of their own. BBC America The issue for children: In a recent New York Times article “No Stork Involved” we see the upside and the downside for children. “So despite the substantial costs (at least $30,000), there is now a group of young children whose parents are wrestling with this modern twist on the eternal question: ‘Where did I come from?’ “These parents have to take the often excruciating saga of all they went through to have a baby and turn it into a child-friendly, reassuring and true Your Birth Story. “ New York Times It’s about DNA: Lorraine Dusky, author of Birthmark and blogger at Birth Mother, First Mother Forum had an interesting perspective. "If we have learned anything in all the years we have been involved in adoptee-rights work, it is that where one comes from--whose DNA one carries--is a crucial facet of one's emotional bearings, and the psychic confusion that results from not knowing this is the cause of endless ennui and angst.”  First Mother Forum.com Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 910 2009-07-15 01:46:34 2009-07-15 04:46:34 closed open surrogate-mothers-for-love-and-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247633542 _edit_last 2 title Surrogate mothers: for love and money What is a mistress? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=913 Sat, 18 Jul 2009 18:20:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=913 "comare." What is a mistress? Quite simply, it defines a woman who is involved in a sexual relationship with a married man.  Oftentimes a mistress was the recipient of gifts that included money or a place to live, often quite elegant. As for Aunt Agatha --  She had a diamond for each comare through the years and 10 children who will fiercely defend their father.  If you asked her why she never left the philanderer , her eyes would fill with tears and she would say, "because he was the one, my one and only." Husband snatchers: These days women who are involved in an adulterous relationship are also called "husband snatchers."  I would like to sound less judgemental.  I would like to believe that in the world of love and marriage cheating does not go on deliberately. And you? We all know someone who nearly had a relationship with a married man.  Or who, in fact, was the mistress to a married men.  So many woman who get hurt in the end, really believed:
    • His wife didn't understand him and you did.
    • You were able to listen to his fears about losing his job.
    • He had been unhappily married for years and was about to leave her anyway.
    • You were not the reason his marriage was failing, but you figured, "I will be here when the divorce is finalized."
    If given a choice between the spurned wife and the mistress, what would you choose? In a piece by Jessie Knadler for Women’s Health in the November issue, we learn that 62 percent of women interviewed say they would rather be the mistress than the spurned wife. 
    Women’s Health Famous women who have been called everything from husband snatchers to  saints? Angelina Jolie -- now married to Brad Pitt. Carla Bruni -- now married to the French President. Oksana Grigorieva -- Mel Gibson's pregnant girlfriend. Why do it? For safety and security: Several years ago, Dr. Gail Saltz, Today Show.com contributor, wrote a piece posted on MSNBC called “More reasons that women feel safe with married men.”  She said, “This week, I heard from many male readers who agreed that their wedding rings function as Chick magnets. Her website is www.drgailsaltz.com. Because of extreme lonliness: According to the New York Post report, "Jackie Kennedy had a four-year love affair with Bobby Kennedy that began not long after JFK's assassination and grew so intense that when RFK was gunned down, it was she -- not his wife -- who instructed doctors to pull the plug, an explosive new book claims."   Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story." New York Post Stories of mistresses  in politics: It has been a year full of these stories and sadly so: To read more about cheating in general and the struggles of those who admittingly felt compromised: The real bond of love: In one's heart of hearts we know that in love and marriage, there is a bond.  And if you believe in the great law of karma, what  you do to another, will be done unto you. We  owe it to ourselves to be kind to our sisters and help them preserve the bond of marriage within their lives.
    You may also wish to read my piece: Love and Marriage 101: What is love?
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson
    ]]> 913 2009-07-18 15:20:35 2009-07-18 18:20:35 closed open what-is-a-mistress publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247941276 _edit_last 2 title What is a mistress Erin Andrews: our obsession with thin and beautiful turns to a peephole virus http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=914 Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:31:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=914 It seems that our obsession with thin women has taken such a hold these days, that the beautiful Erin Andrews, sports reporter for ESPN was the victim of a peeping Tom incident in the privacy of her hotel room. The video went viral and fortunately not just her attorneys but sportscasters are denouncing her invasion of privacy. This is just an example of what happens in a society in which we place so much value on external beauty. In a piece called Weight-yIssues called Kristen Houghton gave terrific advice to a woman who wrote and said, "Two weeks ago, while we were at the lake he [boyfriend] told me I shouldn't wear a bathing suit because I looked jiggly and heavy." And my story on the Evian Skating Babies inspired a debate between a few readers in that I focused on Queen Latifah.  In response to a comment from a man, Mrs. Dru says:  "Where would Renoir be, without the voluptuous woman?" J answered: "I admire and respect Queen Latifah- but notice, too, she always stands alone in her confident body image. No man on her arm...She may want it that way, which is fine, but it could also be that her dating prospects are slim, no matter her beauty and class."  [Note: Queen Latifah appears to have a steady female companion.] And we wonder why someone out there thinks it is it is all right for the viral world to see more of a beautiful woman even if it must be through a peephole -- and without her knowledge? For more reading on these above mentioned stories, go to: COMPUTER VIRUS USA Today.com Weighty-issues--Relationship-Reality Evian-skating-babies-for-our-bodies-and-sex-life-is-it-water-or-skating Legal statement for Erin Andrews (Page One Examiner) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 914 2009-07-20 12:31:12 2009-07-20 15:31:12 closed open erin-andrews-our-obsession-with-thin-and-beautiful-turns-to-a-peephole-virus publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1248289756 keywords peephole, virus, Erin Andrews title Erin Andrews: our obsession with thin and beautiful turns to a peephole virus Susan Boyle: Today Show Video, but no Kiss http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=916 Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:07:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=916 With women still reacting to the Erin Andrews thin and nude video, I am going to present here comments from two people talking about women and weight from my piece on Skating Babies, in which I pictured the gorgeous Queen Latifah.
    • He says: You can be as comfortable as you ike about your weight; be healthy and make the most of the positive, and still, if "HE" thinks you don't look like you should- ie, like the anorexic women most often seen in the public eye, you become a loser. And it's interesting that "HE' can be overweight, balding- whatever- but he still has the last word about whether or not you are attractive. No matter what we think about ourselves, it's men who are the final judges. And they are harsh.
    • She says: Bridgette Jones did all right. (yes, I know she's fictional). Last I heard, Susan Boyle, was doing alright. By the way, where is Susan Boyle?...
    • He says: Yes. Fictional characters do well. Susan Boyle is alone. You can do beautifully, and even be happy alone. My point is that when you are overweight, or perceived as being so, you remain alone. It is still very much a man's world.
    Sad to say we are back into the mode of appearances, in fact, we seem to be obsessed with looks.  .  Let's remind the men who complain about her weight,  when Susan Boyle begins her song, we forget about looks and become lost in her music.   And that is what music is all about, becoming lost in the art. Susan Boyle does have a new makeover for America's Got Talent  and we wish her well.

    Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

    The above quote is from the following story: L A Times Comments are from: Evian skating babies: for our bodies and sex life, is it water or skating? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    916 2009-07-22 16:07:57 2009-07-22 19:07:57 closed open susan-boyle-today-show-video-but-no-kiss publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1248289743 _edit_last 2 title Susan Boyle: Today Show Video, but no Kiss
    The Bridal Party Dances Down the Aisle (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=918 Fri, 24 Jul 2009 05:15:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=918

    Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    918 2009-07-24 02:15:31 2009-07-24 05:15:31 closed open the-bridal-party-dances-down-the-aisle-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1248505266 _edit_last 2 title The Bridal Party Danced Down the Aisle (video)
    A Relationship Tune-Up http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=920 Mon, 27 Jul 2009 03:09:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=920 When a car shows signs of stress, or needs a tune-up, men handle it immediately. There is a problem and men fix it. In a relationship, who is responsible for the tune up? Perhaps women should take the lead. Although men today are more involved in parenting and family than our fathers were, women have that sixth sense. Research at Yale indicates that women have so keen an intuition that they sense a relationship problem at its inception. Skills instead of sniping: If men and women could develop their intuitive skills and interpret the silences, downcast eyes, uncomfortable moments and body language, perhaps more relationships could be saved. Or should women be using their gift to cultivate non-judgmental spaces within the home? In a loving atmosphere with no hidden agendas, just simple clarity, both parties would benefit. When home is a sanctuary, men might find saying, “Can we talk?” is as easy as test driving a car. Love and marriage: about .... is a new series of snippets that I will be presenting from time to time. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 920 2009-07-27 00:09:58 2009-07-27 03:09:58 closed open a-relationship-tune-up publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1248664275 title A Relationship tune up The Rorschach Test: marriage and sex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=921 Thu, 30 Jul 2009 02:09:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=921 Rorschach inkblot from Wikipedia The Rorschach test is in the news.  The entire 10 plates have been posted on Wikipedia and the controversy begins.  The ten plates have been kept tightly under wraps for years.  But now the copyright has expired.  So it is quite natural to wonder:  “Can a Rorschach test be used to determine marriage material?  Can it tell us about intimacy?  What about sex?" First off, what is the Rorschach inkblot test?  It is a means for psychological testing that is used to determine information about one’s motivation, personality, and interpersonal perceptions. If you have not heard the joke by now about sex and the Rorschach test, the link from The Comedy Zone is below.  And as for passion and sex: Love and marriage 101: What is sudden passion? But the words are bandied about in context ranging from Erin Andrews to marital difficulties.   Clay Travis on the  NCAA Football Fanhouse site, with regards to the Erin Andrews video: “But what hasn't been really talked about very much is why Erin Andrews represents more than just herself, she's a symbolic figure, a Rorschach test for modern sexual politics.” /NCAA football.fanhouse.com And in a long article called  Lust for the Long Haul we get a glimpse of how the term is used with regard to marriage and difficulties in the bedroom.  It says, that some researchers put partnership “at the heart of sexuality and [ puts] both sexuality and intimacy at the center of human development. Sexual difficulties are a kind of emotional Rorschach test that offers a glimpse into not just the dynamics of the relationship, but the continuing agenda of growing into a fully autonomous human being.”  Lust For The Long Haul While we might have fun with the test and enjoy some interpretations with friends and lovers, in fact the new postings will not give us insight into: For more reading on the current Rorschach controversy: You may leave comments at The Examiner: Rorschach test: sex and marriage material Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 921 2009-07-29 23:09:31 2009-07-30 02:09:31 closed open the-rorschach-test-marriage-and-sex publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1248919824 _edit_last 2 title The Rorschach Test: marriage and sex Beer summit "kiss and make-up" day at the White House http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=922 Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:10:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=922 And it is reported that they will all be sitting at the picnic table attached to the children's swing set. The event is taking place to quell the storm that surrounded the arrest of a Harvard professor and the President's reaction. The Fox News report stated: "The men are welcome to talk about that event and the surrounding imbroglio if they want to during a photo opportunity at the summit, White House spokesman Rob Gibbs said. "'But the lesson to be learned is the picture of harmony, and the idea that people can sit down and discuss tough issues without being disagreeable,' he said. "'This is not an after-action report,'" Gibbs said, adding that the White House "'is not here to mediate any apologies.'" Fox News.com The non-apology make-up: I think like this idea of a  non-apology. Let's see how this makes for a new move in the ways and wars of love and marriage. Problem:  You think he is wrong.  He thinks you are wrong. Solution One: No one admits to wrong-doing. So you invite him out a beer.  Or he invites you out for a beer, or maybe brings you flowers instead. But in reality here are the ways the "make-up move"  might play out. He says, "Let's make up."  And you say, "Only if you admit you are wrong." He says, "Okay, I was wrong, let's make up." You say, "Fine, but no make-up sex for you." That won't work, will it?  I think I like just plain "kiss and make up day"  which may soon come to mean "never having to say you are sorry." The Obama make-up move: Is it possible we have a new marital argument solution.  "Come on honey, no need to be angry. Let's try the "Obama Make-up Move." But here is my thinking on a solution. Whether you are right or wrong, be the first the apologize for the sake of your own well-being. And sitting down to a dinner by candle light is a perfect mood-setter. "Come to the table," was my grandmother's favorite response to any family argument.  And it would always be set with her wonderful pastries. Examiner links: one to a column of mine, and the other to Kristen Houghton, Relationships And on the Gates controversy: Photos of the swing set at www.tressugar.com/2890246 You  may leave comments at the Examiner. Beer summit 'kiss and make up' day: wives and lovers take note! Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 922 2009-07-30 16:10:57 2009-07-30 19:10:57 closed open beer-summit-kiss-and-make-up-day-at-the-white-house publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1249082828 title Beer summit \"kiss and make-up\" day at the White House While House Beer Party Excludes Woman Who Called 911 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=923 Fri, 31 Jul 2009 23:28:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=923 Beer summit excludes woman who called 911 (video) For the full story: wsj.com/speakeasy/ Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 923 2009-07-31 20:28:52 2009-07-31 23:28:52 closed open while-house-beer-party-excludes-woman-who-called-911 publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1249236475 title Beer Party at While House Excludes Woman Who Called 911 Mail Order Brides and How a Religious Group Sees the Benefit http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=924 Sun, 02 Aug 2009 18:09:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=924 Taiwan bans mail-order brides The practice still thrives in Russia and I learned more about it at a party last year in one of the wealthiest communities in Massachusetts.  As we exhanged stories about "where we met our husbands and lovers, one  wife  was notably silent. "Another glass of champagne, my dear?" And she bubbled over with her story of being a mail-order bride from Russia, which we had all suspected was the case with Svetlana. To strengthen a religious sect: But what I found most surprising was learning that a small devote community was using mail-order brides to continue their sect. Reporting for Reuters, Tom Heneghan said, "Guardians of an ancient faith with a cameo role in the Bible, the 750 surviving followers of the Samaritan religion are using surprisingly modern methods to keep their tiny community alive. "Internet acquaintances, mail-order brides and pre-nuptial genetic tests have all become familiar to Samaritans trying to plan future generations despite a shortage of young women within their own tight-knit community. "To show this can work, Sadaqa called for his Ukrainian daughter-in-law Shura to come meet the visiting Reuters journalists. "'She is more observant than many Samaritans,'" he boasted. "'There is an office in Tel Aviv that encourages youths to have wives from other nationalities. I sent my son to that office'." Want to become a mail order bride? For those interested here is a link from eHow Become a mail-order bride.html Despite the seriousness of  the mail order bride business, Crylstal Air Productions did a satire recently titled Obama Brings Mail-Order Brides Home From Russia In some ways, however, if one's culture and values are similar, people can learn to grow in love as Svetlana explained to us.  But she confessed that it wasn't until their first child was born that she and her husband found a true common bond. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 924 2009-08-02 15:09:37 2009-08-02 18:09:37 closed open mail-order-brides-and-a-how-to-be-one publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249273942 _edit_last 2 Daddy weds mommy, Rhea Durham to Mark Wahlberg: "And a little child shall lead them." http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=925 Sun, 02 Aug 2009 22:50:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=925 Mark Wahlberg is said being pushed by daughter Ella Rae to marry his longtime partner Rhea Durham. "Ella is very smart," an insider tells In Touch Weekly. "She wanted to know why dad and mom weren't married."  ACE Showbiz  The photo album of the wedding in white at the Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Beverly Hills yesterday is at RadarOnline.com/exclusives The couple have three children who attended the ceremony along with some close friends.  The children are: daughter Ella Rae, 5, and sons Michael, 3, and Brendan Joseph, 10 months. Among the not married: Living  together instead of marriage is on the rise in 13 countries by philosophy and also in solidarity with gay marriage advocates.  According to Time magazine, “More than 5 million unmarried couples cohabit in the U.S., nearly eight times the number in 1970, and a record-breaking 40% of babies born in 2007 had unmarried parents (that's up 25% from 2002). TIME Because I am concerned about the message that "committed not married" gives to young people --  thank you 5 year-old Ella Rae for speaking up -- I am happy to hear about  the "I Do's." For a fun wedding story: Meeting, marrying, and dancing down the aisle (video) For a touching love tune, here is About love and life: Billy Currington, People are Crazy YOU MAY LEAVE COMMENTS about this piece at  About love and life: Billy Currington, People are Crazy Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 925 2009-08-02 19:50:00 2009-08-02 22:50:00 closed open daddy-weds-mommy-rhea-durham-to-mark-wahlberg-and-a-little-child-shall-lead-them publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249273943 _edit_last 2 title Daddy weds mommy: Rhea Durham to Mark Wahlberg Maybe 'friendship marriages' work best (Providence Journal) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=926 Tue, 04 Aug 2009 18:39:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=926 Maybe 'friendship marriages' work best RITA WATSON WE OFTEN HEAR talk about finding Mr. Right. When we fall in love, we want to believe that we were each touched by the same star, and we have found “the one.” In a lecture called “Loving Relationships,” the late Leo Buscaglia says: “We wait for the right person to come along. And we say ‘When they come along we’ll live happily ever after.’ And you’re waiting for the right person. I guarantee you will wait forever. Where’s this right person? You know there is no right person. We become the right person.” He is the author of Love, written in 1972, but still read today. We are told that there are two powerful magnets for attracting “the one” — laughter and friendship. Men like women who laugh at their jokes and women prefer men who make them laugh. And women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. This research was presented in April at the British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference, in Brighton, England. Author Kristen Houghton tells me of a new concept called the friendship marriage, which she says are the best marriages. “I believe that friendship marriages last longer through the many stages of marriage, the highs and the lows. A friendship marriage is the joining together of two people who have successful careers, independent lives, strong companionship, and a sense of self. They are already fulfilled in their lives, and for them, marriage is the icing on the cake.” Her newest book, "And Then I'll Be Happy!" is slated for release in December. Is the perfect husband, then, a mix of love, laughter and friendship? Since he must be perfect – isn’t that right? — my list also includes devotion, integrity, generosity, honesty and selfless loving. To visualize someone who exemplifies these traits, try this. Put a face next to a trait. An example of devotion is movie star Pierce Brosnan, a man of commitment to his first wife, who was 12 years older. After her sad death, Brosnan, who most famously played James Bond, who could have instantly married any number of women, waited until he found love again with the environmental journalist and actress Keely Shaye Smith. Here are some others: Integrity, Tim Russert: Even his rivals loved him. Regardless of his own opinions, he conveyed respect. Generosity, Tyler Perry: This month he is treating 65 day campers ejected from the Philadelphia-area Valley Swim Club to Disney World and a Disney water park. Honesty, Harry Markopolos: The hero who blew the whistle on swindler Bernard Madoff pursued honesty for 10 years, but the Securities and Exchange Commission did not listen. For selfless loving, it is Prof. Randy Pausch, who taught entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon University. He inspired students to design, create and soar within the world of virtual reality. Knowing that he would not survive pancreatic cancer, at his last lecture he demonstrated the spell-binding legacy he left for his wife, his children and the rest of us. In answer to the question: Who is “the one,” the perfect husband? He is a man of quality, values and respect. And the perfect wife? She is a woman who brings out the best in her man. As Web site dating proliferates finding the perfect love may be getting easier. Kelly Hildebrandt was searching Facebook for someone with her name. She discovered not another young woman, but rather a young man. The two met, dated and are making plans for an October wedding. But other researches believe that Mr. Right is just around the corner, simply overlooked as marriage material. In terms of marriage the probability of first marriage by the age of 30 is 74 percent for women and 61 percent for men. By 40, the probability is 86 percent for women and 81 percent for men, says a new report from the National Survey of Family Growth (National Center for Health Statistics) which involved about 5,000 males and 7,600 females between 15 and 44. So if you do find “the one” and are looking for the secret to a happy marriage, just ask those who make it past 30 years together. Their answers are pretty much the same: Speak kindly to each other; laugh often, see the cup as half full instead of half empty, and be willing to forgive. Rita Watson is a monthly contributor and the editor of www.ritawatson.com and GreenLegals.com COMMENTS: Please go to my piece at the Examiner where you will also see a link to Kristen's story about The Friendship Marriage.: It's all a dance: real JK marriage and spoof divorce (videos) Also here is a link to Kristen Houghton's book "And Then I'll Be Happy!" Happiness/ R Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 926 2009-08-04 15:39:31 2009-08-04 18:39:31 closed open maybe-friendship-marriages-work-best-providence-journal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249838071 _edit_last 2 title Maybe \'friendship marriages\' work best (Providence Journal) Money, Marriage, and the New Forbes Rankings: Affordable http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=927 Fri, 07 Aug 2009 03:13:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=927 some financial stability. The first is about two young attorneys who met and married and have become “victims of an unfolding education hoax on the middle class that's just as insidious, and nearly as sweeping, as the housing debacle." Forbes.com/forbes/ The second is about common sense college choices. Keep in mind that oftentimes what you do with a degree is more important than where you attended school. (Yes, Ivy League may open doors, but if you can't perform, you're out the door, particularly in this overcrowded world of the overly-educated without jobs.) This is a sensible look at affordable colleges. FORBES /best-buys-colleges-opinions-value.html If you do meet and marry at college, set some goals for yourself. And if you are paying for your own college tuition, as is the case with many young people today, pay off as much of the loan as possible before falling into debt. Money issues are one of the biggest deal breakers in marriage.   This like has articles are marriage and money: .Should you marry for money? Here is more news that may have you thinking twice about marriage and college: Psychologist, Dr. LeslieBeth is doing research on women’s relationships in terms of meeting and marrying in college, this is what she has determined: "Many college students' brains haven't finished maturing yet," she explains. "Unfortunately, many couples part because they feel as though they've grown apart. And they probably have. After all, they've likely hit their stride and focused their values, skills, interests and goals more clearly." The+Pros+and+Cons+of+Marrying+Young A word to the wise – find a college that meets your needs, pay off your debts, and take the notion of personal growth seriously. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 927 2009-08-07 00:13:49 2009-08-07 03:13:49 closed open money-marriage-and-the-new-forbes-rankings-affordable publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249838045 _edit_last 2 title Money, Marriage, and the New Forbes Rankings: Affordable Julie and Julia: about food, love, and marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=928 Sun, 09 Aug 2009 17:08:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=928 As such, I love the Los Angeles Times review of  “Julie and Julia” by John Horn in which he talks of Nora Ephron’s ability to elevate food to the same plane as romance. There is something quite sensual about two people cooking together. I wonder if that is the reason that Kim Cattrall spent five years with her much young Chef? Here are just three paragraphs of a rather lengthy LA Times review, but you’ll get the picture and apparently won’t have difficulty finding the sexy connection to food. From the review:“Julia (Meryl Streep) and Paul Child's (Stanley Tucci) postwar romance was a red-hot affair filled with afternoon delights, whereas Julie (Amy Adams) and Eric Powell's (Chris Messina) modern relationship was more focused on careers than copulating. "I may NEVER want to have sex AGAIN," a frustrated Powell writes in her book. "‘Young people today really have no idea that people ever had sex before they were born except once or twice in order to have kids,’" the wiry Ephron said as she cut apples into incredibly even slices. "’These two people,’" she said of Julia and Paul Child, "’and you would never have guessed to look at them, had had this wild, fantastic sexual connection. And then there was the story of this married couple living in New York right now who absolutely never got laid -- ever. "’The truth is that most marriages have food as a major player in them, and certainly mine does,’" said Ephron, who is married to author and screenwriter Nick Pileggi ("Goodfellas," "Casino") and wrote about her earlier marriage to journalist Carl Bernstein in the caustic roman à clef “Heartburn,” a novel that included recipes. Ephron's best-selling 2006 memoir, "I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman,"“Heartburn,” shares an almost equal fascination with gastronomy.” LATimes.com/entertainment COMMENTS:  Please leave comments after my Examiner story today -- and so many thanks: Julia Child: a New Haven love story Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 928 2009-08-09 14:08:22 2009-08-09 17:08:22 closed open julie-and-julia-about-food-love-and-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1249865948 _edit_last 2 description food, sex, and romance title Julie and Julia: about food, love, and marriage Coach Rick Pitino: a sad tale of sex and extortion http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=930 Thu, 13 Aug 2009 12:59:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=930 As the story unfolds, it seems that Coach Rick Pitino, of the University of Louisville, had an apparent consensual sexual liaison.  When the woman announced she was pregnant he gave her money for an abortion.  But it is alleged that extortion demands escalated.  What is so sad about this case is the number of people involved and hurt - families, a team, a school. Pitino has a wife and five children.  It's a mess really for a team that often travels with Pitino's close friend, a Catholic priest. Statements from U of L: According to USA Today: "U of L Athletic Director Tom Jurich said in a statement Tuesday that ‘Coach Pitino has been truthful with us about this matter all along and we stand by him and his family during this process.'  University President James Ramsey released a statement Tuesday night saying:  ‘Several months ago Coach Pitino informed me about the alleged extortion attempt. I've now been informed that there may be other details which, if true, I find surprising. My thoughts are with Coach Pitino and his family. .'"  USA Today.com/sports/college/mensbasketball According to an AP story: "Pitino is Catholic and brings along close friend and spiritual adviser, the Rev. Edward Bradley - a priest in Henderson, Ky. - on many team trips. Bradley often prays with the team before games and is a fixture near the Louisville bench. "There was no answer late Tuesday at the priest's office where he also lives. " Canadian press/ Catholic priest comment: Did someone really think a Catholic priest would comment?  The Ten Commandments are quite clear on this one -- Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.  But the New Testament also notes, "Let he who is not guilty cast the first stone." With all the infidelity going around these days, there may not be a lot of stones left to be cast.  And there are too many marriages and families experiencing the pain when someone breaks a marriage vow. WebMD/overcoming-infidelity COMMENTS:  You may leave them at the Examiner --> Rick Pitino: adultery, abortion, and extortion hurts wife, family Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 930 2009-08-13 09:59:15 2009-08-13 12:59:15 closed open rick-pitino-a-sad-tale-of-sex-and-extortion publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250169595 _edit_last 2 description Rick Pitino: adultery, abortion, and extortion hurts wife, title Rick Pitino: a sad tale of sex and extortion John Edwards: he now has children in two Americas http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=932 Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:20:26 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=932 He is also echoing his campaign theme of two Americas -- and that he now has children in both .John Edwards Vows to Spend More Time With His Families Huffington Post In June of this year Edwards gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he says he is focusing on the poor. "The two things I’m on the planet for now are to take care of the people I love and to take care of people who cannot take care of themselves,” he told the paper in a lengthy interview in which he declined to discuss the murkier matters in his life — the affair with Rielle Hunter, questions over her child’s paternity, his wife Elizabeth’s recent memoir and book tour, or a federal investigation on whether he funneled campaign funds to Hunter. john-edwards-says-hes-focusing-on-family-and-the-poor/ Now it seems he is keeping his politics in the public eye via his family ties.


    John Edwards paternity: children in two Americas

    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    932 2009-08-16 14:20:26 2009-08-16 17:20:26 closed open john-edwards-he-now-has-children-in-two-americas publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250443227 _edit_last 2 keywords adultery, john Edwards, Rielle Hunter description Now that he is certain he is the father of Rielle Hunter\'s baby he is saying that he will spend more time with his two families. title John Edwards: Children in Two Amerias
    Madoff's Mistress Tells All http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=931 Mon, 17 Aug 2009 17:01:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=931 There were always allegations that his wife Ruth somehow knew everything that was going on.  Well, not everything. A new tell-all book, which already looks as if it is heading to best seller status, promises to be a scorcher. It appears that while he was screwing the Hadassah organization of its money, he was also in bed with their Chief Financial Officer, Sheryl Weinstein.  One of the  leading Jewish charities, Hadassah lost tens of millions through Madoff. Where was Ruth Madoff during all of this? The jokes on the party circuit say she was busy counting her diamonds and dollar signs. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 931 2009-08-17 14:01:09 2009-08-17 17:01:09 closed open madoffs-mistress-tells-all publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1250443424 title Madoff Mistress Tells All description While he was screwing the Hadassah organization of it\'s money, he was also in bed with their Chief Financial Officer. keywords Madoff, adultery, money, mistress Mark Sanford and his Argentine Addiction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=933 Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:55:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=933 She also has a theory about extramarital affairs and politicians. “'Politicians become disconnected from the way everyone else lives in the world. I saw that from the very beginning. They’ll say they need something, and ten people want to give it to them. It’s an ego boost, and it’s easy to drink your own Kool-Aid. As a wife, you do your best to keep them grounded, but it’s a real challenge.'”VOGUE/feature/2009/08/jenny-sanford/ Jenny Sanford reiterates her committment to forgiveness. And within the article she talks about feeling sorry for Maria Belen Chapur.  It is sad for both women.  It is sad for their children. The secret to overcoming the sting of infidelity is forgiveness and a desire to reconcile.  And that is what Jenny Sanford seems to have in apparent abundance. With respect for their marriage vows, and a commitment to their children, the Sanfords could well see this chapter in their lives come to a close as they embrace a new, strengthened relationship. And we should all be in the cheering section. On repairing marriages, WebMD says,  "Marriages do survive infidelity, but it takes courage to forgive someone who violates the marriage vows. Infidelity can shatter even the strongest relationship, leaving behind feelings of betrayal, guilt, and anger. For the one-quarter of married couples who have suffered this breach of loyalty, according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, overcoming those feelings can be extremely difficult." Overcoming Infidelity COMMENTS -- PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT: Sanford Argentine addiction: Maria Belen Chapur Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 933 2009-08-19 10:55:42 2009-08-19 13:55:42 closed open mark-sanford-and-his-argentine-addiction publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250690187 _edit_last 2 title Mark Sanford and his Argentine addiction Facebook: love - hate, and Above the Law http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=935 Sun, 23 Aug 2009 01:42:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=935 An The Facebook phenomenon is undeniable.  We love it.  We hate it.  We use it.  As a social networking tool it may or may not be valuable. Do I really want to see myself in all those impromptu photos?  Do I care what old boyfriends are up to these days? Do I want to find love and marriage in a fishbowl? Now, do all of you on my "please don't ask again" list understand why I have ignored your request to be a friend?  And for those of you to whom I did say "Yes"  because I really do want to see pictures of you and your children on Facebook -- please don't send me games, treats, or sweets unless there is a big prize.  For me, the prize would have to be Pierce Brosnan's twin unmarried brother. Now back to marriage. As I wrote last month, sometimes with love and marriage it is simply a matter of serendipity.  A guy from Texas with the same name as a gal from Florida met online. According to a story by Lynne Jones, it seems that she said, “I was like, ‘I wonder if there’s any other Kelly Hildebrandts on Facebook’,“ she explained. “So, I searched my own name and he’s the only one that came up. And actually, in the picture, he didn’t have his shirt on, and I’m like, And now an October wedding is planned.. Facebook couple with identical names is getting married ... On the flip side from Above the Law, one of my favorite reads, Elie Myst tells us that group of Facebook users are suing for invasion of privacy.  I love what she has written: "When a group of Facebook users sue Facebook for invasion of privacy, it really gives you hope that the legal profession will come out of this recession stronger than ever. The ability of Americans to turn fear and an incomplete understanding of what they signed up for into a full blown lawsuit is like renewable energy to American lawyers." Are you frightened by_facebook? Should you be frightened by Facebok? If you are cheating, yes.  But you should also be afraid of your own conscience and the consequences: .Facebook and the-new-face-of-cheating/ The key to Facebook success, if you really are looking for love -- say so. But be discreet.  Yes, I have a gorgeous friend who often receives notes from men madly in love with her.  I'll tell you what I tell her: Check them out carefully.  Some may turn out to be lifelong love and some may be absolute swindlers. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT The Examiner.com : Facebook: love, hate, and above the law My stories this week: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 935 2009-08-22 22:42:00 2009-08-23 01:42:00 closed open facebook-loving-it-hating-it-and-above-the-law publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1250991781 _edit_last 2 title Facebook: loving it, hating it, and Above the Law description The Facebook phenomenon is undeniable. We love it. We hate it. We use it. Melanie Griffith goes in rehab to save marriage to Antonio Banderas http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=937 Tue, 25 Aug 2009 23:48:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=937 Star.  "He told her that if she didn't get the help she needed it would be the end of their marriage."  Melanie Griffith back in rehab after strange color demands... Antonio is a devoted father and husband. Just read what he says about being a faithful and loving Melanie in this Cigar Aficionado interview: "Look, if you work in a bank every day, you know the same people every day. Maybe you hit on a girl once, she rejects you and [laughs] that's it. Now in our profession...I did three movies last year, in each I met fascinating people. When you do movies you meet unbelievable people. They've got a lot of life, they're fighters, they're interesting, and they're physically wonderful. Look at Angelina Jolie...she's wonderful. What? Am I going to say that she's not?! Look at Jennifer Lopez, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Madonna...they're all wonderful. But there are lessons here and the lesson I have learned is that there is pleasure in fidelity. We adopt, we adapt, both of us personally and as a couple. You discover that you have the capacity of falling in love with your wife all over again. "I've had tremendous, incredible opportunities," continues Banderas, "just to go to bed with a woman and maybe I thought 'my wife wouldn't know at all' but I'd know it, and I didn't do it. Didn't do it. And then do you know what I'd do? I'd call Melanie and tell her that and say '...this is my way of telling you that I love you,' you know? It's a feeling of 'I have control' and that's almost a victory. When you discover that this is possible, well, I don't need to go anywhere else. I love my wife." Cigar Aficionado | People Profile | Antonio Banderas Melanie this man is a keeper.  Our readers are saying it is time to sober up or he should raise the children on his own!  Here is my earlier story with comments. Melanie Griffith: rehab, healing love, and children COMMENTS if you please, should be left  at Melanie Griffith in rehab to save marriage Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 937 2009-08-25 20:48:54 2009-08-25 23:48:54 closed open melanie-griffith-goes-in-rehab-to-save-marriage-to-antonio-banderas publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251330838 _edit_last 2 title Melanie Griffith tries to save marriage to Antonio Banderas, enters rehab Caroline Kennedy loses Uncle and Camelot dims again http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=936 Wed, 26 Aug 2009 23:48:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=936 It was hoped that she would then follow in the Kennedy footsteps and make a push for the powerful Senate seat in New York.  For a variety of reasons, she withdrew at the 11th hour. Dems embrace dynasty politics - Charles Mahtesian - Politico.com But as the last surviving Kennedy brother, Uncle Ted still had plans for Caroline, an ambassadorship was whispered.  Then came the news:  "Vatican sources told Il Giornale that their support for abortion disqualified Ms Kennedy and other Roman Catholics President Barack Obama had been seeking to appoint.Vatican blocks Caroline Kennedy appointment as US ambassador ... We don't quite know why she wanted an ambassadorship.  But to read The New Yorker article suggests some strain in her marriage.  But strain on marriages has been a Kennedy trademark. The intense family connections and expectations are said to have driven Jacqueline Kennedy to the Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis.  However for Caroline, Uncle Ted of late seemed to be more of an anchor for her than her husband. Caroline Kennedy's Senate bid : The New Yorker Her husband is said to be a shy man, and there has been gossip that the marriage is on shaky territory. Social Diary 6/21/06 - Dancing in the streets -- but here is another side of the man we seldom hear about  Octogenarian: Caroline Kennedy's husband and me

    In the wake of her Uncle's passing Caroline has lost a strong advocate.

    But today, this week, most people will be remembering Caroline as the little girl who stood with her mother and brother when Camelot came crashing down.  For Caroline right now there is no longer an Uncle Ted.  There is no ambassadorship.  And there is no Camelot. We don't know if there will be a story-book surprise for Caroline, the last survivor of what started out as a child living in Camelot.  The comparison of The Kennedy Years to Camelot was a reference to the slain President's favorite musical. It was Caroline's mother who kept the myth alive. If one goes back to the Kennedy Library archives, the reference to Camelot was quite touchingly from Jackie Kennedy. The words from the song, "Don't let it be forgot / That once there was a spot / For one brief shining moment / That was known as Camelot." Jackie Kennedy is said to have added the words, "There'll be great Presidents again - but they'll never be another Camelot again." While today Camelot dims, we do wish for Caroline some of Camelot's shining moments after the sadness of her aunt Eunice Kennedy Shriver's passing and now Uncle Ted is gone. (Another sad Kennedy story for Caroline this summer: Camelot takes a hit: a Kennedy affair between Jackie and Bobby) Here is another Examiner story:  Who will replace Ted Kennedy in the US Senate? One celebrity may have his eye on Kennedy's seat PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT Caroline Kennedy loses Uncle Ted and Camelot dims Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]>
    936 2009-08-26 20:48:53 2009-08-26 23:48:53 closed open caroline-kennedy-loses-uncle-and-camelot-dims-again publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251330925 _edit_last 2 title Caroline Kennedy loses Uncle and Camelot dims again
    Karen Sypher tapes are haunting Rick Pitino http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=939 Thu, 27 Aug 2009 06:57:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=939 well as Rick Pitino has learned. Not many of us are entirely proud of all of our actions all of the time. Many people will readily admit that they have often been just one drink away from making total fools of themselves, particularly in the world of sudden passion. Karen Sypher's complaint to the police has been released to the public.  And Pitino is fuming. It seems that Coach Rick Pitino, University of Louisville, found himself six years ago in a moment of sudden passion or insanity that is reverberating throughout the sports world today – sex on the table in Porcini, a Louisville restaurant. Will it impair his ability to coach? In many ways, since Bill Clinton we have become a more forgiving society. But only time will tell whether the man who, with his wife Joanne, has been generously giving to charity as well as coaching basketball,  will survive the scandal. For more on this story, with full links, please go to: Karen Sypher tapes and table sex haunt Rick Pitino Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 939 2009-08-27 03:57:41 2009-08-27 06:57:41 closed open karen-sypher-tapes-are-haunting-rick-pitino publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251684766 _edit_last 2 title Karen Sypher tapes are haunting Rick Pitino Going to the Chapel, Ellie Greenwich, dies at 68 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=938 Thu, 27 Aug 2009 23:58:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=938 finally getting married, And we're going to the Chapel of Love." Thank you, Ellie, for all the joy you have brought to so many people in love and marriage. Famed pop songwriter Ellie Greenwich dead at 68

    COMMENTS IF YOU WISH AT Ellie Greenwich, dies: Going to the Chapel of Love (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    938 2009-08-27 20:58:28 2009-08-27 23:58:28 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251331356 _edit_last 2 title Going to the Chapel, Ellie Greenwich, dies at 68
    Pills for falling in and out of love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=940 Fri, 28 Aug 2009 04:11:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=940 The research, which may sound silly at first, can have important implications for love and marriage.  An experiment with married couples in therapy is being tried in Australia. Here is the actual essay from Nature published this year, "Being Human: Love: Neuroscience reveals all"  by Dr. Larry J. Young, a nuero-scientist at Emory University, in the department of psychiatry and behavioral psychiatry. He says: "The view of love as an emergent property of a cocktail of ancient neuropeptides and neurotransmitters raises important issues for society. For one thing, drugs that manipulate brain systems at whim to enhance or diminish our love for another may not be far away. "Experiments have shown that a nasal squirt of oxytocin enhances trust and tunes people into others' emotions. Internet entrepreneurs are already marketing products such as Enhanced Liquid Trust, a cologne-like mixture of oxytocin and pheromones 'designed to boost the dating and relationship area of your life.' "Although such products are unlikely to do anything other than boost users' confidence, studies are under way in Australia to determine whether an oxytocin spray might aid traditional marital therapy." This is good news actually.  However, I confess I would be really unhappy if we come to a time in love when popping one means "love is on" and two means "love is off." Nature.com/nature Suzanne Sommers says, however, that her regimen of 60 pills a day is also helping to keep her marriage a happy and sexy one. Fox News Love and Marriage 101: What is love addiction? And another recent story: Maybe friendship marriages work best PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT Love and Marriage 101: What are falling in love pills? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 940 2009-08-28 01:11:15 2009-08-28 04:11:15 closed open pills-for-falling-in-and-out-of-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251432675 _edit_last 2 title Pills for falling in and out of love Jon has a new love, but still loves Kate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=942 Mon, 31 Aug 2009 02:08:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=942 "Jon & Kate Plus 8" could tell they were having problems." Although the article features Jon in love, to his credit, he says this about Kate: ""I love Hailey," he says. "I'll always love Kate. I went through a whole bunch of pictures today, and it's sad to see something that was good turn bad but we moved in two different directions. We know that." He adds: "'I have no ill will toward Kate. She's the mother of my kids. She's a great mom. She does a lot for them.'"  Jon Will Always Love Kate, But Is in Love with Hailey Good for you, Jon.  After hearing Anne Heche trash-talking her ex husband on David Letterman, it was a relief to hear Jon's adult approach.  Although I point out ten ways to diss your ex, in fact the three most important are these, if you must diss:  Keep it out of the bedroom. Keep it lighthearted. Keep it quiet. Sometimes the best way to diss an ex is by saying nothing at all.  Take the high road, always. And here is my dissing story linked to The Frisky.com Love and Marriage 101: What are 10 ways to diss your ex? The Proper Protocol For Dissing An Ex. Please leave comments at:  Jon speaks lovingly of Kate, but moves on Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 942 2009-08-30 23:08:45 2009-08-31 02:08:45 closed open jon-has-a-new-love-but-still-loves-kate publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251684729 _edit_last 2 title Jon has a new love, but still loves Kate If you can't take the high road, here are 10 ways to diss your ex http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=943 Tue, 01 Sep 2009 02:17:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=943 When it comes to ex-husbands and lovers, it is probably best to stay on speaking terms without getting into that sex-with-your-ex- mode.  Our friends at TheFrisky.com gave us this story today about the ten ways NOT to trash talk your ex, it is called. The Proper Protocol For Dissing An Ex. "They noted that: 'On last night’s Letterman, Anne Heche spent a seriously large chunk of time making fun of her ex-husband, Coley Laffoon, whom she divorced in 2007 before shacking up with her 'Men In Trees' co-star, James Tupper. She not only called Coley a 'lazy ass,' but took things even further, having this to say about Coley’s current occupation:
    “He goes out to the mailbox and he opens up the little mailbox door and goes, ‘Oh! I got a check from Anne! Oh! I got a check from Anne! Yay!’”
    The Frisky gives us ten rules for dissing an ex -- here they are abbreviated. You will want to go to the link below to read more.  But in a nutshell, they suggest you watch your words 1. Only take potshots at your ex in one-on-one and small group situations. 2. Name-calling is juvenile. 3. Keep all ex dissing to under two minutes. 4. Bedroom trash-talking is an absolute no-no. 5. Never, I repeat never, talk about STDs. 6. Beware of whom you’re trash-talking to. 7. Always go for complaints that are funny. 8. For added impact, use the phrase “I’ve never told anyone this ... ” 9. As tempting as it is, don’t make blanket statements about “all marriages” or “all men.” 10. Don’t exaggerate. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT: Love and Marriage 101: What are 10 ways to diss your ex? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    943 2009-08-31 23:17:43 2009-09-01 02:17:43 closed open if-you-cant-take-the-high-road-here-are-10-ways-to-diss-your-ex publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1251685086
    Sex and the City 2 -- the "Big" babies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=946 Thu, 03 Sep 2009 06:45:48 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=946 Us Weekly. Noth hinted to Us in March that producers are "probably thinking" about babies for Big and Carrie, who wed in the first movie."  News - PICS! Sarah Jessica Parker Begins Filming SATC Sequel ... So how would babies fit into the breezy, sexy script for Carrie? Here is one thought -- the pregnancy sex surge.  I've wrriten about this before but it is worth repeating.  Sex surges happen even in pregnancy!  Sudden passion: sex surge, pregnancy, Sex in the City Here is one story of a sudden sex urge during pregnancy: "Im thinking about it all the time, looking up new positions, etc. I'm getting worried that there is something wrong with me."  Fortunately the women who wrote back to her said that the strong desire for sex is perfectly normal. More importantly one of the women suggested she express this interest to her husband. Womens health.com
    Copyright 2009  Rita Watson
    946 2009-09-03 03:45:48 2009-09-03 06:45:48 closed open sex-and-the-city-2-the-big-babies publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251961284 _edit_last 2 title Sex and the City 2, the \"Big\" babies
    A September moon and 'Moon River' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=947 Thu, 03 Sep 2009 21:49:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=947 But it is baseball season and for many couples the most romantic an evening is a full moon and the lights from a baseball stadium or perhaps  "Fever Pitch"  or "Field of Dreams." Tomorrow night is a night for lovers. Create a memory whether it is singing Moon River or you choose an evening with the spirit of Sweet Caroline at Fenway -- enjoy the evening with someone you love. Sweet Caroline at The Fenway GIVE it a few minutes! (or the songs at any other stadium anywhere in the world.) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 947 2009-09-03 18:49:56 2009-09-03 21:49:56 closed open a-september-moon-and-moon-river publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1251999272 _edit_last 2 title A September moon and Moon River In Sleeping Beauty's Bed, can there really be erotic fairy tales? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=951 Sat, 05 Sep 2009 02:17:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=951 In Sleeping Beauty's Bed: Erotic Fairy Tales a few weeks ago.  And I am still twirling around thoughts in my head before even opening the pages. Here is what the back of the book says: "Fairy tales are rich sources of sexual fantasy -- sexy slippers, mattresses piled high, dominatrix witches, lustful princes, naked emperors." The book promises to give a new twist on Cinderella,  Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Sleeping Beauty. In Sleeping Beauty's Bed by Mitzi Szereto might be the perfect way to spend the night of a full September moon or an afternoon or an evening anytime.  Cleis Press.com
    And to create your own bit of titillating fun here are   some Sudden Passion thoughts: The more traditional among you may prefer: 'Moon River' and a September full moon PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT THE EXAMINER  Erotic full moon fairy tales with sudden passion, Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]>
    951 2009-09-04 23:17:53 2009-09-05 02:17:53 closed open in-sleeping-beautys-bed-can-there-really-be-erotic-fairy-tales publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252251634 _edit_last 2 title In Sleeping Beauty\'s Bed
    Liquid love (oxytocin) vs the drug (oxycontin) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=949 Sat, 05 Sep 2009 06:59:20 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=949 In a February essay for Nature, Dr. Larry J Young, neuro-scientist at Emory University, writes: "Experiments have shown that a nasal squirt of oxytocin enhances trust and tunes people into others' emotions. "Internet entrepreneurs are already marketing products such as Enhanced Liquid Trust, a cologne-like mixture of oxytocin and pheromones 'designed to boost the dating and relationship area of your life'. "Although such products are unlikely to do anything other than boost users' confidence, studies are under way in Australia to determine whether an oxytocin spray might aid traditional marital therapy."  Being Human: Love: Neuroscience reveals all : Article : Nature Here is another story about oxytocin: Love and Marriage 101: What are falling in love pills? Oxytocin (a bonding hormone) should not to be confused with oxycontin (a drug). This powerful medication, oxycontin is a strong narcotic used to relieve pain.  It is in the news today because it has been identified in the death of  DJ AM.   DJ AM Reportedly Had Undigested oxycontin In Stomach, Throat Oxycontin is used to treat moderate to severe pain that is expected to last for a long period of time. To be effective it should be used on a regular basis according to the prescribed dose from a physician.    DEA, Drug Information, OxyContin Home COMMENTS AT THE EXAMINER PLEASE, so many thanks.  Liquid love and a drug: oxytocin vs oxycontin]]> 949 2009-09-05 03:59:20 2009-09-05 06:59:20 closed open liquid-love-oxytocin-vs-the-drug-oxycontin publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252251809 _edit_last 2 title Liquid love (oxytocin) vs the drug (oxycontin) Bride laughs hysterically to grooms 'My waffle-y wedded wife.' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=952 Sat, 05 Sep 2009 21:04:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=952 "When he fluffed his vows - stumbling over the word 'lawfully' to sputter 'waffle-y' - his bride (who clearly has a sense of humour) could not contain herself."   Bride who can't stop laughing as her groom 'waffles' his vows ... You will really enjoy reading this story as well -- when he realized he said "Waffle-y" he added the words, and "pancake -y." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 952 2009-09-05 18:04:59 2009-09-05 21:04:59 closed open bride-laughs-hysterically-to-grooms-my-waffle-y-wedded-wife publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252333155 _edit_last 2 title Bride laughs hysterically to grooms \'My waffle-y wedded wife.\' Madoff's mistress, marijuana, and love addiction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=953 Mon, 07 Sep 2009 13:47:04 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=953 Rita Watson: Madoff's mistress, marijuana, and love addiction THERE IS ONE major problem with publicly dissing your ex-husband or lover. You reveal your own vulnerabilities while declaring your mistakes to the world. Two recent shockers: the book by Sheryl Weinstein, mistress to Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, and the anti-husband tirade on David Letterman by Anne Heche, co-star of HBO’s Hung. Both women break all the protocols for ex-dissing and make us wonder about the love-hate relationship. Weinstein, who has been married for 37 years, discloses her affair with the crooked financier, now sentenced to 150 years in jail, in Madoff’s Other Secret: Love, Money, Bernie, and Me. While chief financial officer for Hadassah, one of the nation’s leading Jewish charities, she had an extramarital affair with the man who was bilking the organization of tens of millions of dollars. As steward of Hadassah’s money, did she ever wonder about conflict of interest between her role and her romp? In pointing an angry finger at Bernard Madoff, she exposes her own questionable conduct. The steamy details of the book are of a sizable nature. It seems that the billions that Madoff took from his unsuspecting clients may have been to compensate for what he lacked in millimeters. Weinstein gives a bit too much information about Bernie, his body, and their marijuana smoking before indulging in descriptions of their sexcapades. Somehow we don’t see Sheryl and Bernie as part of the “toker” trend. Yes, marijuana is back. The rates are escalating among Baby Boomers, many of whom were part of the Woodstock generation. A new analysis by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration tells us that from 2002 to 2007 marijuana use among Americans ages 50 to 59 increased from 3.1 to 5.7 percent of that population while non-medical use of prescription drugs climbed from 2.2 percent to 4 percent. A further 9.4 percent admitted to using illegal drugs in 2007, nearly twice that of 2002 reports. Despite our concern about marijuana and pill-popping, Dr. Stanford Peele, writing for July’s Psychology Today, says a love addiction is the hardest to quit and “it causes more murders and suicides than any other addiction.” He adds, “And if you think people miss smoking, consider what people are like when they break up with long-time lovers or get divorced — even when they hate their spouses!” Of the seven top addictions, love is followed by potato chips, pasta and all those comfort foods that stick to our thighs, cigarettes, valium, alcohol, heroin, and cocaine. Dr. Peele is author of a classic book, Love and Addictions, originally published in 1975. So do women who publicly insult their ex-paramours have a love-hate addiction that triggers their trash talk? I have a simple theory about ex-husbands and former lovers, whether you love them or hate them. It is best to stay on speaking terms (without getting into the sex-with-your-ex syndrome). But if you must diss, here are three pieces of advice: Keep it out of the bedroom. Keep it lighthearted. Keep it quiet. For those who cannot break the connection to their ex — whether it is love or hate — hope is on the horizon. In an essay in Nature, Dr. Larry J. Young, a neuroscientist at Emory University, says that “drugs that manipulate brain systems at whim to enhance or diminish our love for another may not be far away.” He says “Experiments have shown that a nasal squirt of oxytocin enhances trust and tunes people into others’ emotions.” Scott Haltzman, M.D., of the Brown University Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, tells me, “Before you run to your pharmacy and fight with your insurance company to pay for pharmaceutical agents that can enhance love, people should know that some simple behaviors can change brain chemicals and improve how individuals bond to each other.” He says that sex produces a natural high that can boost oxytocin levels. Other thoughts in his latest book, The Secrets of Happy Families: Eight keys to building a lifetime of connection and contentment, include engaging in activities outside of your normal routine — “going to an amusement park, walking in the rain and skipping puddles, or dining out at a new restaurant together and ordering a new dish.” Dr. Halzman says that natural highs “can produce excitatory neurochemicals that the brain interprets as excitement about your partner, not the activity.” With the availability of natural bonding opportunities, guess we should be holding off on those orders for Love Potion Number Nine. Rita Watson, a monthly contributor, is the editor of RitaWatson.com and GreenLegals.com]]> 953 2009-09-07 10:47:04 2009-09-07 13:47:04 closed open madoffs-mistress-marijuana-and-love-addiction publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1252333111 title Madoff\'s mistress, marijuana, and love addiction Getting marriage right, Joan Baez sings at wedding of 91-year-old father (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=954 Wed, 09 Sep 2009 07:05:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=954 The song she sings most often: "God is God,"  because she loves the line: "Every day on earth is another chance to get it right." And that line seems to fit perfectly the story  told by Joan regarding her 90ish year old father and his remarriage to her mother. According to Genevieve, who was at the Festival, it seems that Joan's father, who was either separated or divorced from her mother for many years decided, "I'm 91 and probably won't be around much longer and I don't want to die an unmarried man." He asked his former wife to marry him again and she apparently said, "What the hell." Joan asked her dad -- a typical professor dresser -- "What are you going to wear." "Something casual." "On no" said Joan, "you are going to wear a tuxedo or I am not going to sing at your wedding." Her father agreed.  Joan sang. Here is "Forever Young" which she sang at the wedding -- this time her parents got it right.  Her father died in 2007 at 94, a married man. This is the song that she sang at their wedding and at the Newport Folk Festival. Her father, Albert, was a physicist (co-inventor of the x-ray microscope and author of one of the most widely used textbook on physics.  According to Wikipedia he refused to work on the Manhattan Project the code name for the atomic bomb project, a decision said to profoundly effect Joan Baez. Joan Baez will be appearing at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 18. Young, Baez, zombies at TIFF 2009 PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT THE EXAMINER: Getting marriage right: Joan Baez sings at parents wedding (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson ]]> 954 2009-09-09 04:05:37 2009-09-09 07:05:37 closed open getting-marriage-right-joan-baez-sings-at-wedding-of-91-year-old-father publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1252963744 title Getting marriage right, Joan Baez sings for 91-year-old father Bringing a love aura to your bedroom http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=955 Sat, 12 Sep 2009 13:51:08 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=955 1. Take out everything. A former college roommate, who was in our wedding party, came to visit from Hawaii recently and she redecorated my office. Using the same principles, here is how to turn your bedroom into a passion place. Take everything out of the bedroom everything except for your bed and one or two essential dressers. 2. Bring back only what is beautiful and a night stand on each side of the bed and two. Add two small lamps with pink bulbs (or red nail polish painted on the bulbs gives a similar effect.) 3. Banish all gadgets, laundry, ironing boards, computers, and especially the TV ( if fhe wants entertainment, tell him that you are it.) 4. Change the mood to soft solids with simple spashes of color; the color red is hot! 5. Get yourself a toy box. Need ideas of how to fill it? Read about the shag bag and a red dress? 6. Add candles, candles, and more candles. Don't like candles? Then a dash of perfume on the lightbulb will create an alluring scent. 7. Mirrors -- the bedroom should set a mood whether you are married or single. It should be a place that is quiet, warm, and inviting. I know that Feng Shui says no mirrors in the room, but men love mirrors strategically placed. Don't worry about your body, in most cases the men are totally focused on watching "the performance." Here is the secret to the ultimate sexual experience -- never go to bed angry. Leave your anger at the door so that the bedroom becomes synonymous with love and eros, with passion and pleasure.  Take a look at these twelve Stylish-sexy-bedrooms COMMENTS:  Please go to Passion Tips: sexy bedrooms for erotic loving Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 955 2009-09-12 10:51:08 2009-09-12 13:51:08 closed open bringing-a-love-aura-to-your-bedroom publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1252963701 _edit_last 2 New Susan Boyle song leaked, listen to both 'Wild Horses' and 'Cry Me a River' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=956 Mon, 14 Sep 2009 21:26:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=956 Susan Boyle's "Wild Horses" Rolling Stones Cover Leaks Onto the ... COMMENTS PLEASE AT Susan Boyle: haunting sounds of Wild Horses Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 956 2009-09-14 18:26:29 2009-09-14 21:26:29 closed open new-susan-boyle-song-leaked-listen-to-both-wild-horses-and-cry-me-a-river publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1253411953 _edit_last 2 title Susan Boyle song leaked: compare Wild Horses to Cry Me a River In love and denial, Annie Le suspect has a devoted fiancée http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=957 Thu, 17 Sep 2009 01:13:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=957 New York Post gleaned:  "My boyfriend, Ray, if you don't know him, has no interest in any of the other girls at [the university research center] as anything more than friends. "This rumor of a 'fling' is probably the most stupid thing I have ever heard and really is not even worth going into detail about."  Fiancée's blog slams cheating rumors Those in love are frequently in denial. Surely she knows that any man is capable of cheating?  But then again, there is some truth to the saying, "Love is blind." Do you all remember the Anne Hathaway case last year?  While her situation did not involve homicide, she did find herself with a serious swindler. When friends warn you -- listen carefully! What if friends warn you that your love might be cheating, or leading a double life, or responsible for giving you a sexually transmitted disease? Sometimes you confront your love and he or she gets angry with you for doubting them.  Then what?  You back down, and friends become incredulous because they know you are buying a love lie. Last September in my Relationships blog I wrote about this story.  Anne Hathaway's man Raffaello Follieri, 30, has been arrested from serious charges stemming for accusations that he “swindled millions from investors.”  Anne Hathaway's ex jailed over Vatican scam . Many stories reported that Anne was devastated that her four year relationship ended in such a manner. ANNE HATHAWAY EX-BOYFRIEND RAFFAELLO FOLLIERI ARRESTED . Back to Annie Le -- many questions keep popping up We can understand Jennifer is in denial. No one wants to believe the worst about someone they love.  She is probably searching for answers as well, and hoping beyond hope that her man is innocent. Despite the arrest, the blogs are still abuzz.
    • What's the story with Annie Le's professor who was supposedly grilled and released for an "airtight alibi" and yet no mention as to whether or not he was in the building and could shed light on the case?
    • And why  did her professor tell the Yale Daily News that Annie Le didn't feel safe despite her article "Crime and Safety in New Haven,"  in which she says: “New Haven is a city, and all cities have their perils,” she wrote, “but with a little street smarts, one can avoid becoming another statistic."  Ten hour days, and still smiling
    • And what about the Runaway Bride rumor?  We heard that the building was not thoroughly searched because police thought she could be a missing person.  What?  A missing person who never left the building?  Did authorities really buy that story?
    Will Jennifer ever know the truth?  Where are writers of crime shows?  Somewhere, somehow in an old TV series, there is an answer.  I frankly think that in cases such as this one those with the creative minds to create a scenario and solve it may have wisdom to contribute. In this case, maybe a young man with a secret love crush on Annie Le did it.  Maybe not.  According to the Associated Press Raymond Clark has been released from custody. Lab tech released from custody in Yale slaying For the sake of all those mourning Annie Le, we wish for a quick resolution. For the sake of Jennifer Hromadka and Raymond Clark, we hope that the truth becomes known quickly. It appears that she is both in love and in denial.  We wish her marriage dreams come true. COMMENTS PLEASE AT: Jennifer Hromadka in love and in denial with Raymond Clark Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    957 2009-09-16 22:13:17 2009-09-17 01:13:17 closed open in-love-and-denial-annie-le-suspect-has-a-devoted-fiancee publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1253250188 title In love and denial, Annie Le suspect has a devoted fiancée keywords Annie Le, Raymond Clark, Joseph Schlessinger
    Farewell Mary Travers, A Puff the Magic Dragon sing-a-long for you http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=958 Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:19:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=958 Frank Sinatra and our father, Vince Esposito, his sound consultant ... Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All rights reserved]]> 958 2009-09-17 20:19:58 2009-09-17 23:19:58 closed open farewell-mary-travers-a-puff-the-magic-dragon-sing-a-long-for-you publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1253250225 title Farewell Mary Travers, A Puff the Magic Dragon sing-a-long for you When Harry Met Sally, the fabulous fake orgasm, a full 20 years later http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=959 Sat, 19 Sep 2009 23:50:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=959 In my world, it is quite simply a movie about the sexes, love and marriage between unlikely characters who had fun with romance and with each other as friends.  This is key -- friends!  And the two ponder the central question of the film in a light-heared way: "Can men and women ever be friends?" A Fox interview says, "At the time Meg Ryan agreed with Sally: 'Yes, men and women can just be friends. I have a lot of platonic (male) friends, and sex doesn’t get in the way.' Billy Crystal was a real-life Harry: 'Men basically act like stray dogs in front of a supermarket.' An Interview With Nora Ephron Twenty Years After 'When Harry Met ... But when we think of the movie what we all find most memorable is the scene in a New York delicatessen in which Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm -- loudly and dramatically.  And who can forget the nearby female, an older woman who says to the waiter, "I'll have what she's having!" The woman happened to be the mother of Carl Reiner, in her 70s at the time, the film's producer. There are lots of different ways to interpret the movie if we really want to "pull it apart."  Instead, I am going to simply leave you with the orgasm scene and ask .  .  .  . Have you ever? A bit of advice: Laugh often with your lover or husband.  Rent the movie, rent a week of fun movies and laugh your sides off.  I know most men don't loke romantic comedies.  So make a deal.  Rent two movies -- his and hers and start up a new dialogue -- especially one that keep you laughing. A word about happiness: Modern love responds to Huffingtonpost, ‘what’s happened to women’s happiness?’ I agree with Tinamarie. I  think we are overwhelmed and we need to take the time to laugh and love more often (recharge our batteries as she puts it.)  Having a guy with a sense of humor is a bonus. Buif you, you might just try cultivating laughter for your own well-being. COMMENTS please at The Examiner When Harry Met Sally, the fabulous fake orgasm (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 959 2009-09-19 20:50:06 2009-09-19 23:50:06 closed open when-harry-met-sally-the-fabulous-fake-orgasm-a-full-20-years-later publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1253412082 title When Harry Met Sally, the fabulous fake orgasm, 20 years later Pushing Daisies, whimsical love, and 'his' and 'her' movies http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=960 Mon, 21 Sep 2009 03:26:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=960 Pushing Daisies.  I think it is a wonderful but sad irony that the show was cancelled Backstage Report: Cryer Sweating Win, Chenoweth Still Mourning Daisies‎  What we all found so touching about the show is the extent to which the lovers in this fantasy will go to be close to each other, to love each other, to touch each other.  We all love TV shows and movies that are romantic, and so I do list "His" and "Her Movies" here as well. But back to Pushing Daisies this review tells us: "There has never been and probably never will be another show quite like this quirky fairytale for adults. "With its gorgeous sets and costumes in full Technicolor-like primary colors, Pushing Daisies creates a fantasy world where it is easy to suspend one’s belief and get lost in the magical story of Ned, ‘The Piemaker’ and his friends." IN MEMORIAM: Pushing Daisies - Monsters and Critics Here is a piece from AP Partial list of Emmy Awards winners Seeing love: Sometimes to appreciate love, we need to see love. Our all time favorite love movies: Casablanca, When Harry Met Sally, and Out of Africa. But most recently, I did find The Ugly Truth to be an amusing comedy that asks us to simply enjoy.  (In terms of love -- my guy in Dubai has Ingrid Bergman in a scene from Casablanca as his screen saver. Hmmm.) One of our friends in Santa Fe is a movie poster mogul he tells us that the all time best selling posters on college campuses fall into the classic romance category. Although as a group the men chose Quentin Tarantino as their favorite director — they loved Pulp Fiction — both young men and women alike — when it came to choosing Romance — found these to be their all time favorites: *Casablanca *African Queen *Room with a View *Gone with the Wind *Enchanted April *When Harry Met Sally *Sleepless in Seattle His and Her Movies: how to choose: What do you do when HE wants violence and SHE wants love? 1. Alternate take turns each week or month seeing a movie favorite of your partner. 2. If you hate the movie, make a note of why and then try to use it as a topic of conversation afterwards. Have some concrete opinions. 3. Decide what the movie tells you about your partner? 4. Find out how much or how little your partner is willing to compromise. 5. Most importantly — lighten up. Don’t sit and sulk through a movie that you hate or be critical of your partner’s choice. Instead use the situation as a conversational way to come to know your partner a little bit better. Comments please at The Examiner: Emmy winners, whimsical love fantasy, and 'his'and 'her' movies Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 960 2009-09-21 00:26:47 2009-09-21 03:26:47 closed open pushing-daisies-whimsical-love-and-his-and-her-movies publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 title Pushing Daisies, a whimsical love fantasy, and his and her movies _edit_lock 1253507233 Jude Law and 'the condomless' know the answer to: What is a love child? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=961 Thu, 24 Sep 2009 15:55:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=961 Or should we ask the mothers? Samantha Burke, Rielle Hunter, and Oksana Grigorieva, and Lauren London? Safe sex and responsible reality: A love child technically refers to a child born to two people not usually married to each other, technically, it is a child born out of wedlock.   While I point a finger at the men for not using condoms, women have as much a responsibility for practicing safe sex as do their lovers. A child born out of wedlock Although today's news simply says " Samantha Burke Gives Birth to Jude Law Love Child! from Fashion ie. or Samantha Burke gives birth to Jude Law's daughter Sophia from the Los Angeles Times, wtih Mel Gibson's child the Sydney Morning Herald called it like it is: "staunch Catholic Mel Gibson's next child will be born out of wedlock, according to the mother of the child, Russian singer Oksana Grigorieva."  A prayer for the leader . And today Fashion ie also reported that  Mackenzie Phillips Says She Aborted Her Father's Possible Love Child .  Based on comments I am reading to this story, am I missing something about this "long-term consensual sex" that started when both were too stoned to know what was or was not real? This is too serious and too tragic. The reality and pain of a love child While love child news may sound glamorous or even romantic, one of the most poignant stories is from the famous family of movie director John Huston.  In her book published last spring Love Child: A  Memoir of a Family Lost and Found,  Allegra Huston tells the story of her discovery at age 10 that her father was someone else. From her website www.allegrahuston.com she posts this from Kirkus Reviews:  "Born to ballerina Ricki Soma, who was killed in a car accident when Allegra was only four, the author eventually learned that famed director John Huston was not her real father. . . .A stunning amount of family drama surrounded her-serial adultery, divorce, alcoholism, child abuse-too much really for a child to bear, but Huston manages to make quiet sense of it all, weathering an emotional neglect that might have destroyed a weaker woman. By 21 she had completed an Oxford degree and embarked on a career in writing and publishing."  Love-Child-Memoir-Family-Found John Huston, Film Director, Writer and Actor, Dies at 81 -- legendary for works ranging from The Maltese Falcon to Annie. Some of my other pieces relating to this one include: For COMMENTS, please click here: Love and Marriage 101: What is a love child? Ask Jude Law and the condomless Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved ]]> 961 2009-09-24 12:55:02 2009-09-24 15:55:02 closed open jude-law-and-the-condomless-know-the-answer-to-what-is-a-love-child publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1253807703 title Jude Law and \'the condomless\' know the answer to \"What is a love child?\" IVF clinic mix-up, parents gift, a story of love (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=963 Thu, 24 Sep 2009 16:07:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=963 They reported that  "Embryo mix-ups at fertility clinics are extremely rare. In those few instances, they've degenerated into custody battles, ugly lawsuits and at least one abortion. But not this time. Savage and her husband decided that the right thing — the only thing — to do was to give the baby to the biological parents." I encourage you to read this beautiful story. Ohio couple giving up baby after clinic mix-up. In this day of irresponsible sex among celebrities, this story is a reminder of how sacred some married couples regard pregnancy and the birth of a child as the gift of life. This is glorious example of unconditional love, which means, no strings attached, simply love from one's heart and soul. Have you read? Love and Marriage 101: What is a love child? Ask Jude Law and the condomless Trying to Conceive: In Vitro Fertilization (Web MD) For Comments, please click here: Pregnancy clinic mix-up, a baby, and unconditional love Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 963 2009-09-24 13:07:51 2009-09-24 16:07:51 closed open ivf-clinic-mix-up-parents-to-return-baby-a-story-of-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1253829810 _edit_last 2 title IVF clinic mix-up, parents to return baby, a story of love Facebook Retrosexuals: back in the news http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=962 Fri, 25 Sep 2009 12:57:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=962 Facebook Reunites Long-Lost Crushes - TIME But you read it here first in my article last February. Retrosexual romance, reviving old love The scenario goes something like this.  Your lover has been absorbed with the sports channel..  Your husband is not really interested in sex.  You are wishing for romance. Now tell the truth.  Have you been searching Facebook for former lovers or even college and high school sweethearts?  It you answered, "Yes," then you are part of a growing trend as reported by Claire Suddath for a piece in the new issue.  It is called   Facebook Reunites Long-Lost Crushes - TIME .  She says  "The Boston Phoenix even coined a term, retrosexuals, for people who are taking the plunge ... Most retrosexual experiences seem to spring from an intense, And on Newsradio 620 - Gene Mueller said, "It's a trend that now has a name: retrosexuality. Have you done it? What happened when you did? Was it good for you, or was it a trip on the pain train?"  Are You A Retrosexual?
    My own thoughts have not changed on the subject.   As I see it, for many women it is a way of reviving fish you had already tossed back to the sea. Or looking up an old lover who spurned you – and meeting him for a date looking sexy and hot.  In some ways, this new fad is threatening to become an elevated form of friends with benefits, sex benefits, that is.
    This is how it works. You hook up with an old flame from your past, most often just to meet and rehash old times. But oftentimes, those times were rolls in the hay or in the back seat of a car. And so the new times become hot times.
    Why the resurgence of old lovers and new encounters? Facebook makes it easier than ever to turn back the tide.   What makes the leap from “let’s have lunch” to sex and passion is simple – familiarity. We go back to what we know. As Deidre Fulton says in “Meet the Retrosexuals,” in the Providence Phoenix, “It’s security. It’s safety. It’s brining back old feelings that make you feel young again.”
    Going back looking for a future: There is an odd coincidence with the word “retrosexuals.” Look it up on the Internet and some definitions say it is a return to the past world in which dates were serious dates. For example 10 years ago a man would never say to you after dinner, “Shall we split this?” Oftentimes with retrosexuals it is back to high school or college friends. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Before you go back looking for a future, just make sure you understand the risks and benefits.  Here is the full article. Are you a retrosexual?
    And give yourself some ground rules, particularly if you are divorcing and thinking of dating!
    Have you read my stories about Annie Le?
    Or perhaps listen to music: Or laugh about old times and good times: COMMENTS, please leave on my Examiner column: Love and Marriage 101: What is a Facebook retrosexual? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    962 2009-09-25 09:57:00 2009-09-25 12:57:00 closed open facebook-retrosexuals-are-back-in-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1253808241 _edit_last 2 title Facebook Retrosexuals
    Couples Retreat and a Marriage Plan http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=964 Mon, 28 Sep 2009 23:48:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=964 Couples Retreat and Peter Billingsley is entwined with a passion plan. The Los Angeles Times called Billingsley the perfect person for Couples Retreat. He moved from being the little boy in Christmas Story coveting the BB gun to a serious director, although originally he was to produce the movie. And what is so endearing is that he didn't just fall into the role, he studied and planned and evolved into it -- just as couples who have been together forever can evolve into romantic partners and passionate lovers even after a lull. Our passion plan: We always saved one week-end for ourselves -- no parties, no neighbors, no overnight guests -- it was our own  Couple's Retreat from the world and from children. You do not have to go away for a Couple's Retreat, but it helps. And keep in mind, I am a big advocate of the shag bag of naughty pleasures or relaxing body rubs with very good champagne.But in a world of busy-ness, it is important to mark your calendars -- and no matter how tempting an invitation to be with others may seem,. just remember another invitation will come your way.  But moments of anticipated togetherness with a husband or lover need to be cultivated. Couples Retreats in reality should be approached with caution: Make certain that they are run by a qualified marriage specialist, preferably one associated with a hospital or university teaching program.  Get recommendations and evaluate carefully. Here is what Billingsley was quoted as saying in the Los Angeles Times: "When you're a child actor and play the precocious kid, the temptation is to wear leather pants or a cutoff shirt to redefine yourself," Billingsley says.   "But I never felt the need to randomly reshuffle the deck and say, 'Don't call me Peter. Call me Pete.' I just figured you evolve naturally and you'll be recognized for what your successes are." Peter Billingsley a natural for 'Couples Retreat' -- latimes.com Couples who are carefully nurturing won't feel a need to "reshuffle the deck" or reinvent themselves.  But setting aside time to help each other evolve naturally will keep you from growing apart.  Italian Kisses: catching happiness in love and marriage Italian Kisses: the table of love and marriage Love Secrets: create your own natural love high Love Secrets: happiness hints for wives and lovers Sudden Passion: shag bag of pleasure Sudden Passion: Titillating spanking stories and skirts FOR COMMENTS Love Secrets: 'Couples Retreat', Peter Billingsley, and a passion plan Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 964 2009-09-28 20:48:17 2009-09-28 23:48:17 closed open couples-retreat-and-a-passion-plan publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1254456725 _edit_last 2 title Couples Retreat and a Passion Plan Recyle Your Old Boyfriend for Love and Money http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=965 Wed, 30 Sep 2009 01:55:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=965 Chicago Tribune says, "At these parties, reassurance is the name of the game: The men are all eligible, and each is vouched for by at least one woman in attendance. Essentially, one woman's trash is another woman's treasure." Should you recycle an ex? After all, he's already on the curb ... Some "used-date" parties are auctions in which the proceeds go to an environmental cause -- and it is the ladies being recycled as well  -- all for charity.  In Los Angeles there is a recycling auction taking place next week -- check your city for more.  Here is one story. Recycle Your Ex - Opera - Los Angeles, CA - The Guide Shallon Lester for Glamour admits to checking out her ex's Facebook page and realizing he had lots in common with some of her girlfriends.  Can You Recycle Your Ex? So the big questions If you are in an unhappy relationship, your friend hooks up with your ex-man, and the two of them get along swimmingly --then what? 1. Will fixing him up with a friend make you jealous if it works out? 2. Wil the jealousy factor stimulate enough feelings to make you want to start having sex again with your ex? 3. Keep in mind you are re-cycling him for a reason.  If you really find the thought of him with a girlfriend of yours too upsetting, then can you rethink the relationship in a more positive light? 4. How would you approach him if you wanted to give it another try? A word or two of caution Be careful that you don't fall into the trap of rejoining your ex and becoming friends with benefits and baggage -- not a pretty mix.  However, if you do decide to take the route of  "sex with your ex," keep it in perspective and watch for Part Two of this story. A word about unhappiness If you are feeling generally unhappy or unlucky in love, read about the women's happiness dilemma -- maybe your guy is weighing your down. The above findings are the result of examining data from  the US General Social Survey (46,000 people).over the past 35 years by two professors (one male, one female) at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. COMMENTS, CLICK HERE Re-cycle your ex for love and money (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 965 2009-09-29 22:55:05 2009-09-30 01:55:05 closed open recyle-your-old-boyfriend-for-love-and-money publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1254456665 _edit_last 2 title Recyle Your Old Boyfriend for Love and Money John Edwards: bromancing and tales of infidelity http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=966 Fri, 02 Oct 2009 04:09:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=966 Politico story.  Today Ben Smith made headlines with his tale of Andrew Young saying: "Young has fleetingly emerged from the wreckage of Edwards’s political career as a character from central casting. First he was the fall guy, and now he’s the sellout, peddling his story in a tell-all book. "But the real story of Young is about the passions of politics and the classic political triangle of the candidate, his wife and the sometimes sycophantic aide. The consuming devotion that politicians command from a small handful of loyalists is familiar — and not just in presidential campaigns." Sex, scorn and videotape. [See link at the end for my earlier report on the alleged sex tape.]
    Gawker's interpretation: a bromance
    "Here is what they are getting at: Andrew Young was gay for John Edwards. Oh, god, he was so, so gay for John Edwards. Wow! Like, from the first paragraph onward:" The Ballad of John Edwards and Andrew Young - John Edwards - Gawker The company one keeps There is something so distasteful about the way this entire John Edwards affair was made public that the more we hear of Andrew Young, the more we shake our heads. My grandmother always said that you can tell a person's character by the company he keeps.  John Edwards seems to have a tawdry side.  Neither his wife, nor his children should be subjected to anymore scandal or pain. Just as John Edwards was guilty of public deceit and adultery, Andrew Young is guilty of public deceit and betrayal.  In some circles, he might be called Judas. The gossip from Rush and Molly What is your take on this story from the New York Daily News? Apparently there are the Elizabeth chronicles in a blog under a pseudonym.  Will follow that story for your. John Edwards' ex-mistress, Rielle Hunter, targeted by Elizabeth ... Tales of infidelity Here are some of my stories within the Elizabeth, John, and Rielle triangle: Rielle Hunter: in court and maybe in sex tape Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    966 2009-10-02 01:09:29 2009-10-02 04:09:29 closed open john-edwards-bromancing-and-tales-of-infidelity publish 0 0 post title Andrew Young and John Edwards: bromancing and tales of infidelity _edit_lock 1254456614 _edit_last 2
    CNN asks women, "Why do you have sex?" (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=967 Mon, 05 Oct 2009 00:57:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=967 Newsweek did a piece called The Pursuit of Sexual Happiness. According to the article, " In their new book, Why Women Have Sex, University of Texas psychologists Cindy Meston and David Buss aim to illuminate the complexities of women's sexual motivations through women's own words—an important step, they say, to better understanding how women can achieve sexual satisfaction. Based on five years of research and an online survey of 1,000 women," this is an important book. "The book also explores how women's perception of sex may change over time, according to whom they're with and whether they are married. "A 26-year-old heterosexual woman wrote, 'When I was single, I had sex for my own personal pleasure. Now that I am married, I have sex to please my husband. My own pleasure doesn't seem as important as his. I believe he feels the same way.'" Here is a piece I did last September based on the research as well: Are We Enjoying Sex? Take this Quiz and Find Out]]> 967 2009-10-04 21:57:59 2009-10-05 00:57:59 closed open why-do-women-have-sex-heres-what-cnn-tells-us-video publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1254803883 Letterman's antics 'horribly hurtful' to his wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=969 Tue, 06 Oct 2009 03:39:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=969 An apology to his staff, his wife They report "a chagrined David Letterman apologized to his staff Monday and noted that his wife has been 'horribly hurt' by the news that he slept with women who worked for him on CBS' 'Late Show' in the years leading up to their marriage. (They had apparently been dating since 1986 and were just recently married. He and his wife, Regina Lasko, have a 6-year-old son.) He added, " 'If you hurt a person and it's your responsibility, you try to fix it '," he said on the program. "'Let me tell you, folks, I got my work cut out for me.' "  David Letterman apologizes to staff While many viewers have shrugged off the affairs, let's bear in mind that he was having sex with interns -- how many were half his age? But what I find to be most significant betrayal of trust is that he was supposedly in a committed relationship. In this era of committed but not married, I think we see in David Letterman the folly of the concept. Although he claims that he never cheated on his wife, it sounds as if the alleged sexcapades may have been on-going. How will women viewers react to all of this? The Associated Press says "David Letterman should probably care what women think about him — and not just his wife.His back to back scandals this year — a crude joke about Sarah Palin's daughter and revelations through an alleged blackmail attempt by a CBS producer that Letterman had sexual relationships with 'Late Show' staff members — are likely to hit his reputation hardest with women. Will women viewers turn away from Letterman? Only time will tell. Will women viewers turn away from Letterman? Relationship healing As for Regina Lasko, she does have a choice with regard to the marriage and it may be with the forgiveness factor. Her husband knows that there is a lot of healing work that lies ahead. Even if he did not technically cheat on his wife, through the years it appears as if he cheated on the mother of his child. The Mayo Clinic tells us, “Infidelity causes intense emotional pain — anger, disbelief, fear, guilt, shame. But an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage.” Mayo Clinic Infidelity COMMENTS PLEASE AT The Examiner: Sexcapades 'horribly' hurtful to Letterman's wife Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved]]> 969 2009-10-06 00:39:17 2009-10-06 03:39:17 closed open lettermans-antics-horribly-hurtful-to-his-wife publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1254802946 _edit_last 2 title Letterman\'s antics \'horribly hurtful\' to his wife Will nude Levi Johnston be posing for Playgirl with a condom? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=970 Thu, 08 Oct 2009 20:22:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=970 Associated Press, "The 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin's grandchild will pose nude for Playgirl, his attorney said Wednesday. To get ready for his close-up, Johnston is training three hours a day, six nights a week at an Anchorage gym with a local body builder.  "A formal agreement hasn't been reached with the online magazine, but the photo shoot is a 'foregone conclusion,' said Johnston's attorney, Rex Butler." Father of Palin's grandson to pose for Playgirl He couldn't find a condom As I wrote earlier this year, the young man who could not take the time to find the condoms, found time to diss his child's grandparents. Does Levi Johnson realize that there is a young mother caring for a little child who happens to be his child because he couldn't take the time or responsibility to use a condom? Shame on Vanity Fair for giving Levi a forum to trash talk instead of asking him to write about safe sex. Levi Johnston flunks condoms, tries Vanity Fair (video) Actually a really worthwhile assignment might have been to ask Levi to write about:
    • Valuing love and marriage
    • Understanding intimacy
    • Taking responsibility
    • Acting like a father and husband
    Safe sex lessons Let's hope Playgirl hands his a condom -- so he can do something that might one day make his child feel he contributed to society in some meaningful way.  (And perhaps he can learn how to use the condom as well).  If all he becomes is a nude model, it could be tough on "Show and Tell Day" when their child is in school and the teacher asks "And what does your daddy do?" Please leave comments at: Will Levi Johnston be posing with a condom? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    970 2009-10-08 17:22:33 2009-10-08 20:22:33 closed open will-nude-levi-johnston-be-posing-for-playgirl-with-a-condom publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1255033353 title Will nude Levi Johnston be posing for Playgirl with a condom?
    Spice up your marriage with planned spontaneity http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=968 Fri, 09 Oct 2009 01:00:38 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=968 This is your chance to plan a spontaneously passionate  "Trick or Treat"  week-end for Halloween or anytime of year.  And be sure you take a few strip tease lessons for the fun ot it. Then set the date for a getaway to heat up romance and spice up intimacy But for now look ahead for planned spontaneity. The Preparation The Plan
    • Your goal is to relax, unwind, and create a memory.
    • For your first night, dine out.
    • The second night, order room service.
    • Play some very sexy music Steamy sex tips # 4: set the mood with music says our Charlotte Love and Marriage Examiner  (and maybe a CD of  "The Stripper" which always sets the mood).
    • Then the two of you should dress in totally sexy attire.  Pop the champagne.  And then surprise him with an elegant strip tease.
    Perhaps a photo or two The strip tease might also peak his interest in some sexy poses that the two of you  might enjoy. Nude vs. naked poses for lovers only The goal here is to create a memory and set the stage for passionate loving away from home that you can carry back to your own bedroom.  (If you choose Halloween, it will be a Trick or Treat to remember!) Here are some other suggestions that I have written about. Many Examiners are writing about Halloween -- I encourage you to read all of their articles. (Do you have some passionate advice?"  Please send me a link and I am happy to include it in a wrap up.) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    968 2009-10-08 22:00:38 2009-10-09 01:00:38 closed open spice-up-your-marriage-with-planned-spontaneity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1254800570 _edit_last 2
    Facebook is tracking contagious happiness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=971 Sun, 11 Oct 2009 02:50:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=971 Catching Happiness which I reported on in Italian Kisses: catching happiness in love and marriage Facebook taking happiness seriously "What does your Facebook status update say? If it includes the words awesome, happy, or tragic, Facebook is paying close attention. With its more than 300 million uses  Facebook is  "looking at key words to compile a Gross National Happiness Index (GNHI)." Are you happy? Facebook wants to know. People want to be happy.  And when we are unhappy, we try escapism, pill popping, or drinking. Celebrity affairs Escapism may be one reason we are so obsessed with peaks in the news that take our minds off of the economy, a real downer.  Whether it is the sensuous voice of Susan Boyle or the sexcapades of  Mark Sanford and John Edwards or David Letterman, we get a moment or two that takes our minds off of present day worries and cares. Susan Boyle: Yale physician weighs in on rainbow in our recession Happiness, the priceless commodity “Happiness is a priceless commodity,” says Dr. Richard Barker, director general of the Pharmaceutical Association of Great Britain. “It cannot be bought, sold, exchanged, or prescribed for that matter.” Nonetheless, pharmaceutical companies spend over $4 billion a year on television ads. Direct-to-consumer advertising has an emotional appeal. The ads seem to imply that drugs can cure everything from depression, social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders to restless-leg syndrome. Their message: “We can be happier.” In an interview I did with Dr. Barker regarding happiness and medication, he pointed out that while perscription drugs have a place in the treatment of certain disorders,  “prescription drugs cannot bestow happiness." In a September 2008 report, the National Center for Health Statistics said that in any two-week period, one in 20 Americans is depressed. However, fewer than 30 percent see a mental-health professional. So pills are popped and drinks poured to provide a temporary happiness mask. Some dos and don'ts
    • Avoid the misery loves company crowd
    • Stop finger pointing (every finger pointed at another means three pointing back to you)
    • Don't look for trouble (In the coming weeks I will reprint my Today Show interview, "Happiness vs. Hostility" with Matt Lauer.
    For happiness, do
    • Facebook with happy friends
    • See the cup as half full instead of half empty
    • Laugh often
    • Be forgiving
    When the chips are down, rather than remain in one's own little world, how much better it would be to adapt a positive attitude and talk to one's spouse or friends. Rabbi Irwin Kula, in Yearnings: Embracing the Sacred Messiness of Life, tells us, “The more we allow ourselves to unfold, the less likely we are to unravel.” Adapted from my newspaper column: Seeking Happiness with Pills and Coping Skills Other  happiness advice from our Examiners: PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT Facebook is tracking happiness, our priceless commodity Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    971 2009-10-10 23:50:17 2009-10-11 02:50:17 closed open facebook-is-tracking-contagious-happiness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255240707 _edit_last 2
    Maria Shriver, a scofflaw on a cell phone while driving http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=972 Wed, 14 Oct 2009 16:34:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=972 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vowed Tuesday to take "swift action" against First Lady Maria Shriver after she was exposed as a habitual violator of the law against using a cell phone while driving." It appears the TMZ.com has video and shots posted on its website.California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife, The Governor signed the ban on cell phones and driving last July. This is not just a conflict between a husband and wife, this is a serious issue nationwide. In particular -- cell phone texting while driving is believed to be responsible for an increase in deaths and accidents. There have been studies and counter-studies but it appears that a New York Times story revealed nealy 1000 deaths and almost 240,000 accidents over a one year period. According to The National Safety Council (NSC) earlier this month released an estimate described as “conservative” that more than 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries, and 2,600 deaths are caused a year by a distracted drivers on cell phones. The real culprit seems to be texting while driving. Real cell-phone dangers exposed: Using wireless communication ... A nationwide study showed that while drivers are not really able to give up their cell phones, that will accept alternative solutions. Nationwide Study: Drivers O.K. With Cell Phone Ban - BusinessWeek Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 972 2009-10-14 13:34:18 2009-10-14 16:34:18 closed open maria-shriver-a-scofflaw-on-a-cell-phone-while-driving publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255608132 _edit_last 2 title Maria Shriver, scofflaw on a cell phone Men like us thin, Ralph Lauren model fired http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=973 Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:39:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=973 120-Pound Model: I was fired from Ralph Lauren for being too fat. Filippa Hamilton, who is 5’10” and 120 pounds, was further angered by the fact that they photoshopped her picture to put her head on an even skinnier figure. Despite the fact that Glamour is using "real size" models, let's say a size 12, let's face it -- that only pleases the women who buy the magazine.  It does not fly well with the men who buy the ladies dinner. In a survey of 4,000 done by Wake Forest University led by Dustin Wood, the Wake Forest team surveyed 4,000 men and women ages 18 to 70 and yes, thin women have the edge. The survey was released in June in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and was posted on the AOL Personals site this August.  Was this a gentle or not-so-gentle reminder to women to shape up?  Female Body Type Men Most Prefer - Personals Articles . Here is the link to a more comprehensive article in Science Daily Rating Attractiveness: Consensus Among Men, Not Women, Study Finds and to the abstract itself Using revealed mate preferences to evaluate market force and differential preference explanations for mate selection. If women were really happy being size 12 or 14 this country would not be obsessed with yo-yo dieting.  I hate myself for saying this, but  women tell me all the time that they dress for other women, but lose weight for men. And why is that?  Because Men really do prefer thin women. This is one magazine that says what we do not really want to hear. Despite stories that say men look for brains, in fact, the Money Management International Survey repeatedly points out that men want looks and women want financial stability.  Each year at Valentine's Day these surveys surface. We can all pat ourselves on the back with stories such as this one  What Modern Men Want in Women. Then go back and look at the reasons for men who cheat -- it isn't just due to a lack of an emotional connection, the "telling it like it is" stories are biting.  When brides become women who stop taking care of themselves and begin putting on weight, men cheat. Why They Say They Cheat This Lifescript article quotes Steve Santagati, author of The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date and Mate – and What Women Can Do to Come Out on Top , The number 1 reason he says that men cheat, "She ain’t what she used to be." They say, "the typical man can’t resist the temptation of riper fruit, especially if the woman in his life has let herself go. If she got lazy or gained weight or just doesn’t take care of herself, a guy will start looking at other women,” Santagati says. Women who want to keep their men on a short leash need to take a “good, hard look in the mirror,” he adds. Reasons_Why_Men_Cheat While men say they like curves, the Erin Andrews peephole mania showed us that action speaks louder than words.  A thin body and beautiful breasts - not emaciated, but thin. As a trained public health professional I do know that at any given time we can choose one survey to bolster our point of view.  Therefore, I read many different articles to look for a consistent thread. With this story, we can all shoot the messenger in hopes of shutting out the message, but in a world of visual beings, we all know when we have let ourselves go. Today's story convinced me to drop a few more pounds.  I just lost 15 and put back on 10 so I am getting there.  My goal, which I expect to reach in about 5 more years, is to get back to a size 4. Fortunately I don't work for Ralph Lauren. On the other hand, a healthy dose of self-esteem never hurts. From our Modern Love Examiner: self-acceptance: daily dose of love Please leave comments at TheExaminer.com Model fired, yes, men prefer thin women]]> 973 2009-10-15 08:39:09 2009-10-15 11:39:09 closed open men-like-us-thin-ralph-lauren-model-fired publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1255606749 title Men like us thin, Ralph Lauren model fired Sue Decker, ex-Yahoo president, accused of drugs and sex in divorce scandal http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=974 Fri, 16 Oct 2009 11:41:51 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=974 A beach house and drug charges It seems that the only positive thing happening in the life of Sue Decker right now stems from a report that she has just purchased a waterfront home in pricey Marin County. Ex-Yahoo President Decker Pays $5.1 Million in California according to the Wall Street Journal several weeks ago. Also since leaving Yahoo, Decker has secured a new position Ex-Yahoo Sue Decker To Teach At Harvard - Yahoo! Finance Yesterday's news of Decker's alleged drug use, scandalous affairs, and spying on her husband was a dramatic contrast to the news of her dignified resignation in January as president of Yahoo after the company hired Carol Bartz for the top job of chief executive. According to NBC Bay area news Former Yahoo Exec's Divorce Gets Ugly and Ryan Tate at The Gawker actually posted some of the documents from the attorneys. In Messy Divorce, Ex-Yahoo President Accused of Being a Druggy, Philandering Spy. High profile and low class
    Is the world of love and marriage taking on a new look in high-level divorces -- low-class mudslinging?  What was once "until death do us part" is becoming until "we smear each other to death." With children involved, it is somewhat shameful that such allegations have surfaced.
    As one friend who survived a celebrity-status divorce says, "It only takes two people to tie the knot and say 'I do' and then a parade of attorneys to undo the ties that bind."  She thinks that this article should have read love, marriage, and greedy lawyers. For my part I am wondering who is looking out for "the best interest of the child."?
    Have you read:
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved
    974 2009-10-16 08:41:51 2009-10-16 11:41:51 closed open sue-decker-ex-yahoo-president-accused-of-drugs-and-sex-in-divorce-scandal publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255606935 _edit_last 2
    Todd English of "Olives" is cooking up revenge for the bride he left at the altar http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=975 Sat, 17 Oct 2009 12:05:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=975 Why Todd English Is The Worst Fiance Ever. In my earlier story, The bride wore black: Erica Wang parties; she and Todd English cancel wedding I talked about his cold feet and bail-out.  Wang held her head high and invited all the guests in New York for a wedding to stay for a "condolence party", including some of English's family. Now from the New York Post, we hear that  "He even stiffed her [Erica Wang] his bride-to-be with the final charges for the wedding."  She reportedly said he was forcing her to fork over $12,000. "Now that it's all over, English has cut off her credit cards and is forcing her to move out of their Chelsea apartment at the end of the month, she said. Because she was effectively English's personal assistant, she's also out of a job." Inside Todd English's canceled wedding Bostonians are steaming.  Some of my former neighbors on Beacon Hill are threatening to boycott his local staple on Charles Street, Figs, as well as Olives and Bonfire. What has everyone so hoping mad is the account of what happened.  Apparently after Erica Wang visited him in Florida and returned home to handle wedding details, English stayed there and partied.  He finally called, not his fiancee, but her bridesmaid to essentially say the wedding is off. The humiliation didn't end there for Wang, he sent security guards to their apartment while she packed to make certain that she didn't take anything that he wanted. Some say it is all about a pre-nup that she tore up.  Others say that they have been fighting for months. Those on the Hill are just shaking their heads at the mention of his name this days. There are often two sides to a story, but Todd's track record with women doesn't seem to add up to love, marriage, and respect. Here are photos of his own party the week-end he was to be married. Celeb chef Todd English ditches wedding for Wall And for more on the story, I will be checking with Mz. Maureen, my own Bostonian insider and confidante. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT Todd English cooking up revenge for bride-in-black Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 975 2009-10-17 09:05:19 2009-10-17 12:05:19 closed open todd-english-is-cooking-up-revenge-for-the-bride-he-left-at-the-altar publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1255608379 CBS sportscaster, Jim Nantz, reveals mistress in messy divorce http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=977 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:13:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=977 There are millions of dollar still in play.  And it seems that his wife's spending habits have raised eyebrowns.  It appears that she was not able to remember what a  $12,000 necklace that she recently purchased looked like. Here are stories about Jim and Lorrie Nantz making headlines today: CBS Sportscaster Outlines Wife's Lavish Spending Habits in Messy Divorce Trial FOXNews and TV sports guy weeps on stand New York Post. Extramartial affaris muddy the waters Here is what Daniel Tepfer, a staff writer the Norwalk Advocate, has to say. Take a look at the touching last line and you will understand why I believe so strongly that mistresses muddy the waters of a marriage that might be saved. "Watching the Jim Nantz divorce trial was like seeing a car crash -- you just couldn't look away. Nantz, the premier sportscaster for CBS television, was embroiled last week in a divorce trial in a small fifth floor Main Street courtroom with his wife of 26 years, Lorrie. And while the rules of civility and Superior Court Judge Howard Owens prevented it from becoming a knockdown, drag-out fight, there have been plenty of moments of drama.. . . "Clutching a pair of reading glasses in his hands, the 50-year-old Nantz teared up at times as he described his wife's foibles that he claims led up to the breakdown of their marriage.. . . "The trial over, Lorrie Nantz stood in the lobby of the courthouse sobbing. Stepping from the elevator, her husband saw her standing there alone and walked over and put his arms around her. Together they stood, arms wrapped around each other, sobbing." Norwalk Advocate Separated does not mean divorce A marriage is never over until someone is holding the final divorce decree.  So for those who say, "Well, they were separated anyway.  It does not mean that the marriage is over.  That is not to say that this marriage can be saved.  But one must think about the two people in each other's arms. COMMENTS PLEASE AT Mistress of CBS sportscaster is a bad play in divorce drama Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 977 2009-10-19 13:13:57 2009-10-19 16:13:57 closed open cbs-sportscaster-jim-nantz-reveals-mistress-in-messy-divorce publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1255968991 _edit_last 2 Steamy reactions to Meghan McCain's Twittered Breasts http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=978 Mon, 19 Oct 2009 16:19:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=978 I know I said in a recent column that men like thin women -- and I stand by that statement -- but they also really like breasts.  And we don't need research to explain the popularity of Hooters. Swimsuit models or erotica, a hot body turns men on As for Meghan McCain, here is her take as stated in the Los Angeles Times yesterday by Andrew Malcolm: "Could it be," McCain asked, "it's because I have breasts? Because for those of you who didn't know, I have two. They're larger than some women's and not as big as others. I don't usually show off my cleavage — as I did in the photos I posted — which I will admit is not the smartest thing I have ever done. But it’s just not worth the drama it caused." Bingo! "At the end of the day," she added candidly, "I am a work in progress. I am not perfect and have never given anyone the assumption that I am. I turn 25 next week (10/24) and I am still adjusting to the glare of the spotlight and making mistakes." "I'm not giving up my Twitter just yet," McCain promised. "I'm just going to be more judicious in how I use it." Don't call me a slut, Meghan McCain demands These reactions from Kansas City and CBS News:* Meghan McCain's breasts have Twitter all atwitter and * Meghan McCain Twitter Photo Creates Uproar - Political Hotsheet .... This report from our Celebrity Examiner: Meghan McCain posts sexy NSFW photo on Twitter (see it here) What's the point of breast poses?  Talk about it with your spouse or lover.  It's a conversation topic. Fat vs. thin. Breasts vs bottoms.  Have you ever really asked your man what he prefers?  I know so many women concerned aout their breasts and yet when they finally ask their husbands what they prefer, they discover it's their bottoms or their legs.  In a society that talks about sex, we are simply not enjoying it enough. So talk about this story.  And use it as a take off for some steamy moments at home. Love Choice: sexy gossip or passionate sex? All Rights Reserved/ Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 978 2009-10-19 13:19:14 2009-10-19 16:19:14 closed open steamy-reactions-to-meghan-mccains-twittered-breasts publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 title Steamy reactions to Meghan McCain\'s Twittered Breasts _edit_lock 1255969154 Winners and losers in the battle of the sexes http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=979 Tue, 20 Oct 2009 18:34:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=979 The State of the American Woman The article asks these questions:
    • Is the battle of the sexes really over, and if so, did anyone win?
    • How do men now view female power?
    • How much resentment or confusion or gratitude is there for the forces that have rearranged family life, rewired the economy and reinvented gender roles?
    • And what, if anything, does everyone agree needs to happen to make all this work?
    Here are the results of the TIME survey in Men, Women, and Society:
    1. The Argument About Women Working Is Over
    2. Men and Women Have Similar Life Goals
    3. Marriage Is More Important to Men Than to Women
    4. Growing Female Economic Power Is Widely Accepted
    5. Who Has Benefited Most?
    6. Working Mothers Are Broadly Accepted...
    7. ...And Yet, People Hold On to Traditional Visions for Family Life
    8. Daily Life Is a Story of Diplomacy Under Stress
    9. Men and Women Often Disagree on Who Is Doing What
    10. Both Men and Women Want More Help
    Some answers.  Many questions.  But the solution to the problem of happiness still evades us. I am reminded of a story told by Emmet Fox, whom Annie Lamont "Bird by Bird" and "Tender Mercies" often quotes.  It appears that there was an unhappy King in a far off land.  He ordered his servants to find him the happiest man in the kingdom so that he might ask the man for his undershirt, hoping that happiness would rub off.  The King's men searched far and wide and at last found the happiest  man.  But to the King's dismay, the happiest man was so poor that he did not even own an undershirt. For more about happiness, here is an earlier piece I wrote: Facebook is tracking happiness, our priceless commodity COMMENTS AT Who won the battle of the sexes? Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]>
    979 2009-10-20 15:34:52 2009-10-20 18:34:52 closed open winners-and-losers-in-the-battle-of-the-sexes publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 title Winners and losers in the battle of the sexes _edit_lock 1256063720
    Will Letterman's marriage survive a sex tape? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=980 Fri, 23 Oct 2009 02:53:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=980 National Enquirer -- will Regina Lasko forgive her husband, David Letterman, and forget the scandal? Just this week, Celebritygossip, on October 16, said, "A People source says Letterman's affairs, including an alleged liaison with former assistant Stephanie Birkitt, 'pre-existed his marriage' to Will Regina Lasko Stay with David Letterman?. Apparently People magazine said they have inside sources that say the liaisons took place before she and Letterman married. There now, does that settle it? Maybe not because today, the National Enquirer had an explosive story -- security cameras that caught Letterman "in the act." What will this mean for Regina and David? One must look at the length of time invested in their relationship.  She invested 20 years. They have a child together.  Despite his sexcapades, it seems to me that a woman who waits 20 years for marriage, will honor her vows -- for better or worse. Working out their differences is in the best interest of their child. The forgiveness factor Regina Lasko does have a choice with regard to the marriage and it may be with the forgiveness factor.  Her husband knows that there is a lot of healing work that lies ahead. Even if he did not technically cheat on his wife, through the years it appears as if he cheated on the mother of his child. The Mayo Clinic tells us, “Infidelity causes intense emotional pain — anger, disbelief, fear, guilt, shame. But an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage.”  Mayo Clinic Infidelity Here is the story from the NationalEnquirer.com/ David_Letterman_sex_tape_staff_office_surveillance_camera/ My earlier articles on Letterman include COMMENTS PLEASE AT The Letterman marriage: will vows outweigh a sex tape?]]> 980 2009-10-22 23:53:13 2009-10-23 02:53:13 closed open will-lettermans-marriage-survive-a-sex-tape publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1256266566 _edit_last 2 title Will Letterman\'s marriage survive a sex tape? Love, marriage, Letterman, and the NOW acccusations http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=981 Fri, 23 Oct 2009 21:55:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=981 Today CNN updated their story about the sparring taking place between NOW and Letterman's executive producer Ron Burnett who was quoted as saying "'as an employee of David Letterman's since 1985, I have personally found the work environment on his shows to be fair, professional and entirely merit-based at all times.'" "Burnett said that, for the past nine years, three of the show's four executive producers have been women, and all of them have worked for Letterman for more than 25 years. In addition, the heads of the talent and production departments are women, 58 percent of the show's staff are women, and all but one of the show's major divisions are led by women, he said. Read Burnett's letter (PDF) and NOWs accusations Women's group blasts Letterman over sexual affairs with staff "When word of Dave's lovers hit the news, Dave's former main squeeze (and head writer) Merrill Markoe commented, 'As you can imagine this is a very emotional moment for me because Dave promised me many times that I was the only woman he would ever cheat on.' " The Hollow Man - Dave surprised wife was upset! Women involved with men in the workplace are always at a risk.  Nonetheless, it happens often: Letterman affairs spotlight sex, romance in the workplace - CNN.com Looking for long lasting love and marriage?
    • Make sure you are dating marriage material
    • Give yourself a timeline -- not necessarily an ultimatum to your partner -- but rather an endpoint for yourself.
    • Review the rules of "Men who can't commit."
    • While we may all wish to fault Letterman for his behavior,  he was a single man who played by his own rules.
    • A word to the wise, in looking for a mate, those who are unavailable are often upfront and honest about it.  So watch where you pin your hopes and your heart. Amazon.com: Smart Women/Foolish Choices: Finding the Right Men ...
    Other stories about Letterman include: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    981 2009-10-23 18:55:14 2009-10-23 21:55:14 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1256266582 _edit_last 2 title Love, marriage, Letterman, and the NOW acccusations
    The Women's Conference: Maria Shriver, Lisa Niemi Swayze, and Elizabeth Edwards http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=982 Sun, 25 Oct 2009 06:07:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=982 The couple literally supported and stood by each other despite Patrick's bouts with alcohol and depression.  Their marriage was one of sharing. As noted in People.com, "Swayze and Niemi, who met as teenagers while they were both students at his mom's dance studio, shared one of Hollywood's most enduring romances. "Over the years, the couple -- both pilots who often flew together and shared a love of horseback riding and the outdoors -- developed "an ease," Swayze told PEOPLE in 2007. " 'We've been partners for a long time.' " Patrick Swayze's widow to break her silence‎ Sad to say for Elizabeth Edwards, her marriage has been tainted through her husband's indiscretions.  Yet, her memoir, Resilience, is an example to women, regarding the power of forgiveness.  However,  he has since revealed that he has a child with his mistress, as such Elizabeth is reportedly seeking a divorce. The conference is a gathering of  "more than 100 newsmakers and world opinion leaders with 25,000 women from all walks of life for to be 'educated, inspired and empowered to be Architects of Change in their own lives, within their communities and around the world,'" according to People.com.  More highlights on Tuesday. The conference will be streamed through PBS.Patrick Swayze's widow to break her silence‎ Here are stories about Patrick and Lisa Here are stories about John and Elizabeth Edwards Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 982 2009-10-25 03:07:05 2009-10-25 06:07:05 closed open the-womens-conference-maria-shriver-lisa-niemi-swayze-and-elizabeth-edwards publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1256537544 title The Women\'s Conference: Maria Shriver, Lisa Niemi Swayze, and Elizabeth Edwards Steve Phillips: a wife and two mistresses, then the 911 call (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=983 Mon, 26 Oct 2009 06:10:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=983 "Fatal Attraction is a 1987 thriller film about a married man who has a weekend affair with a woman who refuses to allow it to end and who becomes obsessed, Fatal Attraction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sometimes men go through mid-life crises as well, and it seems that in his sexual encounters with a production assistant, Phillips not thinking with his head.  What he probably expected to be a short escapade with a a young women has gone to extremely disturbing. Tubby Temptress" Filed Restraining Order, Gives Media The Finger‎.  The episode is costing him his family and possibly his job. Can that be because Phillips is a repeat offender?  Another mistress has surfaced, apparently more stable then Ms. Fatal Attraction: Steve Phillips first mistress Rosa Rodriguez surfaces When you read how Brooke Hundley cyber-stalked Phillips' teenage son, Steve Phillips Girlfriend Picture and a Statement from Teenage Son ...‎   posted today on The New York Daily News site, you will appreciate the well- documented look at this problem by Ruth Houston, our Infidelity Examiner:  Brooke Hundley's behavior raises questions every cheating man should ask about his mistress The problem with sexual encounters, particularly when one party is married, is the secrecy and the inability to look at the other person from a rational perspective -- hidden from friends and family who might be protective enough to see "the dark side." From Helium, Joe Gadlow reporting on a research study, says, "People are often caught up with the prospect of a relationship with someone that they are strongly attracted to and often don't recognize that each bright side has a dark side, so therefore these kind of relationships fail, due to the inability of one or both people to perceive the others negative aspects as simple human nature." The-make-or-break-theory-of-fatal-attraction. He is right, of course, we all have a dark side.  But for some, the dark side crosses over into dangerous and deadly. Other sports' marriages challenged include ]]> 983 2009-10-26 03:10:01 2009-10-26 06:10:01 closed open steve-phillips-a-wife-and-two-mistresses publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1256537523 _edit_last 2 title Steve Phillips: a wife and two mistresses The stalker-mistress has been fired from ESPN http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=984 Tue, 27 Oct 2009 03:53:06 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=984 "Mike Soltys, a representative of ESPN, said Monday that 22-year-old Brooke Hundley had been fired, but he did not say when or why. "Phillips, a former general manager of the New York Mets, was fired Sunday after the network said his ability to represent ESPN effectively had been 'significantly and irreparably damaged' by revelations about his affair with Hundley. ESPN: Woman who had affair with Phillips was fired Brooke Hundley not only terrorized Steve Phillips's wife, but she also reportedly posed as a 16 year-old to get Steve and Marni Phillips' relationship from their son on Facebook. According to the statement "Steve Phillips' girlfriend 'asked specific inappropriate questions about my parents such as: do they sleep in the same bed? Do you think that they will be getting a divorce? Do they fight a lot? Does it hurt you what your dad has done?' ''Now, if that doesn't show you just how nuts Steve Phillips' girlfriend is, and doesn't make you want to find a Steve Phillips girlfriend picture just to see who is behind this craziness, maybe what I will share with you next will show you," says Meg C. for Associated Content. Steve Phillips Girlfriend Picture and a Statement from Teenage Son .. In the world of love and marriage,  a man may stray, but a woman can take the high road and say, "I'm sorry, but you are a married man."  It is the only honorable way to live and assure that families are not torn apart.   Additionally, a woman with the courage to say, "No" might be giving a message to the husband that he may need to seek help from a family therapist. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT THE EXAMINERHere is an earlier article with video: Steve Phillips: one marriage, two mistresses, and a 911 call (video)]]> 984 2009-10-27 00:53:06 2009-10-27 03:53:06 closed open the-stalker-mistress-has-been-fired-from-espn publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1256615587 _edit_last 2 How does a sex scandal turn Letterman into a mensch? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=985 Sat, 31 Oct 2009 23:28:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=985 wowOwow asked: David Letterman vs. John Edwards: When someone comes clean about their wrong doing are you willing to forgive them? One of the opinions was from Candice Bergen who says that Clinton crumbled, Edwards is roadkill, and Letterman turned into a mensch.  How is that? It is about how one handles wrongdoing.  Bergen said: "'Letterman emerged as more humane, more manly, more of a mensch than before."Candice Bergen on How the Sex Scandal Turned Letterman Into a mensch The forgiveness factor For David Letterman, the real issue is the affect of his indiscretions with regard to his wife, a woman who spent years hoping to be his wife.  If she has the courage to forgive, then they have a child and should get on with their lives.  Even with adultery, Jenny Sanford is a model of someone who had the courage to forgive.Jenny Sanford and Mark: give us more gossip and we'll cheer on ... In terms of the forgiveness factor with each of these men each case took a different turn. Hillary was openly forgiving of Bill.  But many people believed it was a Republican manufactured scandal with many of those senators pointing fingers already involved in their own scandals. As for John Edwards.  Elizabeth initially was forgiving, but he seems to have lost her and most of his followers with the continuing cover-up and lies. With David Letterman, we need to remember that he was not a married man and therefore no "infidelity" per se took place.  Women willingly fell for the Letterman charm.  A recent accusation citing her experience from ten years ago says it was a hostile work environment for women.  That may be true.  But waiting 10 years to speak out dilutes her claims. More bad news for Letterman and his nightly escapades Additionally, this is what just transpired between NOW and the Letterman producer:  Women in love: NOW accuses Letterman, producer defends him Here are some of my other Letterman articles: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 985 2009-10-31 20:28:41 2009-10-31 23:28:41 closed open how-does-a-sex-scandal-turn-letterman-into-a-mensch publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257041764 _edit_last 2 Plus-size models debate: have sex, lose weight http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=987 Sun, 01 Nov 2009 17:37:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=987
    Cleis Press
    Women applaud the plus-size models while doctors are dismayed that we are giving in to the new overweight in America. In a recent National Public Radio broadcast, On Point with Tom Ashbrook, he commented that 30 percent of Americans are now obese and two-thirds are overweight. Despite nearly $147 billion spent on obesity-related illness, there is a new kind of acceptance and even celebration of heavy Americans. Overweight America | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook  Men prefer thin women with curves. However, the question each woman must ask herself is this, “Do I want to lose weight for myself, or to please the man in my life?”  The answer should be, “I want to lose for my health.”  As such, plus-size models should serve as an inspiration to appreciate one’s body no matter what size.  BUT a firm reminder that as a nation we need to lose weight. When Glamour depicted a plus-size model thousands of readers were thrilled.  And now the magazine seems to be saying, if one is good, more is better.  Maybe. Frankly the more I looked at the woman with her stomach flopped over her thighs (yes wearing my stomach) the greater the incentive it gave me to go on a serious weight loss program. When husbands and wives, or couples share the incentive to be healthy -- it's a love and marriage win-win. The problem with weight loss is boredom.  Frankly I hate it.  Since sex is the best exercise for couples, we are thumbing through Alison Tyler's, "Never Have the Same Sex Twice." Never Have the Same Sex Twice, Alison Tyler, Book - Barnes & Noble from Cleis Press. My earlier pieces on the topic: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson: All Rights Reserved ]]>
    987 2009-11-01 14:37:54 2009-11-01 17:37:54 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257032317 _edit_last 2 title Plus-size models debate: have sex, lose weight
    Our bodies, our weight: a sexy solution http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=988 Mon, 02 Nov 2009 04:24:14 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=988 From my Providence Journal column, Sunday,  November 1, 2009 When Glamour magazine featured a nude plus-size model, women applauded, while physicians shook their heads in dismay. Was this a sign that women have given up on finding their healthy weight? Before the women’s cheers subsided, Ralph Lauren fired his size 4 model, weighing in at 120 pounds, for being too fat. As women’s relationship to their bodies made headlines, two disconcerting realities glared. Our society is ballooning. And men like thin women. In a world focused on men and women looking for partners, “thin is in.” A survey of 4,000 men and women ages 18 to 70 by Wake Forest University determined that thin women have the advantage. Was this a hint for women to shape up before signing up for their perfect match? Given men’s preferences, “thin bodies and plump breasts,” it is understandable, though not acceptable, to read that men cheat when thin brides become women who joke about their jelly rolls and wear sweat pants and T-shirts to bed at night. One notable exception to the thin preference is Steve Phillips, former ESPN sportscaster. He recently lost his job and his wife after a “sexcapade” turned into a fatal attraction with a young “tubby temptress” as she was dubbed by the media. Author Steve Santagati says that the number one reason men cheat is because “She ain’t what she used to be.” His controversial book is “The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date and Mate — and What Women Can Do to Come Out on Top.” Is it women’s responsibility to starve themselves just to keep men on short leashes? Or is it time to take personal action rather than turning a plus-size model into a poster child for those who keep saying, “I just need to lose a few extra pounds.” In fact, a look at the calculations for Body Mass Index (BMI) reveals that those “few extra pounds” are often closer to 30 pounds, which push the unsuspecting into the obese category. The reality dose is such that by BMI calculations, someone 5’3” and 165 pounds is obese. The Web site for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a calculator for determining weight, overweight and fitness that divides weight (in pounds) by height (in inches squared) then multiplies that number by 703. Sounds like hocus-pocus, but a BMI reading translates as follows: 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy; from 25.0 to 29.9 is overweight, and 30.0 or higher is considered obese — not morbidly obese — but enough to compromise one’s health. In a recent National Public Radio “On Point” program, Tom Ashbrook commented that 30 percent of Americans are now obese and two-thirds are overweight. Despite nearly $147 billion spent on obesity-related illness, there is a new kind of acceptance and even celebration of heavy Americans. The question each woman must ask herself is this: “Do I want to lose weight for myself, or to please the man in my life?” The answer should be, “I want to lose for my health.” As such, plus-size models should serve as an inspiration to appreciate one’s body no matter what size. However, for those thinking of the men in their lives, unleash the size 12 Marilyn Monroe within you. Wear alluring tart dresses or tight jeans and tops. Develop a self-assured flair. Flaunt seduction. But sign up for a serious weight loss program. It does not matter what program or which doctor’s advice one chooses to follow, the secret is simply eating less and moving more. In addition to a regular weight-loss routine, the best exercise for couples is sex. While the exact number of calories burned depends upon intensity and position, about 30 minutes of non-stop lovemaking can burn off calories consumed from two slices of pizza. Unlike running, swimming, or walking, the real bonus here is that creative love will never be boring. For those who are hell bent on losing weight, try Alison Tyler’s book “Never Have the Same Sex Twice." Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 988 2009-11-02 01:24:14 2009-11-02 04:24:14 closed open our-bodies-our-weight-a-sexy-solution publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257222373 _edit_last 2 title Our bodies, our weight: a sexy solution Sex triggered amnesia and the sex video of forgetful ex-Miss California http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=989 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:59:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=989 Sex Tape Got Prejean to Settle Suit Medical report: sex triggered amnesia In the real world of love, sex, and marriage, however, a recent case was reported in which a 59 year-old-women awoke one morning, had sex with her husband, and then become disoriented to the point of  amnesia. According to new CNN reporting:  "For decades, doctors described cases of a rare neurological condition that usually occurred in patients over age 50. Neurologists noted that patients knew their identities, but could not retain recent memory, where they were and how they got there. They showed no other symptoms. "Sex is one of the major triggers for the baffling medical condition called transient global amnesia in which patients lose their ability to retain immediate memory."  Sex, then amnesia ... and not a soap opera This is one of those conditions that makes single women wish they were married. Waking up from sex and not remembering what took place, sounds frightening enough.  But can you imagine being with someone who is not a life long partner during such moments? Fortunately in this recently reported case, the woman and her husband had a sense of humor and he knew to get her help immediately. Since it is a relatively rare condition, one need not panic.  It is always helpful, however, to have the name and phone number of one's physician available.  This is not something that just affects women.  Levitra, for erectile dysfunction, added transient global amnesia to its side effects last year. More about Carrie Prejean:  Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 989 2009-11-05 12:59:15 2009-11-05 15:59:15 closed open sex-triggered-amnesia-the-sex-tape-forgetful-of-ex-miss-california publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257457418 _edit_last 2 description Carrie Prejean title Sex triggered amnesia; did ex-Miss California forget about sex video? Custoday battle: Sandra Bullock and Jesse James v. the ex-porn star and ex-con man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=990 Fri, 06 Nov 2009 12:43:42 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=990 Sandra Bullock 'Blind Sides' the competition Bullock is married to biker and "Monster Garage" star Jesse James.  He reportedly married her when his ex-wife was pregnant to daughter, Sunny.  Now, Bullock and James are in a custody battle with James' ex-wife, former porn star Janine Lindemulder, for their five-year old child.  Janine has since remarried Jeremy Aikman. Bullock, James battling his ex for child According to Cafe Mom, Jeremy Aikman is an ex-con. Janine also served time and it was during her term in prison that Bullock and James were awarded custody of Sunny. Sandra Bullock Fights for Custody of 5-Year Old Stepdaughter.  But now Janine Lindemulder wants the child back. Marriage, family, and parenting What constitutes an unfit parent?  The laws vary by state but many judges are concerned about children whose parents are drug users. Unfit Parent Law & Legal Definition. However, in 1990 The Child Welfare League of America published Children at the Front: A Different View of the War on Alchohol and Drugs which outlined a comprehensive strategy to better respond to the needs of children. The call was for child-centered, family-focused alchol and drug abuse policies looking at effective ways to preserve or reunite families.  In most cases, there is a law-appointed guardian advocating for the best interest of the child. In other gossip: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 990 2009-11-06 09:43:42 2009-11-06 12:43:42 closed open custoday-battle-sandra-bullock-and-jesse-james-v-the-ex-porn-star-and-ex-con-man publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257486509 _edit_last 2 Love Choice 101: Why is George Clooney laughing these days? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=991 Tue, 10 Nov 2009 00:38:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=991 It's good to be George Clooney - CNN.com We don't know where she stands on the humor scale, but we do know that men want women who laugh at their jokes.  And women prefer men who make them laugh. Sounds like the perfect marriage. In the world of love and marriage, laughter should always be a top choice. A Mood Booster: laughter heals CNN reported recently from the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England. “Over the course of history, women actively look for signs that their man is intelligent, and I believe the ability to actively judge the situation and pull off a joke and make you laugh is an intelligent feat,” said Kristofor McCarty, a researcher at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England, and author of the study, in an e-mail. Women, men, and laughter Studies reported by Lee Berk, M.D., a neurologist at Loma Linda University in California, and his team, as well as other researchers, show that laughter prompts changes in the body that may help the immune and endocrine systems to function better.  Laughter increases the number and activity of cells that help us fight disease and decreases stress-related hormones. Laughter is contagioius The nice thing about laughter is that it’s contagious, according to Robert Provine, Ph.D., of the University of Maryland. When you hear other people laugh, you tend to laugh too. Provine suggests that laughter does something special to our brains to trigger the laugh sounds in us. In research released this past December, happiness is contagious.  In a social network, happiness spreads among people up to three degrees removed from one another. That means when you feel happy, a friend of a friend of a friend has a slightly higher likelihood of feeling happy too.   The lesson is that taking control of your own happiness can positively affect others, says James Fowler, co-author of the study and professor of political science at the University of California in San Diego.”  Happiness.social.network In love and marriage -- three thoughts
    • Share laughter
    • Make love often
    • Be forgiving
    Research findings in the medical literature indicate that laughter has healing properties.  So if you are really not in the mood for some passionate sex, find a reason to share a laugh or click on this You Tube video. The reporter cannot stop laughing COMMENTS PLEASE WITH Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved]]>
    991 2009-11-09 21:38:35 2009-11-10 00:38:35 closed open love-choice-101-why-is-george-clooney-laughing-these-days publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257816272 _edit_last 2
    Happiness 101: worrying women, Matt Laurer, and happiness over hostility http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=992 Tue, 10 Nov 2009 20:43:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=992 How to squash worry and grab more happiness Along with anxiety and worry often comes anger, sniping, and unkind words that overcome our ability to be happy. However, here are three hints: Three things you can do today to increase happiness today from our West Palm Beach Marriage Examiner. According to Discovery, "There is new software today that is able to track happiness through Facebook and Tweets."Blogs, tweets help scientists measure happiness - Discovery.com ... Oftentimes I research the medical literature regarding happiness.  In clearing my office the other day, I came across this transcript from The Today Show interview with Matt Lauer and me.  It is as relevant today as it was then. The happiness choice Despite factors around us, when it comes to happiness over anger or worry or hostility, we have a choice.  When I think about the number of couples who go to bed angry each night, I wonder what it would be like if they simply could press a button that would switch their disposition from hostility to happiness, from anger to understanding and forgiveness. Transcript of my interview on the Today Show, Matt Lauer and me LAUER: This morning, on our continuing series FOREVER YOUNG; A GUIDE TO LIFE AFTER 50. . . grumpy old men. They may be a hit at the box office, but being a curmudgeon—male or female as you grow older—is usually not much of a hit with your friends and family. And it’s even bad for your health, according to Rita Watson, a public health expert and associate fellow at Yale University’s Ezra Stiles College. MATT LAUER: Rita, good to see you. Good morning. RITA WATSON: Good morning. LAUER: Before we get to the specific health consequences of being grumpy and angry all the time, how do you know if you’re on the road to being a curmudgeon? WATSON: Well, friends begin to avoid you. People stop returning your phone calls. And you—internally, you begin to re-live events that made you angry in the past, and realize that people—you’re angry because people didn’t do things your way. So you begin telling everyone what to do and how to do it. And, of course, it’s your way. LAUER: Let’s go through a couple of different scenarios here. And we can see—for people at home, especially—if they’re on the road to becoming a curmudgeon. And while we talk about the road, let’s say we’re driving, OK? WATSON: Mm-hmm. LAUER: And the person—We’re in the fast lane on the highway. WATSON: OK. Alright. LAUER: And the person ahead of us is going too slowly. What would be a good sign that you’re a curmudgeon in terms of your reaction to that? WATSON: What would you do? LAUER: I would—I would—like Maria, I would toot on my horn gently, and would say, “Would you please move out of my way,” before gesturing wildly. What—what would a curmudgeon do? WATSON: Actually, what a curmudgeon might do—it’s not really what you do, it’s how you do it, and not what you say—it’s how you say it. So if—if the curmudgeon—in the research studies by Tom Hardy, at Duke University, he asked people those questions. And what you might say—“Oh, I’d pass them,” or “I guess I’d pass them,” or “I’d PASS them. I’m not going to get stuck behind some jerk who doesn’t know how to drive.” LAUER: Or you jam on the horn, and scream as you’re going by, and you yell again as you pass the guy. WATSON: You jam on the horn, you scream as you’re going by. Absolutely. LAUER: Second scenario, what happens if someone shows up for an appointment late? WASTON: Well, it depends again on your reaction. If you say to them, “Look, this is really unacceptable,” or “I can’t do this anymore, you’re always late,” or if you say, “Can’t you tell time? What’s the matter with you?” So again… LAUER: So in other words, you’re looking for the overreactions to these situations. WATSON: We’re looking for the overreactions or the subtle simmering, you know, the passive-aggressiveness. LAUER: And if you’re in a grocery store, and the person is packing the bag in a way that you don’t find appropriate, if you grab the bag from them and start packing yourself and say, “Let me show you how to do this.” WATSON: That’s right. LAUER: So those are good signs that you’ve got a problem and you need to calm down. WATSON: Those are good signs that you have a problem. LAUER: What are the health consequences associated with this kind of overreaction and angry behavior? WATSON: Well, not just overreaction, but also the cynical hostility. It’s heart attacks. Heart attacks—hostility predicts like gang busters in terms of heart attacks. And it also isolates you socially. And social isolation is another factor that pre—that contributes to heart disease and cancer. LAUER: But I was always told that it’s better to let things out than simmer. WATSON: That’s right. LAUER: So if you pass the slow person on the road and scream for a second, it might actually release some of the tension. WATSON: Again, it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it and how you feel afterward. In other words, if you can say something, and let it go, then go on from there and turn into a more positive place. You’re—we’re looking for happiness. Happiness is a lot healthier than hostility. SIGNS OF SUBTLE HOSTILITY [on-camera chart from RW research]
    LAUER: Now let’s take a look at some of the things that people should remember to decide if they are a curmudgeon. Here’s the list that you have—people do begin to avoid you. RITA WATSON: Mm-hmm. LAUER: Second—friends stop returning your phone calls. And this is one that I have to admit I do. You re-live the events that make you angry. Why is that so bad? WATSON: Because actually it’s a forgiveness problem. In many—in many ways, you need to learn to forgive, let go, and begin to look—to lighten up, to say, “Was it really that important?” LAUER: Let’s switch over now to the things that you should do to become happier in life and—and eventually then live longer because of it. WATSON: OK. MOOD BOOSTERS [on-camera chart from RW article]
    • LAUGH
    LAUER: First you say, spend more time with friends and family. WATSON: Yes. This is what was in the NEW CHOICES* article I just wrote. Yes, because—again, for social—socialization, friendships keep you healthier, keep you happier. LAUER: Second, manage the subtle stress. We all know that it’s hard to manage stress if you get in a car accident. What do you mean by subtle stress? WATSON: Right. Those day-to-day events that really, really irk you. You know, the job that you don’t like, the driving to work every day on a road that’s always crowded. It’s the—it’s the stuff that’s difficult to have control over. Change that situation somehow. LAUER: Laugh. WATSON: All the time. Got to laugh. You want all the lines in your face to go up. LAUER: Control your anger is probably an obvious one. WATSON: Yes. Yes. LAUER: The next is exercise, which we’ve heard is a good way to—to relieve stress. WATSON: To relieve stress and tension, yes. LAUER: And finally, embrace change. What do you mean by that? WATSON: Change is very difficult. Change even for the better is hard for people. No one really wants to change. But one day you reach a point where you say to yourself, “You—you need to change, because it’s too painful not to.” LAUER: And finally, the expression my folks always use with me—it just takes a lot less energy to be happy than it does to be angry. WATSON: Absolutely. Your folks were right. LAUER: Rita Watson, thanks very much. We appreciate it. WATSON: Thanks. Thank you, Matt. *NEW CHOICES magazine, a Reader’s Digest publication, June 1998 lead article, cover story: Feel Happier, Be Healthier Transcript from The Today Show, WNBC-TV, July 15, 1998, page 171 I will be posting mood boosters this week as a follow-up to this column. In the interim, here are some happiness articles written by other Examiners and myself as well.  Here are my earlier pieces: COMMENTS PLEASE WITH Love and Marriage Examiner Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved]]>
    992 2009-11-10 17:43:22 2009-11-10 20:43:22 closed open happiness-101-worrying-women-matt-laurer-and-happiness-over-hostility publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1257813966 _edit_last 2
    Steve Phillips' stalker takes her tears to 'Good Morning, America' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=993 Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:38:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=993 Steve Phillips Girlfriend Picture and a Statement from Teenage Son ...‎  and then hear the 911 call,  you will wonder how it is that the girlfriend of Steve Phllips -- the young woman knowingly dating a married man -- can be shedding tears on television. Steve Phillips: one marriage, two mistresses, and a 911 call (video) As I have said often, the problem with sexual encounters, particularly when one party is married, is the secrecy and the inability to look at the other person from a rational perspective -- hidden from friends and family who might be protective enough to see "the dark side." Ms. Hundley has been dubbed a "Tubby Temptress" and "delusional" by the press.  Now look at what she is claiming in her "Good Morning America" interview as reported by New York Daily News today:   She says that she acted as she did to "get out of her horrific situation." Phillips' mistress: I wasn't 'just some random girl'. It often occurs that women involved with married men think they are the special one.  Perhaps she missed the story that reads: when you are involved with another woman's husband, it is called adultery. The family has serious healing work ahead.  What is to be served by giving Brooke Hundley an audience? Mayo Clinic Advice on Healing after an Affair: The Mayo Clinic tells us, “Infidelity causes intense emotional pain — anger, disbelief, fear, guilt, shame. But an affair doesn’t have to mean the end of your marriage.”  To learn more about how a marriage can be rebuilt after an affair, go to Mayo Clinic Infidelity. ]]> 993 2009-11-12 00:38:33 2009-11-12 03:38:33 closed open steve-phillips-stalker-takes-her-tears-to-good-morning-america publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1258084016 What does his body language tell you about his feelings for you? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=994 Fri, 13 Nov 2009 03:41:31 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=994 He said in his article: "When I am asked what is the most reliable means of determining the health of a relationship, I always say that words don't matter. It's all in the language of the body. The nonverbal behaviors we all transmit tell others, in real time, what we think, what we feel, what we yearn for or what we intend." Every body’s talking. Cosmo editors put together a slide show that helps us decipher the secrets to what it means when he:
    • Pulls you onto his chest.
    • Spoons you.
    • Puts his head in your lap.
    • Throws an arm around you.
    This article even gives a hint as to what kind of lovemaking you might expect based on his cuddling techniques. What His Cuddling Tells You In fact, Kerri Johnson, PhD, an associate professor at UCLA,says that just based on the way someone walks one can tell the difference between Gay, Straight, or Lying? In this era of down-low behavior, Love and Marriage 101: What is down-low behavior? women want to know. How can you tell?  MSNBC.com says:  Watch his Walk In terms of actions, take a look at the way Aston Kutcher stares at Demi Moore, the two alays seem to be hopelessly in love. Demi Moore says she's a puma not a cougar‎ - Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    994 2009-11-13 00:41:31 2009-11-13 03:41:31 closed open what-does-his-body-language-tell-you-about-his-feelings-for-you publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1258083691 _edit_last 2
    Plus-size models and men who like thin women http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=995 Sun, 15 Nov 2009 03:45:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=995 Overweight America | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook Men prefer thin women with curves. However, the question each woman must ask herself is this, “Do I want to lose weight for myself, or to please the man in my life?”  The answer should be, “I want to lose for my health.”  As such, plus-size models should serve as an inspiration to appreciate one’s body no matter what size.  BUT a firm reminder that as a nation we need to lose weight. When Glamour depicted a plus-size model thousands of readers were thrilled.  And now the magazine seems to be saying, if one is good, more is better.  Maybe. Frankly the more I looked at the woman with her stomach flopped over her thighs (yes wearing my stomach) the greater the incentive it gave me to go on a serious weight loss program. When husbands and wives, or couples share the incentive to be healthy -- it's a love and marriage win-win. The problem with weight loss is boredom.  Frankly I hate it.  Since sex is the best exercise for couples, we are thumbing through Alison Tyler's, "Never Have the Same Sex Twice." Never Have the Same Sex Twice, Alison Tyler, Book - Barnes & Noble from Cleis Press. My earlier pieces on the topic: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved]]> 995 2009-11-15 00:45:40 2009-11-15 03:45:40 closed open plus-size-models-and-men-who-like-thin-women publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1258084020 Carrie Prejean: 8 sex tapes, 30 nude photos, 1 slithering ex under a rock, and a red flag http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=996 Wed, 18 Nov 2009 03:42:45 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=996 Exclusive: 30-nude-photos-8-sex-tapes-carrie-prejean-surface In the Carrie Prejean story, the ex boyfriend's name has not surfaced. Presumably he will one day crawl out from under the rock where he is hiding and make some money selling his side of the story while claiming to feel an obligation to set the record straight. Carrie Prejean, naughty nudie, dissed by blabbing ex-boyfriend This ex-boyfriend is sounding more and more like another disgruntled ex-boyfriend cashing in at someone's expense. Perhaps he knows Levi Johnston. Levi Johnston flunks condoms, tries Vanity Fair (video) A warning to young sexters -- watch what you do "for love' If there is any good coming out of this seamy affair with Carrie Prejean, it may be the red flag  to young people "sexting" boyfriends and girlfriends without thinking about consequences. Let the release of the Prejean tape serve as a warning.  In this age of sensationalism, sex tapes and sexting have a way of finding a wider audience.  Prejean admits to making the tape for her boyfriend when she was a teen -- although the ex claims she was 20 and was asked to lie about her age. According to EDGE, Boston: Prejean's Boyfriend: Plenty More Tapes & She Asked Me to Lie Right now sexting and sex tapes are running the Internet gamut with teens. "Sexting" Shockingly Common Among Teens - CBS News.  And as reported in the Huffington Post last week, "Sexting alone just by itself will land a kid in jail," Pittman said. "They are not aware of the implications, the consequences. It's their future that we're trying to save."  'Sexting' Targeted In Oklahoma Hearing Love and privacy In the world of love, if a boyfriend says "If you loved me, you would show me" make sure you keep it off a cell phone and sex tape. Better yet, find a boyfriend who values you.  And this works both ways.  If you feel you need to attract a boyfriend with a sexy video, he probably is not worth your effort or the embarrassment that will be created for you when he passes your picture around the locker room. With regard to Carrie Prejean, if her ex is looking to diss her, he has certainly taken a cowardly turn. In looking back at: Love and Marriage 101: What are 10 ways to diss your ex? I pointed out that sometimes the best way to diss an ex is by saying nothing at all.  It gives an air of  "he (or she) is not worth my discussing."  Then again, here is another tactic, the old saying, "Love your enemies, it will drive them crazy."  When it comes to ex-husbands and lovers, it is probably best to stay on speaking terms.   And for those exes who are honorable, expect that your privacy will be respected. Please leave comments at The Examiner: Carrie Prejean, naughty nudie, dissed by blabbing ex-boyfriend Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 996 2009-11-18 00:42:45 2009-11-18 03:42:45 closed open carrie-prejean-8-sex-tapes-30-nude-photos-1-ex-under-a-rock-and-a-red-flag publish 0 0 post title Carrie Prejean has 8 sex tapes, 30 nude photos, 1 ex under a rock, and a red flag _edit_lock 1258516723 _edit_last 2 Brown Campus Love Affair, Emma Watson http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=997 Wed, 25 Nov 2009 00:41:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=997 Emma Watson's new beau Here are more photos http://allieiswired.com/archives/2009/11/emma-watson-hooking-up-with-rafael-cabrian-photos/ Young love is so refreshing.  It reminds us all of what it feels like to walk on air.  And it is a feeling we can capture at any moment we choose.  It is very simple to do.
    • Simply look at your lover or spouse with fresh eyes.
    • Think of all the reasons you chose to be with him.
    • Lavish him with praise.
    • Begin to see his soul and goodness instead of his faults.
    • Whisper loving words to him until you believe in young love once again.
    PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT:  Love and Marriage ExaminerRita Watson Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/  All Rights Reserved]]>
    997 2009-11-24 21:41:22 2009-11-25 00:41:22 closed open brown-campus-love-affair-emma-watson publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1259109859
    Thanksgiving Gratitude from Celebrities http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=998 Thu, 26 Nov 2009 00:44:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=998 Amazon.com: A Serenity Journal: 52 Weeks of Prayer and Gratitude by Rita Watson.(The priming concept is based on academic research.Rita Watson Bio) Here are some Thankful Quotes From Celebrities who include: Robin Williams, Kate Gosselin, Michael J. Fox, Renee Zellweger, Michael Strahan, Billy Ray Cyrus and many other film stars and TV persinalities. Many are grateful for family and those whom they love. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT Love and Marriage Examiner /Rita Watson
    Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    998 2009-11-25 21:44:23 2009-11-26 00:44:23 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1259109957 _edit_last 2
    Are White House gate crashers thrill-seeking partners in crime? Take the quiz http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=999 Fri, 27 Nov 2009 23:50:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=999 According to the New York Times "The Secret Service is investigating how a couple aspiring to be reality-show celebrities managed to appear at President Obama’s first state dinner without being on the guest list, provoking questions about security at the White House.The inquiry was begun after a Virginia couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, slipped past multiple layers of high-level White House security." The Times further noted that "Producers for Bravo, the cable channel, have been following and filming the couple this fall. The channel confirmed that Michaele Salahi was being seriously considered for the coming series 'The Real Housewives of D.C.'” It was Brian Williams of NBC News who first noticed that the couple's car was turned away. They hoped out and gained access through a pedestrian entrance.  Within hours, Michaele Salahi had photos on her Facebook page pictured rubbing elbows with those who were on the White House guest list. Obamas' Uninvited Guests Prompt an Inquiry Further reading indicates that the couple is involved in a slew of lawsuits one of which involved nearly ruining a wedding. White House crashers named in 16 civil suits - CNN.com Partners in Crime Quiz How they manged the feat is still a mystery.  Watch the video footage and then take the "Partners in Crime Quiz" to find out which couple you most resemble.  I would put the gate-crashers in with Katheryn and Sebastian, rather than   Buffy and Angel, Scully and Mulder, or Sidney and Vaughn.Secret Service facing heat following success of White House party crashers. Have some fun with this Partners in Crime quiz for couples: partners in crime: a couples quiz and find out which profile you best fit.  The site tells us "History has given us a whole slew of famous (and infamous) couples. Committed to kicking butt, causing chaos or just cooking up some crazy schemes, these partners in crime also found the time to fall in love. And so may you."  If you love intrigue, find out if you are: It is a nine question quiz, which you might enjoy. Some couples become turned on by the unknown and it remains to be seen what consequences, if any, the Salahi's face.  Their inappropriateness calls to mind another squeamish presidential moment: Cheating: Marilyn Monroe and Jack Kennedy, Happy Birthday, Mr President (video) PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT The Examiner.com: White House gate-crashers, 'partners in crime' thrill-seekers (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 999 2009-11-27 20:50:49 2009-11-27 23:50:49 closed open are-white-house-gate-crashers-thrill-seeking-partners-in-crime-take-the-quiz publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1259475338 _edit_last 2 Debt-ridden White House gate-crashers living brazen life http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1000 Sat, 28 Nov 2009 20:52:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1000 The Wall Street Journal noted "President Barack Obama asked for a full review of how a Virginia couple was able to crash Tuesday's state dinner for the prime minister of India, a White House official said Friday." Obama Calls for Probe of White House Crashers. Mounting debt says his father The New York Daily News reports that Tareq Salahi, co-founder of The Land Rover America's Polo Cup, and his parents have been battling in court over control of the family's Oasis Winery in Fauquier County, Va. The parents claim they need to sell the 108-acre winery to pay off more than $1 million in debt their son has allegedly tallied. Tareq Salahi is fighting to hold on to the winery, betting he and his wife can turn the business around next year. His father, however, has little faith. " 'They lost the home,'" Dirgham Salahi, 82, told The News, explaining that his son's 4,000-square-foot house in Front Royal, Va., is in foreclosure." White House state dinner party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi are no strangers to trouble. Right now they are taking a low profile while their attorney maintains they did nothing wrong. The Washington Post says: Secret Service seeks out the White House gatecrashers. CNN reported that they have 16 civil suits against them noting that "Oasis Winery filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in February, according to U.S. Bankruptcy Court records in the Eastern District of Virginia. Tareq Salahi is listed as company president in the filing. Creditors listed include the IRS, Fauquier County, the state of Virginia, several banks and American Express Corp., among others. The company claims about $335,000 in assets and $965,000 in liabilities. . . .According to the February filing, Oasis made $1.7 million in 2007 but only $35,000 in 2008. The filing lists two pending lawsuits against Oasis, one for more than $300,000 for "catering services" and one judgment against the company. Under  'repossessions,' the filing lists a 2004 Aston Martin, which it estimates was worth $150,000 when it was repossessed in October 2008. Some $85,000 was still owed, according to the filing. In addition, a boat valued at $90,000 was repossessed in June 2008, with $56,000 still owed, according to court documents. White House crashers named in 16 civil suits Couples and money problems Under usual circumstances money woes trigger depression and anger. But in an interview last year for the Providence Journal with Yale psychiatrist William Hurt Sledge, M.D., medical director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital, he noted: “Some people reach out to each other and actually become more generative and generous, bringing a sense that whatever awful things happen, they will endure with the good that they have.” It seems that the Salahis have made a spotlight pact to endure.
    COMMENTS PLEASE AT The Examiner.com: Debt-ridden White House party crashers living brazenlyCopyright 2009 Rita Watson / All Rights Reserved
    1000 2009-11-28 17:52:19 2009-11-28 20:52:19 closed open debt-ridden-white-house-gate-crashing-living-brazen-life publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1259475359 _edit_last 2 title Debt-ridden White House gate-crashing living brazen life
    Tiger Woods car accident: the price of anger http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1001 Sun, 29 Nov 2009 06:10:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1001 Gossip: Tiger Woods teeing off as two-timing rumors fly. Today we learn from TMZ that the accident may have resulted from an argument between Woods and his wife regarding the alleged affair:  They said: " We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club." Tiger Woods: Injuries Caused by Wife, Not SUV Here are photos from the Huffington Post Tiger Woods Injured In Car Accident (PHOTOS. When couples argue If the allegations turn out to be true, we understand his wife's anger.  But right now they are speculative. Nonetheless, we can understand her consternation.  But anger often leads to unexpected and unwanted consequences. "Anger is a very powerful emotion that can stem from feelings of frustration, hurt, annoyance, or disappointment. It is a normal human emotion that can range from slight irritation to strong rage." Anger management - WebMD Regarding Tiger Woods affair, here is another perspective. "Tiger Woods’ marriage the latest casualty of accident rumors" in which Tinamarie Bernard says: Whether or not the accident is connected to rumors that Tiger Woods is having an affair isn't proven nor is it the point of this column. What Modern Love wants to know is this: can public citizens ever have private lives? Do we wonder why "Privacy" is the name of the yacht owned by Woods? Have you read my stories on the White House gate crashers? YOU MAY LEAVE COMMENTS AT: Gossip: Tiger Woods teeing off as two-timing rumors fly. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1001 2009-11-29 03:10:52 2009-11-29 06:10:52 closed open tiger-woods-car-accident-the-price-of-anger publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1259475152 title Tiger Woods car accident: the price of anger Tiger Woods and the $55 million prenup to save his marriage http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1002 Sat, 05 Dec 2009 00:08:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1002 Tiger and Elin Woods: Renegotiating Prenup, Yeah! - Reports of a total package for his wife range from $55 million to $80 million. It looks as if he will not be purchasing the Kobe diamond special after all.  But if the rumors are true, he is saying, in so many words, that he values his marriage,  and keeping his family together is priceless. Tiger Woods offers wife Elin Nordegren $80M to stay for seven years in revised ... New York Daily News. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT THE EXAMINER.COM Tiger Woods: scandal and $55 million prenup to save a marriage Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1002 2009-12-04 21:08:07 2009-12-05 00:08:07 closed open tiger-woods-and-the-55-million-prenup-to-save-his-marriage publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1259971960 Sexy mistresses vs women wishing for a sex drive http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1003 Sun, 06 Dec 2009 00:20:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1003 Other woman, Rachel Uchitel, in Tiger Woods’ story is a stunner We have reported on a string of sexy women this year who emerged as lovers to married men.  As we wonder -- did Tiger Woods have an affair or didn't he -- a cruel twist of fate was reported this week.  In a world in which mistresses are portrayed as  oversexed lovers, the women to whom men turn for hot sex -- the New York Times reported  the flip side: women with such low sex drive that they are in therapy to help increase desire. The condition is so common  that doctors are taking it seriously. The British Columbia Center for Sexual Medicine in Vancouver is holding group therapy sessions for women affected by lack of sexual desire. The women are hoping to stimulate their sex driv.  The condition affects about 30 percent of middle-age women.  Women Who Want to Want With 20 million sexless couples in the United States, men are quick to seek out prescriptions. Women are more timid about discussing the condition with their doctors. Last November the Journal of Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause reported on testosterone therapies and other drugs that may help to stimulate the libido. Perhaps these will help women with rekindling desire. As Marcel Proust has pointed out  “desire makes everything blossom." Rachel Uchitel: sexy mistresses vs women longing for a sex drive The truth about the alleged mistress of Tiger Woods is this -- we do not know the truth. But in a world of innuendo and finger pointing, Rachel is perceived as "the other woman" despite her denials.  Other woman, Rachel Uchitel, in Tiger Woods’ story is a stunner We have reported on a string of sexy women this year who emerged as lovers to married men.  As we wonder -- did Tiger Woods have an affair or didn't he -- a cruel twist of fate was reported this week.  In a world in which mistresses are portrayed as  oversexed lovers, the women to whom men turn for hot sex -- the New York Times reported  the flip side: women with such low sex drive that they are in therapy to help increase desire. The condition is so common  that doctors are taking it seriously. The British Columbia Center for Sexual Medicine in Vancouver is holding group therapy sessions for women affected by lack of sexual desire. The women are hoping to stimulate their sex driv.  The condition affects about 30 percent of middle-age women.  Women Who Want to Want With 20 million sexless couples in the United States, men are quick to seek out prescriptions. Women are more timid about discussing the condition with their doctors. Last November the Journal of Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause reported on testosterone therapies and other drugs that may help to stimulate the libido. Perhaps these will help women with rekindling desire. As Marcel Proust has pointed out  “desire makes everything blossom." Rachel Uchitel: sexy mistresses vs women longing for a sex drive Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1003 2009-12-05 21:20:58 2009-12-06 00:20:58 closed open sexy-mistresses-vs-women-wishing-for-a-sex-drive publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1260247492 Tiger Woods update: porn star appears, wife disappears http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1004 Tue, 08 Dec 2009 04:43:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1004 Tiger Woods sex saga has reportedly driven his wife Elin Nordegren Woods out of the couple's Orlando-area mansion." Tiger Woods' wife flees mansion amid sex scandal‎ . Frankly, we would have been happier if she packed his bags and said, "Out!" There were also reports that she had urged him to seek counseling for his sex addiction.  That may have been a step towards healing.  However the more these women claiming to have had sex with Tiger Woods surface, the more difficult it will be for his wife to feel a sense of dignity, even with intense marriage counseling. The forgiveness factor may be the only hope for this marriage. If Elin can look at Tiger and say, "My husband has an illness -- it is not heart disease, it is not cancer, but it is damaging and killing us"  -- then perhaps she can work with him to salvage their marriage. But no one has confirmed a sex addiction.  With ESPN baseball analyst, reports confrimed what many have been whispering, and according to the New York Daily News," Steve Phillips is addicted to sex. While society accepts alcoholism -- and too often ignores its seriousness -- sex addicts are treated differently.  And a spouse is often in a difficult and embarrassing situation despite the fact that a husband may require treatment and she needs sympathy and support. An Tinamarie Bernard noted in SNL skit coming out of the Tiger Woods (video) "Cheating rarely occurs in a vacuum. Most often, the partner who cheats does so with the underlying desire to escape something – boredom, pressure, anxiety, or the sense of being trapped for example. Sometimes an underlying psychological dysfunction – sexual addiction – is to blame." Tiger Woods, Jamie Jungers and a 5th mistress come forward: Sexual addiction and sexy money Psychology Today defines a sex addict as follows: "Insatiable sexual hunger is not really a desire, an act of will, but rather a desperate need, a compulsion that is experienced as a craving. The need is pursued like a drug. . . . Like a drug addict or alcoholic, the sex addict relentlessly seeks satisfaction from an external source to palliate an internal pain."  What Drives a Sex Addict? Since we don't know the real Tiger Woods story, perhaps we should give Elin the privacy and sympathy she needs to try to salvage their marriage. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1004 2009-12-08 01:43:41 2009-12-08 04:43:41 closed open tiger-woods-update-porn-star-appears-wife-disappears publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1260247467 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: the dark secret of drug use and his overdose http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1005 Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:59:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1005 just reported that "Rather than the idea that Woods was hit with a golf club by his wife Elin Nordegren, (who as of this writing is back at home with Woods and her mother, it now looks that she may have smashed the windows of the 2009 Cadillac SUV if only to wake up the possibly groggy Woods.Did Tiger Woods overdose before the car accident? The TIMESonline reported that "Tiger Woods was investigated for driving while unfit after his wife told a Florida state trooper that he had been drinking before his car crash last month and had been prescribed addictive drugs. "Documents released by the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office in Orlando have revealed that the golfer was suspected by state troopers of being “impaired” when he took his Cadillac Escalade on a brief but wild ride that ended when he hit a fire hydrant and a tree. "Despite being told that Woods, 33, 'had consumed alcohol earlier in the day' and that he had been prescribed the sleeping drug Ambien and the painkiller Vicodin, both of which can compromise the ability to think and react, a request by the Florida Highway Patrol to obtain his blood test results from a hospital was refused by the state attorney.Tiger Woods took drink and drugs before crash, wife told police Since Tiger Woods is the clean cut athlete, word of drug use, perscription or otherwise, would tarnish his image. The story is playing out sadly in terms of addictions. Tinamarie Bernard addressed what appears to be a sex addiction: Tiger Woods: madonna and the whores complex? Cheryl Williams tells me, "Sex addiction is becoming more prevalent among men and women. I believe it is very real. Some may use it as a mere excuse, but in other cases, I believe it is a very destructive addiction. I have known people suffering from it, and it only gets worse and worse...threatening their very lives. Hopefully, if Woods is a sex addict, he will seek the help he so desperately needs." Tiger Woods and the lethal combination that led to his fall from grace For more about Tiger Woods mother-in law please read: Mysterious woman taken by ambulance from Tiger Woods' home; Elin moves out.  As you can see, this story takes new turns each minute. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS AT: Tiger Woods drug use and overdose are hot news, dark secret Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1005 2009-12-08 23:59:07 2009-12-09 02:59:07 closed open tiger-woods-the-dark-secret-of-drug-use-and-his-overdose publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1260327643 title Tiger Woods: the dark secret of drug use and his overdose Tiger Woods takes golf leave to focus on his wife and children; apologizes for infidelity http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1006 Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:17:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1006 Within moments of my report about Tiger Woods going into retirement,  Tiger Woods: nude photo ban, a love child, and golf retirement he posted a statement on his website. In part it reads: " I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children. I want to say again to everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness." He adds:  "After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf. I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father, and person." TigerWoods.com: Tiger Woods taking hiatus from golf I have often written that couples can recover from infidelity.  It takes desire and commitment.  We wish them well. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1006 2009-12-11 00:17:44 2009-12-11 03:17:44 closed open tiger-woods-takes-golf-leave-to-focus-on-his-wife-and-children-apologizes-for-infidelity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1260938146 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods update: Mistress and Tiger's mother, together again http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1007 Tue, 15 Dec 2009 04:51:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1007 Mother and mistress seem to be cozily close to Tiger Woods once again.  First came the news that I reported last week -- Mama Woods was on the Melbourne tour that also included Rachel Uchitel. Now two interesting news items recently surfaced:Rachel Uchitel Staying Just Miles From Tiger Woods' Home, Yacht according to FOX News and then photos of Tiger Woods mother heading for Florida to be close to her son. Tiger Woods saga: Golfer's mother spotted in Los Angeles at LAX (video).  Can it be that Mamma Woods not only approves of Rachel but is aiding and abetting the demise of his marriage to Elin Nordegren? Behind the scenes: Has Kutilda Woods been hoping secretly that Tiger's games would ruin a marriage with her feisty daughter-in-law?  While everyone is wondering if the caddies knew, what about his mother who was often just a sneeze away?  She may not know what she is getting into with Rachael: Tiger Woods “alleged mistress” Rachel Uchitel hires Feminist Lawyer Gloria Allred to fight for her As mother rushes to be by her son's side, fearful of his mental health -- what was she thinking in Melbourne when she was "charging up the credit cards" while her son entertained Rachael?  Here is what the Australian Herald Sun reported: "Sources said Elin Nordegren has accused her mother-in-law Kultida of turning a blind eye to her son's alleged liaisons with Rachel Uchitel. "Crucially, when Woods and Uchitel are said to have met behind his wife's back in Melbourne last month, his mother was part of his entourage. "Sources say Woods even joked that Thai-born "Tida" had been "hammering his credit card" in swish Melbourne restaurants Nobu and Rockpool, while he is said to have been entertaining the well-bred Uchitel in his 35th floor suite of the city's exclusive Crown Towers hotel.Tension between mother and wife emerges as factor in Tiger Woods ... If Tiger Woods is really wanting to keep his family together, then he should leave Mama and Rachel in Florida and take his family away for privacy and healing -- action speaks louder than words. Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 1007 2009-12-15 01:51:54 2009-12-15 04:51:54 closed open tiger-woods-update-mistress-and-tigers-mother-together-again publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1260939408 Tiger Woods, 'family first, golf second interview' airs http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1008 Wed, 16 Dec 2009 14:53:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1008 The British publication, The Daily Mail,  reported today: "They are the words which must be keeping him awake at night. In his last interview before his spectacular fall from grace, Tiger Woods claimed that his family would always come first. Speaking on the Sky Network in New Zealand, Woods told sports broadcaster Murray Deaker his family has 'been the best thing that ever happened' to him. Deaker then asked him, 'Family first and golf second - [Will it] always be like that?' Tiger answered, 'Always.' Read more: Dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article Are these the words of a hypocrite? A person living on the tightrope of truth and lies?   I don't think so.  I believe that Tiger Woods clearly has the intention to be a good father and husband, but somewhere he is consumed by his inability to stay faithful. He has often said that his mother was the disciplinarian and his father the softie -- perhaps this is a young man who is still rebelling against a dominating mother whom he both loves and respects in an addictive sort of way. And the relationship may be what triggered his rebellious behavior.  Those in his corner and rooting for him, wish he would send his mother home and focus on his family. Copyriht 2009 Rita Watson]]> 1008 2009-12-16 11:53:40 2009-12-16 14:53:40 closed open tiger-woods-family-first-golf-second-interview-airs publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1260939409 Tiger Woods: Elin leaves, Rachael stays; Athlete of Year shares Golf Digest cover with Obama (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1011 Fri, 18 Dec 2009 04:52:49 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1011 Official White House Photo/ Pete Souza* The Tiger Woods story has taken many turns.  The latest story is that Elin Nordegren is filing for divorce. Elin Nordegren has decided to divorce Tiger Woods Rachael Uchitel, Mistress #1 is staying close by. Elin Nordegren Packing Up, Rachel Uchitel Staying Close And in the irony or ironies, not only has Tiger Woods been named the Associated Press Athlete of the Year, but he shares the January 2010 cover of  Golf Digest with Barack Obama.Golf Digest Stands by Putting Tiger Woods on Cover With Obama Their website says, "TIGER AND OBAMA -- Writers and players share what they think the president can learn from the world's best golfer -- and vice versa." Being a good athlete does not necessarily go hand in hand with being a good husband and father. But in the world of love and marriage, one reason I take offense at women dating married men  or men "who are separated" is that one is not free without a divorce decree.  Until that date, anything can change if there is no other man or women to interfere with the marriage bond. Rita Watson: Wall Street to Main Street: Looking for love .... "Several years ago I wrote that men and dogs should come with papers — the dogs to prove their pedigree and the men to prove they are really free." In the words of baseball legend Yogi Berra, "It ain't over until it's over."  Or one of my recent favorite expressions, "Everything will be all right in the end.  And if it isn't all right, it isn't the end."  There is still hope for the family of Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren to survive. Here is the AP Video regarding Tiger Woods as Athlete of the Year. COMMENTS PLEASE AT: Tiger Woods update: Elin leaves, Rachel stays; Athlete of Year shares cover with Obama (video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1011 2009-12-18 01:52:49 2009-12-18 04:52:49 closed open 1011 publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1261112152 White Christmas means shopping locally, stress free (Andrea Bocelli video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1013 Mon, 21 Dec 2009 17:42:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1013 East Coast Winter Storm Hits Amherst Virginia. Whether you are preparing for a long winter's snowy night by visiting hardware stores, or doing some last minute Christmas shopping in sunny California -- reduce anxiety. Shop locally whether on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Main Street, USA, or on Charles Street in Beacon Hill. 15 million expected to fight for last-minute Christmas gifts In Austria and Germany, the public squares are turned into holiday bazaar's for shopping and sharing good cheer. Stay away from malls, they create tension. Spend more time enjoying your love, your spouse, your family, and less time worrying about finding "the perfect gift." Here is some advice from the Huffington Post, which notes: "The holidays are here and, for many of us, so is holiday stress. Reduced budgets can mean stressing more this year over how much to spend on gifts." Tips To Prevent Holiday Stress And Avoid Faking The Holiday Spirit Many of us have found two ways to shop to reduce holiday stress. Only buy from not-for-profit organizations or museums. Or shop the neighborhood from tree ornaments to sleds to a new "pied a terre." Keep your car at home. Be good to the environment. Indulge in a holiday stroll. Meet your local shopkeepers. Drink in the scenery. And find yourself in Santa land.Here is Andrea Bocelli singing "White Christmas." And in this Christmas season as with every season, remember the words of the old philosopher, "Be kind to everyone whom you meet. We never know what heaviness may be in their hearts." To view slideshow of glittering Christmas, an old fashioned visit to Charles Street in Beacon Hill, please go to:  Snow storm churning: reduce stress, find Christmas magic at local shops (music video) Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1013 2009-12-21 14:42:47 2009-12-21 17:42:47 closed open white-christmas-means-shopping-locally-stress-free-andrea-bocelli-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1261417367 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: why are we addicted to the 'Cheetah' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1015 Thu, 24 Dec 2009 04:23:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1015 Addicted to Tiger Woods - GOLF.com - Tours & News - Golf.com In two years time, addiction to Tiger Woods spread beyond the golf world and included the media, his mistresses, his fans, his detractors.  We could not get enough of the Tiger Woods tale. Perhaps one reason for the media addiction is the fact that reporters never seemed to get wind of Tiger's secret life. It almost seems as if every word written today will compensate for all the words that could have been written if only we had known. Media were clueless of Tiger's double life | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/23/2009 Why are we so addicted to Tiger Woods and celebrity gossip? This week Psychology Today tells us: "...with respect to Tiger Woods or any other celebrity, the public desire to put them on a pedestal to attain almost God-like status and them participate in anguish, pity or loathing when they fall, seems to have less to do about the celebrities, and more to do with the mental states of those that allocate them celebrity status." Tiger Woods and our obsession with celebrities Who is no longer addicted? Two main players in Tiger Woods life no longer seem addicted, Golf Digest and his wife: Here are other stories from the Examiner -- while we may be addicted to Tiger Woods, he may have a serious sex addiction one that his friends kept quiet. Here are some of my earlier pieces: Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1015 2009-12-24 01:23:07 2009-12-24 04:23:07 closed open tiger-woods-why-are-we-addicted-to-the-cheetah publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1261852123 _edit_last 2 title Tiger Woods: why we are addicted to the \'Cheetah\' Charlie Sheen involved in Christmas domestic violence http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1014 Fri, 25 Dec 2009 12:18:21 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1014 Two and a Half Men" actor on domestic violence charges at about 8:30 a.m., Aspen Police Department officials said." Actor Charlie Sheen arrested on domestic violence charge; Spends Christmas in jail. The media is responding quickly on this story -- after being somewhat shamed that Tiger Woods eluded the press for too many years.   To read the full story and leave comments, please go to: Charlie Sheen released after Christmas domestic violence arrest Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All rights reserved ]]> 1014 2009-12-25 09:18:21 2009-12-25 12:18:21 closed open charlie-sheen-jailed-and-released-for-domestic-violence publish 0 0 post title Christmas domestic violence lands Charlie Sheen in Aspen jail _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1261861791 Brooke Mueller said to be legally drunk during Christmas bash http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1017 Sat, 26 Dec 2009 04:25:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1017 Brooke Mueller, legally drunk, has Charlie Sheen jailed for domestic violence Copyright 2009  Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1017 2009-12-26 01:25:00 2009-12-26 04:25:00 closed open brooke-mueller-said-to-be-legally-drunk-during-christmas-bash publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1261852025 Rachael Ray, cooking up passion, in hottie kitchen photos http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1018 Mon, 28 Dec 2009 13:51:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1018 Rachael Ray, kitchen hottie, cooking up passion (racy photos, video)]]> 1018 2009-12-28 10:51:47 2009-12-28 13:51:47 closed open rachael-ray-cooking-up-passion-in-hottie-photos publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1261929516 _edit_last 2 title Rachael Ray, cooking up passion, in hottie kitchen photos Sen.Max Baucus: 'cheater sex' and 'drunk video' allegations during health care debate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1019 Mon, 28 Dec 2009 19:07:19 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1019 Senator Baucus: alcohol, 'cheater' sex, and 'drunk' video Copyright 2009 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1019 2009-12-28 16:07:19 2009-12-28 19:07:19 closed open max-baucus-montana-senator-cheater-sex-and-drunk-video-allegations-during-health-care-debate publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1262027757 _edit_last 2 title Senator Baucus in \'cheater sex\' and \'drunk video\' allegations Tiger Woods heads 'Top 10 Cheaters' list, 2009 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1020 Tue, 29 Dec 2009 23:41:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1020 Tiger Woods heads 'Top 10 Cheaters' list for 2009]]> 1020 2009-12-29 20:41:35 2009-12-29 23:41:35 closed open tiger-woods-heads-up-top-10-cheaters-list-2009 publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1262134700 title Tiger Woods heads \'Top 10 Cheaters\' list, 2009 Predictions for Love and Marriage 2010 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1022 Sat, 02 Jan 2010 19:06:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1022 For anyone of you wondering about love and marriage in the New Year -- you can go to a horoscope to check out what is predicted in the New Year, or take control and chart your own course.
    To leave a comment and read the full story, go to Love and Marriage predictions: love in 3 steps, 2010
    Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]>
    1022 2010-01-02 16:06:11 2010-01-02 19:06:11 closed open predictions-for-love-and-marriage-2010 publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1262459172 _edit_last 2
    New Tiger Woods story from the National Enquirer, a photo worth millions http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1024 Mon, 04 Jan 2010 02:22:03 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1024 Tiger Woods 'groping' photo worth divorce millions, National Enquirer (video)]]> 1024 2010-01-03 23:22:03 2010-01-04 02:22:03 closed open new-tiger-woods-story-from-the-national-enquirer-a-photo-worth-millions publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1262658221 _edit_last 2 title New Tiger Woods story from the National Enquirer, a photo worth million Tiger Woods update: sex rehab, Vanity Fair, and Elin -- ready to forgive and forget? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1023 Tue, 05 Jan 2010 02:15:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1023 Tiger Woods update: rehab, Vanity Fair, and Elin, ready to forgive and forget]]> 1023 2010-01-04 23:15:59 2010-01-05 02:15:59 closed open tiger-woods-update-sex-rehab-vanity-fair-and-elin-ready-to-forgive-and-forget publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1262657759 _edit_last 2 title Tiger Woods update: sex rehab, Vanity Fair, and Elin -- ready to forgive and forget? 1647 http://jenniferlw73.wordpress.com/2010/01/05/out-comes-the-sex-tape/ 2010-01-05 11:28:35 2010-01-05 14:28:35 0 pingback 0 0 Tiger Woods in hiding - debunked, may appear with Oprah http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1025 Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:44:01 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1025 Tiger Woods hiding in NY debunked, may appear with Oprah]]> 1025 2010-01-07 04:44:01 2010-01-07 07:44:01 closed open tiger-woods-in-hiding-debunked-may-appear-with-oprah publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1262850241 _edit_last 2 Charlie Sheen gets new date to reverse protection order, but loses out on underwear http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1027 Sat, 09 Jan 2010 13:26:16 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1027 Charlie Sheen loses underwear ties, but gets new date with judge]]> 1027 2010-01-09 10:26:16 2010-01-09 13:26:16 closed open charlie-sheen-gets-new-date-to-reverse-protection-order-but-loses-out-on-underwear publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263054407 _edit_last 2 Succulent Saturday: aphrodisiacs, passion, and a horizontal date http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1026 Sat, 09 Jan 2010 16:20:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1026 Succulent Saturday: aphrodisiacs, passion, and panting for more Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1026 2010-01-09 13:20:53 2010-01-09 16:20:53 closed open succulent-saturday-aphrodisiacs-passion-and-a-horizontal-date publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263054053 _edit_last 2 title Succulent Saturday: aphrodisiacs, passion, and a horizontal date Husband snatchers, women who are stealing your man http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1028 Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:00:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1028 Women who are stealing husbands Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1028 2010-01-12 11:00:05 2010-01-12 14:00:05 closed open husband-snatchers-women-who-are-stealing-your-man publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263304893 _edit_last 2 title Husband snatchers, women who are stealing your man Brawlers Brooke and Charlie Sheen, in and out, want each other back http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1030 Fri, 15 Jan 2010 22:59:37 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1030 Brawlers Brooke and Charlie Sheen, in and out, want each other back ]]> 1030 2010-01-15 19:59:37 2010-01-15 22:59:37 closed open brawlers-brooke-and-charlie-sheen-in-and-out-want-each-other-back publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263683117 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods is recovering in rehab and helping in Haiti; Obama backing him http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1029 Sat, 16 Jan 2010 22:53:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1029 Tiger Woods is recovering in rehab and helping in Haiti; Obama backing him Copyright 2009 Rita Watson]]> 1029 2010-01-16 19:53:50 2010-01-16 22:53:50 closed open tiger-woods-is-recovering-in-rehab-and-helping-in-haiti-obama-backing-him publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263682430 _edit_last 2 title Tiger Woods is recovering in rehab and helping in Haiti; Obama backing him Succulent Sex: Italian aphrodisiac pasta and 5 intimate after-dinner tips http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1031 Sun, 17 Jan 2010 16:27:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1031 Succulent sex: Italian aphrodisiac pasta and 5 sexy after-dinner tips. Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1031 2010-01-17 13:27:39 2010-01-17 16:27:39 closed open succulent-sex-italian-aphrodisiac-pasta-and-5-intimate-after-dinner-tips publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263745659 _edit_last 2 keywords sex, aphrodisiac, tips, book ideas, title Succulent Sex: Italian aphrodisiac pasta and 5 intimate after-dinner tips National Popcorn Day: 10 best romantic movie trailers and best orgasm video; snuggle up http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1032 Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:54:27 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1032 National Popcorn Day: 10 best romantic movie trailers and best orgasm video; snuggle up Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1032 2010-01-19 13:54:27 2010-01-19 16:54:27 closed open national-popcorn-day-10-best-romantic-movie-trailers-and-best-orgasm-video-snuggle-up publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1263929904 _edit_last 2 Pierce Brosnan's wife and the great weight debate, dieting for him or her? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1033 Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:48:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1033 The buzz is that Keeley Shaye Smith has a personal trainer and is looking to lose her 'baby on board' weight. While the headlines say she is losing for her man, we hope she is losing for her health as well.  As of late, she is photographed looking as if she has reached obesity.  To  read more and to comment on this story, please go to: Pierce Brosnan's wife and the great weight debate (video)

    1033 2010-01-20 18:48:10 2010-01-20 21:48:10 closed open pierce-brosnans-wife-and-the-great-weight-debate-dieting-for-him-or-her publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264024090 _edit_last 2 keywords weight, over weight, Pierce Brosnan, description Struggling with obseity, Kelley Shaye Smith has hired a personal trainer. title Pierce Brosnan\'s wife and the great weight debate, losing for him or for her?
    Tiger Woods: the real sex rehab story, Today Show video http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1035 Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:09:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1035 Tiger Woods: the real sex rehab story, Today Show video Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1035 2010-01-22 01:09:11 2010-01-22 04:09:11 closed open tiger-woods-the-real-sex-rehab-story-today-show-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264219801 _edit_last 2 title Tiger Woods: the real sex rehab story, Today Show video Tiger Woods: duped by his sex rehab photos but not reality of marriage in crisis http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1034 Sat, 23 Jan 2010 04:05:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1034 Tiger Woods: duped by photos but not reality of marriage in crisis Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1034 2010-01-23 01:05:05 2010-01-23 04:05:05 closed open tiger-woods-duped-by-his-sex-rehab-photos-but-not-reality-of-marriage-in-crisis publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264219505 _edit_last 2 title Tiger Woods: duped by his sex rehab photos but not reality of marriage in crisis John Edwards finally admits to love child (video), and the Enquirer goes for a Pulitzer http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1036 Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:14:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1036 The Rebeller: Should National Enquirer Win Pulitzer for John Edwards story? and the link to ABC News, which says the Pulitzer committee nixed the idea. Should National Enquirer Win Pulitzer for Edwards Coverage? - ABC News For the full story and to leave comments, please go to: John Edwards finally admits to love child (video) Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1036 2010-01-24 01:14:05 2010-01-24 04:14:05 closed open john-edwards-finally-admits-to-love-child-video-and-the-enquirer-goes-for-a-pulitzer publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264220572 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods and his 19th mistress revealed as Elin sneaks into sex rehab to meet him http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1037 Sun, 24 Jan 2010 06:31:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1037 Tiger Woods 19th mistresses appears as Elin sneaks to meet him Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1037 2010-01-24 03:31:40 2010-01-24 06:31:40 closed open tiger-woods-and-his-19th-mistress-revealed-as-elin-sneaks-into-sex-rehab-to-meet-him publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264316322 _edit_last 2 1650 http://jenniferlw73.wordpress.com/2010/01/25/elin-visits-tiger-in-rehab/ 2010-01-25 14:10:46 2010-01-25 17:10:46 0 pingback 0 0 Brad and Angelina split rumors; their body language tells the story http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1038 Tue, 26 Jan 2010 02:06:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1038 Brad Pitt and Angelina split rumors; their body language tells the story. Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1038 2010-01-25 23:06:40 2010-01-26 02:06:40 closed open brad-and-angelina-split-rumors-their-body-language-tells-the-story publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264471600 _edit_last 2 Brad Pitt and the cave men; bromance retreats help marriages http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1040 Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:37:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1040 Brad Pitt and the cave men; bromance retreats help marriages copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1040 2010-01-28 11:37:23 2010-01-28 14:37:23 closed open brad-pitt-and-the-cave-men-bromance-retreats-help-marriages publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264689443 _edit_last 2 Cheater John Edwards and Elizabeth split legally (video); Brad and Angie splitting or not http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1039 Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:40:38 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1039 Full Story ]]> 1039 2010-01-28 11:40:38 2010-01-28 14:40:38 closed open cheater-john-edwards-and-elizabeth-split-legally-video-brad-and-angie-splitting-or-not publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264689623 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: 'mistress' golf balls and stripper prank a PGA hit (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1021 Sun, 31 Jan 2010 01:56:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1021 Full Story]]> 1021 2010-01-30 22:56:56 2010-01-31 01:56:56 closed open tiger-woods-mistress-golf-balls-and-stripper-prank-a-pga-hit-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1264903016 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: sex addition, treatment, and the forgiveness factor http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1044 Mon, 01 Feb 2010 05:50:44 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1044 Tiger Woods: sex addition, treatment, and the forgiveness factor, 101]]> 1044 2010-02-01 02:50:44 2010-02-01 05:50:44 closed open tiger-woods-sex-addition-treatment-and-the-forgiveness-factor publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265089949 _edit_last 2 Brad and Angelina: 'all the world's a stage' for better or worse http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1042 Tue, 02 Feb 2010 05:47:03 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1042 Full Story]]> 1042 2010-02-02 02:47:03 2010-02-02 05:47:03 closed open brad-and-angelina-all-the-worlds-a-stage-for-better-or-worse publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265089623 _edit_last 2 Love lies: Brangelina PR stunt ; Edwards sex tape restraining order (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1043 Tue, 02 Feb 2010 05:48:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1043 Love lies: Brangelina PR stunt ; Edwards sex tape restraining order (video)…]]> 1043 2010-02-02 02:48:56 2010-02-02 05:48:56 closed open love-lies-brangelina-pr-stunt-edwards-sex-tape-restraining-order-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265089736 _edit_last 2 Scandalously romantic sex tips; 1 is Valentine amour http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1045 Thu, 04 Feb 2010 05:40:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1045 With Valentine's Day just opening us up to love, prepare yourself for the feast of Amour. Start today to feel sexy about yourself. Treat yourself to one new sexy negligee or lace bra and pantie set. Write a note to yourself that says, "I am a loving person and I deserved to be loved." To read more and comment, please go to: Scandalously romantic sex tip; 1 is Valentine 'amour']]> 1045 2010-02-04 02:40:30 2010-02-04 05:40:30 closed open scandalously-romantic-sex-tips-1-is-amour-in-valentine-countdown publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265344245 _edit_last 2 Elizabeth Edwards claims abuse; children in the crossfire http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1048 Thu, 04 Feb 2010 13:22:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1048 Bombshell: Elizabeth Edwards claims domestic abuse; children in the crossfire]]> 1048 2010-02-04 10:22:56 2010-02-04 13:22:56 closed open elizabeth-edwards-claims-abuse-children-in-the-crossfire publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1265343818 Jenny Sanford's 'Staying True' reveals true lies of infidelity http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1050 Fri, 05 Feb 2010 04:29:22 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1050 Full Story]]> 1050 2010-02-05 01:29:22 2010-02-05 04:29:22 closed open jenny-sanfords-staying-true-reveals-true-lies-of-infidelity publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265344162 _edit_last 2 Scandalously sweet and sexy love tip 2, Valentine silk http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1056 Sun, 07 Feb 2010 03:19:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1056 Valentine's Day can be any day or every day for couples. Start today to feel sexy about yourself with wonderful lotions that make your skin...Sandalously romantic sexy love tip 2, Valentine silk

    1056 2010-02-07 00:19:34 2010-02-07 03:19:34 closed open scandalously-sweet-and-sexy-love-tip-2-valentine-silk publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265685676 _edit_last 2
    Brad, Angelina, and staged Superbowl smiles seek to dispel rumors; PR machine at work http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1051 Mon, 08 Feb 2010 12:08:38 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1051 Full Story]]> 1051 2010-02-08 09:08:38 2010-02-08 12:08:38 closed open brad-angelina-and-staged-superbowl-smiles-seek-to-dispel-rumors-pr-machine-at-work publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265630918 _edit_last 2 Scandalously romantic love and sex tips 3, Valentine coeds and couples http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1055 Mon, 08 Feb 2010 14:15:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1055 Keep Reading ]]> 1055 2010-02-08 11:15:17 2010-02-08 14:15:17 closed open scandalously-romantic-love-and-sex-tips-3-valentine-coeds-and-couples publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265685481 _edit_last 2 Scandalously sweet and sexy love tips, 4, Valentine dress-up and desire http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1054 Tue, 09 Feb 2010 03:10:18 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1054 Full Story]]> 1054 2010-02-09 00:10:18 2010-02-09 03:10:18 closed open scandalously-sweet-and-sexy-love-tips-4-valentine-dress-up-and-desire publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265685157 _edit_last 2 Jenny Sanford on The View talks kindly of Mark despite infidelity (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1057 Tue, 09 Feb 2010 18:22:47 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1057 Jenny Sanford on The View looks gorgeous in many ways -- she has a new look with her long hair.  But she also reveals an inner beauty and peace despite her husband's infidelity. She seems to be a woman who honestly believed in her husband and his "inexperience" in the world.  And while some may say she made execuses for him, she also shows common sense. For more on this story and to leave comments, please go to: Jenny Sanford on The View talks fidelity, family, and kindly of Mark (video) ]]> 1057 2010-02-09 15:22:47 2010-02-09 18:22:47 closed open jenny-sanford-on-the-view-talks-fidelity-family-and-kindly-of-mark-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265740423 _edit_last 2 Sweet and sexy love tip 5, Valentine exotic and entertaining http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1058 Wed, 10 Feb 2010 05:19:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1058 Have you ever watched a movie with a erotic and sexy stripper who is a true entertainer?  Here is the original Stripper music from David Rose with some fun ladies from another era. Now all you really need is a  feather boa, the music, and a slow, careful unwrapping of yourself creating both an exotic or even erotic mood. This should be a fun time in which the feather boa can serve as a playful and entertaining tease. Try a bit of erotic stripping to this original music and then read Alison's exotic ideas. Alison's sexy tip #5, exotic
    Alison by Alison
    In her book for Cleis Press, E Is for Exotic ,  says, "Exotic locations lend themselves to sexual exploration. Travelers are free from the mundane details of ordinary life." Here are Alison's tips for exotic! Forget about updating your passport or breaking your piggy bank for a getaway. Create an exotic mood right at home. If you're a beachy-keen couple, spread out terrycloth towels and rub pineapple-scented oil on one another. Light little tiki lamps (or ordinary candles) and make love right on the living room floor -- right at your own private Maui. If you have a secluded area outdoors or shielded back porch, perhaps a fire escape that nobody every uses,  you can push the exhibitionist boundaries without the fear of consequence. If this isn't possible in your world, make love by a window, with the blinds slightly open or even all the way up. Exotic is in the eye of the beholder! Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    1058 2010-02-10 02:19:33 2010-02-10 05:19:33 closed open sweet-and-sexy-love-tip-5-valentine-exotic-and-entertaining publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1265946797
    John Edwards denies again, now it's Enquirer engagement story http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1059 Thu, 11 Feb 2010 04:00:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1059 Full Story]]> 1059 2010-02-11 01:00:07 2010-02-11 04:00:07 closed open john-edwards-denies-again-now-its-enquirer-engagement-story publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1265860807 Sex up Valentine's Day with fantasy and fetish tip 6 from Alison Tyler, Alphabet Erotica http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1061 Thu, 11 Feb 2010 13:50:28 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1061 Here are some thoughts for your Valentine love. Tip One: Share a story with your partner.  Do you ever have a fantasy, sweet guy?" He will either say, "Are you kidding"?  Or  "sure," and that's your cue. Tip Two: Think of two fantasies, one totally wild and the other quite mild. Tip Three: Share your fantasies.   "I'm thinking of a fantasy that involves being tied up in silk." Tip Four: Touch his skin, and say,  "Tell me your fantasy now."  But, when you do this, be sure you are unbuttoning his shirt and slipping your hand inside to touch his bare skin. Tip Five: Whisper, kiss, and tell:  "Let me read you a few fantasies and tell me what you think.  But first you won't mind if I snuggle against you passionately, will you?" Sometimes, and don't be shocked, it is moments such as these that your guy will tell you about a little fun fetish. And maybe he wanted something from you but you brushed him away. Here is how to help you both find pleasure in fantasy and fetish Alison's Tip #6: In her book F Is for Fetish Cleis tells us, The feeling of being zipped up tight in a leather jacket, the flood of desire unleashed by the glimpse of perfectly shaped feet caressed by high heeled shoes. Here are twelve tantalizing stories that capture the erotic power of fetishes.etishes range from the ordinary to the oh, my! Discover your own by trying out a few. Many men and women are aroused by stockings, garters, and fishnets. (You can order fishnets for under $3 from Yandy.com in a wide range of colors!) High heels do it for other lovers. Gloves (from velvet or satin to rubber or latex) thrill many a fetishist. Blindfolds (silk bandanas, ties, or sleep masks work fine) are perfect for either partner to wear. Adding these different items to your lovemaking is a quickfire way to turn up the heat! Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1061 2010-02-11 10:50:28 2010-02-11 13:50:28 closed open scandalously-sweet-and-sexy-love-tips-6-valentine-fantasy-and-fetish publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265953870 _edit_last 2 Elizabeth Edwards to Andrew Young: meet my demands or face 'loss of affection' lawsuit http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1060 Fri, 12 Feb 2010 03:30:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1060 Full Story]]> 1060 2010-02-12 00:30:43 2010-02-12 03:30:43 closed open elizabeth-edwards-to-andrew-young-meet-my-demands-or-face-loss-of-affection-lawsuit publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1265946784 _edit_last 2 Mistress Day, Feb.13: why men cheat; and 'happily married' secrets, Dr. Scott Haltzman http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1062 Sat, 13 Feb 2010 08:41:34 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1062 Mistress Day: why men cheat; and 'happily married' secrets, Dr. Scott Haltzman]]> 1062 2010-02-13 05:41:34 2010-02-13 08:41:34 closed open mistress-day-feb13-why-men-cheat-and-happily-married-secrets-dr-scott-haltzman publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1266050494 Scandalously romantic love tips 7, Valentine garters and games with Alison Tyler's erotic alphabet http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1063 Sun, 14 Feb 2010 16:36:02 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1063 Full Story]]> 1063 2010-02-14 13:36:02 2010-02-14 16:36:02 closed open scandalously-romantic-love-tips-7-valentine-garters-and-games-with-alison-tylers-erotic-alphabet publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266165362 _edit_last 2 It's Valentine love for Simon Cowell, all smiles for his Afghani beauty http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1064 Sun, 14 Feb 2010 16:37:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1064 Full Story]]> 1064 2010-02-14 13:37:43 2010-02-14 16:37:43 closed open its-valentine-love-for-simon-cowell-all-smiles-for-his-afghani-beauty publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266165463 _edit_last 2 The love myth (Part 1) and the love gift http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1065 Wed, 17 Feb 2010 00:29:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1065 Full Story]]> 1065 2010-02-16 21:29:56 2010-02-17 00:29:56 closed open the-love-myth-part-1-and-the-love-gift publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266366596 _edit_last 2 The love myth (Part 2) letting go or rekindling romance; on-again, off-again celebrity photos http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1066 Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:12:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1066 Full Story]]> 1066 2010-02-18 15:12:29 2010-02-18 18:12:29 closed open the-love-myth-part-2-letting-go-or-rekindling-romance-on-again-off-again-celebrity-photos publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266516749 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: private cheaters' hell creates public apology frenzy http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1067 Fri, 19 Feb 2010 03:55:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1067 Full Story]]> 1067 2010-02-19 00:55:52 2010-02-19 03:55:52 closed open tiger-woods-private-cheaters-hell-creates-public-apology-frenzy publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266556917 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods apology highlights infidelity and sex addiction (AP VIDEO) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1068 Sat, 20 Feb 2010 01:33:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1068 Full Story ]]> 1068 2010-02-19 22:33:11 2010-02-20 01:33:11 closed open tiger-woods-apology-highlights-infidelity-and-sex-addiction-ap-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266629827 _edit_last 2 What do women want? Here's a hot guy in a very fun ad! http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1069 Mon, 22 Feb 2010 16:41:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1069 Last year the British Psychological Society Annual Conference in Brighton, England reported on research that says women rate funny guys as more intelligent than guys who are not so funny. This ad played on Super Bowl Sunday and is still a You Tube hit.  With or without a man in your life -- intelligent or otherwise -- this guy will give you a good laugh -- and a good look! And in my Examiner piece I asked -- do women want a hot guy or a dude on a horse.  Have a look at the guy on the horse. Full Story Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1069 2010-02-22 13:41:40 2010-02-22 16:41:40 closed open what-do-women-want-heres-a-hot-guy-in-a-very-fun-ad publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1266977821 _edit_last 2 Bristol Palin turns teen ABC episode into pregnancy prevention http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1070 Wed, 24 Feb 2010 02:18:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1070 Full Story]]> 1070 2010-02-23 23:18:13 2010-02-24 02:18:13 closed open bristol-palin-turns-teen-abc-episode-into-pregnancy-prevention publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1266977893 Loving sexy quick tips 11, kiss, kiss, kiss http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1072 Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:38:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1072 Alison Tyler has been bringing us some scandalous romantic love and sex tips from her erotic alphabet series. But when it came to the K's she asked... Full Story  ]]> 1072 2010-02-25 08:38:33 2010-02-25 11:38:33 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1267072743 Tiger Woods wife Elin comes home, but what about the pills? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1073 Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:07:48 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1073 Full Story]]> 1073 2010-02-25 23:07:48 2010-02-26 02:07:48 closed open tiger-woods-wife-elin-comes-home-but-what-about-the-pills publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267150068 _edit_last 2 CNN asks, 'Are you a sex addict?'; here is what Dr. Aline Zoldbrod has to say http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1074 Fri, 26 Feb 2010 13:50:17 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1074 Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE In a CNN feature Thursday, they posed a feature and the question, "Are you a sex addict."  If you answer "yes" to any of the questions listed either by CNN or sex therapist Dr. Aline Zoldbrod, then in her words, "you deserve to take a path towards healing." A Diplomate in Sex Therapy by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists and a psychologist, Boston's Dr. Zoldbrod has a list that helps one determine whether or not he or she is suffering from sex addiction. But first, the author of SexSmart: How Your Childhood Shaped Your Sexual Life and What to Do About It stresses, "You have to remember that if the answer is yes,  you can change your life going forward. You do have to take a no-holds barred look at your previous life. You  have had to compartmentalize. Most sex addicts have had neglectful or traumatic childhoods.  Many did not know that they could ask for love, or a hug, or anything else that they ever wanted.  For some, asking meant further deprivation, for others it meant they were punished for asking." Non-sexual events and one's sexual personality. "Oftentimes, it is the non-sexual events in your family of origin which form adult sexual personality. And as therapists we need to learn this from our patients." "Everyone speculates about Tiger Woods.  But we do not know what happened in his life that brought him to this place." Do you worry about sex addiction, then take " Dr. Z's" quiz ARE YOU A SEX ADDICT Do you use sexual activity in a compulsive way, to help you with feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness or worthlessness? Is your true sexuality a secret from the people you love? Do you find yourself caught up in sexual activity when you meant to be doing something else? Do you use casual sexual encounters the way others would use a drug, to temporarily give you a "high," an escape? Do you find that you feel much more confidence in your sexual functioning when you are having anonymous or internet sex, and much more fearful when you want to be sexual with your partner? Are your sexual activities interfering with your real-life relationships? Are your sexual relationships unsafe, putting you in danger of sexually transmitted disease or of being raped or hurt? Are you using compulsive, anonymous sexual encounters because you are too frightened of dating or getting involved in a real relationship? Have you gotten caught up in looking at Internet pornography at work, even though if you were caught, it might cost you your job? Are you promising yourself that you will stop this sexual behavior, and then going back on your promise to yourself again and again? When you are done with your sexual activities, are you shocked at the amount of time you lost? After your sexual activity, do you feel ashamed, numb, disgusted, frightened, or depressed? When you think about your sexual activity, do you feel worried but feel hopeless about your ability to stop it? She says, "If you answered 'yes' to more than one of these questions, and you find yourself doing this on a regular basis, then it is time to start the journey to healing your past and recovery for the future," she said. CNN says According to the CNN article, "While some view Woods as just an unfaithful louse who was looking for a good time, Rogers [not his real name, who was interviewed for the story] sees him as a sex addict. "What's the difference? Rogers, who works in the high-tech industry in Washington and has two children, says his whole life was geared around how he would have his next orgasm, in the same way a methamphetamine addict is constantly trying to find his next drug hit. "Between women and pornography, 'I was having three, four, five orgasms a day,' he says. 'As soon as I was done with one I was thinking about how I was going to get the next one. Sex was controlling my life, and I was miserable.'" How to know if you're sex addict. Tiger Woods has helped bring this secret out into the open.  You cannot solve a problem without naming it.  Despite the pain it has brought to his family, in reality, it may be a blessing for the estimated 14 million Americans-- 1 in 17 people, who have a form of sexual addiction or compulsion -- and now will feel the freedom to seek help. For more information, please go to: About Dr. Z To leave COMMENTS and more links, please go to Full Story on The Examiner. Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1074 2010-02-26 10:50:17 2010-02-26 13:50:17 closed open cnn-asks-are-you-a-sex-addict-interivew-with-dr-zoldbrod-who-answers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267203113 _edit_last 2 Jenny Sanford, mistress look-alike, cites adultery and is granted divorce http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1075 Sat, 27 Feb 2010 07:56:16 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1075 To read more and VIEW THE SIDE BY SIDE PHOTOS, please go to:Jenny Sanford, mistress look-alike, cites adultery, marriage ends in court (VIDEO) Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1075 2010-02-27 04:56:16 2010-02-27 07:56:16 closed open jenny-sanford-mistress-look-alike-cites-adultery-and-is-granted-divorce publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1267257492 Loving sexy quick tips, Memories, for scandalous romantics http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1076 Sun, 28 Feb 2010 04:59:43 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1076 Keep Reading » for Alison's love tip # 13. ]]> 1076 2010-02-28 01:59:43 2010-02-28 04:59:43 closed open loving-sexy-quick-tips-memories-for-scandalous-romantics publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1267373939 Porn: Why so prevalent? 'It's natural' says sex therapist Dr. Aline Zoldbrod http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1077 Wed, 03 Mar 2010 04:21:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1077 Why do people use pornography? I think a lot of people, especially men, use pornography as a short-cut to stimulate themselves when they have been in a long term, committed relationship with the same person for a long time.  Actually, this is understandable. It's normal.  But lately, with all the talk about sexual addiction, I would hate to see perfectly normal sexual behavior become stigmatized. Why do you call pornography use normal? There is a tremendous sexual high that comes from a new relationship. On the one hand, it is anxiety producing. Your biggest concern is this - will this person want you as much as you want him or her? You do not know at first. You think about the other person all the time. You are obsessed with them. You yearn for them. Everything they say, do and think is new.  You cannot focus on the normal activities of daily life, because you are too swept up in your daydreams about your beloved.  It is almost delusional in its intensity. But it is also fun. When you finally get together, it it dynamite sexually. It does not take much "foreplay" on either person's part to get hugely charged up.  All the time you spent dreaming about what it will be like when you get together is tremendously arousing. When you finally meet, it is fire. How does neuroscience weigh in? Neuroscientists now think that different kinds of human emotions and motivations come from different brain chemicals.   In the beginning of a relationship, both people feel lust and excitement. Dr. Helen Fisher, author of Why We Love, explains that the "novelty and excitement of a new sexual partner triggers the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that are responsible for that love high. In addition, these boost testosterone which increases the sex drive {in just men or men and women?). What happens when the chemicals wear off? When the natural high begins to wear off you become less amped up romantically and sexually.  As the relationship progresses to a stable phase, the feeling between the two people changes to feelings of attachment and calm security, and  the brain chemistry changes to ocytocin -- the bonding hormone. You still love the other person, but the sexual feelings are not as vivid because your brain has changed, literally. Another shift that occurs for men is that no matter how lovely their partner looks, after a while, her body becomes familiar.  Many men are very visual, and they get aroused looking at women who look different from their primary partner.  Here is what one of my patients quipped, "For guys, having lots of different women is the same as women and their shoes. No matter how neat the shoes you already have are, it's always exciting to get a new pair. " So, we are looking at a normal developmental process which ups attachment and lessens excitement: not a recipe for easy, exciting sex in a long-term relationship.  People do not seem to understand that this is a normal shift. Does this baffle men? In my office, I hear legions of baffled people, mostly men, complaining that their wives have completely changed, sexually, from the women they fell in love with.  They're hurt, they're angry. They bemoan that their wives, who used to get turned on so quickly, now need lots of touching and caressing before they can get aroused enough to be interested in connecting sexually. Unfortunately, there is nothing simple about creating a vital and active sex life once  you are a committed couple living your normal, busy lives.  It takes creativity and finding ways of creating excitement through new, shared activities is good. A good sex life under those conditions takes time, it takes a lot of talk. It takes getting past fights over who should do whatever dreaded tasks. If you have kids, it takes setting aside time to be together without the kids. Women tend to need a lot more emotional connection and physical stroking and touching once they're over that romantic phase. How do couples cope with the transition? This transition is tough on both men and women. They respond differently.   But men, more than women, I think, tend to turn to pornography to regain some of the feelings of high sexual stimulation, longing, obsessive yearning for an unobtainable woman.  And they turn to pornography for the kind of easy arousal that they used to have. Now we are even learning that women are turning to porn. So if couples - or one party in a relationship - is using porn in this way, congratulations, you are human! To read more about Dr. Zoldbrod go: About Dr. Z . She added that if you are worried that you are becoming sexually compulsive and the  use of porn is eclipsing the rest of your life, take her sex addition quiz: CNN asks, 'Are you a sex addict?' Here is what Dr. Aline Zoldbrod, sex therapist, has to say Here are 13 loving sexy tips for scandalous romantics from the Porn Princess Alison Tyler. Loving sexy quick tips 13, 'Memories' in the erotic alphabet (Video) Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1077 2010-03-03 01:21:33 2010-03-03 04:21:33 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267424557 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren together again http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1078 Wed, 03 Mar 2010 07:04:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1078 Full Story]]> 1078 2010-03-03 04:04:46 2010-03-03 07:04:46 closed open tiger-woods-and-elin-nordegren-together-again publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267599886 _edit_last 2 'Sexy' art auction in London features nudes by Picasso, Matisse, Warhol, Murakami, more http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1079 Thu, 04 Mar 2010 04:28:54 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1079 Keep Reading »]]> 1079 2010-03-04 01:28:54 2010-03-04 04:28:54 closed open sexy-art-auction-in-london-features-nudes-by-picasso-matisse-warhol-murakami-more publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267677457 _edit_last 2 description A terrific piece by guest columnist, Sarah Estrella title \'Sexy\' art auction in London features nudes by Picasso, Matisse, Warhol, Murakami, more Marry Him! Interview with Lori Gottlieb about her controversial new book http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1080 Fri, 05 Mar 2010 04:26:10 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1080 Keep Reading »]]> 1080 2010-03-05 01:26:10 2010-03-05 04:26:10 closed open marry-him-interview-with-lori-gottlieb-about-her-controversial-new-book publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267904503 _edit_last 2 title Marry Him! interview with Lori Gottlieb, Guest Columnist Infidelity Fast Facts, Love 101: only 5 percent of men cheat annually http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1081 Sun, 07 Mar 2010 12:44:11 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1081 Full Story]]> 1081 2010-03-07 09:44:11 2010-03-07 12:44:11 closed open infidelity-fast-facts-love-101-only-5-percent-of-men-cheat-annually publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1267965914 _edit_last 2 Infidelity, sex addiction, and my one and only love http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1082 Tue, 09 Mar 2010 12:16:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1082 Rita Watson: Infidelity, meet sex addiction High-profile infidelity revelations make us wonder if we are witnessing an epidemic. While infidelity has become ho-hum among politicians, sports figures and Tinseltown couples, we gasped when Jeffrey Toobin of CNN and The New Yorker was accused of non-payment of support for his alleged love-child. While still reeling from the Tiger Woods scandal, at least something positive emerged: An estimated 14 million Americans (one in 17) said to be affected by sexual addiction heard a celebrity addressing their own plight. Sex therapist Dr. Aline Zoldbrod says, “The road back from sexual addiction is positively grueling. Unlike an alcoholic who may never again be able to touch a drink, the goal for someone sexually addicted is not to stop being sexual forever but rather to learn how to be intimate sexually with a trusted person.” Certified sex therapist and diplomate of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, the American Board of Sexology and formerly the Lahey Clinic, she wrote “SexSmart: How Your Childhood Shaped Your Sexual Life and What to Do About It,” and has a Boston-based practice. Dr. Zoldbrod added, “When treatment begins, there is often a period of complete sexual abstinence with the focus of self-searching and learning about the underlying issues which drive the sexual addiction. “For some of my patients in relationships with a person whom they love, stopping the compulsive behavior (affairs, call girls and pornography) is much easier than being able to get excited about having partnered sex with someone whom they truly love. Their goal is learning or relearning to connect sexuality with emotional intimacy,” she said. In America we are obsessed with “my one and only.” Have we forgotten a book of 10 years ago, still supported by research, “The Myth of Monogamy” by David Barash, Ph.D., a University of Washington zoologist and psychology professor, and his wife, psychiatrist Judith Lipton? They discovered that many animals previously believed to be monogamous are not. For example, sad to say, swans do not mate for life. In fact, in most human cultures monogamy is not even an expectation. How many spouses really do cheat? The most consistent source is the General Social Survey, a nationally representative sample of 300-400 neighborhoods across America conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), at the University of Chicago. Based on a November 2009 report, they noted that since 1988 they have asked, “Have you ever had sex with someone other than your spouse while married?” Some 15 to 18 percent said yes. “Have you had sex with someone other than your spouse while married during the last 12 months?” Just 3 to 4 percent answered yes. Two problems affect data for infidelity statistics — self-selection of those who want to confess, and those who lie about it. Tom W. Smith, Ph.D, director of the Society and Culture section, said: “We do face-to-face interviews. However, when we come to the section on sexual behavior, the computer screen is turned around and faces only the respondent, to improve forthrightness." To determine exact cheating numbers, one multiplies the percentage by households nationwide. But Dr. Smith emphasized, “One person may cheat only once in 20 years, while another may cheat every year for 20 years. Exact figures are difficult to ascertain.” NORC surveys about 2,000 people a year and has interviewed over 15,000 since 1988. Why does infidelity happen in the first place? It may have more to do with emotional dissatisfaction within a marriage than the desire for hot sex. Many reasons complicate the infidelity triangle. I talked with Michele Weiner-Davis, author of “Divorce-Busting: How to Make Your Marriage Loving Again,” who won the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Marriage and Therapy Award and Smart Marriages’ Impact Award. Head of Divorcebusting.com, she says, “It is important to know that no matter how bleak things might seem, it is possible to revitalize a marriage wounded by infidelity. But it takes teamwork and commitment from spouses willing to work hard at getting their marriages back on track. Re-establishing trust and finding ways to manage overwhelming painful emotions are key to the healing process.” Great-Aunt “Zia” had a diamond on each finger, gifts from her husband for each “comare.” When we asked Zia why she stayed with him, her eyes filled with tears, she clutched the enormous diamond brooch between her breasts and sighed, “Because he was the one — my one and only.” Infidelity Fast Facts, Love: Oh, such lies to interviewers, yet cheating men just 5 percent, women 3 Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1082 2010-03-09 09:16:07 2010-03-09 12:16:07 closed open infidelity-sex-addiction-and-my-one-and-only-love publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268525414 _edit_last 2 1691 http://www.sweethoneymoonideas.com/marriage/i-want-my-husband-back-5-things-you-must-do-to-win-back-your-husband/ 2010-04-01 14:24:40 2010-04-01 17:24:40 spam pingback 0 0 Tiger Woods practices for the Masters as Elin polishes his image http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1083 Fri, 12 Mar 2010 06:59:58 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1083 Full Story]]> 1083 2010-03-12 03:59:58 2010-03-12 06:59:58 closed open tiger-woods-practices-for-the-masters-as-elin-polishes-his-image publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268377198 _edit_last 2 Infidelity Fast Facts and Love: cheating figures you can trust http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1084 Sat, 13 Mar 2010 02:50:41 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1084 Three major problems arise when infidelity information is compiled: self-selection of those who want to participate in a survey to confess, those who lie about it, and too small a sample size, perhaps just 100 to 200 people. The most consistent source for accuracy: Interviews conducted from the National Science Foundation's General Social Survey by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC).... Full Story]]> 1084 2010-03-12 23:50:41 2010-03-13 02:50:41 closed open infidelity-fast-facts-and-love-cheating-figures-you-can-trust publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268448957 _edit_last 2 Infidelity Fast Facts: Oh, the lies we tell to interviewers, yet cheating men 5 percent, women 3 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1085 Sat, 13 Mar 2010 19:39:35 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1085
  • Prevalence of infidelity among women*
  • Whether or not truth differed from face-to-face interviews versus computer answers
  • Numbers involved: 4,884 women Research reported in: Journal of Family Psychology The findings face-to-face: Just 1 percent of the women admitted to infidelity (1.08%). Computer findings: The findings when the same question was asked of the women using computer-assisted self-interview (6.13% ) The results: When it comes to infidelity, determining the truth is difficult. The researches: Mark Whisman, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder Douglas K. Snyder, PhD Professor, Clinical Psychology, Texas A and M University What they proposed:  "This study's findings underscore the importance of assessing infidelity with methods such as computer-assisted self-interviews that minimize the influence of social desirability and impression management." Oftentimes those interviewed answer the question in a way that they think will please the person who is interviewing them! FHA - Sexual infidelity in a national survey of American women Prevalence = total number of cases of the infidelity with this population at this specific time. (Total number of cases in the population, divided by the number of individuals in the population which is simple math -- 1% of 4884 women means that approximately 49 admitted to cheating during the face to face interview) ABOUT LOVE Since we do not know many factors set the stage for infidelity at a particular time --  husbands should be looking for love signs not infidelity clues.  But in the event it happens, consider the forgiveness factor and seek the help of a marriage counselor to save your relationship. This study is consistent with the NORC findings discussed in the link below.

    Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    1085 2010-03-13 16:39:35 2010-03-13 19:39:35 closed open infidelity-fast-facts-oh-the-lies-we-tell-to-interviewers publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268517355 _edit_last 2 1692 http://www.sweethoneymoonideas.com/marriage/i-want-my-husband-back-5-things-you-must-do-to-win-back-your-husband/ 2010-04-01 14:25:02 2010-04-01 17:25:02 spam pingback 0 0
    Tiger Woods golf return is great news, yet Elin and Tida are feuding http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1086 Mon, 15 Mar 2010 01:39:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1086 CBS expects Tiger's return to be among biggest events of decade SI.com Reports say that Elin is helping him with the family image that sponsors require.  So why are we hearing that there is a growing family feud between his mother, Tida, who is thrilled with her son's golf, and Elin. Full Story]]> 1086 2010-03-14 22:39:05 2010-03-15 01:39:05 closed open tiger-woods-golf-return-is-great-news-yet-elin-and-tida-are-feuding publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268617145 _edit_last 2 Rielle Hunter admits, 'You are so hot,' triggered John Edwards affair, GQ link http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1087 Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:51:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1087 If she pants, “You are so hot!” will our men tumble as did John Edwards? Some questioned how I "knew" that is what she said.  Well here it is in her own words in an exclusive interview with GQ for the April issue: Full Story]]> 1087 2010-03-15 14:51:50 2010-03-15 17:51:50 closed open rielle-hunter-admits-you-are-so-hot-triggered-john-edwards-affair-gq-link publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1268675510 Tiger Woods return to the Masters helps keep sex addiction in the news http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1088 Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:49:59 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1088 Tiger Woods return to the Masters keeps sex addiction in the news]]> 1088 2010-03-17 14:49:59 2010-03-17 17:49:59 closed open tiger-woods-return-to-the-masters-helps-keep-sex-addiction-in-the-news publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1268849812 St. Patrick's Day celebrations trigger binge drinking, stay close to your love (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1089 Wed, 17 Mar 2010 17:55:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1089 The San Diego News Network says, "Because many binge drinkers are not alcoholics, they do not even realize there is a problem, but in fact, 75 percent of the alcohol consumed by adults in the U.S. is in the form of binge drinks.Beware binge drinking this St. Patrick's Day The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 grams percent or above. This typically happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours.Alcohol and Public Health - Binge Drinking My report from the CDC In my report yesterday I noted that the CDC revealed on March 16, that  "Men (67.6%) were more likely than women (55.3%) to be current drinkers, while women (30.9%) were nearly twice as likely as men (17.7%) to be lifetime abstainers.  New CDC report on alcoholism, drinking on St. Patrick's Day or any day http://tinyurl.com/yfqx65m -- my HEALTH NEWS COLUMN Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1089 2010-03-17 14:55:30 2010-03-17 17:55:30 closed open st-patricks-day-celebrations-trigger-binge-drinking-video-stay-close-to-your-love-today publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268849509 _edit_last 2 AMA wants insurers to end cost-profiling, NEJM cautions 'misleading results' http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1091 Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:57:39 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1091 New England Journal of Medicine. Read more in Health News Examiner]]> 1091 2010-03-18 12:57:39 2010-03-18 15:57:39 closed open ama-wants-insurers-to-end-cost-profiling-nejm-cautions-misleading-results publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1269062734 St Pat Hangover: No cure from tomato juice for green beer blues http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1094 Thu, 18 Mar 2010 18:16:23 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1094 HealthColumnist
    St Pat Hangover: No cure from tomato juice for green beer blues - http://tinyurl.com/yzvk5lb
    1094 2010-03-18 15:16:23 2010-03-18 18:16:23 closed open st-pat-hangover-no-cure-from-tomato-juice-for-green-beer-blues publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1269057279
    Rielle Hunter defended on Larry King as a woman in love, not a home wrecker. Really? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1095 Fri, 19 Mar 2010 04:44:13 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1095 I'm no house wrecker The interview is a different perspective.  We hear that Rielle does not consider herself a "house wrecker" because the house was wrecked before she came on the scene. Hmm, is this called "delusional justification"?
    For more on this story  Rielle Hunter, 'woman in love not home-wrecker' defended on Larry ...Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]>
    1095 2010-03-19 01:44:13 2010-03-19 04:44:13 closed open rielle-hunter-defended-on-larry-king-as-a-woman-in-love-not-a-home-wrecker-really publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1268974336 _edit_last 2
    Sandra Bullock's husband apologizes for affair; may be addicted to porn stars http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1096 Sat, 20 Mar 2010 03:36:52 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1096 Jesse James: I'm sorry, Sandra - CNN.com As I reported earlier, in shocking news a tattoo model claimed to have had an 11 month long affair with Bullock's husband  while the Oscar winning actress was filming "The Blind Side." Tattoo model claims affair with Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James What perplexes us is this.  How can a man married to a woman clearly on a Red Carpet road, turn to a porn actress who then sold her story for $30,000 as Tinamarie Bernard reports?  Full Story]]> 1096 2010-03-20 00:36:52 2010-03-20 03:36:52 closed open sandra-bullocks-husband-apologizes-for-affair-may-be-addicted-to-porn-stars publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1269056213 Invest in happiness, fight fairly, improve mental health and wellness http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1097 Sat, 20 Mar 2010 18:43:12 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1097 Happiness 101: Today Show with Matt Lauer, choosing happiness over hostility Depression rates "Nearly 15 million American adults, or about 6.7% of the U.S. population age 18 and older, is affected with a major depression in a given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. "Statistics about how frequently depression affects one partner in a relationship are elusive. . . .HealthColumnist
    Invest in happiness, fight fairly, improve mental health and wellness - http://tinyurl.com/yauefen ]]>
    1097 2010-03-20 15:43:12 2010-03-20 18:43:12 closed open invest-in-happiness-fight-fairly-improve-mental-health-and-wellness publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1269057188 _edit_last 2
    Hear the cheers as House passes health care reform bill http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1098 Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:59:50 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1098 I The House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation tonight. According to Reuters: "The House of Representatives gave final approval to a sweeping healthcare overhaul on Sunday, expanding insurance coverage to nearly all Americans and handing President Barack Obama a landmark victory. House approves sweeping healthcare overhaul Earlier story Health care bill, with deficit reduction, heads for weekend vote (PBS video) For more stories on this health care bill and other Health News: Copyright 2010 Rita WatsonMore About: Health policy]]> 1098 2010-03-22 01:59:50 2010-03-22 04:59:50 closed open hear-the-cheers-as-house-passes-health-care-reform-bill publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1269234042 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods, in first interview since scandal, talks love for Elin and sex addiction http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1100 Tue, 23 Mar 2010 02:45:55 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1100 ESPN and the Golf channel.  He talks about how much he hurt his wife, Elin and also about returning to treatment. Woods Gives First Interviews Since Crash New York Times

    HERE IS THE REST OF THE STORY Tiger Woods live interview; he talks love for Elin and sex addiction (video)

    Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]>
    1100 2010-03-22 23:45:55 2010-03-23 02:45:55 closed open tiger-woods-in-first-interview-since-scandal-talks-love-for-elin-and-sex-addiction publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1269312883
    Infidelity Fast Facts: 7 warning signs that cheating is in the wings http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1099 Wed, 24 Mar 2010 02:32:16 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1099 Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) suggest that over the course of a lifetime, cheating is not rampant. The AASMFTsays that 15% of wives and 25% of husbands have had sex outside of their marriage, whereas NORC puts that figure between 15% to 18%.  Watch for a review of the two different sets of statistics and why. While the seven red flags that follow are not facts per se,  enough research has been gathered from credible sources to report the warning signs, and what you can do to heal if your partner is unfaithful. There are 7 red flags.   At the end of the seven signs, please follow the link to find Marriage Saving Solutions: No. 1: Crying Out for Help No. 2: Sudden Change -- or Interest -- in Appearance. No. 3: Unconstructive Criticism No. 4: Guilt Gifts No. 5: Snubbed at the Company Party No. 6: Sneaking No. 7: History Repeats Itself (but not always -- marriages can be saved after infidelity as we have learned from other WebMD features.) Nip Infidelity in the Bud -- and this article lists marriage saving solutions. Healing; Surviving Infidelity Is Hard to DoInfidelity: Mending your marriage after an affair - MayoClinic.com ; Divorce Busting® - How to Save Your Marriage, Solve Marriage INFIDELITY FAST FACTS Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1099 2010-03-23 23:32:16 2010-03-24 02:32:16 closed open infidelity-fast-facts-7-warning-signs-that-cheating-is-in-the-wings publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1269311620 1696 http://%/b31b21 2010-04-08 05:54:09 2010-04-08 08:54:09 Бутафория получается, какая то... The AASMFTsays that 15% of wives and 25% of husbands have had sex outside of their marriage, whereas [.......]]> spam trackback 0 0 1690 http://www.sweethoneymoonideas.com/marriage/i-want-my-husband-back-5-things-you-must-do-to-win-back-your-husband/ 2010-04-01 14:23:18 2010-04-01 17:23:18 spam pingback 0 0 To sleep, perchance to dream, and protect your heart (video) http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1101 Fri, 26 Mar 2010 04:04:15 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1101 Full Story]]> 1101 2010-03-26 01:04:15 2010-03-26 04:04:15 closed open to-sleep-perchance-to-dream-and-protect-your-heart-video publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1269576255 _edit_last 2 Chocolate and happiness are good from your heart http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1103 Wed, 31 Mar 2010 05:37:56 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1103 European Heart Journal. With regard to chocolate, the online version was published today and their release read: "Researchers in Germany followed 19,357 people, aged between 35 and 65, for at least ten years and found that those who ate the most amount of chocolate – an average of 7.5 grams a day – had lower blood pressure and a 39% lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke compared to those who ate the least amount of chocolate – an average of 1.7 grams a day. The difference between the two groups amounts to six grams of chocolate: the equivalent of less than one small square of a 100g bar." Those Easter eggs may be good for you! Study shows chocolate reduces blood pressure and risk of heart disease. Happiness and your heart Last month this same journal published a study by Dr. Karina Davidson and colleagues after she followed 1,739 people over a ten year period who were participating in the 1995 Nova Scotia Health Survery.  Her findings  showed that "People who are usually happy, enthusiastic and content are less likely to develop heart disease than those who tend not to be happy, according to a major new study published today (Thursday 18 February). "Dr Karina Davidson, who led the research, said that although this was an observational study, her study did suggest that it might be possible to help prevent heart disease by enhancing people's positive emotions. "However, she cautioned that it would be premature to make clinical recommendations without clinical trials to investigate the findings further. said Dr Davidson, who is the Herbert Irving Associate Professor of Medicine & Psychiatry and Director of the Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health at Columbia University Medical Center (New York, USA)."Don't worry, be happy! Positive emotions protect against heart disease Some will comment that being able to eat chocolate every day and remain healthy is reason to smile. Here are two other stories on health and happiness: To sleep, perchance to dream, and protect your heart (video) Invest in happiness, fight fairly, improve mental health and wellness Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1103 2010-03-31 02:37:56 2010-03-31 05:37:56 closed open chocolate-and-happiness-are-good-from-your-heart publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1270100391 _edit_last 2 Jesse James: Was health privacy breached by rehah center? http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1102 Thu, 01 Apr 2010 05:36:07 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1102 TMZ noted that a member of the medical team at Sierra Tuscon in Arizona confirmed that Jesse James was a patient there.  (A serious confidentiality breach if that is true unless he gave written permission to reveal the information.) The high priced facility treats alcohol, drug, and sex addiction.  Jesse James in Arizona Rehab | TMZ.com Health care privacy Here is the HIPAA information from the government website, which states: "The HIPAA Privacy Rule provides federal protections for personal health information held by covered entities and gives patients an array of rights with respect to that information."
    At the same time, the Privacy Rule is balanced so that it permits the disclosure of personal health information needed for patient care and other important purposes. Understanding Health Information Privacy
    Revealing information to the press How does revealing a patient is in treatment to a member of the press fall under "needed for patient care and other important purposes?" For the full story and to leave comments, please go to:  Jesse James: Was health privacy violated by rehab center? ‎ -]]>
    1102 2010-04-01 02:36:07 2010-04-01 05:36:07 closed open jesse-james-was-health-privacy-breached-by-rehah-center publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1270100167 _edit_last 2 1694 http://%/consigliere815.ru 2010-04-05 07:40:41 2010-04-05 10:40:41 Consigliere-815... Замечательный сайт по софту на PHP http:// softing.do.am/ на отлично профессиональном уровне...]]> spam trackback 0 0 1693 http://www.healthtips2u.com/mental-healthcare/the-business-of-addiction 2010-04-03 10:37:16 2010-04-03 13:37:16 spam pingback 0 0
    Happiness studies abound, and Chelsea Handler boosts our mood http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1104 Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:18:09 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1104 Chocolate and happiness are good for your heart Here is what some other studies are reporting with regard to optimism, your words, and your money. Optimism: An immune system and optimism study at the University of Kentucky, headed by Psychology Prof. Suzanne Segerstrom, involved 124 first-year law students tracked over four years. The findings, in the March Psychological Science, noted that in each individual, optimism was reflected by strong cell-mediated immunity. Just as our bodies send cells to fight infection when we have a cut or wound, optimism helps us stay healthy.” What you say: And your money! For more on this story, please go to: As happiness studies abound; Chelsea Handler is a mood booster]]> 1104 2010-04-05 12:18:09 2010-04-05 15:18:09 closed open happiness-studies-abound-and-chelsea-handler-boosts-our-mood publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1270480755 Tiger Woods: mistresses should apologize to you, your wife http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1105 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 17:55:29 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1105 The Masters: A golf story: Tiger back on course - Tiger Woods ‎They think he should apologize to all the mistresses.  Why? Each of the alleged mistresses should be apologizing to Elin for having sex with HER husband and for being disrespectful of marriage.  Each woman, instead of having sex with Tiger Woods, could have taken the high road and said, "No, you are a married man." Tiger Woods: mistresses should apologize to you, your wife]]> 1105 2010-04-06 14:55:29 2010-04-06 17:55:29 closed open tiger-woods-mistresses-should-apologize-to-you-your-wife publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1270576558 _edit_last 2 Corey Haim and illegal prescription pill epidemic fuels AG investigation http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1107 Thu, 08 Apr 2010 03:02:05 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1107 Full Story]]> 1107 2010-04-08 00:02:05 2010-04-08 03:02:05 closed open corey-haim-and-illegal-prescription-pill-epidemic-fuels-ag-investigation publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1270695856 _edit_last 2 Tiger Woods: young neighbor sex is sex addiction insatiable http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1106 Thu, 08 Apr 2010 03:15:53 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1106 Full Story]]> 1106 2010-04-08 00:15:53 2010-04-08 03:15:53 closed open tiger-woods-young-neighbor-sex-is-sex-addiction-insatiable publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1270695920 Sad side of teen love, Phoebe Prince, 15, 'took away boyfriends' they said http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1108 Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:28:46 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1108 Sad side of teen love, Phoebe Prince 'took away boyfriends' they said ]]> 1108 2010-04-10 17:28:46 2010-04-10 20:28:46 closed open sad-side-of-teen-love-phoebe-prince-15-took-away-boyfriends-they-said publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1270931326 _edit_last 2 1699 http://topsy.com/trackback?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L1&url=http://www.ritawatson.com/%3Fp=1108 2010-04-12 21:54:23 2010-04-13 00:54:23 spam pingback 0 0 Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer; what every woman should know http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1109 Mon, 12 Apr 2010 03:14:30 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1109 Associated Press noted: "Even sweeter than Phil Mickelson slipping into another green jacket was seeing his wife waiting for him behind the 18th green at Augusta National with tears streaming down her face. "Amy Mickelson had not been at a golf tournament since being diagnosed with breast cancer 11 months ago." Mickelson wins Masters and gets long embrace Sports.espn said, "According to a release from Mickelson's management company, his wife was to have more tests but begin treatment, with major surgery, as early as the next two weeks."Amy Mickelson, Phil Mickelson's wife, has breast cancer; Breast Cancer: what every woman should know -- please go to:  Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer ...Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1109 2010-04-12 00:14:30 2010-04-12 03:14:30 closed open mickelson-wins-masters-left-pga-tour-due-to-wifes-breast-cancer-what-every-woman-should-know publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1271042070 _edit_last 2 1700 http://www.info-yeastinfection.com/cancer/how-to-help-your-body-cure-breast-cancer/ 2010-04-13 01:02:20 2010-04-13 04:02:20 spam pingback 0 0 1697 http://www.memim.com/amy-mickelson-breast-cancer/ 2010-04-12 01:16:34 2010-04-12 04:16:34 spam pingback 0 0 1698 http://www.mybesthealthcare.com/cancer/how-to-help-your-body-cure-breast-cancer/ 2010-04-12 12:55:37 2010-04-12 15:55:37 spam pingback 0 0 Elin Nordegren renovating Swedish isle; divorce rumors still circulate http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1112 Tue, 13 Apr 2010 05:35:40 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1112 National Enquirer. There is only one story that most of us find credible and that is Elin's work to transform an unlivable property in Sweden into a palace home. The paper said today in Breaking News, "Reportedly, the property was in shambles and not yet livable for Elin and her two cubs to begin rebuilding their lives after international humiliation. "But a major renovation now appears to be underway, transforming ramshackle to palace." ELIN SWEDEN BOUND? Is Elin planning on nesting on a remote isle with their children?  Seems so.  And what a divorce will mean for Tiger Woods given the delicate balance of sex therapy and a mediocre finish at the Masters remains unclear. Copyright 2010 Rita Watson/ All Rights Reserved]]> 1112 2010-04-13 02:35:40 2010-04-13 05:35:40 closed open elin-nordegren-renovating-swedish-isle-divorce-rumors-still-circulate publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1271309764 _edit_last 2 Ashley Dupre undresses for Playboy success; her romp with the Gov revisited http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1111 Thu, 15 Apr 2010 05:32:57 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1111 Playboy playmate, but the news reports still call her "Spitzer's call girl."  Dupre is the young woman who is said to have ruined the career of Gov. Eliot Spitzer.  But to the credit of his wife, Silda, she did not bring down the marriage. Eliot and Silda Spitzer, one scandal later, marriage survives, reporter gets Pulitzer Missing the income from her top paying client she found herself a respectable job -- that of a relationship columnist.  She became the "Ask Ashley" columnist  for the New York Post . As for her advice, here is what one Daily News columnist said: Ashley Dupre sex advice column: As useless as Bernie Madoff money tips. Hot photos Now she is trying her hand -- and body -- at posing in the nude for Playboy. And this Huffington Post link has some hot photos. Ashley Dupre Playboy Photos Leaked: Pictures Of Spitzer Call Girl For more on the scandal: Spitzer Sex Scandal: Rising Star Joins the Falling Stars. Marriages can be saved despite infidelity. Ashley Dupre undresses for success; hot Playboy photos and Gov's infidelity revisited Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1111 2010-04-15 02:32:57 2010-04-15 05:32:57 closed open ashley-dupre-undresses-for-playboy-success-her-romp-with-the-gov-revisited publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1271309577 _edit_last 2 1701 http://www.hostrage.com/spitzer-spent-100g-on-girls/ 2010-04-15 06:04:34 2010-04-15 09:04:34 spam pingback 0 0 1702 http://blogromania.org/mygooseiscooked/2010/04/15/ashley-dupre-undresses-for-playboy-success-her-romp-with-the-gov/ 2010-04-15 16:30:14 2010-04-15 19:30:14 spam pingback 0 0 Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren: custody battle looms as golfer gets set to swing in NC http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1113 Fri, 16 Apr 2010 18:40:33 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1113 Elin renovating Swedish isle; Tiger Woods divorce gossip circulates. However in an Exclusive today,  RadarOnline reports: "The couple have been spending most of their time apart. As we told you yesterday, Tiger’s main focus is repairing his public image and returning to golf — NOT repairing his relationship with Elin, or keeping the many promises he made to his family. Elin has also been meeting with divorce lawyers, and a custody battle may be brewing." EXCLUSIVE: Tiger Woods & Wife: Battle Over Kids Brewing To read more, please go to: Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren: custody battle looms as golfer swings in NC Copyright 2010 Rita Watson]]> 1113 2010-04-16 15:40:33 2010-04-16 18:40:33 closed open iger-woods-elin-nordegren-custody-battle-looms-as-golfer-gets-set-to-swings-in-nc publish 0 0 post _edit_last 2 _edit_lock 1271443326 Articles picked up on Mickelson at Masters and breast ca http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1110 Tue, 12 Apr 2011 03:26:00 +0000 http://www.ritawatson.com/?p=1110
  • Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer ...

    Apr 8, 2010 ... AP/Chris O'Meara ['wife greets him with children at Masters end] What a victory day for a man who suspended his PGA tour just last May ... www.examiner.com/x-41622-Health-News-Examiner~y2010m4d11-Mickelson-wins-Masters-left-PGA-tour-due-to-wifes-breast-cancer-what-...
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    Apr 11, 2010 ... Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer; what every woman should know April 11, 9:39 PMHealth News ExaminerRita ... www.bioportfolio.com/.../%5BM%5D-Mickelson-wins-Masters,-left-PGA-tour-due-to.html - 16 minutes ago
  • Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer ...

    Apr 12, 2010 ... e65da5bdb46.jpg Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wifes breast cancer;. Chicago Tribune Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due ... www.thenewstrend.com/mickelson-wins-masters-left-pga-tour-due-to-wifes-breast-cancer-what-every-examiner-com.html - 9 minutes ago
  • Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer ...

    Apr 11, 2010 ... Examiner.com Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer; what every … Examiner.com Amy Mickelson , Phil Mickelson's ... hotnewsbuzz.co.cc/mickelson-wins-masters-left-pga-tour-due-to-wifes-breast-cancer-what-every-examiner-com - 1 hour ago
  • Mickelson wins Masters and gets long embrace - Golf - Yahoo! Sports

    Apr 11, 2010 ... Mickelson wins Masters and gets long embrace ... returning from a sex scandal, which shattered his image but left his game intact. ..... If any US player on the PGA tour is a Christian, pls share your faith with TW. ... sports.yahoo.com/golf/pga/news?slug=ap-masters - 5 minutes ago
  • Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's … – Examiner ...

    Apr 11, 2010 ... What a sweet victory for a man who suspended his PGA tour just last May because his wife, Amy, was diagnosed with breast cancer. www.thegolftraining.com/pga/.../mickelson-wins-masters-left-pga-tour-due-to-wifes-examiner - 1 hour ago
  • Cancer News & Information » Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour ...

    Apr 11, 2010 ... Mickelson wins Masters, left PGA tour due to wife's breast cancer; what every ... Examiner.com. What a sweet victory for a man who suspended ... www.cancer1news.com/mickelson-wins-masters-left-pga-tour-due-to-wifes-breast-cancer-what-every-examinercom.html - 1 hour ago
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    1110 2011-04-12 00:26:00 2011-04-12 03:26:00 closed open draft 0 0 post _edit_lock 1271042830 _edit_last 2